
Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Conversation about the Nile River

Our first focus during the Ancient Egypt unit was the Nile River. We took notes from a PowerPoint on the Nile River before any other topic. We made a study tool about the Nile for a quick, easy reference guide on this important topic. We did all this stuff for a reason: the Nile River was the most important element Ancient Egypt had. Without it, Egypt would not exist in the way it did. Without the Nile, Egypt would simple be a blip on the Ancient Civilization radar. We will now take the Nile River into a new arena, that of the Blog. For this post, you are going to have a conversation with an imaginary person. You are going to educate that person on the Nile River by telling them all about it and explaining all that you know of the Nile. The imaginery person you are talking to can be someone you actually know, your mom or dad, Johnny Rotten, a sports star, an actor or actress, me, anyone! A conversation is not just one person talking the whole time. There is back and forth dialogue. So the imaginery person must talk as well. The very first comment for this post will be an example. You must model your conversation after my example. Use your guided notes or your Nile poster to make sure you don't forget something important about the Nile. Have fun with this, be creative, be funny!

***The imaginery person you are talking to should ask you AT LEAST 5 (five) questions about the Nile River
In Class Blogging.
DUE: November 13th, 2009. 10:00 pm
Points: 20


  1. Example Conversation:
    (My example is about "football" therefore you can't just copy my conversation for yourself.)
    ME: "Hello, John Kennedy, how are you?"
    JFK: "I am doing great. Thanks for asking."
    ME: Have you ever heard of football?"
    JFK: "No, I have not. Can you tell me about it?"
    ME: "sure. football is a game played on a field with eleven players on both sides."
    JFK: "What is the object of the game?"
    ME: "Well, the object of the game is to get the football across the goaline."
    JFK: "How many points do you get if you do that?"
    ME: "you get six points. then you get to try for the extra point."
    JFK: "oh, cool. Do the players wear any equipment?"
    ME: "Yes, they do. they wear a helmet, and pads on their shoulders, and legs."
    (I would continue to keep going but I think you get the picture. This is how you should do your conversation about the Nile.)
    ME: Sure

  2. Nile conversation with banana pony
    Me-Hello banana pony have youever heard of the nile?
    BP- ''no, I haven't. What is it?''
    Me- ''Its a river.''
    BP-''how long is it?''
    Me- ''It is 4183 miles long.''
    BP-''How does it help them?''
    Me-''It gives them nummy food.''
    BP-''Is it important?''
    Me-''Yes, It is it gives people' water food, and irragation.''
    BP-''Does it flow north or south?''
    Me-''It flows north because the land is more elevatedin the south.''
    BP- ''Thats cool see you later.''
    Me- ''Bye.''

  3. nile river conversation with john cena.
    Me."hello john whats up?"
    john."nothing just got back from monday night raw."
    Me."Have you heard of the nile river?"
    John."no tell Me about it, is it in the U.S.?"
    Me."No silly its in africa, the heart of egypt."
    John."oh how is it the heart of egypt?"
    Me."well it supplys realy good fertile land and its the best transportation."
    John."well how do you know all of this stuff?"
    Me." there is a plant called papyrus they write on that and tell about there lifes."
    Thanks for talking with me! cya.

  4. Nile River cinversation with Taylor Swift.
    Me:"Hi, Taylor."
    TS:"Hi, Nicole."
    Me:"Have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    TS:"No, I have not heard of the Nile River. Could you tell me about it?"
    Me:"Sure. The first thing you should know about the Nile is the without the Nile Egypt would not exist."
    TS:"Wow! How long is the Nile River?"
    Me:" The nile River is 4184 miles long.
    TS:"Ok,Which way does the Nile flow?"
    Me:"It acually flows North."
    TS:"How do they farm I thought Egypt was all desret?"
    Me:"The black land which is right along the Nile is very fertile but, the red land which is the wrest of the desert is very dry and doesnt have good soil."
    TS:"So is the NIle River all good or are there some bad things about it?"
    Me:"There are some bad things about the Nile called the "Taker of life". This happens when it overflows to much and destroyed crops and killed people."
    TS:"Wow!I never knew any of that. Thanks!
    Me:"No problem!

  5. A conversation with Hitler
    Me: Hello Hitler how are you doing.
    Hitler: Very well.
    Me: Have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    Hitler: No I have not.
    Me: Let me tell you about it.
    Hitler: OK, how is it important?
    Me: Well it allowed ancient Egypt to survive in the desert by giving them water and transportation.
    Hitler: How long is it?
    Me: it is 4184 miles long.
    Hitler: Wow that's really long, What surrounds it?
    Me: There is the black land and the red land, the black land is fertile land right next to the nile.
    Hitler: What about the red land?
    Me: The red land is a desert after the black land.
    Hitler: That's cool, what plants grow by it?
    Me: There is papyrus.
    Hitler: What is papyrus?
    Me: It is a plant and its stem was used to make paper.
    Hitler: Thanks for telling me about the Nile.
    Me: Sure, Anytime.

  6. conversation about the Nile River with Summer West and Me Grace Bender
    Me:"Have you ever heard of the Nile River Summer?"
    SW:"No. What is that?"
    Me:"The Nile River is the most important part of Egypt. Without it it would not have been there."
    SW:"Cool! How long is it?"
    Me:" The NIle River is 4,000 miles long."
    SW:" Wow. Thats long. How do they grtaow Land there?"
    Me:" Well Summer,They used irrigation. Irrrigation is when they built ditches and water there plants. That is very fertile land."
    SW:"What is that called?"
    Me:" that is called the black land."
    SW:" Oh, But what is the rest of the land called?"
    Me:"That is called the Red land. It is not fertile at all. You cannot gropw any crops there at all."
    SW:" Oh, Cool! is the nile river like the Mississippi river?"
    Me:" no actuly it flows north not south like the Mississippi river."
    SW:" Wierd! How does the Nile help Egypt?"
    Me:" Good question. The Nile is the giver and taker of life. The nile is the giver because itTransports goods. The nile is the taker of life because it some times does not overflow and not enuf crops will grow."
    SW:" well thatnks for telling me. BYe!!!

  7. A Nile River conversation with Michael Jackson
    Me: "Hey Michael Jackson,how are you doing?"
    MJ:"OK,how are you Andy?"
    Me:"Have you heard of the Nile River?"
    MJ:"No,can you tell me about it?"
    MJ:"How long is the Nile River?"
    Me:"THe Nile is 4184 miles long making it the biggest river in the world!"
    MJ:"Awesone! How wide is it?"
    Me:"It is 1 mile long at some parts of it."
    Me:"Did you know that the Nile flows North?"
    MJ:"Why is that?"
    Me:"Because Upper Egypt is higher than lower Egypt."
    MJ:"Oh,what is the black land?"
    Me:"The black land is the land that is very fertile."
    MJ:"Why is the land so fertile?"
    Me:"Because the Nile overflows there and it makes it very fertile."
    MJ:"Well I think I know enough about the Nile now."
    ME:"OK,well see ya Michael."
    MJ:"See ya Andy.

  8. a Nile river conversation with achmed.
    Me: hello Achmed
    Me: have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    Achmed:no at least i dont think so I cant remeber.
    Me: oh well its a huger river are you kinda remembering now?
    Achmed:nope does it eat people?
    Me: nuh uh egyptions used it.
    Achmed: what are egyptions a type of ant??
    Me:not at all there people way back in time that lived of the rivers fertile land.
    Achmed:how is the land so fertile?
    Me: well the rivers water floods sometimes and goes on to the land and makes the dirt fretile.
    Achmed:oh I knew that
    Me: oh really?
    Achmed: silence! ! have more questions!
    Me:ok what are they?
    Achmed:is the river still here today?
    Me:yes you should go there sometime
    Achmed:ok and where did the egyptions come from?
    Me: no one knows and well nice talking to you achmed bye.
    Achmed:wait! are there still egyptions there?
    Me: nope
    Achmed: ok bye

  9. (A nile river conversaition with my mom)

    me:"Hi mom have u ever heard of the nile river."
    mom:"No i have not can u tell me about it?!?"
    me:"Sure the Nile river is very important to egypt beacuse without it egypt would not exsist!"
    mom:"Wow,well can you tell me why the nile river flows north."
    me:"It flows north because the land in the south is higher than the north."
    mom:"How did the nile river get its name?"
    me::The nile gets its name from the grrek word nelios."
    mom:"Ok is there anything else you can tell me about the nile."
    me:"Yes,the nile is a giver of life because it would flood every now and then and give them good land to farm."
    mom:"Well if it a giver of life is it a taker of life and if so why?"
    me:"Yes mom it is a taker of life because sometime it would flood and kill people!"
    mom:"What kind of plants grew around the nile?"
    me:"A plant called papyrus grew on the delta which they used the stem to make it into paper."
    mom:Wow i learned many things about the nile today but i have to go make dinner so bye!"
    me:see ya later!"

  10. Nile River conversation with Lil Wayne.

    Me: "Hello Lil Wayne, have you ever seen or heard of the Nile River?"
    LW: "No, I have not ever heard of this river before."
    Me: "Well then you have missed a lot of life and information about ancient Egypt."
    LW: "What's it's importance to Egypt".
    Me: "Without the Nile, Egypt would never exist."
    LW: "What does this river provide for Egypt?"
    Me: "It gives it land that is really fertile and very important."
    LW: "Maybe sometime we could go to the Nile River together and go canoeing in it too!"
    Me: "Yeah, maybe we could sometime."
    LW: "Well thanks for all the important facts about the Nile River Braeden."
    Me: "You bet homie G."
    LW: "Well see ya."
    Me: "See ya Homie G."

