
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ancient Rome: "You Are There"

All year you have been reading about other people time warping back into ancient civilizations. Now, it is time for you to time warp. Johnny Rawten gets to time warp. The I Series character gets to time warp. Why can't you?
We have introduced ourselves to ancient worlds a number of different ways (library books, video, comic books, textbook, etc.) I think, though, that the best way to get introduced to an ancient world is to not read about it. Not watch a video about it. But to actually GO there. With this new creation from WSG, you will time warp back to ancient Rome. You will spend a day in this ancient civilization discovering and learning about it. You will be making decisions. Your decisions will have consequences and like all decisions, some are better than others. So now, it is time for you to time warp. Hang on, its going to be a wild ride. (Maximum score is 100. Good Luck!)

Play: Ancient Rome-You Are There
Bonus Questions: As you made your way around Rome, making decsions and dealing with the consequences, you discovered many things about ancient Rome. Can you find the answers to these bonus questions in the game? Post a comment with your answers.
#1: What type of food do patricians eat?
#2. What is a Eques gladiator?
#3. Where do charioteers race their chariots?
#4. What is the Forum?
#5. What is the Pantheon used for?
Thank you!


  1. #1. Patricians eat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and honey.

    #2. The Eques gladiator specializes in horseback riding.

    #3. The charioteers race their chariots in a stadium called the Circus Maximus.

    #4. The Forum was a gathering place of religious and political discussion. It was the main market place and business center. It was a place for education to be taught, justice to be served, and libraries to be used.

    #5. The Pantheon is a huge building used as a temple to worship the gods of Ancient Rome. There is a hole at the top to let light in.

  2. #1.Meat, fruit, veggies, honey, and bread

    #2.Horse Back rider.


    #4.Gathering place for relious and politacal discussion.

    #5.A huge temple to worship the gods.


  4. Keaton R. period 3March 8, 2011 at 7:39 PM

    #1 the patricians eat food like chicken, turkey, and other great foods

    #2 someone who fights to the death

    #3 the circus maximus

    #4 the forum is something used during the Roman Republic

    #5 It is used for worshiping the Roman gods

  5. 1. Meat, fish, vegetables, bread, and honey.
    2. Specializes in horseback riding.
    3. A stadium called Circus Maxim-us.
    4. Religiosity and political discussions, main market place and business center, justice served, education taught, libraries used, processions, elections, and senate assembles.
    5. A huge building used as a temple to worship gods.

  6. 2 thousand six hundred and twelve

  7. 2 thousand six hundred and twelve

  8. 1. Bread,meat,fruits,vegies,honey,fish
    They are good at riding horses.
    In the colleseum because, they fight against other charioteers.
    A gathering place of religious and political discussions.
    A huge building used as a temple to worship gods.

  9. 1. Meat,fish,fruit,vegetables, bread,and honey.

    2. Specializes in horseback riding.

    3. Circus Maximus stadium.

    4. A gathering place for religion amd political discssion.

    5. A huge building used as a temple to worship the gods.

  10. You are there follow up:
    1. Patricians eat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and honey.

    2. The Eques gladiator specializes in horseback riding.

    3. The charioteers race their chariots in a stadium called the Circus Maximus.

    4. The Forum was a gathering place of religious and political discussion. It was the main market place and business center. It was a place for education to be taught, justice to be served, and libraries to be used.

    5. The Pantheon is a huge building used as a temple to worship the gods of Ancient Rome. There is a hole at the top to let light in

  11. The way you get 100 points is by choosing all of the right answers during the game so you don't get any -'s and you get the max # every time. Then you have to answer all of the bonus questions correctly

    (ps. I hope i didnt do that right because then my score would be -15)

  12. 1. vegeballs,meat,fruit,honey,bread.
    horseback riding.
    they race there chariots in the saduem-circum maxinus.
    somehting used during roman republic.
    worshiping the roman gods.

  13. 1.Meat, Fish, Fruit, Vegetables, bread,and honey
    2.The egues gladiator specializes in horse back riding so i get to use a horse and a sword in battle
    3.Circus Maximus
    4.The forum is where people gather, religious and politcal discussions, Market place and buisness center, a place for justice to be served,education and libraries, processions, elections, and assemblys.
    5.The patheon is a temple used to worship gods.

  14. This is how u get the 100 points. instead of hitting Gladiator you hit Chariot. Because Gladiator gives you 5 points and chariot gives you 10 points.

  15. #1 They eat meat,fruit vegtables, fish fruit and honey.

    #2 It is a gladiator who knows how to fight with a horse

    #3 They race in the Circus Maximus

    #4 It is a religous and politacal gathering place also a buisness and market place.Libraries were to be used educatoin was taught and justice was served.

    #5 It is a big temple to worship gods but there was a hole to let in light.

  16. 1. patrician eat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and honey.
    2. a Eques gladiator specializes horseback riding.
    3. Circus Maximus
    4. a gathering place for religious or political discussion.
    5. huge building used as a temple to worship the gods of ancient rome.

  17. the one and only faboulus elsieMarch 9, 2011 at 4:48 PM

    I figured how to get 100 you mst become a glatiator and be eques one and press end game and do everything else with no mistakes and BAM! you have100 points

  18. the one and only faboulus elsieMarch 9, 2011 at 4:48 PM

    I figured how to get 100 you mst become a glatiator and be eques one and press end game and do everything else with no mistakes and BAM! you have100 points

  19. 1.They eat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and honey.

