
Thursday, May 13, 2010

The 1,000 Word Challenge in 2010

Hello Bloggers. Water for Sixth Grade is making its glorious return to the spotlight. Now that we have completed all eight of our "major" units, we are going to take this opportunity to share what we have learned in Social Studies. But wait, we are not going simply use Social Studies, you can share what you have learned in ANY class this year. But wait even more, for this post, you can also share anything about this entire year that happened at Middle School besides what you learned in class. Maybe you want to talk about how you felt on the first day, or spring fling, or the Wax Museum, or how you have changed throughout this year, etc. This may seem like a lot of material to cover, but you will need a lot in order to 'win' this challenge. This is the 1,000 word challenge. The challenge is quite simple: post a 1,000 word comment. How much is a 1,000 word comment? It's basically one page, single spaced, 12 point font on Microsoft Word. If you reach 1,000 words, you will not only earn an "A" for this assignment, you will also earn the title of Master Blogger. WSG is ready to take your comments and continue to share your ideas and knowledge with the rest of the world. I look forward to seeing you attempt this challenge. I am also looking forward to seeing you pass this challenge.
If you are not up to the 1,000 word challenge, perhaps you would like to do the 500 word challenge, in which case you would recieve a "B." Still too many words? Your third option would be the 250 word challenge which would earn you a "C." You may not go any lower than 250 words to gain points.
Task: Post a comment about everything/anything you have learned in 6th Grade.
Format: 1,000 words=A 500 words=B 250 words=C Below 250 words: Zero
Points: A=50 points B=43 points C=38 points
DUE Date: May 21th, 2010. Midnight.


  1. I think this first year of middle school was very fun and awesome. I would like to thank all of the teachers in the sixth grade. Mr. Klumper was a really cool teacher because we did awesome projects every week. He even let us use open notes for our tests. I really liked how he teached and i would really like to thank him for all of the hard work he has put into social studies. He spent so much time just making projects for us and he also makes so many blog posts and he also made a podcast.
    If you think Mr. Klumper is a bad guy, well think again.

    Mr. Nelson is a great teacher and a very awesome basketball coach. He is also really cool because he makes people stronger by doing push ups on the commercials in Channel 1. He is very active and strong and so is Mr. Klumper. Everyone always says what a great teacher he is. The first time I ever met him, I really loved him.

    Mr. Sturgeon and Ms. Lofton are very nice and awesome teahers also. I sometimes got on her bad side but thats just because we kids are little butt heads. They both make us work very hard in English and Reading.

  2. 6th grade was great it was fun social studies was fun too we learned about cavemen,knights,chineese people,china,africa,hindunese people,

  3. I think that this year was a good year and lots of fun thing happened and stuff. In social studies we learned about lots of cool civilizations. The first one we studyed is the stone age. We learened a lot about monkey people and stuff. We learned about the tools the mokey people used to make medicines, hunt, and prepare food and do lots of other things to help them survive in the cold climate that they lived in. They lived in caves and made cave drawings about the long hunting trips where they hunted big irish elk and lots of other animals that he didnt tell us about. They hunted by taking fire toches and then chasing the animals over the cliff so that way they died by falling to deep sharp pointy rocks and stuff. The very next ancient civil

  4. Amy Vardsveen 4pd.May 13, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    Well my favorite subjects would have to be all of them. Mainly reading and math and also English! English is kind of fun most of it is easy but some of it is hard! REading is so fun! I love to make the projects and do the book talks with people! I love to read so that's most of the reason why I love Reading! My favorite thing in Reading is the play/scit thing. Just hanging out and pretending is fun! Plus I dont have any home work in it unless I want to work on something like the letter to are selves! That is so cool! I wish i could know what i will be like when im older! Gym is fun! My favorite thing about it is when we get to run! But not for too long! Plus i love to play games in Gym! Someone should tell that to Mr. Deckert and make him let us have games every time we have gym! I DON'T like to do wall sits! I hate them! But my favorite part of gym is that I have most of my friends with my!Some of Them are Amanda,Kirstyn,Casaria,Robin,and more.Those are some of my friends in gym! I so cant wait for track! Im so going to jump untill I cant jump any more! I'm so seriouse about that! Hopefull tey show us what track is going to be like! Some of my friends are in track but a lot of them arn't. Alex you better try track

  5. In 6th grade I learned China Eygyt Greece India Mesopotamia Middle Ages Rome Stone Age Black death jousting joust champion fable verb linking verb action verb predicate grilled cheese tunic fractions probability times divide decimal percent Mickey mantle shoeless joe AR black duck heros don’t run typing composers Africa. We did riddles on water for sixth grade mr klumper web site. I also read son of the mob, comeback of the home run kid, the kid who only hit homers, and the return of the home run kid witch is the sequal to that. In science we learned about eroding genes sperm female egg dominate trait reccesive trait like for example green eyes is reccesive brown eyes is dominat. In English we also learned more things like articles demostritave adjective pronouns we also talked about DOL witch is daily oral language where the teacher gives us sentences with mistakes in them and we have to fix them. In the stone age the cavemen used pypyurs witch is sticky sapp that keeps their fires going longer in damp areas.

  6. This year I have learned many things in math, science, social studies, english, and reading. I have made many more friends this year and hope to make more and more and even more friends for the following years. In social studies we learned about Medieval Times, Rome, Greece, and even more. I learned about the black death and that when you got it you had large and black swellings over your body. They used many torture devices and were really cruel to people. They burned people and stabbed people. The Egypt unit we learned how the people worked really hard and died working on the pyramids of Giza. There are many different religions that people had been believing or are believing. This year we went on the field trip and learned about the crime investigations and the finding of king Tut’s tumb. We bit on two cups and tried to match one of the cups with the other one we bit on. We got to play in the pavilion after watching a movie in the dome. I have learned about Mt. Everest, Mt. Kilimanjaro, and other places in the amazing race. Each place we had to write a paragraph about it. 201 words

  7. Hannah Pruett pd. 8May 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM

    For this year I have had a huge blast, but I've also had tons and tons of homework. For Social Studies we have learned of about eight different topics which are: China, Egypt, Greece, India, Mesopotamia, Middle Ages, Rome, and Stone Age.

  8. In 6th grade I learned China Eygyt Greece India Mesopotamia Middle Ages Rome Stone Age Black death jousting joust champion fable verb linking verb action verb predicate grilled cheese tunic fractions probability times divide decimal percent Mickey mantle shoeless joe AR black duck heros don’t run typing composers Africa. We did riddles on water for sixth grade mr klumper web site. I also read son of the mob, comeback of the home run kid, the kid who only hit homers, and the return of the home run kid witch is the sequal to that. In science we learned about eroding genes sperm female egg dominate trait reccesive trait like for example green eyes is reccesive brown eyes is dominat. In English we also learned more things like articles demostritave adjective pronouns we also talked about DOL witch is daily oral language where the teacher gives us sentences with mistakes in them and we have to fix them. In the stone age the cavemen used pypyurs witch is sticky sapp that keeps their fires going longer in damp areas.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. 1,000 word chalange I love my 6th year because I have more kids I don’t know and I canmake new friends and have more friends and the lunch is more aewsome because we get more food I love that and my teachers are more nicer to my class mates I don’t have a girl freing yet but I will have one soon my favoret subjet is math because I get to learn more things I dint know in the past I have responisple I am dating a very pretty girl named sommer and my friend braidon are best buddy I was just kiding about dating sommer we are just friends my favoret teacher is Mr. Klumper we love cage fighting I am very hansome and all the girls want me I cant help it I am just very gorgus I have more friends than I haved last year my top 10 friends are MR. klumper Mr mulhair grace bender zack bradvold the things I don’t like about middle school are some of the kids are meen and some of them do drugs I try to stay away from them so I don’t grt in trouble because I am a good and smart kid I am Mr. Klumpers favoret student because I can get him cage fighting tickets so I am very tall and my least favoret subject is spelling because I am not very good at spelling I have aewsome guns I can beat anyone that trys to beat me I cant lie Mr. klumper beat me once but I beat him more times than he beat me I am a strate b student I have only got into one fight at the beagining of the year I really like middle school but the thing thar stinks is I we don’t get resses my second favoret subject is gym in social studies we have leard about gods and goddisses and we have also leard about rome and the medival times it was very fun because I leard things I dint know I leard some cool fact’s

  11. Amy Vardsveen 4periodMay 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM

    Lets see what did I leave of on! Um Ow Gym! Math is so fun! It's pretty easy! I'm so excited to start the math fair!I want to start on my project! I loved everything we did in math! Social studies is fun! I never liked the loping games! I guess that mainly because I'm not good at it! But I do love the past! I love learning about the past!The past is so cool! Hopefully I can learn a lot! I want to see what everyone's projects look like! My favorite assignment we did in Social Studies is the Web Quest! I love web quests because their so easy and fast to do! I finished mine in 20 min. but i worked strait through without distractions! I'm not excited about the final loping game! I didn't like learning about the black death because it was really sad and who would want to be tortured? I know i wouldn't! That would really suck!Art is so fun! Were making the masks and their so fun! I'm ready to start!I loved making all the art projects they were so fun and I love doing art! We just finished making the paintings but we haven't done the ink part yet! I can't wait until school is over! But the last couple of weeks so far have been fun and I do love school it's better than siting at home on the computer of messing around!What would we do with out school and all it's great teachers! I'm going to miss all my teachers! I will visit you guys again! But you know whats weard Is last year at the end of the year all my friends and i got in a big fight and this year all my friends and i are in a fight! Hopefully it's over soon!

  12. Amy Vardsveen 4pdMay 14, 2010 at 1:24 PM

    So more about art! Kayla made my mask and its so cool! Art rocks! For one of my jobs when i get older I want to be a nature artist! Spring Fling was awsome! Except for the girls that got their hearts broken! Boys I hope you know what you did! Searisily think before you act! We had atleast two girs that were crying! I wont name who! But other than that It was fun! I thought the picture thing was cool! There were a couple cute dances with boys and girls! So romantic! All my friends and I danced with each other to the crazy songs! We stoll seths hat! That was funny! But I guess we all learned that the boys need a few dance lessons! Or a lot it's up to you boys! Our furst feild trip was fun we say all that Egypt stuff! That was cool! If you didn't go you missed out! But everything in the gift shop was so expensive! My favorite thing was all the statues! Those were cool! Some of the things in the gift shop were cheep! Sort of! On the up side I don't have to wory about gifts for christmas! Hay if my siblings wont get me anything for christmas and they expect something from me they better not wine when they find out its just a poster of something! But our last trip was the best! It was cool! But sad that CSI isn't what they achually do! I wonder if NCIS is! Probably not! Ow well! Its just a tv show. My favorite thing was the finger printing! That was fun! A lot of people didnt do it right! Your not suposed to use a lot of ink! The teath mark thing was ok! It's so much funner with the goop that you have to bite into! You know the stuff you get at the orhtadontis to make a mold of you teath! That stuff is cool! You can get it in so many flavors like bubble gum, root bear, mango,mint and more. Remember the room you went into? The mock crime sean! That was ok! The real mock crime seanes a so much cooler! The movie was the best! It hurt my head a little bit but it was all worth it! The work out room was the coolest!Carissa and I did the DDR! That was fun! The rock clinbing wall was so short! Like, I got the the top in 1 sec or 2 who knows! Lunch was fun! Especally the game! Heads up seven up! That was fun! The last game was the weardest! Un Fair mr.Sturgeon you cant get everyone!

