
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Glogs, Standard Checks, and More!

Let us not waste our computer lab time today. Let's be focused and work hard. There are a lot of distractions in your life right now: Wax Museum, spring time coming, Spring Fling which brings nervousness in trying to get a date to the dance, and of course the Medieval Times. Despite the many distractions, we must concentrate and do our best. We have passed the midway point in the Medieval Times unit. Today, we will take a moment to slow down and see what information we have learned so far. Below, you will find your tasks. Do them in the order listed.

2. Standard Check: Take the Standard Check by clicking on the page at the top of WSG.
3. Glog Follow-Up: Browse through each class periods Glogs. Look at them. Read them. Respond to them. We made these glogs at the beginning of the unit, at a time when a lot of this stuff was new to us. Now, we have learned many things about the Medieval Times, so perhaps you have something to add to some of the topics you see on our Glogs. Your glog follow up activity is this: Look through the glogs and select 3 Glogs to respond to. For each Glog you choose, add information related to the topics on the glog. Try to write at least one thing about each of the topics on the glog. If you get done with all three glog follow-ups, then do more. You will add this in the form of a comment box for this post.

Period 3 Glogs
Period 4 Glogs
Period 6 Glogs
Period 8 Glogs
Period 9 Glogs
Extra Time
: Look through your Medieval Times detective and see if you can figure out the identity of any of the mystery people.


  1. In period three there are some topics of.........
    1.Knights- They fought on horseback.
    2.Monarchs- The Kings
    3.Castles- were meant to keep out the enemy from the king ond queen.

  2. I like the picture of the dungeon and the knight and armor

  3. Black Death: Thanks for the great info i learned that it was spread by rats. It came in from China on ships and i will add, it killed almost all of the people living there.

    Knights: Had very hard training. They started training at the age of 7 and they become full knights at the age of 21. And i will ad that they had to ride on horse back and try to knock thier opponent off.

    King: The king was the most important person in the Middle Ages. In fact, he was the highest person. I will add that the king was married to the queen and if they had a son he would be the prince and if its a girl its a princess

  4. Wow.... I read period three's and it is really good. I think all the class periods did a great job. I think all the classes worked really hard on the projects. I would have to say Alyssa pd9 and Carly Rahn Pd4 were the BEST!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT GOT IT DONE!!!!!!! From pd9 they talked about married women and I would like to add that when women get married they lose their rights. SO girls I would stay unmarried so I can have RIGHTS.

  5. I like the pictures of the weapons and the knight in blue
    I also like the picture of the black death

  6. Religion- They had popes as their pastors!

    Knights- A knight in full armour leads his men to war. They fought on horse back with long spears called lances!

    Kings- Kings are the highest person in society!

    Torture- The dungeon was something they used to torture their enemies!

    Weapons- They used crossbows!

  7. period 8 had very creative and colorful glogs and very good facts.

  8. prd.3.- We did amazing!! c:
    prd.4.-Really cool blogs. Very colorful!
    prd.6.-cool blogs but mine and amys were better!
    prd.9.-wuts up with all of the justin beiber this page should be banned!! :)

  9. for one of period 6's glogs they talked about the rack which is a torture weapon. More information about the rack is that it would strech out a person so they would confess for a crime.

    for one of period 8's glogs they talked about the black death and how it killed a lot of people. More info about the black death is that it killed 2/3 of the european population

    for one of period 3's glogs they talked about how the keep of a castle was where the king lived. More info is that the king's family also lived in the keep of a castle.

  10. I like the weapons and what they do I think that is really cool.
    I also like the town with everyone running around.
    I like the castle with river around it that is pretty cool

  11. In period nine, there is a Glog with Samurai on it and in the list of countries you left out Italy. In pd. 4 alot of you had good Glogs.

  12. pd4 made a glog that had: castles jousters, touture, and weapons. RE: i think you could add some black death stuff in ther otherwise pretty good..
    pd6 made a glog that had: made a really good colorful glog that had good info...
    pd8 made a glog that had: that needs more color..but other wise great
    pd9 made a glog that had:

  13. The second glog on period 3 was good but I thought that the paint splatters are to distractiong and the words fade into them.

