
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The 1,000 Word Challenge

Welcome to the 1,000 word challenge. You have been preparing all year for this. Now that we have completed all 8 ancient worlds and have finished the book "Ancient Quest", it is time to embark on our own quest, a quest to reach 1,000 words in one blog comment. Many have attempted this challenge, but few have accomplished it. There have been blog all-stars from the past, some of them might even be your siblings. However, in order for you to reach 1,000 words, it will take effort, fortitude, toughness, bravery, skill, and a lot of words (duh). So, what is the 1,000 word challenge, you ask? Well, we have covered a lot in social studies. You have also covered a lot in all your other classes and in 6th grade in general. So, for your 1,000 word challenge, I want you to write about 6th grade. Start with some things you learned in social studies, activities you liked, things you thought were cool, favorite things, things you will miss and then move on to your other subjects. What will you remember from 6th grade? When you are 50 years old and you look back to your 6th grade school year, what will stand out in your memories? You have a lot to talk about, so coming up with 1,000 words is not the problem, the challenge will be sticking with it and getting all those words typed.  I wish you good luck on this monumental quest. If you are lucky enough to succeed, you will have earned the titled: Master Blogger of WSG. 
If you are unable to reach 1,000 words, then just post how ever much you have. 


  1. noisy lonely hard immature absolutely freaky somedays. homework band trumpet piano music spring fling find friends (difficult) tests science english social studies math reading books lunch wish for recess previously homeschooled black death medieval times egypt greece china stone age india volume perimeter measurement fractions converting angles order of operations geometry triangles spheres cones squares algebra prezi presentations writing researching wax museum beethoven blog seven days left of school SUMMER!!!!!!!!! home family refuge God Jesus Holy Spirit church youth group friends crying sorrow loss love cousins aunts uncles grandmas grandpas sisters brother funeral constant prayer birthdays happiness dread hate remorse tiring! track running long jump one and two hundred responsibility competition losing (too many times to a really fast girl who is awesome at every sport and I can't seem to catch her) winning (not many times). girls/boys dating way too young! kitchen remodeling dog cats kitties watching other families bring home their adopted children talk about adoption earthquakes-japan haiti,tornados-all over america. classrooms No Snow! snowmobiling ( which I didn't get to do). doctor, chiopractor, and dermatologist appointments. spf 50 sunscreen fire drills extreme weather drills singing ( much to my families disgust:) computers wheel classes typing adol skills auto skills art musical studies all state tryouts(didn't make it)concerts.

  2. Hey Mr.Klumper this is tyson here and I have only been here for a short time but still I will become a master blogger so here is my story
    on the first day of sixth grade i hopped on my bike and rode to school early to hang out with my friends it was nice out with a warm summer breeze and sun shining on my back when i arived i found myself alone so i sat and waited for my friends to show up first was landon he was a good kid smart but not the brightest i had not seen him all summer since he moved across town we sat and told each other about what we did during breakand then came braden who i had seen twice we also talked and then a mob of kids cameand it was to loud to talk so we found more friends then the bell rand and we went in Westridge was a nice big school with a large caffiteria and gymthe main hallway got you any where we met our teachers and got a quick intro to our new classesthrough the year i had some preety good times like our first unit in science was diet coke and mentoes and we got to change one variable me and fletcher decided to heat ours upand it went 20 feet high but we were still amazed when Mrs.Carpenter said they brock the recor 2 years ago when it hit 35 feet that was highr than the myth busters went

  3., stone age mesopotania, Egypt, Greece, black death, rome, neanderthals, cromagmon, waterforsixthgrade live, Learn, Live, Blog, Medieval times, ancient quest, knights

  4. At the beggining of the year i was sared because i thought i would get tardy and that i would not make it in time to class. Like a week after it was a lot better than i thought and i always made it to class and I like every subject. then second quarter came and I started liking Math,S.S.,Science a little more. I got good grades in all of those classes to. Then third quarter came along really fast and we had to do a book report in reading and then we watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Then forth quarter came along and we got to go to spring fling and that was fun. Then we did the Wax Museum and that was even better than i thought it would be. Then in S.S. we did the medieval times unit and that was really fun and The track and field day is coming up and i am looking forward to that. We are having the Medieval tourament coming up. Oh i forgot to say that we had a band consert and choirs consert that was fun and my grandma was there.

