
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ultimate Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to the World of Mesopotamia. Today, you will be traveling around the Fertile Crescent, or Mesopotamia, to learn about this wondrous place. Your travel tool today is a Prezi, posted above. You need to click through the Prezi and complete the tasks in your NOTEBOOK. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT lose your notebook sheets because the information gained from this project will be valuable for other projects and for the test. It is stuff you need to know about this ancient civilization. All work today will be done in your notebook. Label your notebook section: "Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt Prezi" and in your notebook, be sure to label each section. Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES so you can use this information later without having the Prezi.
Your final task for this blog post, which will come after you complete the Prezi, will be to post a COMMENT right here telling me about five things you learned throughout the "adventure."
You will use these sites during the Prezi:
So, in summary:
1. Go through the Prezi with your Notebook.
2. Post a comment of 1 paragraph (five sentences) of things you learned.

On Tuesday, you will have a chance to continue working on this, so it is not something you have to do over the weekend.
Your notebook will be checked for completion on: Friday, October 14th in class.
Your comment will be check for completion on: Friday, October 14th at Midnight.
Good Luck. I know you will do great.


  1. i think this is going to be fun!!!!

  2. In Gods,Godesses,and mosters i learned that the Bull MAn helped fight evil and chaaos and held doors for the Sun God.Also i learned that Ningursaag was the Mother of Gods.Next is i learned that Ellil was so powerfull that other gods couldn't even look at him.After that i learned that Ashur was the principle Assyrian god and he also wore a horned cap.Then i learned that Ea (Enki) was the freash water god and that his name is pronaonced differnt then it looks like.

  3. Procession Avenue was the street that led into the city. King Hammurabi was known for making everyone obey the laws the same whether they were rich or poor.The Assyrians were famous traders. The bull man helped people fight evil or chaos.The Arabian desert is to the east of Mesopotamia.

  4. First, I learned that UR was the biggest city with a population of about 24,000 people. Second, I learned in Assyria they did paintings and it helped us learn about them like artifacts. Third, I learned that if the weather was nice enough they usally slept on their roof. Fourth, I learned that onlt boys were allowed to go to school. Finally, I now know that if students didn't preform up to task then they would be whipped.

  5. 1 of the five things that i learned about was that the only people who were able to go to school was the boys): 2 the writing sytem was called Cuneiform. 3 the four classes were calle dthe priests, the upper class, the lower calss ,and the slaves. 4 there is lots of people in the mesoptamia. 5 the pe

  6. I did not know that Mesopotamia had so many gods and goddesses. I also did not know that Mesopotamia had two rivers soured it. that the name of the two rivers were named Tigris and the Euphrates rives. that their goverment was a combination of monarchy, and democracy. that they had 4 seas soured it.

  7. 1 thir are 2 river

    2 thir are 1 desert

    3 thir are 1 montian

    4 mesapatamea is now irak

    5 thay invented money irrigation wheel and whiting

  8. Hope Jackmon is your faveOctober 12, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    HEY MR.KLUMPER! hows it goin

  9. The Arabian Desert is south of Mesopotamia. The largest city in Sumer was Ur. Babylonians built Babylon in Marduk's honor. Assyria was always at war with someone else. And finally, People of Mesopotamia were classified into four classes. Priests, Upper Class, Lower Class, and Slaves.

  10. I learned that the Euphrares and the Tigris river were in Mesopotamia Also learned that Sumer had two government: Monarchy and Democracy. I learned that Babylon's gates were designed with dragons and bulls. Also learned that Assyrian was famous for trades. I also learned that Anu is the sky god.( to them he was the sky god)

  11. I learned about what the punishment was for doing naughty back then, whipped. Also I learned kings ruled the people. Anouther thing I learned was they created the plow and the ax. Fourth I found out that there were 4 class types in school. Finally read that only boys could go to school, that is rude!

  12. I learned...that only boys went to school i did not no that.I also learned that Procession Avenue had huge rick animals that were positioned on both sides.Another thing i learned is that Hammurabi buily the city of Babylon in Marducks honor.I also didnt know that the rich people got to live in larger homes and the poor lived in smaller houses but nobody lived in huts.The thing i really didnt know was Assyrian was always always at war with someone.

