
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Conquering Ancient Egypt Together

Egypt is a place of many different topics. It is a place where intrigue and mystique reach an all-time high, especially compared to our two previous units: Stone Age and Mesopotamia. True, those places were important for the development of mankind, but Ancient Egypt fascinates people to this day. It is a place where the seemingly impossible occurred. Its where the pyramids were built, where mummification was performed, where the Nile was used. It is a place that we need to conquer, and to do that, we are going to work together. Your task for this blog post is to help your social studies class "piece" together ancient Egypt. To try to conquer ancient Egypt by yourself would be too daunting, but together, we can achieve our goal. At the conclusion of this activity, we will have produced a great document of ancient Egypt knowledge. You will be able to read other comments to learn more about the other topics.
You will be given a number in class. Use that number to figure out what topic you are responsible for with the "assignments link."

Research: In your notebook, research your topic. Use the websites we have gathered to help you find the information you need. Write down information in your notes, then post consise, well-written comment on the blog.
Details: Your comment needs to be 1 paragraph. Your comment needs to start out with this: "My topic is ..............." Then you proceed by telling us stuff about it.
Points: 20 points. In order to achieve 20 points, your comment needs to be formatted correctly AND be at least 5 sentences.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 4th, 2011. Midnight.


  1. mine was achievments and inventions were, pyramids. The pyramids were full of gold and treasures. THe first pyramid was the Step Pyrmid and it was built around 2700 BCE, nearly 5000 years ago! If robbers were caught then the penalty was put to death!

  2. My topic is daily life.
    In ancient Egypt the children are the most importent part of the familey.If a couple did not have children the would adopt.Also you can get a divorse and the women get the children,all of the stuff in the house plus 1/3 of the mans wealth.

  3. My topic is mummification. Whent they first started mummification they buried the corpse in rectangular pits in the desert. But that didn't turn out so well so the set them in coffins. Putting them in coffins helped by making it so animals would not disturb the bodies. But since they were not in the hot desert sand they were not dihydrated and preserved but they were decaded. That didn't work out also... They found by wrapping them in strips of linen they would be able to persere the bodies with almost no decay at all. As of today we call that mummification.

  4. My topic is Kush/Nubia. It is located on the Nile river south of Egypt. The common people lived in farming villages. These people did not depend on the Nile to grow crops. They enjoyed the tropical rainfall all year long. For about 100 years nobles of Kush thought they were egytians. Also around 750 CE Islamics used camels to transport goods across the desert. One last important thing is that if you ask why I put Kush/Nubia is that Kush took in Nubia and the people refer to themselves now to nibians.

  5. My topic is mummification. First, they would leave the body out in the sun for 40 days. Then the mummies dry out naturally. Or if they had money they could go to a profecinal mummy maker. So they would look good for their after life.

  6. My topic is mummification. First, they would leave the body out in the sun for 40 days. Then the mummies dry out naturally. Or if they had money they could go to a profecinal mummy maker. So they would look good for their after life.

  7. My topic is the valley of the kings. It was constructed for the pharoes and powerful nobles.Most of the are considered minor because of the little information.The soil of the valley is limestone and other sedimentary rock. The valley is said to contain 63 tombs and chambers.

  8. My topis is pyramids. They were only during the time old kingdom that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids to hold there kings.Pyramids were huge structures. Pyramids were full of treasures. The first pyramid was built around 2700 BCE nearly 5000 years ago.

  9. A mummu is the body of a person or animal that has been persertive after death.

  10. My topic is the three kindoms.

    witch are the old kingdom, the middle kingdom and the new kindom. The old kingdom had the power and the gods of earth. The nick name was the pyramid age. the middle kingdoms name was the golden age. they built strong armys. the new kingdom was expalsion period.

  11. My topic is about gods and godesses.

    Ancient Egyptians worshiped over 2,000 gods and godesses. Unlike other ancient cultures,whose gods looked liked people, most egyptian gods had an animal head. they bulit temples to honor their gods. each temple was home to one or more temple gods. Egypt people prayed for whatever they needed. They beieved that if they were good the gods would reward them.

  12. My topic is pyramids. The people of anceint egypt bult them for pharaohs and queens resting place. There are about 80 known pyramids today.The people new how important it was so they made the pyramids facing derectly north, south, east and west. At the very top of the pyrimads there was gold or electrum. Most pyramids were built mostly made on the west bank.

  13. My topic is daily life of Ancient Egypt.

    In anicent egypt children were the heart of the family. If you couldnt have children you would adopt a child. The children were tought to be honest and kind. Also to respect their parents. They alSO had to learn the family bissiness

  14. My paragraph is about gods,and goddnesses.
    Ra was the god of the sun. He traveled across the heavens in a boat called the 'Barque of Millons of years'. Not every day was a good sailing. During the day Ra had to fight his chief ememys.

    Sencond person I would like to talk about is Hather, She was god of love,misic,dance,cow horns,and sundisk on head.She looked after all of the woman. But she also did something else and that was,The Eye of Ra.The Egyians knew that the sun brought life.But they also knew that the desert sun could kill you.

