
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello, Egypt!

Water for Sixth Grade would like to welcome our new friends from Cairo, Egypt-Home of the Great Pyramid. This is our most exciting connection thus far, due to the fact we study Ancient Egypt and learn about Pyramids, the Nile, Mummies, etc. Thank you very much for being a part of International Connections. We are very excited to learn about Egypt. Thank you to Mrs. Kerwood for her willingness to participate. Despite the fact the world is a huge place, the Internet can shrink the world and bring it into our classroom. We may never actually go to Egypt, but with this Connection, we will feel like we have been there because we will be talking to you-students actually living in Egypt. I can not express enough how thankful and appreciative I am to you for participating.
Directions: To answer the following questions, click on "comments" A small pop-up window will appear with an area to type your answers. After you have typed all that you want, click the circle next to "Name" and type your name. Do NOT enter a URL address, just leave that blank.

1. What is a typical school day like in Egypt? (how many classes do you have, do you switch teachers, what types of classes do you have, etc. Anything about your school day.)

2. What do you do for fun in your free time?

3. What type of food do you eat? What are popular foods in your country?

4. What is the weather like in Egypt?

5. What type of clothing do you wear?

6. What Holidays do you celebrate?

7. Share anything else about your country that you want. Can you tell us about the Pyramids? What are the pyramids like? What is the Nile river like? Please tell us more about Egypt. Things that may be simple and uninteresting to you, will be fascinating to us.


  1. I can not wait for these egyptians to blog. I hope that we will learn tons of things.

  2. Oh my gosh i totally can't wait for the egytians to blog. i hope we learn lots of stuff too!

  3. Troy I think I am turning Japanese SmallApril 3, 2009 at 9:12 AM

    I cant wait to hear what the Egyptians have to say!!! Can't wait! I have to go People are throwing tomatoes at my dog!!!

  4. American International School in EgyptApril 7, 2009 at 10:20 AM

    Hello South Dakota! Greetings from Egypt! Thank you all for inviting us to your wonderful site.
    Our typical school day has five classes. Each class is an hour and lunch is 45 minutes long. We have social studies, English, extended English, music, art, computers, PE, Arabic, science and math on a rotating schedule.

    In our free time, we watch TV, play with PlayStation, go on Facebook, play soccer, and play computer games. We like to eat fool (beans) with tamiya (fried chickpea patties), ats (lentil soup), fool (beans), koshari (macaroni, chickpeas, tomato sauce and onions dish), basbousa (cakes with syrup), feta (white cheese), fateer (flatbread with sweet or savory topping), konafah (phyllo with toppings), asoud (molasses), tahini, roz laban (rice and milk pudding), kebab (grilled meat), fasikh and ringa (fish dishes).

    The weather in Egypt in the summer is very hot and dry. In the summer we wear shorts and t-shirts, in the winter we wear long pants and shirts and coats. The winters in Egypt are quite cool, 50 - 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The people wear winter coats, especially at night when the temperature drops even lower.

    We have big shopping malls with all the international shops. At school we wear school uniforms—navy blue pants, white shirts with a collar and a badge. We like to wear Converse or Vans.

    We celebrate the prophet Mohamed's birthday and the Eid. There are two Eid celebrations in the year. The big Eid is in the end of the year, and we sacrifice sheep like some of our prophets did. We also celebrate Ramadan. We stay until sundown everyday without eating or drinking. Also there is 6th of October, the day we won the war with Israel. So, we have a holiday from school. Christians and others also celebrate Christmas.

    We have many tourist sites in Egypt, for example, the pyramids, and the sphinx. Cairo has a population of about 20 million people. Many people like to travel to Ain Sukna, or Sharm el-Shaikh or Marsa Alam, or Marina, Algouna to watch coral reefs.

    Egypt is also known for the Nile River, the longest river in the world. The ancient Egyptians used the Nile to go from place to place. When people come to Egypt they visit the pyramids and the Khan al Khalili. They go inside the pyramids to see the Egyptian mummification.

  5. Wow I just read the post from Egypt, it is amazing what people there do.

  6. Rach 4Horner[a.k.a] misslaughalotApril 16, 2009 at 8:01 PM

    The foods they eat wow I would love to try at least one of the foods from there menu or w/e its called. [someday]

  7. hey its denton its going to be sweet what the egiptians have to say got to go


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