
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ancient India--British Museum Style

We have begun our next unit of Ancient India. We have not visited Water for Sixth Grade since Winter Vacation ended. It is time to make our return to the website that will single handily teach you everything you need to know about ancient civilization and life. You will be exploring the British Museum to learn about Ancient India. I am going to explain to you what you need to do. So focus on the following instructions. I am speaking to you. Actually read the instructions. Do NOT pretend to read them and then ask me what to do five seconds later. If you read the instructions, perhaps read them twice, you should know what to do.

Using the following link, you will complete each task in your NOTEBOOK about Ancient India describing what you learned from using the British Museum website. Once again, you will WRITE your answers in your NOTEBOOK.

Here is the Link: British Museum--Ancient India. (open this site in a new tab so you can work on the site and see WSG at the same time. Right-click and select "open in new tab")
Task #1: The Buddha: click on the link. On the left side of the screen, there is a list. Click on "The Buddha." After that, you will click on the picture in the middle of the screen. Once you have done that, you will click on the link on the left side of the screen that says "Story." This story will teach you about the man who started the religion of Buddhism. Click on "next" at the bottom of the screen to advance through the entire story. For this task, you must summarize the story of Buddha. Tell me about what happens in the story and what this guy does. Summarizing does not mean just retyping the entire story. Summarizing means to cut out the unimportant things and just explain the important parts of the story to understand what happens. For all you sentence counters: about 7-8 sentences should do that job. This will be the first item in your notebook, titled: Task #1: Story of Buddha.

Task #2: Geography: Go to the beginning of the British Museum website and click on "Geography." After you click on geography, you must click on the picture to enter the geography section. At that point, it will have a couple paragraphs about geography. Tell me three (3) things about the geography of India. That is all you have to do for this task. Three complete sentences. Label this "Task #2: Geography" in your notebook right under task #1.

Task #3: Early Hinduism: Once again, go back to the beginning of the British Museum site. Click on "Early Hinduism." Then, click on the picture to enter the site on early Hinduism. Your next step is to click on "explore" which is located on the left side of the screen. Next you will see a graphic of many gods and goddesses of ancient India. Pick THREE of them and tell me their name and what they are the god or goddess of. Label this "Task #3: Early Hinduism" in your notebook directly under task #2 answers.

Make sure you label your three tasks. This helps organize your findings and it helps me go through your information much easier.

Points: 30 (10 points per task)
DUE: Tuesday, January 19th, 2010.


  1. #1 The Buda story says that there was this guy named budda. He wanted to go outside so his parent let him. when he went out he saw sick and dead people he asked people why they die . then he went to meditate and died wen he was 80
    #2the people of anciet India lived in a land of extremes. The terrain was varied and often presented great challenges. Occasional extremes of weather such as droughts and monsoons were also part of life
    #3Prithvi / is the goddes of earth she is also the goddes of fertillitey
    Shiva/is the god who destroys the world when it is in a state of chaos. he is also the lord of the beasts.
    Brahma/is the creator of the universe and the god of wisdom

  2. well there once a king and a queen who live in the town of kapilavastu.A time later a baby was born and he started the buddha.

  3. Task #1:Story of Budda. There was once a king named Suddhodana and a queen named Mahamaya. The queen dreamt that a white elaphant carrying a white lotust entered her right side. She later had a baby and a group of astrologers predicted that the yougn prince would either become a great emperor or a great spiritual leader. The prince never knew what happened outside the palace walls since he never left and he lived happily. One day the prince begged his father to let him outside of the palace and he learned that there was suffering in the world. After three visits he realised the fundamental truths of life. He took off his robes, cut his hair and sent them back to the palace. he then set out to find salvation. He went to the forests looking for wise men but this did not bring him satisfaction. So he meditated, achieved enlightenment, and became budda. Budda then traveled the world sharing his learnings. At his death he achieved nirvana.
    Task #2:Geography. India had droughts and monsoons often. India is also a subcontinent. The land between the rivers were very fertile, so good for farming.
    Task #3Early Hinduism. Agni was the messenger of the gods and always tell the truth. Dyaus was the god of the sky and fertility. Indra was the king of the gods and the god of thunder.