    The fifth glog in period three I like the rainbow streaks. It adds demension to it.

    In period 8 I like the panda bear? rocking out to a song...Nice touch:-)

  14. In class period 3 there was a glog that doesn't make sense it says that jousters road road twords. I do not know what that means.

    In period 6, a glog is well thought out and very good pictures.

    In period 9 they listed some of the weapons.

  15. In class period 3 I found someone that did black death and they could of added durning the winter the black death would go away and come back when it was warm.

    In period 4 I found someone who did torture and they could of put that the dungeons where in lower parts of the castle with winding hallways to muffle the screams.

    In period 8 I found a person who did Islam and they could of put the place where they worshiped was called mosque.

  16. I thought that the 10th glog in fourth period was pretty good but they could of had some more interesting facts about middeval times.I also thought that the glog in forth period #1 was pretty good because of the picture dictionary,it explains the weapons that they used.I also thought that the one in period 8 with the background w/the hands gave pretty good facts.

  17. Some glogs in 8th and other periods just had mostly pictures and they didnt really explain them well.
    Period 4 glogs explained really good and i like some of the pictures they had so represent what they were talking about.
    3rd period had really good pictures, but some of the glogs didnt really explain them.

  18. A glog in period 4 taught me about some of the castle jobs.
    A glog in period 9, taught me about some weapons.
    A glog in period 6, has good information about the black death.

  19. Black death follow up rats and fleas carried it follow up on torture 1 torture devise is the pear follow up on weapons one weapon is the flale

  20. In 3 period they talked about the fuedalism system from top to bottom it goes king queen knight peasant

  21. a glog in period 9 has good information.

  22. On a 3rd period glog they talked about how knights are highly trained warrors but they also have horses to ride!!!

    On a 4th period glog they talked about the black death and how it would include red swelling marks, fever and black finger nails. It also kills someone in about 5 hours to a day!

    I'll be back!!

  23. In period 4 there was a blog that said the queen was in charge of the king. Which is incorrect. The king did whatever he wanted until Magna Carta.

  24. A glog in PD 3 told alot about Knights. They told how there are many different types of Knights like Archer, flat out Knights, and also Foot Soldiers.

    A glog in Pd 6 sayed that rats spread the plague but not how they got there. they got there by trading ships from china that went to Italy and the Europe.

    A glog in Pd 8 say that they are many chambers and places in the castle, but they didn't say how the castles were built or made.

  25. Could have more information.

    This one has pictures but, not information on all of them, to explain.

  26. A glog period 8, has really good information.

    Another glog in period 8 should of added more information and pictures.

    A Glog in period 4 had some very nice pictures of torture devices, kinda disturbing, but good pictures.

  27. the queen wasnt incharge of the king

  28. I looked at period 4 blogs and one said that one of the most famous castles in the medieval times is called the Tower of London and that crusades was a war initiated by the christians to win back the holy land. They also said that peasents were the bottom or base of the pyramid with the lines of authority flowing up to the peak, where the king is.

  29. Glog in Pd. 6-

    Religion- People prayed at Mecca if they were Muslim.
    Crusades- The Christians and Muslims were fighting for Jerusalem.
    Black Death- This disease was brought to Europe from Italian Trading Ships in China.

    Good job on your glog!

  30. In period 3,There was this one glog that told me that rich people choose their children's choice of marriage. This other glog told me all the types of knights: knights, foot slodiers, and archers.And this other glog told me that there are many different instruments made in medieval times.

  31. i found a glog in period 8 and i will add that the kings wife were chosen by their family

    i found another glog in period 8 and i will add that the black death was caused by rats

    i foud a glog in period 9 that tortuere was also [reformed by tickling people

  32. They said that the black death is a sickness that killed many. It was spread by rats, and that queens made sure the castle was running fine. AWESOME SONG!!!!!!