  11. Nile River conversation with Hammurabi:
    Me: "Hi Hammurabi have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    Hammurabi: "No, what is it?"
    Me: "It is the major river source in Egypt. Without it Egypt would not exist."
    Hammurabi: "What is it's source."
    Me: "It's source is Lake Victoria in Ugonda."
    Hammurabi: "How long is it?"
    Me: "It is 4,184 miles long."
    Hammurabi: "Wow! isn't Egypt in a desert?"
    Me: "Yes it is but the river is made up of two parts the black land and the red land. The black land is very fertile but the red land is all desert."
    Hammurabi: "How is the black land fertile?"
    Me: "It is fertile because the Nile floods onto it."
    Me: "Well Hammurabi I've got to get back to class. See you later."

  12. My Nile conversation with Elle:
    Elle:Hi Elizabeth how long is the Nile?
    Me:The Nile is about 4,184 miles long.
    Elle:Cool,what is the source it comes from?
    Me:It comes from Lake Victoria Uganda.
    Elle:where is the nile located?
    Me:The Nile is located in Egypt.
    Elle:Did the Egyptians get attacted?
    Me:No, Because the desert sruend the Nile.
    Elle:what direction did the Nile flow?
    Me:The Nile flows north.
    Elle: Bye Elizabeth see you tomtrow.
    Me:Wait,Elle pop quiz how long was the Nile?
    Elle:4,184 miles long.Bye.

  13. Consversation about the Nile River with jerome bettis

    Me: "Jerome have you ever heard of the Nile river."
    The bus: "no will you tell me about the nile?"
    Me: "sure The nile is the most importent thing in Egypt Bcuase with out it Egypt would not exeist"
    The bus: "facimating tell me more"
    Me:The Nile river is Over four thousand miles long
    The Bus: "Awsome i wish i lived there."
    Me:"I dont know about when you here that it is the taker of life and the giver of life."
    The Bus:"tell me about why its the taker of life."
    Me:"Ok, the nile is the taker of life becuase it could over flow tomuch and to little and kill crops and kill people."
    The bus:"After hereing that i wish i did not say that."
    Me:thats Ok the nile gave Egypt farm land even thow it is in a desert And the nile is different from all the other rivers becuase it flows north."
    The Bus:"Thank you lincoln for telling about the nile."
    Me: "no problem.

  14. me hey dwight howard how are you doing?
    DH: hi great thanks for asking
    me: hey dwight have you heard about the nile river
    DH: no I have not can you tell me about it
    me:yes I can well did you know that the nile river is 4,184 miles
    DH: no I did not know not no that what ells can you tell me about eneything ells about the nile
    me: did you know that the black land is fertile land
    me:sure did you know that the nile river runs north instead of south
    DH: no I did not know that bit how
    me: well the upper end of egypt is south and the lower part of egypt is north

  15. Nile conversation with Grace:
    Me: "Hello Grace!"
    Grace: "Hello!"
    Me: "Have you ever heard of or seen the Nile River?"
    Grace: "No, whats that?"
    Me: "The Nile River is what Ancient Egypt used to survive."
    Grace: "So, how did they use the Nile River?"
    Me: "The Nile river would overflow every year and leave behind fertile soil for the Egyptians to plant their crops and they called it the Black Land."
    Grace: "If the fertile land was called the Black Land then what was the rest of the land called?"
    Me: "The rest of the land was desert and they called it the Red Land."
    Grace: "How long was the river?"
    Me: "The river was 4,000 miles long and at the end it spread out into a delta into the Mediteranean Sea.

  16. ME: hi will smith.
    Will: hi jacob I need help to learn
    about the nile for a movie.
    ME:okay the nile is located in egypt it also flows north becase the land in the soth is higher.
    WILL: how long is it?
    ME:it is 4184 miles.
    Will: why is it very fertile
    ME:it somtimes over flows just a little.

  17. Nile river conversation with:Drew Lillestol.
    Drew:What is the "Nilly" River.
    Me: It is called the Nile River.
    Me: It is the major river in Egypt.
    Drew:What else do ya's know about it.
    Me: It is the only river that flows south to north.
    Drew:Other rivers don't?
    Me: No.
    Drew:Is it long?
    Me: Yes it is over 4,000 miles long.
    Drew: Why is it called Nilly?
    Me: It gets it from the Greek word Nelios maning river valley.Its name is Nile.
    Drew:Ok whatever,by.
    Me: See ya.

  18. nile river conversation with:Pete Sternburg.
    Pete:What is the nile river.
    me:the nile river is what saved egypt.
    pete:How did it save egypt.
    me:well one of the ways it saved egypt is that is gave water for the crops and also pappyrus.
    Pete:what is pappyrus?
    Me:papyrus is a plant that they used for paper.
    pete:oh how long was the nile river.
    ME:the nile river was 4184mile long.
    me:and it is also the only river that flows south to north.
    pete:I thought rivers flowed north to south.
    me:they mostly do but the only reason it flows south to north is becuase the land in the south is higher than the land in the north.
    pete:oh that makes sense.

  19. Nile River Conversation With Billy-Bob III:

    AARON: "Hey, Billy-Bob III!"

    B.B. III: "Hey Aaron!"

    AARON: "How are you doing?"

    B.B. III: "Fine. You?"

    AARON: "Good. Hey, Billy-Bob, have you ever heard of the NILE RIVER??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    B.B. III: "No. What is it?"

    AARON: "A river of course! Didn't I say that in the name!"

    B.B. III: "Oh, I supose."

    AARON: "Anyway, do you have any questions?"

    B.B. III: "Yep I do. So how long is the Nile River"

    AARON: "It's 4,184 Miles Long"

    B.B. III: "I know there is a part of land by the Nile called the Black Land and another part called the Red Land, but I don't know what they mean. So, what does it mean?"

    AARON: "Well, The Red and Black Land mean two different things."

    AARON: "The Black Land is the part by the Nile that has fertile Land"

    AARON: "The Red Land is the part by the Black Land that is a dessert."

  20. Nile River convosation with dora

    me: Have you ever heard of the nile.

    dora: No can you tell me about it?

    me:Yes I can tell you about the Nile River.

    me:The Nile River is one of the longest Rivers in the world!

    dora:Where is it at?

    me:It is in the Shahera a desert in Eygpt.

  21. I going to talk to Mickel Philps about the Nile River.
    ME:"The Nile River gets it's name from the Greek word Nelios that means River Valley."
    MP:"How long is the Nile River?"
    ME:"The Nile River is 4184 miles long."
    MP:"Thats long I don't think I can swim that far."
    ME:"Did you know the Nile River flows North not South?"
    MP:"I did not know that isn't Egypt by the Nile River?"
    ME:"Yes,theres Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt ther both by the Black land."
    MP:"Why is it called the Black Land?"
    ME:"Because it is very Fertile land."
    MP:"Why is it so fertile?"
    ME:"Because the Nile floods a lot."
    MP:"I have heard red land tell me about that."

  22. I going to talk to mickel jackson about the nile .
    me hi mickel how are you doing.
    mj i am doing good.
    me have you every heard of the nile river?"
    mj on i have not.
    me well it get it's name form a greek word nelros it mean river vally.
    mj that is so cool how long is it,
    me it is 4184.
    mj wich way dose it flow?"
    me the higher land flows south and the lower land flows north.
    mj wow is it fertile?"
    me yes bye.
    mj bye.

  23. The Nile river Conversation with Krista Mohror
    Me:"HI krista howare you doing today."
    Krista:"Good im doing great!"
    Me:"Have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    Krista:"no i have never heard of it."
    Me:"well it is located in the upper Egypt and the lower Egypt."
    Me:"did u know that the nile river flows north?"
    Krista:"nope i did not know that."
    Me:"did you know that the black land is fertile?"
    Me:"did you know that the black land is right along the Nile so when the Nile floods the black land floods?"
    Krista:"no i would have never of know that if you didnt tell me."
    Me:"know crops would grow because it would flood."
    Krista:"Thank you for that information bye."

  24. Me: hi Jeff Dunham
    Jeff: hi Dusty im going on a comedy tour of the nile can you tell me some stuff?
    Me: Like what?
    Jeff: How long is the Nile River?Me: 4,184 miles long.
    Jeff: Can you tell me about the Giver of Life?
    Me: Its called the Giver of Life because of Irrigation, farming, and transportation.
    Jeff: Can you tell me about the Taker of Life?
    Me: Its called The Taker of Life because The Nile River overflows too mutch it destroys crops and kills people.
    jeff: what if it was relly dry?
    Me: people well die because there is no food.
    jeff: What direction does the Nile flow?
    Me: The Nile River flows north.
    Jeff: bye thankes for your help.

  25. Nile Conversation:
    Me:"Hello Dora the Explorer,how are you?"
    Dora:"I am fine how are you?"
    Me:"Good;have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    Dora:"No;but could you tell me about it?"
    Me:"Sure,the Nile River is the reason Egypt exists, without it Egypt would not exist."
    Dora:"How long is it?"
    Me:"The Nile is 4184 miles long."
    Dora:"Wouldn't it get invaded?"
    Me:"Yes but there is desert around it and it is very very hot there so they barely had any invaders.
    Dora:"Did the Nile River help the egyptians a lot?"
    Me:"Yes it helped irrigate the crops for farming,it transported goods,and it also gave food which is the means to survive.
    Dora:"Did the Nile have bad reasons too."
    Me:"Yes it does the bad things are that it overflowed way too much and too little which ruined a lot of crops, if the crops are bad they have no food then the have to use surplus and if they have none of that left.
    Dora:"Bye thanks for the help."