  15. The Rosetta stone is a ston with writing on it, It was created in 196 Bc. The Rosetta Stone is called that because it is named after the twon it was discovered in, a twon called Rosetta, on the Medidterranean coust in Egypt.

  16. my topic is the nile river. there were deserts to the east and west of the nile river. the nile river is the worlds largest river. it is over 4000 miles long! it is shaped like a lotus flower, so it is often seen in ancient ejypt art. each spring,water would run off the mountains and the nile would flood. the nile supported transportation and trade. the nile gave ejyptains many gifts!

  17. my topic is inventions and achivements

    I learned that they built pyrimads.I also learned that the first pyrimad ever made was in 2700,BCE.I even learned they builty obelisk.i also learned they built flat roofed homes.

  18. My topic is the three kingdomes. Archoelogist relized that ancient egypt could possibly be divided into 3 groups. so they decided to name the kingdomes the old kingdome the middle kingdome and the new kingdome. In the old kingdome pharaohs had power and known as gods on earth. They called the middle kingdome sometimes the golden age. And the new kingdome was an expansion period

  19. my topic is the nile river. it is over 4000 miles thelong.they use the nile river for fresh water and to take bath.the nile river supported transportation and trade.

  20. my topic is the nile river. it is over 4000 miles thelong.they use the nile river for fresh water and to take bath.the nile river supported transportation and trade.

  21. My paraghraph is about Pharohs.
    The most powerful people were the Pharohs. They were the religioun and politial rulers.They had some long titles. They are "Lord of the two lands" and "High priest of every temple."

  22. My topic is Valley of the Kings.

    The valley of the Kings is a desert vally located on the west bank of the Thebes. The vally has two main branches: the East Vally, were the most of the Royal Tombs are situated. The West valley, only contains tombs of Amenthotep III. All the have fallen victom to one or several vists by the tomb robbers. The only royal mummies to hove thier own tombs. Despirte for its name a midern name lamincrity of tombs was bilt for members of the royal family.

  23. My topic is Pharoahs
    Pharaohs are the most powerful. They were the religous leaders of Egypt. They had titles such as 'Lord of Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. Pharaoh is greek for great house. Tt was first use and reffered to the palace and its greatness not just to the ruler to himself. Later in Egypt the word/title meant ruler.

  24. My topic is gods and godesses. the ancient Egyptians built temples to honor their gods. Each temple was home to one or more temple gods. People prayed to the temple gods for whatever they needed. if their wish was not gratned they might give the temple a whack with a stick to show how they felt. The ancient Egyptians worshipped over 2000 gods and godesses.

  25. My topic is the Nile River. The Nile River is the logest river in the world. It's over 4,000 miles long! Every spring water would run off the mountins, and the Nile would flood. The flood would leave black rich fertle soil. The Egyptians called this The Gift of the Nile.

  26. My topic is Pharaohs. Pharaohs are the kings and queens of Egypt. The Pharaohs owned all of Egypt.They are considered half man- and half-god.King Tut and Cleopatra are the most well known pharaohs.

  27. My topic is the Nile River.
    The Nile River is 6,670 km in length and it is the longest river in Africa. The Nile only runs 22% through Egypt. The Nile creates a fertile green valley across the desert. The Nile flooded between the months of June and September. The Nile doesn't flood any more because they built Aswan Dam. Hapi was the Nile god. The Nile runs into the Mediterranean sea.

  28. My topic is Achievements and Inventions of the Egyptians. First of all, the Egyptians discovered other systemd of irrigation. Egyptians also began making flat-roofed homes at this time. Some other achievements were making pyramids, having a written language, and mummifying the dead. Egyptians also invented a number system. This particular number system had fractions in it. The egyptians discovered Court and Justice systems, too.

  29. Kush is a civilization had its center in the region af Nubia.

  30. My topic is Gods and Goddesses. Most Egyptin God and Goddesseshad the head of a animal. Egyptins bulit temples in honor of their gods. Each temple was home to 2 or more gods. Egyptins praded tpo their gods for what they wanted. Egyptins were not afraid of their gods.

  31. My topic is The Three Kingdoms.

    The Three Kingdoms are, The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom. The Old Kingdom was between 2700 BCE and 2200 BCE, and was the only period where the Egyptians buried pharaohs in pyramids. This was called "The Pyramid Age." The Middle Kingdom was between 2100 BCE and 1800 BCE, and had very strong armies. Pharaohs were buried in hidden tombs. The New Kingdom was between 1500 BCE and 1000 BCE. Egypt expanded its borders and pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings.

  32. My topic is daily life.The ancient Egptian didn't love death they loved life.Egptians are much like people today with their social lives.Egptians thought that if you didn't have a light heart you wouldn't make it to heaven so being kind was sort of their duty for them.Egptians loved children if they couldn't have a kid they would adopt one.being kind, caring, and honest was one of the key things that they focus on to survie.

