
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finish Greece, Please...

Congratulations for finishing the Ancient Greece Unit. However, you have one last thing to do before we officially "shut the book" on Greece. We have covered a multitude of topics throughout this unit: mythology, geography, government, city-states, war, religion, way of life, etc. On our final day of Greece, to finish not only your test, but also to finish the unit, let us now blog about a few topics we studied throughout the Unit. This is the second part of your test, so work hard and do a good job on it.
Task 1: Tell me about the Story of Zeus. (His birth, about his father eating his kids, etc.)
Task 2: What do you think about Greek Mythology? (Just give me your opinion. Be sure to support your opinion with examples.)
Task 3: Tell me about Democracy by answering the following questions: What is it? Who Rules? What are the advantages of this form of Government? Are there disadvantages? What happens when the population gets too large?
Blog Advantage: You may use your Notes for this Post.

Points: 30 (10 points per Task)
Each Task should be about 4 or 5 sentences.
DUE: February 6th, 2009. 8:00 p.m. Yes, this date is two days after the test, however, the advantage you have with the Blog is that I give you a couple extra days to get things done, taking into account not everybody has Internet at home.

This is an important Post on Water for Sixth Grade. Share your knowledge of Mythology and Democracy with the world. Over a hundred countries will be tuning in to read our thoughts. Good Luck, and as always, Thank you very much.


  1. Task 1.The story of Zeus. Cronus was afraid that he would be overruled by one of his children (which did happen). So Cronus ate all of his children,except one. And the one that he didn't eat(Zeus) was replaced with a rock. The Zeus gave his father (Cronus) something that he drank and it was something to make Cronus puke and he hacked up all of Zeus's syblings. And Zeus overruled Cronus.

  2. Task 2.What I think about Greek Mythology. I think that the Ancient Greek unit was ok. It was a good idea for us to have those speeches about a god,goddess, or titan. It was also fun to make the boardgames and play other people's board games.

  3. Task 3. Democracy. Democracy is government by people. People rule. The advantages are that people in the democracy can vote. The disadvantages are that the population could get too big. When that happens, there will have to be a certain amount of people in the democracy.

  4. The story of Zeus.

    When zeus was born his father Cronous thought that one fo his children would over power him. So he ate all of them up but zeuses mother switch him with a rock. So cronous ate a rock and not zues. Late when zues grew up gave his father a poisiones drink to make him vomet up the other childen. When the came out they were fulley grown.

  5. Task #1

    Cronus, RHea's husband was an evil man. They decided to have kids. Cronus was an evil man, so he was told, that one of his kids would overthrow him. He ate all the kids but one. Zeus was the lucky one. Rhea had gotten so sad because he was eating all her kids. She had it with him. She wrapped a rock in a blanket ,instead of Zeus, and fed it to him. She tricked him. Later on in life, Zeus went to Mt. Olympia, and fought Cronus. He rained victory! Zeus gave him poison , which in return, he had to throw up all Zeus's siblings.

  6. Task 1
    Zeus has a father named Cronus and a mother named Rhea. Cronus eats all of his children, fearing that one would overthrow him as king. Rhea tricks Cronus out of eating the sixth child, Zeus. Rhea tricks him by giving Cronus a rock instead of a baby, which allows Zeus to escape. Zeus grew up and became a very strong god. Zeus went back to Mt. Olympus and gives Cronus a poisonous drink that caused him to throw up all the kids he swallowed. Zeus defeats Cronus and becomes ruler of all gods.
    Task 2
    I thought Ancient Greece was a very interesting Unit especially because of all the Gods and Goddesses stuff. Although I am eager to learn about the other stuff about Greece that wasn't school appropriate. I am sure I will learn about it sometime in high school.
    Task 3
    Democracy means ruling by the people. All the people in the city have an opinion. So every person rules. The advantages are that everyone can have a right not just the wealthy people. The Disadvantages are that the city may get overpopulated and it could get very diffucult for everyone to vote because so many people being in one exact place.

  7. Cronus is zeuses dad but did you know that zeuses dad ate the rest of his kids except zeus because cronuses wife rhia didn't want her dids to be eaten so she put a rock in the babey blanket to make it look like it was zeus when zeus grew up he poisoned his dad and made him spit up all of his kids.

