
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What Happened Over Break?

Class time gets busy with social studies, learning, teaching, and so on. So sometimes we don't have enough time to do other just as important things like talking and continuing to get to know each other. Yesterday, on our first day back from break, we did not get a chance to share with our classmates what we did over the winter break. I hope it was a week of relaxation and fun for all of you. I enjoyed myself with my family, reading, watching movies, and playing with BeyBlades with Olivia's new Beystadium. Anyway, just because we didn't get a chance to share yesterday, doesn't mean I don't want to know how your break was. So, with this blog post, share your winter break memories. What did you do? Get anything cool for Christmas? Go on any trips? I want to hear about your vacation. Thank you.


  1. I flew to North Carolina to visit my grandparents. It was REALLY warm there; it was 65 Degrees!! Luckily, our plane only got delayed for 9 minutes...

  2. i whent to okiboji with derek g.we slep at a hotel woke up whent swimming and left

  3. Hockey game in ND

  4. i went to both of my grandmas houses and went to hotel with my cousins and had a party. over the extra days we had off i invited my cousin over and we went to the mall and right after that we went to great bear and went tubing for 5 hours! i had a fun christmas break.

  5. My winter break was awesome. one cool thing I got was a kindle fire. since my dad and some uncles and aunts had to work the christmas weekend :( my whole family on my moms side went to my grandparents on saturday, the 31st. it so fun when all of my cousins are there. everyone stayed over night there so when we woke up it was 2012.also on january 1st my uncle mike and i looked on the computer for baby girl names because he is going to have a baby girl.

  6. i got to go to a vikings game. We got 2nd row seats. After the game i forgot what football player it was but he gave his gloves to this 7 year old boy about that age and i was like a foot away. We also got to stay in the hotel where the vikings and my bro stocked them and got bout 3-4 autographs!!!

  7. lets shorten it, i got awesome stuff, had a sleepover with some friends that moved away, and got woken up early almost everyday by my little brother because he wanted me to play lego harry potter years 5-7 with him. got a cool camera too!

  8. Two of my older cousins came over and hung out with my bros and I!!! We played a lot of games and watched a lot of movies!!!!!! It was fun. One of my favorite presents i got were new basketball shoes! Love them!!!!!!!!

  9. For christmas i got a kindle fire and some other stuff. We just had my aunt, uncle, and my grandma and grandpa over for christmas.

  10. I got a droid, blu ray, and I worked. Thats about it.

  11. I went skiing at Terry Peak, Rapid City and went down the Black Diamonds!But my uncle might've broken his collar bone doing that..... so I had fun. and I got a new Star Wars LEGO set that is the Milleninum Falcon and its really huge.So over all it was great!!!

  12. i got a xbox for christmas and my family and i went to blooming, MN to see some family friends. one of em just had brain surgery.

  13. Over winter break i went to a hotel with friends and swam,i also watched the ball drop!

  14. i went to great bear and when i was going up the skilift there was a snowboarder on both sides of me and i was kinda crouded and i couldent get off so i sat there for a second and then when i was jumping off i hit my leg and fell. so now my leg really hurts but that was really the only thing that was bad that happened. i went to county fair and pizza ranch and a movie with my cousin.

  15. I went to both of Grandparent's houses and went to a New Years party.

  16. my winter break was of just normal i had a few bad and good things happen. when i went to the movie theater my phone fell out of my pocket (yes yes it was off) and i couldnt find it then i found my phone and battery on the seet behind us. toward the end of the movie after lokking i still could not find the back to it then when the movie was done we found it like 5 rows in front ofus but at least i found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then i got a bunch f presents none of them were realy to die for though but oh well its the thought that counts, but my mom and dad gave me the best ones. Mr. Klumper i also got the book Catching Fire from my little brother(mymompickedit out for him to give to me though so i gave her most of the credit even though i told her specificly wich one i wanted and i even took her to target to show her the exact one)

    mine is realy long sorry just had alot of stuff happen!!!!!!!!!

  17. I went to Maple Grove,MN were all of my mom's side lives and on Christmas Eve we have 3 out of 4 brothers there of my mom's and 5 out of 6 including my mom. All my cousins combined were 12. We all opened our yearly gifts from Auntie Elaine. (I got a diary) Then we all just talked and ran around.

  18. i went to iowa and i got a laptop for christmas

  19. I just stayed at home but I got a puppy!!!

  20. I got a TV, DVD player, artset, roller blades, and money. I went to visit my grandparents, my great grandma, and my dads.

  21. I got an ipod touch for Christmas and i went to jasper mn to go to my grandmas house.

  22. I stayed home and did notting but go to great bear with my freinds. the best present was a new tv.

  23. My cousin and aunt came from Colarado and they are going to move here. So i got to see them and i went to Great Bear and watch movies.

