
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Being Aware of Yourself

Students, since we are between units, I would like to take this opportunity to talk about something unrelated to ancient civilization. I would like to talk about you and what kind of a person you are and what kind of a person you want to be. Every so often, it is good for us to do some reflection on what type of person we are, where we are going in life, and what we want to accomplish. Maybe you have not experienced this yet in your brief 11 or 12 years of existences, but one thing you should never do is stop growing. You should always want to be working towards something, improving your self and helping others improve. We, as human beings, need to continue to learn and be engaged. If we stop growing, stop learning, stop trying, then we will become stagnant, depressed, and having an overwhelming feeling of frustration. It is good to learn and grow. We need to climb mountains and not be satisfied with sitting on plateaus. With all this in mind, we are going to be taking a look at ourselves and thinking about some very important things. Click the link to go to your activity. But before you do, you must tell yourself that you will take a hard, honest look at yourself and complete the activity to the best of your ability.

Post your thoughts in a comment box for this blog post. Nobody but me will read them. Thank you.


  1. Actvity 1
    A) football at the last game to win it. (b) doing laundry because i have done it so many times.
    Activity 2
    1)I risked taking a broken arm trying to save my little brother in a car acsident 3 years ago.
    I took responsibility of going ahead when everyone was afraid to.
    when I went to californa it was very hot.
    In BE when I had to stand up for myself and my friend.
    Staying in school and not smoking or doing drugs.
    2) I was thinking of a plan to go to my friends house which was do homework then go to his house. He said he would help me that changed the plan and made it go faster.
    I was thinking of a plan to go to my friends house which was do homework then go to his house. He said he would help me but I said no I can do it myself.
    3)Stand up if your bullied if it doesn't work go get an adult. It usually works to stand up for yourself. Sometimes when you stand up for yourself you will get confused on what to do I know so myself.
    I got bullied in BE and I stood up for myself. They left me alone for a while.
    Activity 3
    I would attempt to get a scholarship to a airodynamic engineering.

  2. Activity #1
    A) study for a test that i had no clue about.
    B) When i had to read once.

    Activity 2#
    -I didnt do my chores( i got introble)
    -i told the truth( i didnt get introule.
    -When i got a baby brother.
    -When i lost my dog.
    -my teacher,getting my homework there on time.

    3.I deal with them by taking deep breaths. and it does work.

    One problem I had to deal with was I lost my puppy so i just took deep breathes

    Failure i dont know

  3. a)at a dance compition when we first learned our dances

    activity 2
    when I didn't study for a test(got a bad grade)
    In the summmer I take care of my sister(like a grown up)
    when my dad went to work down in canton.
    when I broke my thumb and still went to dance and fought through it.
    dance twice a week 3 hours each class.
    -when my sister twisted her ankel at a park and I had to run home and get my parents and my parents go there.
    I would attempt to be a professinal dancer and dance for the rest of my life

  4. i tried really hard when i was doing a dance preforments. Because I wasnted to have my friends and family to be proud of me and i wanted to be proud of myself.
    i didnt try very hard when i was running in gym because i was tired and my stomach hurt.
    I took a risk when i sang the national anthem in 5th grade. What happened was i sang.
    I was responsible fornot eating icecream untell May 4/my birthday. I felt like i could controll my icecream habit.
    I had to adapt to a change when my parents got deforsed.
    I had to be tough when my familys dog died.
    I had to make a commitment to my mom that i would not be mean to my brother.
    Tact: one day at school i was with my friends and this new kid got punched in the face i walked away from my friends and went over to him. I asked if he was ok and he said I think i broke my cheek. I ran to the nurses office adn said somebody got punched in the face so she came running down and helped hime to the office room.
    I was with my friend when this new kid got punched in the face i just walked away.

  5. Activity #1 A)I tried really hard to win the game because I didnt want to let my teammates down.

    B)Stuff that didn't really need to be done.

    Activity #2 Commitment)I have been commited to school work, because I want good grades so I can get into a good school.

    Tough time)I had to be tough when I was in football and I got a hurt but I kept on playing to help my team.

    Risk taking)I took a risk when in football for the last play i chose A deep pass to win the game.

    Responsibility)I had to be responsible to watch my brothers

    Flexibility) When I moved to minneapolis.

    Social Qualities.

    Acceptance)I accepted stuff ( I dont really get this one)

    Problem solving skills)
    I faced a problem where I had to win the game and I tried my hardest and won.

    Failure)I still would..Because whats the fun about not trying, you would get no where if you didn't try.

  6. Activity #1 A. In a basketball game to win the game. B.stuff that dint matter.
    Activity #2. Commitment I have commited to schoolwork. I had to be tough when we were in our basketvall game. I was responsible when I had to watch my brothers. I took a risk jumping off a swing.I had to adapt to change when they changed were the food was at sunshime minded- Bob told Bob11 to be openminded at the new school.

    3.I have faced a problem when I was not doing well at pitching.

    Activity #3 I would not atempt anything because it would be no fun.

  7. A*Helping my dad and getting him his food and drinks, because i wanted to make him happy cause i knew he was gonna pass.
    B*To try to get my mom to let me have a sleepover because I didnt want to have one.
    Risk Taking*I went swimming with little kids that were 3 and one fell into 6 feet of water and I jumped in and got him.
    Responsible* Babysitting I was happing cause their parents are trusting me with their children.
    Flexibility* When my dad got sick I had to go to the hospital alot and not hang out with friends.
    Toughness* When this kid was being me to my sister and i stood up for her and he was 2 times my size.
    Commitment*Going to church every week and keeping my promises.
    Social Qualities*Open Minded* When somebody gives and idea even if i dont like it I go with it and ill say i know how you feel and sometimes I am not good at that.
    Promblem solving Skills*I go into a room by my self and let my emotions out or tell my mom cause she my best friend. and yes. Sometimes.
    When my dad passed away i went in my moms room and just cried with her.Yes
    Failure* Yes i would because i wouldnt be afraid of anyuthing happening and I would be thinking I know I can do it but with failure u always have that feeling in your head .

  8. One time i tried very hard was when i was playing basketball and wanted to beat the other team. A time i did not try very hard was when I was studying for a test and i could of studied more. One time I took a risk was when I jumped off of my house onto my trampoline and what happened was that i jumped and then i flipped of of my trampoline and landed head first. A time i was responsible was when i was baby sitting my little brother and i felt ok noing that i was being responsible. A time i was flexible was when i had to adapt to my my new school at valley springs elementary. A time i was tough was when i broke my arm back in 4th grade. I have made a commitment to always be nice to other people even though people are not nice to me.

  9. I tried really hard at Taekwondo Testing. Because I wanted my next belt. I didn't try hard at Golf, because it doesn't interest me much.
    1. I took a risk when I went on the Scary ride at mall of america. and then i puked.
    I was responsible when I was watching my cousins when their parents were gone.
    I had to adapt to change when I stayed over at my friends house.
    I had to be tough when I was sparring to beat the person in the tournament.
    I made a commitment to do the dishes every day.
    I had to be openminded on a science project with 4 other people.
    If I wasn't open minded, we would've faught all the time.
    I make a plan and then do it.
    It works sometimes depending on the plan.
    A problem I faced was MISSION IMPOSSIBLE in Gym. We made a plan (A very slow one), and we did it. but we had to go, so..
    If i knew i couldn't fail, i would finish everything that i failed at.And go on with life.