    I think greek mythology is pretty cool because all of the gods and goddeses are all different and have special powers.

    democracy what is it we'll democracy is where there is no king and queens it is just ruled by the people.

    the advantages of democracy is that you don;t have to take orders or listen to kings and queens.

    i don't think that there are disadvantages to democrcy unless the population gets too big.

    when the population does get too big you can basically do what ever you want.

  8. Task 1:

    Zues was the son of Rhea and Cronos. When Cronos was told that he would be overthrown by a child of his, he decided to eat his childeren to prevent this from happening. After he ate all of Zues' siblings, Cronos went to eat him. But his mother, Rhea, gave Cronos a rock wrapped in a baby blanket to eat instead. Later on, when Zues became a powerful god, he went to his father and gave him a poisonous drink, which caused him to puke up his siblings. Being immortal, they had grown up completely unharmed inside Cronos' stomach. Zues then became the leader of the gods, and sent all the titans into a pit beneath tartarus.

    Task 2

    I think greek mythology is really colorful? It's got a lot of different parts to it, and it's complicated. Theres a lot of stories to it, and a lot of gods and titans and stuff.I was wondering, if Rhea was a titan, and Zues sent all the titan's into a pit beneath tartarus, did he send her too? And wouldn't that suck for Rhea because she saved her son, then he repaid her by sending her to a huge pit forever?
    It was okay, I though it was interesting.

    Task 3
    Democracy is ruling by the people. There isn't just one ruler, it's ruled by the people. They vote to decide. It has it's advantages, and it's disadvantages. They know when they vote that they're making the people happy with whats going on. (Most of them) And they can be in more control and not have to be ruled by somebody who has way different opinions then them. But when too many people come, it gets hard to get all the votes tallied up, and to get everyone together to vote in the first place.

    Thats all. byyee.

  9. 1.Cronos was a mighty ruler. He wanted wanted nothing but to stay a mighty ruler. So one day he decided he shall eat his children just in case one of them decides to overrule him. So he ate five of them and Zues was the only one lift and Rhea did not want to give him up. Rhea put a rock in a blanket so Cronus would think it was zues and eat him. Zues was taken to an island where he would so grow big and strong and overrule Cronus, he is the mighty ruler now.

    2.I think Greek Mythology is extremely interesting. In fact I got my first greek mythology book when I was only 6. I like learning what each god is god of and if they have a reason why they are that god then why. I also like the gods names alot I think they are pretty names. :D

    3.Democracy is a form of government ruled by the people. The advantages are that people are often happy with the final decision because they helped decide it. The disadvantages are that some people may prefer have a specific leader also when the population gets to big it is hard to get everyone together to make a big decision.

  10. task 1

    It all started when someone told Cronus somebody would overtake him. He thought maybe one of his six newborn kids would ouvertake him so he ate all but five. Rhea thought maybe there was a last hope so she replaced Zeus with a rock in a baby blanket. Zeus had gotten away safley an returned years later as a full grown man.
    There he saved his five siblings by giving his dad a poisonous drink. After that he defeated his dad.

    task 2

    Well Greece has been a fun unit with all the magical stuff the gods can do like fly and hold up the world so thank-you.

    task 3

    Democracy is government by the people. The advantages are no dictator says what people have to do, and the bad things are that if the doemocracy gets to big no one can hear or understand.

  11. Task #2

    I do not believe in Mythology for many reasons. One reason is that philosophers have proved that these happenings come form nature, not gods. Another reason would be, you cannot prove there are gods. How do you know these happenings with the greek gods/goddesses are really true?

  12. Task #1
    Zeus' mom & dad were Rhea and Cronus. When Cronus got scared that one of his 6 children were going to overthrow him, he decided that he was going to eat all his children. His children were Zeus, Hades, Demeter, Hera, Hestia, and Posioden. Cronus had eaten all of his children but one... Zeus. Rhea became very sad that her husband was eating all her children so she tricked Cronus into eating a rock instead of Zeus. Zeus ended up growing up on a island in the middle of the sea. He eventually became strong enough that he came back to his home and gave Cronus a potion that made him throw-up all his kids. Later, his children came back and overthrew Cronus once and for all, after that Zeus became the Ruler of all the Gods.
    Task #2
    I thought that greek mythology was pretty cool because it was neat how all the gods had a certain purpose. Like Apollo, how he hitched the sun to his chariot every day and drove the sun across the sky. Or how Demeter was the Goddess of Corn, Grain and Harvest. Also there were so many gods, I wouldn't be able to list all of them because that list would go on forever.
    Task #3
    Democracy is the rule by the people instead of using a king. Athens was pretty much the best example of democracy. The advantages is that most people will be happy about the choice that happens. The disadvantages are that as the population grew more andmore people came to vote, and as a result the voting group got to large. When this happened the government had a contst sort of like the lottery. They picked 500 names from the drawing and whoever won got to vote for 1 year. this continued on year after year.