  24. I went to GREAT BEAR and snowboarded with Cade and Ausin. Then we had a sleepover.

  25. For Christmas break I had a big family gathering at my grandpa's house and it was my mom's and dad's side combined. For the picture I got to be on the top of the barn.

  26. I went to minnesota for christmas and i got to go to a miami heat game.


  28. I went to Sioux Falls to my uncles house and i got ps3 games like mw3 and skyrim alsoa puppy.

  29. My winter break was OK. I got this game called Bocce, with 6 metal balls, 1 tiny wooden ball, and some red string with these sharp plastic things on each side. It didn't even come with instructions, so I had to look them up online[which is very hard to do when you have a travel one, and all you see are ones meant for beaches.

  30. well really just stayed home went to my grandmas for new years. I also went shopping after christams at Kohls and got realy cool boots

  31. I just had a normal Christmas!

    First we got the turkey ready and mashed potatoes and others.
    Then we ate and open present. After that we played apple to apple.
    For the present I got clothes, rubix cube, and money like 500 worth of money see why I liked to have my birthday closed to Christmas. I bought four pairs of shoes( include puma one I bought myself) and clothes and that it. Hope you had a good Christmas.

    P.S. I slept in alot!

  32. I got a stero for christmas. But nothing else really happend me. besides christmas.

  33. I went to see my G-ma and G-pa over in MN and we did some christmas stuff and opened presents. Thats it other wise it was just same christmas at my house.

  34. Me and my family went to my grandmas house for Christmas i also got a new phone and a ipod touch

  35. I was pretty much with my friends the whole time and went to my grandparents house for Christmas.

  36. Everyone did so many things! I didn't really do much but bake batches of this jam filled butter cookies and eat them all in one night besides a few extras. I had a lot of fun baking them, ordering both of my sisters around in the kithcen. Ha, ha. After we filled a couple of baking sheets we had a clump of dough and didn't feel like making another batch, so we just settled on making one gaint cookie. ;)

  37. I went and played lazer tag mini golf bumper cars and bat in batting cages. It was fun the place is called................... uh I forgot but it was AWESOME!!!!!

  38. ON Christmas Eve i went to one of my grandmas and grandpas house and got a nook color from them!!!!Plus, got to see family.On Christmas i got a phone, then went to my other grandmas house for lunch.Plus my aunt who lives in Boston was here all December.On the 30th it was my Birthday i went to this place called Color Me Mine with my friends.I got Super Mario Bros for DSI XL and Sonic Rush for DSI XL, and a bracelet and jewelry box.My party was a sleepover we stayed up till 3 AM.So on New Years i fell asleep at 11:30.

  39. okay umm not much... but we whent to x-day serves and we played pool at my grandmas. when crazy too. my aunt and my mom had to work on christmas eve. i got to see my cousins for the first time in a long time and we always thought it was going to snow on christmas eve and we bet it a gainst me and my sister. but ya. ....ummm... hoping i could get a new labtop for christmas and a new TV. but like that would happen cuz we r saving up so we can go to Canada in august. thats going to be fun we r camping with friends pluse we are saving for a new camper...CANT WAIT:).so yup my christmas wasnt that exciting ... joking it was cool. it was fun tooooooo:)

  40. I hung out with my little brothers that live in Souix Falls and it was fun I finished 3 books that I got for CHRISTmas and my family sat down around our fireplace and my mom read the story of Santa and the story of Jesus I like the one about Jesus better so did my brothers then we ate ALOT I helped cook most of it in fact the only thing I didnt halp make was the turkey and the ham but only because I couldnt and neither could my mom shes allergic to turkey then we opened present from the rest of the family and I got clothes :( more books :) a mp3 player :/ a mp3 touch player :D and much more then we prayed and most of the familiy left except for me my mom my brothers stepdad and my cusin my mom and stepdad went to bed at 12:00 AM my lilest brother went to bed at 10:00 PM My other brother went to bed at 1:30 AM my cusin went to bed at 2:30 AM and I went to bed at 5:00 AM fun right NO now I have my night and day mixed up

  41. went to my G-Pa (i call him that Gpa) and grandmas and got to see there HUGE dog it is a saint benard and her name is stormy i went sking with my BSFL ( Brooke Top) it was super fun!

  42. I went to Texas and went to a Cowboys game, Mavs game and I toured the JFK six floors

  43. My chrismas was fun. On the 30th I watch ufc on pay-per-view. Then on christmas eve I went to 1 of my grandmas. Then on christmas morning I opened up my presents and my other grandma came to my house.

  44. I GOT preeseent


    ice cream macien

  45. i got an IPod touch for christmas!


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