  10. Activity#1
    A) When I was at a softball tournament because I am competitive.
    B) When I have to do chorse around the house because I dont want to do them.

    Activity #2
    1. Internal strength
    ~ I took a risk when I jumped of something nothing because it wasnt very high of the ground.
    ~ I was responsible when I was baby sitting I felt like people trust me.
    ~ I had to be tough when I was batting and a really fast pitcher hit me.
    ~ I had to make a commitment when I started to do sports.
    2. Social qualities
    ~ I am openminded when I am in a group.
    3. Problem Solving

  11. one thing i have tried realy hard at was well i gess i havent realy tried hard in my life at anything because i am lazy but i want to work harder in school and try to get my stuff done and i am going to do it

    stuff i didnt try at is prety much everything because i am lazy there again i am lazy again

  12. 1. effort: A: what i tried very hard at is to get my black belt, because it is a really good ativement in my life. B: the one time i didnt try very hard is when i dindt study for my sience test is because it was easy and i paid attensoin in class.

    2. star qualities: Risk Taking: i took a risk when i jump my scooter and i fell really hard and broke my rist. responsible: i was responsible by wacthing my litte bothers. It made me feel in carge of things. Flexible: I have had to adapt to brandon when i moved hear.

  13. 1. one time I tried really hard at my state test because I aws afraid that I might flunk 5th grade. time I did not try hard because it was really easy and my mom thought that it was hard and I got an A she would expect more of me.


  14. 1. I worked really hard is when I'm Dancing on stage because it makes me proud and my family proud.
    2.One time I took a risk I was riding my scoter down a hill I live by and I broke my wrist.
    One time I was Responible is when I carried the cross at my grandpa's funerl

  15. 1.the time i tried really hard at something was when i wanted to make my very first 3 point shot because i hadn't made one yet in the season and i wanted to.
    2.the time i didn't try very hard at something was when instead of thinking of something to write about for a poem due the next day i just asked my mom for help and used one that she came up with. time i took a risk was when my neighbor was spying on my brothers, my friend, Courtney, and me, and we asked to go away. He attacked my little brother, and then isaac (my little brother) poked him in the eye with a stick, but not on purpose. MY neighbor got mad and said he was going to get his brother and beat up isaac. when he came back down with his brother me and him got in a big agruement but in the end i won and saved my little brother from getting his butt kicked. (by the way if you were wondering what the risk was, it was that the kid was really strong)

  16. Activity#1:effort
    1.I tried really hard to win a soccer game because my mom told me if we won she would buy dairy queen.
    2.I dident try very hard at one of my soccer games because it was a 9 and we were losing by alot.

    Activity#2:star qualities
    1.I took a risk when i was playing with a lighter and about started the grage on fire.
    2.I had to be responsible when I had to babysite 8 kids at once and I felt overwelming and good kinda.
    3.I had to adpt to cahnges when my parents got dovorced.
    4.i had to be tough when i ran the 15 minute run I hade to keep running.
    5. I committed to being on a soccer team and being there every practice and game.

  17. Activity one: Effort

    A) When I do sports because I know that my parents spend alot of money just for me to do those sports.

    B) I don't try my best when I play cards with my brother because at the end I know that hes going to win because I start to let him win.

    Activity #2: Star Qualities

    Risk Taking: One risk I did was hung out with this one guy and my parents found out and that cost me my phone my parents trust and every thing.

  18. Activity #1: A...I once tried really hard at writing a song because I wanted to acheive something more than just academics or athletics. Music is really important to me and I felt like i could do more with it.

  19. activity #1 A)the time i tried really hard at something is when i ran really hard at the last min. of a run. i ran really hard because i knew that it was the last minute so i thought i would run as fast as i could.activity #1 B)the time when i didnt try very hard is when i didnt really try hard at pushups because i knew i really couldnt do any. activity #2: the time i took a risk is when i had to choose my wax museum person because i would have to see weather i had chosen a person that is easy enough or not. i ended up taking a good risk and i enjoy the person i picked.

  20. A:) I tryed hard when i was going up agenst my cuzin in MW3 just to show that i wasent a MEGA NOOB!!!

    B:) I dident try hard when i arm wrestled ny sister because i knew i was going to win so i let her win a few times to see what would happend.

    RISK- I was trying to blow up somthing not saying what but i was very neverous about the consiqencis.

    RESPONSIBLE-i was responsable when i was left home by myself with no one around to watch and the house dident set on fire!

  21. Task 1,I tried really hard to win a track meet because i wanted to show how fast i can run and that help me win!! I did not try hard when i was cleaning at my grandam house because i was tired and did not feel like cleaning even though i would get paid.
    Task 2,I took a risk one time when i going to do some of my homework on the bus and i did get it finished but at the last moment. I was responsible when my mom had forgot to make my sister a lunch for her feild trip and she went to work and i had made my sister a lunch. When i moved to south dakota to texas and the weather was dirrfrent and i had to make new friends. In gym when i had to do the 15 miunt run. I have made a a commitment to jaycey that i would practice with each othe for volleyball.
    Task 3, open minded, During student counsil Adma listined to other ideas for the them for the spring fling. Not being open minded would be when Hannah would choose what game we had to play and did not let other say other ideas of games that we could play.
    Task 4, i have faced a problem when i got into a fight with someoe but i handled it by saying sorry to each other and being friends again and yes it worked because we exaped each other appoligiez
    Task 5, If i coundent fail i would try to fly into out space wit out and suit and help the world learn about futher into outer space.

  22. Activity #1
    A. In sports because I wanted to win.
    B.Some stuff that doesnt matter

    Activity #2 P.E. to run to the next mat I was safe
    2.When I have to whach my brother.
    #3.Started midle school

  23. Activity 1:
    A)When I went to state for the Hershey track meet because I had to work to get to reginols and so my dad would be very proud of me.

  24. Aciviy#1
    A.Sports.because I love to play them.
    B. Studing for a easy test.

    1. Risk Takign: I took a risk when I was at day care when I jumped off a swing and it kinda hurt.

    Responsible: When I took care of my cousins. I felt that I was able to take care of them.

  25. Activity# 1: Effort
    A)one time that I tried really hard at something was when I was determind not to move frome Washington.

    B)one time that I did not try was when I moved a second time because I knew I could not do eny thing about it.

  26. activitie one:I was at the dome in a football game 18 to 18 10seconds left jery told cole jenson the play the play was to hand it off to me we are five yards away frome winning the game cole said down set HUT derek gonseth hands the ball off to cole cole hads it to me i run to the endzone touchdown we win the game.

    i was responsible for my little brother when i went fishing.

    when i was running the ball in football there was this guy that hit me from out of know were and i had to go out and the medic told me that i sprande my mcl and acl

    when i was at avera sports institute i had to lift 275 pounds with my feet

    opend minded

    i would try to makepeople rich
    that are poor.

