
Monday, January 9, 2012

The Taj Mahal

There are major structures of the Ancient World. We have studied some of them such as the Pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China. Now, as we study ancient India, we again find a major structure, which is considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. I would like you to learn about the Taj Mahal and to do that, let's take a look at a website.

Task: Use this Taj Mahal Website to answer the questions about the Taj Mahal.
Points: 15 (3 points per question)
DUE: Friday, January 13, 2012. Midnight.

1. Who ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal?
2. How long did it take to build?
3. How many visitors does the Taj Mahal attract annually?
4. How much did the Taj Mahal cost in modern American currency?
5. Summarize the origins of the Taj Mahal.

Post a comment to this blog post with your answers.


  1. 1. Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal

    2. It took 22 years

    3. It atracts about 2-4 million people

    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. When Shah took over he got married to Mumtaz mahal. But Mumtaz died giving birth to thier 14th child and the the Taj Mahal was built in her honor

  2. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shan Jahan got married to Mumtaz Mahal and they were very happy. But she dies while giving birth to their 14th kid. So Shan Jahan ordered the Taj Mahal to be built in memory of his wife.

  3. 1.shah jahan
    3.2-4million visitors
    5.Shah Jahan was the king and married Arjumand Bano Begum. But while she was giving birth she died. In admiration to her he ordered to con struct the Taj Mahal ater his wifes changed name.

  4. 1.Shan Jahn
    2. 22 years
    3.2-4 million
    4. $1,062,843,098
    5. Shan Jahn was the king and got married to Arjumand. She was his third wife. He changed her name to Mumatz Mahal wich meand choden one of the palace or jewled of the palace. They lived happily until she died while giving birth to her 14th child. Then he orderd that the Taj Mahal was going to be built. He built it in honor of his wife. some people say that if was for him not his wife.

  5. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4
    4. $1,062,834,098.00
    5.When Shah Jahan took over throne he feel in love with the beautiful Arjumand Bano Begum and married her.However, tragedy struck when Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to their 14th child. Extremely saddened by this, Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal, in honor of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal was built with white marble.

  6. shah jahan


    2 to 4 million


    shah jahan took the trone and was maried to his wife that he loved very mutch and the feeling was mutual but trajity struck when his wife dided giving birth to his 14th child

  7. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. fell in love got married 3times lost his wife bulit taj mahal in honor of his wife.

  8. It was built by Shah Jahan, it took 22 years to build. It attracts 2 to 4 million visitors. Costed $1,062,834,098. When Shah Jahan took over he fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum this was Shahs 3rd wife, after they got married he changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal, which means chosen one or jewel of the palace. They were living happily until tragedy struck when she died giving birth to their 14th child. Extremely saddened by this, he ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal, in honor of his wife

  9. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. 1,062,834,098 dollars
    5. The king dude of India married his 3rd love and when she died he wanted something to remember her. Her name was Mumtaz Mahal.

  10. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million people
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan took over the throne and fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum and married her. He changed her name to Mamtaz Mahal which means Chosen One of the Palace. She died giving birth to her 14th child, so that is why he ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal. It was built with white marble.

  11. Here are my answers:

    1. Shah Jahan

    2. It look 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.

    3.2-4 million people

    4. $1,062,834,098 in modern America ncurrency (thats a lot of money!)

    5. Shah Jahan took over the throne and marries Arjumand Bano Begum. The nhe changed her name to "Mumtaz Mahal" which means "Jewel of the Palace". Then Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to their 14th child. Shah Jahan became extremely sad and ordered the construction of Taj Mahal in honor of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

  12. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 Years to build
    3. 2-4 million visitors a year
    4. 32 Rupees (in united states dollars that is $1,062,834,098
    5. When Shah Jahan took over he got married toMumtaz Mahal, She diedgiving birth. So Shah demanded the Taj Mahal

  13. Task-
    1)Shan Jahal
    2)22 years
    3)2-4 million
    5)The Taj Mahal is located in Arga,India.

  14. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 Years
    3.2-4million annually 200,000 overseas
    5.Shah jahan got married to Arjumad Bano Begum.he changed her name to "Mumtaz Mahal" which means "Chosen One Of The Palace" or "Jewel Of The Palace." They lived happily together.But,tragically she died while giving birth to her 14th child.He ordered construction of the "Taj Mahal" in honor of her.Some historians believed that he ordered a black "Taj Mahal" for himself.He was going to have a bridge from his to hers but that never happened.the reasons why still remain a mystery.