  4. is about a guy named Siddhartha Gautama who grew up in a palace and married a girl named Yashodhara and had a son named Rahula.then one day prince Siddhartha went in to a forest. then he sat under a tree to meditate.alot of demons came to tempt him, however he resisted them.after a week ao meditating he got very smart and was called Buddha. Buddha travled and shared his teachings. buddha died in 483 B.C. at the age of 80 and he became ashes.

  5. 1 Theres a king named Suddhodana and a queen named Mahamaya that lived in Kapilavastu in the sixth century B C. A baby was born and he was named Siddhartha Gautama.A young prince would grow up to be a great emperor.Siddharthas father ordered the city streets cleared of any one old or sick. 2

  6. task #1: story or Buddha.
    the story is about prince siddhartha growing up in the palace walls and never going out. so his dad one day let him go outside. before he went out his dad ordered all the sick or old people out of the roads so his son could not see them.but while he was out he did see and old person and wondered what was wrong with him. then he went a few times and found a sick person. he figured out that every man has to die and every man has to get sick. he went to sit under a tree and meditate for a few days and he acheived enlightement and from that time on he was known ad buddha.
    task#2: geography.
    people in india live in a land of extremes. the ganga was one of indias iimprtant rivers.another one of indias another imprtant river was the indus river.

  7. There was a King named Suddhodana and a quees named Mahamaya who lived in the city of Kapilavastu.A little later, a baby was born to the queen .He was named Siddhartha Gautama.The prince grew up within the palace walls having no contact with the outside world . Siddhatha married a pretty girl named Yashodhara and they had a son.The little boy named Rahula.The King Suddhodana wanted to go outside so he did . He went outside and saw people who were old and sick . Suddhodana left his son and wife and set out to learn the way of finding salvation and understanding.

  8. Its a guy named Siddartha and a queen named Mahamaya and they live in Kapilavastu. They had a chiled that is name Siddhartha Gautama. The prince grew up within the walls and having no contact with the outside world. The price Siddhartha married a beautiful princess named The little son was named Rahula.Yashodhara and they had a son. he was creamated and his ashes were divided up and taken in eaght. HE died when he was 80.

  9. There once was a prince named Siddhartha that wanted to go out side the palace walls. One day, he saw a beautiful princess named Yashodhara and they had a son. The little boy's name was Rahula. Until one day, Prince Siddhartha tried to persuade his father to let him go outside the palace walls. His father let him go outside the palace walls and his father also ordered the city streets cleared of anyone who was old or sick. So when Siddhartha and his groom set out for their tour of the city chariots, they saw many young and happy people.

  10. Task #1:
    The Story of Buddha
    Well the story of Buddha goes like this. There was a king and a queen. The queen had a dream with a white elephant with a lotus on it in it. The queen had a son named, Siddhartha Gautama. He married a person named, Yashodhara. He gave up the chance to be a king and instead he did spiritual stuff. Once he went into a forest talking with Wise men as he went along, he settled under a tree and started meditating. Dark spirits tempted him but he resisted. The Buddha died in 483 B.C. at the age of 80. He was cremated and his ashes were separated into four sections all to be buried in different places.

    Task #2: Geography
    In ancient India, there are many different terrains and land forms. But along the banks of the Indus & Ganges River. All different types of plants grow there.

    Task #3: Early Hinduism
    Indra, king of the gods. Dyaus, god of the sky. Agni, god of fire.

  11. 1. The Buddha: Once a long time ago there was a queen named Mahamaya and a king named Suddhodana. The queen had a dream the this white elephant carrying a white lotus in its trunk entered her right side. Over some time she had a baby she named him Siddhartha Gautama. Then some group of astrologers said that the baby would grow up to be a great emperor or would turn his back on privilege and power to become a great spiritual leader. So they put him in theas walls having no contact with the outside world. Soon he married a princess named Yashodhara and they had a son named Rahula. Then the prince saw this old man and a sick man and dead man so he was sent out to lean the way of finding salvation and understanding he did go into a forest and he found a old man but this did not help him so he moved on so then he got under a tree and stared to meditate and some demos came to tempt him but it did not work so then he was known as the buddha.