  13. Task 1: the two rivers of Mesopatamia were the Tigiris and Euphurates rivers. the ferile land provided crops so then Mesopatamia was known as an agriculture community. that means they stored crops for when they were needed. The rich people lived in lager homes while the poor people lived in smaller homes. It is belived that no one lived in huts. the classes of people in Mesopatamia were Priets, Upper and Lower class, thn the Slaves.

  14. What I learned about Mesopotamia is the gods they have and the fabulas four which are the wheel, money, irigation, and writting. I also learned that they had goverment.I learned the to river in Mesopotamia, Tigres and Euphradies. Mesopotamia split up into to tribes Assyria and Babylon.

  15. 5 things I have learned from this prezi are... I learned a lot of names of Gos, Goddesses, and mosters. I also learnedthat only boys could go to school. Another thing i learned is if you were rich or poor your house would still be amoung the ziggurat. I learned the 4 classes of people which are Priests, Upper class, Lower class, and the slaves. The 5th thing i learned is Assyria destroyed the places and froced them out and rebuilt the cities, so the people would find it more difficult to revolt.:)

  16. i learned that the tigris river and the ephrates river are in between mesopataimia. the other thing i learned is all of the gods such as ellil, the bull man, amurru,anu, assynin and ea and also ninhursag. the next thin i learned is that only boys were allowed to go to school. and they got whipped if they didint get there jobs done perfectly. i also learned that the four classes of people in mesopataimia are the prests, the upper class, the lower class and the slaves. the last thing i learned is that the agriculture community of sumer grew cropes and stored food for times in need.

  17. i learned that Mesopotamia is located between the Euphrates and Tigis rivers. Also the 4 seas are Persian gulf, Caspian, mediterranean, and red sea. The biggest city population was 24,000 residents. Sumner broke into two places babylon and Assyrian.the mesopotamia homes were mostly shared walls like townhouses today and they also used a roof to sleep in and cook.

  18. Five things I learned is that there was only two rivers in the Mesopotamia. Also I leaned that the Mesopotamia created the first writing system called cuneiform. And that they grew more crops than needed. Mesopotamia invented alot of things like they wheel, money, writing and much more. And last but not least the had four seas in the whole mesopotamia.

  19. What I learned in this Prezi is the 2 rivers, Babylon, Assyria, the daily life of Mesopotamia, and finally the Gods, Goddesses, and Monsters.

  20. That boys only went to school and if they didn't do well they usually got whipped.
    There writing form was cuneiform.
    There was 4 classes, the upper and lower class, the priests, the slaves.
    The doors on the houses where connect to small family courtyard.
    The houses shared a wall with the other house, just like townhouses do today.

  21. What I have learned is that mesopotamia had invented the wheel, irragation, money, and writting. They where also the fist civilization on earth. They also devolped law and goverment that still exicit. With out them we could still be wild. They also invented the first rell rell launge.

  22. One thing about Mesopotamia is that they had a king named Hammurabi. Another thing is that the two rivers that surround Mesopotamia is Tigris and Euphrates. Also They made bricks out of reed, mud, and straw. There homes were also very chalenging to get to. Lastly they used a system of writing called Cunieform.

  23. One thing I learned was that only boys could go to school and if they weren't perfect they got whipped. Another thing is the mountain range east of Mesopotamia is Zagros Moutains. And the desert to the south is the Arabian desert. Two of the things they invented was the first writen laungage and the plow. They were the first civilization and had laws.

  24. First of all, Mespotamia made 4 very important inventions. They were:writing, money, technology, and irragation. Mesopatamia was also the first civilized place...with a government and laws. Mesopatamia also is known as the Fertile Cresent. It is called the Fertile Cresent, because the land was shaped as a cresent. Finally, Sumer created the math system of 60.

  25. One it is a fertile cresent. It is between the tigris and the Euphrates rivir. It's by the Zargos Mountains. It's close to the Arabian Desert. It's by four seas.

