
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hello, Brazil!

Hello, Brazil. Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade. My name is Mr. Klumper. I am very excited and honored to welcome you into our world here in Brandon, South Dakota, USA. My students and I are looking forward to learning about Brazil and learning about you. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. I would ask that you would simply answer the questions we have posted for you. Answer as many as you would like. If there is a question you do not want to answer, that is okay. We want to learn as much about you, your school, and your country as possible. Please include your first name only. When you publish your comment, simply click the circle before "Name" and type your first name. Do not type in an URL address. Just your name is all you need to do.
1. What is a typical school day like in Brazil? (how many classes do you have, do you switch teachers, what types of classes do you have, etc. Anything about your school day.)

2. What do you do for fun in your free time?

3. What type of food do you eat? What are popular foods in your country?

4. What is the weather like in Brazil?

5. What type of clothing do you wear?

6. What Holidays do you celebrate?

Again, Thank you very much for participating!


  1. I am excited for new people to blog! Hello Brazil! BLOG ON!!!

  2. hello brazil its walker.i'm mr.klumpers favorite student (he told me) and i just wanted to say wats up...

  3. hey mr. klumper hows the brazil thing working out for you.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hehe bye p.s. this was not emily harris hehe ok ya it was. =)

  4. Hey Brazil, I can't wait for your answers!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mr. klumper if u go to google to google and type in my name Macy Murren then it will come up as the roman noodles blog funny huh


  6. Come to my blog at

  7. WALKER YOU ARE NOT MR.K'S FAVORITE STUDENT i am. and so is alli. i really dont think brazil isnt going to post.

  8. Hello everybody. I am here to speak on behalf of my students. I am sorry for the delay but as I explained to Dan we've been kind of busy down here. To make matters even worse we had a week off (Yeah!!!) for the Carnival, which is a huge party here. We usually say nothing really works in Brazil before Carnival. Anyway, we're back to our reality now and I'll telling the students to visit the blog and answer the questions. This is something new for us - the use of Technology (webtools) in the classroom. I must tell you that I teach them at a Language Institute - it's a Binational Center called CCBEU (Centro Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos)and they'll certainly learn a lot from you native speakers of English. Well, wait for us! Thanks for the interest in getting to know more about our country.See you.... Gilmar Mattos


Sign your name: (class period) (group name) (First name)
Thank you.