  27. Activity #1:Effort
    a)I tried really hard at finishing a big art project.for my grandmas birthday present.

    b)I didnt try very hard at practicing my piano lesson. Because I didn't want to.

    Activity #2: star Qualities
    -Risk taking; I took a riskdiving pff a high dive. I landed it well.
    -Resposible:I baby sat my siblings. I did a good job.
    -flexability:when I moved
    -Toughness:when I got injured in baseball
    -commitment:I made a comitment to do my homework every day. minded.
    3.I have my parents help me with problems. it works very well.
    -I have faced the problem of being scared to easily so the way I handled it was by doing things fun and trying not to worry about it.
    activity #3:Failure
    doing something fun.

  28. activity 1 effort
    a)At the last basketball game of the season.
    b)The basketball game against Pipestone and we were loseing by 31

    Activity 2 Star qualitys
    1) Rode a bike off a ramp at bradien petersons house, just about wiped out but landed it and hurt my butt and wrists
    2) whe n i took care of my brothers for 5 hrs. tried cuz it was 11:00
    3)ther e were knew kids on my basketball team that didnt know squat so we had develop a new play book.
    3)whe n iwas oin a takeling drill with rees at football.
    4) my football,basketball,and baseball team to do my best.

    My senario

    the pointgrad for the brandon valley sputnics and to ppl joined the team and mitch acctepted them and got them in the game more.

    senerio 2

    mitch saw the new kids and said to his freind andrew e and rylie l that he doesent want them to play and in the game he tell his dad that he doesnt want him to play them.

    activity 3 failure

    i would bungy jump off the empire state building..............

  29. Activity #1: Effort
    A)The time I tried really hard was the Dakota Step Test last year.Because i really want to go to a good collage and get a diploma.
    B)The time I did not try was the DOLs in Mrs.Sayed class because i don not see why we need to take them we can be doing alot more then those.

    Activity #2: STAR Qualities
    Risk Taking:The time i took a risk was at billings MT.,in school it was my friends birthday and i had a big suprise i went to the incon and sayed happy birthday to her then i went to the lunch room when we were eating lunch and i started a food fight but then i got detention for a whole 2 weeks and had to clean the lunch room but it was worth it
    Responsible:The time i was responsable was really never exept for one night i was wathing my brother for 4 hrs.and i thougth it felt good because my mom trusted me
    Flexibility:It is hard not really being with my dad so i am trying to adapt to not being around him.
    Toughness:i had to be tough when my brother was missing and could not find i would not stop looking and not crying.

  30. Activity 1:Effort
    - I tried really hard on getting my grades up because I have always wanted to be on the A honor roll.
    -I didnt try really hard when helped my mom clean up the yard and the house.
    Activity 2:STAR qualities
    - I took a risk when I shot the golf ball acros the water and it skipped across the water.
    - I was respondsible when I babysat my cousins.
    -I had to adapt the change when I move to a new house and a new neighborhood.
    -i had to be tough when my cousin died couple years ago and i wasnt trying to cry or anything, but i did.
    -I had to commit to doing chorus for a year.

  31. A.I had to train for nationals in wrestling and i ended up getting 3rd.

    B. i dint try hard at all after my cusin died.
    Risk taking: i jumped off a barn and broke my ankle haha.

    Responsible: i was responsible when i got a new puppie haha

    Flexibility: i had to adapt to a change when a tornado destroyed are house.

    Toughtness: I had to be tough when i really hurt my MCL in football and could not play But hey atleast i scored.

    Commitment: i have made a commitment to wrestling.


    3. Failure
    If you knew you couldn't Fail, what would you attempt ? Nothing because in life you need Failure.

  32. Activity #1: Effort
    A)When i had my band solo, because i really wanted to do good and impress the judge.
    B)When I had a game in soccer, because i didn't like to play.
    Activity #2: Star Qualities
    Risk Taking: When i went on a bridge with my dad and it was really wiggly, The brige started to shake.
    Responsible: When my parents had me get something ready because they were running late. I felt that my parents trust me more than my brothers.

  33. Activity #1:Effort
    A)On Dakota Step Test because it is really importnt
    B)Playing football outside my house because its juss a game.
    Activity #2: STAR Qualities
    -Risk Taking:I got on a snow sled on the top of a roof and sleed off of it because the snow was almost as high as the garages any ways. It bounced a couple times then the last time it bounced it tipped over and I face planted into the snow(:
    -Responsible:When i was babysitting for the first time.
    -Flexibility:I am trying to adapt not being with my other siblings and my Dad right now because I juss moved in with my mom, but im really happy about it.
    -Toughness:When me and my cousins were wrestling and I was wrestling with them.
    -Commitment:To take care of my pet Farrets.

  34. Effert:
    a)i tried really hard when i was running last year at 5th grade feild day. the reason was i really wanted to win but didnt. :(
    b)i didnt try very hard when my mom told me to clean my room because i didnt want to clean my room.(cuz it was bad!)
    STAR qualities:
    I took a risk of eating a snack before an importent run and it turned out bad because i got a cramp.
    i was responsibe the time i was babysitting my little cousin and it felt kinda good.
    i had to adapt to a change when my dog died because we were so used to having him around.

  35. Activity #1: Effort
    A: One time a gave really hard effort was when we are doing the Wax Museum and I know it looks like I am not giving much effort i am. And why is because I want a good grad on this.
    B: One time I gave less effort was in Reading when i wasn't feeling so goog so I actually got a bad grade on it,

    Activity #2: Star Qualities
    Internal Strength
    Risk Taking: I took a risk in Science when My partners and I did not get 4 floors in and we are suppsed to but we didn't and actucally our thing did not fall down.
    Responsible: I was resposible when I baby sitted my neighbors baby when they were two and I took him to the park so they said they are trying to respect me about this and I was supposed to keep them away from these kids and they came to the park so we left the park and i felt responsible.

    Flexibilty: I had to adapt to a change when my dad moved out and that was hard for me because i loved him. But now I live with him.

  36. Activity#1: Effort

    A: i had this race at a swimming pool befor i know it sounds easy but it took effort. i tried to win because i was havin fun with my friends.


    Activity#2: STAR Qualities

    Risk Taking: I took a risk when i sent in a joke i wrote to a magizen because i did not know if they would get it or like it.

    Responsible: when i do something bad like brack something i have to be responsible for what i did.

    Flexibility: last yaer i had to move to brando and go to middle school. Now i dont see my friends as much. But i am fine (:

  37. ACttivity 1. 4th grade year in a football game I got past the line and snap, my leg broke. Ignoring the pain, I was finnaly able to pull him down and get the sack.
    B) 3rd grade year of football, being young, I was afraid to deliver and recieve a hit. I was scared and didnt try.