  26. Nile River Conversation,With Morgan Johnson!!!!!!!
    MORGAN:"Hi, Krista".
    ME:"What are you doin here in "Egypt?"
    MORGAN:"Krista I came with you.... remember?"
    ME:"O ya.Sorry I forgot."
    MORGAN:"What is that?"
    ME:"Thats the Nile River"!!!!!!
    ME:"Didnt you know that"????
    MORGAN:"No.......But its pretty clean for a river".
    ME:"Did you know that the Nile River flows North instead of South"?
    MORGAN:"No I didnt know that...thats odd".
    ME:"Ya it is pretty odd".
    ME:"Also,did you know the Black Land,wich is located on the border of the Nile River has very fertle land"?
    MORGAN:"No I didnt know that,but cool".
    ME:Also,did you know that in the Red Land , no crops grow because there is no water by there".
    MORGAN:"O,thats sad".
    ME:"Again, the Nile River overflows alot".
    MORGAN:"Thats sad to".
    ME:"Thats all for today...BYE"!!!!!

  27. Me: Hi SpongeBob. How are you?
    sb: I am doing good?
    Me: do you now about the Nile River.
    sb: No how long is it?
    Me: It is 4184.
    sb: what is the black land for?

  28. A nile concervation with king tut
    kt. what is the nile river?
    me. it is the river that flows throo afraca.
    kt. ok but wi is it so imporant?
    me. with out it you would die.
    kt. ok ok ok but wi dos it grow?
    me. pipres they use it as paper.
    kt. wi is that helpful?
    me. becaus it is a lot better than clay tablets.
    kt. ok so with out it we all would die?
    me. yes.

  29. A nile conversation with:Ethan Horner.

    Dante)ethan hows it going?
    Ethan)good what about you?
    Dante)good have you ever heard of the Nile-River?
    Ethan)no teach me!
    Dante)well i guest i could teach you.
    Dante) did you the the Nile is about 4018miles long?
    Ethan) no
    Dante)Did you know without it Egypt wouldnt exist?
    Ethan)i never though about that
    Dante)did you know it gets its name from greek word Nelious?
    Ethan) cool
    Dante) did you know the Nile flows north?
    Ethan) amazing how?
    Dante)upper egypt is on the lower part of egypt points up so the land in the south is higher.
    Ethan) most rivers dont do that
    Dante) i know.
    Dante) cya

  30. A Nile conversation with: Kasara Pollema

    ME:Hi Kasara!
    KP:Hey girlfriend!
    ME:Have you ever heard about the Nile river?
    KP:Nope, but will you tell me about it?
    ME:Sure!The Nile river is located in Egypt. It is very long and important.
    KP:Really? How long is it?
    ME:It is about 4184 miles long.
    KP:Wow thats really long! Why is it so important?
    ME:It is really important becuse it provides Egypt with water, without it Egypt would be without water and would not exhist.
    KP:Whoa thats pretty important!
    ME:Ya it is, the Nile floods once every year making the land around it good for farming, this is called the black land.
    KP:Sweet! So whats beyond the black land?
    ME:Mostly desert. The water doesnt reach here so no crops can grow, this is called the red land.
    KP:Id hate to live there! What kind of crops did they grow?
    ME:The most important crop they grew was papyrus.
    KP:What is that?
    ME:Papyrus is a plant they used to make paper.
    KP:Oh cool. You have taught me a lot, i am going to go tell my other friends BYE!

  31. A nile conversation with:Braidan Bowers
    Me: Hey how are you doing today?
    Braidan:Good thanks for asking.
    Me:do you know what the Nile River is?
    Braidan:No can you tell me about it?
    Me: yes it is 4184 miles long.
    Braidan:wow that is really long. What happen when it over flowed.
    Me:It would kill people becaue they dident know when it would over flow.
    Braidan:Where is it located?
    Me:Soruce Lake Victoria Ugand.
    Braidan:Oh cool. Where does it get its name from?
    Me:It gets its name from a Greek word Nelious meaning River Vally.
    Braidan:Is there a desert there?
    Me:Yes there is the desert its located in the red and there is a black one to the black one is where people live.
    Braidan:Thanks i know more about the Nile now.
    Me:You are very welcome see you real soon bye.

  32. (this is an example of the nile river)
    me- have you ever heard of the Nile River Tanner?
    Tanner- no I havent where is the river located?
    me- In Egypt the longest river in the whole world.
    Tanner- how long is it?
    me- its 4,184 miles long
    Tanner- wow
    me- with out the Nile River Egypt would not exist, do you get it now?
    Tanner- yes I do!
    me- see you later.

  33. ME: Hi, Bigfoot how are you doing?
    BF: I am doing pretty good.
    ME: Well thats good but anyway do you know anything about the Nile River?
    BF: Well, I have heard of it but I don't know anything about it.
    ME: Oh well I will give you some right now how about that?
    BF: Ok that sounds good.
    ME: Well, first the Nile River is 4,184 miles long. Amazing right?
    BF: Yeah that is amazing how about something else.
    ME: The source of the Nile is Lake Victoria in Urnada.
    BF: Well thats interesting.
    ME: Yeah but the most important fact is Egypt would't be there right now unless the Nile wasn't there.
    BF: Wow that is really cool.
    ME: Some other facts are that the Nile flows North not South.
    BF: That is very wierd.
    ME: Well that is all I can tell you because I have to go now bye talk to you later.
    BF: Oh K bye see you later and talk to you later.
    ME: Some other facts are

  34. A Conversation about the Nile with: Mckenzie Gloege

    ME: "Hey Mckenzie! Whats up?"
    MG: "Hey girl! Just hangin. What are you up to?"
    ME:"I just got done doing some of my homework for mr klumper about the Nile River."
    MG: "Oh, how long is the Nile?"
    ME: "Well, the Nile River is about 4184 miles long."
    MG: "Wow that's really long! I've heard that the Nile River flows north.Is that true?"
    ME: "Yes, that is one of the unusual things about the Nile."
    MG: "That's cool. What kind of plants live by the river?"
    ME: "This plant is very important it was paper for the egyptions, this plant was called a papyrus."
    MG: "What kind of nick names wouls the egyptions us for the nile?"
    ME: "They would call it two things, the taker of life and the giver of life. The taker of life because sometimes it would over flow to much or to little. And th Giver of life for giving them good farming land."
    MG: "Wow, sounds like the river is reallt important. What was the land by the river called?"
    ME: "The river closest to the land is called the black land; this land was very fertle. The land beyond the black land is called the red land this land was very dry."
    MG: "Well, thanks for telling me about the Nile river but I have to go. Later"
    ME: "Later"

  35. a nile conversation with michael jackson

    me: "how are you doing today?"
    mj: "great!"
    me: "have you heard of the nile river?"
    mj: "no,i have not were is it located at?"
    me: "It is located in Egypt."
    mj: "how long is it?"
    me: "It is 4,184 miles long. And the lad there is very fertle>."
    mj: "why is the land so fertle, cause isnt it in a desert?"
    me: "yes, but the nile over flows witch causes the land to be very fertle after the land drys
    mj: "ok thank you now i know a lot more than i did."
    me: "your wellcome see you soon

  36. me:"hey Bow"
    me:"have you ever heard of the nile?"
    Bow:"No, is it a tree for dogs?"
    me:"not evan close, its a river that flows throughout egypt."
    Bow:"oh i thout it was a tree.What continent is it on?"
    Me:"Africa, were most animals live."
    Bow:"Wow,all the way over there!"
    me:"yeah, but if you go over there you should check out the black land ,it's right next to the nile."
    Bow:"the tree, um i mean the river?"
    me:"yeah, it's the place were the red land is ,but, the black land it is the closest to the nile, did you know that the faroahs of egypt lived near so if you want to check it out."
    Bow:"thanks i didn't now that, bye."

  37. A Nile conversation with michael(my brother)
    mich:"Could you help me?"
    me:"With what?"
    Mich:"Well we were talking about the Nile river today and we have to ask a famly member to answer some questions and i was wondering if you could help me?"
    Me:"Shure i'll help you! whats the first question?"
    Mich:"How long is the Nile River?"
    Me:"It's 4,184 miles long."
    Mich:"Ok, where does it end?"
    Me:" It ends in the Medateranian Sea."
    Mich:"OK, Where is upper Egypt located?"
    Me:"It was located to the south."
    Mich:" what wouldn't have survived without the Nile?"
    Me:"The Egyptian civilization wouldn't have survived."
    Mich:"Ok,Last one Did the Nilw produce enough food for everyone?"
    Me:" Yes,they got more food than they needed."
    Mich:"OK, thanks for helping me with my homework.Now im going to see Taco(our dog)."

  38. Nile conversation with Bob.

    Me: "Hey Bob how are you today?"
    Bob: "I'm good, what would you like to talk about today?"
    Me: "Well I was wondering if you have ever heard of the nile river?"
    Bob: "No, I have not."
    Me: "Well it gets its nickname from the greek word "Nelio's" meaning river valley."
    Bob: "Well that is very interesting, but where is it located?"
    Me: "It is located in Northern Egypt."
    Bob: "That is cool. What is the length of the Nile River?"
    Me: "The length of the Nile River is 4,184 miles!"
    Bob: "Wow, that is very long,but i still need to know some more information."
    Me: "Ok, well another fact is that the land is so fertile because the Nile floods so often."
    Bob: "Well that is nice but what about nicknames the Nile had?"
    Me: "Ok, but this is the last thing I will tell you. One of the nicknames was "Giver of Life" because it irragated land for farming."
    Bob: "Wow that is very interesting, now i know a ot more about the Nile thanks.
    Me: "Your welcome, talk to you later bye.

  39. A Nile conservation with: Paige Moller [PM for short].
    Me: Have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    PM: No. Where's it located?
    Me: The Nile is located in Egypt. The Nile was very important in Egypt because without it Egypt would not exist!
    PM: Wow,thats amazing! I never knew it was so important.
    Me: Along the Nile was the black land. This land was very fertile because every year the Nile River would flood over and water their crops.
    PM: Wasn't that called Irrigation?
    ME:Yes! But, beyond the black land was the red land which was all desert, no crops grew there.
    PM: How long is the Nile?
    Me:The length is about 4184 Miles long. It is the longest river in the world.
    PM: Wow! This stuff is really cool!
    ME: Well, gotta go, see ya!

