
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shingling has begun...

This is me standing on a roof. 
Well, we are into our first full week of summer vacation. I hope you are all having a splendid time. Thank you to those of you who posted a comment on the last blog post. I appreciated reading what you had to say and was glad to hear from you. Well, our family vacation to the Black Hills was fun, except for the fact I was without internet/computer for 3 days!!!  I barely survived. We saw some buffalo which the girls thought was cool. I really enjoyed eating Rocky Road ice cream in a waffle cone. Delicious. The vacation is over which means I have started shingling. We had an easy day on Monday but today was a little longer. The wind is extremely annoying, but the temperature is good. I will be shingling in Brandon on Thursday, so perhaps I will see some of you riding your bikes around. I have also continued my training for this summer's Triathlons. The schedule is: Sioux Falls, Canby, and Watertown. They are a blast.
 Like I said in school, I will posted once in a while during the summer, so check back to see what I've been up to.  Please feel free to comment on anything you want. It's fun to hear from you. 
-Mr. Klumper


  1. BEAST MODE(aka-ari)May 22, 2012 at 9:37 PM

    Good luck shingling. Its going to suck when its really hot out. Alothough i would probobly like to shingle;just not when its really hott out..GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. Will you tell us what the wish was for the Wax Museum?

  3. Natalie: I will post who got the money and what their wish was as soon as i hear from Make a Wish.

    @Beast Mode/Ari: you should join my crew. i bet you would be a great shingler since you seem to be good at everything you do! (and yes, when it is really hot, it is not very much fun.)

  4. BEAST MODE(aka-ari)May 24, 2012 at 11:22 AM

    Hahaha thanks!I bet i would fall off the roof at least one time if i did do it;)

  5. Which Thursday? Today is thursday: 5/24/2012


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