
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hello, from Sunny California

As promised, here is the first ever blog post from California. It's been great since we've arrived. We've swam in the Pacific ocean a ton, played a lot of beach volleyball, enjoyed the spa, ate some great food, and just overall enjoyed hanging out at our amazing hotel. The weather is 72 degrees and sunny. The ocean water is cold, but after awhile, you get used to it and it feels great. The sandy beach goes on seemingly forever in both directions. Tonight, my group is all going to rent bikes and go check out Newport Beach. I will return to Sioux Falls Sunday night and post a more thoroughly description of my vacation, along with some great pictures. Have a good weekend!  I am headed to the beach to do some body surfing.....

(the picture above is a few members of the group I am with, not only are they the best shinglers in Sioux Falls, but they are also great people) 

-Mr. Klumper


  1. i loved to stay at the beach when i was there! California is awesome!

  2. saounds really fun i wish i cud be there...also i just watched The Grey.. it was a ver good movie.

  3. 77 in California, and high 90's on SD, what?!?!?!?!?!?!


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