    Activity 2: STAR qualitys
    1. Risk: In football, 4 yard line in the last regular season game, called a timeout and I made a suggestion to Don, (my defensive coach) to run a bootleg. It worked :)
    2.Responsible: caring for a neibors dog the whole summer
    3.When my grandpa had a heart attack, i had to help my dad

  38. ACttivity 1. 4th grade year in a football game I got past the line and snap, my leg broke. Ignoring the pain, I was finnaly able to pull him down and get the sack.
    B) 3rd grade year of football, being young, I was afraid to deliver and recieve a hit. I was scared and didnt try.

    Activity 2: STAR qualitys
    1. Risk: In football, 4 yard line in the last regular season game, called a timeout and I made a suggestion to Don, (my defensive coach) to run a bootleg. It worked :)
    2.Responsible: caring for a neibors dog the whole summer
    3.When my grandpa had a heart attack, i had to help my dad

  39. Activity 1: Effort
    I tried really hard at breaking the 5th grade field day record for the 400 because my family really wasnted me to break it.
    I didnt try hard at working out with my dad because I didnt want to.
    Activity 2: STAR qualities
    RISK TAKING:I took a risk at making the winning shot in our sudden death basketball game.
    RESPONSIBILITY: I was responsible when I first took care of Colten when my mom left for shopping.
    FLEXIBILITY: I had to get used to my new house in Brandon.

  40. Activity #1
    A) Last year in soccer I tried really hard to win and it paid off because we got 2nd place.
    Risk taking: I walked in my grandpas parents house up in Canton that has been abanded for years and there was a hole in the kitchen floor 3feet by 3 feet wide and that was the only way to get downstairs and there was only 1 or 2 feet to walk without fallingand we got past without any complications. We made it downstairs and got to se some very old but cool thfings that I have never seen before.
    Responsible: Just last night I was at a hunt safe class that I have to take to be a responsible hunter and be able to hunt this year, I listened and didnt goof off or mess around like some people did while they were talking

  41. Activity 1: Effort-

    A)One time when I tried really hard is when I was taking a test and I was because I wanted a good grade
    B)One time when I dont try very hard is when I clean the basement because I hate cleaning but sometimes I'll actually do pretty good.

    Activity 2: STAR Qualities-

    1.Internal Strength-

    Risk taking: One time when I took a risk, is when one time in Science class, I was in a group and we had to make a tower with 4 floors, and it was pretty hard, but we all took the risk to build it and we succeeded.

    Responsible: A time when I was responsible is when I had to put our pet Macaws away.There are similar to Parrots but a little bit bigger. I got them into thier cage and I felt good.

  42. Activity 1
    A)One time, I tried really hard to get really good grades, because if I did, I knew that my parents would be proud of me and I would be proud of myself.
    B) One time, I didn't try very hard to be very nice to my little brother. I didn't even realize it. But I found out that I really hurt him, and that made me feel really bad.

    Activity 2
    Risk Taking: One time I took a risk when I took my chances and I asked the girl who didn't have any one to play with. She seemed really suprised and we became really good friends. Now, she is one of my closest friends.

    Responsible: One time when I was responsible was when me and my brother were playing dodgeball in the house...which was not a very good idea. It was my idea to do it, but I didn't think anything bad happened. But something bad did happen... when i threw the ball and it broke my mom's flowers. I told her the truth. She was glad that I told her, but she was sad about her flowers. She told me that those flowers were her grandmother, who is now dead. I felt really sad too.

    Flexibility: One time I had to adapt was when I moved here. My dad's job transfeered us all over. I have lived in North carolina, virgina and missouri. I was nervous at school, and at first i had no one to play with. But i warmed up to everytone, and i now love it here

  43. Activity #1: Effort. I tried really hard for something when I almost didn't make my A.R. goal in 4th grade, but then I was determined to make it. So I used all spare time to

  44. Activity 1. The thing I tried really hard at was when I tried out for the baseball travel team about two months ago. A time when I did'nt really try at anything was when I had to go to a meeting with my mom and she told me to be quiet and I did'nt really try to be quiet because it was boring.

    Activity 2.One of my star qualities is being pretty good at running.

  45. I tried to raise my grade becsause it was low.

    I did not try very hard to read a book because it was not very good.

    Activty #2

    - I took a risk by not studing for something so i got a bad grade.

    - I got to stay home alone and I felt excited about it.

    - when I transfored school ditrects

    - when I sparend my ankle

    - to clean my room

    -open mined:when you have to lwork in a gorup and not when your alone.

    - when my freinds didnt like each other i would have toget them to like each other so that i was not havin people mad at me when im with the other

  46. Activity 1
    My field day race i tried on that every year in grand island through elementary we have a day with games food and no learning and a giant race with every kid in school races I got 7th out of about 500
    Part 2
    On a math pre test in fith grade i diden't even come close to trying because it was easy

  47. Activity 2
    part 1
    I took a risk when I was 6 when I climbed a tree about 12 feet in the air and fell

    I was responsible when I cleaned up my sisters room

    I had to adapt to change when I moved back to Brandon

    I had to be tough when my uncle died fighting cancer

    I commited my family

    Part 2
    Open mind
    with this whole treyvon and zimmerman i listen to both arguments and pick trayvon's side
    but when you jump to conclusions you pick randomly

    Part 3
    my two friends got in an argument about ones lost football so we looked for it and talked and found he left it at home in a rain well yes reason worked

  48. one time i tried doing was studing for the greece test and i was up all night and i stuied very hard and for a long time.

  49. anouther time was for the english test because i knew what i had stuied

  50. If I could not fail I would try anything and everything I would swim from here to africa, I would climb mount everast, I would search for bigfoot, and try to fly

  51. Activity #1: Effort
    A)a time I really tried was for a play because I really wanted to be in it.
    B)i didnt try really hard in gym for the pushup test.
    The one time I took a risk was when I tried to audition for the play.
    I was responsible when I watched my cousins.
    I had to adapt to change when my dad got remarried.
    I had to be tough when my grandmother died last year of cancer.
    I made a Commitment to always try.

  52. #1. I tried to drive a golf cart because i wanted to prove i could do somthing and not crash into it.
    #1. I didnt try very hard to clean my room cause i didnt feel like it.
    #2. i took a risk by letting my brother have the hose when we were washing the car.

  53. #1
    A) I wanted to get to all-state-band on my trumpet. It is extremely hard because the trumpet is a common instrument, and it's tough anyway for a sixth grader to make it. I got my audition music in about April. I practice almost everyday, I took summer lessons, I listened to a recording of the music so I had the rythm in my head. I tried out in December. I didn't make it. I was really bummed because I had worked hard. I had worked hard, maybe even harder than some people who made it. After that I was way okay with it because it was a good experience and would have me ready for next year.
    B)I was in a Hershey track meet. I was in the hundred and got second with somewhat ease. I qualified for state. I had a little less than a month to train. I started out pretty well, working out almost everyday. But then I got busy, and I also was on a swim team and was swimming A LOT. I sort of peetered out of my work schedule. I thought it would be okay because I was swimming, which is a good work out. I basically quit training altogether. At state, in Peirre, I ran my worst hundred ever and jumped horribly.