  5. What I liked about social studies is that Mr.Klumper wrote a book Ancient Quest to help us learn about sixth grade. We also did fun things like Made a board game about Greek Mythology, did a speech on a Greek Mythology characters (Zeus). Oh how could i foget...... THE WAX MUSEUM!!!!!!!!! That was the coolest, toughest, most challenging, learning, and fun experince I've had!!!!! What I'll miss is the Wax Musuem, Ancient Quest, and all the activities we did over the different worlds we've done. ;[ No other subjects were as good as Social Syudies accept for Science! Science and Social Studies to me are brothers. (or sisters) But over all Social Studies was very interesting. (other subjects not as fun as the two)

  6. my favorite part of sixth grade well of course there were many different things i liked about sixth grade but one of them was you know when we did that game thing for the stone age well that was pretty cool i never mentioned this but i looked at the 1000 word challenge at the beginning of the year thats why i never talked about how cool sixth grade was because i was going to tell my favorite teacher at the end of the year but another thing that i liked was that i couldnt believethat you wrote a book until you got the other book published that astounded me and i was so excited not to wait to read the whole thing it was like a dream come true and you are a really good author mayby one day you could actually give other major authors some competition but my favorite was the medievil times because we were all so proud of our selves that we had already fininshd half of the whole sixth grade and even i was astounded by how fast school went i just wished it went all the way through summer and by the way that comment you said about how you count down from how many summer days there are i agree with you i do that too because i cant wait to meet my new teachers and learn new ways to have fun other that just playing on a computer every day tha is just plain wierd why people do that but i also liked your inthusiasm about everything we did this year and this year is surely gonna be my most favorite year ever for middle school. i also liked all the videos you made and put together for us there are really funny by the way. and you daughter crazy izzy really is crazy in a good way though plus there are a few more things i want to tell you i liked the rome and the greece units because they were awesome they taughtmythology and a little humor in it at the same time but overall i think that you are the best teacher in the world and that my younger sibling all 4 of them like you as there most favoorite teacher in al of sixth grade and you might even see one next year and the year after that and the yeat after that but we all appreciate all the hard work that you had given to us throughout the year this will for surely stay in my mind and so will you thats how much i like sixth grade even though i dont really show it but on the inside i really do plus the i wish you luck on the years ahead of us because your gonna need it for one fith grade class right now.

  7. Well here we are in the 1,000 word challenge. Wow this year has went by fast it feels like just last week we in your class thinking (is this wierd guy are social studies teacher?)

  8. I think it was fun this year, but it went by way to fast! I like Ancient Egypt the most! The only thing that I din't like about it was that my little brother was so into it that I had to keep showing him your things about it. I didn't really like the Stone Age I mean it was cool and all but it wasen't very much to study about. I liked most of the rest of the stuff we did like the Silk Road but it was kind of hard. I also really like the Wax Museum but I was really scared that I would foget what I was saying but I found out that I was scared for nothing and that most of the people who stopped didn't know very much about Buddy Holly. I like the Spring Fling but I didn't really like the theme because I didn't know what to wear to it so I just settled on what I wore (I don't remember what I wore) I also liked the World's fair. I went and saw that, its pretty cool and thats coming from someone who thought it would be super boring. I liked Mrs.Sayed but I wasent very fond of english. I wasent very productive with the instruments that I played this year. It was my third year playing the violin and I was failing orchestra so I quit. I also quit band because I didn't like being so packed that I didn't have time for homework and I was always getting late and bad grades because I didn't have time at home because of all of the practicing of my instruments. I was not very fond of having to keep a record of how much I read because I used to read way more before I had to record and keep track of it. I think this year was quite productive becuase I leared A LOT of things that I wouldnt have known not coming to school at Brandon Valley Middle School. I don't realkly want the school year to be over because then I have to pack and pack and pack because I am moving in with my mom but the only way to move in with my mom is if she moves so I have to pack my stuff, help my brothers pakc their stuff, and help with my mom and the other stuff around the house. The worst part is that I have to get rid of a bunch of my stuff therefor I don't want the school year to end then anyone else wants the summer to end. I liked this year because I met a BUNCH of new people like Elizabeth Braley, Ronald Carlson, and Shanlee Zahn. I think I could have had better grades if I would had paid more attention, remembered if I had homework, kept track of my things, not overfilled my self with things, and just plain out tried harder than I did most of the year. I liked most of the teachers but I had a top three. Hmmm I have a fealing that you are wondering who my top three are and (drum roll please) they are first being you Mr.Klumper the second ranking person was Mrs.Sayad then it was Mrs.Grieve. TO BE CONTINUED (MABEY)

  9. I thought that socialstudies was the hardest class I ever took. My friend said thet in 8th grade they give you assignments eaiser than that. other words with out talking about the assignments I thought your class was good.

