
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Educate the Public: Mummification

The egyptians believed that when someone died, their body needed to be preserved for the afterlife. Without preserving the dead body, the passage into the afterlife would not be possible. In order to preserve the body, mummification needed to be done. Therefore, mummification was a major aspect of Ancient Egypt. A major aspect of sixth grade social studies is this blog: Water for Sixth Grade. So today, we are going to combine the two and blog about mummfication. You may or may not have noticed, but people from all over the world visit this blog. It is quite likely that all the people that visit this blog know nothing about Mummfication. Your task is to educate the WSG visitors about Mummification. Assume they know nothing about this topic.

Explain the following items in your comment:
1. definition of Mummfication
2. why did the egyptians mummify?
3. The 7 steps of mummification AND a brief description of that step. (USE YOUR NOTES)

Bonus: If you have time, you may also explain the two rituals at the end of your notes.

In-Class Blogging.

DUE: November 20th, 2009. midnight.


  1. Mumification is to preserve the dead.The equiptions mummifided because they believed you needed your body in the afterlife. the 7 steps of mummifacation are wash the body,cut open the body with the sacred knife,take out the organs, put the organs in jars,let the body naturaly dry for 40 days,stuff the body with something,and wrap the body in linen

  2. 1.the definition of mummification is, a process in which you preserve the dead.
    2.the egyptians mummified because they believed that it would help them in there after life.
    3.step 1.announce the death.
    step 2. embalm the body
    step 3. took out the brain because they thought it was a waste of space
    step 4. remove the internal organs such as liver, stomach, lungs and intestines.
    step 5. drying out slab, the body was then covered with natron salt
    step 6. wrapping the body wih hundreds of linen
    step 7. finally the final percision, people were paid too cry to show that that person was cared for

  3. Task #1
    Mummification is drying a dead body so that it will not rot.
    Task #2
    The physical body needed to be perseved so that the body, shadow, name, spirit, and personality would have a safe passage to the after life.
    Task #3
    Step one is the annoncement of death. The family memders acually would pay people to cry when one died.
    Step 2 Embalming the body,this is where they brought the dead bodies to tents for embalming.
    Step 3
    Removal of the brain, the egyptains thought that the brain was just a waste of space, so they justshoved a hook up the nose and drained out the brain. Yuck!
    Step 4
    Removal of internal organs.They would remove the liver, lungs,stomach, and intesines.
    They would cut a sit and then reach in and grab these organs out.
    Step 5 Drying at prosses.
    Step 6 Wrapping the body
    Step 7 Final procession

  4. Mummification:Drying out a dead to prevent it from rotting.
    It could ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. King mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife.
    Step 1: Anouncement of death, messager sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    Step 2: Embalming the body, dead body brought to a special tent for embalming.
    Step 3: Removal of brain,they thought that brain was a waste of space.
    Step 4: Removal of internal organs,small slit made on the leftside of the stomach,person then grabbed the organs.
    Step 5:Drying out process,body placed on a slab filled with natron salt.
    Step 6:Wrapping the body
    Step 7:final procession

  5. #1. dring out a dead body to pervent it from rotting out

    #2. Ensure a safe passage to the after life

    #3. step1 announcement of death

    step2 embalming the body

    step3 remove of brain

    step4 remove of the organs like the liver,lungs,stamch,and the intestinses

    step5 drying out proces with natron salt

    step6 wraping the body

    step7 final procession

  6. 1# the definition of mummifacation is preserving a dead body.
    2# they belived it made a safe path to the afterlife.
    3#put the body on a table. put a line on there stomach. have the slitter cut it. then throw the rocks at the slitter.put natron salt on the dead body for 40 to 35 days.come back to the dried out body. then wrap it in gaws.

  7. 1.Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. 2.The physical body needed to be preserved for the after life,ensure a safe passage to the afterlife, and the spirit needed to be able to recognize the pharaoh in the afterlife. 3.Anouncement of death,embalming the body,removal of the brain,removal of the internal organs,drying out process,wrapping the body,and final procession. 4.opening of the mouth, and weighing of the heart.

  8. #1
    drying out dead body to prevent it from rotting
    they mummyify so that the mummys could live in the after life.
    1. announccment of death.
    2.emba;ming the body.
    3.removal of the brain they stuck a hook up the nose and twirled it to get the rain out.
    4.removal of the orgains and they removed the lungs liver stomach and theintestines.
    5.drying out process.
    6.wrapping the body. procession.

  9. 1. Definition: drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2. They did it so it would ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.

    3. Step 1. Announcement of death a messanger was sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    Step 2. embalming the body
    *The dead body was brought to a special tent for embalming.
    Step 3. Removeal of brain
    *Brain mixed with wire and drainded out through the nose
    Step 4. Removeal of internal oregons.
    *They made a small slit and pulled them out.
    Step 5. Drying out process.
    *body was placed on slab and covered with natron salt.
    Step 6. wrapping the body
    Step 7. final procession

  10. 1.visiters the definitoin of mummification is drying out dead bodys and to prevent it from rotting insure safe passage to the after life
    3.Announcement of Death
    a messangers goes into the streat and yell it out
    step2 embalming the body bring the body to a tent for embalming
    step3 removal of the brain
    pull it out with a hook threw the nose
    step4 removing of the internal organs
    step5 drying out process
    step6 wraping the body
    step7final procesion

  11. 1# Deying out of a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2# They thought that if they didnt do this the dead body's "Ka" or spirit whould not have a good after life

    3# The first step is the announcment of death.Messenger was sent out into the steets to announce the dathof that person. The secound step is to embalmed the body. The Dead body is brought to a special tent for embaling. The third step is the removal of the brain. They thought the brain was a waste of space!They pulled the brain out through the nose. The fourth step is to removal of the internal organs: liver lungs stonach intestines. The fith step is the drying process. The 6th is the wrapping of the body. The 7th step is the final procession. the 8th step is the opening of the mouth.