  33. The glog that I looked at talked about how the black death spread to people

  34. These are so cool! Good job guys!!!

  35. a glog from period 6 could use more information on knights.

    a glog from period 3 has realy good information.

  36. i like the knight for the black death and the king and queen and rat. also good facts.

  37. I thought that the glog in period 8 that had the clouds as the background WAS a very creative and deatailed glog and had very good info.

    I also thought that the glog in period 6 by kate and jesse was an interesting one because it had alot of info that was very educational.

  38. For the 5th one for 8th pd
    it was cool the torture devices do give some ways of torture like the rack and the thumb screw which is where they would screw your thumbs to a piece of wood
    yea that would hurt but how could that be punnishment? well im out the glog idea was a good one Mr. K
    ok im out have a good spring break!!!! P.S. the glogs were all great

  39. A glog in 9th Period had alot of good information, and some good music!

  40. semesus and jordan i like your information and your anamations

  41. A glog in period 3 said during the Middle Ages, torture was a very common way to punish offenders. There were many torture for people who disobeyed the royal kings and queens.
    Another glod in period 3 said rich girls parents picked who they would marry.Poor people picked who they wanted.
    A period 9 glog said the worst crime was physically assaulting someone.

  42. btw the comment that was talking about the 2nd glog on pd 8 that one is mine I made a mistake and posted it w/o putting my full name on that comment.

    The very last one on pd 3 it is pretty good it is bright colored and the weapons look very weird like the one on the very left it looks like a club w/ spikes on it

  43. A glog in 8th had the black death,knights,swords,kings,and other weopons...its my favorite.....Anonther glog in 8th did,knights,swords,castles,christianity, and the black death....and finally another 8th glog did, wars, black death, knights, and castles

  44. Daytons has some nice info

  45. I really like the 8th pd second up from the bottom. It had good information and a cool background.

    Pd. 3 top blog, it had a cool picture and good information on Medieval Times!

    I like 9th pds third from bottom. It had a really cool style and good information in the paint splatters!

    Also the top one in pd 9 had an impressive amount of information and it looks like it had alot of effort put into it!

  46. The 1st one for 8th peroid.
    For the black death limbs,fingers,and spots on the body turn black. I think that was good to put under the black death.

    With one in 9th peroid has The Samurai. During the time of knights in the western Europe, skilled fighters called samuri were waged war in Japan. I think that was a good thing to put under the Samurai and they had great details.

    Now the least and final one in 4th Period.
    The Vikings attacked from scandinavia after the kingdom fll apart. I like the picture of the Vikings. I thought it was good that they say why they attacked scandinavia.

  47. in period 6 a glog had water as a back ground said some stuff a bout the black death it very pain full i bet

    one glog in period 6 talk about how kings wete the overall rulers, and their family chosw their wife

  48. The 5th glog in pd5 had great information and an interesting format. The 1st glog in pd 9 had a neat layout and has great pictures.

  49. An 8th period glog talked about how squires couldnt become knights untill age 21. In Jousting you tried to nock off the other opponent. Chess was invented in the Medieval Times. Moats protect villages.

    Another 8th period Glog said that during the black death they buried bodies by the hundreds, and preporations for medicine were stored in sheep horns

    Yet another 8th period Glog says that the rack stretched out the human body, Monarchs were the most important, and a castle is where the king lives.

  50. I liked one in period 8 that had the picture dictionary of the weopans becouse they have good pictures.

    another one that i liked was in 6th period that had a bunch of black and white pictures of a famous person and the feudalism chart.

    another one i liked was in

  51. glog in fourth period with the dancing sheep and the singing teddy bear is pretty cool!

    Glog in the third period with all the color and the never sy never music has some cool colors and some pretty good facts

  52. the glog i liked in pd.8 had a picture of a castle with a pretty good fact about it like Until 1066 there were no castles

  53. A glog in 3rd period had very good and descriptive information about the Medeveil Times,(and some good music

  54. A glog in Pd. 4 had a lot of colors and fitting pictures and lots of description.

    A glog in Pd.9 Had a geat fitting backround and captions but no other pictures.