  10. I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.I love sixth grade.
    I really hate all the droma though. but really nothing i should talk about. nobody cares. hello hello hello hello helllo the day I died. it was a tradic day that day i got the feeling that somebody was watching me. and SNAP CRACLE POP. I dissapeared in thin air. and the next thing you now im eating pie just kidding not a true story just to make you laugh LOL I DO THINK I ACCOMPLISHED THAT RIGHT! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaqhahahahahahahahahA

  11. I thought sixth grade so far was very fun and interesting with all the activities we got to do but the easiest class this year was Math and I thought the hardest was UNKNOWN the funnest class was with Mrs.Sayed because we always messed around in her class and always got off topic.Although the thing I HATED ABOUT SIXTH GRADE WAS ALL OF THE DRAMA THAT WENT ON ALTHOUGH MOST OF IT WAS STUFF I CANNOT TELL YOU ABOUT CAUSE IT IS SO VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY HORRIBLE. HI GOOD BYE HOW ARE YOU GOOD THATS GREAT G2G MY FRIEND KAITLIN THOUGHT SHE DIED ONE DAY WHEN SHE ACTUALLY DIDNOT.LOL=LAUGH OUT LOUD WHICH YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW SO YA GOOD BYE GTG KNOW

  12. ONe thing that I liek about social studies is that i got to read Mr.Klumper's Ancient Quest book that he published this year. I mean no one else t oto read it beofore us. The world Jonny goes into are cool. i learned alot from just that one book. I thank Mr.Klumper for making that book. He made this book because then we wouldnt have to read out of a boring textbook. Thats the most boringest thing to do is just read out of a boring book. So far my favorite place is Medievle times because theres knights and jousting tornaments. Alos that at the end of the year we get to have a jousting tornament with all of the sixth graders. I cant wait for that. So i am a knight and my horse is Reed. i gues he is pretty strong to pull me i dont know for sure. All i know is that im going to dominate any knight there is to fight.OK now onto math. No offense i think i might like math just alittle bit more the SS. Just because im better at math then social studies big time.English im horrinle at HA. Reading is really boring to me i think im alittle to good at reading because im always ahead of some people in my class. Science is really fun today we had our last grade of the year by doing a poster,song,and a story. I am really looking forward to the last day of school because of TRACK AND FEILD. Im going to beat anyone whos up againts me. I wish we did more track stuff. i think im adiicted to running. Ok im running out of things to say

  13. Social studies was really fun this year. We did blog posts, projects and who could forget the wax muesum. 6th grade was really interesting alot of things happened that i never thought would have happened like when mrs ring couldent sto laughing cuz she was hyped up on tea. That was a little weird. BUt other stuff happened like i got voted for room rep for mr klumpers home room class. Just today we fead the 6th grade teachers a lunch for all that they did. Thanx Mr. Klumper!!!!!!! We also got to have a pizza party and a lock in with evan more pizza! Student concil wasnt all fun and games we acutally did serious stuff like when we helped at the hershey track meet, did all the dances/ and lots of other stuff. Mr. Skibstead and Mr. Olsen did a great job with doing student concil. NOw on to a different topic. Science was really fun this year we did lots of expiraments like disected an owl pellet, earthquakes, micerscopes, and more. I wish i could remember them though becuz they were really fun. I hated reading no affense Mrs.Greive becuz the only thing we did that was fun was watch a movie that wasnt even good enough to waste my time on. Math was good Mrs. Ring made it easy to learn and she even made up really interesting songs interesting as in not so good. I thought that english wass o

  14. Sydnee Pottebaum 9May 8, 2012 at 3:03 PM

    In Social Studies I learned about the Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Rome, Greece, and the Middle Ages. (duh)
    In the Stone Age we started reading an awesome book called The Ancient Quest by Mr. Klumper. (which I like literally just finished)
    In Mesopotamia you showed us a song called We Are The Mesopotamians. Sargon, Hamurabi, Asherbanipal, and Gilgamesh.