  33. My topic is vally of the kings
    here are some facts about it it is less often called the valley of the gates of the kings. The valley of the kings is located on the west side of the nile river it also contains 63 tombs in one chamber

  34. My topis is Mummification first you need to take out all the organs and heart and they are placed in a special jar but you leave the heart in the body.Next you put oil and wrap it in badinges.Last you put it in a tomb and put that in a special pyrimid.Back in egypt you had to pay to get it mummified or the poor placed the bodies of there dead relitive out in the sun in the sand.the bodies mummified naturly.and that is 5 facts about mummificatin.

  35. My topic is pharaohs.
    One interesting fact is, the pharaoh was the most importent person in ancient egypt. Another cool fact is the pharaih was the political and religious learderof the egyptian people holding the tittles, "Lord of the two lands" and "High priest of every temple." As "Lord of the two lands" the pharaoh was the rular of upper and lower egypt. As "High priest of every temple" the pharaoh represented the gods on Earth.

  36. My topic was on mummification.
    1. Wash the body with palm wine.
    2. Rinse the body in the Nile River.
    3. A small cut was made on the left side of the body.
    4. Remove the organs.
    5. A hook is stuck up the nose to remove the brains.
    6. The body is stuffed and covered.
    7. Wait 40 days to dry the mummy.
    8. T he body is washed again in the Nile River.
    9. Cover the body in sweet smelling oils.
    10. Stuff the body with dry things.
    11. Cover the body with more oil.
    12. Put the organs in jars.

  37. Topic is: Daily Life

    In daily life egyptians enjoyed family time, friends, music, parties,swimming,fishing, hunting, sailing, and most of all they love there children.If someone cant have kids they would adopt one. When someone made a mistake they made up for it by doing good deeds. there are important jods in Egypt, there is soldiers, scribes, artists, andpeasants.If your father was a farmer then you would be a farmer too.

  38. My Topic is the acheviments andinventions.The ancient eygptions had invented there own kind of irrigation system invalving shaduf it was ether clay or animal hids atteched to levers.They belived that if you did not have your name written down after you die you parish.So the royal familys would have obolisk burid with them.There hand system is hyroglifs.

  39. My topic is pyramids
    Ancient Egyptains built pyramids to hold the rooyal tomb of their kings.
    The pyramids were also used as storage rooms.
    Pyramids had secret passage ways and traps to catch (KILL) robbers.

  40. Hieroglyphics/Rosetta Stone Scibes made pictures on walls that are called hieroglyphics. This took alot of time and they wrote everything down. Hundreds of years later archaeologists discovered these and thought they were fascinating! They found these in pyramids and tombs. No one left in the world knew what these meant. Mere two hundred years ago a stone was found in Egypt. This has the same story on there three times. It was in Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphics. They call thus Rosetta Stone. Since we can see it in these three languages, we can figure out what the hieroglyphics actually means

  41. My topic is Kush and Nubia. First is Nubia (the land of gold). Nubia was located on the Nile river So waz Kush. Nubia is also known as the land of the bow, because of their archers were expert and fierce. It was important for them to be strong. Now onto Kush. Kush was the iron capital of the acient world. Kush had something other kingdoms wanted. They had iron. This time in history was known as Iron Age.

  42. My topic is Hieroglyphics/Rosetta stone.

    people who did the writing where called scribes.but it usually took a long time to write it. so they made a new type of writing called demestic script. they could now write alot faster. there is no one left in the world who remembers what hieroglyphics ment.

  43. My topic is about acheivments/inventions.
    I learned that they invented the decimal system and they only used seven symbols. Also, the egyptions never owned anything, it was all the pharo's. The scribes (writers) only had heiroglyphics witch was sometimes confusing so the egyptions made something called demotic script. The egyptions also worshiped over 2,000 gods!!! and lastly, mummifacation was commom. even poor people laid their dead family memebers out in the sun to mummify!

  44. My topip is daily life, the ancient egyptions were not in love with death, but with life. In ancient Egypt, children were the heart of the family. If a couple could not have a child, they would adopt a child. It was important that chldren learned to be caring. They spent along time trying to be fair all the time. The ancient Egyptions believed that you could only reach your afterlife if your heart was light.

  45. My topic is Hieroglyphics, Rosetta Stone.

    Hierolgyphics is a system of writing that the Scribes did. The Scribes had to find an easier and faster way to write, so they came up with Demotic Script. Although most people didn't know how to read Hieroglyphics, it was so frustrating for them. Merely 200 years ago archeologists found a stone that had a short story in Greek on it. The name of the famous stone was called the Rosetta Stone.

  46. My topic is achienments and inventions, I am going to tell you about one invention called the Book of the Dead. The Book of the Dead is NOTa book. It is a nickname for a bunch of magical spells written down in a veritey of ways by the Egyptians. Mostly all of the spells that had been discovered to date were written to help the ancietn Egytians safley reach their afterlife. Egytologists have found about 200 different spells so far, most written on pyprus some written on tomb walls.

  47. My topic is The Nile River.

    To begin with, the Nile River is shaped like the lotus flower, often found in Egyptian art. In addition, The Nile is over 4000 miles long. Being that long, it is the longest river in the world! Equally important, the Nile has many gifts. It floods every spring, so it makes good rich soil, great for growing crops. It has an abundance of fresh water, so it is used for drinking and bathing. Another thing, the Papyrus weed that grows along the Nile are used to make materials for building, clothes, and even paper. The Nile has helped people in many ways, without it, Egypt would be a desert.

