
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mummification In-Depth

Mummification is a fascinating (and gross) ritual of the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egypt wasn't the only civilization to mummify their dead, but the process in which they did it was very elaborate. Mummification was a very important aspect to their religion and belief of the afterlife. Without preserving the body, their soul would not be able to travel to the Afterlife and gain eternity. Where did these mummies go? In the pyramids. The pyramids were not worship centers or just cool monuments, they were tombs for the mummy and all the other items buried with it. In class, we talked about the steps of mummification but with this prezi, we are going to extend our mummification learning a little further by going in-depth. This mummification prezi will teach you about a few other details about mummification. All you have to do is tell me what you learned from it. The information contained in this prezi will be on the test.
Task: Go through the "Mummification In-Depth" Prezi and tell me three things that you learned.
DUE: Friday, November 11th, 2011. Midnight.
POINTS: 20 completion points.


  1. The first step of mummification is the anouncement of death. The second step is the removal of the brain. I didnt know that the organs were placed in jars.

  2. 1.During the announcement of death, people would be payed to cry for the pharoah. Some people would pay others because the more people crying, the better chance of getting into the afterlife.
    2.The weighing of the heart was a very important ritual. It was performed by Anubis, and he would use the Feather of Truth.
    3.Anubis was the god of mummification.

  3. I learned what the 6 steps were to mummify a person.

    I learned that what they wrapped them in was called linen cloth.

    I learned they let the body sit covered in Natron salt for up to 35 to 40 days.

  4. I Leaned how they did the canopic jars. Also Anubis is the god of mummification. They weighed the heart ageist the feather of truth

  5. 1.The egyptians mummified the person because they believed that if they didnt mummify the person they wouldnt make it to the afterlife.

    2. There was an important ritual called the weighing of the heart. this was used to see if your heart was lighter than a feather, if so then you would be allowed into the afterlife. if not you would be devoured.

    3.They mummified the body to preserve it so it would be recognizable by the spirit in the afterlife.

  6. #1 Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body.

    #2 Egyptians believed it was important to preserve the body for after life.

    #3 Anubis is the god of mummification.

  7. 1. the four organs were placed in seperate canopic jars and had a different disign on each jar to tell what organ it was.

    2.Amulets were wrapped with the mummy to offer good luck or protection in the after life the thing i didn't know is that it brought good luck or protection.

    3.A person needs a light heart to enter the afterlife. Alight heart was earned during life by doing good deeds.

  8. 1.the mummification processes is very gross
    2. there was a message that announced the pharaohs death
    3.they removed guts during the mummification processes

  9. that Anubis is the god of mummification

  10. Task:
    #1 The organs were barried with the mummy
    #2 The important part of mummifaction is the wieghing of the heart.
    #3 The person needed a lighter heart to move on to after life.

  11. 1:ONe thing i didnt know that they did was they put an amulet or jewles in the wrapping of the body for good luck and protection in the afterlife.

    2:ANother is i didnt know that one og the 6 steps to mummifacation was to announces the person's death to people.

    3:Thirs that i didnt know was that Anubis is the god of mummifacation.

    4:Last is i didnt know that when you died they got out your heart and thte weighed it. If the heart was heavier than the feather then Ammut would eat you and if it was lighter then you would go into afterlife

  12. 1. Anubis is the god of mummification.

    2. the four organs were placed in canopic jars.

    3. thare was amulets barid with the mummy.

  13. I learned that mummification in Egypt was a religious thing that they did. They mummified, or preserved the body, of a person because they believed that to get to the afterlife the soul needed a body. Another thing I now know about mummification is that the main thing you must do is remove the moist parts of the body, which means they took out the organs like the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines. Natron Salt was used to soak up all the remaining moister. Anubis is the god of mummification, and the person who guides everyone through the processes of mummifying wears a jackal mask to look like him.

  14. I learned jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy. And 4 of the organs were taken out of a small slit in the side of the stomach. And that the brain was pulled out through the nose by a long hook.

  15. The first thing I learned is that they mummified people so that they can go to the afterlife.
    The second thing i learned is that they bury the organs with the body.
    The third thing I learned is that Anubis is the god of mummification.

  16. The people did mumification to preserve the body.
    The braiin was removed through the nose.
    The hokks they used loook like a long fishing hook.