  15. 1)Shah Johan
    2)22 years
    3)2-4 million
    5) Shah Johan fell in love and married Arjumand Baro Begum shortly after taking the throne. He changed his wife's name to Muntaz Mahal. His wife died while giving birth to thier 14th child. Shah ordered the constuction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  16. 1. Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal.
    2.It took 22 years to construct.
    3.It attracts 2-4 million people annually.
    4. It would cost $1,062,834,098.
    5. Shah Jahan married Arjumand Bano Begum and she changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. Then Mumtaz Mahal died giving birth to their 14th child. Sad about her death, Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.It was made out of white marble. And some people believe that Shah jahan ordered the construction of a Taj Mahal for himself which was supposedly going to be positioned across the rivver and connected to the Taj Mahal. but this never happened.

  17. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan married Arjumand Bano Begum. Shah changed his wifes name to Mumtaz Mahal which means chosen one of the palace or jewel of the palace. She died by giving birth to her 14th child. Shah ordered construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  18. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million
    5.Shah Jahan took over as king and he fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum and changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. She died when giving birth to their 14th child. Shah then ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal.

  19. 1. shah jahah
    2. 22years
    2 or 4 millon
    1062834098 dollers

  20. #1.Mumtaz Mahal
    #2.22 years
    #3.2-4 million visitors
    #5.Shan Jahan died and his wife ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his death.

  21. Task #1

    #1. Shah Jahan
    #2. 22 years
    #3. 2-4million
    #4. $1,062,834,098

    #5. Shah Jahan fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum,and he changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal.After she had,had her 14th cild she died.He built the Taj Mahal to honor her.

  22. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors
    5.Shah Jahan's wife died while having a baby. He decieded to construct it in honor of her.

  23. 1:Shah Jahan
    2:22 years
    5:Shah Jahan fell in love with this womean named Arjumand Bano Begum. He changed her name to Mumtaz..which means choosin one and other things. after she dies tragidy stuck in which made him build the Taj Mahal.

  24. 1.Shah Jahan 2.22 years 3.2-4 million 4.$1062834098 5.Shah fell in love and married Arjumand, then change her name.When she died the King ordered her tomb,Taj Mahal, to be built.

  25. 1.Shah Jahan
    2. 22years
    3.2-4million viotors a year
    4.1,062,834,098 of the seen wonders of the world.

  26. 1.Shah Jahan

    2.22 years

    3.2-4 million visitors annually

    4.$1,062,834,098 in modern money

    5.When Shah Jahan took the throne, he fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum and married her. He changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. Unfortunately while giving birth to thier 14th child Mumtaz Mahal died. So the king ordered the Taj Mahal's construction in memory of his wife.

  27. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors annually
    4. 1,062,834,098
    5. Shah fell in love with Arjumand. She died and Shah ordered the building of the Taj Mahal.

  28. 1. Shah Jahan

    2. 22 years

    3. 2-4 million Visitors

    4. 1,062,834,098

    5. Shan Jahan deeply loved his wife Mumtaz Mahal and when she died he ordered the construction for Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  29. 1.Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors.
    5. It started in 1631 when Shah Juhan took over the throne. He married Arjumand Bano Begum and changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal was built to honnor Shah's third wife.

  30. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan took over the throne and married Arjumand Bano Begum her name was changed to Mumtaz Mahal and know as that from then on. Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to there 14th child. So Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal.