  48. My topic is..... Pyramids

    During the time of the old kingdom ancient Egyptains built pyramids to hold the royal tombs. Pyramids were full of treasures. The first pytamind, the Step pyramid was built around 2700BCE. Nearly 5000 years ago. Pyramid construction was abandoned.

  49. My toppic is Hieroglyphics, and Roseta Stone. Hieoglyphics are the way the egyptoins wrote things down using pictures. The egyptions wrote everthing down, absolutly everthing; which was a big problemfpr the scribes. Eventhough hieroglyphics wrere pretty they took along time to wright down. The Roseta Stone was found mearly 200 years ago in egypt. The stone had the same short story written on them in Greek, Domotic, and in hieroglyphics. Today the Roseta Stone is displayed in a mueseum in Londen.

  50. My topic is valley of the kings. The valley of the kings is a valley in egypt. This area as been a focus of archaeological and egyptological exploration since the end of the 18th century. Tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest. The valley stands on the west bank of the Nile. the Valley of the Kings has two components- the East Valley and West Vallley.

  51. My topic is mummification. The first process of mummification is embalming the body. After the embalmers clean the body they take out the internal organs. Then the body is covered and stuffed with natron. Then after 40 days the dehydrated organs are put back in the mummy. And then they wrap the body with linen. They keep adding more layers of wrap and resin goes on to help glue them together. Cloths go on the mummy and its lowered into the coffin.

  52. My topic is the Nile River. There were two desserts to the east and the west of the Nile River, and moutains to the south. The Nile River is the worlds longest River! It's shaped liked the Lotus Flower so often used in ancient Edyptian art. Each spring, water would run off the mountains and the Nile River would flood. As the flood waters receeded, black rich fertle soil was left behind. The Nile River provided transportation for trading,materials for building buildings, and cloth for clothes.

  53. my topic is about gods and oddesses. The first god was called atum. the second and third was shu and tef nut.
    the fourth was called seth. the olast god was called osiris

  54. My topic is the three kingdoms.

    The three kingoms are the old kingdom the middle kingdom and the new kingdom. The old kingdom was from 2700BCE-2200BEC. The kindoms were called blocks. The middle kingdom was from 2100BCE-1800BCE. And the last kingdom was from 1500BCE-1000BEC

  55. My topic is daily life.

    thay can adoped children. child help thir parents. children are the hart of the family. egipians love life. thay hunted meat and fish for food.

  56. My topic is the pyramids. Egyptians built pyramids to hold the important tombs of their kings. Pyramids had storage rooms court yards, secret passageways and fancy traps to catch robbers. Kings would put valuebles into there tombs before they died. The first pyramid, the Step Pyramid, was built around 2700 BCE over 5000 years ago. Pyramid construction was abandoned after the time of the Old Kingdom.

  57. My topic is the pyramids. Egyptians built pyramids to hold the important tombs of their kings. Pyramids had storage rooms court yards, secret passageways and fancy traps to catch robbers. Kings would put valuebles into there tombs before they died. The first pyramid, the Step Pyramid, was built around 2700 BCE over 5000 years ago. Pyramid construction was abandoned after the time of the Old Kingdom.

  58. My topic is Pharohs
    King Tut was 9 years old when he became pharoh. He died when he was 18 years old. Many pharohs went to war when their land was theatend. Every new paroh has 1 or 2 armies come to test the stength of the pharoh. Government officals were pharohs helpers.

  59. My topic is mummification. The best way the egyptians perseved bodies was to mummify it. The poor egyptians put the body of their dead relatives out in the sun, in the desert sand. The bodies mummified naturally. Any egyptians that could afford it went to a professional mummy maker. people wanted to look their best in their after life.

  60. My topic is.....Valley Of The Kings.
    1.The valley actully had two componets the East and West Valley.
    2.One of the dilemanns for the tourist is trying to decide wich tombs to enter.
    3.In early Febuary 2006,the supreme Council of Antiques announced the discovery of a new tomb by an American team from the universety of Memphis.
    4.Not all tombs are open and officials occansioally close perticular tombs for resporation.
    5.The tomb of Tuthmose the 3rd. is at the far end of the east valley and is one of the earliest in the valley.

  61. My topic is The Three Kingdoms

    The Three Kingdoms are made up of three time periods, The old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The Old Kingdom. The Old KIingdom is when pharos realized that pyramids were easy to see, and robbers liked to rob them. The Middle Kingdom is when trade flourised, and other things. The Old Kingdom is when Egypt built big armies to defend their cities from attackers. The New Kingdom was Egypts time to expand. They also used military powers to expand.

  62. Crocodiles were kept by rich nobles in pools

  63. Bes was the protector of new born and prengnent whimin

  64. My topipc is Kush and Nubia.
    Nubia is also called the land of gold. It was a muslim population. Nubia was a place in southern Egypt and northern Sudan. 120,000 Nubians were relocated in 1964 because their villages were covered with water by the Aswan High Dam Lake. Nubian means slave.
    Nab means gold. The nubians lived untill 1964 in a boundryless geographical region known as Nubia . Kush was a ancient nation in north western Africa wich is now Egyp, Sudan, and south Sudan.