  12. 1 The process in which you preserve a dead body.2 So there body is recaniz in the after life.3 the final procession the family and friends would walk through the town on the way to the burial .they would alos piad some people to cry.bonus taey would weighing of the hart. alos if the hart was light the poeson would have immortauty and if the hart was heve the soul would have horrible fate

  13. #1mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    #2The egyptians mummfy to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    #3Step one is announcemanet of the death. Someone goes into the streets and tells people about the death. Step 2 is embalming the body. They put the bodies in a speacial tents for this step.
    Step 3 is removing the brain. The brain either got yanked out with a hook.
    Step 4 is the rmoval of the organ. Step 5 is the drying out process. Step 6 is wrapping the body. Step 7 is the final procession. The 2 ritual are openig of the mouth and weighing of the heart.

  14. The definition of Mummfication is, drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    The Egyptians mummified the people that could pay for it to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.

    The steps to mummification are:
    1.) Announcment of death
    2.) Embalming the body
    3.) Removal of the brain
    4.) Removal of internal orgains
    5.) Drying out process
    6.) Wrapping the body
    7.) Final procession

  15. the definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to keep it from rotting.
    the egyptians mummified pharohs and sometime people who payed for it but mostly pharohs otherwise known as the king also thought to be a god.
    there are 7 steps of mummification and here they are,step #1-announcement of the death,step #2-embalming the body,step #3-removal of the brain,step #4removal of the internal organs orangs such as liver,lungs,stonmach,and intestines,step #5 drying out the body the egyptians put natron salt on the body for about 40 days,step #6 wrapping the body shroud addes at the end to keep wrappings together,step #7 the final procession people were payed to cry to show the gods the person was well loved.
    there are 2 rituals #1 is opening the moutha priest would touch the mouth,eyes,ears,and mouth with out doing this they thought they would not beable to use these things in there "afterlife". ritual #2weighing the heartthey took out the heart and weighed it if it was heavier than a feather than they had bad sins and would be doomed with a horrible fate and if it was lighter than their soul granted imortality.

  16. Mummification is the process of drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    Egyptians mummify to ensure safe passage to the afterlife since they believed you needed your body in the afterlife.
    The process of mummification is this.
    step 1: announcement of death where a messenger would parade around and tell everyone who has died.
    step 2: embalming the body where the body was brought to a special tent for embalming.
    step 3: removal of brain where the egyptians would mix up the brain with a long hook and they did not know the purpose of the brain so they threw it away.
    step 4: removal of internal organs where a slitter would cut open a person but then would have to be pelted with stones, which I thought to be fairly pointless. they would then pull out the organs.
    step 5: drying out process
    step 6: wrapping the body
    step 7: the final procession
    those are the steps of mummification(I ran out of time at the end).

  17. #1 The definition of mummification is to preserve the dead.

    #2 The egyptians mummified people to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.

    #3 Step#1 The announcement of death,this is where the messenger tells the town about the persons death

    Step#2 Embalming the body

    Step#3 Removal of the brain

    Step#4 Removal of the internal organs

    Step#5 The drying out process

    Step#6 Wrapping the body

    Step#7 Final Procession

  18. #1mummfication means:the process in which you preserve the dead.
    #2the egyptions mummifed beacause 1. phycical body needed to be preserved 2.Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife 3.King mummified so the spirit would recognized him in the afterlife.
    #3 1. Annoucement of Death 2.Embalming the Body 3. Removal of brain 4. Removal of eternail organs 5. Drying out process 6.wrapping the body 7.Final Procession

  19. 1. Dring out a head body to pervent it from roting.
    2. Physical body needed to be preserved becase body,shadow,name,spirit,personality,immortality could not exist.
    3. anoncment of death,embalming the body,removal of brain,removal of iternal organs,bring out proses and wraping the body

  20. The whole point of mummifying a body was to dry it out to prevent in from rotting.It was *VERY* *EXPENSIVE* to have your body mummified.
    Step 1:The Announcement of Death

    Step 2:Embalming the Body

    Step 3:Removal of the Brain

    Step 4:Removal of internal organs

    Step 5:Drying Out Prosess

    Step 6:Wrapping the Body

    Step 7:Final Procession

  21. 1. Drging oct a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. Physical body needed to be preserved.
    3. Annoucoment of Death.
    step 2. Embalming the body.
    step 3. Penoal of brain.
    step 4. Remenal of internal Organs.
    step 5. Drying out prosess.
    step 6. Wraping the body.
    step 7. finol procession.

  22. 1#dryiny out the dead body

  23. 1: Mummification is the process in which you preserve a dead body.
    2: The Egyptians mummified their wealthy people so then they could get into the afterlife.
    3: Step 1: Announcement of Death
    *Messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    Step 2: Embalming the body
    *Dead body brought to special tents for embalming.
    Step 3: Removal of Brain
    *Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain.
    *They thought the brain was a waste of space.
    Method 1: Brain pulled out of head throught the nose with a long hook.
    Method 2: Brain mixed up with wire and drained out the nose.
    Step 4: Removal of Internal Organs
    Method: Small slit made on the left side of the stomach. Person then reached in and pulled organs out.
    *Each organ individually wrapped.
    Step 5: Drying out Process
    Step 6: Wrapping the Body
    Step 7: Final Procession

  24. #1
    The definition of mummification is: Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    The Egyptians mummified because they believed that if they mummified them the spirit would recognize them in the afterlife.

    The first step to mummification is the anouncement of the death.
    The second step is embalming the body.
    The third step is the removal of the brain.
    The fourth step is the removal of the internal organs.
    The fifth step is the drying out process.
    The sixth step is the wrapping of the body.
    The seventh step is the final procession.

    The first ritual is the opening of the mouth.
    The second ritual is the wieghing of the heart.

