
Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome to the Medieval Times: Detective

Today we enter the world of the Medieval Times. It is our last unit together. We have come along way this year. Starting with the Neanderthals of the Stone Age to now the Medieval Times, which only took place roughly 500 years ago in Europe. We have covered a lot of ground and learned many things. To break into the Medieval Times, we are going to become Super Sleuths (detectives) to learn about some of the types of people that lived in the Medieval Times. There are eight types of people from the Medieval Times on the loose. In order to capture them, we must figure out who they are. We have their names and we also have some clues as to their identity. Use the clues to figure out who they are. 
Medieval Times Detective Game
Task #1: Using the Medieval Times detective game, write down clues on your CLUE SHEET about each of the 8 suspects.
Task #2: Post a comment telling me what type of person all 8 suspects are and how their PICTURE CLUE relates to them. 
Objective: Figure out what type of person each of the 8 suspects are.
DUE: In-Class blogging. 


  1. Tucker:Muzzlim:::::::The picture is the most religious place in the world.
    William:Knight::::::::the picture is of the white belt the knights earn
    Stewert:Sacrment::::::::the picture is of his begging bowl
    Bartholomew:farmer::::::the picture is a garden hoe
    James:Abbot::::::::Pile of cash
    Norman:king::::::::::the picture is a golden scepter with shiny jewls
    Lance:monk::::::::The picture is a door with a red x which means that nobody is supposed to go in there because the people are either about to die or are dead and that is how the people know to go where to go get the people
    Drake:pope:::::::::::neclace with a cross for christanity

  2. 1.Muslim


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