  13. Middle School
    Before I start I have one question who thought of middle school because I’m going to make him /her pay. I guess when I got used to it was O.K. but I did not like the teams. Social Studies was my favorite subject because Mr. Klumper rocks. He is funny, fun, cool. We went on a field trip that was really fun. We got to go to Colorado Tech and learn about crimes. We got to bite cups, Go to a fake crime scene, and make finger prints. All and all it was fun. Also for our field trip we got to go to the Washington Pavilion. We ate then went to the movie Egypt. It was awesome. I loved it. We got to go to the Science center in the Pavilion. That was our field trip. The black team had to go a week after us to bad for them. Mr. Sturgeon got a student teacher. Her name is Ms. Lofton. She’s not my favorite teacher (at least not better than you Mr. Klumper). This year was a big change because we got to get extras, and change classes. Not big changes but I have to put something on here right. In Social Studies we got to do cool stuff for every unit. For Medieval times we jousted every day. For Greece we made a board game. Finally, for Rome we built Rome (not literally).We did many things this year in Social Studies and all the other subjects but I will never forget Social Studies

  14. Amy Vardsveen 4pdMay 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM

    So unfair! But the last game was fun! And it was funny! Lunch was so good! It was funny when someone spilt their drink on themselves! I wont say your name because that would be mean! But lets just say that It's someone that my friend! You know the trip was funner than I thought it world be! I'v got to say the last couple of days of school so far have been fun! The Walking quiz was easy! Except for the fact that I didn't get all eight sentances written down! Guess what I beat 1,000 words! I'm at like 1080. Who knows! This was a fun assignment! Nice job with the pust up mr.Klumper! That was cool! Now their trying to have Dillon with mr.Klumper on his back! Wow! I wonder how the party went!

  15. During this year we have had many lunches. But lunch time is always something different ever day and sometimes they r the same. Sometimes there is A LOT of drama I mean A LOT. Some times when girls don’t want to sit next to someone they make a deal about it. Then all the girls get into it when it’s not there argument. When girls have (boyfriends) they want to sit next to them and their boyfriends. Then there friends will all mad and start an argument. But anyways lets get into the luches ok so luch is sooo much fun because you get to talk, and sit next to your friends. The lunches are so good we get 3 choices we have nachos, our main choice and our regular food.

  16. On my first day I was a little nerveous becouse I didn’t know if the teachers would give you a lot of homwork or if they would be really mean or if they wouls be nice. I was also nerveous because I would have to memorize two locker combinations and I thought that I would forget and not be able to get my locker open. One of the things I like about water for sixth grade is the pod cast it mas something that was realy fun to listen to all the things that mr Klumper posted some of them where really funny. Mr. Klumper was a really fun and nice teacher he was also very cool and he was also very funny. My favorite teacher tought my favorite subject withc is Math taught by Mrs.Namanny it is really fun especually what we are doing now called the math fair you bacically make a math trifold board or an game that has a math concept in it and there are very little restrictions to the game so every game can be different so the game you make is your game ans not exactly like the game that the person right next to you has. Also this year we learned a lot of thing in social studie like I have learned about the black death in the mideviltimes. I learnd that victems of the black death had fingers and toes that turner black hints the name the black death. Also they would get swelling in some places. Afamou quote about the black death is “they ate lunch with their families and ate dinner with their ancestors in paradice” wich shows you haw fast the black death spred and killed. One of the funnest thing that we did this year was the wax Museum. Where we wrot a repot on the peson that we chose then turned that paper into a speech memorized that got a costume together and then on April 13th we preformed our speeches after people put money in our buckets. We didn’t keep the money that was dropped in the canesters for our selves we gathered all the proceds and made a big check and gave the maney to Make- A- Wish. A week or two later we got a letter from Make-A- Wish saying that we granted thid little girl with the wish to go to Disney lans ans if we wouldent have donated that maney that girl would not be going to disney land.

  17. The 1000 word challenge. I have learned a lot of things this year and some of them are in sovial studies we have learned about these topics cavmen, Ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, and Medeival Times. First I am going to talk about Medeival times. In Medeival times there was a lot of torture devices some of them are the iron maiden the pear of anguish the wheel the gibbet and there is a lot more. Also in Medeival times there was the Black death and what the black death was a plague that came from rats and it also came from mosquitoes and that was because the mosquitoes would bite the rats and then the mosquitoes would bite people then they would get the black death and the black death was also called the bubonic plague the black death was kind of the bubonic palgue. And what the black death was when you got bit you would get a fever and your fingers and your toes hands and your feet would start to turn black that is how it got the name the black death then you would start to get very dizzy then your stomach would start to hurt then you would not be able to breathe and your legs and arms would go limp and then you would die and that would all probably happen in a couple of hours.
    Next I am going to talk about gym in gym each day we have a warm up which is usually five ten or fifteen laps then we would have to do some push ups sit ups side crosses or some other stuff like that then we would either have a long workout or a five to fifteen minute run then we would probably play a game like dekert ball or carol ball.
    Now I am going to talk about reading and in reading we sometimes have a free read or we would do a packet normally due the next day but a couple of days ago we just finished reading the book hatchet with the class and now we are doing a test and we just finished doing a bunch of packets and now we have to draw a picture and then we are going to take a test for it.
    Next I am going to talk about math in math right now we are having a math fair and for the math fair you can work with a partner or by yourself, but you can either make a math game or a math tri fold about something and how it deals with math and how math relates to it, we have also learned decimals denominators mixed numbers and fractions, and we learned how to add and subtract fractions.
    Now I am going to talk about science in science I have learned a lot of new stuff like we are just finishing learning about the earth and the earths mantle crust inner core outer core and we have learned about the lithosphere the atmosphere asthenuousphere and the biosphere and a lot more.
    Next I am going to talk about the field trips and that kind of stuff that we had this year.
    Taylor T. period 8

  18. A little while ago we had a track and field day called the race to the ranch, and the events were the one hundred meter dash the two hundred mete a four hundred meter run and a eight hundred meter run and we also had the long jump the softball throw and the four by one hundred meter dash. And also this year we had the spring fling there was a dance and we had a talent show and an art show. And we also had one field trip this year and we went to the Colorado tech university and we had a mock crime scene and we got to have our finger prints taken and recorded and then we went to the Washington pavilion and we had our lunch and then we got to go to the Kirby science center and look at all the stuff there and then at the end of the field trip we got to watch a movie in the cinadome that they had there and thehe movie was about ancient Egypt.
    Now I am going to talk about what the beginning of the year was like and I wasn’t all that nervous coming to middle school I felt just the same as I did when I was going back to the elementary and it wasn’t all that bad the only hard thing was like the first day of the year when I was trying to figure out where all my classes were and to remember my locker combo for my regular locker and my gym locker.
    Now I am going to talk about English and in English I have learned about synonyms antonyms and adjectives and a lot of other stuff and in English class we have dol and we have tests every week and after every test we have what we call is a folder race and that is when three people take all the folders from the back room and then the teacher says go and then the people racing have to go as fast as they can and pass the folders out to the people who have there names on them and then they have to put there tests inside and then we have to pass all the folders back and then they people who are passing the folders out have to get them all in the back room again then shut the door and sit down and they have to do all that as fast as they can and the record that is set right now is forty four seconds and all the other classes have to try to break that record, and our class yesterday tried to break that record and then we got forty five seconds and we were so close. And that is some of the things that I have learned this year and I have beaten the challenge of the one thousand words!

  19. This year at school I ecspecilly like math. Math was fun from the first day I started it. We did cool projects and are teachers were nice. Now in class we are doing the amazing race. The teacher picks were we go and we have to buy a plane ticket there and she gives a sheet of info. On the place. Then we pick our activity, food, and transportation. It’s a really fun experience. After we pick all of our stuff we have to write a five paragraph about what we did. Once we did that we hand in our stuff. Next I liked this year was the Spring Fling. The talent show wasn’t has fun as the dance. Even though there was some very cool stuff during the talent show. When dance came, which took forever I was excited. After the dance that was very fun I went home. But that night I danced with a lot of ladies. Another fun thing this year I thought was amazingly fun was the wax muesm. We had to memerize a two to three long minute speech. After that we had to get a costume for the muesm.

  20. Once we got the costume we had to get a canister to hold the money in the people were gonna give us. We raised so much money that night. But now im going ahead of myself. That night of the wax musum, was a great experience. I had a cast on because of my elbow which hurt a lot. It made my hand sweat a lot. It was very miserable. But the speech and costume thing was very fun. It took me like a mounth though to memerize my speech but it wasn’t has bad as I thought. Once the wax musem was done I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I wont have to memerize my speech but sad because I wont have an awesome experence like that again but its ok because another awesome thing we did that was even better than the wax musem was the jousting tournament. What we did in the joust tournament was that Mr. Klumper set up a bracket with all of his student and we fought each other in activitys he chose. I made it to the third round which I sadly lost by Austin P. in the dice thingy. The activitys that we did during the joust tournament w

  21. Ok so where did I I leave off.. Oh ya I was talking about lunch, there is a lot of people at lunch more there was then my last school I mean packed. But there is English, Reading, Spelling, Math, and Sicence.
    Math is soo much fun we have Mrs.Namanny she is the best math teacher EVER for math she has A LOT of fun stuff for people to do. Ok my favorite class 2 is social studies because we learn about the medieval times/dark ages. Then the best thing is social studies is that `I have him for channle one channel one is like where we watch the news about every where in the world. I am in chorus and band I play the clarinet. I have A LOT of friends that are in chorus and band. They are Amy, Alex, Braidan, Kaylann, Alexis, Robin use to be in chorus, Kirstyan, Amanda, Adriana, Emma, Grace but she moved awayL, I could keep going but it would fill up the whole page. Well I thought the first day of school would be really scary that’s what a lot of people think it will be but is not like when you first walk in its like oh my gosh I don’t know where my friends all are and like you will see someone and you guys will be in like all the same classes together and you guys will be friends the next day and start sitting next to them at lunch and get their cell phone numbers. But when you start classes you don’t know were you would go its like really confusing when its your first day of school because the classes are like very where people

