
Monday, October 19, 2009

The Law: Hammurabi's Code

Another first for Mesopotamia: Laws. Before Mesopotamian civilization, the world was without Laws. Hammurabi, a Mesopotamian King, came along and wrote down a set of laws. It was this set of the laws that began to instill some order and justice in the world. A group of people without a written set of laws is no civilization at all, therefore, Hammurabi's Code was a major step towards establishing Mesopotamia as a legitimate civilization. We have been discussing some of the laws in class. We have discussed the basic principle: "eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth." We have also seen the level of harshness some of these laws carry for being broken. Some would say the consequences are of an extreme nature. I have listed four laws below from the Code of Hammurabi. I have also listed the Code of Hammurabi website link to see more of the laws. I want you to think about the Code of Hammurabi by reading the four laws I have posted for your and/or reading additional laws from the link.
Four Laws from the Code of Hammurabi:
1. If a man has put our the eye of another man, they shall put our his eye as well.
2. If a builder has built a house for a man, with the result that the house falls down and kills the owner, the builder shall be put to death.
3. If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand.
4. If a man has accused another man and has brought a charger of murder against him but has not proved it, the accuser shall be put to death.

Answer the following Questions by telling me what YOU think:
1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws?
2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia?
3. Were these laws unfair? Explain your answer
4. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer.
5. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe?
6. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code?
7. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...)

In-Class Blogging.
Good Luck!


  1. #1 to keep order in Mesopotamia
    #2 It changed it to be a great civillization
    #3 I would say there a little un fair beacuse what if a guy accidently got another guys eye out and the guy who got there eye out they had to get the other guys eye out
    #4 I think people needed these laws so mesopotamia wouldent be in chaos
    #5 so the other people will learn not to do that
    #6 Not as smart as we are today
    #7 if Icould change a law i guess I wouldent change them at all.

  2. i think they were to harsh. there were to many laws.

  3. #1without it would be to dangerous and crazy
    #2there were less crimes
    #3some of them cutting off limbs is unfair
    #4yes there were less crimes
    #5Because he whent by eye for a eye tooth for a tooth
    #6terrible most of us would be dead
    #7our laws are perfect

  4. was the set of laws that began to instill some order and justice in this world. was a major step towards establishing mesopatamia.
    3.yes there was noneed to chop somebody arm off.
    4.yes because if these laws didnt exist people would do what ever they wanted.
    5.he realy wanted mesopatamia to be a realy good civilization.
    6.there would be lots of killings because i know half of the people in this school steal.
    7.having to clean my room and not being able to chew gum.

  5. #1. Hammurabi made a set of laws because if there were no laws than people could get angry at each other and kill somebody, and if everyone was fighting the civilization would go down into the mud.
    #2. The Code of Hammurabi made it so people didn't do a lot of crime because they want their body parts
    #3. These laws were kind of both because people would die but people would stop because they didn't want to die.
    #4. Yes because if there wasn't any laws people would do a lot of crime.
    #5. So people would stop because they didn't want to die.
    #6. The world would over time would be void of life because they would all die.
    #7. I would change the curfew law because I want to play football in the dark.

  6. #1. thst way they would not have eney problems with eney one seeling and stuff like that

    #2. it changed mesopotamia by makeing it more settle .

    #3. i dont think some of the laws are fair because i dont think your tongue's should be cutt off
    #4 yes because if you had none you could do eny thimg

  7. 1 I think Hammurabi made a set of laws to keep his civilization from falling into chaos.
    2 I think The Code Of Hammurabi changed Mesopatamia by keeping the people from stealing or hurting other people.
    3 I think these laws were unfair because I do not believe in "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth".
    4 Yes but they did not need to be so harsh paying enough money is just as effective.
    5 So no one would dare break any laws.
    6 There would be a smaller population.
    7 The law of not being able to drive until you get a driver's licence I would be able to get around a lot faster if I could drive.

  8. fair and safe

    2. it made it a civilazation.

    3.i thout that 1 was onfar if i house falls on you the bilder well die.

    4. yes i thank thay did so there nice to athers and so the dont do crimes.

    5. so the dont do crimes.

    6. you well need alot of semotarys.

    7. if i talk back i well be grounded. my beb time is 10:00 is my mom knows im not geting ready for sleep by 10:00 i cant go on the computer for a week. i cant eat so many food if i do i cant eat supper. if i say a bad ward i well get sop in my mouth i dont know is thats true butt my mom said that.

  9. 1 If they didn't there would be chaos everywhere
    2 They were so much more civilised in this way.
    3 yes exaple: an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth know a days that would not happen it is to vilent.
    4 yes without them it would be chaos but they are kind of redickuses.
    5 he wanted his people to be save but i think that it didn't work
    6 very confusing and hard to live in.
    7 I think that that most laws today right and not to veolent and my parents laws i think we shold be able to watch more tv

  10. #1 So it would be safer.

    #2 People stoped and would think before they did something.

    #3 No,because the people would not hurt/kill others.

    #4 Yes,so it would be safer.

    #5 So they would think before they did somthing.

    #6 There would be a smaller population.

    #7 always having to have your home work done.

  11. #1
    Hammurabi made a set of laws so people aren't going crazy and stealing things or killing people.