  65. My topipc is Kush and Nubia.
    Nubia is also called the land of gold. It was a muslim population. Nubia was a place in southern Egypt and northern Sudan. 120,000 Nubians were relocated in 1964 because their villages were covered with water by the Aswan High Dam Lake. Nubian means slave.
    Nab means gold. The nubians lived untill 1964 in a boundryless geographical region known as Nubia . Kush was a ancient nation in north western Africa wich is now Egyp, Sudan, and south Sudan.

  66. My topic is pharaohs.

    King Tut was only nine years old when he became a pharaoh. He died when he was 18 years old he died that was a sad moment. That was only nine years later just emagen it nine years from now what if you died. The people that lived there did not have time to build his tomb. Compared to the other pharaohs they got a tomb. But later on he got his tumb and he looked great in it. But because his tomb was so small, it was overlooked for thousands of years that is a long time. In 1922, a british archeaologist named howard carter decided to enter King Tuts tomb. Robbers might have been there because there where a lot of gold rings. But they found some other tings on the floor as if they had been droped. Carter found a bunch of treaser. In side the tomb like a gold mask that was a frame of King Tuts face.King Tut

  67. My topic is the Nile River.

    The Nile River is the longest river in the world. The Nile is over 4000 miles long. Each spring the Nile floods. When the Nile floods it would make the soil rich and fertile. If the Nile River didnt exist Egypt would be a desert.

  68. My topic is mummification. One thing I found very interesting is that the best way the Egyptians knew how to preserve a body was to mummify it. Also that anyone who couldnt afford it went to a professional mummy maker. The people wanted to look their best in their afterlife. Another thing I found that is really cool was that the poor placed the bodies of their dead relatives in the sun on the desert sand. The bodies mummified naturally.

  69. my topic is daily life. The ancent eptions loved life . they lived it to the fullest. they worked hard but saved time for family ,friends ,music ,and partys. they never turned down fishing.children were the heart of the family.

  70. My topic is Achevemts and inventions. I found a very intersing thing,you can put it ether in with the acheivments or the inventions youre choics. It's called the book of the dead. Heres the thing IT'S NOT A BOOK! It's a thing with ancient spells. They bieleved in the after life and wanted to get there safely witch is what the spells are for.Fun fact in the thingimobobber theirs over 200 DIFFRENT SPELLS! I think thats pretty cool. they also had a number system and if you would like to leanr about this Copy and paste thin link in your web adress box above.

  71. The kingdom of Kush also known as Nubia is known as the land of gold. It was located on the Nile River to the south of ancient Egypt. Nubia was called the land of the bow because of the feirce archers. The army was important to keep Nubia safe. It was important to keep Nubia safe. They had a lot of natural wealth so many people wanted to rule it. They had their own gold mine too.

  72. ancient Egyptions worshipped more than 2,000 gods and goddesses. More than one god lived in the temples at once. Some gods and goddesses looked like people but usually had animal heads. People would go and pray to the gods and goddesses for something they needed or just wanted if it did not come true they would whack the temple to show they gods how they felt.

  73. My topic is pyramids. Pyramids had secret passage ways, courtyards,storage rooms, and many fancy traps for robbers who would break into the pyramid to try to rob it. Pyramids had tons of treasures in them, like remains of past pharaohs. The first pyramid, the Step Pyramid was built nearly 5,000 years ago wich was 2700 BCE! After Old Kingdom Pyramids construction was abandoned. It was to easy for robbers to find the pyramidswith the dead remains in them.

  74. My topic is Gods/Goddesses. Most Egyptian Gods and Goddsseas apear with animal heads and bodys of humans. There was over 2000 Egyptian Gods. The people would pray in temples. If their pray was not meet they would hit the Gods statue with a reed. They were not afriad of their Gods, for the most part.

  75. My topic is Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. Alot of people just farmed all day long. Others such as nobles stayed in town. The people depended on the floding Nile River for furtle farm land. Some people bult homes with mudbricks. During the day they also traded.

  76. My topice is achievements and inventions. Some of the inventions would be Obelisks. Obelisks were made up of stone and often built in pairs. the ancient Egyptions believed that if you did not have your name written down somewhere after your death you would disappear. Another one is Papyrus. The ancient Egyptions used papyrus to make many thigs such as baskets,sandols,mats,rope and paper!

  77. My topic is Pharaohs,Most Pharaohs were men some Pharaohs like Nefertiti and Cleopatra,were women.The people of Egypt considered Pharaohs to be half-men half-gods.The first true Pharaoh of Egypt was Narmar.A Pharaoh was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom.The Pharaohs owned all the land,made laws,collected taxes, and defeneded Egypt against foreigners.

  78. My topic is Pharohs.Each new Pharoh had to be put to a test by a strong army.Not all of the Pharohs were good at there job.The great pharoh rameses2 had 111 sons, and 51 daughters. Rameses 2 had his name carved in every thing. Egypts pharoh's were not referred to as kings.