  22. Amber Thompson pd.May 15, 2010 at 7:43 PM

    I learned about the cave men and the ice age the first unit and I got only two wrong on that test. The second unit I think was Mesopotamia and I learned about the Tiber River and another river to but I don’t know what that was called. The other unit is called Ancient Egypt in that unit I learned about King Tut and how he died and if some people really don’t know how he died or what was wrong with him or if he was murdered by other people who didn’t like him as well. During the Ancient Egypt unit I went to the Water Town museum with my friends and some of my classmates for a outside of school field trip. I learned about mummification and how they preformed mummification on the people who died or was mummified. Like King Tut was mummified I thought that it was really cool to go to the museum and see real mummies and see King Tut dead and all the gold and other things that were on him at the time. Another unit I learned about was Ancient China and about the empires and wars and also dynasty and the projects we did to study for the test. In the Ancient India unit I learned about the Persian Empire and many of other things to learn about in that unit I made a game board for a project and also a study tool for the test we read a book called Johnny Rotten goes to Ancient India. That was a good one. The other unit we studied was the Ancient Rome and about the Pompeii and about Roman Empire. After that unit I started working on my Wax Museum speech. I was the 7th person to pick my person. I picked Laura Ingalls Wilder because I thought that she was a very good person to write my speech on and to be like her and even though she lived a hard and tragic life she enjoyed every step of the way though childhood and adulthood Laura Ingalls Wilder died on February tenth 1987 of a major stroke in Mansfield. I loved to act like her and we made a donation to Make a wish Foundation and we helped one special girl and her family make her wish come true and her wish was to go to Disney World with her family and when I got told that I was amazed of what both sixth grade teams could do to help a special girl make her wish came true. I liked that part most of all with the Wax Museum I felt really good about making that one special girl wish come true. The other unit we talked about was Medieval Times or the Middle Ages and we learned that one of torture devices is tickling you to death. I would have died if that was one of my punishments for breaking that law. I know that’s not one of the hardest tortures there was but for me I would die if it was me being tickled to death I could not take being tickled I laugh every time I get poked. We also were reading about Jonny rotten and his trip to the Medieval Times but after all I loved sixth grade. part 2

  23. Part 1 of the 1000 word challenge. I thought that sixth grade was not very hard or had lots of homework either. The first day of sixth grade I felt nervous and kind of scared. Right now my favorite thing about middle school is going to the dance, I like dances and to hang out with my friends. I went to the dance with all my group of friends, like Alex, Amy, Hannah, and Elise, and other people that wasn’t my friends. I danced with many boys like I danced with Jacob Hegland, and other boys. My friends are Alex, Hannah, Elise, Shelby, Amber O., and Drew P., Will, Amy. My favorite classes are Reading, Math, Violin and Chorus. Also I found out that at the end of the school year I’m moving to St. George Utah. I’m happy and sad but I’m happy because I will be closer to Holly Wood and I could be on a commercial. Also the house I will be living in is beautiful. Back to the main topic, I also like P.E. I think that class is very fun. I love to read and to do the reader theater, its fun just to act and not worry about being a clown when act funny in front of people because your acting. What I loved most about sixth grade is that I got in to the middle school play I tried out and I made it. Also in Chorus I have a solo for the up coming concert on Monday May 17th. I am happy that I have got a solo and I have gotten in to the play before I move. I have gotten use to all my teachers and my locker. I thought that my locker would be hard but it is not hard. I love going to school and I love the homework. I love my study hall time because I only get it two times a week on a Monday and Wednesday, all the other days I’m either at chorus or violin, or on Friday I’m always at violin I love that class and I have lots of fun in it Drew P., always makes everyone laugh even Mrs. Berg. I love all the homework and going to my classes, the only thing I don’t really like is tests, if we didn’t take tests then I’m positive that I would be a strait A student. I like all of my classes because most of them have my friends in the same class as me like in math I have Alex and Elise. The only test I really like is my A.R. tests and Reading tests and also Violin tests. I learned lots of things in social studies.

  24. What I learn in sixth grade in social studies is all sorts of stuff like we all got in a group and we biuld like pomeii chritianity the dome thing and other thing i can remember. We did the wax museum and we had to make or bye our costumes and canisters it was fun. We had to make aspeech that was 3 to 4 mins long. Then we had to memrise it and say it to people that came to the was museum. Just awile ago we had to joust againts other class mate and u had to do push ups closest target cards and other fun games that were fun. THen we had to make tie fold board for a quiz and it was fun really fun. Math is really fun to we got to make projects and teachers were really nice from the firdt day and now. Now we are making a project that is called umm,,,,,,,,,, Math Fair and it is really fun. My partner is fun she is really nice too. Moving on to english it is really fun it got eazy and then hard and now its eazy again. Miss.Loften is nice too she explians well too. Reading to be honest its kind of easy but its fun to Mrs.Mohr is really nice she is like the best teacher ever. Sience is fun u get to do alot of experieces and stuff thats kind of gross. But Mr. Hagen is fun and he makes pople laugh we they need a smile. Thats all well bye bye.

  25. Continued

    Each place we had to write a paragraph about it.With the paragraph you have to have the costs of what it would cost to go to that place. In science I learned about cells and that they are the building blocks of life. They make more of themselves in the process of mitosis. There are plates throughout the Earth and the areas between them is called a fault. This area can move apart and together, these movements cause earthquakes and other things. . Torture devices were the brank, the pillory, the stockades, the drunkards cloak, the rack, the scavengers daughter, water torture, the stockings of parchment, the iron boot, the wheel, the pear of anguish, the heretic’s fork, the ducking stool, the brazen bull, the stake quartering, the gibbet, the iron maiden. In the crusades was wars between the muslims and the christians fought. They fought for Jerusalem (the holy land for the christians and the muslims). In the end the christians lost and the muslims won. Muslims are those who believe in Islam. Islam is the Arabic word that means submission. The holy book for only the muslims is the Quran. The Bubonic Plague was a very aggressive epidemic that spread very quickly. Domesday Book was a book that helped keep track of records of people in England during Middle Ages. The Middle Ages was from five-hundred to fifth teen-hundred. William the Conqueror had founded feudalism. The Magna Carte was a important document that limited royal power. It was also looked at by our American fore fathers to make the bill of rights. Missionaries are people who go out to teach people that are non-believers about a religion. Monks live in a building called a Monastery. Nuns live in a building called a convent. Once the woman got married, she would give up her rights. Married women had no rights. : (

  26. Also, I am going to be missing all my teachers all very much! I wish we had more time in S.S to do joust because I lost and it wasn’t very fun because of that because I found out on that game that I’m not very good with aim.  I think the people I’m going to miss the most is the teachers because I probably won’t have them next year but I’ll see all my friends again next year. In science the worst thing we did I think is the owl pellet lab. Reading is fun but sometimes I don’t read but then when I start to read I keep going and going and I don’t want to stop. I’m very excited for the last day of school but I’m also sad because I won’t be able to see my friends or my teachers again but happy for summer vacation finally!!!!! English class I think is usually really fun and it’s sometimes more fun than other days cause sometimes if we get done with our assignments early then we play a game or do something else. In Social Studies in the beginning of the year we always did vocab. Words and now we were talking about medieval times and jousting and I thought that was really fun but then I lost and last year my sister Dani won so I thought it would be funny if I won this year but then I lost which wasn’t too good of an outcome for me. The Dakota step testing I thought was pretty easy and I liked it sort of because we got to go at our own pace which I thought was good because f we didn’t I’d probably be ripping my hair out like when we did jeopardy I thought we were going way to slow but we had to go that slow. In art I got my mask put on me and if felt weird and it stunk really bad and I thought when Mrs.TerWee was taking it off that I was gonna lose my scent of smell because I got a very powerful whiff of it. It also stuck to my face and then she was trying to take it off and it kinda hurt and I got some plaster in my hair and then that part of my hair was crusty for the rest of the day and I hasd a bunch of redmark/rashes on the sides of my face.

  27. This year has been a very fun and interesting year. At the wax Museum I thought it was totally awesome and a lot of fun but I thought I just kept repeating myself. At the spring Fling that was awesome too and I can’t wait to go to another one. I socialized a lot with all my friends and danced with them a lot. I thought the talent show was awesome too. I’ve made more friends and on the first day of school me and all my friends wee like really nervous like that our teachers would be mean or something. I was really shy at the beginning of the year and now I opened my personality as usual and talk a lot then on the first day of school. Also, at the wax museum some of my friends that were in the room with I think they were really scared and had to go to the bathroom and when it was over everyone was running around and so happy that they made it through without messing up or without having to go to the bathroom or just some weird things. On the spring fling I spent some money on some glasses that I didn’t even wear there but the money was going to Mr. Sturgeon so that was good and I didn’t really care about it anymore. I’m going to miss all my teachers so much. In math that was always my favorite time of the day not only because I’m really good at it so it’s really easy but because I have it with some of my friends and one of my favorite teachers and we always had lunch right after that. Social studies has been hard and fun. In math right now we’re doing something called the math fair and it seems really fun right now and it’s really fun right now and I can’t wait til’ we actually play it and everyone else plays it to. I LOVE the homeroom battles and the all about me board. Being in Mr. Klumper’s homeroom is really fun because we play games a lot and just do a lot of fun things. I think also that we should throw a going away party for Mrs. Loften and I already got it all planned out and we could have balloons everywhere and confetti and everyone out of every class can come in and tell her good-bye and then leave and then a different class can come in because if all the classes are in there then it would be really crowded but then again I don’t want to because I want to do our homeroom battles but it’s not up to me so whatever. In science class I always learn a lot and have lots of fun and in English I think that’s pretty annoying because no one will shut-up so then we keep getting more work that we have to do by ourselves which really really really really SUCKS and the same thing in spelling but this is worse like really who said we could start talking. Anyways on the last day of school I hope it’s really fun and I hope everyone misses me and I know they will. Reading class is fun I like when we get to read and it’s really quiet and I like when we play jeopardy and other fun games but not so much of skits. In art I really like coloring and painting and just doing all the things in art. In adolescence skills that was really fun especially when Officer Stuffle came and we put the drunken goggles on. I have heard many things about some of the teachers and I think that Mrs.Nammany is awesome because I love the songs and acts and things that she does for us.

  28. Hannah Pruett pd. 8May 18, 2010 at 2:17 PM

    In reading we read a book called hatchet and it is about a boy who was in a plane crash because his parents were devorced and he had to go and fly to his father. He was talking to the pilot and was alright and was getting taught how to turn the plane by the pilot. The pilot had a heart attack and died right on the seat. When he was having the spasms his foot hit the right rudder pedal and the plane turned way off the course and Brian the main person was freaking out and he was waiting for the plane to run out of fuel so he landed on a lake.