    2. Eques gladiator are good in horseback riding.

    3.Charioteers race their chariots in a place called Circus Maximus.

    4. Forum is a gathering place for religious and political mettings. It is the main market and where jobs were. It was were education was taught, and libraries to be used.

    5. The Pantheon is a huge building used as a temple to worship the gods.

  20. when it says end game or replay game you should push end game to get to 100 points.

  21. 1-meat, fish, bread, honey, Fruit, vegtables
    2-A gladiator that can ride a horse during a fight.
    3-At the Circuis Maximus.
    4- religious, political, marketing, justice, bussiness, education purposes
    5-A place to worship the gods

  22. #1. Patricians eat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and honey.
    #2. A gladiator that fights on horseback.
    #3. Charioteers race in the Circus Maximus.
    #4. The forum was a gathering place of religious and political discussion.
    #5. The Pantheon is a huge building used as a temple to worship the gods of Ancient Rome. The oculus at the top is to let light in.

  23. 1. Meat, fish, vegetables, honey and bread
    2.someone who does horseback riding.
    3. A stadium called Circus Maximus.
    4. Religious and political discussions,justice,market place and business center.
    5. A big building used as a temple to worship all of the gods and goddesses

  24. 1. Patricians eat meat, fruit, vegstables, fish, bread and honey.

    2. A Eqies gladiator is a horseback rider.

    3. Charoiteers race their chariots in a place called Circus Maximus.

    4. A Forum is a gathering place of religious and political discussion.

    5. A Pantheon is a place to worship the Gods.

  25. #1.Meat, fruit, veggies, honey, and bread

    #2.Horse Back rider.

    #3.circus maximum

    #4.#4.Gathering place for relious and politacal discussion.

    #5.A huge temple to worship the gods.

  26. 1. Bread,olives,cheese,and raisins.

    2. Specializes in horse back riding.

    3. A stadium called Circus Maximus.

    4. A market and a bussiness center

    5. A temple for worshiping the Gods.


  27. Number 1 is wrong on mine but its Meat,Fish,Vegtables,Bread and Honey.

  28. #1. bread, olives, cheese, and raisins
    #2. The Eques gladiator specializes in horseback riding.The eques gladiator has a horse and a sword.
    #3. Circus Maximus.
    #4. It was a gathering place of religious and political discussion. It was the main market place and business center.
    #5. Unlike the Forum which was used during the Roman Republic, the pantheon spanned the Roman Empire.

  29. #1.Fish,Meat,Fruit,Vegetables,Bread and Honey

    #2.Was a more mounted,easy-armed gladiator.

    #3.At the Colosseum

    #4.A open discussion place where people gather and talk.

    5.A huge building or a temple used to worship the gods of ancient Rome

  30. 1.honey bread meat fruit veggies back rider
    3.circus maximus
    4.a place for political and religious discussion
    5.a big temple to worship roman gods in

  31. 1. meat,fish,vegetables,bread,honey

    2. a gladiator with a horse

    3. raced at the Circus Maximus

    4. a gathering place for religious reasons

    5. used to worship gods

  32. 1.foods like meat,friut,honey,an read.
    2.they specialized in horse back riding.
    3.a stadum tha was called circus max-us.
    4.gahtering place for religios and plitical dicission.
    5.a big building us as a temple to worship the gods.

  33. 1.expensive food
    2.a very good horse back rider open area
    4.something not in the rome empire honor the gods

  34. Stranger in sixth periodMarch 10, 2011 at 1:13 PM

    I know how to get to 100 points! You go through and get all the right answers including the end game part. Then you answer all five questions..... if you get them all right you get 100 points! Let me explain, when you go throught you get 95 points then you add another five by doing these questions. That equals 100 points!

    1. Meat and really nice food when all the peblians get is bread.
    2.An Eques gladiator is a gladiator that will rid horses when they fight. Sometimes people use ships to fight and they have to flood the colliseum.
    3.The charioteers race their chariots at colliseum.
    4.A place where..... well its kind of like the White House. All the politic stuff goes on there.
    5.A place to worship the gods.

    Well gotta go.... I also know who teach timmers is. But first you will have to find me in period six.

    HINT: I am a loud person

  35. "Stranger in 6th Period": Good try, but you are not correct. That is not how you get 100 points. You do not get any points for doing the bonus questions. The secret to unlocking 100 points is in the game itself. Good Luck!

  36. The stranger is Rylee Smith. duh

  37. Ohhhh... I wonder who the stranger in sixth period is???

    2.a person who fights to their death
    3.Circus Maximus
    4.a huge building used as a temple to worship the gods of ancient Rome
    5.It was a gathering place of religious and political disscusion...............You get to 100 by answering all the questions correctly and hit end game in the end

  39. Carson Haase pd. 9March 13, 2011 at 6:04 AM

    Sorry I'm a bit late but I haven't found time to get to the computer in the last week. On the You Are Here activity I got 25 points at the end.

    1) Meat (fish), Vegetables, Bread, Honey, Fruit
    2) A gladiator with a horse
    3) Cirus Maximus
    4) A gathering place used for religious reasons.
    5) Used for worshiping gods.


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