  40. A NIle Conversation With:sacagawea.

    me:"Hello,sacagawea how are you doing?"
    Sac:"Im doing great thanks for asking."
    Me:"hey, sacagawea have you ever heard of the nile?"
    Sac:"No Adriana i havent. Can you tell me about it?"
    Me: "sure thing; the nile created ancient egypt so the can grow grops get food and more."
    Sac:"so how did they get their food? do they drive there?Do they walk on the water or what do they do?"
    Me:" No sac the nile was a highway to transport food the them. And sac they cant walk on water."
    Me:the nile river had a delta"
    Sac:"oh what is that?"
    Me:"it is the end of the nile."
    Me :"Also the nlie is 4184 miles long the longest in the world."

  41. amanda schwint 4th pdNovember 9, 2009 at 11:13 AM

    (A Nile conversatino with Kirstyn Polasky)
    A: "So Kirstyn how much do you know about the nile?"
    K: "Not much,I've never heard very much about the nile."
    A: " So would you like to get some information, if so just ask me some questions."
    K:"Ok how long is the nile."
    A:"It is aprooximantly 4,184 miles."
    K:"wow if it is that long what keeps invaders from well invading?"
    A:"The shahara Desert, also that is the magor desert the river flows through."
    K:"If it runs throught the desret how can you live there and have food?"
    A:"Well, the Nile river floods and the people use canals and irragete crops with the water."
    K:"Dose the river just flow through Egypt?"
    A:"No, the Nile river starts in lake Victoria, Uganda and stops at the red sea."
    K:"When was harvest season?"
    A:"It is at the end of the year.'
    K:"well thanks for that help fulladvice."
    A:"your wellcome, I will see you tommorrow at school right?"
    K:"you betcha bye."

  42. a nile river conversation with an egyptan farmer.
    me "hi have you herd of the nile river its fricken sweet"
    ef " no tell me about it"
    me" ok it is in ejypt"
    ef " how long is it"
    ME" "it is 4184 mils long "
    ef cool what els do you know about it"
    me "well it flows north because of how its tillded"
    ef "neet what els can you tell me "
    me "the land neer the riveris black land"
    ef "cool"
    me "and black land is farther away from the river and less fertile"
    me i have to go

  43. A Nile Conversation with: Bacon
    ME:"Hi Bacon how are you?"
    ME: "Have you heard about the Nile River?"
    Bacon: "No,what is the Nile River?"
    ME: "The Nile River is a river that runs through Egypt."
    Bacon: "Is it important?"
    ME: "Yes, without it Egypt would not exist."
    Bacon: "What way does the Nile flow?"
    ME:"The Nile River flows North."
    Bacon: "How does the Nile flow North?"
    ME: "The land in the South is higher than in the North.
    Bacon: " I know a lot more about the Nile River."

  44. A nile conversation witn MR.KRABS

    ME, hello mr.krabs my name is justyna eberle do u know anything about the nile river?

    Mr.Krabs, no i dont do u want to tell me about it please so i can go to everyone i know..

    ME, yes i would love to but first you have to answe one question....

    Mr.Krabs, ok what is it?

    ME, well why do u like money so much??

    MR.Krabs, well ok i will tell you gbat one but if u tell any one i swear i will cry my self to sleep every night till the day i stop breathing ok git it got it good..

    ME,OK i promes i wont tell any one ok..

    MR.Krabs, well the reson i like money some much cause i owe Mr. kluper money cause he said i stole that kk from him..

    ME, WOW, how much do you owe??

    MR.Krabs, i owe, $12,000.00 ya i know that is alot just for the kk but i have to or eles i go to............. jdc..gasp.

    ME, OH i see well now lets get on to the fact that i have to make you lear about the nile river. well the first thing is, 1 fact is the nile river got the name from is great lorads helis means river valley.

    MR.Krabs, oh sweet. ok what eles?

    ME, Well 2. it couldent crops cause of the desert.3. the lengthis 4154. 4. the land in the south is higher then the north..

  45. A nile conversation witn MR.KRABS

    ME, hello mr.krabs my name is justyna eberle do u know anything about the nile river?

    Mr.Krabs, no i dont do u want to tell me about it please so i can go to everyone i know..

    ME, yes i would love to but first you have to answe one question....

    Mr.Krabs, ok what is it?

    ME, well why do u like money so much??

    MR.Krabs, well ok i will tell you gbat one but if u tell any one i swear i will cry my self to sleep every night till the day i stop breathing ok git it got it good..

    ME,OK i promes i wont tell any one ok..

    MR.Krabs, well the reson i like money some much cause i owe Mr. kluper money cause he said i stole that kk from him..

    ME, WOW, how much do you owe??

    MR.Krabs, i owe, $12,000.00 ya i know that is alot just for the kk but i have to or eles i go to............. jdc..gasp.

    ME, OH i see well now lets get on to the fact that i have to make you lear about the nile river. well the first thing is, 1 fact is the nile river got the name from is great lorads helis means river valley.

    MR.Krabs, oh sweet. ok what eles?

    ME, Well 2. it couldent crops cause of the desert.3. the lengthis 4154. 4. the land in the south is higher then the north..

  46. (Me:hello michal jordan how are you doing
    mj:im doing great you
    me:im Im doing exelent have you ever heard of the nile river?
    mj:no what is it
    me:well its a river and its the largest in the world
    MJ:oh I never knew that, can you tell me more about it
    me:well it is surronded by a desert
    MJ:So its the largest in the world and its suronded by a desert
    MJ;so what else is interesting about it
    me:It runs trough egypt and its the most important thing in egypt
    MJ:do you know any thing else because i might go there if i know more about it
    me:well the land is higher on one side so that make the water flow north
    MJ:isnt there a black land and a re land
    me:ya the black land is very fertile because its closer to the nile and the nile over flows
    mj:now i know a lot more about the nile rivr

  47. A Nile conversation with Amanda
    ME: "Hi Amanda!"
    AS: "Hey what are you doing?"
    ME: "Nothing much." "Do you know anything abou the Nile Rive?"
    AS: "No I don't even know what it is."
    ME: "The Nile River starts in Lake Victoria, Uganda."
    AS: "Oh, thats cool."
    ME: "Ya. It is about 4,184 miles long."
    AS: "Wow that is really long."
    ME: "Ya and they grow papyruses by the water."
    AS: "What are papyuses?"
    ME: "Papyuses are plants they use to make paper."
    AS: "Well thanks for telling me this stuff."
    ME: "Ya, well see you.

  48. Im chatting to David Ortiz

    Hi david im logan how are you.
    David Fine thank you.
    Logan have you heard of the nile river.
    David no i havent tell me about it.
    David whats it like whats so imprtant about it.
    Logan without it anicent eygypt wouldnt have existed.
    david cool, is it big.
    Logan yes very big 4,184 miles long.
    David wow thats huge, what did it give to them?
    Logan pyprus plants, life, and crops.
    David what is pyprus?
    Logan a plant the used to write on and other things.
    David Where is it located.
    Logan by the sahara desert.
    David cool.

  49. (Nile River conversation with Joe Mauer)
    ME,Hi Joe have you heard oyf the Nile river?
    JOE, No I have not,what is it?
    ME,Well,its a river that made egypt what it is today.
    JOE, wow thats cool, how long is it?
    ME, it is about 4184 miles long.
    JOE, WOW thats really long, how did it make egypt what it is today?
    ME, well it was there main water source, and they grew papryus.
    JOE,WOW what way does it flow?
    ME, well, it flows north.
    JOE,well, what is the black land?
    ME, well its very fertile land that goes along the nile river.

  50. {A nile conversation with: my brother jake}
    me:Hello Jake how are you doing
    Jake:fine thank you for asking
    me:do you know any thing about the nile?
    Jake:no do you know any thing about it?
    me:yes I do. do you want to hear some facts about it.
    jake:yes I would.
    me:well with out the nile Egypt would not exist.
    jake: fascinating,tell me more.
    me:it is 4,184 miles long
    jake: that is so cool
    me:the bl;ack land is very fertile land
    jake:cool what about when it floods?
    me:well it will destroy crops and kill people.
    jake: awwww thats sad
    me:the crops could not grow because it was in a desert.
    jake: so what did they eat
    me:their surplus food
    Jake: well i have to go tell me mor ewhen i get back

  51. (this conversation is between me and my best friend emma or m&m)
    ME: Hi Emma, what are you doing?
    M&M: I'm trying to do my homework about the Nile River.
    ME: Hey, we learned about that today in school!
    M&M: Really? Did you happen to take some notes?
    ME: Sure did. Here, one of the things I wrote down was that it was the most important thing in Egypt.
    M&M: Really?
    ME: Yeah, without it Egypt would not exist!
    M&M: I didn't know that, could you tell me more?
    ME: Sure, the Nile River flowed north.
    M&M: How?
    ME: The land in the south was higher than the land in the north.
    M&M: Is there anything else about that?
    ME: Yep, for the same reason, the land in the south was called "upper Egypt" and the northern land was called "lower Egypt"
    M&M: Thanks! I think we sould go to Egypt someday!
    ME: Were are we going to get the money?