  29. would be the one that I am working on right now because my game is awesome and it is on my favorite math topic, which is GRAPING!! Now I am going to tell you about what my game is like and how to play it… my game is based on shooting a mini basketball into a mini basketball hoop, but before you did that you have to step back about five feet and then you can shoot the ball, and after that is done you get graph you points that you have earned, and to do that you need to go to your graph sheet and graph it. You just go over to what basketball hoop that you shot at and then you go up to how many points that you have earned. Well I am done with that topic now I a going to talk about English. For my favorite project would be…. well I have two projects in this class that are my favorite, for the first one would be when we got to make our own personal sandwich that we got to make up and then really make it, for the second one would be when we partnered up with someone that we didn’t know much about and then we would put together what we both liked and then we would design a poster for it. For my favorite part of English was when we were learning about nouns, nouns are my favorite because they a easy to learn about and fun to learn about. Well I am done with that topic and now to the next, which will me music, I am not really that far into music yet but my favorite part so far would be when I get to learn about more musical notes that I didn’t know about before. And so far my favorite project would be the one that I am working on right now, that one would be the one were we have to make up a tune for some sort of new kind of food or treat and then make the treat and then give it to the class. I am done with that one now so I am going to start on anther one…. this one is going to be about spelling. So now I am on spelling, my favorite project n spelling would be the one were we were learning about different biospheres and that was when we got a word and picked a partner and the made a poster on that word. My favorite part about spelling would just being able to learn about new words and to be able to make my word vocabulary bigger. I am now done with that one so I am going to start a new topic on adolescent skills, my favorite part about adolescent skills would be when we got to make a video/commercial. My favorite thing about adolescent skills would be that we got to learn about new things. Now I am going to start a new topic and this one is going to be on computer, my favorite project that we did during computer was when we got to do a project when we got to design a new way to make our name on the computer. My favorite part about computer would be that I got to learn how to type faster and how the know were all the keys are. I am know going to start a new topic which is going to be auto skills, My favorite thing about auto skills was to be able to learn more about math and to learn more about typing and memorizing the keys. I would have told you about my favorite project was but there wasn’t any in auto skills. So now on to the topic of reading, my favorite project in reading was when we got to make a poster on the hatchet book series, my partners and mine turned out really good. My favorite part about reading would be what we are doing right now which would be reading the hatchet series and talking about it, and for my last topic for this essay is going to be on Physical education, My favorite part of physical education would be when we get to go outside and when we were learning about basketball. Well this is the end of my one thousand-word essay. Thanks for reading it!!

    Mady Smith Pd.8 Social studies

  30. What I am doing right now is telling you about what I learned over the school year, which has to be one thousand words long, and that is a lot!! So to start it off I am going to tell you what classes I have been taking over this school year… I took social studies, art, physical education, spelling, reading, math, adolescent skills, English, auto skills, Science, and lastly computer. To start off this essay I am going to start on the topic social studies, over time we had new units that we would go over, so now I am going to TRY to name all of the units or things that we went over this year in social studies, so here we go! Egypt, china, Mesoamerica, Mesopotamia, medieval times, Rome, and lastly Greece, I hope that I named them all, but if I didn’t I sorry Mr.Klumper. In all of the units that I have learned about this year my favorite one would be the one about Egypt, it is my favorite because I love to learn about what it was like along time ago, and it was my favorite because I love to learn about mummies and mummification, and how they did the mummification because it is very interesting. Did you Know that they took the brain out threw the nose with a long hook like thing…eeewww gross! But still pretty cool. One of my favorite parts of social studies was when we had the opportunity to do the wax museum which to me was a lot of fun raising money for the young kids who are sick and are dieing, for the wax museum I was Rosa Parks, She was a great person to me, not only did she stop segregation but she also stood up for her country and helped to stop people from judging other people because of the color of their skin. We did a lot more projects then just that in social studies, but I’m not going to tell you about those because that would take just to long. I am now done with that topic so now we are going to start a new topic, which is going to be Art. I had so much fun with art because I love t draw and to doodle. What I learned in art that helped me with almost every project would be when she taught us to find the middle of the page or piece of paper, which came in handy when we needed to find the middle of the paper for a project. Which was with a lot of projects. I also had a lot of fun doing the mask project because to me my mask turned out pretty awesome. My mask was green it had sparkly pink dots on it and on the outside it had little beads that you would use to iron together so that they would make a pretty little object. But one other project that I did very good on I my opinion would be when we had to draw our own faces and when we had to draw the vases and bottles that were on this piece of cloth, both of those drawings to me would be probably my favorite ones still today. Ok I am done with that topic so lets go onto another, umm I say we go onto Science, so to start on science I am going to tell you about my favorite part and my favorite project. My favorite part of science would be when we got to talk about earth and how old it is and the different galaxies and that sort of stuff. That would be my favorite because when we were watching a movie about it that movie had one part of section in it that just blew my mind, it was when it was talking about how the sun was a giant star and in about five million years the sun or this giant star is going to die or have a huge explosion. So now that I am done talking about my favorite part of science I am going to tell you what my favorite project in science would be, my favorite project would be the one when we were talking about neutrons and that sort of stuff and we got to put down what each of those atoms meant and then we got to pick out a picture that would go with it that meant the same thing to you but in your own kind of picture. Ok I am official done with that topic. Now I am going to pick a new topic, my new one is…math!! I had a lot of fun in Mrs.Nammanys math class, my favorite part would be when we were learning about graphing…. to me graphing is very easy and really fun. My favorite project in math

  31. My sixth grade year has been very good so far the best part is the weekends. English is in of the hardest subjects because you always have home work and it is a lot to take in but it is fun because Mr. Sturgeon makes fun of Seth and Tyler all the time. The easiest subject is reading because it has no homework and it is really fun. The most boring subject is science because you always are just sitting there watching a movie or brain pop and it is not very interesting. The most fun is social studies you get to do a lot of projects and you really fun stuff and you get to joust and you do a lot of hands on activities. I play band this year and I am doing it the next and the next it is sordove boring sometimes it is okay but I don’t like the lessons at all because it is in the middle of social studies and it is gets boring playing the same song over and over again. One of my favorite subjects math comes easy to me and I don’t ever really get homework. The one subject I really stink at is art because you have to have real good drawing skills to get an A or a B and stink at drawing. The one subject I really don’t is computers because I think computers are pretty boring and I waste of time when you could be outside playing. That’s my opinion. One of the funniest one is adolescent skills because we get to make a movie and me Andy Seth and Taylor did a video it was hilarious. The one I am in right now is sixth grade general music it is pretty interesting and I get to talk to my friends a lot more than usually. The most boring one is auto skills because all you do is math and reading problems the whole time. One of the most interesting subjects is spelling because you always learn new and weird words and it is fun because the tests are some what easy. My favorite class is gym because we are always moving and we play basketball, Deckert ball, Deckert ball 2, carol ball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, we run and work out. The best part of the school is open gym because it is one of my favorite sports and I get to play with my friends. I did fuel up to play 60 and I won a baseball glove and baseballs. I also won a tennis racket and tennis balls. I think the project out of this year would be the wax museum because it was fun it took some hard work and it was to dress up and help other kids our age get their wish come true. It is pretty cool! I think the worst project was making still life in art. That really stank. The field trip we went on last week was okay the CSI part was pretty dumb but the movie and the science floors were the best. I got to almost played all the games there. That is my 6th grade year for yeh. This has been the best year I have ever had I had the best teachers and I go to the best school.

    Bye bye,
    Riley Bennett

  32. My family’s Christmas vacation: For that my family and I went out to Texas to visit my sweet and beautiful cousin Emily who is very, very nice and kind to me. Not just for her but for her family too. I also saw my older cousin, Zack, who does not live with Emily. I slept in this bright pink room and I HATE pink. I personally think that pink is the worst color on Earth. Whoever thought that pink was a pretty color and invented it, well they were wrong. I’m not saying that people that like pink are bad. In fact I have a very good friend who likes pink. Well I had to sleep on the floor in the pink room and when ever I would wake up all my eyes would see is this VERY bright pink! It was bad! Also the whole bathroom was pink and it was gross. Well any way I met my awesome cousins whose last name is the Benders. At first I didn’t like them and thought they were weird, but then I realized that they were really nice and funny! We played this catch phrase game and it was really fun because it was music catch phrase and my cousins were really good at that! A little bit after Christmas, my brother, mason and my mom and I went up to Des Moines. Then we watched my brother wrestle and when we were going home we ran over a deer. It was already dead on the ground but we still skimmed it. We hit it about at Beresford. Then when we were at city limits the car broke down. It smelled really bad so my brother said that it could be carbon dioxide so my brother and I got out of the car and then stood there. It was absolutely freezing outside so my brother and I brought our blankets out and we sat there on the side of the exit of the interstate. When every a car went by our car shuck very heavily and I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt because in Des Moines it was very warm and I guess it was very cool in Sioux Falls. It was really scary! Then my mom called to the tow truck company. The guy came like fifteen minutes later and he said he was going to be there in about three minutes because he was in the neighborhood. He was not I guess. Finally the guy came and his car was about 100 degrees and my brother and I both had our blankets so we were very hot in there. Then we went to the place where they fixed our car and we had to replace the engine because the engine got over heated. Then we went home with a lady from my church.
    Okay. On to the end of the year. The end although I have still not finished was good. We did this math fair in math. Hence the name math fair. That was really fun except I have not presented yet. I’m doing that tomorrow. I did it with Bailey which is one of my best buds in math! Anyway… Bailey made shirts and they total ROCK! I love them and we are going to wear them tomorrow with blue jean shorts. Also tomorrow I’m doing this play with a few of my friends for reading class. I’m the wife in the play and I have some god lines. It is really fun and I’m excited/nervous! I think I will do fine though. Over all the 6th grade year was grad and I will miss the teachers, the lockers, and the classrooms from 6th grade.
    Good-bye 6th grade!!!!!!!!!

  33. 1000 Word Challenge
    6th grade. Last year it was such a big word and I was exited to meet all of the people that I would graduate with. It was not only a big year because I was going to meet new friends but also because that was the year that I got to go the dances. That was very exciting not only for me but for all of my friends too. It was the move from being at the top of a school to the bottom. It was the year that we got to go to a WHOLE new school. Brand new teachers. That can be both good thing and bad thing. It turned out in the end that it was a good thing so that was good and added on to the 6th grade year. Over all, my 6th grade experience was very good.
    First two weeks: In the beginning of it was very nerve racking. Nobody knew anybody else so it was kind of weird out lunch and when you had to have a partner from a different school for your partner. Also the first two weeks were the weeks when nobody really talked in class because they wanted to know what the teachers were like. In the first two weeks or so we started to develop your own group and I’m not saying that we excluded people from a group but we started to sit next to the same people almost every day. At the end of the year everyone was pretty much sitting at the same table and with the same people too. At the end to the year we also had so much in our end that we were about to EXPLODE and some people got so annoyed to the head explosion part that they started to not pay attention in class and messed around but I didn’t. Enough about the end of the year. Well I guess I really don’t have anything else to say about the first two weeks so I’m going to move on now.
    Third week to Christmas: Well at the third week was very well I guess I don’t really now what the third week was about so never mind about the third week part cause I’m just going to skip to the Christmas part. At Christmas everyone NEEDED a brake and thank the lord for it. It was kind of like the end of the year exploding brain thing which I talked about at the “First two weeks” part. Well to shorten it up a little bit was that we need a break pretty bad.