  79. Kush and nubia was a center of cuture and military in africa. It was full of all kinds of resorces such as gold,ivory.copper,and ebony.nubias and kush lands are now part of modern egypt and sudan. The nubians and kushins are belived to be the some of the first human. Greeks called themEthiopians andcalled nubia the land of punts.

  80. My topic is pyrimids.

    What I have learned about the pyrimids is that one of the temples was a sacred mortuary temple of Khufu, and was where the priest would carry out their holy duties with regards to hounering the soul of the deaceased.
    Another fact is that the summit; in complexion, the great pyrimid was a hefty 145.75 meters high and was the tallest building untill the nineteenth century.

  81. My topic is the Nile river. Evry year the Nile river over flows from melting snow and huge rains wich ruins the crops but in a few months it will be perfect for farming.

  82. My topic is valley of kings. It is a valley in egypt for were a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC. Tombs were made for the great pharaos and powerful nobles of the new kigdom. The valley is on the west bank of the nile river. The valley contains 63 tombs and chambers. In modern time the valley has become famus for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

  83. My topic is Roseatta Stone and Hieroglyphics. Posetta Stone was a stone found in egypt 200 years ago. The stone had writting on it, this writting was short story. It was written in three different languages, Greek, Demontic, and heiroglyphics. The scientist didnt know hieroglyphics. But they did know what the other said. So they translated what the others had said to hieroglyphics. Thats what Rostta stone is And hieroglyphics.

  84. My topic on Egypt is the Valley of the Kings. The Valley of the Kings is where many Egyption kings, or pharaohs, were buried. Archeologists have found over sixty tombs all over the valley, including the tomb of King Tutankhamun, the famous 'boy king'. The pyrimids that served as tombs had elabrate tunnels and passages, built to mkae it harder for greedy robbers to steal all the riches. They were actully ment for no one to enter the King's tomb. The pharaohs were buried with all kinds of things, things that Egyptions believed they would use in the second life. Fancy furniture, clothing, and jewelry have been found deep down with the mummies. Even food was kept for a royal feast they beileved kings would attend in the next life. Pets were also buried with them like dogs, cats, baboons, gazelle and so were very close commpanions. Sadly, many of the tombs have been robbed because people have wanted all the riches to themselves.

  85. My topic is hieroglyphics/Rosetta stone. Over 5000 years ago,the anceint Egyptains wrote things down using a picture writing called hieroglyphics. The people who did the actual writing were called scribes. Scribes needed a faster way to write things dawn. Theycreated a new form of writing called Domotic script. The new scribes did not study the old languoge of hieroglyphics

  86. My topic is the Three Kingdoms. The Three Kingdoms are The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kindom. In the Old Kindom when the built the pyramids they put the Pharoas only in the pyriamds. In the Middle Age that changed. In the middle age they stopped putting pharoas in the pyramids because they thougt it would be easier to steal the bodies. In the new kingdom was Egypts expansion age. Pharoas were all powerful

  87. My topic is Valley of the Kings. Valley of the kings is a valley in Egypt where for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century. Valley of the kings was sometimes called valley of the gates of the kings. The valley stands on the west bank of the nile.The valley is known to contain 63 tombs and chambers. I think valley of the kings is a very cool place hidden with tons of artifactts.

  88. The most powerful person in Egypt is the Pharaoh.The Pharaoh was the political and religous leader of the Egyptian people holding the titles: Lord of the Two Lands and High Preist of Every Temple.

  89. My Topic Is The Three Kingdoms
    Archaeologists noticed something very interesting. THey realized that much Egypts ancient history could be divided into three big blocks of time. In each block all of the pharaohs behaved in a certain way. Scientists named them, The Old Kingdom, The middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom. The middle Kingdom was Egypts Golden age. The New Kingdom was Egypts expanded her borders through military conquest and became a world power

  90. My topic is Pyramids. It was only during the time of the Old Kingdom that the Ancient Egyptains were huge structures. Pyramids had storage rooms, courtyards, secret passageways, and all kinds of fancy traps designed to catch robbers who tried to break into the pyramid. The first pyramid, The Step Pyramid, was built around 2700 BCE, nearly 5000 years ago. Grave robbers knew exactly where the pharaohs where buried, and thus knew exactly where to find riches and wealth.

  91. My topic is the nile river. there are desets east and west of the nile and mountains south of The nile.the nile is over 4,000 miles long. PLus its the longest river ever. Thanks to the nile acient prople had freash water to drink and bath in.the nile suportted trade and transportaation.without the nile Egypt would only be a desert.

  92. My topic is gods and goddests. Some of the gods and goddests were Arubis, Bastet, Bes, Horus, Isis,orisis,Ra,Sekmet, Seth, and Toth. Eygiptians were not afraid of gods. Eygiptians built temples to honnar gods and goddests. Eygipians prayed to gods in the temples to gods and if there request was not granted they would wack the temple when they seen it.