    More to come!

  54. #1 I tried really hard to be a better in football so I could be a middle linebacker or a defence of end.

  55. #1 (Effort)
    A:the time i worked with my grandpa at his job.
    B: The first day of school

    #2 (STAR qualities)
    1.internal strength
    -i tried to do a backflip...i failed.
    -when i was offered to do sometihing with friends and unregretfully denied
    -when i moved.
    -when my dada had cancer.
    -to treat every day like it was my last. and live my life to the fullest.

  56. 1. I tried hard to learn how to ride a dirt bike because it was something i really wanted to do.
    2. I didn't try very hard at my karate so I didn't get to test.
    3. I took a risk when my cousin got hurt i had to leave him to go get help. It all worked out he was ok but he had a broken nose.
    4. I cleaned my room without being asked. It felt good.
    5. when we took a trip to alaska it was freezing but I got used to it.
    6. When my grandpa died.
    7. doing well in karate.

  57. Activity #1:Effort.
    The time i tried really hard at something was...doing good on tests,and studying like for the wax museum.Because i want to do good.B.The time i didnt try very hard was in gym we did the push up test because I someti,es i dont like push ups but i still had to do it.
    Activity #2:Star Qualities
    Risk Taking:The time i took a risk was when i went on a scary ride at Vallry Fair but im not sure what ride it was.
    Responsible:The time I was responsible was when I babysat for 5 hours.But i felt good!

  58. 1. I tried hard to learn how to ride a dirt bike because it was something i really wanted to do.
    2. I didn't try very hard at my karate so I didn't get to test.
    3. I took a risk when my cousin got hurt i had to leave him to go get help. It all worked out he was ok but he had a broken nose.
    4. I cleaned my room without being asked. It felt good.
    5. when we took a trip to alaska it was freezing but I got used to it.
    6. When my grandpa died.
    7. doing well in karate.

  59. Activity #1
    A)In a basketball game cause we down 2 and we needed to win.
    B)I didnt try very hard when I had to wash the dishes.

    Activity #2
    1)One time I tried to stand on a soccer ball and I fell of and broke my elbow.
    I babysitted my little brother and I felt good cuase I got paid.

  60. #1.Effort:A: When I tried really hard at something is when i wad in sudden death at the 2007 Teakwondo Jr. Olympics to get 1st place.
    B:When I didnt try very hard is when I was up against a Girl in Takwondo and neither of us could lose.

    #2.STAR Qualities: Risk Taking: When i took a risk is playing tennis with a golf ball. What happened i didn't get in trouble (only 4 years old) i boroke a window


  61. 1. I try to help my dad with puting on his cars meters because i wanted to help

  62. One time I tried really hard to work at the stables in the summer. Because if I worked there for two summers, I could get one of the horses.
    One time at my dads house I stopped trying to be good and make my dad happy. Because he kept comparing me to all the other kids and me and him dont get along. So I stopped trying to be good enough for him.
    One time I took a risk when I was riding my horse. When we jumped for the first time without any adults there. We cleared the jump. It was awesome.
    I was really responsible when I worked at the stables because I had to do a lot of things and be there at 8am then work until 10pm. It felt GREAT.
    I had to adapt to change when my parents divorced and we moved from Rapid City to Brandon.
    I had to be tough in 2nd grade when my parents divorced.
    I made a commitment to work for my horse.
    Open Minded. Its used like when people go through really hard things in life and I try to understand them. Its not used when Im mean to my dad. I dont think about how it makes him feel.
    I face problems all the time with my dad. He made me almost unable to trust and depressed. I realized it was only hurting me, so I forgave everything that happened and im trying to move on. Its starting to work.
    If i knew I couldnt fail, id attempt anything.

  63. Activity #1
    A. A time that I tried really hard at something is when I wanted to ride my bike with out training wheels because all of my friends were ridding way faster then me and they didnt have training wheels so they kept leaving me behind, therefor I was mad and I decided that I wanted to ride my bike like my friends. :) it was fun
    B.A time that I didnt try very hard at something was when my church did Awana games I was trying and when I went out for my second to last game I got yelled at for going out on someone elses turn so after that game I was supposed to run the laps for our team and I ran slower then usualy just because I was mad and my mom had came so I was sad that she didnt get to see me play the amount of games that we payed for. :'( it was sad
    Activity #2
    1.Internal Strength
    -Risk Taking: A time when I took a risk was when I went on a ride at Valley Fair called The Wild Thing and my seat belt wasent tight enought and the person next to me had to hold me back so I didnt fly out as we went over the bumps, and what happened is I decided that I should NEVER EVER go on that ride again. :O it was scarry
    -Responsible: A time when I felt responsisble was when I was babysitting for the first time (I was 10) it made me feel nervous but when she got home and told me that I did a good job. :D I felt responsible and happy
    -Flexibility: A time I had to adapt to a change because was when we moved here from Chester and I had to leave all my friends behind and go to a new school with new teachers and new poeple. :( it was sad at first but then it was really really fun
    -Toughness:A time that I had to be tought was I was going down the slide with my friend that weighed more then me laying on my back and my face slid down across the side of the slide and I split my eyelid open, then I had to either have stiches in my EYE or get tape put over it for a month and I choose the tape but I couldnt see very much and it hurt and it also ITCHED LIKE CRAZY!!! ;I (the ; is supposed to be my eye)
    -Commitment: I made a commitment last year too help the food pantry and the animal place (I forgot what it was called) and I go in there sometimes to help with the animals and I dontated a BUNCH of food for animals to the food pantry in Brandon (I even have a newspaper with me in it that says I do)
    2.Social Qualities
    Acceptance:Ummmm I think I have acceptance because I help kids with disiblities play baseball in the summer, my brother Riley has severe autism, adhd, odd, and downsindrim.
    3.Problem Solving Skills:A time I had to use my problem solving skills is when Tia'Brie told me that if I didnt stop being friends with Megan she wasent going to be my friend anymore (I have known Megan ever since 1rst grade and Tia fro 2 years) and when I told Tia that mabey I shouldnt be her friend because she is making me choose and a real friend would except my friends.
    Activity #3 Failure
    I would try and fly because I have always wanted too because I wouldnt polute the air with things that come out of me when I gave people a ride!!!

  64. Commitment:The time I made a commitment to someone was courtney she ask can we have have a sleepover tonight and I said no because I had someone else coming over that night and I promised that we can have on tomorrow and I kept that promised and we had the best sleepover because my mom got her foodstaps that day and we got a whole bunch of junk food and pulled an all nighter and we had a bubble war/water war it was so much fun that i sthe time i made a commitment.

  65. Activity #3: Failure

    I would attempt to make a bet on my mom for 200 dollars that if i over came my fear and passed all my test for S.S. and did not get 1 wrong i would get the 200 dollars but if i lost i have to do all the house work for a whole year.