  25. 1.Mummification means,The process in which you preserve the dead.
    2.The egyptions mummified because 1 The physical body needed to be preserved because *body,shadow,name,spirit,
    personality,immortality could not exist.2 Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. 3 King mummified so the spirit would reconize him in the afterlife.
    3.Step 1. Announcement of Death.Step 2.Embalming the Body. Step 3. Removal of brain. Step 4.Removal of internal organs. Step 5 Drying out process. Step 6 Wrapping the body. Step 7 Final Procession.

  26. 1# drying out dead body to preveat it from rotting.
    2# physical body needed to be preserved because: ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3# step 1. announcement of death by a messenger. step 2. embalming the died body.
    step 3. removel of the brain they stick up a huck up there nose and mikes it so it turns to lickwid amd turn thim on there stumick.
    step 4 removal of internal organs *liver *lungs *stomach *intestines
    step 5. dring out process
    step 6. wrapping the body
    step 7. final procession

  27. 1.The process in which you peserve a dead body.2.When someone is going to die they mummify them so they can bring them to the pyramid so they can worship them and wrap them up and put them in a tomb.3.Step one Annoucement of the Death that means a messenger is sent out to the streets to announce the dead.Step two, Embaling the body, that is dead body brought to special tents for embaling.Step three Removal of the Brain, the egyptians think that the brain is a waste so the take out the brain with a hook and after a while it turns into a liqud.Step four they remove the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestinies.Step five,Drying out process they cover the body with Natron salt and it last 40 days.Step 6 wrapping the body you just wrap the mummy in mummia. step 7 Final process people at the fenual got paid to cry.

  28. to preserve
    for the after life
    anounce the death embalm the body
    remove the brain remove of the internal organs drying out the body
    wrapping the body final prosessen

  29. Amy Vardsveen 4periodNovember 17, 2009 at 10:57 AM

    1. Drying out a dead body to provent it from rotting.
    2. They thought it would give them a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. The 7 step of mummification is the final process. The family and friends would walk throught the town on there way to the buiral ground.

  30. 1.mummification- is the process of preseving a dead body ensure a safe passage to the afterlife
    3. 1. anouncment of death
    2.emmballming the body
    3.removal of brain
    4.removal of internal organs
    5.drying out process
    6.wraping the body prosession

  31. #1: they would dry the body for 40 days and then they would wrape the body in cloth.
    #2: they would mumimify it because they didnt want it to rot.
    #3: anomcement of death then embarming the body, removl of the brain, removal of internal organs like liver,lungs,stomach,intestines

  32. 1 preserving a dead body and prevent robing
    2 to get people a safe pasage yo the after life
    3 anounce death tell people embeam body make him look human remove brain with hook remove organs into canopic jars drying out proses with salt wraping bodywith salt final proses pay people to cry

  33. the reason they would mommyfi is so that the sprite would have a safe passeg to the after life.
    step#1 they would anounce the death.
    step#2 they would imballm the body
    step#3they would removie the brain
    step#4they would removie yhe liver,lungs,stomic,intistines,
    step#5they would dry out the body in natron salt four 40 days
    step#6 they would wrap the body in cloth
    step#7they would burry the body.

  34. Kasara Pollema

    #1-Mummification is drying out a died body to prevent it from rotting.
    #2- In their religion they believe that their spirts past over to the after life. If they wanted to have a the body in their after life they would need to be mummified when they died.
    #3-The first step in mummification is to announce of death. Thats when a messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    the second step is to embalming the body, that is when the body is sent to a specail tent .
    Next, is the removal of the brain thats when they pull the brain ou through the nose.
    Than, it's time for the removal of internal organs, they would cut the stomach and one person would reach in and pull them out.
    Step 5- Is the drying out process tey would cover the body in nateon salt.
    Step 6- Wrapping the body
    Step 7- Final Procession

  35. 1. Drying out a dead body to keep it from rotting.
    2. To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. Step 1. Announcement of Death. Messenger sent out to the street to announce the death. Step 2. Embalming the Body.
    dead body brought to special tents for embalming. Step 3. Removal of the Brain. Egyptians pulled the brain out of the nose with a long hook. Step 4. Removal of the Internal Organs. Small slit made on left side of stomache. Person reached in and pulled out the organs. Step 5. Drying out Process. Body covered with Natron Salt. Step 6. Wrapping the body. Step 7. Final Procession

  36. amanda schwint 4th pdNovember 17, 2009 at 11:04 AM

    #1.mummification is the process of dryingout a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    #2. they would mummifi the body because the physical body needed to be preserved to ensure a safe passage to the after life.

    #3. Step 1 announcement of death messangers sent to streets to announce death.Step 2 embalming the ody, broucht to sprecial tents for body. Step 3removal of brain because they thought the brain was a wast of space they would remove it with a hook. Step 4 removal of inturanal organs they would take all the organs except the heart, they would place the organs in canopic jars. Step 5. drying out process the body was covered in natron salt the drying out process took 40 days. Step 6 wrapping the body the body was covered with hundreds of yards of linensthen covered with mummia hints the name mummiy.Step 7final procces

  37. 1.the definition is Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2.king mummified so the the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife.The king would need his body.
    3. Step1 Announcement of Death.Messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    Step2 Embalming the body.Dead body brough to special tents for embalming.
    step3 Removal of brain.Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain.They thought the brain was a waitst of space.
    step4 removal of internal organs such as liver,lungs,stomach,intestines.