  93. My topic is Pharaohs. Most of the Pharaohs were men but some like Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were not men they were women. A pharaoh was head of the government and high priest of every temple. The people of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be half-man/women, half-god. The first real pharaoh was Narmer (sometimes called Menes.) The most famous pharaoh todat is Tutankhamun.

  94. My topic was about pyrimids.They were only built during the old kindom times. They were ether for mummies or gods. They put trap doors and secret passege way in them so they would not get stolen.They were filled with tresure that was buried with there dead owner. The first pyrimid was built around 2700 bce, nearley 5,000 years ago!

  95. My topic is
    the Nile river. The Nile river is the worlds longest river. The Nile would flood each spring water would run off the mountains and into the river. As the water dried rich black soil was left behind.The egyptians called this the gift of the Nile. The Nile also supported trade and travel.

  96. My topic is Kush and Nubia.
    The Kingdom of Kush is also known as Nubia. Nubia was known as the Land of Gold. It was also known as The Land of the Bow because the archer were expert and fierce. They also protected the people. Unlike Egypt, they didn't have to rely on the Nile River for good and rich soil. They enjoyed tropical rainfall all year long. The KIngdom of Kush was like Ancient Egypt in many ways. They worshipped multiple gods, mummification, and they built pyramids. Their pyramids were different though. They had flat tops.

  97. My topic is Hieroglyphics/Rosette Stone.
    Higeroglyphics were basicly pictures. Scribes would draw them. The problem was they wrote everything down and it took forever. They made a new kind called Demotic script. It was much faster! Hundreds of years later archaeologists discovered them. They didn't know how to read them. So they discovered the Rosette Stone. It translated every thing for them.

  98. My topic is Kush and Nubia. Nubia was also known as either "Land of Gold" or "Land of the Bow". Many kingdoms wanted to control Nubia because it was a land of natural wealth. Kush had iron that all the other kingdoms wanted. Trade was very important to Kush.

  99. My topic is Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta stone. 5,000 years ago people from egypt created a new writing system. It was easy for them to use. Hundreds of years later archaelogists discovered the unique writing. The problem was that it was confusing. Noone knew how to read it. But 200 years ago a stone was dicovered that had writing on it in greek and Hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone helped us learn the writing.

  100. My topic is valley of the kings.
    One fact about the valley of the kings is that the valley of the kings is where great Egyptian kings are buried. Also the road to the valley of the kings was called "where Re sets'". The interesting fact about that is that there are two paths but there are four tombs. Another interesting fact is the valley of the kings is located near Luxar which in Ancient Egypt Was Thebes. Thebes was the capitol of the Egyptian dynasties during the period of the new kingdom.

  101. My topic is obelisks. Obelisks were made out of stone.They were at least 70 feet tall and most were taller.Pharaohs ordered monuments so their people would remember them.There were two most common monuments they would demand.There was the obelisks and temples.An example of an oblelisk is Cleopatra's needle.One of these needles are located in the city of Westminster London on the Victoria Embankment near the Golden Jubilee Bridges.However there is more than one needle there is 4 including the one in London.

  102. Acient Egyptains worshiped over 2000 gods and goddesses. Most acient egyptain gods had animale heads. acient egyptains built temples to honor their gods witch were homes to one or more tempel gods. the egyptains prayed to the temples for whatever they needed. if there request was not granted they got to hit the statue that stood in front of the temple to tell the gods how they felt.

  103. My topic is Daily Life.
    Ancient Egypians worked very hard, but saved time to enjoy family, friends, music, parties, swimming, fishing, hunting, and sailing.
    Children were the heart of the family. If a couple couldn't have a child they adopted one. The Ancient Egyptians believed that you could only reach your afterlife if your heart was light.

  104. My topic is mummifycatoin. First, they wash the body in the Nile. Then, they take out the brain with a hook. After that they take out the organs but not the heart. The theydry the fluids with salt. Finally, they put it in a tomb.

  105. My topic is:Mummification

    The best way the acient Egyptians knew how to preserve was to mummify it wich is mummifacation. Anyone who could afford it went to a professional mummy maker people wanted to look their best in after life. the earliestancient Egyptians burried their dead in small pits of the dessert. The heat and the dehytrated them.

  106. My topic is valley of the kings. the kings formal names and titles are inscribted in his tomb along with his statues.The kings abandonded the mephies and built there tombs in thebes. they also abaondoned where there prdimad was.

  107. My topic is Daily life
    The Ancient Egypitions were not in love with death but with life. They worked very hard but saved time for to enjoy family freinds music parties swimming fishing hunting sailing and espesialy there children all of which were very important to the ancient egypitoin. It was important that children learn to be caring. Children were to be tought to be kind and honest. Ancient egypt was the heart of the family.

  108. I had the three kingdoms.

    The first kingdom was the Old Kingdom. The Old Kingdom started in the year 2700 BCE and ended in the year 2200 BCE. This was the only time period that pharos were burried in pyramids. They built so many pyramids during this time period that it was called "The Pyramid Age".
    The second kingdom was the Middle Kingdom. The middle kingdom was Egypt's "Golden Age". This was the time period that their trading, arts, and literature flourished.
    The last kingdom was the New Kingdom. During the new kingdom all pharos were all burried in geometric area called the "Valley of the Kings".