  66. Activity #2: part 2: Social Qualities
    A new student comes to school and her name is Thuha ho and was soo difrent than other prople so i greeted myself to her and made her a friend of mine and then i introducered her to my other friends and the a another new girl came and her name was balue and came from africa and made her another friend and just like thuha ho introdueced her to my other friends and became one happy bunch some kids may have made fun of them dont talk to them and did not want to be nice and not be friends.

  67. A problem i had was peole picking on me for how small i am so i went to the conculer and talked it out and she said "When people make fun of you just say YA AND YOU POINT IS....."and so i did and then no one pick one me again.

  68. Activity 1
    a) I tryed hard to get my borther to go on the bakini bottom plunge with me. because it is really fun
    b) I did not try hard to catch a fish ice fishing. because I was cold and wanted to go home

  69. activity
    A] I tried hard on the dakota step test because i wanted to do good.
    B]gym because i was bored in gym.
    #2risk taking i was hunting and i had to cross a creek that was thawing so i walked over a log that was small and almost broke.
    open minded I was in a group and let every buddy else use there ideas.
    i break problems into parts.
    to try a shooting comitition.

  70. aciivity 2
    I did my predetor bird( jumping from tree to tree with no hands just balansing) I did not fall and it was fun
    I had to look after my little bro. i felt in pain
    when i did not have the best idea in a school prodject
    when I was playing football
    to take care of my friends dog
    open minded when i do a school prodject
    my little bro kept tazering me and would not stop when I asked so I slapped him. I got in trouble

  71. i tried hard at doing the test
    because you mint get driend.

    i did not try hard at working at comtper.

  72. Activity #1: Effort
    A: A time when I really tried hard on something was at my first dance compition because I wanted to show my dance teacher how hard I really trie.
    B: A time I didnt try hard was when I took a reading test because I did not get what the teacher was talking about.

    Activity #2: STAR Qualities
    1. -One time when I took a risk was when I tried to dance with a sprained wrist and by doing that I hust it even more.
    -A time when I felt responsible was when I had to babysit 6 kids and how I felt is that my mom trusted me that much with that much responsibilty.
    -A time where I had to adapt to change was when I had to move to Arizona.
    -A time where I had to be tough was when my grandma got cancer and she might not have lived.
    -Something I had made a commitment to was my mom when she trusted my to babysit a 6 kids.

  73. (1) I tried my hardest at a basketball game because it was the championships and i wanted to win.
    (2) One time i did not try very hard is when I did a english worksheet because they were not hard.
    (3) One time I took a risk is when i climbed really high in a tree and could of fallen.
    (4) I was responsible when i took care of my neighbors dog and did a good job.
    (5) I had to adapt to middle school because it was a major change.
    (6) One time i had to be tough is when i played football
    (7) I made a commitment to do daily chores for my mom.

  74. Activity #1: Effort
    A)A time I really tried hard was at one at my soccer games. Because we were losing and we needed to get one more goal.
    B)A time I didn't try hard was a math test because I knew I would ace it anyway.

    Star Qualities:
    1. A time I took a risk was when I didn't get my homework done and I got it done during spelling. One time I was responsoble was when I babysitted my two little cousins when their parents were out on a date. A made a change to go to BVMS instead of going to Elementary school.

  75. 1
    a)when i was camping and i tried to catch a snake.
    b)when i was also camping i was sufering from heat exotsioni was tired and didnt do any thing.
    -when i guessed on a awser.
    -when i left my dog out side to long he ran away i found hi and told my parents.
    -when i moved to brandon and had to meet new people.
    -when i was bulyed by some one.
    -when i made a commintmet to boyscouts.


  76. Activity 1- EFFORT
    A) i Worked really hard at delta in iceskating bwucase i really wanted to be in the level my friends are in.
    B) A time i didnt work hard is when i sort of gave up and told myself i couldnt pass freestyle one but i did before lessons were done
    Activity 2- STAR QUALITIES
    - Risk Taking: I took a risk when i didnt know if i coulld do something or not. Turns out i cant and i got in trouble...
    - Responseiblity: I was responsible when i cleaned the house. It made me feel good inside...
    -Flexibilty: I had to adapt to a change when i tried snow skiing cus the boot had felt different then the water sking boot (wich isnt really a boot) but i tried and it was for stuff for the winter to do...
    - Toughness: I had to be tough when my dad left for afganistan cus i didnt want my little brother to be scaried.
    -comitment: I made a commitment when i got a new dog so i had to let him ou tduring the night adn stuff like that.
    Acceptance: I act kinda different sometimes so when in at lunch i cant act to crazy ir people will look at me werid.
    Tact: I sometimes show to much emotion or to little. SO ya..
    i have face alot of problem and i jut sort of shurg it of and yes it worked.
    Activity 3 FAILURE
    I would try really hard.

  77. 1. Running the Irish Man because I wanted to beat Mr. Klumper
    2. My math because I just didnt feel like it
    3. I ran and jumped into a pond to get a snake
    4. I had to baby sit my brother and sister and it felt good that my parents could trust me
    5. When I had to move
    6. I always want to be tough because I want to go into the military some day
    7. Run 3 or 4 days a week for 2 or 3 months to get my key board on friday

  78. Activity #1: Effort.

    a)A time that i really worked hard at something is when i was trying out for a play at the Orpheum theater and i really wanted a part.(i got it!:))

    b)A time that i didnt work hard on is when i was in fourth grade and we were doing a activity that i didnt really enjoy so i didnt pay much attention.
    Activity #2:Star Qualities.

    1.Internal Strenght:
    -Risk taking:about two weeks ago i was at the mall for Audition America for a modeling and acting contract and such. Well, there was about 7 people there at the time and we had to go up on to the stage and do our line from a script. Then,if anybody wanted to go first they would have rose their hand. no one did. then i took the risk and rose my hand.

    -Responsible: Out of my 2 syblings i am considered the most responsible because i make sure i get things to my mom on time and i also make sure when my mom or other relative is picking me up i get out on time so that they dont have to wait.

    -flexibility: A time when i had to adapt to change is when we had to give our 2 cats (munson and stokes)and 1 dog (raja) was really sad not being able to have a dog jump on you when you get home and lick your face and wag its tail.But, i do have another dog (hailey).

    -Toughness: a time when i would have to be tough is when my sister or brother irritate me and i dont want to blow up.

    -Commitment: a time when i had to be commited is when i g=had to learn a very very long line for an audition and get it right.

    2.For my quality it would have to be acceptance because you could be purple and i could still like you or you can have a different belief in me i still wouldnt care.


  79. When I got an "A" on a math test i wanted to prove my mom wrong....
    For an English test I didnt study! BECAUSE I just wanted to ride four-wheelers........WHEN I took a risk I got grounded for a month because I snuck out.......:) hhehehe
    WHEN I babysat this little baby Cody!! WHEN I moved is when i had to adapt to a change even tho I was here before! When my grandma got diagnosed from cancer and almost died! And when I was almost diagnosed with cancer...... :(
    I made a commitment to school!!!