    Hi, my name is obviously Katie. I am here today to tell you about my sixth grade experience. First of all, sixth grade is absolutely amazing. We’re live’ in the life! But there are a few minor flaws in the system….
    The cafeteria has some huge problems! Ok, here are a few examples… The amount of chicken we have in this school is enough to make a person skimming over the monthly calendar puke. Literally! We have had chicken patties, chicken tenders, popcorn chicken, chicken quesadillas, chicken nuggets, Chicken Alfredo, and chicken noodle soup. It is chicken, all right? There is no need to coat it with fancy words; it’s the dumb animal that goes bock, bock, bock for goodness’s sake! Next there are the potatoes. ALWAYS have chicken with potatoes! It’s practically a ritual by now. You want to hear the kinds of potatoes? You can choose from mashed potatoes, potato wedges, oven fries (by the way, what is the difference between fries and oven fries?), the triangle tators, and the potater tots! GOOD GRIEF! It’s POTATOES AND CHICKEN! We need good food to stimulate our growth… I could go on and on about this the whole 1000 words, but I’ve decided to spare you the time.
    Next topic….. Wheel courses! This is going to be a long paragraph because I’m writing about the five wheels. My first wheel was (get ready for it…) computer! Ok ay, lots of kids hated computer because they weren’t very good at it, but I liked it because we just sat there and it was kinda relaxing. The only thing is that you had to stay right wherever the teacher was in the paragraph, and I got yelled at for going ahead. My second wheel was art, and I loved it. We learned a lot of crafts and projects. My favorite was the masks because I was the demonstration and it was fun putting the gooey strips of plaster onto your friend’s paper-towel covered face. Third wheel: music! Music was ok. People really liked it, but I already knew all the notes so it was a little boring. The most fun part was when we brought our food in and sang a song. Cortney and I brought marbled brownies.
    Our song was:
    Marbled brownies good to eat…
    Marbled brownies really sweet..
    Marbled brownies really rock…
    Marbled brownies will knock off your socks!
    We even had a poster showing a rock band guitar! My fourth wheel was auto skills. OK, here’s a secret… While everybody hated auto skills, I really liked it! It has been one of my favorite classes! I loved to try and get the most skills and after we were done we got to play math racing games. I almost always had the record score (not that I’m bragging) Then we got to guess the person based on the facts Mrs. Grage gave us. Lastly, the class I’m currently in is Adolescent skills. I have to say this is my favorite class. First we researched alcohol and drugs. Then we got to plan a skit. That was really amazing because we got to edit the movie that we had filmed using Windows Movie Maker.

  35. The next thing I’d like to talk about would be channel one. Channel one is ok. It’s nice to know about the news, but whenever we knew that channel one isn’t on it’s always a relief because then we get to play games like the ever-so popular heads-up seven up.
    My sixth period is math. Math was really fun this year because we learned really easy stuff that I already learned last year. I would be in seventh grade math, but my teacher last year didn’t believe in putting kids above their level. I respect her views, but sixth grade math was a little too easy for me. The math fair project that we’re doing right now is going to be awesome! I chose to do an exhibit instead of a game. I’m doing an exhibit about architecture with Paige Moeller and we’re actually making our tri-fold board into a house. It’s going to be amazing when it is finished.
    Seventh period is my favorite time of the day. That is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I have band on those days. I like band because it’s challenging, and I love music. I’m also section leader (first chair) of the percussion section. I can’t wait till next year when I’m in marching band! On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have chorus. Mr. Gullickson always has to yell at the other kids because they won’t shut up, stop squirming, or stop making weird noises. Sometimes I almost feel like chorus is more like detention because we spend half our time waiting for people to be quiet. We have a lot of good singers in my chorus class too. The only reason I’m in chorus is because I love to sing and that my friend, Ande, is in chorus.

  36. Second period, second topic. I’ll start with spelling. Ok, I’m going to be brutally honest; spelling is really boring and now that we only have a few weeks left and we have to finish the workbook we’re doing double the assignments. Second, Physical Education. Now gym is a small word, but that doesn’t mean it’s a small workout. First, we lazily walk out of the locker rooms and peer at the white board to see our workout for the day. Usually it’s around ten to fifteen lap, then some other workout for the day. Our workout keeps repeating and repeating until Mr. Deckert finally gets tired of chatting with the other teachers to tell us to go to our squad spot. Then after we jog to our spot we usually run for ten minutes (so the teachers say). After that we do pushups until the people become smart and stop talking. Then we have around seven minutes to play a game. Average second period….
    Science is my third period. Science was actually pretty interesting this year. For once I felt like I was learning something in science. The only thing bad was the projects. I remember there was this one project about cells and you had to write analogies. It took around two to three hours to finish! And it turned out to be only fifty points. All I have to say is keeping trying to look for better projects.
    Reading is my fourth period class. Reading has been an emotional and dramatic experience for me. We have a few people who cannot shut their mouths, and we always (as a class) get yelled at for just one person. Ok, one example is just a few days ago, someone was tapping their pen and making weird noises. The “student teacher” then tells the person to go to the office. The person refuses to leave. The student teacher forces the person to leave and gives the rest of the class (all of which were silently watching) F’s on the papers they were correcting. I don’t really understand why teachers believe they should enforce punishment on all of the students instead of just one. Our packets that were supposed to come in came in late. So every day we have a packet that’s around four pages due the next day. Another thing to do with reading is AR. I personally think AR is really stupid. I love to read and that means I ‘m usually busy with another book instead of taking a quiz. Like for example, I have eleven quizzes I needed to take but everybody is always on the computer! It gets really frustrating! The quizzes always have dumb questions, and it’s just tremendously boring. Then we have this chart in the back of the room that shows how many books we’ve read, and I have about three rows filled. People also ask me how many AR points I have, or what my goal is. People really don’t take a hint that it’s annoying to be telling everyone that information if I really don’t care about it. Lastly are just plain reading books. One explanation is that just lazy. Another is that I like when everything just fades and you can lose yourself in a book. I tend to prefer the latter. Reading class is always fun.

  37. Eighth period is an ok class. I probably would love English if I had some close friends in it. But, alas, I am alone, forced to survive in the chaos of a classroom. English is mildly easy. It can be boring also. My favorite part of English class is the folder races. Eighth period (as of now) holds the record amount of seconds.
    Ninth period is my social studies class. Social studies was interesting this year because we did lots of projects. My favorite thing about social studies was the looping competitions! I loved looping so much I even wrote inspiring speeches to encourage the students to concentrate on their competition. Therefore secretly improving our test scores. The two things I really didn’t like about social studies was when we did the webquests and how little time we had on our projects. My favorite unit was ancient Greece. I absolutely love mythology, almost to the point where I obsess over it. Especially because there is a really good series; Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
    Homeroom is really boring. I hate the reading packets that we have to do. One thing that highlighted the homeroom period was the all about me board. Sadly, I have not been picked yet. Another thing I hate about homeroom is when we have to run. The worst part about it is some (note the accusing tone) people don’t have to run because they make up excuses. Injustice! I love the homeroom battles we have on Fridays, too. I wanted our homeroom name to be Kash for Klumpers, but again it was overided by Klump dog millionaires. Some People.
    One of my favorite rooms in the building is the library. As you know, reading is my hobby so I’m in the library almost every day. The first day I set foot in the library I needed to type something. So, I went on the computer and started logging in. The next thing I hear is, “What are you doing?!” I jumped around a foot high in my chair. Mrs. Bork continued, “You are supposed to ask permission, before using the computers!” I, the terrified sixth grader, cowered in my chair. So, she made me ask her permission to use the computer. By then I was so scared I didn’t even want to use it. I literally was almost in tears. After that, of course I told my friends. But I really don’t know what to read sometimes, so the next time I went to the library I asked her what books were really good. It was like she was a different person. She helped me find some books and from there after we were friends. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot!
    Another fun thing this year was spring fling. Ande and I did an awesome dance for the talent show. I never did dance with any guys, though. At last minute I worked up enough courage to ask one of the guys to dance with me. Rejected! O well, the dance was almost over anyway and I had lots of fun dancing with my friends. Even Mrs. Namanny was dancing! I had a lot of fun!
    In sixth grade I expecting everyone to be really tight with their friends, but I found two really close friends so that was alright. Everyone was extremely nice.
    So, as you can see, sixth grade is amazing. We have so many great teachers and kids. It was a fantastic year. Everybody always says how they can’t wait to get out of school, but I actually hate summer vacation! I always get really bored, and mope around. At least I have books!
    Word count: (drum roll, please) 2012!!!!!

  38. Torture as inflicting pain. The Rack: stretched the body. Scavengers Daughter: squeezed body. Water torture: forced water down the throat. Stockings of Parchment: put feet in boots. Boots get wet. Boots shrink. Iron boot: crushed feet. Wheel: pass by fire or roll down hill. Pear of Anguish: put down throat, opened. Heretic’s Fork. Torture as execution. Dunking stool. Brazing bull. The stack quartering. The Gibbet. Iron Maiden. Medival Times was known as the Dark ages. Stone Ages famous animals, Saber tooth tiger, Mammoth, and Giant ground sloth. The Stone Age people were called Neanderthals. Mesopotamia is located in the Middle East. Cuneiform is a developed writing system. The Ziggurat is a building that is worshiped. Fertile Crescent was good for farming. Mesopotamia is present day Iraq. Mummification is the preserving of the dead. Pyramids were tombs. Hieroglyphics system of writing. Nile river without it Egypt would die. China controlled by dynasties. A dynasty is a family that is In charge. Invented fireworks and kites.