  52. A Nile Conversation with: Stella
    Me: you look good
    s: Thankyou, Hey do you know anything about the nile river?
    Me:well i guess i do. What do you want to know?
    s:anything. Actully,I have five questions.My first one is how did the nile river get it's name?
    Me: it came from the greek word Nelios, meaning " River Valley".
    s: oh o.k. i knew it had something to do with greek.My next question for you is How does the nile flow?
    Me: well actually, it flows from the south to the north.
    s: Really are you kidding that is interesting. My other question is In the black land does it has fertile soil and if it does how did it get there?
    Me:Yes the black land has fertile soil and how it got there was from the nile river.
    s:oh o.k. My last question is could any crops grow there?
    Me: no actully,it doesn't. No crops grow there because it is desert land.
    s: so that is why. ok well thanks for anwsering my questions.
    Me: your welcome. Bye

  53. Nile River Conversation with Jenny Finch
    me: hey jenny how was ur softball year ?
    jenny: it was great !
    me: o that is good but im not here to talk to you about softball im here to as k if u know anything about the nile river?
    jenny: I sort of do but i forgot alot because im so into sports i have no time for social studies or really tell me about it
    me:ok... it is the main source in ancient egypt.... Without it they would of been dead !
    jenny: wow a little harsh agleast now we have water fountaing and lots of water
    me: yeah the egyptians had it tough we have it so easy here !
    jenny: we do .... and i though our lives were hard ! so how is it important ?
    me: well how isnt it important !
    they use it for water to drink,bath, and especially farming !
    jenny: oh thats cool ! how long is it ?
    me: it is exactly 4184 miles long !
    jenny:wow thats a big river
    me: you got that right ... did you know the name gets its meaning from the greek word nelios ...meaning River valley
    jenny: i never knew that but now i do.... where does it start ? how does it start ?
    me:the source meaning where it starts is in Lake Victoria in Uganda.
    jenny:Uganda ?? where is that
    me: um i dont really know where i just wrote it down
    jenny: oh haha
    me:hah anything else you want to know ?? I have a weird fact you want to know what it is ??
    jenny: yes i do !!
    me: ok its that the river flows north and that the land in the south is higher than the north !
    jenny: wow that is cool and weird at the same time.
    me:yeah there is two lands outside the river that keeps it protected
    jenny:really what are they ?
    me: the black land and the red land.
    the black land is right outside the river ... it grows papyrus
    I dont get why it is called the black land ... it is even green on the maps because of how much water it gets ! so many plants grow there. The red land gets no water so it is just a bid hot desert ! the black land takes all the water so the red land doesnt get any
    jenny:wow that is weird
    me: they grew papyrus ... papyrus is a plant that u can use there roots to make paper
    jenny: i thinki i know enough about egpt now and anyways i got to head out becaese i got to pitch and my agent says im being lazy so buh bye
    me: ok thanks for talking to me

  54. James Butterfield pd.8November 9, 2009 at 2:13 PM

    A Nile Conversation With:Darren Shan.

    ME:Hey Darren.
    ME:Do you know anything about the Nile River?
    DS:The what?
    ME:The Nile River. It's the main source of Egypt. Without it Egypt never would have existed.
    DS:Cool! I never would have known that.
    ME:Let me tell you a little bit more about it. Just ask a question.
    DS:Um... Did it have any nicknames?
    ME:Yes it did actualy. It had 2 nicknames and they were Giver and Taker of life.
    DS:How did it get those nicknames?
    ME:Well it's the Giver of life because it was Egypts main source for food and water. It's the Taker of life because it killed crops and even people.
    DS:What else did it do?
    ME:Theres two things that it was also used for. It grew papyrus which made paper. It was also used to travel.
    DS:THanks for that information.
    ME:Your welcome.

  55. A Nile River conversation with Sponge Bob.
    Me:Hi Sponge Bob how's it going?
    Me:so do you know about the Nile River?
    Sp:no. Why?
    Me:becasue the Nile is the most important thing in Egypt.
    Sp:So tell me more about the Nile.
    Me:Without the Nile Egypt would not exist.
    Sp:so what did the Nile do for Egypt?
    Me:well the Nile gave Egyptians food, water, plants, and fresh soil for farming.
    Me:the Nile went from the south to the north.
    Sp:how long was the Nile?
    Me:the Nile is 4,184 MILES.
    Sp:that's a long ways.
    Me:the Nile was known as the giver and taker because it either flooded to much or to less.
    Me:there was also the Red land and the Black land.
    Me:the Black land was the rich land because it only flooded in that perfect spot.
    Sp:oh I see.
    Sp: then what is the Red land?
    Me:I was getting there.
    Me:the Red land is the dry land because the water never got out there.
    Sp:well I have to go because I have to write an essay on the Nile river. Thanks for your help. Bye.

  56. Me:So, Yoda how are you doing?
    Yoda: Great, my young jedi he he.
    Me:Yoda, do you know anything about the nile
    Yoda: Yes, I know some stuff about the nile.
    Yoda again:What do the egyptans use it for?
    Me:Water and transportation.
    Yoda again:Did they use bouts on the nile?
    Yoda:Is there the black land?
    Me: Yes, Yoda.
    Yoda:What way does the nile flow?
    Yoda:What was the length?
    Me:4,000 miles see you.

  57. A conversation with Walt Disney.

    Me:"Hello Walt. It's a very big honor to meet you"

  58. A Nile conversation with Brooklyn madison : Brooklyn did you know that the Nile River is in Egpt.
    Brooklyn:Egpt is far away.
    madison: it has a Delta.
    Brooklyn : no way
    madison : the length 4184miles long.
    Brooklyn : it that long
    madison : has a upper and lower Egpt
    Brooklyn: it does
    madison : it flows North
    brooklyn : thank you for going over with me
    madison : your wellcome

  59. A Nile conversation with ButterFinger:

    ME: Hi, ButterFinger whats up.
    BF: Hi Brayden what did you want.
    ME: Did you know about the Nile River.
    BF: No i did'nt
    ME: Well its a River in Ancient Egypt.
    BF: Really i like you to tell me more.
    ME: It is a give of life because it overflows once a year to fertile the crops.It is the taker of life because it only overflow once a year and some people starve to death.
    BF: cool,but sad.
    ME: It gets its name from a Greek word "Nelios".
    BF: Cool.
    ME: In the South the land is higher and the land inthe North is lower.

  60. A nile conversatin withspangbob.

    Collin: hy spagbobdo you now enetning about the nileriver
    spangbob: no
    me: the nileriver is 4184 miles.
    Spongebob Dude that's awesome!
    Me: It fluds to thar
    songebob:Thay code use asponge. Collin

  61. A Nile Comversation with: King Tut

    ER: Hellow my magestity. How is it Going?
    KT: Fine.
    ER: Hey, Have you ever heard of a river called the Nile River:
    KT: No Absalutly not. Could you tell me about it?
    ER: Sure. first I will tell you that it was the most important river in Egypt. First they got all there crops from it becaues of it flooding. But somtimes it flooded too little, witch was not eneogh crops, and somtimes it flooded too mutch, witch washed away the crops.
    KT: If it was so important, what else did it give them.
    ER: Well the Nile gave them everything. Without it, Egypt would not egzist.
    KT: But I'm asking why is it so important?
    ER: Well Ig gave them everything, it allowed them to transport goods to lower egypt and upper egypt. they could build there own boats. So without the nile, it would be a week village with barley any food or water.
    KT: What about the land that did not get land?
    ER: There were 2 sections, The Red Lands and the Black lands. The black Lands got all the food and the trees and they had there own papere that grew from a plant called papyrus.
    KT: What about the red lands?
    ER: That got barelt any water. Oh, And I forgot to tell you how it got water, The river floods and spreads out into the red lands. And what ever it doenot floods it the Red Lands.
    KT: What kind of food did they grow?
    ER: They mainley grew wheat and braley.
    KT: You said that it flooded tool little and somtimes flooded too mutch, did that effect people?
    ER: Yes it did, infact it's called the giver of life and the taker of life. It gives life by transportaiton and food and water, it's the taker of life by killing people in fllods and not giving them food.
    KT: I've think I learned enough.
    ER: whatever you say King.

  62. {A Nile conversation with: Ana Bell

    Me:Hello,Ana how are you?
    Ana:Very good. Thanks for asking.
    Me:Have you ever heard of the Nile River in Egypt?
    Ana:No I haven't.
    Me:well it is really cool.How about I tell you five things about the Nile River.
    Ana:Ok sounds great.This will be very interesting.
    Me:Alright.The first thing about the nile is that it gets its name from the greek word "Nelios" meaning "River valley".
    Ana: wow that is really cool.Do you now how long the Nile is?
    Me:Well of course, the Nile River is 4184 miles long.
    Ana:That is really long.Tell me some more about it.
    Me:Ok,another thing about the Nile River is the land in the south is higher than the land in the north. Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around?
    Ana:Yeah that is really weird!
    Me:I know. Another this that the black land has very fertile land.
    Ana:well thats interesting.
    Me:Yeah and its located right along the Nile river.

  63. A Nile conversation with Elmo.

    ME: "Hey Elmo whats up?"
    Elmo: "Hi Taylor I am good but I do have a question."
    ME: "Well whats the question?"
    Elmo: "Do you know a thing about the Niel river?"
    ME: "Why yes I do I know alot about the Nile river whats your question?"
    Elmo: "What dose the taker of life mean?"
    ME: "The taker of life means it floods and kills."
    Elmo: "Cool what about the giver of life

  64. Emily:"Guess what?"

    My Dog:"What?"

    Emily:"I'm get to take a trip to Egypt, and see the Nile!"

    My dog:"What is a Nile?

    Emily:"It's a river In Egypt. Without it, Egypt wouldn't exist today."

    My dog:"How long is it?"

    Emily:"It's 4184 miles till the Delta."

    My dog:"Wow! What's a delta?"

    Emily:"It's the ending of the river, where it flows into the ocean."

    My dog:"Speaking of flow, which way does the Nile flow?"