  26. I learned two new rivers that were called the Euphrares and the tigtris. I learned a new moutain and it is called the Zagos. The biggest city was UR. They invented the wheel. I also learned about a new desert and it was called the Aravian.

  27. what learned when i did the prezi is that mesopataimia was that they are surronded by yhe persian gulf and the medetian sea. i also learned that it is city-state and that no one took power of of the other ithings i learned was they traded weat for tools.

  28. One thong i learned abbout during this prezi was that mesopatamia meant land beetween two rivers. The second thing i learned during thi prezi ws that the zagros mountains were east of mesopatamia. The third thing i learned during this prezi was that the sumers math was based on the # 60. The fourth thing i learned about on this prezi was that babylon had an avenue called procession avenue. The fifth and final thing i learned about during this prezi was that the king that ruled them wrote down all of the laws.

  29. I learned that the scools were just for boys and that they would get whipped if they did not do something perfect. They belived in lots of gods. The rich people lived in large homes but the poor people lived in small houses. Mesopotamia in now located in iraq. Mesopotamia was between the Tigris and the Euphrane river. Thats what i learned:)

  30. The mesopotamia has two rivers and they are Tigris River and The Euphrates River.The mountain range to the east is the Zagros mountain.
    The desert to the south is the Arabian desert.They grew crops and stored food for times in need.The biggest city was Ur with over 24,000 people.King Hammurabi was the king of Babylon.

  31. I learned alot of things from Mesopotamia.First of all I learned that the Assyria were famous for there trading. Second rich people lived in very big homes. Third the two rivers are called the Tigris and Euphrates. Finally the number they created we used for time.

  32. The first thing I learned was the two rivers in Mesopotemia are the Tigris and the Euphrates.The second thing I learned was that th Zagros Mountains are to the East of Mesopotamia. Third of all I learned that in Summer the goverment was Monarcy and Democrocy. Fourth is that two thousand years after Sumer exsisted it broke in two. Lastly the two places sumer broke into are Bayblon and Assyria.

  33. In Mesopotamia they used tho only let boys in to school.After about one thousand years Sumer broke into two cities(Babylon and Assyria). The city with the largest population was UR. Balbylon and Assyria had a ton of different gods. The most powerful god was Ellil.

  34. 1. Zagros mountain is to the east of Mespotamia.
    2. The Arabian Desert is to the south of the Mespotamia.
    3. Euphrates river is one of the rivers and the other one is Tigris river.
    4. Caspian sea, mederteran sea, red sea and persian sea are around Mespotamia.
    5. Combination of Monachry, Monochory and democaracy kings ruled the people.

  35. I learned that Mesopotimia is located inbetween the Euphrates and the Tigris River. There are 3 seas and 1 gulf the seas are Meditrearimian, Caspian, and Red Sea are the seas that sournd it and the gulf is called Persion Gulf. In Sumer they grew crops and stored food for times need. They built along the Tigris and Euphrates River.The desrt by them is called the Arabian Desrt

  36. Mesopotamia got its nam because it was located between two rivers.You like cosmic brownies.The two rivers mesopotamia are Tigris and Euphrates river.After about a thousand years, sumer broke up into two new places. And it is very dry down south.

  37. Mesopotamia got its nam because it was located between two rivers.You like cosmic brownies.The two rivers mesopotamia are Tigris and Euphrates river.After about a thousand years, sumer broke up into two new places. And it is very dry down south.

  38. The people of Mesopotamia grew crops and stored food for times of need. The sumerians largest city was the city of Ur. The Assyrians were famous traders. The houses in Assyria shared walls. In Assyria only boys went to school. If students didn't do a perfect job they were whipped.

  39. I learned 1) There were only two rivers the Tigris and Euphrates river. 2) There were 4 seas the Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, and the red sea. 3) Ur was the largest city. 4) The famous ruler of Babylon was Hammurabi. 5) The Assirians were famous for trading

  40. I've learned that Assyria conquered Babylon.Also i've learned that they were the first civilization in the world. Next I learned that they had towns and cities. In addition to that i learned that the rich lived in big houses, and the poor in little houses. Finally I learned that they believed in gods and godesses.