  17. 1. People were paid to cry.
    2. The brain was removed thruogh nose.
    3. Ilearnd Anubus was thr god of mumification

  18. The first step is to annoucent the persons death. The second step is to remove their brain. I did not know that they had to rap the muummy in muummia. And they had to use a hooke to pull the brain out the nose.

  19. Task #1. They thought that if the body was not perserved it would not make it to the after life. That Anubis is the god of mumification. The steps of mummification.

  20. Task #1
    #1 I learned that Anubis was the god of mummification.

    #2 They mummified people sp the could go to the after life.

    #3 The last thing i learned was that the jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy.

  21. the people did mumification to chek the body they would grind the brain the it would come out the nose

  22. 1.They belived that if not mummified that they would not make it to the after life.
    2.Mumification had 6 basic steps.
    3.The four organs that were taken out were put in canopic jars and burried them with the mummy.

  23. The first step was anouncment of death. I didn't know that I thought news just traveled. The other thing is I didn't know that they buirried the mummies with amulets in thier wrapings.

  24. 1. The 4 organs were put into canopic jars.

    2. They perserved they body for after life.

    3. They removed the brain with a hook.

  25. 1. I learned that a nosehook looked like a fishing hook.
    2. I also learned that the canopic jars had heads on them.
    3. Finnaly I learned that Anubis is the god of mummification.

  26. I learned that Anubis was the god of mummification, they mummified people so the could have a safe trip to the after life, and i learned that pull the brain out through the nose.

  27. 1. I didn't know people were payed to cry when a pharaoh died.
    2. I learned that the organs had specific jars for each of the organs.
    3.I learned jewelry and amulets were buried with the mummy.

  28. 1.They announcement of death
    2.Drying of the body
    3.They wrapped jewelry and other stuff in the wrapping.

  29. #1 Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body.
    #2 In the 6 basic steps the 2nd step was the removal of the brain. In the Egyptians beliefs the brain was not important. So it was thrown away.
    #3 Amulets are small pieces of jewelry that would be wrapped with the body to offer good luck and protection for the mummy in the afterlife.

  30. #1 I didn`t know that the egyptians thought the brain was useless.
    #2 I didn`t know that amulets were buried with the mummy.
    #3I didn`t know that anyone could be buried.

  31. i learned that you had to take out the entestiens and all of those other things in the stomach. i learned that if you were mummified, you could make it to the after life. and finally, i learned the two different ways to pull out the brain! (YUCK!)

  32. 1. People were paid to cry.
    2. Ilearnd Anubus was thr god of mumification
    3. The brain was removed through the nose.

  33. 1: Anubis is the god of mummification
    2: The Plummet Amulet kept the body balenced
    3: One of the Canopic jars is Hapy, which held the lungs

  34. I learned more than 3 important things with this prezi, but here are just 3.

    #1.there was a special tent for mummifying the body, and this was called the embalming tent.
    #2. Wrapping the mummy took a LOT of linen cloth. then the mummy was put in his sarcophagus.
    #3. The internal organs were place in Canopic Jars. Those jars were buried with the mummy.

  35. 1.During the announcement of death, people would be payed to cry for the pharoah. Some people would pay others because the more people crying, the better chance of getting into the afterlife.
    2. The man who cut the pharoah would get stones thrown at them.
    3. There was A amulet placed with the mummy.

  36. 1. The heart decided your fate in the afterlife.
    2. They thought that the brain was useless.
    3. Anubis was the god of mummification.

  37. i lerned that your haert would be wayed agenst a sacred fether to juge if the mummy was good or bad,also that the mummy is rapped with six (give or take) good luck charesfor safe travel to the after life,one of the steps of mumificationis that they dry the body out in natron salt which sucked the moister out of the body.

  38. i learned that there was differnent i learent that the hook were longer then i though they were. and like they recorded it down like how much the heart weighed.

  39. 1. Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body. This was important, for they believed the physical body needed to be preserved for the after life.

    2. During the announcement of death, people would be payed to cry for the pharoah. Some people would pay others because the more people crying, the better chance of getting into the afterlife.

    3. When they took the brain out they stook the hook through the nose and hooked it onto the brain and then made the brain come out the nose.

  40. 1.Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the body.2.The four organs were buried with the mummy.3.Anubis is the god of mummification.