    The code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia because now there aren't people don't have to worry about somebody breaking there leg and they can do what they need to do that day.

    These are sort of unfair laws because there should be a punishment for what somebody did but, it shouldn't be that harsh.

    Yes, the people need these laws because with out them there almost wouldn't be a community because people would probably be stealing all the time because they want to be rich and that would be all thats happening.


  12. #1 Hammurabi made the laws to make it easier for life because if we did not have laws a hobo could come up to you and kidnap you or hurt you and without laws no one would care at all that is why I think he made a set of laws.

    #2 It helped by making easier to live life.

    #3 Some were unfair I think that if somone killed my ox by pushing it over I can be mad but it is not illegal.

  13. 1. So the state dosen't go insane so they have laws to controll them.
    2.It change because of the laws that they made it was more orginized than what it was before without laws.3. I thought it was unfair because the laws are pretty strict compared to what we have now.4.I think they needed the laws more than ever because the state was probible crazy without laws.
    5.So they get what they messed up hard so they never do it again unless there dead.6.Everyone would be dead because they didn't follow the rules.7.

  14. #1beacause the people might think they own the hole town and they will destroy it
    #2it changed mesopotamia by teaching them not to steal or other things
    #3no beacause they did not want the world destroyed
    #4yes beacause they needed to be respectful to people
    #5so yhey would learn and not be bad

  15. 1. To have order in Mesopotamia and so that people counld not just do what ever then wanted.
    2.I dont think people would go against the code of Hammurabi because there are very seirios consoquenses.
    3. I think they are there for a good reason but i think they are to vilont.
    4. Yes, i think that these laws would make a good place even though they are really vilont.
    5. I think he thought that that was the way to make sure no one would brake the laws.
    6.First of all i think that their would be less people in the world because of the severe consoquenses and i think it would be very different. Kids proubly would not yell at their parents.
    7. The rules that effect me the most are school rules.

  16. #1 They made a set of laws so people wouldn't steal, kill, fight people, etc.

    #2 It changed Mesomotamia because then everyone wouldn't have the right to do whatever they want.

    #3 A lot of these laws were unfair. Example: You can go up to some that is crossing across the street with his or her ox, a person could come up and just push the ox over and the ox could get severly hurt or even killed. Example: If one has adoption parents, he can not say you are not my real parents, that one will get his tongue cut off.


  17. #1because witout them there would be chaos.#2It helped keep it a civalization longer.#3Yes because thef isn't a death level crime.#4Yes but some of them are unreasonable but some keep people from killing each other.#5So people would'nt even think of doing these crimes.#6There woud would be alot of people still alive and a lot of people out of jail.

  18. task#1
    i think the rules are not the best but he made the laws to make people not do bad things
    it changed mesopotamia because people would probley think twice about makeing a crime and might not even make that crime
    the law werent totally fair because the are pain ful and they are sorta fair because they shouldt have done it in the first place.
    yes,so they would make crime and steal as many things.
    because they shouldnt have done it any ways.

  19. task#1
    so there would not be as much kaos
    it controled the area so no kaos was happening
    task#3 yes becuase they had no loose things like getting killed for stealing
    yes becuase their would be a lot of kaos
    so no one would do the things they did

  20. #1 i think that he made the laws to make the civilization better beacause to many people were getting hurt.
    #2 people di not do the crimes as much as they usally did so it was probley a BIG change
    #3 yes i think it is a little unfair beacuse they dont need to die for the little things they do
    #4 yes i think they needed laws beacuse people were being to bad and were all over the place steeling and hurting
    #5 i think made them so harsh beacause he knew if they were nobody would do them beacause the did not want to die or get a limb cut off
    #6 i think it would be horrible beacuse some people do the little things and if they did those today and we still followed hammurabis code they would die or get a limb cut off
    #7 i think the goverment laws effect me most beacuse they are the ones where you get in most trouble usally.the laws i would change about today is nothing beacuse i think they are all neccesary and not as bad as the hammurabis code.

  21. #1 Because he did not like people doing bad things and they could do whatever they want
    #2 It changed by having punishment
    #3 I think they were unfair because if his son struck him he loses his hand.
    #4 Yes because a person would maybe steal some cattle, it wouldn't be fair for the person who lost cattle
    #5 So people would not do it
    #6 The world would be falling apart and there would be a lot of handless,tongueless, and earless people

  22. 1.I think that Hammurabi made a set of laws because if he did'nt then the people in the town would think that they owend the hole place.
    2.It changed Mesopotamia by teaching the people that its not good to steal or other things.
    3.No,because they did not want the world be destroyed.
    4.Yes, because they needed to be respectful.
    5.So, they would learn what they did.
    6.A lot of people would be dieing and injured.

  23. people cold not do what ever they wanted to do and get away with it. 2.people get their fair shair if they did something bad. 3.when you bring back a posetoin and die for no reson. i don't know why he made them so severe, maybe he was mad? 4.i dont know? i like the bad guy got in trobble but not the good guy.6.every one would be dead.

  24. #1- He made a set of laws because if he didn't the world would be in danger.

    #2- It made it a well civilized country.

    #3- No, because I think if they the people did it and nobody hurt them they would keep doing it.

    #4- Yes, because their wouldn't be anymore people left.

    #5- So people woulndn't do stuff.