    Emily:"It flows North to the delta, here, I'll show you a map. See, there's the land in the south is higher than the north. They call this the upper and lower Egypt. now, does this answer all your questions?

    My dog:"Just one more question,this sounds interesting, do I get to go?"

  65. A Nile Conversation with:Bob.

    Me:Hello Bob how are you doing today?
    Bob:I am doing great that was nice to ask.
    Me:Do you know what the Nile River is?
    Bob: No what is it?
    Me:It is a river that saved Egypt.
    Bob:Cool where is the Nile River at?
    Me:It is in Egypt and there is the red land and the black land around it.
    Bob:What are they?
    Me:The red land is the area outside the black land that there is no water.The black land is the land right outside the river where the Egyptions grow there crops.
    Bob:Now I think I know more about the Nile River thanks but what is the giver and taker of life I think I heard of that before but I don't know what it is?

  66. A Nile Conversation with: billy
    Billy: What is this squigilly line in the middle of Egypt?
    me: That is called the nile river.
    billy:What is the nile river???
    Me:The Nile River is A river the Egyptains counted on to survive.

  67. A Nile Conversation with Barack Oboma:

    ME: "Hi, Oboma do you know about the Nile River."
    OB: "No, I don't, Jared."
    ME: "Well it is about 4 thousand miles long."
    OB: "It sounds really long."
    ME: "It is, and it has a nickname of Giver of Life."
    OB: "Why does it have that nickname?"
    ME: "It irrigated land for farming. Egyptians used it to transport goods too."
    OB: "That is neat."
    ME: "It has another nickname, Taker of Life.
    OB: "That is strange, having two nickname."
    ME: "It got that nickname, because it overflows too much,destroys crops, killed people. Overflowed too little, killed corps."

  68. A Nile Conversation with:Patrick.

    Me:Patrick how are you doing today?
    Patrick:I am doing fine how about you?
    Me:Good thanks for asking!
    Patrick:You are welcome!
    Me:Do you want to come over tonight and eat supper with me and talk about the nile river??
    Patrick:Sure I would love to come over and eat and talk about the nile river!
    Me:ok so see you then!!
    Patrick:yeah see you then,one more thing what is the nile river??
    Me:Well the length is 4/84 miles!!
    Patrick:Well we can talk about it at supper time ok oh one more thing what time should I be there???
    Me:Is 7:30 fine??
    Patrick:Yes that is fine!!
    Me:Ok bye!

  69. Me:"Hey, Derek whats up?"
    DJ:"Good, just won the world serious, you?"
    Me: "good, hey I have a question."
    DJ: "Sure what is it?"
    Me: "Well, do you now anything about the Nile River?"
    DJ: "Yeah, well only one thing that it is in Egypt."
    Me: "Well, that is true but did you know that without the Nile River, Egypt would have never would have lived."
    DJ: "No, I did not now that what else?"
    Me: "Well, the Nile is 4184 miles long!"
    DJ: "Really, wow that is very cool."
    Me: "yeah, but I am not done yet, did you now that the Nile's source is in Lake Victora,Uganda?"
    DJ: "Wow, no way that is very interesting O sorry Jake I have to go I will tell my team mates about the Nile."
    Me: "Ok, thanks."
    DJ: " No, thank you."

  70. me: Hi Adrian.Peterson have you ever heard of the Nile River.
    AP: No I have not Dylan can you tell me about it.
    me: Yes I can Adrian.
    AP: Ok tell me about it.
    me:Ok first of all the Nile River was called the giver and taker of life.And along the Nile they grew papyrus, the length of the Nile is 4,184 miles.Also another fact about the Nile is it gets it's name from Greek word Nelios meaning river valley.Also the source is LakeVictoria,Uganda.And the river flows North.

  71. (conversation with Cortney)

    Me: Hi Cortney. I learned some amazing things about the Nile river!

    Cortney: Like what?

    Me: Well did you know that papyrus grows along the river?

    Cortney: no, what's papyrus?

    Me; it's a plant used for paper. It was very important.

    Cortney: Wow! They used paper back then?

    Me: Yeah, the river is really long. It's about 4184 miles!

    Cortney: That's amazing. But what's so important about the Nile anyway?

    Me: It's their main source of water. Without it, Egypt wouldn't exist.

    Cortney: Those are amazing facts! See ya!

    Me: Bye

  72. a nile conversation with spongebob
    me:hey wasup,have you ever heard about the nile?
    spongebob: hahahaha no i havent wat is it?
    me: it is one of the worlds longest river!
    him:how long is it?
    me:over 4,000 miles long!
    him:wow, where is it?
    me:its in egypt.
    him:amazing,is it important?
    me: yes, without it Egypt would not exist.
    him:where does it end?
    me: it ends in the mediteranean sea
    him:what plants does it grow and how do the farmers use it?
    me:they use ditches and canals to water crops,and and they grow papyrus plants.
    him: how do they use papyrus?
    me:they beat it into paper
    him:your so amazingly awesome your amazingly awesome
    me:yes i know because I CAN beleive its not butter.

  73. (me having a conversation with bob
    Me: Bob do you know what the nile river is?
    Bob: No what is it
    Me: It was essential to live in Egypt with out it there would be nothing for them to live off of.
    Bob: wow i didn't know that it was so important
    Me:the nile was not only the giver of life but it was the taker of life as well.
    Bob: How was it the taker of life?
    Me: If it overflowed to much it destroyed crops and killed people. If it over flowed to little crops would not grow and surplus had to be used
    Bob:wow the nile does seem very important
    Me: there was also a very important plant that grew along the nile
    Bob: what is it?
    Me:it was called papyrus
    Bob: what was it used for?
    Me: it was used to make paper?
    Bob: well that was cool now i have to go by

  74. (A Nile conversation with Katie)

    Me: Hi Katie have you heard of the Nile River before?

    K: No i have not tell me about it.

    Me:Did you no that the Nile River is about 4,000 miles long?

    K; That is a long river.

    Me; Yes it is. Did you no that people got they water from there?

    K; That would feel weird putting a pale in the water and you bringing it home to your family.

    ME; Yes it would. Did you no that papyras grew right by the nile river and the people used the stems for paper?

    K; That would be cool but today don't we uses trees instead.

    ME; ok talk to you late see you around.

    K; Ok bye liked the facts.

  75. Sheila Coyle 9 period :)November 9, 2009 at 2:57 PM

    A nile conversation with Tate.

    Me: Hi Tate,have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    Tate: No what is it?
    Me: It is a very important river.
    Tate: Where does it flow through?
    Me: It flows through Egypt.
    Tate: How long is it?
    Me: It is 4184 miles long!
    Tate: Why is it so important?
    Me: Without it Egypt would not exist.
    Tate: Are there any plant that grow there?
    Me: Yes, that plant is called the papyrus.
    Tate: Is the papyrus important?
    Me: Yes, it is used to make paper.
    Tate: Thanks, now I know lots about the Nile.
    Me: Your welcome, oh, I have to go, see you later.
    Tate: Bye.

  76. A Nile Conversation With
    Ferra Faucet

    ME:"Hey Ferra what's up?"
    Ferra:"Nothing much."
    ME:"Have you heard of the Nile River?"
    Ferra:"No why?"
    ME:"I'm surprised!"
    Ferra:"Can you tell me where the Nile is."
    ME:"Sure, the Nile is located in Egypt."
    Ferra:"Oh, how long is it?"
    ME:"The Nile is 4,184 miles long."
    Ferra:"WOW! Which way does it flow?"
    ME:"Glad you asked the Nile flows north."
    Ferra:"Well, where does the Nile end?"
    ME:"The Nile ends at the delta leading into the Medertterainian Sea."
    Ferra:"Last question, why is the Nile so important?"
    ME:"Heh heh, I've been waiting for you to ask that."
    Ferra:"You have?"
    ME:"Yep, without the Nile River Egypt would not exist.
    Ferra:"WOW! Thank you!"
    ME:"Your welcome I have to go now the bell is about to ring. Good-Bye!"

  77. Me: Hi, Elmo, do you know anything about the Nile River??
    Elmo: No would you tell me some facts about it?
    Me: sure, What do you want to know
    Elmo: can you tell me its length
    Me: It's length is about 4,000 miles long
    Elmo: wow anything else, how about crops, does it grow any??
    Me: Yes, it has land next to the river called the black land and they grow crops there but next to that land is land called the red land and no crops grow because no water flows into the soil
    Elmo: COOL!! Why is just this river so important?
    Me: Good Question, Without the Nile River Egypt would not exist!
    Elmo: wow! thats a pretty important river! Does it overflow and if it does what happens?
    Me: If it overflows to much it could kill the crops and people but if it doesnt overflow enough crops could not grow and surplus would have to be used.
    Elmo: Interesting! 1 more question before i have to go, where does it get it's name from?
    Me: it gets its name from the Greek word Nelios which means River Valley.
    Elmo: Well THank You So much Kelli for teaching me these awesome facts about the Nile River BYE!!
    Me: BYE ELMO!!!

  78. a nile conversation with Zack

    me: hello Zack, how has you day ben going?

    Zack: oh hi Dawson I am having a great day what about you

    Me: very good. do you know anything about the nile river?

    Zach: no i have not

    Me: Well the nile flows north.

    Zach: were is it located?

    Me: It is located in Egypt.

    Zach: how long is it?

    Me: it is 4,184 Miles

    Zach: Wow thats long!!!!!!

    Me: ya i know. did you know that lower egypt is located in the north and upper egypt is located in the south.

    Zach: how is that?

    Me: well upper egypt is on higher gound than lower egypt.

    Zach: oh that makes seens. Was it important to egypt.

    Me: very important because without it Egypt would not exist.

