
Friday, January 7, 2011

Ancient India Begins

Students, we have moved on from ancient China and are now headed to Ancient India. This country, in my opinion, is under the radar when it comes to common ancinet civilizations. In Egypt, most have heard of the pyramids. Greece, Zeus and Apollo are quite common. Rome, the Gladiators and Colesseum are quite well-known. However, when the term Ancient India is spoken, perhaps nothing comes to mind. As you will see as we travel through this ancient civilization, India witnessed the start of some very prominent things in our world. Two religions were produced by ancient India: Buddhism and Hinduism. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. Houses of the ancient cities of India were ahead of their time, with many features you would find in houses today. And of course, rivers. Ancient India has two major rivers, the Indus river and the Ganges river. Like Egypt, China, and Mesopotamia, ancient India would not have grown and prospered without its rivers. Fresh Water=Life.
Work hard during the unit, I am confident you will learn a lot.


  1. Cant wiat to learn about it!!

  2. hello what is up mr.klumper I am in the libary wasteing time I can't find a book on Alexander Graham Bell in here so can you help me find one.


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