  38. 1. Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. Step 1. announce the death, send messenger to announce the death.
    Step 2. embalm the body, bring body to special tent.
    Step 3.
    remove the brain, removed brain because they thought it was a waste of space.
    Step 4. Remove internal organs,such as lungs, liver, stomac, and intestines.
    Step 5. Drying out the body
    Step 6. wrapping the body
    Step 7. final procession

  39. 1.Mummification:Proccess of preserving a dead body
    2.Because of their religion and their beliefs,the egyptians believed that when they died they would go into the after life, so the egyptians mummified the bodies to preserve them so they could live in the afterlife.
    STEP 1:Announcement of death
    A messanger was sent out on the streets to announce the death.
    STEP 2:Embalming the body
    The dead body was brought to special tents for embalming.
    STEP 3:Removal of brain
    Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain, they thought it was a waste of space. They would put a hook in the nose and hook it and the brain and pull.
    STEP 4:Removal of internal organs
    STEP 5:Drying out proccess
    STEP 6:Wrapping the body
    STEP 7:Final procession

  40. #1. Mummfication is the process in which you presere a dead body.
    #2. They mummified the body to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    #3. The first step is to announce the death. A messengr sent out tho the streets to announce the death. Step two is to embalm the body. The dead body was brought to special tents for embalming. Step three was to remove the brain. The egyptians didn't know the purpose of the brain and they thought it was a waste of space. They first pulled out the brain with a hook through the nose and the rest they would let it drain out. The fourth step is to remove the internal organs. They take out the live, lungs, stomach, and the intestines. Step five is the drying out process. The sixth step is to wrap the body. The seventh step and the final step is the Final Procassion.

  41. 1.mummufication :trying out a adead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. their body needed to be presevred the dead body.
    3.step 1. announed the death
    step 2.embaling the body.
    step 3.removal of brain.
    step 4.remove of internal organs
    step 5. drying out process with natron salt.
    step6. wraping the body.
    step 7. Final Presiction. to cry!

  42. Ethan Horner
    1. Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2. Because the physical body needed to be preserved because: body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, and immortality could not exist.

    3. Step 1: Announce of death: Messenger sent out to the streets to annonce the death. Step 2: Enbalming the body: Dead body brought to special tents for embalming. Step 3: Removel of brain: Egyptians did not know the purpose of the Brain. They thought the brain was a waste of space. Method 1: Brain pulled out of the head through the Nose with a long Hook. Method 2: Brain mixed up with the wire and drained out the nose. Step 4:

  43. 1. mummification is raping a person that just died.
    2. because they belived in two lives.
    3. step1.messenger of deth, step2embaling the body, step3.remove the brain, step4. remove the internal organs, step5. drying the mummy out, step6, rapping the body. step7. final prossetion. the you are DONE..

  44. 1.the process of perservering a body perseve the body for the afterlife

    3.step 1 is annouce the death. messanger sent into the streetto annouce the death. step 2embalming the body. the dead body is bruoght to a special. step 3removeal of the brain. method one: brain pulled out of the head thourgh the nose with a long hook. method 2:brain mixed up with wire and drained out of the nose. step 4remove of internail organs. step 5drying out the body step 6wraping the body step 7fainel process

  45. 1:Drying out the body to prevent it from rotting out.
    2:They mummified because they needed to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3:Step 1:Announcement of Death
    Step 2:Embalming the Body
    Step 3:Removal of the Brain
    Step 4:Removal of internal organs
    Step 5:Drying Out Process
    Step 6:Wrapping the Body
    Step 7:Final Procession

  46. Step 1The dfintion of mummification: Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    Their body needed be preserved for the afterlife.
    step 1 announcement of death step 2 embliving death step 3 removal of brain step 4 removel of the internal organs step 5 drying out proses step 6 wrapping the body step 7 final procession.

  47. drying out a dead body to prevent rotting

    to show important those people were

  48. 1. The process of the living dead

    2. They did it because they needed it for the afterlife

    3. Step 1-announcement of death step 2-embalming the body step3-removal of brain step 4-reping removal of iternal organs step 5- drying out process step 6-wrapping the body step 7-final procession.

  49. 1.Mummifcation-to preserve the dead body.
    2.To ensure a safe afterlife.
    3.1. Anouncement of death.
    2.Embaling the body.
    3.Removal of the brain.
    4.Remove internal organs.
    5.Drying out body.
    6.Wrap the the body.
    7.Final prosession.

  50. to presere a dead body
    announceing death
    the emballing
    take the brain out with a hook throught the noseremoving internal organs liver lungs asoughgas
    drying with salt wrapping the mummy and the tomb over the body and put in pyramid

  51. to presere a dead body
    announceing death
    the emballing
    take the brain out with a hook throught the noseremoving internal organs liver lungs asoughgas
    drying with salt wrapping the mummy and the tomb over the body and put in pyramid

  52. Mummfication is a process of preseving the dead body.

    The reason the mummy got mummify was so they would get into the afterlife.

    1.Is presevering the deadbody.
    2.To ensure them into the afterlife.
    3.Removel of the brain
    4.Removel of internal organs
    5.Drying out process
    6.wrapping the body prosession

    The two rituals is 1. Opening of the mouth.

    2. Whighting of the heart.

  53. 1. Mummification- is the dying out of a dead body.

    2. Esure a safe passage to the afterlife.

    3. Emballing the body.

    4. Announcement of the death.

    5.they thought the brain was a waste of space.

    6. Removal of the internal organs.

    7.People were paid to cry at the pharoahs funneral.

    8.The weighing of the heart. they thought that if the heart weighed more than a feather the soul would be doomed to a horrible fate.

  54. 1.mummifaction- is process of preserving a dead body for the afterlife they could have every thing in the after life for what they needed to live.
    3.1.they would yell that the person died.
    2.emmballming of the body
    3.removal of the brain
    4.removal of the internal organs
    5.drying out
    6.then the wrapping of the body
    7.they would have the final procession.

  55. 1.THe process in which you preserve the dead.
    2.THey would preserve the dead so they would believe that they would be/look the same as now and continue there life in the afterlife.
    3.THe first step is the announcment of death... this process is when one of the people go out and tell the other people that the pharoah has died. The second step is embalming the body ...they would take the to a tent to be embalmed. THe next step is the removal of the brain...they would take a stick like hook and stick it up there nose and get the brain not all of it would come out so you had to take a stick like thing and stick it back up the nose and stir it up then flip the body over and it would all come out ! (eww)
    Next, is the removal of the internal organs such as the liver,lungs,stomach,intestines.
    The next step was the drying out process ..this lasted for 40 days.
    The next step waswrapping the body. they wrapped it with hundreds yards of linen
    the last step is the final procession. This is where the family and friends would walk through the town on there way to the burial . If the pharoah was not liked the family would pay the people to cry to show that he was wanted.
    The first ritual is the opening of the mouth . a person would touch the parts of the face with special instruments . If he/she didnt do this in the afterlife supposiably the pharoah wouldnt be oable to see,hear,eat.or move !
    the second ritual is the weighing of the heart . If the heart weighed more than a festher he was doomed to a horrible fate but if it was lighter he would live immortality.