    2.Geography:A lot of rivers flowed through ancint india making the land fertile. A important river in ancint indea was Ganga. The terraia was varied and often presented great challenges.

    3.Early Hinduism: Prithvi is the goddess of the earth. Indra king of the gods and the god of thunder. Ushas goddess of dawn.

  12. kendall marina and caitlynnJanuary 19, 2010 at 10:15 AM

    ello its kendall marina and caitlynn here we just wanted to say ello!!!! and we sawdidid u :) at shunshine with ur magical laptop and pony named charlieee the unnniiicccooorrnnnn :) byeeee

  13. Task #1: There was once a queen named Mahamaya who lived in the sixth century B.C. She eventually had a baby named Siddhartha Gautama. Later a group of astrologers predicted that he would become either a great emperor or a spiritual leader. The prince grew up outside of the castle walls having no contact with the outside world. One day he eventually convinced his father to go outside. He didn't know that his father had ordered anyone who was old or sick to stay off the city streets. So he saw many young and happy people. He saw an old man and was very touched because he didn't know how people get old. He left his wife, took off his princely robes and cut his hair. He later settled under a tree to meditate. After many days he achieved Enlightment. From that day one he was known as Buddha.
    Task #2: They had droughts and monsoons. The monsoons brought very fertile land.
    Task #3: #1 Indra is the king of the gods and the god of thunder
    #2 Shiva is the god who destroys the world when it is in a state of chaos and ungodliness. He is also the lord of the beasts.
    #3 Agni is the god of fire

  14. Siddhartha Gautama he was a prince who became a buddha. A leader of a spiritchal relegan. Had to stay inside the castle. when he asked his dad if he could go out he let him. His dad tryed to hide all the sickes and old people. He say one sick person. Soo he meditated under the tree and he got state of higher spiritual understanding and achievement reached through reflection and meditation.
    2# india had extremes of weather such as droughts and monsoons. The land had rivers, mountains, plains and deserts. Many rivers, such as Indus River and Ganges River, made the land fertile.
    3. Agni is the god of fire. Indra is the king of the gods and the god of thunder. Ashwins are the twin gods of the morning.

  15. 1. The Buddha: Once a long time ago there was a queen named Mahamaya and a king named Suddhodana. The queen had a dream the this white elephant carrying a white lotus in its trunk entered her right side. Over some time she had a baby she named him Siddhartha Gautama. Then some group of astrologers said that the baby would grow up to be a great emperor or would turn his back on privilege and power to become a great spiritual leader. So they put him in theas walls having no contact with the outside world. Soon he married a princess named Yashodhara and they had a son named Rahula. Then the prince saw this old man and a sick man and dead man so he was sent out to lean the way of finding salvation and understanding he did go into a forest and he found a old man but this did not help him so he moved on so then he got under a tree and stared to meditate and some demos came to tempt him. After that he achieved enlightenment and then known as the Buddha.
    Task 2: Geography. The terrain of India varied ofthen presented great challenges. Drought and monsoons were part of life in this land. Many rivers flowed through which made the land have very fertile soil.
    Task 3: Early Hinduism. Agni is the god of fire. Ashwins are the twin gods of the morning. Brahma is the creator of the universe and the god of wisdom.