  41. I learned that Ninhursag is the mother of the gods.I also learned that Ellil is so powerful that the other gods can't even look at him.Ea is the god of fresh water.The bullman helps people fight evil and chaos.Only boys went to school.The rich lived in larger homes and the poor lived in smaller homes.

  42. I learned that the rich lived in large houses. There were four classes. Only boys went to school (not fair). Students get whipped for not doing it perfectly. They had a king named Hammuabi.

  43. That there is tigris on one side and euphrates on the other. That there is northern mesopotamia and souther mesopotamia. that the desert is no place to hang out. that egyt and mesopotamia are verey close together.

  44. The first thing I learned about was that names of the gods, goddesses, and monsters. Another thing I learned about was that only boys went to school in Mesopotamia. I also learned that the king was Hammurabi. I learned the two rivers of Mesopotamia which are the Tigris river and the Euphrates river. Finally i learned that they were famous for the traders.

  45. What I learned is that Mesopotamia is located in between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Next I learned that Sumer's math was based on one number, and thats 60. Also I llearned that Assyria was famous for their trading of donkeys and caravans. Then I learned that only boys went to school and for a punishment they would be whipped. Finally I learned that Bullman was a demon that helped fight chaos.

  46. Task #1: The two rivers in Mesopotamia are Euphrates and Tigris. The desert south of Mesopotamia is the Arabian Desert. Agricultural community means they grew crops and stored food for times of need. Two important things they invented were the frying pan and the wheel. Ninhursag is called the "Mother of the Gods."

  47. I learned the gods of many things and that only boys were allowed to go to school in Assyrian and if they didnt do a perfect job they got punished. I also learned that an agriculter community means that they grow crops and store food for when they need it later on. I learend about that Sumer people based number 60 for their mathmatical systems. Also the Avenue road that lead into the city. Also their king Hammurbi wrote down and unified all the laws of ancient Babylonia so every one had to obey the law equally rich and poor like.

  48. I learned that the two rivers of mesopotamia are the tigris and the euphrates (p.s i am not looking at spelling). I also learned that they didnt live in huts. Another thing I learned is that they only let boys go to school and that if they wernt perfect the would whip them. Finally i learned that the ruler of mesopotamia was King Hummurabi.

  49. I learned that the two main rivers of Mesopotamia were the Tigris and Euphrates. I also learned that they build their city's along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The number that sumer based their math system on was 60 and we use that today by dividing 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. In Babylon and Assyria their were huge brick animals that were positioned along both sides of the avenue. Their famous ruler was Hammurabi and he was known for that he wrote down and unified all the laws of ancient Babylon so that everyone had to obey the law equally, rich and poor alike. The daily life of Mesopotamia was that boys were only allowed to go to school. The punishment they got for no doing a perfect job was they got whipped.

  50. I have learned about 7 of the gods,deamon, and minsters. And i have learned about Tigrais and Eurphrates. And i have learned about the daily life of mesopotamia and that rich people lived in large houses and poor lived in small houses witch is still how it is today. And I learned about Babylon and Assyria!

  51. I learded that Zigguart was a 3000 foot hight buildig.

    I also learded that Assyria was famous for trading.

    Also that boys were the only ones that were allowed to go to school.

    And also that only the rich lived in large houses.

    Last i learned that Ninhursag was the mother of gods.

  52. #1 I learned that,the desert of south Mesopotamia is the Arabian desert.

    #2The largest city had 24,000 people.

    #3 only boys could go to school because there parents wanted there sons to learn.

    #4 The four classes of people are the upper class, low class the slaves and the priest.

    #5 Ninhursag was the mother of gods

  53. the first thing i learned about mesopotamia is that sumer meens farming.the second thing I learned about mesopotamia is that marduk is the ruler.The third thing I learned is that the four famous inventions where the wheel, irrigation,money and writing.the fourth thing I learned is thatthe assyrians were always at war. the fith thing I learned is that nobody lived in houses.

  54. I learned that the two rivers of Mesopotamia are the Tigris and the Euphrated Rivers.
    I learned that the the mountain range East of Mesopotamia is the Zargros Mountain.
    I learned that the for seas are the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, and the Persian Gulf.
    I learned the desert South of Mesosopotamia is the Arabian Derest.