  56. The Definition of mimmification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    The egyptians mummified people because the physical body needed to be preserved to garentee immmortality. The first step is to announce the death ssecond is emballming the body third removal of the brain fourth removal of the internal organs fifth drying out process sixth wrapping the body and last the final procession and there were people their that were paid to cry at the final procession. The first ritual was opening the mouth and the second ritual was the weighing of the heart.

  57. 1. Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2. To ensure a safe process to the afterlife and so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife.

    3. Step #1,Announcement of death - Step - #2,Embalming the body - step #3,removal of the brain - step #4,Removal of the organs - step #5,Drying out process - step #6,Wrapping the body - step #7,Final processing.
    Ritual#1-Opening the mouth
    Ritual#3-Wheighing the heart

  58. 1.Mummifacation-the proccess in which you preserve the dead.
    2.they would mummify becuase they thaught that if they wouldnt be able to go to the afterlife.
    3.announcement of death ,they would tell every body about the death of the that special person, embalming the body, the dead body was brought to a special tent for embalming, removal of brain, they would remove the brain becuase they thought the brain had n purpose, removal of internal organs, they would emove the liver lungs, stomach and intestines, drying out the stomach,the body was placed on a slab then covered with natron salt, wrapping the body, family and friends would would walk through town on there way to the burial.
    BONUS:the priest would touch the face with some special instraments.
    ANOTHER BONUS:weighing of the heart, the heart would be taken out of the body and weighted against the heart of truth.

  59. prezerve the dead. go to the after life
    3.anouncment of death,anounce of death,embalming the death,removel of inturnal organs,drying out process,wrapping the body,final process,people woudle cry.

  60. 1.mummification-Drying out a dead body to prevent from it from rotting.
    2.Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. #1 Announcement of death
    #2 Embaling the body
    #3 Removal of brain
    #4 Removal of internal organs
    #5 Drying out process
    #6 Wrapping the body
    #7 Final proscession
    Another thing about mummification is Ritual #1 is opening the mouth
    Ritual #2 is weighing of the heart.

  61. 1.Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting

    2.Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife

    3.Annoncement of death,a messanger was sent out into the streets to annonce the death
    Embalming of the body,The body was sent to special tents
    Removal of the brain,brain pulled out of the head with a hook
    Removal of the internal organs,made a small slit in the left sid of the stomache. the organs were then pulled out
    Drying out process,Body was placed on a slab and covered with natron salt
    Wrapping the body,Everything was wrapped with linen
    Final process,People were paid to cry to show that this person was very important

  62. #1.the process in witchyou preserve a dead body.
    #2. so the body would go to the afterlife and be reconized.
    1. announcment of death
    messanger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    2. embalming the body
    dead body brought to speical tents for embalming.
    3. removal of brain
    Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain.
    4. removal of internal organs
    liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines.
    5. drying out process
    body placed on slabe covered with natron salt.
    6. wraping the body
    very difficult
    7. final process
    people were paid to cry if happy about the king being dead.

  63. HI I'm in the unit of Ancent Egypt. Today we are talking about mummification. Mummifiction is when the Egyptians preserve a dead pharoh or king. The Egptians believed that a pharoh or king should live in the afterlife. The first process is announcement of the death. They announce the death because they want to have a funeral. The second step is embaling the body. That means the Egyptains get the body ready for mummification. The 3rd step is to remove the brain. They would remove the brain because the Egyptains did not know about the purpose of the brain. The 4th step was when they removed the organs, they would put them in conopic jars for the afterlife. The 5th step is the drying out process, the Egyptains would cover it with nitron salt. The 6th step was wrapping the body, they would wrap it with toilet paper. The 7th step is the final process, people would be paid to cry. One ritual was to open the mouth.

  64. 1.Mummification is a process of preserving a dead body.

    2.To keep the pharoh's body safe.

    3.Annocement of death,emballing the body,removing the organs,drying out process,wraping the body,final prosession.

  65. Mummification is the process of preserving a dead body. Mummification is used to ensure a safe passage afterlife. Steps- 1-announcement of death. 2-Emmballming the body. 3-Remove the brain.(They thought the brain was a waste of space.) 4-Remove most of the organs.(Liver,lungs,stomach,and intestines.) 5-Drying out the body.(Putting the body in a salt like substance for about 40 days.) 6-Wrapping the body.(Hundreds of yards of linen.) 7-Final proccession.(Showing how important the pharoh was by crying.) Rituals- 1-Opening the mouth.(Without it the person could not "speak" in the afterlife.) 2- Weighing the heart.(Heart is taken out of body and weighed against the feather of truth.)

  66. 1. Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. They believed it wouldensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. 1, announcement of death, a person annouces the death 2, embalming the body, dead body is brought to an embalming tents 3, removal of brain, they would pul it out the nose 4, removal of internal organs, they would cut the body and then pulled out organs 5, drying out process, they covered the body in a kind of salt 6, wrapping the body, wrapped the body in hundreds of yards of linens 7, final procession, family and friends would walk through the town on thier way to the burial.

  67. 1.To preserve the dead.

    2.So the body/soul could make it safely to the afterworld

    3.1-lay out the body.2-Remove the brain. :P 3-Cut open the body. Another :P 4-Remove the internal organs. Yet another :P 5-Use dehydrating salt to dry out the body. 6-Wrap the body with hundreds of yards of linen. 7-Put body in pyramid (depending on who it is otherwise they bury it)

  68. 1. the proces of preserveing a dead body.