    #6- Their would be less people because alot of people would have died from punishment.

    #7- I think that the law that stops people from stealing is the best because it would be hard to keep people from stealing things.

  25. because it was kaos.

    people would actualy get punished.

    no, exept accusing someone then getting killed(unless he really killed someone).

    so people would STOP.

    dont no but i'd kill myself.

    um not being able to steal

  26. 1.He made a set of laws to keep order and be organized.
    2.The people became better and didnt get in trouble as much.
    3.Some of them were. Like if you do something on accident it shouldnt have to be done to you.
    4.Yes, before the laws everyone was just doing whatever they wanted to.
    5.So that people wouldnt break the law.
    6.There wouldnt be as many crimes because the consecuences are a lot more severe.
    7.I think the laws about illegal drugs and underage drinking. I dont think i would change any of the laws.

  27. 1.He made a set of laws because without laws someone could go an kill you an nothing would happen but if someone kills you that person will be put to death.
    2.It changed Mesoptamia because with laws results in less crime. because you cant get away with everything or it would be chaos.
    4.Yes with no laws means you cant do anything with no consaquence.
    5.Because less crime would happen.
    6.A worst/better because laws back then normmaly resulted with death or breaking lims but today it rusults in years of jail.
    7.I would change nothing the law that takes effect in life most-often is stealing.

  28. becaus it was too caotic
    people did not brack as meny laws
    yes there were not fair
    yes becaus they didnt brack as meny laws
    to be safe

  29. to eaqualize mesopatamea
    not as many people broke the lawno they were eaqal and what had to be done
    yes peopleneed laws to keep an order
    to teach a lesson
    not much diferent stil punish ment
    id make it so if your mouth got you in you it you should have it taken away by that i mean cut of your tung

  30. #1. To keep order in the city.
    #2. Kept order in the city and there was not just unspoken laws.
    #3. Yes, i think they are very unreasonable. They were way to harsh! yes, there should be consaqueses but thats way harsh.
    #4. Yes, they needed laws because again they need order in their city.
    #5. To make sure everyone would follow these rules.
    #6. If people still did bad things there would be ALOT of people who would have died.
    #7. The laws in the city I think are good, because like you cant go around beating people up or killing them without suffering consaquestess. I would change in my school that the two team the red and the black could eat together at lunch.

  31. there wouldnt be any fighting or any killing.

    2.there wasnt as much killing and as much injurys.

    3.well no but the consiquences sould be not as hurtful.

    4.yes i do because they were so mean and the keep steeling and murduing. that the would stop whatever they wre doing. would be very painful and dangourous and i wouldnt like it.

    7.that do not hurt any one and just treat other people ow you want to be treated.

  32. 1. i think there should be laws because laws are important

  33. 1. He set laws because it was crazy there. 2.They changed because they were to harsh.3.Yes, because they were harsh.4.Yes, because since they were hars hand scared people.5. So people wouldn't do bad stuff. 6.It would be scary. 7. You can't drive until your 16.

  34. 1. He set laws because it was crazy there. 2.They changed because they were to harsh.3.Yes, because they were harsh.4.Yes, because since they were hars hand scared people.5. So people wouldn't do bad stuff. 6.It would be scary. 7. You can't drive until your 16.

  35. 1 he made laws to be more civilazaie

    2 it made the empire more strong

    3some people didnt have the choice to leave our to stay

    4so they don't kill each other constenly

    5so no one would try to break them

    6very confusing and hard

    7the on that you you have to go to school k-12 grade





  36. 1 he made laws to be more civilazaie

    2 it made the empire more strong

    3some people didnt have the choice to leave our to stay

    4so they don't kill each other constenly

    5so no one would try to break them

    6very confusing and hard

    7the on that you you have to go to school k-12 grade





  37. 1. I think he set laws because there was to much chaos without the laws.
    2. I made it more civilized because everybody could do what they wanted and that is not civilized.
    3. yes the laws where unfair and harsh because many times you did small things that you would have to pay with your life not go to jail or return it.
    4. I think people needed the laws so their was so much chaos and the laws would make people think twice and it would scare people into not doing bad things.
    5.Because maby he thought that if he made them to light alot of people would ignore the laws.
    6.I think that their would be less crime because people would be more scared and not break laws as much
    7. the law of age to drive, I would change the law of drinking because in sted of 21 i would make it 18 when you move out of your parents house

  38. 1. I think he set laws because there was to much chaos without the laws.
    2. I made it more civilized because everybody could do what they wanted and that is not civilized.
    3. yes the laws where unfair and harsh because many times you did small things that you would have to pay with your life not go to jail or return it.
    4. I think people needed the laws so their was so much chaos and the laws would make people think twice and it would scare people into not doing bad things.
    5.Because maby he thought that if he made them to light alot of people would ignore the laws.
    6.I think that their would be less crime because people would be more scared and not break laws as much
    7. the law of age to drive, I would change the law of drinking because in sted of 21 i would make it 18 when you move out of your parents house

  39. 1. So that he could make his town a real establishment.
    2. It changed in to a legal civilization.
    3. Yes they were; they should have their hands cut off for hitting the parent that is unfair and illegal in the us.
    4. Yes they did so they would not be able to get away with killing anyone they want.
    5. He didnt want anyone to think he was joking.
    6. It would be a cruel world handless children everywhere and not as many people in the world.
    7. I would change the law that gay people cant get married because it is none of the governments buisness.