  55. In the scavenger hunt I learned that Ninhursag is considered the mother of the gods. Also, the city of Babylon was built in Marduk's honor. The Assyrians were famous for trading. Boys were only allowed to go to school. Ur was the biggest city.

  56. 1. Anu is a sky god i thought that was cool. 2. Ninhursag is the mother of the gods. 3. that for there school education if it was not done prefectly then u would be usually whipped. 4. Babylon the street that led into the city. Hige brick and there were positied a long both sides of the avenue passed under Ishtor Gates. 5. Hammurabi declared babylon to be the capital of baylon.

  57. 1. King Hammurabi and he was famous for Babylon to be the capital of Babylonia and he built the city in Marduk’s honor.
    2.Assyrai were always at war with somebody.
    3. Tigris and Euphrates are rivers
    4.What are the four seasthat were located around the Mesopotamia. The Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
    5. the 2 great inventions that came from Sumer were the wheel and the sailboat

  58. 1. Assrians have a lot of gods
    2. In Babylon only boys went to school.
    3. Their writing system was called Cuneiform.
    4. They had houses that shared walls.
    5.They had classes of people:
    -Upper class
    -Lower class

  59. One thing i learned about mesopotamia was that Sumer was split in half between Babylon and Assyria. Another thing i learned about mesopotamia was that it lies between two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates. Even another thing i learned was that mesopotamia was split in 4 groups; the priests, the upper class, the lower class, adn the slaves. Also i learned that the Assyrains were always at war with someone. Lastly i learned that mesopotamia had many gods, goddesses, and monsters. this was a cool project mr. klumper!!

  60. One thing I learned was that Mesopotamia had so many gods! I did not know that Assyrian were always at war. I did not know that Babylonians lived in a huge fortified city. That Mesopotamia had so many (4) seas surrounding it. I did not know that they were call Sumerians. Have a great day!

  61. I learnd that mesopotania is a advanced civilization. the people there are gogeters thay will not settle for less thn the best. I also learnd that mesopotania is in th middle east I alwees thout it was in south Amarica. Did you know the people there bilt houses around rivers.

  62. what i learned. mesopotamia is between the tigtis and euphrates river. they grew crops times needed. that the government is created by themselfs. that they based their math on the # 60 and this is stuff that i learned

  63. From this Prezi I learned many things about Mesopotamia. I learned that the Fertile Crescent is surrounded by mountains, seas, a desert, and a gulf. They also invented many thing like the wheel, money, irrigation, and writing. People in Mesopotamia also invented many more things, like the sailboat. Babylon and Assyria were two places in Mesopotamia. They went to war with each other often. In the daily life of Mesopotamia people did many things, like going to work or attending school-if you were a boy at least. At school you would learn how to write, and you had to do really well. If you failed to get a perfect grade, the very strict teacher would whip you. These schools were attached to temples. The people built temples for all the gods they worshiped. In Mesopotamia they had many gods, like a sky god, a fresh water god, and even a shepherd god. They named all these gods and made statues and amulets for them.

  64. I learned that some of the gods are like Greek gods. Also, that Babylon was a really pretty city. Next, that like most early civilizations that only boys could go to school,that stupid! Plus,that we got our 60 seconds/minutes come from Mesopotamia. Lastly that they had a very weird,ineffective government.

  65. I learned that there are many seas and mountains around mesopotamia. I also learned that was an agriculture comminity wich means they grow crops and use the extra food for times of need. Boys were the only ones allowed to go to school. Great king Hammurabi was the ruler in Babylon. Assyria was always in a battle with someone.

  66. 5 things i learned are... i loved learning how they lived. like... the rich had large homes and the poor had smaller ones. also i dident know that only boys went to school that was cool to lurn! but my favoite thing was the gods,goddesses and monsters! like Bull man was my favorite to learn about because he was the only demond on there.