    2. so the body would go to the afterlife and be recognized.

    3. step one was annoucement of death. the messanger was sent out to the streets announce the death.

    step 2 was embalming the bodt. the dead body was brought to special tents for embalming.

    Step 3 was removal of brain. the brain was pulled out of the head because the egyptions thought it was a waste of space.

    Step 4 was removal of internal organs. the would take out the liver,lungs,stomach,and intestines.

    Step 5 was the drying out process. the body was covered in natron salt this lasted for 30 days.

    Step 6 was wraping the body. the body was to be wraped.

    Step 7 was the final step. people were paid to cry and the family would walk through the town on their way to the burial.

  69. 1.Mummification - is the process of preseving a dead body.

    2.To keep the pharoh's body safe and to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.

    3.Anouncment of death,emmballming the body,removal of internal organs,drying out process,wraping the body,final prosession.

  70. 1. Mummifacation-The process of preserving a dead body.

    2. To made sure the mummy made it to the afterlife.

    3. #1announcment of death.

    #2 emmballming the body.

    #3 removal of brain.

    #4 removing the internal organs.

    #5 drying out process.

    #6wraping the body.

    #7 final procession.

    And that is the process of mummifacation.

  71. Hello everybody. If you want to learn about egytion mummification, stay tuned. First i should tell you the definition of mummifieing is the process of drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. The egytians mummified pharos or anybody so the have passage to the afterlife.
    The first step they took was the anouncment of death. Sombody went out in the streets and said that the person was dead. Next they brought the body to specail tents wicth was called embalbing the body. Next the removed the brain. the egyptains did not know the importance of the brain though we do. So they pulled the brain out through the nose with a long hook. Then the mixed it up with a wire and drained it out the nose.
    Then it was the removal of internals organs like the lungs, stomach, and intestinges. A person got these organs out with a small slit made on the left side of the stomache, then the person reached in and pulled the organs out. Each organ induviguley wrapped. For step 5 was the drying out process, the body would be covered in salt and be left in the sun for 40 days.
    Then they wrapped the body in linnen.
    Then they would do the final prosesion, family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the bariel, poeple were paid to cry!

  72. Morgan Rolfson
    Drying out a dead body to prevent if from rotting some images fer you to enjoy sort.
    1.Annoucemunt of death
    2. Embalming the Body
    3. Removal of Brain
    4.Removal of internal Organs
    5.Drying out poles
    6.wrappin the body
    7. find processien

  73. Madison Wojciechowski pd8
    Dyy out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Phyical body needed to preserved.
    1.Announcement of body
    2.Embalming the body
    3.Removal the brain
    4. Removal of internal organs
    5. Drying out process
    6. wrapping the body
    7.Final procession

  74. 1. Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2.Physical body needed to be preserved.

    1. Announcment of death.

    2. Embalming the body.

    3. Removal or brain.

    4. Removal of organs.

    5. Drying out process.

    6. Wrapping the body.

    7. Final procession.

  75. #1. The definition of mummifacation is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    #2. The Egyptians mummified because the physical body needed to be preserved because the body, shadow, name, spirit, personality,and immortality would not exist. Also, to ensute a safe passage to the after life and so the spirit could recognize he/she in the afterlife.
    #3. The first step is to announce the death, the messenger would go out and shout to everyone about the death. The second step is to embalm the body,the dead body would get put in a tent for embalming. The third step was to remove the brain, because they thought the brain was a waste of space. The fourth step was to remove the internal organs, they would wrap each individual organ and put them in special canopic jars. The fifth step was to dry out the body, the body would be placed on a slab and stuffed with natron salt. The sixth step was to wrap the body,it would take hundreds of yards of linen. Finally the seventh step was the final procession,people would cry for the person or were paid to cry for the person.
    #4. Ritual #1 was opening of the mouth and ritual #2 was the wweighing of the heart.

  76. 1. Dring out a dede body to prerent it from roting.

    2.To prese the physical body

    3the announcement of death
    2 enbbaming the body
    3 removing the brain
    4 removing the organs
    5 dring out bode
    6 raping the body
    7 final procession

  77. Makalya Peterson pd. 9November 17, 2009 at 2:48 PM

    1. mummification the process in which you preserve a dead body.
    2. to ensute a safe passage to the after life.
    3.announcement of death
    embaling the body
    removal of brain
    removal of internal organs
    drying out process
    wrapping the body
    final prosession

  78. mummification- is the process of preserveing the dead
    2. to ensure a safe trip to the afterlife
    1 announcement of death
    2 enbalming the body
    3 removal of the brain
    4 removal of the internal organs
    5 druing out process
    6 wrapping he body
    7final procession

  79. #1-
    is when you took a dead body(usally one of a phoroa) and sacure it for the after life by wrapping it in mummia

    #2- so when they went to the after life there body would still be healthy

    #3- people would walk through the town and cry because the family paid them to so that the person would look popular

    #1 the priest would open the mouth
    #2 they would wiegh the heart

  80. 1. Perserving a dead body.
    2. They belived that they had to so that the people that let them into the after would reconize them.
    3.The first thing they did was do secret verses. Than they would draw a line on the abdomen to show where to cut it open. Than there was a guy named the slitter and he would cut it open. Than he would get pelted with rocks. Than they cover him in salt for forty days so it would dry. Also they would put magic amulets on it so it would protect it.

  81. Madison Mogck 9th periodNovember 17, 2009 at 2:54 PM

    1. Mummification is when you dry out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. The egypatians mummified because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality, could not exist.
    3. The removal of the brain.
    4. The removal of the internal organs.
    5. Then wrapping the body.
    6. Then the final prosession.
    Notes: Ritual number 1: Opening of the mouth: * Priests would touch the parts of the face with special instruments. - Purpose: Without this process, dead person would not be able to see, hear, eat, or move in afterlife. * Then laid in burial chamber with: belongings, canopic jars, and the book of the dead. Ritual number 2: Weighing of the heart: * Heart taken out of the body and weighed against the feather of truth. If balanced: soul granted immortality. If heart was heavier: sould doomed to horrible fate.