  15. Here are some thing that I think were really fun and interesting and what i did this year in sixth grade. During the beginning of the year I thought that why would they want us to remember our schedules? we can't remember that but then i remembered it within 2 days. I also thought that sixth grade was going to be horrible but it actually turned out to be really fun. I remember reading the first part of ancient quest and thought it was really cool that we had a teacher that wrote books. I also learned that in mesopatamia that thet invented the wheel money and irregation. I learned in ancient Egypt that they would mummify a pharoh to preserve for the after life. Well, actually i knew that before but I never knew how they preserved the body and how nasty it actually was. I also leraned that in egypt they had some pretty impressive structures, and yes, i'm talking about pyramids. The next Ancient world we went to was India. I learned that in india they had sewage in their roads but they made the next step to make a living place livible. The made toilets so you didnt have to "go"
    in front of people and the made pipes that took the waste from the toilets and put it somewhere, but not in the roads, and they also made their walls with no windows so they would'nt be so hot all of the time. Do you want to know how they came up with all of this stuff? Johnny Rawten got disgusted by all the sights and having to walk in a bathroom everyday that he told them they need to make a change in their living envirement and then started working on cleaning up the place and making it better. The next unit is Ancient China. I learned that in Ancient China that they had dynastys. Some dynastys were the xia dynasty the shang, the qin, the Han, the Tang, and the ming dynasty. These dynastys made lots of stuff like the first step in a calculator and fireworks and all theat other stuff we sitll use todsay.

  16. I learned a lot about ancient quest. This year went so fast. It was the best year I have had. Otzi is a cool guy. Blogging is so fun to do. Our 1st world stone age was a fun one. I wish we still had a couple months of school left. The wax mueseum was the best. We got a list of names. Then we pick a number. I got # 12 so I got a low #. I picked dr.suess.

  17. I learned a lot this year about Ancient I learned about otzi the icman and neandethals in stone age.then theres meopatamia. The 2nd egypt I learned about mummies and the people that worked on the pyramids for king tut.and you blew that horn and scared all of us. The most fun thing out of the year is the wax muesuem at first I didn’t think I would get Rocky Marciano because I was at the end. I wanted him because my friend had him in 6th grade. I also didn’t think I could memorize my speech but somehow I did. And the Wax muesum turned out better then I thought. I learned about medievil times and I learned TIME TO GO

  18. I have learned a lot in my incredible 6th grade year and i had fun, In stone age i learned about making a fire, and tought my sister how they hunted. she called me a coveman (cavewomen). but shes the one picking her nose. In egypt i learned... i didnt get to finish (groans)

  19. I thought that the greece portion of it was the coolest and the funest because of the gods and godess. i also like that because we did a ABC book that was cool. THE WAX MUSEM BLEW MY MIND IT WAS SO COOL I STILL TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!
    The most intersting thing i thought was really cool was the roman times i thought that the gladiator part was cool i think u should do that again and keep doing that. A nother thing that i thought was intersting was the black death that it kill 1/3 of the population. Also i liked the black death song to ooh fleas on rats fleas on rats.HAHAHAHAHA funny i also like that the plaque u can still get it today look it up on online!! i like the scrap book to that is really cool to i like that beacause u can turhn something in at the end of the year.

