
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

School is over. Summer vacation is here. So what does that mean? Does that mean you should sit around and do nothing productive? Waste every day and not take advantage of the opportunity to make yourself better? What you do with your summer, your life, is one of them many decisions you have to make. The average adult human being makes 35,000 decisions per day. That is a lot. I've been thinking about my own decisions. Some are very small. Other's are quite big. I am making decisions constantly, like: what am I going to have for breakfast? What websites I'm going to browse? What TV shows should I watch? What type of attitude will I have? As a kid, your decision making is something you need to be conscious of. Some decisions you make are small, but again, some are large. When you wake up in the morning, are you going to make a decision to do something that day to improve yourself? Are you going to stare at a video game all day, or pick up a book and learn something? Are you going to horse down a bag of chips, or are you going to go outside and get some exercise? What decision are you going to make when it comes to your behavior? How you act towards friends, family, and others is a decision you make. If you act disrespectful, then that was a decision you made. So, why? Why choose that? Instead, why not make the decision to be respectful? Make the decision to help out, to be nice, and to do what you can to make a difference. A common question is, "Well, how do I know what the right decision is?" When faced with a decision that is rather large, just think about it for a moment. If you think, you will get a feeling of what you should do. If not, ask a trusted friend for advice. Decisions, Decisions.....Make good ones.


  1. Good speach Mr.Klumper! Although i make some bad desicions but also good ones

  2. That i so true :)



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