
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to Ancient China

Welcome to ancient China. As we begin our new unit, I would like to give a little preview into this unit and cue you in on some of the things coming your way. For this post, you do not need to post a comment, it is simply a informational post for you to read and be aware of. Throughout this unit, we will see how very diverse the geography of China is. With deserts, rivers, plateaus, mountains, and plains, China has a wide variety of landforms. Having so many different land forms matters and will effect certain things that we will discover along the way. One of those things that is effected by the physical features is the Silk Road and the people who travel it. You will read a story called "I Traveled the Silk Road" which you will see our main character trying to make the journey. In the story, you will learn all about the Silk Road and what it was like traveling this very dangerous, but important trade route. You will learn about the first four Dynasties of China, the Great Wall, and the many, many important inventions China produced. The White Shirt production for this unit will show you some of the ancient Chinese Weapons in Action, letting you decide for yourself which were the most effective. You will see that ancient China is a very interesting, intriguing place. You will also see that ancient China has greatly influenced the world today.

Ancient China Test: December 21st, 2010


  1. Do alot of people have cars and drive in them?

  2. This unit is going to be really fun. i hope we learn about the great wall of china a lot it sounds lkike a really fun unit I was w9onderijng when is the chinese symbol due

  3. CarsonHaase9thperiodDecember 4, 2010 at 8:48 PM

    What is the food like? Did you like the food? I think the food would be alot different from here right? I think that a lot of kids here would most likely not like the food there because of all the veggies in it!


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