  67. the things that I learned were, agriculture community means they grew crops and stored food for things they need. The Assyrians were famous for conquering the Babylon and them leveling the city. Gula is the goddess of healing. Scorpion People served the sun god. Lamashta prayed upon unborn children. Those are some of the things that I learned.

  68. task #1 I learened what sumer means. That only boys whent school. I learened were mesopotamia is located. I learend that if the boys did not to good or get in trouble they would get whipped. I learend that the Assyrian was always at war with somebody.

  69. (1) One of the things i liked and learned is that the two rivers of Mesopotamia is the Tigris and the Euphrates.
    (2) Another thing I learned is, the Zagros mountains are to the east of mesopotamia.
    (3) In addition sumers biggest city is Ur, Ur had a population of 24,000 residents.
    (4) One thing i learned about Mesopotamia that is interesting is, the gates of Procession avenue were designed with dragons and bulls in honor of god Marduk.
    (5) last but not least Sumer has alot of inventions that they made, two of them are the wheel and the frying pans.

  70. the five things I learned was that that the mother god is Ninhursag and that in the homes:the rich people lived in big homes and poor people lived in small homes that Mesopotamia is located between Tigris and Euphrates that sumar was an agriculture community and the desert thats south from mesopotamia is the Arabian Desert.

  71. The to main rivers are the Tigris and the Euphrates.The Arabian Desert is in the Mosopotamia. They invented the wheel and writing system. Only boys were alloyed to go to school. Boys usually get whipped if not perfect job is done.

  72. this is going to be a fun unit for me because i like ancient history thats why, also i can make a cool project on mesopotamia that will be cool and that will be awsome.

  73. I learned that Tigris and Eufrateis are the two rivers in Mesopotamia. I also learned that Sumer broke up into two diffrent places, Babylon and Assyria. Third, the Arabian Desert it very hot. Egypt is not a part of Mesopotamia. Last but not least, they beleive in Gods, Goddesses, and Monsters.

  74. I learned that mesopotamia has a lot of gods and goddesses.they also have school with what i think are mean teachers.I found out that nobody lived in huts.Today I found out that mesopotamia has two river called Tigris and Euphrates.It is so cool that they invented things like sailboats,plows,harps,and way more.

  75. I learned who helps people fight evil and chaos the bull-man. Only boys go to school that I also learn. I learn that the assyria was alway in a war with someone. I found out that who is the sky god it was anu. I learned who is the god of fresh water.

  76. Task #1 I learned that the Mesopotamia is in the middle of the Tiger and Euphrates River. I also learned that Mesopotamia is ruled by king and Queens. learned the desert to the south was the Arabian desert. Four seas that are located by the Mesopotamia are the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and the Caspian sea.

  77. I lerned that people in mesopotamia lived in between 2 rivers. I also learned that sumerians had a government mixed in between monarchery and democracy. If you didn't do something perfect in mesopotamia you got whipped. I did not know that the mesopotamians had 4 classess of people. The last and final thing i did not know was that mesopotamians believed in more than 1 god.

  78. #1:I learned that Sumer gave us our hour and min. number 60.
    #2:I learned that Mesopotamia split in to two Babylon and Assyria.
    #3: I learned that all buildings were at leased 3 story's high.
    #4: I learned that only boys went to school and not any girls i thought it would be the other way around.
    #5: did not know that there were three different classes the priests, the upper class, the lower class, and the slaves.

  79. The things I learned about Mesopotamia were. That the kids had to do every thing perfect. The mother of the gods was Ninhursog. The street to Babylon was procession avenue. Only boys were allowed to go to school. No one built huts.

  80. I learned that most gods and goddesses how different names tha wha we reffer to today. And THe teachers could whip there students and that only noys could go. Also that the rivers are Tigris, Euphrates. Plus that it was based on two different types Of goverment monarchy and demochary. Pus that Ur was the smallest city. And we got how we base our day is from theres ( 60 ).

  81. I have learned that there are gods goddesses and monsters. I also learned the sons were only allowed to go to school. If they get in trouble they get whipped.The four seas of Mesoppotamia are the Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Red Sea, and Mediterranean.