  40. taylor fjerestad pd.4October 19, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    1.Because he wanted the people to be even with each another.

    2. It made the head empire more strong

    3. If you do something wrong you will die and you wont go to jail for your punishment.

    4. yes so they dont run off and get beat up and nobody will help you. nobody would try to break them.

    6. people would die alot and the population would go down.

    7. I might die.

  41. #1to make mesopotamia more civalized.

    #2It changed becaus everyone acted better to everybody

    #3yes,the punishments are to harsh.


  42. Ethan H.
    1. I think he made the laws because he thought the world had to be better.

    2. Because if someone hit someone nobody could do anything but with the laws they could do something not just sit around.

    3. No, I don't think they were unfair because they deserved a consaquence for what they did.

    4. Yes, I think

  43. #1. To make order in Mesopotamia.

    #2. It made order in Mesopotamia.

    #3. No, because they made order in Mesopotamia.

    #4. They needed laws because without laws there was chaos.

    #5. Because there where truble makers.

  44. #1:He made a set of laws because they needed order in Mesopotamia.
    #2:It made some order but, some people didn't listen.
    #3:Some of the laws were unfair because they didn't make sense but, some of them were sensible.
    #4:Yes, I think the people of Mesopotamia needed these laws to make civilization.
    #5:He made the consequences so severe because he wanted to get it clear to people that there were laws they needed to follow.
    #6:People would not be as free as we are now, and there might not have been a constitution to this very day if we still followed Hammurabi's Code.

  45. #1. He made the set of rules so Mesopotamia wouldn't have as much chaos.
    #2. It made it a little more civilized.
    #3. I think they were because if someone messed up they dont need to lose there hands or die.
    #4. They needed them sometimes because then there wouldn't be as many bad people in the world but it is unfair to lose your life or a hand.
    #5. So nobody would do them again.
    #6. I think it wouldn't be so pleasnt to live in because if you do one little thing wrong it could be bad.
    #7. Number one effects me the most because if I hurt someon I dont want them to hurt me.

  46. 1. began to in still somE order and justice in the world.
    2. We have also seen the level of harsheness some of these laws carrey for being broken.
    3.if u didnt do any thing you are going to get blamed by it.
    4. they needed a loyer.
    5. to makethe a better place.
    6. it would look like a ghost town. could be better.

  47. 7.The law that effects me the most,is basically all of them because if we did'nt have one law then it would'nt be the same.All im saying is,if the world did'nt have laws then it would be a horrible world.

  48. #6everybody is be respecful and nice
    #7listening to your parents. nothing.

  49. 1. because i think there should be laws because they help the invirement. But there shouldt be that of cocequeneces.

    2. there was more people dieing

    3.kinda cause there concequences were really bad for stupid things.

    4. yes other wise the town would be chaos.

    5.cause he proble wanted a better town.

    6. there wouldn't be a world left.

    7. listening to the law

  50. 1. He thought it would teach mesopotamina in line.

    2. I think it just made it worse and there all prettey harsh penalties.

    3. yes beacause there prettey munch all having to do with vilance.
    4. No ther harsh, painful,bone crushing, and very very unfair.
    5. He wanted people to learn their lesson.
    6. Stressful,painfull,eye watering,and scary.
    7. Id make life simple not painful or stressful thats all just wrong.

  51. 1. Because there were no laws and he was king.

    2. It got better, because there was less crimes.

    3. yes, because they are crazy, and I think some are pointless.

    4. Yes and no because there were less crimes but the punishments almost always result in death.

    5. because i think he was crazy.

    6. crazy and almost everybody would get a death centence.

    7. i would change how old you have to be to drive,and hunt.

  52. 1.he made a set of laws so the people would be more respectful of others

    2.Yes because they did not fight as much because i think it would have been better for them

    4.yes so they wouldn't fight as much

    5.So there would not be as much fighting and not so much problems

    6.the world would very violent

    7.basicly all of them.i would be very very careful what i do.

  53. #1. So his kingdom would be more safe.
    #2. People couldn't do something to someone and get away with it anymore.
    #3. Some, the bad one is because if a girl didn't want to be with her husband but he did, then she would have to stay. the good one is because an eye for an eye so people wouldn't get away with hurting someone.
    #4. Yes, so they wouldn't kill everyone.
    #5. So people would know not to do it.
    #6. No, a lot more people would be dead. food in class

  54. 1.they are a little bit dramatic about some of these things.
    2.hammurabi wnated to set some laws because he wanted to orginize commmunity.
    3.I think they were a little hard on people and unfair.
    4.and you would get killed just if you lied to a person about anything.
    5.and if you said that your parents are not yuor parent then you get your tounge cut off.

  55. #1. so there would be punish ment for those who did bad things to other people.

    #2. it made it a whole lot more safe.

    #3. no because some people need to be punished for their actions.

    #4. yes because it would teach them to be more careful on what they want to do.

    #5. so they would learn to be nicer to peeple.

    #6. really really bad and kind of weird {dumb answer}.

    #7. no chores or you cant were flip to the flop {flip flops} all year round.

  56. 1. So peaple weren't running around the world killing eatchother with all chaos, instead they were civalized.