  16. However, they also happened upon a feeble old man who was lying on the side of the rode. Siddhartha had asked someone to explain what was wrong with the man. He journeyed out into the city three more times and saw a sick man, a dead man and a sage. Siddhartha left his wife and son at the palace and set out to learn the way of finding salvation and understanding. At the edge of the city, he took off his princely robes, cut his hair and sent his groom back to the palace with his horse. Siddhartha wandered through the forests seeking understanding from wise men and ascetics. However, this did not bring him satisfaction or greater understanding. Finally, Siddhartha settled under a tree to meditate.
    While he sat under the tree, demons came to tempt him.
    He resisted them. After many days of meditating, Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment. From that point he was known as the Buddha.
    The Buddha delivered his first sermon.
    For the rest of his life, the Buddha travelled around sharing his teachings with many people. The Buddha died in 483 B.C. at the age of 80. Upon his death he attained Nirvana.
    Task 2: The terrain was varied and often presented great challenges
    Occasional extremes of weather such as droughts and monsoons were also part of life in India.
    Many rivers also flowed through ancient India making the land fertile.
    Task 3: Agni is the god of fire. He is shown as a man with red skin, three flaming heads, seven tongues, seven arms and three legs. Agni wears a garland of fruit. Agni is the messenger of the gods and always tells the truth. Ashwins are the twin gods of the morning. Ashwins are young, handsome and athletic. Ashwins are horsemen who are known for their goodwill towards humans. They are also the physicians to the gods. Vayu is the god of air and the wind. He rides in a chariot pulled by deer.
    Vayu is seen as the god who brought life to all the gods and humans.

  17. Task #1
    This story is about a boy named Siddhartha Gautama. The prince grew up inside of the walls of the palace. He did not see the outside world while growing up. Siddhartha married a princess named Yashodhara and they had a son. They all lived in wealth and didn't know what it was like to be poor. This was until one day Siddhartha's father finally let his son, Siddhartha, outside the walls of the palace. When he went out,he saw a sick old man lying on the street. This made Siddhartha go out into the street three more times. Siddhartha set out on a journey and settled under a tree to meditate without all of his wealthy clothes on. He meditated for many days and achieved enlightenment. He then became known as the Buddha.

    Task #2
    India's terrain was different in different spots and gave great challenges.

    Sometimes droughts would happen in their lifetime.

    India's land was fertile because many rivers flow through it.

    Task #3
    Agni is the god of fire.

    Shiva is the god who destroys the world.

    Ushas is the goddess of the dawn.

  18. 2.the cloud-cattle brought rain to earth which made crops grow so we can eatthe demon hated people.One day the demon tricked the cloud- cattleand put them in a cave. The people didn't have water because of the cloud-cattle.3 Narayana was laying on the leaf.He created the speech.He created the rain and theclouds.He created lightning,rock
    moutians,and then the universe was created.

  19. #1. Siddhartha goutama was a prince who lived in a palace. He did not know about the city or sick or old man and learned that sick or old people existed. He sought aduise from wise men but got no help. He meditated under a tree . Demons tempted him but he didn't give in. He got enlightenment and became the Budda.

    #2India is the land of extremes. it has two rivers the Indus and the Ganges .City's bult along the rivers .

    #3 Duyaus is the god of the sky. agri is the god of fire . lakshmi is the godest of wealth.

  20. #2 The people of ancient India lived in a land of extreames. The terrain was varied and often presented great ghallenges. Many rivers also flowed through ancient India making the land fertile.