  20. part 2:
    Social Studies and Science are my favorite subjects, and I really like English. I loved social studies, because Mr. Klumper wrote about how Johnny Rawten went through all of the ancient worlds. In my opinion, it was easier to understand each world better if a normal kid went there. I liked when we got to do the “choose your own project” in social studies. I didn’t like spelling very much, because we got at least 2 to 5 workbook pages, plus a foldable. I didn’t like reading either. It seemed that we barely even did anything fun. We were always filling out worksheets, story maps, or charts of some sort. On the other hand, I LOVED SOCIAL STUDIES! We always had fun projects. Mr. Klumper has a blog too. It’s smart to have a website, because most of the stuff we do in this class is on the internet. I love how we could get our assignments off of his website. That was really helpful, especially when I would forget my planner. I also loved English and science. Mrs. Sayed was really nice, and I was good at English. We covered a lot of easy and fun topics. Mrs. Ericsson was really funny. She was my homeroom teacher. Science class is so different at the middle school if you compare it to the elementary school. If you look at elementary science, you don’t ever really go into depth on topics, and you never take notes, so you just have to remember the material. But in the middle school, you take notes and go into depth on topics. My favorite part of science is doing labs, because I love to experiment.
    6th grade was definitely the best year for me of my schooling. First of all, the day goes by so fast. Then, I also love how we get to switch teachers. It’s really boring having the same teacher all day long. But when you have different teachers, it feels like a new day every time you go to a different class period. Another thing that I love about middle school is the teacher’s personalities. They all are different. At the beginning of the year, I had fun meeting all of the teachers. Some are funny, some aren’t. Some are grumpy, some aren’t.
    50 years from now, I will remember one thing in particular that I did in my 6th grade year. It is the wax museum. I will always remember my character. It was such a fun night. Everybody was dressed up in their character’s costume. It felt really good to know that even though we had to stand for an hour and a half talking, we could give a wish to a kid who could be dying. That night was so much fun.
    6th grade was a great year for me. I met so many friends, that I cannot even count! I have learned so many things, all thanks to my teachers. I will really miss 6th grade, because I will never do things exactly the same ever again just like I have done in 6th grade.:)

  21. Part 1:
    I remember it just like yesterday. My 5th grade class was at the middle school. It was about the middle of April. My class walked through the door and I saw 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders. They were all eating lunch, just having a good time. It looked like middle school would be really fun, but there is other things you have to worry about, like: getting your locker to open, not being tardy, making new friends, finding your classes, and…the one that EVERYONE worries about: who to sit with at lunch. I know most of this from my older sister, who is now in High School and will be graduating next year. So back to the story… We walked down the 6th grade wing and found the guidance counselor. She talked for a pretty long time. She told us who all the teachers were, what they teach, and what school-related activities that we could participate in. The first thing I thought was that I wanted to be in track. Unfortunately, track is only for 7th grade and up. After she finished, we went to go eat lunch. This was a good part to look forward to. I found out that you can get pop tarts, Cheetos, granola bars, Chex-Mix and more. Lunch went by really fast, and soon it was time to go. So we loaded the bus and went back to the Elementary School.
    BOOM. Just like that, I felt as if I had just blinked, and now I was a 6th grader. Summer goes by way too fast! On the first day, I was so nervous. My stomach had about a million butterflies in it. I was ready to just get it over with, but then I was afraid to start my first day of 6th grade. The first thing I did was my locker. Just yesterday, I was literally in the same spot with my mom, trying my locker. Yesterday I tried for about half an hour, and I could not get it open, no matter how much effort I put into it. By this point, you could probably guess that I was very frustrated, and did not want to open my locker. But I couldn’t just leave my book bag lying in the hallway. So I took a deep breath, and did my combo. It opened on the first time. Luck, I thought. I quickly gathered my things and I looked at my schedule. First period was Mr. Lockner. It said he was in the 7th grade wing, so I walked there. His class was okay, but I never had liked spelling anyways. After spelling was the wheel class. I was told that this class changes every 7 weeks. Next was reading, then social studies, English, math, and science. The day went by so fast, and I didn’t have any trouble! Middle school was great so far!!

  22. When the last day of 5th grade was over, I was VERY nervous. Over the summer I was thinking about not being able to open my locker, and being a little nervous to meet new people. When I walked into the school the first day the commons were packed and I couldn’t find my friends I was just scared and a little nervous.
    Everybody thinks that changing schools is scary and nerve racking, which one of them was me. Over the past months I think middle school is way better than elementary. I was sad that we didn’t get recess, but who needs recess after all. It’s way better not having recess. I have changed. My friends have changed and many other people have changed. Middle school switches everything around.
    My favorite subject this year was Social Studies. We did a lot of fun activities and projects that I liked. S.S is way better this year than last year. I always thought of S.S as being government and civil wars. When I heard that we were doing ancient worlds I was thinking what could we be learning about in these ancient civilizations. In the past years I never really liked S.S. The main cause is that it was BORING! This year it flipped my decision around. I enjoyed this year a lot in S.S and wished we would do ancient civilizations next year. The most I’m going to miss about S.S is the wax museum. When I first heard about this I was like what the heck you expect me to do a speech in front of people. That was my most concern for sixth grade, the WAX MUSEUM. The whole year when we researched our character and wrote the paper, then changed it to us being the character, I was nervous for that night. Pretty quick it was time for the dress rehearsal, then the big night. That night meant a lot to me, it was the best time I had ever had in my life and I have never did anything like it before. I created a lasting memory in my mind of sixth grade. I will never forget that night that I made a difference in someone’s life. I will always remember my character, ELIZABETH TAYLOR.