    2. It was a big step of being the first group of peaple that were civalized.
    3.Yes, they were very harsh and painfull rather than paing a fine or not as mutch pain I mean GOSH!

    4.So they weren't running around killing people.

    5. So peaple weren't doing bad stuff again, so they learned there lesson.

    6.There would be Alot less crimes because they would learn there lesson and noyt do it again.

    I'm don't realey think theres laws we should change because we have good laws with good president.

  57. 1.Hammurabi made laws because everyone didnt have expectations in what to do . Now theres laws and if people break them if they do.....well JAIL!!!

    2.Mesopotamia changed by having rules so people dont break them.

    3.THey were unfair.....exspically the one about women!! if they didnt want to be with there husband they had to stay with them if the man still wanted to be with her.

    4.Yes, they need these laws because people keep stealing and murdering people.

    5.Hammurabi made them so severe because that means they know the consequences and they won't do it again !

    6. Everyone would protest and hate it.....i would probably be dead...just kidding im nice...!

    7.I would hate it so much ! I would talk to much and if i say something bad about my parents i get my tounge chopped off ! I cant stop talking.

  58. 1. Hammurabi made a set of laws so people would't try to break peoople

    2. The code of Hammurabe change Mesopotamia because if you broke someone arm they will break your bone and to bring peace to be some written laws.

    3. Yes the laws are unfair because if you break someone arm they would break yours and I don't think that is fair.

    4.Yes I do think that they need laws or they could kill people and get away.

    5. They made it that way so you wouldn't break the laws.

    6. The world would be mean and I would be dead by now.

    7.I think the laws that effect me most as if you put out the fire and you found a cake you wanted to eat you would be in the fire because they would throw you in. If I could change the law I would change the no gum chewing law in school that is the law I would choose to change.

  59. 1. he wanted people to get more civlized

    2. so people did not do crims any more

    3. yes, because some did crimes but did not get in trouble

    4. no, because the laws are unfair

    5.he liked people geting hurt

    6. horible

    7.not to hurt my sister

  60. 1. hammurabi wanted a set of laws becuase he wanted a organized community.
    2. The code of Hammurabi changed mesopatamia becuase they were so srtick that the people had to listen to them becuase if t hey didnt the were put to death.
    3.i think that he laws were unfair becuase now adays if u steal something you ethier get a fine or a you have to go to jai. But in mesopatamia you will be put to death.
    4. I dont think they needed THOSE laws becuase they were pretty harsh... but if they had some different ones that were too harsh that could have been fine to.
    5.Maybe he made them becuase he was a VERY MEAN MAN!!!!
    6. The world would be sooo mest up if we still had his code becuase they would make every body be mean.
    7. The one law that effects me is the driving law. I would change that law becuase i think its unfair that we have to be 16 to drive.

  61. #1 So He could Keep Mesopotamia in order and keep it organized.
    #2 The laws keeped people in shape and made Mesopotamia better and nicer and there were more people dying.
    #3 Back in Mesopotamia it was probably fair but today it would be unfair because alot of things have changed.
    #4 Back then i do think they needed laws because there were some really bad people back then.
    #5 Well back then it was a horrible time and many things were different from now so if someone did something horrible times 1000 they should get a huge punishment.
    #6 I think right now we would be slaves for all of the powerful people!
    #7 That you can't ride your bike on the sidewalk unless you have a lisence wich i think that is just wack.

  62. 1.I think he made the laws because if you did something wrong and you got a away with it that would not be fair for the other person.

    2.I think it changed Mesopoamia because the bad peopel started to think a littel more on what they did.

    3.I dont think that they were unfair I think the punishments to them were a littel big.

    4.I think that some of the laws are unfair but not all of them because some of them dont make sence amd some do.


  63. #1. To make people be more respectful to there city.

    #2. It made them better people and they didn't fight as much.

    #3. Yes because you might accadently poke somebodies eye out if you are playing a rough game and then your eye will be poked out for no reason.

    #4. No because they were fine how they were because they weren't scared of loosing an eye or tooth. So they didn't do as many things as before the rule.

    #5. He thought they would be better people for him and everybody else.

    #6. Horrible because everybody would hate it and it made people different and not do anything fun.

    #7. I would change the rule about smoking at the age of 18 I would just make it illigal. It is so bad for you If I could when I saw somebody smoking I would grab the pack of cigerets and throw them away.

  64. #1- It was to make the pepole care more about the city.

    #2- the way it changed mesopotamia is

  65. people would stop doing unrightful things.

    2.people stoped doing crazy things.

    3.yes because the cosequences were do to what was done to someone else.

    4.yes besause that way people would learn thier lesson and stop doing bad things. people would take after the consequences and never disobey the laws.

    6.i think people would be obeying the laws because they wondn't want to die.


  66. 6.the ywould live in pain law is too drive and you have to be 16.

  67. 1.To keep everyone under control.

    2.I guess everyone started calming down and barly anything happened any more

    3.yes.because in law 4, just because you acused someone doesn't mean you have to KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4.because everyone was problably doing whatever they wanted and hammurabi problably wanted them to calm down.