  21. Task #3. #1 Agni hes the god of fire. #2 Indra god of gods and god of thunder. #3 Shiva god of destroyer.

  22. Task #1 The Buddha: The story of Buddha started when a boy was born and his name was Siddhartha Gautama and astrologers predicted that he would grow up to a great emperor or he would turn his back on privilege and power to become a great spiritual leader.
    He grew up inside the palace walls with no contact with the outside world. Later he finally persuaded his father to let him go outside the palace walls to see the city. But, what Siddhartha did not know was that his father had ordered the city streets cleared of anyone who was old or sick. So when Siddhartha went outside the palace walls he saw only happy and young people. But he passed by an old man and he asked someone to explain what was wrong with the man. Siddhartha was very moved by the suffering of the old man.
    Siddhartha left his wife and son at the palace and set out to learn the way of finding salvation and understanding.At the edge of the city, he took off his princely robes, cut his hair and sent his groom back to the palace with his horse. He wandered through the forests seeking understanding from wise men and ascetics. However, this did not bring him satisfaction or greater understanding. Finally, Siddhartha settled under a tree to meditate.
    While he sat under the tree, demons came to tempt him. However, he resisted them. After many days of meditating, Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment. From that point, he was known as the Buddha. The Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath. In this sermon he shared the knowledge he had gained through meditation and set the Wheel of the Law in motion. For the rest of his life, the he travled around sharing his teachings with many people.
    He died in 483 B.C. at the age of 80. Upon his death he attained Nirvana. After his body was cremated, his ashes were divided up and taken to eight different sites. At each of these sites, a mound-like structure called a stupa was built to contain the ashes.Over time, many stupas were built and rebuilt, serving as centres of worship for the Buddha's followers.
    Task #2 Geography: The people of ancient India lived in a land of extremes. The terrain was varied and often presented great challenges. Occasional extremes of weather such as droughts and monsoons were also part of life in this land. However, great civilizations developed and flourished amidst the rivers, mountains, plains and deserts of the subcontinent. Many rivers also flowed through ancient India making the land fertile. One of the main rivers to be used in ancient times was the Indus river in the north-west (what is now north-western India and Pakistan). It was on the banks of the Indus river that the earliest civilization in India to use writing, build large buildings and organise cities flourished for nearly one thousand years.
    Another important river in ancient India was the Ganga. Settlements, cities and towns developed on the banks of this powerful river from as early as prehistoric times.
    Task #3 Early Hinduism: Vishnu: Vishnu was a minor deity in early times. Later on, he became one of the main Hindu gods. He appears as a man with four arms riding on a mythical bird or resting on a serpent. In his four hands, Vishnu holds a conch shell, a discus, a lotus and a mace.
    From time to time, Vishnu descends to earth in a human, animal or creature form to restore the balance of good and evil in the world. It is thought that he has descended nine times already. Some of his more well-known incarnations are the hero Krishna, the hero Rama, a tortoise and a fish.Shiva: Shiva is the god who destroys the world when it is in a state of chaos and ungodliness. He is also the lord of the beasts. Shiva is associated with meditation.
    Shiva wears a snake coiled round his neck and hair. He holds a trident in his hand and sits on a deer skin in a yogic position. Shiva rides on a bull called Nandi.
    Ganesha: Ganesha is the god of wisdom.

  23. Great Post.....

    I found your site on stumbleupon and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

    Thanks for sharing....

  24. #1 Siddhartha Goutama was a prince who lived inside a palace.One day he went outside the palace and discovered a new thing. That was Buddisum.

    #2India is a land of extreme. There were cities built along the two rivers called the Indus and Ganges.

    #3 Agri the god of fire,Dyraus the god of sky.Lakshmi godess of wealth

  25. Along time ago sixth century bc in a city called Kapilavastu there as a king named Suddhodana and a queen named Mahamaya .One day the queen was in the palace dreamt that a white elephant carring a white lotus.

  26. Task 1: Siddhartha started to achieve enlightment and then he became known as Buddha. Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath. In this sermon he shared the knowledge he had gained through meditation and set the Wheel of the Law in motion.

  27. there was once a queen and she was dreaming that there was an elephant with white lotus on its trunk that was right by her. the next day she had a child. his name was siddhartha gautama.When he was growing up he married a beatiful princess. they had a child. his name was Rahula.Siddhartha was ever out of his parents sight so that might mean that he was never let outside. So one day he asked his dad if he can go outside. his dad said yes so they got chariots and went outside. they saw young and happy people but then they saw a feeble man. they could easliy see that he was exhausted so they went back to the palace and siddhartha told his wife that he is going to leave them and go and help other people.So for the rest of his life he was known as budda from then on.

  28. 1 when a kide was born he had to stay in his homeuntell he got outand left.

    2 bild along river,

    3 angi god of fire,duaus god of sky,ushas god of dawn


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