
Monday, August 29, 2011

All the Places You've Been

Week number two of middle school kicks off with a mini-unit on Geography. All this week, we will be learning about some basic geographical terms and knowledge that will help throughout the year. Before we can delve into the ancient world, we need some basic map skills. We will be looking at maps from time to time, so it's important we can read them. Also, we will encounter various physical features, so we need to be able to identify those as well. Being that our theme this week is geography, that will also be our theme for this blog post. This week, I want to know about the places you have been. Maybe you have gone on a sweet vacation to the Bahamas? Or traveled around in Europe? I have not been anywhere cool (besides Mt. Rushmore) so I want to hear about your travels. Tell me about all the places you've been to and what you did there. You do not have to share every place you've been to.
TASK: Blog about some of the places you have been to in this world. You can tell me about one place you've been or all of them. (It does not have to be a place in a different country.)

This is your final practice post. After this week, we will move into the Ancient World, in which the blogging will have points for you to gain.


  1. Task: I have been to the Mall of Amrica and i have been to Africa and my dad is think of taking us to Fance.

  2. Task: One place i have been is florida. What I did ther is I went to my grandpas house and then we went to Disney world. I have been to Wiscons for family vacation and we went an amusmennt park.

  3. Task #1: I have been to california to visit some of my parents friends. I've also been to San fransisco to go to the zoo and again see my parents friends.

  4. Task:I have been to Florida,Verginia Beach,and Minisota

  5. Task #1 I Have Been To Wisconsin Dells.... We Went To MT. Olympus And It Was Really Funnn!! We Did Water Rides And A Whole Bunch Of Roller Coasters!!! We Also Went To The Tommy Bartlet Water And Comedy Show That Was Really Cool!!

  6. I went to chicago for 3 days and when i was in chicago i tried the best pizza in the world at jeno's east in was deep dish. and later i went to a cubs game and the another place i went to was florida.

  7. TASK: I have been to many states including Florida,Mississpi,Georgia,Minnesota,Wisconsin, Iowa, and many other states. But my favorute trip would probile going to Florida to visit my uncle that had to go to Afganistan to fight for the military. It was fun because we got to go drive gokarts and eat out every day! But I would have to say my favorite part of going was when there was a tornado coming down on top of my freinds hotel.

  8. Task I have been to many places. I have been to the bahamas just for a family trip. I have also been to Califorina for a Lebron James basketball camp. I have been to Washington D.C for a family trip.

  9. I have been to Montana, North Carolina and to Minnesota. I have been to the Mall of Americas amuesment park and to Garretson to play football.

  10. Task #1: This summer I went to Albuquerque NM for a horse show. It was tons of fun!!! In Feburary I went to Scottsdale AZ also for a horse show. Then I went to Wisconsin Dells and it was to much swimming.

  11. TASK: I have been to Jamiaca for a family vacation. I also went to Dallas,Texas twice once for opening game for brand new stadium. The Dallas Cowboys played the New York Giants. The other for the opening game for 2011. The Dallas Cowboys played the Chicago Bears. We got front row again.

  12. Task- I have been to alot of places, well let me list some. I have been to Mount Rushmore, Wisconson Dells, and Nebraska. Those places are cool, but there is even a cooler place I have been too. It is Minnisota. You now why, because there is alot of ski places there. So that is all, by.

  13. My favorite place I have been to is probably Florida. While I was in Florida, I went to Disney World and stayed at a resort.

  14. I have been to Nebraska for the Omaha Zoo and to Florida to go to Disney World. I am also going to Disney World again next summer and in a couple of years I am going to Sweaden.

  15. Task I have been to Florida. I went there because we wanted to go on vacation. It was a lot of fun. I got to see an ocean. I got stung by a jellyfish.

  16. I've been to Utah, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, and Nevada. I hope to go to collage in Hawaii.

  17. Task: I have been to Duluth,MN and Grand Maris. We stayed at Duluth for 3 days and saw Lake Superior. We saw the lift bridge go up and a big boat went through. Then after 3 days of Duluth we went to Grand Maris. While our way to Grand Maris went to Goosberry Falls. We saw the falls and rapids and some of the rapids you could slide down like a waterslide but on rocks. In Grand Maris we took a walk out to the lighthouse while it was windy so the waves were really high and they were crashing around us sometimes we got wet. We had to hang on to the rope so we wouldnt fall in. On our way home we stopped at Bettys Pies for a fabulous treat it was delicious!

  18. Task 1: My family all went out to Colorado for a while for a family reunion. We did lots of stuff and the water was so clear you could see every fish, rock and the feet of who was in the water.

  19. Task 1: I have been to 14 different stats but some of the most cool ones are when my family went to Glacer National Park this summer and I one that my family is planning to go to Alaska to go on a cruse next summer or the one after that.

  20. Well for starters I have been to Florida it was cool. I have been to Iowa. Mexico where my dad was growing up. so that's pretty much all thanks for reading

  21. I have been to a lot of places but the coolest place I have been is Washington D.C.. We went to Washington D.C. because my Aunt was gettng married in the mountains in VIrginia. We went to a lot of memorials including the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetary, and WWII Memorial. We did a lot of things. We even got a tour of the city! After we were done in D.C. we rode the train to the mountains where my aunt was getting married.