  79. A Nile conversation with Walter Payton.
    Me. Hello Walter, have you ever heard of the Nile River,
    w.p. No can you tell me a little about
    Me. sure. Well, ill start off telling you that its over 4000 miles long and goes across Egypt.
    W.P. WOW really thats huge.
    Me. Ya and Egypt wouldnt exist without it.
    W.p. Woooow sweet!
    me. ya.A big problem for egyptians is that it over flows way to much, and even kills people.
    W.P. o that can be a huge problem.
    Me. ya but it irragates their land and gives them food and freshwater.
    W.p. Cool
    ME. ya and one last thing. A plant named papyrus grew among the river and the egyptians made paper out of it.
    W.P. sweet, well thanks for telling me those awesome facts. bye
    me. see ya

  80. Nile River Conversation With: SpongeBob
    ME:Have ever heard about the Nile River?
    SB:No, where is it?
    ME:It runs through the middle of Egpyt supplying food, transportion,papyrus,and more.
    SB:How does it supply those things?
    ME:Well, it floods once a year and the land is perfect for growing food for everybody.
    SB:Wow that's inpressive. What's papyrus?
    ME:Papyrus is a special kind of plant that Egyptions used to make paper. They were the first people to make people.
    SB:How would a river trnsport people and goods?
    ME:They would bulid boats and sail them up and down the river. The Nile didn't always help.
    SB:What do you meen?
    ME:Sometimes the Nile didn't flood enough or it flooded too offten and it could kill many people.
    SB:That is so sad. Thanks for teaching me about the Nile.
    ME: You're welcome.

  81. A Nile River conversation with Toto:
    Me: Hey Toto.
    Toto: Hey
    Me: Have you ever heard of the Nile River.
    Toto: No, I dont think I have what is it.
    Me: It is a river that is in Eygpt.
    Toto: O sweet is it big.
    Me: It is HUGE it is 4184 miles long.
    Toto: O that is huge.What is some more stuff about it.
    Me: Well people would not be living there if it was not there because it provides them water.
    Toto: Wow thats good that its there than.
    Me: Also there are two names for it the Giver of life and the Taker of life.
    Toto: Sweet I want learn more about it now well iv got to go.
    Me: K bye.

  82. Bailey Durfee 9th prd.November 9, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    A Nile conversation with Giana.
    Giana: hey bailey whats up
    Bailey: nothin much
    Giana: then can you help me with my home work assignment
    Bailey: sure, whats it on
    Giana: the nile river can you tell me a few facts on the nile river.
    bailey: sure. well first the nile river was sooo impartant to the egyptians with out it the nile would have never existed.
    Giana: really!!!.....why whas the nile so important to the people in egypt??
    Bailey: well, first of all with out it they wouldnt be able to plant any crops because when the nile flooded they could use that water for irragation.
    Giana: whats irragetion?
    Bailey: irragation is when you can controll how much water you give your plants.
    Giana: well how else did could they use the nile?
    Bailey: they could use it for pupyrus plant that grew near it. The papyrus plant let them have paper. also another interesting fact about the nile is that it had 2 nick-names, the taker of life and the giver of life. it was called the taker of life because when it flooded it could drownd someone. also it could kill the plants if it didnt flood enough.
    it was also called the giver of life because when it flooded it gave the water to give to the plants.
    Giana: ok thnxs......I know now that i will get an A on this assignment.

  83. A Nile river conversation with brett farve.
    ap hey brett do you know about the nile river.
    brett no i only know about football can you tell me about the nile river
    ap. Yes i can did you know that the nile has a leght of 4184 miles
    brett really i did not know that
    ap. Also the nile is called the taker of life beacuse it kills people and crops cant grow
    that is not good
    ap i know

  84. A Nile Conversatoin with Lexie
    Moira: Hi Lexie how are you doing?
    Lexie: Good. What can you tell me about the Nile River?
    Me: I can tell you lots about it.
    Lexie:How long is the nile river?
    me: the nile river is 4184 miles long.
    Lexie: What does the nile help farmers grow?
    Me: The Nile helps farmers grow Paoyrus a type of plant used to mack paper.
    Lexie: Where is upper Egypt acording to the nile?
    Me: upper egypt is on the southern part of the Nile.
    Lexie: Which way does the nile flow?
    Me:The nile flows North.
    Lexie: What is the sorce of the nile?
    Me: Its sorce is Lake Victoria, Ugande.
    Lexie: Thanks now I know lots about the Nile.
    Me: No problem I better go I don't want to be late for supper.

  85. Madison Mogck 9th periodNovember 9, 2009 at 3:03 PM

    Me: Hello Spongebob.
    SS: Hello Madison.
    Me: How are you doing Spongebob.
    SS: I am doing great thank you for asking Madison.
    Me: Your welcome. Have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    SS: No i have not. May you explain to me what it is.
    Me: Well sure thing Spongebob. The Nile River is the most important river because without it Egypt would not exist.
    SS:ooooooo fascinating!!!
    Me: I know!! Also, outside of the Nile River there is two lands, known as the red land and the black land. The red land has no crops growin in it but the black land does.
    SS: O, this is very interesting, but why do they call the lands the red and black land.... are they really that color?
    Me: No they are not that color.
    SS: Cool! Well which way does the river flow??
    Me: Good question. The Nile river flows North.
    SS: That's cool. Tell me more.
    Me: Well the Nile River is 4,184 miles long.
    SS: Why didn't any crops grow in the red land, by the NIle River?
    Me: Well because it is a desert.
    SS: Cool! and what does the black land have.
    Me: Well the black land has very fertile land. and it was located right along the nile river.
    SS: Awesome!!

  86. A Nile conversation with paterick star!
    Me:So Pat have you ever heard of the Nile River.
    Pat: Um, no. Why what is it?
    Me: Whell you should know seens you live in the water and that the Nile is the most populer river in Egypt.
    Pat: What I live in water?
    Me: Yes you live water you dumby. Any way with out the Nile Egypt would not exist.
    Pat: Wow!
    Squarepant: Hay Pat.
    pat: go away.
    Me: ok the length of the Nile is 4184 miles.

  87. The Nile River is most important because without it Ancient Egypt would not exist. Some of the Nile River facts are it gets it's name from greek word "Nelios" meaning " river vally". The lengh:4184 miles

  88. A Nile conversation with Percy Harvin
    Me:"Hello,Percy,how are you doing."
    Percy:I am good,thanks for asking".
    Me:"Have you ever heard about the Nile River?"
    Percy:"Of course not I am a football player,can you tell me about it."
    Me:Of course,I think I will start of by telling you that the Nile River is the major river of Egypt."
    Percy:Really, why is that?"
    Me: Without the Nile River Egypt would not exist."
    Percy:Wow, I did not know that."

  89. A Nile conversation with Lou G.

    me: Hi whats going on Lou
    Lou: nothing much whats up with you
    me: Noting relly exiting, have you heard of the Nile River.
    Lou: no I haven't can you tell me about it.
    Me: shure here is one of the five facts I learned, I learned that without the Nile River Egypt would not exist
    Lou: Interesting i didn't know that
    Me: Here is my second fact The Nile river was used to irrigate the crops for the farmers
    Lou: I didn't know that
    Me: My third fact is that the Nile River was usedto transport goods for the farmers.
    Lou: that must have been handy
    Me:My fourth and fith facts are

  90. A Nile conversation with Taylor Swift:
    me: Hey,Taylor, have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    TS: No, i haven't. What is it?
    me: Well, have you ever heard of Egypt?
    TS: Yeah,but what does that have to do with the subject?
    me: Without the Nile Egypt would have never been formed.
    TS: Really?Wow that is an important river. Can you tell me more about it? Like, why would Egypt never have been formed without it?
    me: The Nile runs through many deserts so if it weren't where it was then people would not be able to live in that area.
    TS: Wow. That is lucky it was there. What kind of land is around it?
    me: The Nile floods a lot every year bringing up fertile soil with it. That area is called The Black Land. When the flood water stops it is called The Red land.
    TS: That is interesting but what happens to the Egyptians when the river floods?
    me: The Egyptians found out how to predict when it would flood so that they could find shelter in time for the flood.
    TS: Cool. They sound pretty smart. Did anything grow around the Nile?
    me: Yeah, a plant called Papyrus grew near it. Egyptians used Papyrus to make paper.
    TS: Wow! I might have to right a song about that.Thanks
    me: Your welcome

  91. A Nile Conversation with
    ME:"Hey Sandy whats up".
    Sandy:"Nothing much".
    Me:"Me nether hey have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    Sandy:"No is'nt it just like all the other rivers in the world?"
    ME:"No actually it was very important to the ancient Egyptians".
    Me:"Without it Egypt would have died".
    Sandy:"It must be very important then."
    Me:"Yes it was."
    Sandy:"What made it so important?"
    Me:"It was so important they called it the giver of live. They used it to irrigate their crops transport goods and to grow food."
    Sandy:"So they pretty lived off it was there anything bad about the Nile."
    Me:"In fact there was. They also called it the taker of live if it over flowed to much
    To Be Contioned...........

  92. A Nile Conversation with
    ME:"Hey Sandy whats up".
    Sandy:"Nothing much".
    Me:"Me nether hey have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    Sandy:"No is'nt it just like all the other rivers in the world?"
    ME:"No actually it was very important to the ancient Egyptians".
    Me:"Without it Egypt would have died".
    Sandy:"It must be very important then."
    Me:"Yes it was."
    Sandy:"What made it so important?"
    Me:"It was so important they called it the giver of live. They used it to irrigate their crops transport goods and to grow food."
    Sandy:"So they pretty lived off it was there anything bad about the Nile."
    Me:"In fact there was. They also called it the taker of live if it over flowed to much
    To Be Contioned...........