  68. 1. I Think he makes a set of laws becausehe wants to make Mesopatamia a civilized and safer city-state.
    2. It probably helped them so everyone wasn't going around stealing and murdering and getting away with it.
    3. I think some of them were, like when a woman wants to leave his husband she couldn't.
    4. Yes, because if there wasn't some of these laws i think Mesopatamia would be very un-civilized.
    5. He made them very severe so everyone would obey them.
    6. It wouldn't be a free country and I think it would be hard to live.
    7. School rules efect me most. I think I would change the no-talking rule becausse then kids could discuss there answers and tell them to each other in an easier way to comprehend.

  69. 1.cause the the laws they had were just rude cause if u poked someones eye out you have to get your eye popped out just cause of that.
    2.they better laws than before.
    3.yes,because the laws were unicepital.
    4.YES cause people were treated unfair.
    5.cause he changed the laws instead of keeping the laws that he had!!!!!
    6.i think i would probley be really angrey cause i don't like the laws that they had back then!!!!
    7.they one were the eye for an eye tooth for a tooth!!!

  70. 1. Hy wonded to make life eser for people.
    2.It made more people be killed or injured.
    3. Yes, I don't think they deserved to have their tongue cut out or arm cut off.

  71. 1 Because he didnt want any body to get trouble. He want evreything to be good.
    2. Evreything was calm and quiet.
    3. I think its unfair

  72. 1. I think that the Hammurabi made laws because it was important that the people would behave and follow rules that atain to everybody. 2. I think that the law of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia because the people behave and follow the laws.they also have changed in there atitudes there won't be as much trouble. 3. Some of them were some of them weren't. the one that says if a builder builds a house and it falls down on the owner of that house then I agree that the builder should be killed. 4. Mesopotamia wasn't to bad before the laws but they could use some changes and that really helped them look better in front of diffrent places.5. Because thet thought that it wasn't fair to do bad things to other people. 6.

  73. 1. So poeple don't act as if they can do anything they want.

    2. It made it an lawful city and not lawless.

    3. Yes, if a person destroyed a man's house and nobody saw, the house builder would die.

    4. Yes, to keep them from murder or other things.

    5. So people would be sure to not break them.

    6. There wouldn't be so many jails and proplems, but alot of people would die.

    7. I wouldn' change any type of rule or law.

  74. 1. Because he wanted to have a civilization of his own.

    2. It turned Mesopatamia into a legimate civilization.

    3. Yes because if cut someones finger on accident you have to get your finger cut off.

    4.Yes, because you wouldnt want to get murderd and have them not get punished.

    5.So you know not to do it again.

    6.People wouldnt do the things they do today like robbing someones house and murdering people.

    7.talking back to my perant and geting grounded.

  75. #1-answer I think Hammurabi made a set of laws so things would not get out of hand and people would not want to kill each other. #2-answer there wre less murders and people did not do as much bad stuff as before they has the code. #3-answer yes because if they accidentily did these things they would have a horrible punishment.

  76. keep order in mesopotamia made it more organized and fairer for people who have had something bad happen to them.,it was fair because what you did for someone that happened to you also,because i dont think very many people would break laws
    5. because he wanted people to learn from their mistakes and never do it again.
    6. a lot of people would die from stealing and other ad things and the laws would be a lot stricter
    7.i would enforce the eye for an eye tooth for a tooth law because then people would not hurt other people or murder

  77. Makayla Peterson Period 9October 19, 2009 at 2:55 PM

    1. I think Hammurabi set laws so he could be in charge or maybe there was just to many people.
    2. It changed them becouse if you did something wrong you would like be put to death or have to do the same thing you did to the other person.
    3. Yes, i think the one where if the wife wanted to leave the husband she would have to become his slave.
    4. No, I dont think they needed those laws they needed ones like jall insead of death.
    5. Because maybe they didnt know jall was invented yet.
    6. I think it would be a lot harder life and there would not be many people around.
    7. I think the laws that effect me the most is doing my chores everyday if I dont I get grounded.
    I would change that I only have to do chores every other day.

  78. Madison Mogck 9th periodOctober 19, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    1. I think Hammurabi made a set of laws because he probably thought that Babylonia would be a better place if there were laws.
    2. Well I think it helped the people there in Mesopotamia to learn there mistakes because of how many laws Hammurabi made.
    3. No, and people will think that it is unfair because we are just so used to different laws like just being put in jail and stuff but i dont think that it is because you should get treated by how you treat people. So if you chop a guys arm off, yours should get chopped of too.
    4. I think they should've because Hammurabi's laws kinda helped people to not do what you arent suppose to do.
    5. I am sure Hammurabi made the consequences so severe because I think he wanted to keep his people safe, and you know not be wild animals running for their lives all over the place.
    6. I think if we had Hammurabi's code today, I would think that there would be no people left because alot of people in the world do bad stuff and if you did with Hammurabi's code you would die right away. And I think people do at least something bad every day.
    7. The laws that effect me most in life would probably be the not driving till you are 14. I think you should be able to drive when you are 12, not just because i am 12, but because we learn expierences every day and this would probably be the age where we start to be so mature.

  79. 1.To make babylion (sorry if I spelt that wrong) more safe.
    2.It made Mesopotamia more civilized.
    3.They were unfair beause a person could have accedentily taken out someone's tooth and then that person would lose a tooth
    4.No they didn't because these laws were very mean and harmful.
    5.Hammurabi wanted a person to hurt like the person they hurt.
    6.The world would be a big mess if we all still followed Hammurabi's laws.
    7.The first laws you stated because if I hit my brother he will hit me back. I would change the rule that says no gum in school 'cause gum helps me consentrate.

