
Monday, November 30, 2009

Chinese State of Mind

Welcome to Ancient China. To get into a 'Chinese State of Mind," we are going to browse (search) through some ancient China websites and post a comment about what we found. This will help us get introduced to the civilization of China. As you will see with this activity and throughout the unit, ancient China has a major presence in our culture.

Task: Use the "China Websites" to learn something about Ancient China. Post a comment about 3 things you learned.
DUE: Friday, December 4th, 2009. 5:00 p.m.
Points: 20


  1. #1 They invented paper.
    #2 They invented porcalain.
    #3 They built the Great Wall of China.

  2. 1. Ancient China has a variety of climates and terrains.
    2. China worshiped many gods.
    3. They had turtle shells with chinese writing on them.

  3. I learned about the greatwall, emporers, and war

  4. Here are 3 things i learned or read about ancient China:

    1.By about 1800 bc the Shang dynasty had become the first to unite a big part og China under one king

    2. Around 2000 BC. the chinese learned how to make bronze out if tin and copper, so we called that time period the bronze age.

    3. The Chou said that the reason they were able to conquere the hang was that heaven was on their side.


  5. The ancient chinese wote up and down.

  6. The ancient chinese wote up and down.

  7. HI this is Emma B. From period 8.
    My 1# fact is Chinese people were polythestic. 2# is that around 1500 BC people began to use written oracle bones to try and find what was going to happen in the future. 3# The emporer or empress could only rule as long as he or she had the Mandate of Heaven. 4# By the time of Chou Dynasty the Chinese were also worshiping a nautrul force called T'ien wich we usally translate as Heaven. 5# Chinese people usally wore tuncins. 6# Rich people wore silk. 7# In the Sung Dynasty about 1100 AD a fashion started at the emporer's court for women to bind their feet.

  8. here are three things about china.
    #1 china is one of the oldest civilizations.
    #2 papyrus was found in china.
    #3 the chinese were the first to use natural gas as fuel.

  9. 1. Some of ancient Chinese clothing was silk,cotton and tunics

    2.One of the major games for kids were the material arts

    3.The chinese were polytheistic

  10. * people wore tunics there

    * rich people wore silk

    * both me and woman wore hair long

  11. Chinese writing

    Chinese use logograms witch are symbols representing a meaning or a word.
    Chinese use characters that consist of a number of strokes or lines set inside an imaginary square.
    Thousands of bones from the Shang dynasty have been unearthed with writing on them.
    Many of the characters on these bones still exist in a slightly altered state today.

  12. The Chinese poeple wore tunics, only rich people could have colors like blue or purple. China is located on the continent of Asia, China itself is a country. In China families were more important than friends. Most of the time kids would live with their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

  13. Qin was the first man to control all of China.

    Song Dynasty was a time of wonderful invention and art.

    The Silk Road was a name given to any route that led across China to Rome.

  14. 1. People refer to the same blocks of time by different names.

    2. The seventh day of the Chinese New Year is called Yin Yat, "Everybody's Birthday."

    3. Since the Ancient Chinese people firmly believed that dragons were real and had special magical powers, dragons were an important part of Ancient Chinese daily life.

  15. 1 they invented fireworks
    2 they made the great wall of china

    3 they are polytheistic

  16. in china they have a big wall called The Great Wall of China that is really long.

  17. in china they have a big wall called The Great Wall of China that is really long.

  18. China invented awesome things
    1:They invented fireworks
    2: They invented ice cream
    3:There is a dynasty called the Xia

  19. China is a republic the great wallin china the olympics were in china last year

  20. there was a river called the yellow river

  21. 1. China is the fourth largest country in the world.

    2. 1.25 billion people live in China

    3. In China people had clocks just like us

  22. 1. The making of silk was kept a secret for a long time.
    2. They belived in an afterlife.
    3.Dynasties ruled ancient China.

  23. 1. Ancient China people belived in many gods

    2.They invented paper

    3.china people wore tunics only rich people could were purple or blue.

    Those are the things I read about in the websites I read.

  24. The yellow river was named that because of the loess that would build up on the bank and down in the earth then it would sink creating a yellowish tint to the water.
    Rice wine has been popular in China since prehistory.
    Most boys and girls in China did not go to school, but worked on their parents' farms, picking weeds and planting seeds.

  25. 1 there are 12 animals in the chinese zodiac
    2 the people of the han dynasty burried clay models of their homes and belongings
    3 there is pandas on china

  26. 1 there are 12 animals in the chinese zodiac
    2 the people of the han dynasty burried clay models of their homes and belongings
    3 there is pandas on china

  27. chinese litature has long and profic continuos history in part because of the development of printmaking.the chinese have created numerous musical instuments such as a zheng, xiao, and erhu that have spread throughout East and South Asia , and expecally areas under its influence.

  28. bailey durfee 9th prd.December 2, 2009 at 5:08 PM

    #1 chinease people were polythiestic
    #2there are 12 animals in the chinease zodiac
    #3only rich people got to wear purple tunics

  29. Here are three facts I found on China:

    1.The symbol of the dragon represents spiraling DNA, the path into greater enlightenment.

    2.If a girl can't take the pain of tattooing, she is un-marriageable, because she will never be able to deal with the pain of child birth. If a boy cannot deal with the pain of his tattoos, he is considered to be a bad risk as a warrior, and could become an outcast.

    3. The Chinese independently developed very large and negative numbers, decimals, a decimal system, a binary system, algebra, geometry, trigonometry.

  30. kasara p. 4th periodDecember 2, 2009 at 5:33 PM

    #1: They believed that life carried on after death.
    #2: They also believed that there was importand links between the living and the dead.
    #3:Between the beginning of the second millennium B.C. and 221 B.C. three dysties ruled the area around the Yellow River Basin, one after another.

  31. 1they are polytheistic
    2 they wore tunics
    3 they built the great wall of China

  32. 1.There is a lot of bamboo.
    2.The Great Wall of China is 3,000miles long.
    3.They made an instrument that predicted earthquakes.

  33. 1. They believed that women should act different from men, and rich should act different than poor
    2.Most kids did not go to school but stayed home and worked on their parents farm
    3.Slaves lives were the hardest of all

  34. 1:"China is composed of a vast variety of highly different landscapes,with mostly plateus and mt.s in the west,and lower lands on the east."
    2:People in China generally wore tunics.
    3:China worshiped a lot of different gods.

  35. The people did martial arts as games.
    Most boys and girls didn't go to school.
    Family was important in China.

  36. 1. the great wall of china was used to keep enemies out

    2. the great wall of china is the only man-made structure to be seen from space

    3. the royal family is called a dynasty

  37. 1.The Great wall is th world's longest human-made structure.
    2. The Great is approximately 6,400km or 4,00 miles.
    3.The legendary founder of music in Chinesemythology was Ling Lun, who made bamboo pipes tuned to the sounds of birds.

  38. 1. The Great Wall of China keeps their enemies out of their country.

    2. Rice was the first grain that was farmed in China.

    3. Another food people associate with China is tea. Tea grows wild in China.

  39. Fact #1 the great wall is the only man made object visible from the moon

    Fact #2 they ate chineese food

    Fact #3 they did not have cars

  40. 1. they invented fireworks.
    2. they did not have cars.
    3. they built the great wall of china.

  41. 1 china is old
    2 china is in asia
    3 they had dinasties


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