  41. Anubis is the god of mummification.

    Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body.

    People were paid to cry.

  42. 1.During the announcement of death, people would be payed to cry for the pharoah. Some people would pay others because the more people crying, the better chance of getting into the afterlife.

    2. The man who cut the pharoah would get stones thrown at them.

    3. There was A amulet placed with the mummy.

  43. I did not know that the Egyptians believed the physical body needed to be preserved for the after life. Next,I did not know that they sent out a messenger to announce that the pharoah has passed. Last but not least, I did not know that Anubis is the god of mummification.

  44. Task 1: Organs were placed in canopic jars.
    The Isis Knot Amulet was to protect the body.
    Anubis is the god of mummification.

  45. I learned that Anubis was the god of mummification, they mummified people so the could have a safe trip to the after life, and i learned that pull the brain out through the nose.

  46. 1. I didn't know people were payed to cry when a pharaoh died.
    2. I learned that the organs had specific jars for each of the organs.
    3.I learned jewelry and amulets were buried with the mummy.

  47. 1: They took the brain out from the head through one of the nostrils. they used a metal thing that had a hook and the end.

    2: The ancient egyptians thought the brain was useless.

    3: That if the heart was heavy it wouldnt enter the afterlife. it would be devoured by Ammut the Devourer.

  48. Task#1: during the anouncment of death people would get paid to cry and if the more people cryied the better luck it would have at the after life.

    When the person took out the organs he would get stones chucked at him.

  49. 1) if the body was not preserved that person would not make it to the afterlife

    2) the canopic jars that held the mummies organs were buried with the mummy

    3) Anubis was the god of mummification

  50. there were faces on the jars, jewlry was bariud with them, Anubisis was the god.

  51. 1. I learned that you had to have a light hear to goto the after life.

    2. The four organs that are placed in the Canopic Jars are barried with that mummy.

    3. The Jewels that were placed on the mummy were barried with it.

  52. I learned that they placed amulets on the mummy so that it could give good luck/protection.

  53. 1.Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the body.
    2.The four organs were buried with the mummy.
    3.Anubis is the god of mummification.

  54. I did not know that they weighed the heart to know if it was a good clean soul or a bad evil soul.and that most mummys had there arms crossed.

  55. Egyptians would mummify the dead because it would preserve the body,

    They put their organs in conopia jars.

    I didnt know that if a pharoh died you nwere paid to cry.

  56. They preserve the body for the after life.
    They are 6 basic step-
    Announcement of death
    Removal of brain
    Romoval of Itnternal Organs
    Drying the body out
    wrapping the body
    final procession

  57. They preserve the body for the after life.
    They are 6 basic step-
    Announcement of death
    Removal of brain
    Romoval of Itnternal Organs
    Drying the body out
    wrapping the body
    final procession

  58. They preserve the body for the after life.
    They are 6 basic step-
    Announcement of death
    Removal of brain
    Romoval of Itnternal Organs
    Drying the body out
    wrapping the body
    final procession

  59. I did not know they put the organs in jars with faces on them. The Anubis is the god of mummification. Most mummies have their arms crossed.

  60. 1.That the organs where removed after drying the body out.

    2.Ammut would devour you if your heart was hevry than a feather.

    3.That there is many amults

  61. 1. There were six sreps of mummification.
    2.They would take their organs put them in jars and bury it with them.
    3.The people would weigh their heart and if it was heavyer than the feather they would not have an aftelife but if it was lighter they would have an afterlife.

  62. I learned that the egyptians buried the Isis Knot Amulet to protect the persons body.
    I learned that the removing of the brain is the gory step of mummifacation they take the brain out of the nose.
    I learned thae they also bury an amulet that looks like cuneoform it's called the plummet Amulet to keep the body balanced.

  63. 1.Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body.

    2.The four organs removed from the body durring mummification would be set in special jars.For example-the Hapy jar was for lungs.

    3.Anubis is the god of mummification.

  64. I learned that mumifacation is disguting. But besides that i learned that there are 6 steps to mumifacation they are

    1. Announement of death.

    2. Removal of the brains

    3. Remove the organs

    4. Put salt on them to dry out the body for 40 days.

    5. Wrap the mummy.

    6. Put the mummi in the pyrimid.

  65. I learned examples of what amulets would be put into the linen. Also that the god of mummification is Anubis. Finaly the hooks were big and thick. That is the three things i learned and more...