  80. EFFORT-A time when I tried really hard at something was when I made a Christmas present for alot of my friends and family. I tried really hard because I wanted them to like thier gifts. A time when I didn`t try very hard was when my mom tells me to clean my room, I don`t try hard because I don`t think it is that messy.

    STAR QUALITIES-A time when I took a risk was when I made cookies on my own. The house didn`t burn down, but the cookies tasted really bad. I was responsible a lot of times, one was when my aunt let my watch my little cousin. I felt nervous at first, but then I had fun because my little cousin started being really funny. I hade to adaot to change when I moved from Brookings.New school, new friends, and my dad having a new job where all really different. I had to be tough whenmy dad got hurt, because I had to call my mom and not faint from all the blood.I made a commitment to being a good sister, because I love my brother.
    Social Qualities-Open minded
    1st scenario-it being used
    Promblem: where is the best place to eat.
    Caracters: me and my brother
    Me" we should eat at culver, becase it is yummy"
    Bro" no I like burger king better because it has good chicken nuggets'

  81. Effort
    A)The time I tried really hard to do something was when I had to feed my niece Maile for the first time the reason why was beacause I had never in my life held or fed a baby.
    b)The time I didn't try very hard was when I had to do the dishes the reason why is because I don't like doing the dishes because in my family we eat food that sticks to the pan so it's really hard getting the food unstuck.
    Star Qualities
    Risk Taking:The time I took a risk was when I went into this creak behind this guys house and my friend and me walked as far as we could and what happened was we kept getting stuck in sucky sand or quicksand.
    Responsible: The time I felt responsible was when a had to watch my niece by myself while my brother played Xbox and it made me fill awesome inside because know I know that I can watch my niece again without trouble.
    Flexibility:The time I had to adapt tp change was when my sister moved to North Carolina with her husband.

  82. Activity 1: Effort

    A) I always try very hard for tests because grades mean alot to me.
    B) I never try very hard when i clean my room because it is boring and i never realy go in it besides when I sleep.

    Activity 2: STAR Qualities

    1. Once when i took a risk about trusting my cousin (she gets in trouble alot) she told me we wouldnt get into any trouble but we got into ALOT of trouble.

    When we moved to Valley Springs a little bit ago my dad got hurt so Katy and my mom and i had 2 pack all the stuuf for the movers to take.

    I have had to adapt to a change when we moved to Brandon because I didnt know anybody, but it turned out to be realy easy.

    I had to be tough when my Grandma had cancer she got it when i was like 4 and it just went away completely a couple years ago.

    I make commitments to my Family and Friends alot like when I tell my parents I will get something done.

    1.i tried really hard when me and my team were in the championships for basketball and we won.
    2. I didn't try really hard at football because i dont like playing it only watching it.

    ACTIVITY 2: star qualities!
    1.The time i took a risk is at falls park and there was a big crack about 2 feet wide and i jumped over it landing on the edge of the crack.
    2.i felt responsible when i baby sat my little nephew Isaac hes 1 year old. After it was over i felt proud of myself.
    3.i had to change when i moved to florida for 3 months and ai school there i had to change a little like i had to be more nicer to people.
    4.The time i had to be tough is when my big brother Jordan challenged me to a arm reasling compatition like always i lost but this time i held him back for 30 sec. more than last time.
    5.the one thing i commited to do is always be nice to my little brother.

  84. 1
    A time I tried hard was when i worked on the ancient china speech. I wanted to prove that I could do somthing great. The speech was great.
    I was responsible for my home work for reading. write when i got home i got it out and did it. it felt great that i didnt have to worry about it the next day.

  85. activity 1 effort

    I tried really hard to become a private first class from a recruit because it means a lot to me.

    I didn't try hard when I had to do a homework assignment that wasn't graded.

    activity 2 STAR Qualities

    When I put my hand in the water to catch a fish and almost got bittin.

    I had to adapt a change going into middle school.

    I had to be tough in gym during the fitness gram tests.

    I had to make a commitment to Boy Scouts.

    Social qualities 2

    I was working in a group and someone had a different opinion that I accepted. I could have argued though and not use be accepting.

    I was responsible by setting the table which made me feel good.

    3 Failure

    I would attempt the lottery.

  86. Activity #1: Effort

    A) It was the bottem of the sixth inning (In little league baseball there are only six inning). The score was 7-5, we were down by two. Grant Ellis was up to bat. he was a very bad baseball player for the past two years, missing pop-ups, getting struck out, Etc. The pitcher pitched the first ball, but it was high and outside. "Ball One". The second pitch was fast right down the middle. "Stike One!." The third pitch was outside but Grant swung at it. He hit it.....

  87. Activity #1 A)The last time I tried really hard at something was last night batting at softball pratice.Why? Because then I knew I would be proud of myself.
    Activity #2 B)The last time I didnt try really hard at something was yesterday doing chores I didn't all my effort into it.

    1. Internal Strengh

    Risk taking-he last time I took a risk was yesterday on my neighbors trampoline she said let's have a contest to see if there brave enough to jump off the tramp onto the grass and I said no because I could of broke my leg or arm and wouldn't be able to play softball.

    Responsbile-The last time I was responsible was last night at softball pratice when I had to keep track of all my stuff.

    Toughness-The last time I had to be tough was when I got my toenail removed.

    Commitment-I've made a commitment to helping my parents clean my whole house.

  88. i tried realy hard at the newspaper project for s.s..

    i didnt try hard on one of the blog post because i didnt fell like i had to do it.
    i took a risk when i played pool agianst my dad and won one game out of like 400!

    i felt responsible when i took care of my baby brother it felt great

    when i was 4 i moved to brandon i adapted to it realy quikly be cause i met zane swenson

    i had to be tough when i was playing football

    i made a com mit ment by getting my wax speach done.

  89. A)I worked hard at national hershey track meet because i wanted to beat my last time.
    B)I didnt try hard when i had to clean my room because i didnt feel like doing it and i just didnt care:)

    1. I took a risk by playing basketball on my hurt knee in a game and ending up having a bone contution:(

    I was responsible when i had to watch someones pet and i lost the key to get in there house but the pet survived because they sent me a new key in the mail.
    When we were supose to have orchestra but we didnt.

  90. 1 A) One time I tried really hard to do something was when I was working for my dad because I needed money. B) One time I didn't try very hard was when I was sick and I had to do chores.

    2 A) I took a risk when I decided to ride a horse really fast; I fell off and broke my arm. B) I was responsible when i had to watch my brother after school and I felt bored. C) I had to adapt to changing a school. D) I had to be tough when I went to the Black Hills clinic took like 50 x-rays and they kept moving my arm painfully but didn't find anything. But then I went to the Sioux Falls clinic and found that my arm was broken. E) I made a commitment to trying to help my dad more with his teaching and his cement job.

  91. Activity 1-One time I tried really hard at something was at our championship basketball game. We were playing our rivals and really, really wanted to win. I and the rest of the team tried our best and came out on top. Activity 2-1.Flexibility- one time I had to adapt to change is when my dad went to Iraq. It was really strange him not being there, and I had to learn to rely on myself and my mom more. 2.Acceptance- one scenario when this quality is being used is if someone from a different country moved to your school. They might not speak the same language but you still need to treat them with respect.