  31. 1 Shah Jahan

    2 22

    3 2-4 million places

    4 1,062,834,098

    5 A king fell in love with a girl and when she died he built a palace in her onour

  32. 1: Mumtaz Mahal
    2: 22 years
    3: 2-4 million visitors
    4: 1,062,834,098
    5: He fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum. Then he lived happily.

  33. 1. Who ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal: Shah Jahan
    2. How long did it take to build:22 years.
    3. Taj Mahal visotors: 2-4 millions visitors annually.
    4. Taj Mahal cost in american money:$1,062,834,098
    5.Origins of the Taj Mahal: Shah Jahan took over the throne and fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum and married her. It was Shah's third wife. After there marriage Shah changed his wife's name to "Mumtaz Mahal". Something bad happend after that Shah's wife died giving birth to her 14th child. So Shah ordered constuction of the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife.

  34. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. When Shah Jahan took over the throne he married his 3rd wife(Mumtaz Mahal) who died while giving birth to her 14th child. He was really sad so he made a build in memory of her and called it the Taj Mahal.

  35. shah jahan oder the construction of the taj took 22 years to built it.taj mahal attracts 2-4 millon visitors would cost 1,062,834,098 dallors.the summireize of this shah jahan lost her wife and built it for her .

  36. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million
    5.When Shah Jahan toook over the throne he fell in love. They got married and he changed her name to somthing that means chosen one of the palace. They lived happiley untill the tragety of the wife died during the birth of their 14 kid. Shah Jahan ordered workers to build the Taj Mahal in honor of his dead wife. He was going to build a black one for himself but never did.

  37. 1.shah Jahah

    2.22 years

    3.2-4 million people

    4. 1,062,834,098

    5.shah Jahahs wife Mumtaz Mahal died while having her 14th child. Shah Jahah ordered the consruction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  38. (1) It was built by Shah Jahan.
    (2) It took 22 years to build it.
    (3) Taj Mahal attracts 2-4 million visitors annually.
    (4) The Taj Mahal costed 1,062,834,098 in modern american currency.
    (5) When Shah Jahan took over throne, he fell in love with beautiful Arjumand Bano and they got married. After they got married, Shaw changed his wifes nam to Mutaz Mahal which means chosen one of the palace.

  39. 1.Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2 or 4 million
    4. 1062834098
    5. basicly he made and building for her.

  40. 1: Shah Jahan

    2: 22 years

    3: 2-4 million

    4: $1,062,834,098 dollars

    5: Shah Jahan maried a women Arjumand Bano Begum and changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal and when she died giving birth o their 14 child Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife. Some people thought shah jahah ordered the constructon for himslef, but it still is a mystery.

  41. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors anuall with over 200,000 from overseas
    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. When Shah Jaun took over throne, he fell in love with a girl named Arijumand Bano Begum and married her. He canged her name to "Mumtaz Mahal" which meant "Chosen one for the palace" or "Jewel of the palace." There was some trouble when Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to her child and died. Shah made a building called to Taj Mahal.

  42. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors anuall with over 200,000 from overseas
    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. When Shah Jaun took over throne, he fell in love with a girl named Arijumand Bano Begum and married her. He canged her name to "Mumtaz Mahal" which meant "Chosen one for the palace" or "Jewel of the palace." There was some trouble when Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to her child and died. Shah made a building called to Taj Mahal.

  43. Task#1: Shah Jahan orderd the construction. It took 22 years. 2-4 million visitors annually and over 200,000 over seas. It coast 1,062,834,098 in American money. Shah jahan he took over the throme and he got married to his 3rd wife. Then she died and Shah made her the Taj Mahal she died when she was giving birth to there 14th child.

  44. 1.Mumtaz Mahal
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors
    5.When Shah Jahan took over the throne, fell in love with the Arjumand Bano Begum and married her.