  66. 1 if a body wasnt preserved through mummification it would not make it to the after life.

    2 i didnt know there were names for the amulets.

    3 i also didnt know that the scale where they weighed the heart was called " Feather of Truth".

  67. 1. the four organs were placed in seperate canopic jars and had a different disign on each jar to tell what organ it was.

    2.Amulets were wrapped with the mummy to offer good luck or protection in the after life the thing i didn't know is that it brought good luck or protection.

    3.A person needs a light heart to enter the afterlife. Alight heart was earned during life by doing good deeds.

  68. #1 that the egyptians mumified the dead because so they could go to the after life

    #2 a very important ritual during mummification was the weighing of the heart.

  69. 1. Anubis is the god of mummification.
    2. If the heart was heavier then Ammut the Devoror would eat you.
    3. Small pieces of jewlery would be wrapped with the body to give good luck or protection for the mummy in the after life.

  70. That only pharoahs got burried for people who could afford it.
    The brain is taken out of the nose.
    You have to wait 40 days before you can wrap the mummy.

  71. 1.If the body was not peserved though mummification then that person would not make it to the afterlife.

    2.Someone took a hook and removed the brain from the nose.

    3. The organs were placed in Canopic jars.

  72. 1. The Egypitans mummified the dead because it would perserved for the after life.
    2.Anubis is the god of mummification.
    3. A person needed a light heart to enter the after life.

  73. 1 that thay whigh the hart
    2 bary the amulets
    3 audes the god of mummeys

  74. 1. I didn't know people were payed to cry when a pharaoh died.
    2. I learned that the organs had specific jars for each of the organs.
    3.I learned jewelry and amulets were buried with the mummy.

  75. learned jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy. And 4 of the organs were taken out of a small slit in the side of the stomach. And that the brain was pulled out through the nose by a long hook.

  76. learned jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy. And 4 of the organs were taken out of a small slit in the side of the stomach. And that the brain was pulled out through the nose by a long hook.

  77. learned jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy. And 4 of the organs were taken out of a small slit in the side of the stomach. And that the brain was pulled out through the nose by a long hook.

  78. learned jewels and amulets were buried with the mummy. And 4 of the organs were taken out of a small slit in the side of the stomach. And that the brain was pulled out through the nose by a long hook.

  79. The order of mummification is:
    announcement of death, removal of brain, removal of internal organs, drying out the body, wrapping the body, putting the body in a pyramid

    canopic jars:
    Hapy:lungs duamutef:stomach Qubehsenuef:intestines imsety:liver

    weighing of the heart:
    the heart needs to be lighter then the feather of truth.

  80. first you take out brian.

    second you ramove th organs

    third thoth is the god of recording.

  81. 1. I learned that egyptian mummified the dead to preserve the body.

    2. the 6 steps was
    1. A nnouncement of the death
    2. Removel of the brain
    3. Removel of the internal organs
    4. Drying out the body
    5. Wrapping the body
    6. Final process

    3.Anubis was the god of mummification.

    4.Theyy weighed the heart, if it was heavy they wounldn't gp to the afterlife, and if it was equal then it would you to the afterlife.

    5. The two steps of getting the brain out was with a hook and they had to break through the skulll and pull it out through the nose, and the other way was to swish with the hook and then tip it to his or her side and it would come out through the ear.

    6. The Natron salt wa placed on there for forty days.

    7. They paid people to cry.

    8. The Pharaohs where placed with amulets to protect them or to take them wiht to the afterlife.

  82. 1. Anubis is the god of mummification
    2.A persons heart was weighed against a single feather, and if your heart was lighter than the feather, you moved to the afterlife.
    3. The god, Thoth, recorded the heart's weight against the feather.

  83. That they took out the brain.Also that they cut open the stomach. last that they put amulets in the layers of linen.

  84. 1.Abubis is the god of the mummifacation
    2.The Canopic jars went the pyramids with the mummy
    3.The heart was meusured by the "Feather of Truth"

  85. 1. If the body was not preserved in mummyfication the body would not make it too the after life

    2. Mummyfication took six steps

    3. A spicific jar held each organ

  86. 1. Anubus was the god of mummification
    2. they had to cover the body with Natron Salt to get the moisture to dry out
    3. weigh the heart

  87. 1.Egyptians mummified the dead because it would preserve the dead body.
    2.Anubis is the god of mummifation
    3.A person needed a light heart to enter the afterlife.