  109. My topic it is Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta stone .About 5000 years ago in Ancient egypt people drew pictures for what they wanted to say. This is called hieroglyphics.Archeologist found the hieroglyphics on the pyramids and tombs.But they din't know what it meant. Later they found a stone. They found out that it had Greek,demotic,and hieroglyphics. They named it Rosetta Stone.

  110. my topic is the nile river. it is over 4000 miles long!they use the nile river for fresh water and to take a bath.the nile river supported transportation and also provided materials to make cloth and clothes,and even making paper.when spring came water would run off to the mountains and the nile river would flood. as the flood waters receded it left behind black rich fertile soil.whith out the nile river,egyt wouid be a dessert right now. knoww you know about the nile river.

  111. I am doing mummification.- The earliest ancient Egyptians buried their dead in small pits in the desert. The heat of the sand dehydrated the bodies quikly, creating mummies. Later, the ancient Egyptians began burying their dead in coffins to protect them from wild animals in the desert. However, they realised that bodies placed in coffins decayed when they were not exposed to the hot, dry sand of the desert. Over many centuries the ancient Egytians made a method of preserving bodies so they would stay, while buried, lifelike.

  112. My topic is the Rosetta stone/Hieroglyphics
    The Rosette is a stone with writing on it. It wad created in 196bc. The Rosetta stone was fond in 1799. by french solders who were rebuilding a fort at Rosetta a harbor on the medit ennanean coast of Egypt.
    Hieroglyphics were used by the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians used over 2,000 hieroglyphic characters. Hieroglyphics could represent the sound of an object.

  113. My topic is mummyifcation, it is delicate work to preserv a mummy in Egypt. The brain is took out of th body with a hook. First thay jam a hook up there nose. Second the hook is swererld around th skul to get the brain mushed up. last the body is put on its side and then the brains come out.

  114. The first you do is get a hook and poll the brain out of thare head. Then you cut a hole in the person to take the stumck and put it in cage.then you salt the body.then they cal a make up artise .then you put oil. Then you make a tag.

  115. My topic is Gods/Goddesses. Most Gods and/or Goddesses appear with human body's and animals heads. There was over 2000 Gods and Goddesses.he Egyptians would pray to Gods in temples. If their pray was not meet they would whack the God's statue with a reed. They were not afraid of their gods, for the most part. By: McClane

  116. My topic is Pharah. He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes,and defended Egypt against foreigners. He pergormed rituals and built temples to honour the gods. Many pharaohs went to war when thier land was threatened or when they wanted to control foreign lands. The most powerful person in ancient Egypt is the pharaoh.

  117. pharose
    They were the rulers if they took over a certain land they would become leaders.

  118. Nubia formed a corridor along the Nile River particularly gold and egyptians during the new kingdom. It has been suggested that the orgin of the Nubia might be egyptions words for gods.

  119. My topic is the Pyramids. The Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. There are eithy pyramids known today from Egypt. The most well known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the Great Pyramid. During the time of the Old Kingdom that the egyptians built pyramids to hold the royal tombs of their kings. The first pyramid the step pyramid was built around 2700 BCE. The penalty for grave robbing was death.

  120. My topic is mummification. Whent they first started mummification they buried the corpse in rectangular pits in the desert. But that didn't turn out so well so the set them in coffins. Putting them in coffins helped by making it so animals would not disturb the bodies. But since they were not in the hot desert sand they were not dihydrated and preserved but they were decaded. That didn't work out also... They found by wrapping them in strips of linen they would be able to persere the bodies with almost no decay at all. As of today we call that mummification.
    from Reed

  121. My topic is Achievementsand Inventions
    The best way the ancient egyptians how to preserve a body was to mummify it.
    It was only during the time of the old kingdom that the the ancient Egypitains built pyramids to hold the royaltombs of their kings.
    Pyramids were huge strutures. pyramids had storage rooms, courtyards,scerets passage ways, and all kinds of fancy traps designed to catch robbers who tried to break into the pyramids to rob it.Pyramids were full of threures.
    The Nile River cuts it's way through the desertsof egypt . During the yearly floods the rich black soil, or kemet , was left behind . the egyptind used the fertile soil to grow their feilds of wheat and barly.

  122. My topic is pharaohs.A pharaoh is the the ruler of two lands. Nefertiti is one of the most famous female pharaohs next to Cleopatra that is. She best known for her beauty, but what most people don't known is she riened as pharaoh for twenty years and helped establish one of the key egyptian cities. Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to rule over Egypt. What she is really famous for is her connection with Julius Ceaser and Mark Antony.

  123. the 6 step of mumifacztion are
    1 anounce the death
    2 remaove the brain
    3 remove the organs
    4 drying out prosses
    5 wrapping the body
    6 final pricession

  124. "My topic is daily live. The mother raises the children cleans.
    peasant girls got married around the age of 12 the boy were a few years older.every one in egypt wore some tyoe of jewerly. the porr people wore jewelry that was made of copper or usally wore a short skirt called a kilt.


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