  45. 1 Shah Jahan
    2 22 years
    3 2-4 million
    4 $1,062,834,098
    5 Shah Jahan got married but she died giving birth to her 14th child. Shah Jahah made the Taj Mahal for her.

  46. Shah Jahan

    22 years

    2-4 million


    Shah Jahan fell in love with a beautiful girl and they got married. He changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. When she died when having their fourteenth child, he was overcome by grief and ordered the building of the Taj Mahal.

  47. 1.Shah Jahan took 22 years to build
    3.taj mahal attracts 2-4 million visitors annually with over 200,000 from overseas would cost $1,062,834,098

    when shah jahan took over the trone he fell in love with a beautiful lady and married her.she soon died after giving birth to her 14th child, he then ordered the construction of the taj mahal.

  48. Task 1:
    1) Shah Jahan
    2)22 years
    3)2-4 million visitors
    5) Shah married a girl and her name was changed to Mumtaz. She died while giving birth to the 14 child. Shah was very sad so he built the building in her honor.

  49. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 20 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098 (32 rupees)
    5. the taj mahal was built for Shah Jahan's wife.

  50. 1: Shah Jahan

    2: 22 years

    3: $1,062,834,098

    4: 2-4 million

  51. 1. Shah Jahan

    2. 22 years

    3. 2-4 million people

    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. Shah Jahan was the great ruler of India when he married Arjumand Bano Begum, who he newly named "Mumtaz Mahal", meaning "Chosen one of the Palace" or "Jewel of the Palace", because he loved her deeply. They had a very good time togeather, but sadly when Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to her fourteenth child she died. Shah Jahan was heart broken by her death, and he, for his favorite wife, decided a great tomb made from white marble and precious stones would be built for her. This tomb was callled the Taj mahal. Some say he wanted a black Taj Mahal to be built on the other side of the river, but this never happened.

  52. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan was married to his wife Mumtaz Mahal and when she died he was really sad so he built the Taj Mahal in honor of her.

  53. 1631.
    22 years.
    2-4 million visitors.
    Shah Jahan made it for his wife after she had died of givening birth.

  54. 1. Who ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal?
    Shah Jahan

    2. How long did it take to build?

    22 years

    3. How many visitors does the Taj Mahal attract annually?

    2-4 million

    4. How much did the Taj Mahal cost in modern American currency?


    5. Summarize the origins of the Taj Mahal
    The taj Mahal was built because Shah jahan's wife died so he wanted to dedicate something to her.

  55. #1 ordered by Shah Jahan
    #2 it took 22 years to build.
    #3 2-4 million visitors annually.
    #4 1,062,834,098
    #5 shah ordered the Taj Mahal to be built for his love Mumtaz Mahal that died. It was built to honor her.

  56. The guy who ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal was Shah Jahan. It took 22 years to build. It had 2-4 million visitors anually. It costed in American money $1,062,834,098! The Taj Mahal was expensive and Shah Jahan made it for his wife who died having their 14th kid. I would say that the Taj Mahal is really sucessful too.

  57. 1. Shan Jahan
    2. 22years
    3. 2-4visitors
    5.Shan Jahan got married and built a huge building and named it after her.

  58. 1. Mumtaz Mahal
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 millon vistors
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. It is a story of shah jahan took over the thorn and married and his wife dying

  59. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan took he fell in love with someone and she died giving birth to her 14 child so they built the Taj Mahal for her.

  60. #1 Shah orderd the constuction of the Taj Mahal.

    #2 It took 22 years to build.

    #3 It attracts 2-4 MILLION visitors annually.

    #4 It cost $1,062,834,098 to build in modern day money.

    #5 Shah took over the throne and then fell in luv with this girled named Arjumand and then married her. that was his 3rd wife. Aftervhe got married he changed his wifes name to Mumtaz Mahal. Tragedy struck when Mumtaz died while giving birth to hr 14th kid. After that Shah ordered his his men to biuld the Taj Mahal i honor of his wife.