  22. Task:This summer I went to Yellow Stone National park we saw three grizzly bears a lot of bison and elk we went there on a family vacation. What was realy cool about the vacation was one of the days we were there it was my birthday. On that day we went horseback riding.

    I have also been to San Diego we were there for my older sisters band. we saw the San Diego Zoo the USS Ronald Reagon it was very cool. We also took a cruse a boat and we saw a seal on a bouy.
    We went to the beach to see the ocean we could not swim though to was to cold.

    Last summer I went to Duluth MN that week it was my birthday.We did a lot of hiking.

  23. My 2 favorite places i have been are South Carolina becuase of the beach and Colorado because of white water rafting.

  24. Task-
    I've been to Yellostone and saw Old Faithful.

  25. I have been to las vegas and went to m-n-m worl and walked aroundd to all the cool sho[s and it was very fun

  26. Hi this is cole jensen i have been to minola texas 4 time because i got more familey there than in south dakota and now for the list
    florida texas new york wisconsin minnisota south dakota colorado kansas oklahoma nebraska north dakota mexico wyoming arizona some place in nevada

  27. I've been to disney world in flarda,omaha went to the zoo.I've been to minnisota with my dad he took me to a vikings game for my b-day. Also wisconson delis it was so fun we went to an water park. I've been to south dakota. Also I have been to the badlands because we ride horses out there every summer for 2 weeks. I have been to white river we go on trail rides out there.

  28. I went to Jamaica last year with my family for vacation. I have been to kasas City 2 time . Nebraska 4 times .I have been to 4 Twins games. I have also been to the black hills twice.

  29. The farthest I have traveled is Green Bay or Chicago. Biggest place Chicago

  30. kevin Gillespie
    I have been to rapid city and went to storybook island 3 water parks mt Rushmore Dinosaur park and reptile gardens. I went to the mall of america. Wisconsin dells. disney land. Iowa. nebraska. Iowa and Nabraska were tea kwone do tounements.

  31. I've been to Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park.

  32. I'v been to Texas with some friends, to Hawaii for a family vacation, and to Chicago for family again.

  33. The best place I've ever been to is Mystic, Conneticut we went swimming kinda cause it started raining, we went to the aquarium, and we also went to the seaport there it was a lot of fun!

  34. I've been to Florida,Black Hills, Minnesota,Iowa, and thats it. I went to Florida for family vacation, I went to the black hills and went camping, Minnesota for the Mall of America and to visit our neighbor, he has cancer and is at a special hospital, and to spend time with family. Next is Nebraska we went to Omaha and we went to Sioux City, Iowa.

  35. I went to Yellowstone National park and we saw 2 bears, 1 grouse, lots of chipmunks, 125 elk, 2 moose, 15 reindeer and a cutthroat trout in witch I cough. Then we went to the Grand Tetons in witch we a saw a bird diving in the river. The we went up to Helena Montana and saw my Dad's friend LT. col. Mark Kunuth. That was my trip.

  36. I went to Disney World in Florida. We went and alot of rides. We went to Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kindom, Typhoon Lagoon, annd Co Coa beach. At Epcot we went on soar'n and that was really fun and all the countries. At Magic Kingdom we went on Space Mountain nad lots more. When we went to Animal Kingdome we went on a Safari ride and saw alot of awesome animals. At Typhoon Lagoon we went in the wave pool and the waves were six feet tall!! It was fun. Last we went to Co Coa beach. We swam for a while until we had to leave to go back to the hotel. That was a reallu fun trip and i hope we are going to go there sometime time soon because its the best place there is.

  37. all the places that i have been to are Nebraska,minnisota,iowa,michigan,florida,mount rushmore, well that is it.sarah

  38. i went to disney world last year. I stayed there for four days and three nights. It was so much fun!!!

  39. I've been to Las Vegas and it was really fun and i went to Kentucky to see my Great aunt and uncle.

  40. i have been to wy plus i was even born there i have been to kansas i have been to minnesota

  41. I have been to NYC,because my Aunt was getting married in Phillie and we took the train to NYC.When we were there we went to a huge Macy`s and Ripley`s Belive It or Not.

  42. task 1: i have been ALOT of places!! Mexico, texas, montana, california, wyoming, florida, arizona, minnesota, iowa, wisconsin, nebraska, illinois, nevada,and maybe a couple more places. my favorite was red lodge, montana!! it was so beautiful and fuh there!!

  43. My favorite places that I have been to are the Black Hills, Colorado, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa. It was so much fun.

  44. some of the places i've been is Nebraska and Montana and i go to montana every year to visit my cousins.

  45. I have been to Chicago and when I was there Bill and Blake raced dirt bikes.

  46. The best place I have ever been by far is Morocco. I went there with my family a few years ago to vist relitives and sight see.

