
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th, 2001. Never Forget

I vividly remember this day. On September 11th, 2001, terrorists hijacked four US planes and attacked America. They flew two into the WTC, one into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed in a field because the members on the plan overtook the terrorists and crashed it into the field, saving hundreds of lives. The video above has some footage from various news stations on the day it happened. This day changed America.


  1. Oh Man that is just so hard to believe some one would even think of killing that many people. By the way watched the seal video pretty cool. 3HannahH

  2. That was shocking i don't know why someone would want to kill that many people. I wish we knew who the people were that crashed into the twin towers. I feel really bad for the ones that lost someone close and for the people who died.

  3. It's sad to see that video any time.

  4. those people are just mean!!!!!!!!!
    Who would do such a thing!!!

  5. I may have seen thousands of pictures and videos on this but it doesn't mean I can't have this ache in my heart and the urge to cry.

  6. I may have seen thousands of pictures and videos on this but it doesn't mean I can't have this ache in my heart and the urge to cry.

  7. im crying by brother kahlil was like O.O look at the smoke i got mad at him

  8. I just don't get it why would you even think about doing such a harmful thing to peoples lives. This will be in are history for ever.

    R.I.P. people who fought and tried to help people in the twin towers.


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