  13. 1.The story of Zeus is that his mom saved him by seting a rock in his blanket will he excaped and Cronus his dad tried to eat him

  14. 1. Zues was born with 5 other siblings.His dad Cronus thought that they would over-power him someday so he decided to eat them.When his dad had eaten his 5 siblings his mom saved zues and he got away. To be contunied...

  15. The story of zeus task 1

    Long before the olympians ruled over the earth there were the titans such as uranus, gaia, oceanus, hyperion and more.After cronos overthrew his father uranus he and his sister rhea had the first olympian gods but fearing a overthrowing similar to his own cronos ate all his children.Rhea couldn't stand all of her children being eaten by her husband so when it came time for zeus the last child to be eaten rhea sent zeus to a island beyond cronos's watch and then rapped a rock in a baby blanket. Cronos thining it was zeus ate the rock thinking he had stoped any attemps on his throne. Zeus grew to be a owerful god and then went back to mount olympus to dethrone his father so he fed him a poisonis drink forcing him to throw up all of zeuses siblings and with his brothers and sisters zeus and the olympians deafeted the titans locking them in tartarus.

    more to come...

  16. Task 1...Zues has 6 siblings and his father( Cronos) was afraid that one of them would grow up and over throw him. So his so called "genius" plan was to eat all of his children. Rhea ( Cronous's wife) didnt want all of her children to die so she sent Zuez off to an island to grow up safetly and wrapped a rock in the blanket so Cronos would eat the rock instead of Zues. Then when Zues grew up he came back and gave his father a drink that made him throw up all of Zues's brothers and sisters. Cronos's nightmare came true and Zues over threw him and is still the ruling god.

    Task 2. Greek mytholgy is alittle messed up to me, because the gods and goddesesses married their brothers and sisters. That to me is wack. Also I feel bad for the god that cant walk and id physicly ugly. Even thought he marries a really pretty girl. I dont think its far how the gods are more important than the monster children ( centaurs and cyclopses). Even though they may be really ugly and centaurs are known for their drunkness, its still not fair. So over all I think Greek mythology is wack.

    Task 3. Democracy is when the people rule. Its when the people decied what happen in their city. The advantages are- one person doesnt get so stressed like our president does because all of the pressure is on him. The disadvanteges are- not everyone can agree on one thing so getting everyone to agree in a town like Brandon is very hard and they would like to decied on something and it doesnt make someone happy, it would be chaso. The hard part was finding a time and place that works for everyone. It would be hard to fit alot of people in a small room and make sure everyone is able to come and talk about the town issues......I don't know if I should continue...

  17. Task 1:
    Zeus was is child of Cronous and his mother Reha. When Zeus was little his father was told one of his kids was going to one day over rule him. When he heard this he was mad and then decided to EAT all his children. When his wife was about to give him the last baby to eat [Zeus] she instead wrapped a rock in the blanket instead. The baby was taken to an island were he grew up. Then one day Zeus came back and made him throw up all the children he had eaten.
    Task 2:
    Greek Mythology is a false story that never ever happened. Beacuse the things we have learned just think they problebley couldn't be true.
    Task 3:
    Democracy is Goverment ruled by the people. Witch means the people rule it. When the Goverment gets to large they picked 500 people to govern for a year.

  18. Hi,
    ok so Zeus's dad (cronus) thinks his kids will one day over thrown him so he eats them all. So it comes down to the last one (zeus) and Zeus's mom (Rhea) saves Zeus, this is how she did it, she took a rock (not Zeus)and rapped it up in a baby blanket and fed it to Cronus. well a giant bird came and took Zeus to an island were he grew up and then Zeus went back defeated his father and his father spit out all of his siblings.