  47. Task1 - I have been to New York 3 times and have watch 2 brodway musicals, Marry Poppens and Mama Mia. Also I have been to disney world in flordia when I was in 2nd grade. I also have been to Texas 5 times or more in my life, family there. Also MN I have family there too.

  48. I have been on three cruises out of Galveston TX and New Orleans LA. On those cruises we went to Jamaca, Costa maya, Honduras, and roatan. I have also been to Disney World one time.

  49. Task: I have benn to Aberdeen Pipstone Minasota, Lurvern Minasota, Minappolias Minosota (we went to mall of america. Ive been there twice.) Omaha Nebraska(i think.) (to the omaha zoo) I might of gone to Colorado, and ive been to Pierie South Dakota.

  50. one cool place i have been to is the wisconsin dells. I have been to the wisconsin dells three times. I have gone to kalahari twice and Nohs Ark once. Another cool place i have been to is the black hills. My family and I went hiking and swimming alot. One really cool my brothers and i saw was a cave, we thought it was a bear cave.

  51. I have been to Rochestere Minisota.
    I go thare ever year to see my grandpe and grandma H. Ive been to th e Omiha zoo. It is the biggest zoo Ive been to. My favorite animal at th e zoo was the sharks
    But I love all the animals.

  52. The first place I ever went to was florida on my birthday. It was totally awesome because I did whatever I wanted to do like go to Epcot, Amimal kingdom, and the important thing I got to do was spend it with family and grandma.
    Second place was Mexico. It was so much fun. I saw an iguana and I did river rafting for the first time. I went to this taco shack acroos the street from are hotel we satyed in, it was so good. We also went to Basken Robbins and I got a pack of Fruity gum.
    We also so got 50 bucks to spend and I got a glass dolphins. Well I've been to Wisconsin for a wedding and 3 more times to Florida.

  53. tekrony last year pd.3August 31, 2011 at 2:13 PM

    hi sixth graders be good or mr. klumper will beat you up my last name is TeKrony

  54. I have been to Arizona twice once for my grandpas birthday and the other for my grandma and grandpas anniversery,Black Hills for family reunions,and South Carolina for my sisters graduation from boot camp in the Marines

  55. I've been to Callifornia. in Callifornia I wnent to sea world and the sand diego zoo.
    I've also been to Flordia. in Flordia I went to Sea World

  56. My favorite place is Wisconsin Dells best place ever!!

  57. i have been to hati, mexico, jamaica,and florida those rare just a few of them.

  58. 6paige d I have been to Denver Colorado.

  59. I have been to FLorida once and illinois a bunch of times because my grandma lives there. I will soon be going to Canada for a dance work shop with 3 other girls from my dance team and with my sister and the team she is on. I will also being going to illinois 2 for dance one for a workshop and one for a dance competition.

  60. I went to Iowa & Nebraska to see my grandparents this summer

  61. Last year i went to North Carilina to visit cousins for eight days it was great we to the beach and had a great time.

  62. The places i have been to are Okoboji Iowe,Minnieapolis Minesota,Ohomaha Nebraska,Rapid city SouthDakota pluse Brookings,Watertown,Colman,Dell Rapids,Brant,Wall, and Pieree thats all i have manly been to.

  63. task#1 Ive only gone to Rapid City that I remember but Ive gone to Disney World when I was little.

  64. I have been to Alaska, Washington D.C, Florida and Disney world, Arizona and hoping to go to Africa soon with my uncle.

  65. I have been to california tennisee, i havn,t been to very many placescant you tell?

  66. Once every 2 years I go to Arizona. the time I will tell you about is last year... When our flight from Denver landed my grandma and grandpa where wating for us. When we got in the car we drove straight to there condo in Tucson A.Z. When we arrived we unpacked our stuff and looked at the clock and in was midnight so we went to bed... It's Christmas eve so then we got up and went to church and had lunch. THen we went SWIMMING! My grandma and grandpa's condo place thingy has a pool so then ya, what ever. it was snowing in the moutains and when we whwre swimming a MIDNIGHT snow started to blow off the moutains so it was snowing and we where swimming, crazy. and then we had to go back home so I was SAD. :( And that is the coolist place I've ever been to.

  67. I have been to Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Washington DC.

  68. I went to clark for 2 weeks and somewhere else for a mud race!

  69. I have been to a lot of places like the black hills, california, and yellowstone. In the black hills I went to see mount rushmore and also went to the reptile garden. When I went to california a was really little but I went swimming in the ocean. When I went to yellow stone I did a lot of things like going to see old faithful. That was really fun I also went white water rafting it was really bumpy and the instructor in the middle of the ride asked us if we wanted to play a game the game was that someone had to go to the front of the raft and every one had to spin the raft trying to make the person fall into the yellow stone river. And what was really scary is knowing that someone the night before we went rafting died in the lake. Not from rafting but frome falling in the river and getting there foot stuck. We were all scared so nobody asked to do the game but I did and the water was really cold but it was fun. And that is all the places I have been.

  70. hey mr klumper it wes like i sed i was not been any were fun see you tuesday

  71. i have been to new jersey 4 times to visit my grandma and ive benn to every state ekcept for idaho


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