  82. mummification- process of preserving the dead body by drying it out

    the egyptions mummified their pharoahs

    First, they made an announcement of death
    second, they brought the body to the tents so they could embalm it

    third, they removed the brain through the nose with a hook (they thought the brain was a waste of space)

    fourth, they removed internal organs by making small slit on the side, person reached in and pulled them out organs placed in canopic jars body stuffed with straw to keep the shape

    fifth, they covered the body with natron salt and let it dry out (40 days)

    sixth, wrapped body with linen mummia to keep it together placed in painted coffin

    seventh, procession where family and friends would walk on their way to the burial (people were paid to cry to show the person was loved, and then they had a better chance of getting into the after life

  83. 1. Mummification is the process in which you preserve a dead body
    2.To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. (1)anouncin that someone died and are going to mummify it.
    (2) Embalming the body in a special tent
    (3)removal of the brain because they thought it was a waste of space
    (4) Removal of internal organs the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines
    (5)Drying out process and covered with natron salt
    (6) wrapping the body with hundreds of yards of linens
    (7) final precession and people were paid to cry
    1. opening of the mouth
    2. weighing of the heart

  84. 1.preserving a daed body.
    2. the egyptians beleive that would help them in the after life.
    3.1.announcement of death.
    2.emmballming the body.
    3.removal of brain.
    4.take out the internal organs.
    5.drying out.
    6.wraping the dead body.
    7.the last prosession

  85. Sheila Coyle 9 pd. :)November 17, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    1.Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.

    2.Physical body needed to be preserved.

    3.Announcment of death: someone tells everybody, embalming body: bring it to a tent, removal of brain: they stuck a hook up your nose and mixed it around....YUCK, removal of organs: they cut open the body and took out stomache, liver, lungs, & intestines, drying out process: dry out body w/ salt, wrapping body: they wrap up the body, final prossesion: people paid to cry.

  86. 1.mummification is the process of preserving a dead body:) ensure a safe passag to the ater life.
    3. removing the brain.
    4. removal of the internal organs.
    5.drying out process.
    6.wrapping the body.
    7.put ina tomb

  87. 1.Mummifiation is the process of drying out a body to prevent it from rotting.
    2.The Egyptions mummified their pharaoh so he could be reconised in the afterlife.
    3.#1 Announcing the death of the pharaoh. #2 Embalming the body. The body is brought to the tents where mummification takes place.
    #3 Removal of brain. The brain is pulled out of the nose with a long metal hook. #4 Removal of organs. Four of the internal organs are removed and placed in canopic jars.
    #5 Drying out the body. The body is cover in natron salt for fourty days to dry out. #6 Wrapping the body. The body is wrapped in many layers of white linen. #7 Final procession. The mummy was brought to the pyramid.

  88. 1. mummification:the process in wich you preserve a dead body

    2.The egyptians mummified so the spiret would reconize them.

    3.Step(1) told people about the dealth. Step(2) brought the dead body to a specail tent. Step(3)they removed the brain. Step (4) removed the organs such as the liver, lungs, stomach, and the intestines. Step(5)dry out the body with natron salt. Step(6) wraped the body with linens of stripes. Step(7) Final process people were paided to cry over the dead body to show there god the person was well loved.

  89. 1. Mummification- drying out the body to prevent it from rotting
    2. to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife
    3. step 1. Announcment of death
    4. step 2. Embalming the body
    5. step 3. Removal of brain
    6. step 4. Removal of organs
    7. step 5. Drying out process
    8. step 6. Wrapping the body
    9. step 7. Final Procession
    Bonus Ritual 1. Opening of the mouth 2. Weighing of the heart

  90. 1.Mummification~ is the process of preserving a dead body
    2.They mummified because it ensured a safe passage to the afterlife

    1.Announcement of death
    2.Embalming the body
    3.Removal of brain
    4.Removal of internal organs
    5.Drying out process
    6.Wrapping the body
    7.Final procession

  91. 1. Mummifacation- the process of drying out a dead to prevent it from rotting.
    2. To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3. step 1. Announcment of death
    step 2. Embalming the body
    step 3. removal of brain
    step 4. removal of organs
    step 5. drying out process
    step 6. wrapping the body
    step 7. final procession
    Bonus Ritual 1. opening of the mouth
    2 weighing of the heart

  92. austin pulse pd9
    Mummification Drying out a body to prevent it from roting.
    Step 1 tell people about the sad death and then they embaming the body.
    step 2 reanous the death.
    step 3 revome the brain.
    step 4 revoalo the orgains liver, lungs lange

  93. slowly drying a dead body to preserve it allow a safe passage way to the after life
    3 announcment of death!!!!! a person goes out to tell everyone he died next they embalmed the body in a special tent then they removed the brain with a long hooked stick because they thought it was a waste of space
    step 4 was the romaval of the internal organs by cutting a hole in there side and reaching in there and taking out stuff
    step 5 was the drying out process with natrate salt
    step 6 wrapping the body with soft linens and putting a shroud over the linens to wrap it up tight then it was covered in mummia
    step 7 was the final procession where the body was carried through the town
    bonus:) people were paid to cry in step 7 and ancient verses were chanted during the embalment!!!!

  94. 1. The definition of Mummification is the drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2. To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
    3.(1) Announcement of death a messenger announces the death to the streets. (2) embalming the body which the dead body is brought to special tents for enbalming. (3) is the removal of the brain, one of the methods is the brain is pulled out of the head through the nose with a long hook. (4) Removal of internal organs (the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines). (5) is the drying out process which last 40 days. (6) is the wrapping of the body were everything is wrapped. (7) is the final procession which people were paed to cry to show the gods the person was well loved.