    I think Greek Mythology would be fun to study and stuff but I'm not sure that i would like believing it. I mean not one thing could happen that happens in Greek Mythology. Here are some examples, #1 You can't have a cyclops or any of the other monsters as children, #2 NO ONE can be born from there fathers head full grown,#3 and you can't fly from your shoes.

    Democracy is a government by the people. well, the govenor rules the democracy thing lol. Some advantages are hey make the rules and they control how much money is spent on the economy. Yes there are diadvantages. What happens is that when it gt's to big they had citizens surve juries.

  19. Task 1.The story of Zeus is Cronus was told his children would over thrown him.So that day he took his children and started eating them one by one.Hera was not happy about this so she took Zeus away without leting Cronus know.Cronus found Hera and wonted to eat the child.Hera gave Cronus a rock instead of Zeus and shurly Cronus ate the rock thinking it was his child.Zeus grew up and gave his father a drink that will make Cronus throw up all of the children.

    task 2.I think Greek Mythology is an exciting unit.One of the things why is, you get to learn about the gods and goddesses.Also you get to know what there powers are.

  20. 2.
    I think greek mythology is cool because they have no major river they use the sea and you can also sail around. You can get around easyer to.
    Demorocy is a group or cilization controlled by the people in the area. the advantages are every one gets to vote.
    to be continued........

    Chronos and Hera had children. which one of them were zeus. chronos did not want his children to over power him and beconme king (ruler). so chronos decieded to eat all of them but hera replaced zeus with a rock. soon zues went to mt. olympus. he soon became a powerful god then he went back to chronos and hera and soon he made chronos throw all of the children that he ate up. he then bacame RULER


  22. Task 1:
    Zeus was born with 5 other brothers and sisters. His father Cronus had heard that when his kids got older that they were going to over throw him, so he decided to eat all of them. Rhea, his wife, had put a rock in a baby blanket and gave it to cronus, and he ate it thinking that it was zeus. Zeus grew up on an island. when he got older he came back and gave his dad some thing to make him throw up all of the kids he had eaten.
    Task 2:
    My opinion is that i think that sone of the gods and goddesess are messed up for like if my dad were to eat any of my brothers or sisters i would put him in jail or kill him.
    Task 3:
    A democracy is a goverment ruled by the people. The people rule. When the population gets too big they pick 500 people to govern for a year.


  24. The story of Zeus was born in a cave. His father tried to eat him and his brothers and sisters because Cronus was told that he would someday be overuled by his children.
    I think that greek mythology could be proven but then again, it might not be able to be proved. Like, what if Zeus wasn't real or what if he was. Spooky things that people will makeup that could or couldn't be true.
    Democrocy is the government of of greece. People rule it. The Advanateges are that they make up their rules. The disatvanteges are they have war. If

  25. 1. Zues was the son of cronos. So one day cronos was told that one of his childrin would overthrow him. So he started to eat them but his wife swiched zues for a rock and he serveved and overthrew his dad.


  26. task 1 Zeuss siblingings were eatin by there father cronus exept for zeus.His mom fed cronus a rock to trick him to let zeus go. zeus grew on a island and became very srong then he was married to Rhea after that he had a lot of kids from multiple woman. Zeus became the most powerful god. He was the ruler of all gods.

    Task 2 I think greek mthology is very intresting because it is cool to know what greeks acully believed in. its also asome to learn about all the gods and learn what ther gods of.

    task 3 Demcracy means for the people to rule. The advantages are the people chose who rules. But the disivantages are the goverment gets to big. If the population gets to large its hard for every one to vote.

  27. Task 1.
    The story of Zeus is that Cronos eats all of his children exept one. cronus was afraid that one of his children would over thrown him so he ate his children. Rhea saved Zeus by switching a rock and him around. Rhea took Zues to a island and Zues came off the island when he was full grown and over throwned Cronus. More

  28. 1.The basic story of Zues is he was the son of Crounous and Hera. His father was scared one of his kids would overthrow him so he ate all of his children but Zues WHOLE!. So Hera tricked him and wrapped a rock in a blanket and took Zues to an island. Then Zues grew older and fought Crounos and won! now he is the ruler of all gods!!!!!

    2.I think greek mythology is weird because they could make any thing up and people would belive it.