  61. 1. Sha Jahan

    2.22 years

    3.2-4 million


    5. When Shah Jahan's wife died he ordered the construction of the taj mahal in honnor of his wife

  62. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million people
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. The reason it was built was because his wife died then he built it in her honor. He was also to have them build one for him but they never did.

  63. 1.shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors
    5.when shah jahan took over the throne he fell in love withe beautiful Arjumand they got married, Shah changed his new wife's name to Mumtaz Mahal which means Chosen One of the Palace or Jewel of the Palaceumand Bano Begu

  64. 1.ordered constuction:Shah Jahan
    2.take to build:22 years many visitors:2-4 million visitors anually with over 200,000
    from overseas much did it cost:1,062,834,098 dollars in the modern American money
    5.summarize the origins: Shah Jahan took over throne and dot married for the third time. He later changed his wifes name to be Mumataz Mahal, later she died from giving birth to their 14th child. Sad by this Shah Jahan ordered the constuction of the Taj Mahal. It was made with white marble. After the construciton of the Taj Mahal Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Black Taj Mahal for himself. This not ever happening remains a mystery.

  65. 1 shah janan

    2 22 years

    3 2-4 million peaple

    4 $1,062,834,098

    5 It was bilt in honor of his wife

  66. 1.shah jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million
    5.when shah took over the throne he fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum he married her this was his third wife after they got married he changed his wifes name and she lived happily from now on she was know as mumtaz mahal

  67. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors
    5.Shah Jahan took over the throne he fell in love with a women. He changed her name. His wife died when giving birth to her 14th child.

  68. 1.shah jahan

  69. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors annually
    5.Shah Jahan was the one who took over the throne while he fell in love with a girl named Arjumand Bano Begum and married her. But he changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. And that means chosen one of the palace. but soon she died because she gave birth to their 14th child. so he decided to build a building called the taj mahal. taj mahal was made out of white marble. some people belive ethat shah jahan ordered the construction of the taj mahal for himself. but this remains a mystery

  70. the one who ordered the construction was Shah Jahan

    it took 22 years

    they attracted 2-4 million vistors

    it costed 1062834098 dollars

    when whe Shah Jahan took over he fell in love and married her her name is Arjumand Bano Begum and it was his 3rd wife he changed her name two "Mumtaz Mahal" and lived happley ever after

  71. 1. Shah Jahan ordered to build the taj mahal.
    2. it took 22 years to complete.
    3. 2-4 million a annually
    4. it would cost 1,062,834,098
    5. Why the taj mahal was built because a wife died after giving birth to their 14th child he felt sad so he built the taj mahal in her memory.

  72. #1shah jahan for the honor of his wife

    #2it took 22 years to build

    #3the taj mahal attracts 2-4 million people

    #4the taj mahal costs 1062834098 dollars in modern ameerica

    #5 it is located in agra india it is a type of building is islamic tomb

  73. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 Years
    3. 2-4 Million visitors
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. When Shah Jahan took over the thrown he fell in love with a girl named Arjumand Bano Bengum and married her. His wife changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. When she was givimg birth to her 14th died while givimg birth. Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  74. 1.emporer shah jehan

    2.22 years

    3.2-4 million visitors

    4.32 million India rupees.

    5.The taj mahal took 22 years to build.every year,2-4 million people go to a building that cost 32 million India rupees.(dollars.)

  75. 1. Emperor Shah Jehan
    2. 22years
    3. 9000 per year
    4. $64
    5.Taj Mahal was built in memory of Mumtaz Mahal the wife of Shah Jahan.

  76. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors
    4. $1,062,834,098 dollars
    5. When Shah Jahan became king and married his 3rd wife Arjumand Bano Begum. He changed his wifes name to Mumtaz Mahal that means Chosen One of the Palace or Jewel of the Palace. When his wife died Shah ordered to make the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife.