  82. I did not know boys only go to school. I lerned the sumer is an Agricuture communty. They biggest city is UR, I didnt kow that. I didn't know that they invented thesailboat. I last thing I didn't know was that Assyria were famous trades.

  83. I learned alot about mesopotamia. A couple things I learned was that boys didnt have to go to school. I didnt know that they didnt live in huts.

  84. Task1-What I learned in the scavenger hunt was that there are a lot of other gods that I didn't even know about. I didn't know about Sumer at all. Also I can't beilive how strict the teachers are. What they make there bricks out of is amazing to. The people in mesopotamia are ctully very smart

  85. I learned that Sumer later split up to be Bablyon and Asslyain. Bull-Man protcctes evli and chaos. I also learned about Procession Avenue and King Hammurabi.

  86. I learnd that the two rivers are the Tigris river an the Euphrates river. I also learneed that only boys could go to school. The biggest city is UR.I also did not know that they invente the sailboat.

  87. I learned the 2 rivers names tigris and euphrates. I learned that only boys could go to school. I didn't know they didn't live in huts. I didn't know assyrians were famous traders. I learned that there building s were at least 3 stories high!

  88. I learned that if you did a bad job at school you got whipped . I also learned that gods back then were weird looking and there were to many of them. I also learned that the Tigris and Euphrates river surrounds the Sumer. The 2 important inventions were the wheel and the sailboat. The Assyrians were always at war.

  89. I think that this was a really fun prodject. I learned where mesopotaimia is and how it split up into Byblon and Asyria. I also learned about many diffrent gods and what they do. Scropion people are great gate keepers for the sun god and are good at battlig demons, that Ninhursac is declaired the mother of all gods but Ellil is so powerful that other gads can't even look at him. And to top it all off their wasant a cosmic browine under my chair.:(

  90. I think that this was a really fun prodject. I learned where mesopotaimia is and how it split up into Byblon and Asyria. I also learned about many diffrent gods and what they do. Scropion people are great gate keepers for the sun god and are good at battlig demons, that Ninhursac is declaired the mother of all gods but Ellil is so powerful that other gads can't even look at him. And to top it all off their wasant a cosmic browine under my chair.:(

  91. Well first I learned that a Bull Man is a demon. He is a man above the waist and a bull below the waist. He also has the horns and the ears of a bull. The Bull-man helps people fight evil and chaos. He holds the gates of dawn open for the sun god Shamash and supports the sun disc. He is often shown on cylinder seals. I also learned rhat a Dumzi is a Dumuzi is a shepherd god who represents the harvest season but also became a god of the underworld thanks to the goddess Ishtar. Dumuzi was the husband of Ishtar. Anybody who went to the underworld could not leave. Even gods had to stay there. Ishtar went through the seven gates leading to the underworld and found that she couldn't escape. The other gods became worried when Ishtar didn't return. The god of wisdom Ea tricked Ereshkigal into returning Ishtar to life but someone had to take her place in the underworld. Ishtar chose her husband, the shepherd Dumuzi. Demons carried him off to the underworld. However, he was allowed to spend half of the year on earth. That is why he represents the yearly cycle of death and rebirth of the crops on earth. Then I learned that Elil is one of the most important gods of Mesopotamia. Ellil is so powerful that the other gods can't even look at him. He is therefore only shown as a horned cap. Ellil's main city is Nippur. Kings from all over Mesopotamia sent offerings to him there. Ellil is the father of many other important Mesopotamian gods and goddesses. Ellil guards the 'tablets of destiny'. These are cuneiform tablets on which he writes the fate of everything on earth. After that I learned that Anu is the sky god. He is the supreme ruler of all the gods. His symbol is the horned cap.
    Mesopotamian myths tell the story of how the earth was separated from heaven at the beginning of time. In these myths, heaven becomes Anu's home. Anu controls shooting stars, called 'kishru'. Anu is also in charge of the Bull of Heaven who can be sent to earth to avenge the gods. Although Anu is an important Mesopotamian god, there are no known pictures of him. Finally I learned that Ninhusag was the an important Sumerian goddess who is often called 'mother of the gods'.
    Ninhursag was important in early Mesopotamian mythology but she does not appear in the mythology of later periods.