  88. #1. people were paid to cry.

    #2 anubis was the god of mummification.

    #3 they weighed the hear against the fether of truth

  89. 1. If the body was not presereved through mmmification, then that person would not make it to the afterlife.
    2. The four organs were placed in a Canopic Jars. The jars were buried with the body
    3. Anubis is the god of mummification.

  90. aubis is the god of mummifacation.

    they put amulets after deafth for protection.

    they mummified people to preserved the body.

  91. 1. The body was soaked with natron salt for about 35 days.

    2.Thoth was the god who recorded the wieght of the heart.

    3. It took six steps tp mummify a body.

  92. that they used the prymids for storing bodys and that the person who cut open the person that was being mummafied wouid get pelted with stones owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee

  93. Before I saw this I didn't know that the way they took out the brain was to get a wire put it in the nose and pull the brain out.

  94. i learned that the organs were placed in jars i also learned that the first step of mummification was they announced the death and the 2nd step is removal of the brain

  95. 1.the annocement when it is made people would get paid to cry cause the pharo died:]
    2. you could eathier pull or scrable the brain and dump them out that is cool
    3.they had to poor nuterence salt to take out the nuterence

  96. I lerened that mummififcation allows a body gos to its after life. Then i leaned that at the end of mummification they say a ritual.

  97. mummification was to preserve the dead
    with no mummification the people wouldn't go into the afterlife
    there were 6 steps to it

  98. 1. I learned that people were payed to cry when the paroh died
    :'( Crying face

    2. The "Slitter" after he did his job was pelted with stone :0 Oww face

    3. If your heart was heavier than the feather of truth you would be devoushed or eated by Ammuet :P dead person when being eatens face

  99. I learned alot of stuff from the prezi but i think since i dont have so much time i'll tell only half of what i learned from the prezi.

    1.the first step was the announcment of death
    2.the second step was removal of the brain.
    3.step was that they had to remove the four important organs and put them in canopic jars and the four jars looked cool on the prezi.
    4. after the third step they had to pour natron salt in the body to wash away the nutrients in the body.
    5. then they had to wrap the body.
    6.the final step was to put it in the pyramid or something it seems that i have short term memory loss.
    And plus to make it to the aftrlife they had to weigh the the heart to the feather of truth if it was lighter then the pharaoh could make it to the afterlife,if it was heavyer then it wouldnt make it to the afterlife.

    THAT's ALL PEACE OUT WS!!!...(water for sixth grade) PEACE!!!... AGAIN.

  100. 1. First is the anowsement of the death.
    2. Then they remove every organ in the body including the brain.
    3. Finally it is coverd in salt and in about 30-40 days it is buried

  101. I didn't know that there was a weighing of the heart.I didn't know there were certain jars for the internal organs.I didn't know that Anubis was the god of mummification.

  102. 1anubis is the god of mummification.
    2i didnt know that you put amulets in the wrappings before you buirry it and prtection in the afterlife.
    3 i didnt know that you place a fether and the heart on a scle to see what would happen in the after life.

  103. 1:ONe thing i didnt know that they did was they put an amulet or jewles in the wrapping of the body for good luck and protection in the afterlife.

    2:ANother is i didnt know that one og the 6 steps to mummifacation was to announces the person's death to people.

    3:Thirs that i didnt know was that Anubis is the god of mummifacation.

    4:Last is i didnt know that when you died they got out your heart and thte weighed it. If the heart was heavier than the feather then Ammut would eat you and if it was lighter then you would go into afterlife

  104. the need of mummify comes from the religious belief.
    you remove the brain thought the noise

    that the canopic jars are barried with the mummy

  105. 1. Anubis is the god of mummification.
    2. The organs are placed in jars.
    3. They remove the brain with a hook.

  106. I lerned that they use canopic jars they think its good to muumify they belivie in many gods

  107. 1. egytiansdid mummification to preserve the a bodys.
    2. they also to have the soul RIP.
    3. And finely announcment of death.


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