  93. Nile converstion whith:michale Jackson:
    ME: so how you felling
    Michale: good thanks for asking!.
    ME: so have you ever herd of the NILE RIVER.
    MJ: not really can you explain.
    ME:well the nile river is a river in egypt with out it the egyptions will not survive.their are to parts upper egypt and lower egypt. lower egypt is north and I think you can gess.
    MJ: ah...north
    Me:their are two names for the nile THE TAKER OF LIFE and THE GIVER OF LIFE.
    MJ:and why do they call it that.
    Me:well they call it that becase
    it kiled people and gave food well we have to wrap this up chio

  94. A conversation with Bailey Durfee

    Me: have you ever heard of the Nile River?
    BD:No i haven't can you tell me about it?
    Me: sure,the Nile gets it's Greek word " Nelios" meaning "River Valley".
    BD: Do you know were it is located?
    Me: It's located in Egypt,without the Nile River Egypt wouldn't exist.
    BD: WOW so a river makes Egypt exist?
    Me:Also did you know that the river is 4184 miles long?
    BD:no i did not know that.

  95. danak 9th
    The Nle conversation with Sponge bob.
    SB:Hello dana how are you to day.
    Me:Im really good.
    SB: what do you want to tlk about.
    Me: SB do you know about the Nile river?
    SB:No, but can you tell me about it.
    Me:YES, the Nile river is a long river bettewen egypt.
    SB:Sweet, that is really cool tell me more please.
    ME:yes i will tell you more, The Niles lenght is 4,184 miles long and the land in the south is higher. Then the land in the north. Are you getimg it SB?
    SB: YES, im really getimg it now but tell me one more thing so i can go.
    ME: yes, the red land is located right along the nile river. well ther and good bye SB.
    SB: thanks Dana.

  96. calvin cressman pd. 9November 9, 2009 at 3:06 PM

    A Nile conversation with: Method Man

    Me:"Hey Method Man whats happenin?"
    Method:"Nothin much."
    Me:"Have you herd of the Nile?"
    Method:"No what is it???"
    Me:"The Nile is the most important thing in Ancient Egypt."
    Method:"What makes it so important?"
    Me:"It provided fresh water, papyrus, and it irrigated land for farming."
    Method:"You mentioned papyrus, what the heck is that?!?!"
    Me:"Papyrus is a plant used to make paper papyrus also grewin the black land."
    Method:" Youre confusing me what is the black land?"
    Me:"That is the fertile land along the Nile."

  97. The Source Lake Victoria,ungande
    The Land in the South is higher than North. The Black land is very fertile land located right along the Nile River. The land is so fertile because the Nile floods. The Red land is irrigated land for farming transported goods food means to survive. 1. The taker of life over flow too much destroyed crops killed people. 2. over flow to little crops could not grow surplus has to be used.

  98. Me:Well those are the five facts about the Nile River I hope you enjoyed them
    Ana:Oh I did alot i really want to learn more about egypt just from those five facts thank you so much for sharing them with me.
    Me: oh your welcome i enjoyed it i am just glad you liked it well i will talk to you later, bye.
    Ana: bye :)

  99. Sorry I was anonymous
    Me:"it would destroy crops and kill people.
    Sandy:"What if it didnt overflow enough?"
    Me:"The crops would not grow and the surplus would have to be used."
    Sandy:"This river sounds pretty long so how long was it."
    Me:"It was 4,184 miles long."
    Sandy:was there anything unique about the Nile."
    Me:"Yes there was actually it flowed north!"
    Sandy:"Wow! okay last question does the Nile River still exist?"
    Me:"Yes it is cool uh?"
    Sandy:"Yea thats awesome."
    Me:"well I have to go see you later."
    Sandy"Yea me to, thanks for teaching me about the

  100. Conversation with Bob The Builder.
    Me: Do you know what the Nile River is?
    B.: No.
    Me: Oh,well um, The Nile Is the second-largest river in the world.
    B:How long is it?
    Me: Over 4000 miles long.
    B.Were is it?
    Me: It is in Africa.
    B.: Were in Africa?
    Me: In the desert.
    B.: What is its nick name?
    Me: It is called the giver of life and the taker of life.

  101. A Nile Conversation With: Mr.Dumb Dumness.

    Me: "Hello Mr.DD would you like to talk about the Nile River?"

    Mr.DD: " What..... what is that? "

    Me: " Well then i understand your name now. I will tell you some 411 about the Nile ok."

    Mr.DD: " Ok how long is this thing and why does it seem so important?"

    Me: " Well its length is 4,184 miles and it is so important because without it Egypt would not exist."

    Mr.DD:" Ok then can you tell me more about this river?"

    Me: " Sure, it gets its name from a greek word "Nelios" meaning " River Valley", it has very fertile land because it floods, and ya so ya."

    Mr. DD: " Oh my that is alot of stuff thanks for sharing i got to go bye."

  102. Me: Hello dog do you know anything about the Nile river dog?

    Dog: Yes I do know a few or more things about the Nile river girl. But why do you need to know stuff about the Nile river?

    Me: Well because I need to know 5 things about the Nile river dog. Also I don't know so much about the Nile river as you do so I was hopeing you could tell things you know about the Nile river and tell them to me so I will Know what you know about it dog.

    Dog: Yes I know alot about it so I will be so kind and share it to you lady. Let me see what things could I tell you thatyou don't know about it?? well I just start from the begening. Fact One is that the Nile river I the major river of Egypt I but you didn't know that did you? FACT 2 is that if it wasn't for the Nile river then Egypt would not exsit today. FACT 3 That the Nile river is the giver and taker of life and here are the reason why Nile is the taker of life. reason 1. is because when the Nile overflows it can flood and kill crops then you would be low on food and 2. reason is you could drowned by the water. those are The 2 Reason why it is the taker of life. The reason why the Nile is the giver of life is because it gives you food and you don't drowned Those are the five facts I know about the Nile River Bye lady.

    Me: Wow that is totly cool thanks dog bye bye sweetie pie.

  103. Me. Hey Allie did you know that the nile River has 2 blacks sides.
    Allie. No Morgan I didnt.
    Me. And also theres 2 red sides to.
    Allie. O cool Morgan can u tell me some more.
    Me. Theres a Delta in the Nile River to.
    Allie. Morgan is there a Upper River and Lower River?
    Me. And theres a Desret Sun to.
    Allie. Hey Morgan it was nice talkin to u.

    Me.It was nice taikin to u Allie.

  104. billy

    how long is the nile
    what is the nile
    how does the nile effect Egypt
    where does the nile end
    where does the nile start

  105. A FINISHED conversation with Walt Disney

    Me:Wow it is such an honor to be with you.

    Walt:Im glad to be here, but I swere I died...

    Me:So have you ever heard of the Nile River?

    Walt:No. What is it?

    Me:It is a river in Egypt.

    Walt:How long is it?

    Me:It is 4,184 miles long.

    Walt:Where does it end?

    Me:It ends at the Medeteranian sea.

    Walt:In which direction does it flow?

    Me:It flows north.

    Walt:Where is it?

    Me:Its in Africa.

    Walt:Wow. I sure learned a lot about the Nile River.

    Me:Well I sure hope a lot of people read this.

    Walt:Wait, they are writing down everything were saying? Hey you! tell all your buddies to quit it!!!
    What do you mean no?!?!?!?

    Me:Well i guess thats it see ya.

    Walt:Thats it!!! You! Get over here!!! CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. Nile River conversation with Bill Nye the Science Guy.

    Chase: Hi Chase! How are you today?

    B: Great! How about you?

    C: Great! Have you ever heard of the Nile River?

    B: Why no, I haven't. What is it?

    C: It's a long river running through Egypt. Without it, Egypt wouldn't have survived.

    B: Wow!

    C: In fact the Nile is the world's largest river. It is 4,135 miles long.

    B: That is long. But, why wouldn't Egypt have survived without it?

    C. For one thing, each summer the Nile River would flood. It would take 3 month to recede, but when it did it would leave rich soil which was needed for farming.

    B: That's interesting! How else did it benefit Egypt?

    C: The Nile River was also used for transportation. Both for people and transporting grains, coffee and furs among other things.

    B: Where did the Nile River flow?

    C: The Nile River actually flows North to the Mediterranean Sea. The reason it flows North is because the South Side is highter than the North Side.

    B: Are there animals along the Nile River?

    C: Yes, many types of animals. The Nile Crocodile is the largest Crocodile in Africa. The Hippopotamus also lives along the Nile River. The Nile has many different kinds of fish, fish such as the Nile Perch which can weigh up to 175 pounds.

    B: Thanks Chase for teaching me about the Nile River. I have learned a lot!

  107. dear Mr.klumper i just wanted you to know that i did do this blog asingment becuase i remeber doing it with Jenny Finch but it might not of been sent to you so i will just do it again....
    me: Hey jenny have you ever heard of the nile river???
    Jenny: No what is the nile river is it some sort of a band?
    Me: no it is a river that was in ancient egypt and the egypian relyied on it alot...... without it there would no egypt at all!
    jenny: what!.!.!. thats not possible just bcuase of one little river!
    me: yup pretty much some of the thngs that they did with the nile was they used it as transportation,water, and lastly it would flood and then give them fresh soil.
    jenny: WOW!!! thats awsome who new one river did that much.
    Me: some of the bad things it did wasflood to much and KILL people, and then i would flood to little and then there crops would get no water or they would have no fresh soil.
    jenny; thats alot for a river to do but it's also sad it KILLED people that didn't do anything to it!!
    me; Another cool thing about it is that it is 4,135 miles long.
    jenny; OMG that is the longest river i have ever heard of.
    Me:And lastly the nile river is in Africa and it flows north.
    Jenny: well i learned alot today abput the nile river... i got to go..... need to go practice my pitching see you later mady!!!
    mady: see you later to i hope you had fun learning about the nile river!!!


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