    Soryy it its too long

  92. That mesopotamia which mean a land between the rivers.

    The two river are called Tigris and Euphrates.

    The mountain east are called Zagros.

    The desert is called Arabian desert.

    the 4 seas are called Caspain Sea,Red Sea, Sea Mediterranean Sea, and Persain Gulf

  93. The Arabian Desert is south of Mesopotamia. The largest city in Sumer was Ur. Babylonians built Babylon in Marduk's honor. Assyria was always at war with someone else. And finally, People of Mesopotamia were classified into four classes. Priests, Upper Class, Lower Class, and Slaves.
    Well first I learned that a Bull Man is a demon. He is a man above the waist and a bull below the waist. He also has the horns and the ears of a bull. The Bull-man helps people fight evil and chaos. He holds the gates of dawn open for the sun god Shamash and supports the sun disc. He is often shown on cylinder seals. I also learned rhat a Dumzi is a Dumuzi is a shepherd god who represents the harvest season but also became a god of the underworld thanks to the goddess Ishtar. Dumuzi was the husband of Ishtar. Anybody who went to the underworld could not leave.
    Mesopotamian myths tell the story of how the earth was separated from heaven at the beginning of time. In these myths, heaven becomes Anu's home. Anu controls shooting stars, called 'kishru'. Anu is also in charge of the Bull of Heaven who can be sent to earth to avenge the gods. Although Anu is an important Mesopotamian god, there are no known pictures of him. Finally I learned that Ninhusag was the an important Sumerian goddess who is often called 'mother of the gods'.

  94. i learned that sumer was a type of people. the arabian desert is south of mesopotamia. there was a city called the city of ur. and the sumerian goddess is often called the mother of the gods. there are no known pictures of anu.

  95. I learned that the people belive in godesses. Sumer was a type of people. I Learned two new rivers the tiris and the epurates. The arabian dessert. If u did bad in school u would get whiped.

  96. I learned that school was only for boys and that you had to do a good job or else you were wiped. Two importent invenions were the wheel and the sailboat and that there were many gods like Bullman and Ellil,Anu, Ea

  97. i learned that mesopotamia is an advanced civilication

  98. i learnd that school was for boys onlyand i learned the 4 seas and that mesopotamia was the land between rivers andthe two maine countryes and the leader was ziggrat thank you mr klumper for pushing me

  99. I learned that there are 2 main rivers. thare is 1 desert. thare is 1 moutain. mesopatamia is now irak. and thare was a rular

  100. i learned that school was only for boys.And if you didnt do a good job you were wiped. Mesopotamia means land between two rivers. The two important inventions were the wheel and sailboat. Sumer was the type of people.

  101. In Gods,Godesses,and mosters i learned that the Bull MAn helped fight evil and chaaos and held doors for the Sun God.Also i learned that Ningursaag was the Mother of Gods.Next is i learned that Ellil was so powerfull that other gods couldn't even look at him.After that i learned that Ashur was the principle Assyrian god and he also wore a horned cap.Then i learned that Ea (Enki) was the freash water god and that his name is pronaonced differnt then it looks like.

  102. One of the things I learned was babyoln. i learned that babylon had a streets that made it hard to get into there house. they had a street called passion ave. I learned about tigris river. I learned about the eupratest river.

  103. i learned that mesopatimia is irak now days.i also learned that the people from mesopatimia created money the weel irrigation and also writing. i also learned that mesopatimia is between too rivers. i also learned what mesopatimia even was. that last thing i larned was there was no school for girls just boys.

  104. I learned that only boys could go to school and that the desert of mesopotamia is the arabian desert . also the two rivers surrounding mesopotamia is the Euphrates and the tigris river. And te four seas are the Medditerranean sea, Red sea, Persian gulf, and caspian sea. and the mountians are called the zagros mountians.

  105. I learned about the two rivers of mesopotamia. Plus learned that mesopotamia means between two rivers. They made 4 of the most important things that we still use today. i also learned that they beleived in gods and godesses.

  106. I learnd that Mesopotamia is a advanc civalizatione


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