
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stone Age Study Guide

Stone Age Study Guide - Answers

1. The test is on WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
2. The study guided handed out is shorter than the one on the blog. In order to receive full credit for the study guide, the student only needs to fill out what was handed out to them in class. However, the study guide on the blog covers everything that will be on the test, so it would be helpful to look over the entire study guide on the blog.

Good Luck!


  1. Artafacts were found at a digsite by archeolgists. They found bones on a glacher that were domastactied. And the people would harvist the plants. As they developt thecnology. Most of them were nomadsAnd they would migrate. And the scients would carbondate.

  2. Thank you for the study guide!


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