  77. 1.shah jahan

    2. 22 years

    3.2-4 million annually with ouver 200,000 overseas


    5.shah jahan built it for his wife because she died giving birth

  78. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. it took 22yrs
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. A king was depressed that his wife died so he ordered it to be built

  79. IT took 22 YEARS to build it! holy cow.. Shan Jahan was married 3 times an dhe changed her name! And they had 14 kids and she died giving birth!1 billion etc.......... it 20,000 people worked their!

  80. 1.shah jahah
    3.22,000 visitors
    5.When Shah Jahan took over the throne, he fell in love with the beautiful Arjumand Bano Begum and married her. This was Shah's third wife. After they got married, Shah changed his new wife's name to "Mumtaz Mahal" which means "Chosen One of the Palace" or "Jewel of the Palace." From now on, she was known as Mumtaz Mahal. So, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal lived happily. However, tragedy struck when Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to their 14th child. Extremely saddened by this, Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal, in honor of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal was built with white marble. Some historians believe that Shah Jahan ordered the construction of a black Taj Mahal for himself, which was supposedly going to be position across the river Yamuna and connected to the White Taj Mahal with a bridge. This never happened, however, and the reasons why remain a mystery.

  81. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan fell in love with a girl and changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal. Which meant "Jewel of the Palace". She died while having her 14th baby. Shah was so sad because he was building it for her.

  82. 1. Shah Jahan

    2. 20 years

    3. 2-4 million

    4. 1,062,834,098 dollars

    5. fell in love and made her a castle becaus she was the gem of the castle.

  83. 1.shah jahan
    2.22 years
    4.1,062,834,098 was constucted in 1631 and completed in 1653

  84. 1.Emperor Shah Jehan.

    2. Nearly 22 years.

    3. Between 2 million-4million people.

    4.1,062,834,098 billion.

    5. The Taj Mahal started about 1631 It was finally completed on 1653.

  85. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million with over 200,000 from overseas.
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shah Jahan fell in love with Arjumand Bano Begum, whose name later became Mimtaz Mahal. She died delivering their 14th child. Jahan built the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife. A black Taj Mahal was supposed to be built for him, but wasn't for a reason that remains a mystery to us today.

  86. 1. Shan Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors
    4. 1,062,834,098
    5. The Taj Mahal was built in memory for his wife, Arjumas Bano Begum.

  87. 1. Who ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal?
    Shah Jahan
    2. How long did it take to build?
    22 years
    3. How many visitors does the Taj Mahal attract annually?
    2-4 million visitors
    4. How much did the Taj Mahal cost in modern American currency?$1,062,834,098 (wow)
    5. Summarize the origins of the Taj Mahal
    HIS WIFE DIES and he built her a palace

  88. 1.Shan jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million visitors 200,000 over seas
    5.shan jahan took the trown and gor married. the wife died by giving birth so shah biult the taj mahal honor of his wife it was going to be across the yamuna river.

  89. 1. Shah Jahan.
    2. 22years.
    3. 200,000 or 2-4 million visitors.
    4. $1,062,834,098.
    5. Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of Shah Jahan.

  90. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    5. when Shah Jahan took over the town he fell in love with the prettiest girl there it was instant love. her name was Mumtaz Mahal.

  91. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors
    4. $1062834098

  92. 5. Shah Jahan married a girl know as Mumtaz Mahal. Later she died when giving brith to the 14th kid.So he ordered the construction of the Taj Mahal in honor of her.People think they were going to make another one in honor of him, but the reasons stays a mystery.

  93. 1:Emporer Shah Jahan

    2:22 years

    3:2.5 million


    5:The Taj Mahal represents the finest and most sophisticated example of Mughal architecture. Today it is one of the most famous and recognisable buildings in the world.