  23. At first in open house I went to the science room. Mrs. Ericsson said “This will be the year you will like science”. Which she was right. In the past years I never really enjoyed science. This year I thought we did a lot of fun projects, but they were challenging. All the topics we covered, we did a lab. Which I liked because it gave a visual of what we just learned about. My favorite project of the year was the mystery unit. Mrs. Ericsson made it fun because she involved a mystery unit. I remember walking in that day, there was tape on the doors that said crime scene. I was thinking what that was for and why? As soon as I walked into Mrs. Ericsson room she checked everyone’s thumbs for prints and asked what we were doing that last night. We did many labs to try to figure It out. That was the project I most enjoyed this year in science. My other one was the catapults for the Medieval project. Which was fun to launch, but challenging at times.
    When I first met Mrs. Sayed I thought she was nice. Which she is at times. Overall she is very fun and loves to tell stories about things we were learning. My favorite thing we did in English this year was the jelly and junk sandwich. It was fun to make them and eat them, they we delicious. Another thing I liked was the quilt squares. I thought It was fun in her class this year. The one thing I will miss about her class is her stories she tells. Every day she has a new story to tell us.
    For math Mrs. Ring made it fun, but also it has to be math related. I wasn’t a big fan of worksheets but I still had fun in her class. I liked it when we played review games, like on the smart board and on the whiteboards. The one thing I liked about her class was for every unit she had a video to show us of her and Mrs. Namanny singing. To get ready for the Dakota Step Test she played all the one’s we wanted to listen to, so we would get pumped up for the D-step test.
    In Mrs. Grieve’s class I thought it was fun at times. We did some projects that I liked, like the biography project I thought that it was fun. The main reason I liked her class was because I could get to read. I wasn’t a fan of reading out of the reading book and taking a test on it, but you have to.
    Spelling and vocab was by far the best subject. I like that every Wednesday we would play garbage can basketball with the vocab words. I think everyone in our class enjoyed it because that was the thing I most enjoyed. I also enjoyed when you would have us help you with stuff for school. Like when we had to help you sort the name signs for the wax museum and the wax museum video. It was also funny watching you pick on Brady about his workbook. Where he can’t find it, then finds it, then loses it again. What I’m going to miss about spelling is the garbage can basketball. I thought that your class was the best spelling class of the sixth grade.
    My mind has changed throughout sixth grade. Like I said I thought it was scary but after a while you get used to it and it’s not as bad as you would think. I’m going to miss all the teachers next year. That was the best year I have ever had. Thanks.

  24. One thing that I like about social studies is that I got to read Mr.Klumper's Ancient Quest book that he published this year. I mean no one else t too read it before us. The world Jonny goes into is cool. I learned allot from just that one book. I thank Mr.Klumper for making that book. He made this book because then we wouldn’t have to read out of a boring textbook. That the most borings thing to do is just read out of a boring book. So far my favorite place is Medieval times because threes knights and jousting tournaments. Also those at the end of the year we get to have a jousting tournament with all of the sixth graders. I can’t wait for that. So I am a knight and my horse is Reed. I guess he is pretty strong to pull me I don’t know for sure. All I know is that imp going to dominate any knight there is to fight.OK now onto math. No offense I think I might like math just a little bit more the SS. Just because imp better at math then social studies big time. English imp horrible at HA. Reading is really boring to me I think imp a little too well at reading because imp always ahead of some people in my class. Science is really fun today we had our last grade of the year by doing a poster,song,and a story. I am really looking forward to the last day of school because of TRACK AND FEILD. I’m going to beat anyone who’s up against me. I wish we did more track stuff. I think imp addicted to running. Ok imp running out of things to say. well um the event I’m doing are the 100meter dash, the 200meter dash, 400 meter, the medley, 4x100 relay, 4x400 relay, long jump and the shot put. This is going g to be harder than I thought. Ok. Let’s talk about my life a little. Some sports I play are basketball, soccer, and softball. They are really fun to play although they may seem hard at first. Hold on I forgot to tell you that


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