  80. 1. for justice

    2. mesopotamia had some cizilization

    3. I think don't think they are fair. Should someone have the same thing done to them if they do wrong? Wouldn't they just want to do even more bad deeds? It's kind of like a revenge sort of thing.

    4. I think that they needed laws but not as harsh ones

    5. so they wouldn't do it again

    6. cruel and merciless

    7. the divorce law, accusation laws because first of all, for the divorce law we don't have slaves second, people would be dying all the time

  81. 1. He made laws to have justice and peace.
    2. It changeed it because there where not just people running around and doing bad things.
    3. I think they where because they where to harsh on them.
    4. I think they should of had different laws.
    5. I think he made it so no one else would do after one person did or thats what he thought would happen
    6. Every one would be crazy.
    7. That no one can do drugs.

  82. I thinh that the laws are harsh and unfair because it seams unnatural and they don't always have proof of what hapened.
    1. He made the set of laws to help make a better mesopotamia.
    2. It changed becausethey had laws to follow.
    3. Yes, these laws were unfair because they had to many people die.
    4. No they do not need these laws because they are unfair.
    5. He made them so severe to make a point to everyone tthat this is how it will be from now on.
    6. It would not be as good of a place as it is right now.
    7.I don't have any laws/ rules that efect me most in my life.

  83. 1. So there would be more order in his country, and there wouldn't be as much confusion.
    2.It made it so the people had rules to follow. It helped out and it made it harder for people.
    3.Some of these laws were unfair. If someone really did hurt another person the person who got hurt would be put to death if they didn't have a witness.
    4.Some people did need these laws, but the majority didn't. Most people would treat eachother how they would want to be treated.
    5.Most laws had a much too severe consequense. Most laws you were put to death for nothing!
    6.Alot of people would be dead if we still went by Hammurabi's code. We wouldn't have as much freedom as we do today.
    7.The laws that effect me are alot of driving rules. I wouldn't have kids that go to kindergarden ride in booster seats or car seats. Alot of rules are unnessicary in today's world.

  84. Sheila Coyle 9 period :)October 19, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    1.I think they made them because they would get away with doing them if there were no laws.
    2.I think it helped them alot because they would not break the laws so they don't get hurt
    3.I think they were unfair because if I lose something and I say it is mine and have no proof I would not want to die.
    4.I don't think they should have those laws because they just seem unfair.
    5.I think he made them so they don't do any of those things and get away with it.
    6.I think it would be awful because my sisters and my stepbrother hurt or try to hurt me or someone else alot!
    7.The laws my school and my parents make effect me alot they make me a better person. I would not change any of the rules,I like the rules that we have now.

  85. 1. i think there should be laws becuse then people would do the rite thing.
    2.There was more people dieng every day.
    3.consiquences were very bad.
    4.Yes because other wise mesopatamia would be a choas place.
    5.people wanted a lot better town.
    6.peple would be i jail a l0ong time and a lot of people dieng.
    7.I would be in jail and probly be dead rite now.

  86. Bailey Durfee period9thOctober 19, 2009 at 2:59 PM

    #1- I tink that Hammurabi made a set of laws so that the world would not be so crazy and ther would be a little bit of peace

    #2- The laws changed Mesopotamia because the people wereent aloud to just do what ever they wanted when they wanted and if they did it would be done back to them

    #3- No, i dont think that they were unfair because they can see how it made them feel and they can think how the other person felt

    #4- yes, i dont think that he would have spent all of his time wrightin grules they didnt even need

    #5- I think that they were so severe because then they would remember how they felt and they would never do it again

    #6- I would like it but i would also hate it because in a way it would be better because maybe there wouldnt be as much violence but also it could just make more violince

    #7- I think the law that effects the me the most is the no driveing till you are 14 Because i hate the bus sooooo much!!
    I tink that you should be able to at least have your restricted when you are 12!

  87. 1.I think that Hammurabi set these laws to try to be more civilized.
    2.The code of Hammurabi made Mesopotamia have less viloence.
    3.Yes, these laws wre very unfair, the punishments were way to harsh.
    4.sort of yes sort of no, they needed laws to be civlized and to get rid of some violence.No, they still needed laws just not so harsh.
    5.Hammurabi made the laws so harsh so no one would do it.
    6.I think that there would be less crimes but we'd be terrified of our leader. We'd also have alot of people missing limbs.
    7.Alot of laws efect me every day I can't even try to name them all. I don't know that I would change any laws. I think they work petty good.

  88. 1.because back then things were going crazy.

    2.more people died

    3.yes, because those laws are really dumb u shouldnt have to jump in a river to see if your gilty or not. because they could of settled it there selfs with a fight not death.

    5.because someone did something bad and he wanted to punish them.

    6.alot of more people would be dead.

    7.No gum in school,and tardy, no phones in class and i would change all those rules.