  39. adri and gigi 4th and 9thMay 20, 2010 at 10:36 PM

    Mr. klumber please dont post it and me and giana did it together cause we didnt have time thanx! Ok so this year In social studies we have learned about many different ancient civilizations like The stone age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, India, Medieval, China, and lastly there is Greece. So I will tell you a little about the civilizations. First I will start with The stone age ok so when they have headaches in the stone age they perform brain surgery and if you didn’t really now they aren’t that smart and so really ether they are in pain all the time or they just die cause of all the pain and they could easily damage part in the brain. The tool that they used in the Stone Age was called the handax the handax was used for shaping materials like bowls and sharp supplies and they used it like all the time. Later in their days they became a little smarter and discovered something that will make the fire not go at right away when it rains because they needed it to hunt. They hunted Irish elk that’s pretty much all they hunted occasionally they hunted bison. There worst enemy was the saber tooth tiger. Ok so now let’s go on to Mesopotamia. The only thing that I remember was that their major river is the Tigris and Euphrates. Since I really don’t know really anything about Mesopotamia lets just move on to Egypt. In Egypt I remember that the Egyptians wore green eye shadow, black eyeliner, and red lipstick. And they did mummification there which is when u wrap the dead body so it can go into its new life. King tut was the king in Egypt his full name is king tutincumon. I could tell you lots of information on all the ancient civilization but now in going to tell you about English, English is so fun Mr. Sturgeon is the best teacher ever he is so nice and I wish he could be my teacher next year as well but he can’t boo hoo. O yeah we have an English test Friday I better study for that. Anyway we have been learning about verbs and adverbs and they are pretty easy but yet they can be very confusing but then my teacher explains it and then I will eventually get it but most English is easy. So math has been really fun this year we have learned lots of info. And it’s so exciting I didn’t make it into intro to algebra but that’s ok Im in the normal class so at least Im average. Ok so lunch is so fun but I hate it when I want to sit by my buddies and my “family”(which is Tyler H, Connor R, Emma B, Kyle H, Dwight H, Jake H, ect…….)tell me that Im a betrayer cause I sit by kasara McKenzie grace sommer maddie ect…. But I just tell them to stop calling me a betrayer but they don’t stop ha-ha...Ok so in gym one day I threw up because I was running hard do now every time I go to gym I don’t feel good because I always think Im going to get sick but today I didn’t feel that way and we went outside and played tennis it was so fun even though I stink at tennis. O well. Ok so I made my AR goal this year and I was so proud of myself and so were my parents. This year has been a really fun year. Im excited for next year but I really love My 6th grade teachers they are so nice to me when I behave of coarse but that all part of life always try to behave to each other . ok so Im going to stop now cause I need to go but I hope this is good enough for you Mr.K and you have a fabulous day and I hope I have you in 8th grade for American history that would be awesome but yeah I tried my best but I need to start going so this school year was great but I wouldn’t always be in the 6th grade I will always think you are an awesome teacher and keep doing what your doing Mr.k. 700 words

  40. The Wax Museum will be in my head for the rest of my life because I got to learn about people I knew about and people I did not know about. I thought learning about people I did not know about was fun because I got to know what they were famous for. Now I am going to talk about social studies. I am going to cover some of the topics we learned about but not all of them. Some topics are Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China those are some that I am going to talk about but there is more topics. Egypt was important because that is where King Tut lived. He became a king at the age of 19 years old. He lived in a pyramid and he had a lot of valuable things that the people did not know about. Mummification was big in Egypt because when people died the people would prepare them for the afterlife. But before they would prepare them they would take out some of their body parts. They would take out the liver, organs and others. The people used sharp tools to mummify the dead body. Now I am going to talk about Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is located in the Middle East. Mesopotamians wrote in Cuneiform. The Fertile Crescent was good for farming. Mesopotamia’s present day is in Iraq. The Mesopotamian’s believed in polytheism. The ziggurat was a link between heaven and earth. Irrigation was important because it controlled how much water their crops got. Now I am going to talk about China. China is the largest country in Asia. China is the 3rd largest country in the world. In the winter it is cold in China. In the summer the weather is very hot outside. They grow Cotton, beans, and wheat. It is a very good climate for farming. They also fish for food. Tibetan Plateau is located in Western China. The Great Wall of China is used for hiking, bicycling, and tourism. The types of people that worked on the wall were slaves, criminals, and farmers. Hundreds of thousands of people died building the Great Wall of China. Inventions that we made are paper, gun powder, compass, printing, abacus, fireworks, acupuncture, kites, bombs, wheel barrow, and toilet paper. The first day of school was a scary day for me. When I walked in the doors of the middle school I was so scared because I did not want to get shoved in a locker. When I got to school I opened my locker. I would not be able to fit in the lockers if somebody tried to shove me in because the lockers are too small. So when I opened my locker I put my school supplies away and then the bell rang and I panicked because I did not know what classes I had to go to . So I asked the teachers that were there to help and I found my first period class. So then a few days went by and I got used to my schedule and the days went smoother.
    Math has been one of my favorite subjects in 6th grade. I like math because we get to do fun activities, fun projects, and learn new ways to do math. I like to do the work with the class because if you need help with something the teacher is there for you when you need help. Some of my favorite math units are decimals, fractions, ratios, and multiplying. When I get older I want to be a teacher and that is one subject I want to teach is math.
    Science is another favorite subject because we get to dissect and do a lot of labs. Some of my favorite labs are the soils, owl pellet, and the microscope labs. When I get older and I am a teacher I want to teach science as well. I also like learning about the solar system. I learned that there is one dwarf planet and it is Pluto. I also learned that a group of stars are called galaxies.
    Gym is a fun class because we get to learn about basketball, tennis, volley ball, and other fun activities. I also like to play the game Dekert Ball. It is a game that you have five mats and you kick the ball and the two people right beside you run with you and you go to all five mats without getting hit with the ball and then your team gets a point. Thanks for reading my post. THANKS!!!!!!!!!

  41. Social studies:
    I like social studies because we do a lot of grope projects. One of my favorite thing in social studies is jousting because I got in to the finals and Grace Bender beat me. Another thing I like is looping game. I like the board game. I like learning about social studies because I like learning about like old places. We only used are books like two times I wish we could of used it a lot more but I stuff like social studies the way it is. We did the wax museum I was Ted Williams. Ted Williams is a famous baseball player. He played for the red sox. His bating average was over 400. He was one of the best players. He made it on the baseball hall of fame.

    I like art because it is a colorful projects. I like painting and I like drawing thing out. I like making masks. One of my favorite thing is making the masks. I like the carton project. We did a still life project. I liked it because I could help the teacher out a lot and I like helping people out because it makes me feel like a better person.

    My favorite thing about music is cooking food for the music group. I liked singing a lot some times. I liked to do the DVD time things. I like how we got to play with interments and we got to make up are own song.


    I like computer because I like to type faster. I like to play on computers two. Then I like to learn where all the keys are. I like how we do typing games. I like looking at the book and having to copy it of the book on to the computer. I like how we did a roll play where the teacher was faking being mad.

  42. Science:
    Is a fun subject what I like about science is the labs. One of the labs I don’t like is the dissecting awl pellets. I like all the labs except the awl pellet lab. I like reading in the books because I like learning about that stuff. I like the guided notes. I liked the word finds and cross word puzzles. There is a lot of team work projects.

    I think math is fun two math is one of my favorite subjects because I love to do stuff that I have to think hard to do. I like doing a board game. I think that math is a easier subject to do but math can get vary hard. Another thing why I like math because it will help you a lot when you are older. We get to look in are books and we do a lot of team stuff so and I like to do team work because that will help you when you are older two.

    I think P.E. is a ok subject. Why I think P.E. is a ok subject because I like running and playing games but why I think it is ok because we play the same games. I like doing the pastier test. One of my favorite things about P.E. is the games. Why I like the games is because you get exercise will you are having fun. I like how they give you homework in P.E. I wish I could have P.E. every day of the school days. We played basket ball, soccer, volleyball, Decket ball, and Carral ball.

  43. Spelling: I like
    to learn how to spell stuff. One of my favorite thing about spelling is that you learn how to spell stuff you don’t know how to spell. I like to do fold a bolls. I like to do games. Some times we get to work on home work if we are ahead in spelling.

    I like reading because we do a lot of activities. We are working on doing a presentation In the class room. I like to do that kind of stuff. I like to go to auto skills. We do a lot of fun stuff in the class room. We do a lot of work sheets. We like never have home work. We have to read like 5 minutes to 15 minutes when we get in the class room. We get to go to the library if are books are done. We got to have a party because ms.Peters is moving to a new school next year. I kids mom came and brought us cupcakes and pop.

    I like English because we do games some times. We do stuff inside are books. We do like work shits every day but if she didn’t want us to do a work sheet one day we would play a game that’s about English or we would work on home work.

    Auto skills:
    In auto skills we do reading or math stuff on the computer. I like reading and math so I enjoy auto skills. If we pass all levels we get a free pizza ranch coupon it is a buffet. We have to pass like 3 level in math and like 4 levels in reading in a day we get a jolly rancher.

    Spring fling:
    I wish I could of went to are only dance this year but I was sick. My friend was in the talent show before the spring fling and he song Mikel Jackson. It was are only dance and I was sick so I got so mad.

    Auto lesson skills:
    He talked about how drugs are bad for you. We talked to a cop about how drugs are bad two and the cop let us wear drug goggles. We get a book about how drugs are bad and what drugs are made of.

    Open gym:
    I like open gym because I like basket ball and I get exercise. Basket ball Is my favorite sport. I got to it every day it is open before school. A lot of my friends are there to so I have more fun because I can see my friends more and play with them.

  44. Hi my name is Morgan Rolfson. I’m going to talk about 6th grade. 6th grade is awesome because I was in the Wax Muesum. I was Ella Fitzgerald. Ella Fitzgerald was on June 15, 1917. Ella Firzgerald was a Jazz singer. She also played a trumpet and the clarinet. My favorite subject is Social Studies. In Social Studies there is a lot of interesting stuff I learn like King Tut , Rome , Anicent China , Anicent Greece, Medieval Times, Stone Age, Mespotamia. My Social Studies class is awesome because we do projects like making Game broads and group projects. Also we did Blogging all of are subjects that we learn all year. Mr. Klumper made some fun videos of his daughters. Also Mr. Klumper a video for Crazy Izzy she sang The Climb it was so beautiful she has a good voice.

    I love Science because we did a lot of labs like cell labs with microscopes and Owl pillet lab. One time we did magnets lab. Also we did look at bones and skulls. Oh and I like it when we whatch Brain Pops. Also we get Guigeded notes there hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Gym

    I like gym because I like working out and running and doing activeies like Mr. Decket Ball and Mrs.Carroll Ball and Soccer and Basketball and Vollyball. Also 15 min run and 10 min run and 5 min run.


    Math is awesome with Mrs.Peters because is fun because she has fun projects like Clock game and timeing worksheet. I love math because it will help when your older.

  46. Reading

    I love reading because we are doing this project like everybody picks a person and I picked Helen Keller. Helen Keller was a plain and boring person because she was blind and also she is deaf. Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27, 1880 Tuscmbia Alabama. Her moms name is Kate Adams Keller and dads name is Captain Aurther H. Keller.

    Auto skills

    I have Autoskills in Math and Reading. Autoskills is fun because we get to go to games and we get to do math problems. Reading is also fun because we do reading games and programs. The Best Thing in Auto Skills is Mrs. Grage


    Music was so fun because we got to cook and we had our own jingle. Our jingle went like this Orange Ice suckers are sweet Orange Ice suckers are yummy Orange Ice suckers are fun to eat Orange Ice suckers are cold in your tummy. We had our own worksheets too. Mrs. Baker is so nice.


    Computer 2nd favorite subject because we get to do a lot of programs like Paws CD, WordArt, Microsoft Word, Microsoft office excel. Mrs. Gile is one of my Favorite teachers. I like the part where we went to WordArt and deckerate our name it was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also in reading Taia and I set up the surprise party for Mrs. Peters. It was really really fun because Taia and Madison and I were eating our cupcakes and Mrs.Sports class and Mrs.Bauld class was in there too. We all had Sprite, 7up, SpiteZero, and Water.


    In English is fun because one time my English class went to the back of the room and we ate popcorn and pop and we talked and have fun.