  95. 1.process of preserving a dead body.
    2. body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, imortality could not exist.
    3. Announcement of death
    2. embalming the body
    3. removal of brain
    4. removal of internal orgins
    5. drying out process
    6. wrapping the body
    7. final procession

  96. 1. Drying out a dead body to prevt it from rotting.
    2. They ensure a saft passage to the after live.
    3. Step 1 they annoucment of the death.*Messenger sent outto the streets to announce the death.
    Step 2 embalmining the body.
    * Dead body brought to special tents for embalmining.
    Step 3 removle of the brain.
    *Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain.
    Step 4 removle of the internal organs.

  97. the defanition of mumifacation is the preserving of a dead body

    so you ask why they mummified pharos well the answer is for a safe trip to the afterlife

    the proscess of mummifacation was a rigorous task there where 7 steps
    the first step is the anouncement of the death.
    the second step was embalming the body
    step three is removing the brain.

    step four is removing the organs.

    step five is the drying the body.

    step six is wrapping the body

    step seven is final procession

  98. 1.Mummification was drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.
    2.The Egyptians believed that if the body was mummified it would have a safe passage to the after life.
    3. The Step To Mummify
    1.Announement of Death
    A person(messenger) was sent to the streets to announce the death
    2.Embaling the Body
    The dead body was brought to special tents for embaling
    3.Removal of the Brain
    The Egyptains thought the brain was a waste of space so they took it out and through it away. They used a hook and put it up the nose to remove it. Or the brain was mixed up with the wire and drained out the nose.
    4.Removal of the Organs
    They removed the liver, the lungs, the stomach, and the intestines. For this step they made a cut and simple pulled the organs out. Then the organs were wrapped and put into jars.
    5.Drying out Process
    This was the longest step. It took 40 days. The Egyptains put salt on the body and the slab was at a slant so the water could run out.
    6.Wrpping the Body
    This step was very difficult. It took hundreds of yards of lines. Shroud was added to keep everything together. Then the body was coved with mummia. Mummia was sort of like glue. This is where the word mummy came from.
    To be continued.........

  99. Mummification-The process in which you preserve a dead body.
    2.To ensure a safe passage way to the afterlife.
    3.1.Announcement of death-messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death

    2.Embalming the body-Dead body brought to special tents for embalming

    3.Removal of brain-Brain pulled out of head through the nose with a long hook. Brain mixed up with wire and drained out the nose.

    4.Removal of internal organs-Small slit made on left side of stomache. Person then reached in and pulled organs out.

    5.Drying Out Process-Body placed on slab and covered with natron salt. Slabwas at a slant so water could not run out. This lasted 40 days.

    6.Wrapping the Body-Very difficult, gold piece placed on a slit. Everything wrapped, Shroud added at end to keep the wrapping together. Body then covered with "Mummia" to glur everything together. Placed in painted, decorated coffin.

    7.Final Procession-Families and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry to show the gods the person was well loved. More people that cried, the better chances were of getting to the after world.

    Ritual #1. Opening of the mouth-Priests would touch the parts of the face with special instraments. Without this process, the dead person would no be able to see, hear, eat, or move in the afterlife. Then laid in the chamber with:
    -canopic jars
    -book of dead

    Ritual #2.Weighing of the heart-Heart taken out of the body and weighed against the feather of truth.

  100. 1. mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from roting
    2.the egyptians needed to mummified because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality,could not exist.
    3 annoucement of death, messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
    embalming the body, dead body brought to special tents for embalming. removeal of brain,they thought the brain was a wast of space.
    removal of internal organs, liver,lunges,stomach,intesines.
    drying out process,this lasted 40 days.
    wraping the body gold piece placed on a silt.
    final processio, people were paied to cry.

  101. #1 The word "mummification" means to dry out a dead body and presurve it.
    #2 The Egyptians mummified people because they beleived in the afterlife. they thought that if the special sarimony was not preformed, people would not pass over to the after life.
    #3 When a pharaoh or someone was dead, someone would call out into the streets," the pharaoh is dead!"
    Then, the dead body would be brought to the emblaming tent.
    Next, they Egyptians thought the brain surved no perpose in the body so they removed it by sticking a hook up the nose to grab out the brain.
    After that, they removed the internal organs(liver,lungs,stomache,&intestines)by having a person called the "slitter" cut a hole in the left side of the stomache but for damaging the organ the slitter would be hit with rocks.
    They also covered the body with ntron salt to dry out.
    next they wraped the body with hundreds of yards of linend and place amulets and gold in the wrapping to protect the mummy.
    Then they covered the body in a glue like substance to keep everything together.
    Finally, when the body was taken away, the family of the dead person would pay people to cry for them to make it look like the person was popular.
    BONUS: The priest would touch the face of the dead person so that in the afterlife the person could see, hear, eat, and move.
    The other ritual is the weighing of the heart when the Egyptians thoought that Anubus, the god of death, would weigh their heart seeing if they would be granted imortality or suffer a fate.

  102. ..........Contiued
    7. Final Process
    The family and freinds of the dead person would pay people to cry while the body was being carried away. This made the person who died look more important.

    Ritual 1. In this ritual the priest touched all over the dead person's face. The priest also opened the persons mouth. The Egyptians belived that without this step the person would not be able to eat, hear, see, or move.

    Ritual 2. When the people toke out the heart of the dead body Anubus would weigh it against a Feather. This would deside if the person get imortality or suffer a fate.

  103. What is a necropolis?
    What is the main clothing and what color?
    What 2 things are across the street from the Giza Necropolis?
    Why is it called red land?
    Whats the last step of Mumification?

  104. Questin
    1.Who is the god of mummification? many days did they sit out for?
    3.where is giza loacated?
    4 how mach did each block weigh?
    5what did the women do?

  105. Replying to Jamie J. pd.8

    #1. A Anicent Burial Ground

    #2. Tunics and White

    #3. KFC and Pizza Hut

    #4. They call it the red land because that is where no crops can grow because the Nile doesn't flood out that far.

    #5. The last step in Mummification is the Final Procassion.


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