  89. #1 He made the laws so that it would put instill and justice into the world
    #2 It changed Mesopotamia because it was a big step to establishing Mesopotamia as a legitimate civilizatioin
    #3 Yes some of them where unfair because if a woman wanted to get a divorce it had to be alright with her man and if it wasn't she became a slave for them
    #4 Most no beacause if someone stole something they would have to jump in a river and if they sunk the other person got their house but if they got across the other man got killed and thats STUPID
    #5 Beacause if someone got hurt he wanted the other person to feel how bad it felt too
    #6 I honestly think that would suck because if a son it their dad they would get their hands cut off
    #7 The law that effects most of my life is ? I would change that teachers are not allowed to give a limit of over 3 pages of work

  90. #1. think that why he made the laws is because knowone would listen to him.
    #2. that more people are nicer.
    #3. yes they where! the reason why is because is that if some one touck something for a house insted they need to give it back and not kill the pearson how touck it.
    #4. no. and why well some people dont do that and yes some peolpe do.

  91. 1 beacuse he wanted people to be nice.
    2 when people lered about the code they new about it they were good.
    3 no beacuse i know people would do bad things so no they were not unfair.
    4 no he would be put to death.

  92. #1 if he didn't make the laws then the world would probobly be like torcher and you can't do anything about it

    #2 it made people think about what not to do and what you can do

    #3 yes, they were unfair because what if you brake someones are on accident? why should you have that done to you when you didn't mean to?

    #4 yes, because then people would be able to do whatever they want and not have any consequences

    #5 i'm not really sure why he did this but, he might think that if it happened it must have been on perpose

    #6 it would be no where near peacful; infact, there probobly would be more hatred in the world than civillization itself

    #7 one law that is still kind of inforced but not a law anymore that i really really dislike is how someones skin color or religian effects everything they do. i mean, can't someone live a normal life without any of the critisizome of their appearance?

  93. 1. He was mad with power.

    2. A lot of people were fowling the laws.

    3. Not all of them were, I get the eye for an eye law but not the devoresing law.

    4. No not all of them like the slave one thats just uncalled for.

    5. He was a mad man.

    6. civilized.

    7. to fowlo the laws.

  94. 1.He made the laws because without them Mesopotamia would be crazy

    2.The code changed because more people were dieing

    3.Yes because if someone accidently poked a guys eye out. He shouldnt have to get his eye poked out.

    4.Yes, because without them Mesopotamia would be really crazy.

    5.He made them so severe because he wanted the people to be good.

    6.It would be crazy because a lot of people would be dieing.

  95. 1.Because every one should have laws.
    2.Well every one probabley folowed the rules and the rules didnt get broken.
    3.yes because on of the rules where that it prity much had to be upto the husbend if they wanted to get a davors or not and if the wife divors him she has to be his slave. because they are not fair.

  96. #1 Hammurabi made laws because people were doing what ever they wanted ad that wasn't right.
    #2 When Hammurabi made the laws the people felt safer.
    #3 Yes they were unfair because when the woman wanted to devorce it was realy the mens dececion if the man didn't want to the woman would be the servent.
    #4 Because there were bad people back then too
    #5 Because he didn't want people to break his laws.
    #6 There woulden't be as many people around today. They would be sentenced to death.
    #7 I would change the law no stealing I mean why can't everything be free. I would also change the rule no running in the halls. What if you are late for class.

  97. 1. They had laws for justice.

    2. Mesopotamia had civilization

    3. I thought it was not fair because the people did not need to get hurt the first time they did something bad. They should get a worning.

    4. I think they should have some laws but not all of the laws that they had.

    5. Because he wanted to have the people to be perfect.

    6. I think the world would still be the same but it would be scarry.

    7. The laws that efect me the most are that people like to do drugs and thay are weird people. I would like to keep the laws how they are still.

  98. 1. he set the laws so people would not do bad things.

    2. the laws they made people relize that they don,t want to live in alife of crime.

    3.these laws are very harsh becase people somtimes get into fights and then when that happens they cut off their hands.

    4.I don,t think they need that harsh of laws.

    5.becase he diden't want crimanals in his city. will be chaous in SD will afect my life biggly

  99. 1.To calm everybody down.

    2.everybody started calming down.

    3.yes.because, just because you accuse someone doesn't mean you have to KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone would stop doing bad things that were problably illegal. everyone would stop doing bad things and there would be peace.

    6.a ton more people would be dead.

    7.none, really.I would let everyone bring electronicks to school, but they could only use them if ALL their work was done.

  100. #7 No laws realy effect me because I'm not the type of person to break them, I probly wouldn't change any laws because they're reasonable.

  101. #5
    So that people would not take things that were valuable and because the word would have been hectic with people running around killing other people.

    The world would probably have less people because the punishments for stealing was death and there is a lot of stealing in todays world.

    A lot of laws effect me and/or my family such as no stealing though some people may not follow that rule most people do.
    i wouldn't change andthing about todays laws.

  102. help become a ligitimate civilization.
    2.helped to bring order to the civilization. because whatever you did to harm or kill somebody you got back the same.
    4.I think mesopamia needed laws because without them there would be chaos.
    5.because he wanted his civilization to have consequences for what they did.
    6.there would be less violence and crime.
    7.I cant drive,and cant chew gum in school.I would not change any of the laws because they are all reasonable.

  103. i have to do project on him he is way to cruel i mean an eye for an eye what the heck i am in mrs.loopers class darnell cookman 6 grade


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