  92. Activity I tried really hard to beat black ops but i died.
    Trying to learn how to skateboard.
    To do a backflip on the trampoline

  93. Activety 1
    A)I tried really hard at trying to get my soccer shot at the goal down because it is a really important shot.
    B)I didn't try hard to practice my clarinet solo because I don't like band.
    Activity 2
    I took a risk when my sister (kayla because kenzie was to scared)and I walked into a deserted canning factory.

  94. 1 Effort

    I tried really hard when I was taking care of horses for someone else.
    I didn't try hard to study for a quiz because i didnt know when i would have to take it.

    I took a risk when i didnt study for a test
    I felt good being responsible when i helped around the house.

  95. The one time I did not try to take care of my fish i always forgot to feed it and not even look at it that and i come home and it is dead.

    I tried really hard to get good at snowboarding and it turned out to be a sucsess Why cause it was important to me.

  96. a)I tried really hard at hitting the kink becouse i wanted to get it really bad.
    (B)I didnt try hard at skateboarding and becouse it wasnt fun.
    Risk Taking: The time i rode my first roller coaster I ended up having fun.
    TResponsible: he time i had to watch my brother it was boring.
    Flexibility:The time i had to change from left feild to second.

  97. ACTIVITY 1
    A)one thing i ried really hard in was the 5th grade friday. i tried really hard and i succeded in the 100,200,1x400 meter dash because i wanted to commpettitive:)
    B)i didnt try hard in 4th grade in the 200 because i wanted to let my friend win.
    1;;;Risk taking:I took a risk when i went skiing down the big jump when i didnt even know how to skii,it worked out well
    Responsible:i was responsible when i had to babysit my brother in the summer,my mom and dad were proud of me because we didnt destroy the house.
    Flexibility:I had to change when i got moved back to defence in soccer and i didnt really like it the best.
    Toughness:I had to be tough when a good friend of mine and we were close moved away because of something...i was really sad
    Commitment:I made a commitment to feed the dogs whenever they needed to be feed because my mom and dad had no time to.

  98. I tried really hard to get selected for volley ball, becuase i love it.
    I didnt try hard to fold a set of luandry because i was tired.
    I risked riding my horse and run, and i made it.
    I felt responsible when ever i clean the house without being asked.
    I felt flexibil when we had to go on vacation when i had school.
    when somone called me a retarded good for nothing falure.
    I had to commit on doing horse chores before volleyball.

  99. Activity #1:EFFORT
    (A)Something I worked very hard on is on a dancing contest. I worked very hard on that because I wanted to win. I wanted my parents to be proud of me.(B) I didn't try really hard on doing chores. I just never in the mood.

  100. A. I worked really hard on a contest at Great Bear because i wanted to beat the other opponents.

    B.I didnt try that hard when i mowed the lawn becuase i wanted to get done and didnt care.

    Risk Take.I took a risk when i was trying a trick on my skateboard and got hurt but then i got it later.

    Responsible. I had to feed my dog and watch my brother i felt confident.

    Flexibility.When i playing video games but then my parents told me to brush my teeth so i brushed my teeth.

    1A. i try really hard on lot of stuff i guesse it would be on not failing 6th grade i try to keep my grades up.
    1B i guesse when i dident try my hardest is when i

    i took a risk when i when to a RISK TALKING party when my parents dident know about it
    RESPONSIBLE I was with my brother at home and my parents heard a loud crash outside our house so i keept my brothers in side. there was a car that chould have hit our house it was only linches from hitting

  102. Effort 1. I tried really hard when we needed a win to get a good seeding in the tournament for football.
    Effort 2. I didnt try very hard when I was shopping for clothes because it was boring.
    STAr Qualities 1. I took a risk when I wasplaying Texas Hold em with my dad, I lost.
    1-2. I was responsible when I clean my room when I wasnt told to.
    1-3. I adapted to change when my dog died, it was hard but we got a new dog
    1-4. I had to be tough when my dog died because I didnt want to be miserable

  103. activity #1. Effort: game when my knee was killing me but i kept running. game when we were a head by like 50 so itt wasnt fun so we started playing bad because it was a boring game.

    activity #2. Star Qualities:
    1.risk taking: in the 3 on 3 tournoment i had a dislocated knee cap and played basketball when i was not supposed to and i could of hirt it forever.

  104. Activity #1: Effort
    A:I tried realy hard to build a lego robot because I Thought it was realy cool and i was into it
    B:I didn't try very hard in English because I thought it was boring
    Activity #2: STAR Qualities
    1:I shot a sling shot in my backyard and u think I broke a bird feeder

    When i cleaned up up my room without being told

    When I was planning to go get baby chicks then I couldn't do it that day

  105. I tried really hard at something when i ran in a realy race because i really wanted to win.

    I didnt try hard at something when I was playing basketball but did'nt play good because i was tired.

    A time when i took a risk is when I walked to the gas station by myself and what happened was i got a delicios gatorade and a 3 muskuteers.

    A time when i was responsible was when my dad told all of us to clean but when he left no one wanted to clean so i did.

    A time i had to adapt a change is when my dads girlfriend moved in and we had to get new rooms.

    A time when I had to be tough is when i had to leave california to go to south dakota because my mom moved.

    I made a commitment when i told my dad i would clean everyday.

    You walk into the store and these guys are arguing about which college football team is better sdsu or usd. You think That sdsu is better but you are open minded and say you like sdsu but its alright you like usd.

  106. 1 Effort. I tried hard at my math homework because I knew I would have to work hard in order to get good grades.I didn't try hard at my English because I didn't think I would need to.

    2 star qualities. I took a risk by not studying for a quiz and I did pretty good because it wasn't very hard. I was responsible when I babysat my brother and sister it felt good to be responsible. I had to adapt because my classes were messed up so I went with the flow and made it through the day. I Haven't had to be tough really. I made a commitment to band by practicing and showing up for lessons.

    3 failure. I would attempt everything and anything in order to meet my full potential if I couldn't fail.

  107. Part 2

    activity 3: If i knew i couldn't i would attempt everything in my power to do everything i can with it.

  108. 1.)
    a-I tried really hard not to cry when i fell of my bike on the sidewalk
    b-I didnt try very hard when i was at a dance workshop because I was really tired
    1-I took a risk by doing my solo for the 1st time
    2-I am responsible when i babysit and i feel mature when i do
    3-i had to adapt to a change when both of my grandpas died
    4-I had to be tough when i was goin to mchardy park because i was watchin cute boys and fliooed of my motor scooter
    5-I have made a commitment to my dance team because i wouldnt want to let them down
    2.)open minded-My dance teacher says that i need to practice my front handspring a little more i take it kindley because she was just trying to help me
    3.)one of the problems were that some peoople at dance could not do some of the things the other girls could do so my dance teacher helped them personally it didnt really work though because they still are not at the same level
    3.)if i knew i couldnt fail i would try to do a front aerial


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