  47. dwight harris pd.3May 21, 2010 at 1:31 PM

    These are some of the units I liked all of them for S.S. for stone age I liked learning about the different animal I liked making the board games and stuff like that . the wax museum was really fun and I raised a lot of money. I liked crazy izy and everything that’s was a movie or video.

  48. I think this first year of middle school was very fun and awesome. I would like to thank all of the teachers in the sixth grade. Mr. Klumper was a really cool teacher because we did awesome projects every week. He even let us use open notes for our tests. I really liked how he teaches and I would really like to thank him for all of the hard work he has put into social studies. He spent so much time just making projects for us and he also makes so many blog posts and he also made a podcast.
    If you think Mr. Klumper is a bad guy, well think again.

    Mr. Nelson is a great teacher and a very awesome basketball coach. He is also really cool because he makes people stronger by doing push ups on the commercials in Channel 1. He is very active and strong and so is Mr. Klumper. Everyone always says what a great teacher he is. The first time I ever met him, I really loved him.

    Mr. Sturgeon and Ms. Lofton are very nice and awesome teachers also. I sometimes got on her bad side but that’s just because we kids are little butt heads. They both make us work very hard in English and Reading. Every day Ms. Lofton let us do an adjective thing after every day of school. Ms. Lofton was a very nice lady and Mr. Sturgeon was a very charming man. The day that Ms. Lofton left was May 14th 2010. We had a surprise party in the team room; it was very fun. Well that’s all I got to say about Mr. Sturgeon and Ms. Lofton.

    Mr. Hagen is a very educated and nice science teacher. He let us work on tests with our table group and most of our assignments. We did so many awesome assignments in his class. Some of them were My Nutty Natural Wonder and a cell project. He lets us have lots of work time for our assignments. He is a very good study hall teacher also. He will let us go to the bathroom whenever we want to and he lets us talk to each other if we need help on any assignment. He also lets us draw on white boards with other people and he has a lot of different colors too. We always can learn in Mr. Hagen’s room because he has posters everywhere you look. My best part of study hall and science is to learn with all of my friends and to be having fun!

    Mrs. Namanny is a pretty and nice teacher. In math, she lets us do almost every assignment with a partner of our choice. Our assignments are so easy because she gives us examples of how to do them and whenever we don’t get how to do a question, she just tells us how to do it. We just got finished with a Math Fair that was very educational and fun. My partner was Austin, (psst don’t tell him this but he didn’t do that much of the work). We didn’t quite get our work done, but I think we did alright. All of the other people had either a great game or a great exhibit. Austin and I did an exhibit.

    Mr. Deckert is the best teacher in the world. He teaches me so many cool and new stuff. I

  49. This brings me to our next topic, THE RED TEAM WAX MUSEUM OF 2010!! =] What is the wax museum you ask? Well the wax museum is an event where 104 students are all dressed up as a person from the past. I was Sacagawea. Some of the other people that were part of this were Rachel Scott, John F Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt. We started this project around October and ended in April. So as you can see, this was so little coloring project that you get from the back of a cereal box? No, this was THE WAX MUSEUM OF 2010! We made a speech that we would eventually memorize and it had to be anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes long. Then we had to get a canister, costume, and a small poster ready for the big night. Mr. Klumper, being the nice over achiever he is, put 16 foot high pillars in the cafeteria, which you can try imagine was not an easy task. And hooked on to the top of the pillars was a huge sign that said 6th grade wax museum. On the big night of Tuesday April 13th (yes I did memorize that) I walked in the door as Sacagawea. The way it worked was people would walk by and if they were interested in you they would drop a coin in your canister and you would magically come alive. We raised over $2,000 for Make a Wish.
    The whole point of this assignment was to tell what we learned and experienced in sixth grade in 1,000 words. The truth is you can’t really just write down everything that we got out of 6th grade. For people reading this it is just an assignment, but in the process of writing this it brought me back to the tears, the funny times, and most of all, the life time of memories we made this year not just individually but as the class of 2016.

    Bailey D.

  50. Hello, my name is Bailey Durfee and I am a 12 year old student from Brandon Valley Middle School and I am in 6th grade. This year some of my core classes were social studies, English, math, reading and science. Some of my wheel courses were art, computer, auto skills and the one I am recently in, adolescent skills. Which is my favorite? A wheel course is a class that we take, and switch every 7 weeks.
    This year 6th graders were only allowed to one dance, but in my opinion it was the most fun. Also that’s what the 7th graders said. After school that day, my friend Paige and I went to her house and we got ready there. Since Paige has no sense of style, how to do hair, or put on make-up, I had to do 2 of everything. But by the time the dance came around, we both looked great. When we got to the dance we had to go to a table and buy our tickets, then we had to go sit down and wait for the talent show to come on. While in the process of waiting for it to start, this crazy lady comes up and kicks us out because of our shorts. When we got out to the commons to call Paige’s mom to get us some new shorts, we saw a group of 40 6th grade girls waiting there for their parents to also bring them shorts. By the time we got everything and we sat down, the talent show had already started. The talent show was really good and our school has a lot of talent including some people I didn’t even think could do what they did on stage. One act that I would like to point out was Andy and Katie’s dance, it was really good. Also why the talent show was going on, so was the art show. Unfortunately I did not get to see it, but I really wish I would have because a lot of my friends had really good drawings, paintings and etc entered in it. Hopefully next year I will be able to see that. After the excellent talent show, everybody had to go out and wait for them to get everything for the dance set up like the lights, the photo booth, and most of all THE MUSIC!! When it was finally time to go, it was crazy trying to get into that gym! There were 3 teachers and you had to put up your hand so they could see a red X on your hand. If you were not there here is a little visual for you. Imagine 500 kids trying to squeeze into a mouse hole. It was so crazy, but when we finally got in the hassle was worth it! When we got in all the lights were shut off and there were strobe lights, flashing lights and pretty much any other kind of lights you can imagine. At the dance there was so much dancing and it was a lot of different kinds of dancing such as, break dancing, free style dancing , slow dancing, and sadly . . . grinding =[ . Why put a frowny face after the word we call “grinding”, because in 6th grade you should not be grinding and people were sweaty and that’s just gross! = [ Besides from the horrific dancing it was a more then excellent dance. In the middle of the gym was a group of free styling going on and let me just say, I have never been in a group of that many people sweating at once. The dance ended at around 10:45 and a group of about 10 of us were just walking around trying to get something to eat. First we went to pizza ranch, then taco johns, sunshine, and finally subway. THEY WERE ALL CLOSED. . . ALL DOORS WERE LOCKED!! = [ Oh by the way, the group of people that I was with were Conner, Tyler, Dwight, Dante, Giana, Adriana, Justine, Emma and Paige. Then when we were all tired of walking around like lonely hobos and too hungry to walk any more we all finally went home. Later that night, we all went to bed with a big smile on our face because we have really just had one of the best night of our lives, besides the wax museum of course.


  51. Art

    Art was so amazing because we got to do a lot of projects like the mask, cartoon, the boxes, and the cup art. My favorite thing about Art is the mask. Who teaches Art at the Brandon Valley Middle School is Mrs.Treewe. I say it again Art is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Auto Lessons Skills

    Auto Lessons Skills was cool because we did some dancing and we lot of testing. Once my class sang Happy Birthday on December 23.2009. Mrs.Sayed teached Auto Lessons Skills.

    The Spring Fling

    The Talent Show was amzing because there is a lot of Talented people and everybody was cheering and clapping and funning fun. Madison and Emily and I were having a lot of fun because we ate pizza and we were dancing to a lot of songs..

  52. Hi I really like 6th grade it is awesome. I really like it because it was fun not to have to put up with one teacher the whole day. I liked the lunches and social studies. My favorite thing about social studies is learning about ancient civilizations. My favorite ancient civilization is probably medieval times. I liked learning about torture in the medieval times. I also like study hall because it gives us time to do our homework. It gets annoying when you have to put up wit ha whole bunch of teachers in one day. I like the lunches because you get to choose between 3 lunches. You get to choose among nachos, and 2 school lunches you also can get an extra. I do not like middle school because of no recesses and a lot of homework. A lot of people in middle school are kinda weird. Gym is the most fun subject of all. You do running and play some games like deckert ball. The most fun thing in math is doing the math fair. We also did a lot of other things that were fun. In science the most fun thing was dissecting owl pellets and they are not owl poop they are owl puke. I do not really like school but I get to see my friends in school. In art we get to make these masks that are super cool. We also get to paint and draw with chalk, charcoal, and regular pencil. I do not like that the school day is longer than the high school. I wish they had more dances for the 6th graders than they do. I do not like the study hall economy thing it makes you pay for everything. But it does give you a chance to bring a snack or a drink. We got to play tennis in gym to day and hit the snot out of a tennis ball. That was really fun and I think very productive. I do like riding the bus because it gives me more time to do my homework that I forgot to do at home. If I don’t have any homework than I can mess around with my friends. I can also take a nap on the bus if I want to. But I am happy that the school year is coming to a close. In the begging of the year I got to know the teachers and they got to know me an example of that is Mr. Klumper this morning he said that he had truanphobia. Mr. Sturgeon yells at me all the time for talking. Mr. Hagen yells at me for not paying attention. Ms. Nammany likes me when I am good. But I got really mad when Jonny Rotten did not die. I am really mad that p.d. 4 did not win the looping game today.
    I have a question about how many videos have you put on YouTube? My favorite project in S.S. was the Mt. Vesuvius in creating Rome. It was really fun making the volcano erupt with mentos. I bet it went about 25feet high. My favorite blog is water for sixth grade. I like it because it had games and the podcast. I do not like doing assignments on the blog though. I learned a lot when I went to Wax Museum. I learned about a lot of people that I did not know even existed. I really liked the cookies and lemonade. I don’t like that the other team got to have as many cookies as they wanted to. I also learned a lot from water for sixth grade to. I learned about all the ancient civilizations we covered in this year. I really like the podcast I rocked the riddles and the music was cool.

