
Monday, December 27, 2010

Experiment Week: Get Connected!

Good morning and hello. This is experiment week here at Water for Sixth Grade. With Christmas over, we find ourselves on Monday morning with an entire week off from school. You may be thinking to yourselves: "What am I going to do all week?" Well, the answer is simple. Blog. Not just blog, but blog with a purpose. Let me explain. I purposely did NOT tell anybody about this blog post before vacation started. The reason is simple. I want to do an experiment on Water for Sixth Grade, and based on today's unbelievable technology and "connectedness," I am very interested to find out what happens. Okay, let me explain. The experiment is this: I want to see how "connected" we are in the sixth grade. To do that, we will use Water for Sixth Grade. Post a comment to this blog post so I know you were here. Just tell me Hi, or tell me what you have been up to, it doesn't matter. Just post anything so I know you were on WSG. Now, here's the experiment part. I want to see how many students I can get to blog this week. Again, this was a secret blog experiment, so now we must work together. If you are reading this now, that means you have visited the blog during vacation. Good Job. Post a comment. Now, you must tell your friends to visit the blog as well and take part in the experiment. Call them. Email them. Text them. Post a message on Facebook. Anything, but you need to let them know what is going on so they can be a part of the experiment. My goal is to get at least 50% of my students to post a comment during this week. Here's how it will work: You read this, post a comment, then text three (or four or ten or however many you want) friends to visit WSG and post a comment for the experiment, then those three friends each text three people and let them know, then it just keeps spreading, like wildfire. In a matter of minutes, hundreds of people could know about this. If you are here, right now, you must spread the word. It is up to you! I know I can count on you. Just how social are we? Just how "connected" are we? Let's find out....


  1. Mr. Hoegh, of The World, is connected to WSG. Have a good rest-of-your break.

  2. Hey Mr.Klumper hows it going i had an okay Christmas except that my great grandma was in the hospital and still is but i got all the presents i wanted and now im just waiting for my birthday!

  3. hi mr klumper cant wait to be back in school

  4. Hey Mr.Klumper!! Hows you break going mine has been great. I got some cool presents for Christmas(Examples: cloths and a guitar). What did you get?

    ~Happy Holidays~

    See you January 4th at 8:something in spelling.

  5. well i guess we arent that connected hahahahahaha. Snow is pretty,uhh well ate lots of food,and well its cold outside,went sleding on deer trails and almost went in the gulley,and FINNALY i went pheasent hunting what a great break!!!!!!

  6. hey Mr. Klumper it's sabrina but i'm in seventh grade now i was just checking out your blog to see what the new sixth graders were doing and i found this so i just decided to blog see ya in school!

  7. Hey Mr.K hows your break been mines been great I went sn;owboardin and stuff see ul in ss bye.

  8. Hey Mr.Klumper. Hows your break? I had a awesome christmas. I hope you did too. See you in social studies.

  9. He Mr.Klumper hows was your break i loved mine because i had my bday and christmas see you at school Bye.

  10. Hey Mr.Klumper! I had a great winter vacation but i miss going to school co i can be in my favorite class....Social Studies! I got most of the present i wanted. I hope you did too. I love winter vacation so i can see all of my family that lives far away. I think you should make another white shirt production with the student teacher so he knows how it works and maybe he could make one of his own. That would be interesting. I got Mario Cart for my Wii and I play it all the time. I got to go play some more and ill see ya later.
    Your FAVORITE student

  11. Hi Mr.K im not going to give you a long thing about my x-mas like everyone else on here because you said to only say (Hi) so i did have a good rest of the year see you 4th period

  12. Hey Mr. Klumper! Just leaving for North Dakota! I got a Kindle for X-mas! what did u get???

  13. (a rare comment from Mr. Klumper)Students, good job posting and being part of the experiment. Remember, posting a comment is only half of your job, you MUST tell others! By the way, all those who have posted and all those who will post before school resumes: You will get extra credit. Merry Christmas :)

  14. Hi Mr.Klumper hope you are having a good Christmas break ,i am.See you next week!

  15. Hi Mr.Klumper,
    Did you have I good Christmas I know I did I got a Laptop!! Its really awesome now I can blog whenever I want! Well I have nothing else to say sooooo..... bye.

  16. hi and merry christmas to all start posting ..

  17. Hi Mr.Klumper. Happy New Year!

  18. Heyy Mr.klumper, my awesome vacation was sitting at home sleeping =D


  20. Hey, Mr.Klumper, how was your break, mine was great I got everything I wanted!! I can't wait until Tuesday I get to go skiing!! My friend texted me to go on Water For 6th Grade, so I did!
    *** I hope you had a great X-mas***
    -Katelyn N ;)

  21. hey mr.k i had a wonderful christmas and i am at my gandparents house and I have nothing to do so I went on wsg to see what was new and I found something and so hi

  22. Hey, right now im at my aunt house and my 9 year old cousin jacob in hitting me with a play gun my 2 year old cousin is sleeping my two 3 year old cousins are chasing each oyher and my sister is doing something we just got done opening presents a hour ago so yeh well got to go kill my cousin adios amigos.

  23. under the heading water for sixth grade creator where and when(time line) was that picture taken


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