
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Rule of Three-Aryans, Persians, Indians

In class, you read about three groups of people of Ancient India: The Aryans, the Persian empire, and the Indian empire. Using the article, you summarized the information about these groups of people in your guided notes. For this blog post, your task is simple. For each question, you need to tell me if it is describing the Aryans, the Persian empire, or the Indian Empire. So, to put it in simple terms, every answer will either be "Aryans," "Persian Empire," or "Indian Empire." So, if for some reason you have no idea what the answer is, you have a 33% chance of getting it right if you guess. However, you should know the answer. If you do not know the answer, simply look it up in your notes. All answers will be found in your notes about these three groups of people. Good Luck. You will post your answers as a comment on this blog post.

1. Which group brought the language of Sanskrit?
2. Cyrus II founded what empire?
3. Chandragupta Maurya seized power and started this empire?
4. Which group brought the horse drawn chariot to India?
5. Zoroastrianism was a religion that began in which group?
6. Ashoka took over this empire after his grandpa.
7. A caste system is how society is set up for this group of people.
8. This group of people were stronger because they had horses.
9. This empire built huge stone columns to communicate with the people.
10. This group of people made advancements in mathematics with the modern number system.
BONUS: What is the picture that I posted with this assignment above?

Points: 20 (2 points/question)
DUE Date: Friday, January 29th, 2010
Format: Make sure you answer the questions in a list format:
and so on...

Remember, each answer is either "Aryans", "Persian Empire", or "Indian Empire." Use your guided notes to help you. Good Luck.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Waka Waka" by Shakira: Theme song for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa

Great video and song raising awareness about Africa. Theme for the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa. Whether your a soccer fan or not, this video will inspire you. Enjoy.

"Too Late to Apologize" by One Republic

One Republic puts a twist on "Too Late to Apologize" with this video. It's based on the American Revolution. Great song, great video, great time period. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ancient India--British Museum Style

We have begun our next unit of Ancient India. We have not visited Water for Sixth Grade since Winter Vacation ended. It is time to make our return to the website that will single handily teach you everything you need to know about ancient civilization and life. You will be exploring the British Museum to learn about Ancient India. I am going to explain to you what you need to do. So focus on the following instructions. I am speaking to you. Actually read the instructions. Do NOT pretend to read them and then ask me what to do five seconds later. If you read the instructions, perhaps read them twice, you should know what to do.

Using the following link, you will complete each task in your NOTEBOOK about Ancient India describing what you learned from using the British Museum website. Once again, you will WRITE your answers in your NOTEBOOK.

Here is the Link: British Museum--Ancient India. (open this site in a new tab so you can work on the site and see WSG at the same time. Right-click and select "open in new tab")
Task #1: The Buddha: click on the link. On the left side of the screen, there is a list. Click on "The Buddha." After that, you will click on the picture in the middle of the screen. Once you have done that, you will click on the link on the left side of the screen that says "Story." This story will teach you about the man who started the religion of Buddhism. Click on "next" at the bottom of the screen to advance through the entire story. For this task, you must summarize the story of Buddha. Tell me about what happens in the story and what this guy does. Summarizing does not mean just retyping the entire story. Summarizing means to cut out the unimportant things and just explain the important parts of the story to understand what happens. For all you sentence counters: about 7-8 sentences should do that job. This will be the first item in your notebook, titled: Task #1: Story of Buddha.

Task #2: Geography: Go to the beginning of the British Museum website and click on "Geography." After you click on geography, you must click on the picture to enter the geography section. At that point, it will have a couple paragraphs about geography. Tell me three (3) things about the geography of India. That is all you have to do for this task. Three complete sentences. Label this "Task #2: Geography" in your notebook right under task #1.

Task #3: Early Hinduism: Once again, go back to the beginning of the British Museum site. Click on "Early Hinduism." Then, click on the picture to enter the site on early Hinduism. Your next step is to click on "explore" which is located on the left side of the screen. Next you will see a graphic of many gods and goddesses of ancient India. Pick THREE of them and tell me their name and what they are the god or goddess of. Label this "Task #3: Early Hinduism" in your notebook directly under task #2 answers.

Make sure you label your three tasks. This helps organize your findings and it helps me go through your information much easier.

Points: 30 (10 points per task)
DUE: Tuesday, January 19th, 2010.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Music Video: "Africa" by Toto

Check out this music video. It's from the 1980's.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Laughing Baby

Ok, I have no clue who this kid is, but I do know that watching this video will improve your mood. No matter how crabby or irritated you are, you can't help but laugh with this kid. By the way, this video has over 158,000,000 hits on YouTube.