  53. I have learned and done a lot this year, my first year( well not the first year but my first year of middle school, big deal) and I am going to tell you what I have learned and did in 1,000 words (or more). First I will start off in the begging of the year first period (which is the wheel courses). My first wheel course was auto skills. Auto skills was suppose to improve my reading and math skills. Hmm yea right, it didn’t do anything to help me. It was sooo boring. All we did was sit in chairs (well we sit in chairs for almost every period but oh well) even though they were comfy chairs, and do boring problems on the computer. What a waste of seven weeks. That was also a very bad first impression of middle school ( that was my first class on the first day of school). The next wheel course was adolescent skills, that was really fun! We did a whole bunch of games and fun activities. In adolescent skills we learned about drugs, alcohol, smoking, and the media’s influence on our decisions. Ms. Namanny was just so fun, but she got off topic, side-tracked whatever you want to call it, a lot(but that was part of the fun part) The wheel course that came after that was computer, and well it was just a computer class. The theme of the typing program was very childish, and I learned how to type just like every year, but this year I actually remembered what I learned. In fact I am using this skill now. The wheel course that was after computer was art, oh art, oh art. Art is my worst subject. I can’t draw, paint, or anything else that deals with art, but it turned out to be really fun. All right I will say it I SUCK at art! First we made an object wind through six to eight boxes. I could make the boxes but I couldn’t make the picture. Oh I forgot to tell you I made an elephant and its trunk was winding through the boxes. My elephant sucked but the one thing that rocked in my whole six grade art career (seven weeks) was my bag of peanuts. It actually was an awesome bag of peanuts but what sucks is that in life you never have to draw peanuts in a bag (so sad isn’t it the one thing I can draw and I will never need to). We also made a sketch book. We were supposed to draw things that represented us (meaning I was supposed to draw things that represented me, sorry for the confusion). I drew a lake with the word Okoboji, because Okoboji is awesome and I love it, a cat because my cat is my baby, a basketball, a softball, a golf ball, and volleyball because I love sports and they are a big part of my life, and I also drew some other stuff to make it look better. During art we also made other things like houses, cartoons, portraits, and a mask at the end but all of those projects turned out terrible (but I still get 95% to 100% on all of them). Once again I suck at art. Now we are at the present day wheel course, music. This is taught by Mr. Fodey,Fody, Phodey, Phody, or how ever you spell it. He is awesome and guess what he doesn’t make us sing a lot (hallelujah) except for the national anthem in the morning but everyone has to sing it and no one hears you so it is not bad at all. I have hated music all through my life but in sixth grade it is fun. We did a project where we researched a famous composer. My group was me, Paige Moler, Mekenzie Gloge, and Mady Smith (those names are all probably spelt wrong but you know who I mean). Our person was Peter Tchaikovsky (ha ha I know that I spelt that right I looked it up). We had to present it; it had to be in the form of a talk show. Yea I had to be Peter that doesn’t sound bad but he uhh I don’t want to say it, he was a depressed, sensitive, insane, gay guy (gay meaning he liked men). It sucked, but it was really funny. Mady played the host, Paige played the announcer, and Ken-z( I don’t know how to spell her name so I am just going to say Ken-z, okay, okay) was mystery woman. Yea I forgot to tell you Peter had a woman (stoker) you paid him to write music and would continue to pay him as long as he never saw her face.

  54. Hannah Paauw pd 9May 23, 2010 at 1:41 PM

    Yea, so let’s go to second period. On Mondays and Wednesdays I walk in the building and say” uhhh I have gym today”. I like that we get exercise and stuff but I don’t like sweating in the begging of the school day it sucks. On the other days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) I have Spelling with Ms. (or Mrs. I don’t know which one means married) Namanny. During adolescent skills I had her two periods in a row and Alex, Elise, and whoever else was in my spelling had her three periods in a row. Spelling doesn’t help my spelling (I think you might have known that). You never use those words.
    Now in three period I have English. Mr. Sturgeon is one of my favorite teachers. English was fun until no I won’t say it. We learn English just like every year.
    In fourth period I have science. I don’t mean to brag but I rock at science. It is one of my best subjects. It is so easy. The bad thing about science is we get yelled at a lot because we have a lot of naughty people in our class(I won’t mention any names though).
    Fifth period is lunch. All I can say about lunch is I love it!
    Sixth period is Math I am in intro to algebra (in other words eighth grade math). It sounds hard but its really not. The other sixth graders in it are Sommer West and Ken-z Gloge.
    Seventh period is study hall. I am in Mr. Hagon’s study hall (its petty boring).
    Eighth period is reading. I have Ms. Gile. It sucks. That is all that I am going to say.
    Ninth period is Social Studies. I wait for it the whole day. It is so fun. I have my friends in that clad and the activities are so fun. I also learn a lot about what I knew little about.
    So that’s pretty much my school year (even though it’s not over) in more than 1,000 words.
    (1,142 words)

  55. Mr. Deckert is a great teacher. He teaches me so many new and exciting things. He teaches me cool basketball moves and he makes me a way better basketball player almost every single day. He opens the gyms at 6 in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. No other coach does that (I think).

  56. ( before my other post it was to big just learned this now)

    ! There was shortage of labor, people starved, people questioned the church, and towns disappeared. Doctors and priest would stay away from people with the Black Death. People thought they could get it by just looking at a person with it. The definition of torture is a method of inflicting pain. They would torture to extract confessions, obtain names of other people, get other info about the crime, and make them pay for a crime. Torture chambers were located in castles. Located in the lower parts of the castles through the winding stairways to muffle the sounds of the screams. The problems with torture was that the innocent was tortured, innocent confessed to stop the torture, and not HUMAN-very painful. Torture was abolished in 1640. Ripping teeth, nails, beating, blinding, boiling, bone-breaking, choking, cutting, whipping, flaying, roasting, drowning, and tickling. Humiliation as torture. Brank: used on women who gossip and argue. Pillory: arms and head stuck. Stockade: like Pillory but can sit. Drunkards Cloak: barrel worn by people for drinking.

  57. (before both of my post my other was to big did not post because maby to big)

    The Bubonic Plague was very aggressive. The Bubonic plague is known as the “Black Death because limbs, fingers, and spots on the body.” The Bubonic Plague came from China on Italian Trading Ships. The Bubonic Plague reached Europe. It spread by the bacteria in the rat’s blood, then fleas drank the blood, after humans got bit by the fleas, and then the humans die. It spread because very dirty, poor sanitation, and perfect for rats. In the winter the Bubonic Plague seemed to stop, not true! The plague was seasonal. Symptoms of the Black Death, fever, painful swelling of lymph glands, and spots on body turn red, then to black. European Society never recovered. 33% of the population was loss in Europe due to the Bubonic Plague. 25 million people died in 5 years!

  58. On my first day of school I was nervous I thought I was going to be sick, to the point I would need to go home. The first thing I did was go and try to find my locker, and it turns out that I am right next to my sister’s best friend, Logan Solberg. He wasn’t too happy to see me because we knew each other from the first day that they had hung out at brooks. He has never liked me I don’t think but he is sometimes mean when he gets in trouble in the mornings. The next thing I did was go and trace my steps for my classes, and it turns out I knew my schedule before my classes had begun, so I didn’t need the paper with my schedule for the whole day. I was so proud of myself. When I done I went to take my binder to my first period class and my gym bag to my gym locker which I had to ask the teacher for, he was really nice, and then I went to talk to my teachers. After all of that I saw some people I barely knew, because they all had their hair died, cut or both. They all had on new clothes and it was hard to tell who was who. They were all of my friends but with the new styles it was harder to tell. I had a new style too, my hair was cut and I had on my brand new clothes, and shoes. We all started to talk when the first bell rang and we all shouted out we need to sit by each other.
    The spring fling was a lot of fun too. My two friends and I, Morgan and Emily, went together and got there ten minutes early and we were talking. When we were let in we tried to find my sister and her friends. They weren’t there so we waited and went into the gym because my sister had my money for food and drinks. We waited for the talent show to start so we found our seats. About five minutes later my sister walked in with her friend brook and her bf was hurrying to perform. They were really good and I saw that he was looking for my sister and when he found her he smiled and that’s when they started to play their music. My sister was smiling when I turned to look at her. When they were done playing she stood up and waved for him to come over, but she realized there was no room for him so she pushed all of her friends over so there would be enough room for him to sit by her. When the talent show was over we all stood to help clean up and move chairs. When all of the chairs were put up we set up the gym for Neon Nights theme and it was nice to see how many people where there but my sister got a lot of high schoolers kicked out from the dance. It was nice but, there was still a lot left. But a lot of girls got kicked out for wearing to short of shorts.

  59. Madison Wojo Part 2May 24, 2010 at 8:13 AM

    After the dance my dad came to pick us up but my sister didn’t go with us, thank goodness, because she was staying at a friend’s house. But they stayed the night for two nights and the last day we went to the circus and then they left.
    Another good time I had in Middle School sixth grade was one of the big projects called The Wax Museum. I was the first female doctor Elizabeth Blackwell. I had on white lab coat, with a sethlascope, and in one of the pockets was one of those things called, ******. Well I had a good time except for being in front of all those people, because I get nervous in front of a big crowd. Even when my mom is taking pictures of me and some of my friends, and some people I don’t really like. She got me doing my speech and took a little video. When it was over I found my mom by the snack stand getting cookies and a cup of juice. We didn’t get any because it was only for the people who came to watch us. It was kind of tempting to see all of the parents eating, drinking, and talking when we were the ones who did all of the work. I wanted to just go up to the table and get a cookie then leave, it was that tempting.
    Another thing I could talk about is how much I have changed this year; well I have quite a bit. I got a haircut; I had around ten inches cut off at the beginning of school. A lot of people were commenting on it and how cute it was and that they liked it short personally, another way I have change is my style. Me and my sister went through my wardrobe and threw away what she didn’t like, and my mom took us both clothes shopping. We even got new shoes, and pony tails for our hair, we also got jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, and even toe jewelry. We got new made up and sweaters, we got school supplies and this time we got to buy what we wanted and I got some cool colorful folders, and notebooks. I had to get two binders, and slit them in half, like my morning classes go in one binder and my afternoon classes go in the other binder, my sister made it so the blue one is in the morning because its normally cold In the mornings, and the pink one goes in the afternoon because it looks like red and its normally hot or warm in the afternoons. So there is just some ways on how I changed and how this year went for me, and what I liked so bye bye.
    Here's Madison wojo Bolg. We donot have internet and your web page set up won't work. Madison's mom

  60. Hello, my name is Taylor Paeth and this is my 1,000 word challenge.

    The first day of school was really scary to me I thought what if I forgot my locker combo or what if I went in the wrong class. Just little things like that. In Math class their was this helper lady named Miss. Samsel. I thought that she was going to be their for the rest of the year but NO. She was just subbing till this new lady came Ms. Mayo and when she did come I did not like her one bit. But after a month I got used to her. I made some new friends like Amber Olson and Elizabeth Buthe. My favorite classes are S.S and reading. Miss Mayo thinks Mr. Klumper needs to iron his khaki pants. That’s what she just said (LOL). Anyway I have some stories about my family like how my 28 year old sister has lived almost the whole year at my house! Which really makes me ANGRY! She is really smart and I’m not as smart as her so shes like Taylor that’s wrong and your not doing it right sometimes I just want her to leave and never come back. Also this year I got my very own dog she is very cute and smart her name is Penelope at first I dident like the name but it just stuck to her. My uncle got married to this lady named Katrina and their wedding was a red neck wedding. They are my favroit aunt and uncle.

  61. Comment by Alessio Genova: #1 The Sabor Tooth Tiger was 8-9ft long. Weight was 400-500pd. It lived in North Amercia. It's time was 1.8-11,000 years ago and last but not least it was a carnivor.

    #2 The Uinthatherium lenghth was 10-15ft,weight was 5,000-6,000pd,the tme was Late Eocene,lived in Asia,North America, and was a herbivore.


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