
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Virtual Tour of my Classroom

Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade and Welcome to room 610. This is where you will be traveling through ancient civilizations in a journey like you've never experienced. Before we begin our learning, we need to know how things work in my classroom. In this tour, I have included some important comments about what/where certain things are. On that first day of school, you will be told a lot of stuff, it will get a little overwhelming. So, with that in mind, a video tour, I think, will give you a chance to digest how my classroom operates on your own time when you can watch and concentrate. I look forward to sharing the first day of middle school with you.


  1. I would totally go in the file cabinet, and use the pencil sharpener that doesn't work after class started

  2. this will help me remember where everything is!

  3. KaitlynHuskafromlastyear!!August 28, 2011 at 2:22 PM

    Hey Mr. K its Kaitlyn Huska from last years 4th period class. WOOOOOH go 4th period!!! Anyways I was just stopping in to say Hi!! And ask y you didnt do this video for us!?!?!?


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