  94. 1.Shan Jahan
    2.22 years
    3.2-4 million people
    5.When he was a king he got married. While she was giving birth to her 14th kid she died. Shah built a palace to honor her

  95. 1.Shah Jahan
    2.22 years
    5.He got married when he took over the throne

  96. 1: Shah Jahan

    2: 22 years

    3: 20,000

    4: 1,062,834,098

    5: Shah Jahan was in love with this girl that he thought was the most prettiest girl in the world and he asked her to marrie her and her name was mumtaz Mahal and she said yes and they were very happy.

  97. *1 Shah Jahan

    *2 22 Years

    *3 20,000

    *4 $1,062,834,098

    *5 His wife died wile giving birth and he built a place to honor her

  98. 1.shah jahan
    3.2-4million visitors
    5.Shah Jahan was the king and married Arjumand Bano Begum. But while she was giving birth she died. In admiration to her he ordered to con struct the Taj Mahal ater his wifes changed name.

  99. Shah Jahan
    22 years
    2-4 million people
    The reason it was built was because his wife died then he built it in her honor. He was also to have them build one for him but they never did.

  100. 1. Shah Jahan

    2. 22 years

    3. 200,000

    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. His wife died wile giving birth and he built a palace to honor her.

  101. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. 22 years
    3. 2-4 million visitors
    4. $1,062,834,098
    5. Shan Jahan got married to Mumtaz Mahal and they were happy. But she dies while giving birth to their 14th kid. So Shan Jahan ordered the Taj Mahal to be built in memory of his wife.

    Sorry its late I was sick!!!

  102. 1.shah jahan
    2.22 years it took.
    3.2to4million visitors.
    5.When Shah Jahan wife died giving birth,he built the TajMahal in her remembrance?

  103. 1.shah jahan
    3.2 to 4million people
    5.shah jahan met a girl wen he was king.while she was pregnant she shah built the taj mahal for her

  104. 1 Shah jahan
    2 22 years
    3 2-4million visitors
    4 $1062834098
    5 Shah jahan was a the king and married Armand Bano Begum. But while she was giving birth she died in admiration to her he orderdto construct the Taj Mahalia after his wife's changed name

  105. 1. Shah Jahan
    2. It Took 22 years
    4. 1,062,834,098
    5. his wife died when she was giving birth so in honor of her he had the taj mahal built

  106. 1. it was ordered by shah Jahan took 22 years
    3. 2-4million visitors
    4. 1,062,834,098
    5. shah jahan had the trone, he then fell inlove with means chosen one of the palace.she died giving birth to their 14th child.he ordered to builed the taj mahal in honor of his wife.

  107. 1. Shah Jahan

    2. 22 years

    3. 20,000

    4. 1,062,834,098

    5. wife died when giving birth so in honor of her he had the Taj Mahal built

  108. 1.shah jahan
    4. 1,062,834,098
    5. his wife died when giving bierth and he built the taj mahal for her.

  109. 1. shah jahan

    2. 22 yrs.

    3. 20,000

    4. 1,062,834,098

    5.for his wife because she died giving birth

  110. shah jahan
    his wife died when giving birth to their 14th kid and he built the taj mahal for her.

  111. 1. Shara Jahan

    2. 22 years

    3. 2-4 million

    4. $1,062,834,098

    5. Shara jahan built it for his wife after she died

  112. 1.Shah Jahan
    5.he fell in love with Arjumand Begum thay got mairyed and then he changed her name and she died having her 14 baby! then he made the taj mahal in oner of her.

  113. #1 it was built by shah jahan.

    #2 it took 22 years

    #3 they get 2-4 million people 200,000 are from over seas.

    #4 it cost 1,062,834,098

    #5 shah jahan fell in love with arjumand begum and got married then they changed her name then she died having her 14th kid.then he made the taj mahal in hournor. of her.

  114. #1 it was built by shah jahan.

    #2 it took 22 years

    #3 they get 2-4 million people 200,000 are from over seas.

    #4 it cost 1,062,834,098

    #5 shah jahan fell in love with arjumand begum and got married then they changed her name then she died having her 14th kid.then he made the taj mahal in hournor. of her.


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