    A glog in Pd. 3 had a very colorful backround and good captions

  55. Glog in Period 3 was good because...
    It had different information about Knights, Castles, Crusades, Queens, and The Black Death.
    Glog in Period 4 was good because...

    Glog in Period 6 was good because...

    C U L8R

  56. I liked a lot of period 4's glogs(:

  57. The Black Death was called the boubonic pleague it got the name Black Death because the source on the body's were black.

  58. The first one in period 9 was very interisting! I didn't know that where ever the buider was from, the method of the castle would be like that.

    I thought the Samurai was in Asia?

    I would not like to have an arranged marrage.

  59. I Learned that a dungeun was for there prisoners to be tortured.

    I Also Learned that the Widsor Was the oldest castle

    I Next learned about the black death how rats would carrie bacteria and fleas would suck their blood and then the fleas would bite humans.

    A Knight Would ride on a horseback

    This was a fun project!

  60. Pd.3-If you or one of your family members had the black death they would put a red cross on the house and no one could come in or out of the house.

  61. I chose a Glog that was in the Period 3 link. There was a lot of good ones in there. I chose the third one down(yes you have to scrull down to see it.) It talks about a lot of different things I like how they talked about the history of the Bubonic Plague also known as the "Black Death."

  62. ELLO! ok on most of the glogs i looked at alot of them and they said princess have arranged marriages.

  63. Someone in Period 3 said that knights fought on horseback, they also had a code which was Chivalry.
    In Period 4 someone said that the castle protects everyone inside of it, it also was a dungeon in the basement.
    Someone in Period 6 said that the Black Death was spread by rats, it also was spread by fleas because they drank the rats blood.
    In Period 8 someone said that Islam believers were Muslims they also believed in Muhammad.
    Someone in Period 9 said that the princesses marriage was chosen for them, they also not just princesses, all women lost all their rights when they got married.

  64. A glog in period 8 talked about the black death, it came from rats who had it in their blood and fleas bit the rats and the fleas bit humans to get it.
    A glog in Period 6 talked about the castles, the castles actually had dungeons in them where torture happened.
    A glog in perios 6 talked about religion, Islam was also a major religion.

  65. A glog in period 6 said that the black death was spread by rats. They said that knights protect the king and queen. Castles were where kings and queens lived. The Monarchs are the rulers. Deadly weapons were used in battle.
    A glog in period 8 said that castles were invented during the Medieval times. Jousting was a big sport.
    Medieval Times were cruel. Moats protected villages or castles. Being put in a dungeon was very bad.
    A glog in period 4 said the plague wiped out many villages. Castles were also used as fortresses to protect everyone inside. The crusades were initiated by the christians. Chivalry is an honor code that knights followed. The windsor is the oldest and biggest castle ever.

  66. I thought that in period 6 the fourth one had a lot of great information on all of there topics they also had really good pictures.

    I thought that in period 9 the seventh one had good information but i liked the one that they talked about the black death they said-The black death was one of the worst natural disasters in history. The black death was a disease spread by fleas that were carried by rats.

    I thought that in period 4 the nineth one has good information good pictures. And I learned that a new form of warfare and weapons were introduced to England. And great song chiose I like it.

  67. a few glogs in period 4 said queens overpowered king, not true kings had power until the magna karta. When that came into play the senete got power back. Great detail though. Good Job everbody

  68. I liked all the glogs!! :)
    The black death was when rats carried fleas that had a disease and when the flea gets on a human it turns there fingers and feet back.

    Knights were highy skilled people that would fight in war.

    Women didnt have there own rights after they got married and there father or husband would make her disissions!! :/

  69. a couple glogs in 4th period said that queens were more honored than kings sometimes. But i would have to disagree with that. Kings were always more highly honored,this was only true though until the magna carta which told that kings couldnt have complete power.

    knights also followed the chalvory


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