    3.Democorcy is governing by the people. The people rule. The people can have their own say in what to think and belive. Their is a disadvantage because if the population grew to large they would have to kick people out:)

  29. 1. Cronos heard from an oracle that one of his children would over throw him so he started eating all the children. Then Rhea was getting mad because she did not like seeing her children get eaten by her husband, she put a rock in a blanket to make the rock look like Zues she brought him to an island where he grew up and eventualy made cronos spit up his brother and sisters then over throwing Cronus.

    2. I think the Greece unit was very intersting because what the Greeks believed to be gods and their mythology, the wars they had and how they started were pretty interesting also. Who starts a war because some one was brought somewhere else to get married?

    3. Democracy is the rule of the people. The people rule. The advantages are that you know what the people think instead of 1 single person making the government better. There is a disadvantage though because when population gets to big people start fighting how this should be or that should be and nothing gets done. When the population gets to large it makes it hard to get things done because people fight and want things their way,

  30. 1. The story of the birth of Zeus is like like this. When he was born his mom had had other children. But, Chronos Zeus's father had ate them all becuase he thought they would over through him as ruler of the gods. So Zeus's mom dicided to trick Chronos. She did this by wrapping a rock in a baby blanket instead of Zeus. Then Zeus was took to an island were he became furios and hated Chronos. So he went back and killed him.

    2. I have to think about it. I'll be back for this one later.

    3. Democracy is goverment by the people. So yes the people rule. The advantage is every one gets to vote and things. The disadvantages are that it is hard to get every one together to vote. When the pop. gets to large they choose 500 people to form the democracy.

  31. Task 1. at the beginning croanoes is born and he one day over throws his father.croanos marries hera and has two types of children one was gods and the other was monster children. they had sixth gods and the most well known god is Zeus.Croanos was scared that one of his children would over throw hi so he ate all of his children but zeus.when he was going to eat zeus hera coverd a rock in a blanket and she tricks him to eat it thinking it was zeus. zeus was sent off to a far away island. to one day over throw his father.

    task 2. i think that greek mythology is aswome because it tells you all about gods,goddesses,titans,and monster children. it sucks that greek unit is going to end soon.

    task 3. damocracy is ruled by the people. the advanteges are that you get to vote for who is going to do something. when the population gets to large it is a disavantage because it is harder to get people to vote.

  32. the story of Zeus is his father Cronus was afraid of one of his children overtaking him like he did to his father. so he ate all of his children. except rhea Zeus' mom wrapped a rock in a cloth and gave that to cronus. zeus was taken to an island where he grew up and got really strong. eventually he came back and gave his father something to drink that made him throw up all of zeus' brothers and sisters. zeus was very angry so him and his dad fought. zeus beat his father and became ruler of all gods.

    I think greek mytholology is cool because there are some very cool stories because of greek mythology. without it we would not have learned about some of the stories that I really thought were awesome! for example the trojan war is a story from greek mythology. that story was great. that is what i think about greek mythology.

    a democracy means ruled by the people. so of course it is ruled by the people. the advantages are that everybody gets to say what they think. there are disadvantages because when the population gets to big they need representatives. when the poulation gets to big they need representatives.

  33. 1: When Cronus took over and killed his dad he was worried one of his sons would overthrow him. So when he had his first son Cronus ate him. Rhea had three more kids all eaten. When the fith and final one came she couldn't bare it any longer and tricked Cronus into eating a rock. When Zeus got older he came to Cronus and gave him a potion making him throw up all his brothers and sisters he then defeated Cronus.

    2: I believe they are great and cool but unlikly. They are great because it shows that even Ancient people had an imagination. LOL They're cool because the stories have cool adventures. Unlikly because it talks about people doing stuff people can't really do.

    3: Democracy is government by the people. The peopl and citizens rule. You get to diside who will be in office. If there are to many people it's hard to get them all to come to town meetings. Over crowded to many people.

  34. Task1: I am going to tell you about the story of Zues. Zueses fathers name was Cronus. Cronus when he was younger over threw his father so a oracle told him that one of his six kids would over throw him. So he ate five of his six kids, the last child was Zeus. Obviously his mother did not want her last child to be killed so she had him swept off to a far away island were Zeus grew furious with his father. He then later poisened him then after that (man what a long story) killed him.

    Task 2: I think Greek mythology is different to us in the USA but to those people that lived a long time ago in Greece it was probably special. But seriously who would believe that the earth was carried a round by a guy an a chariot. Although obviously Greek mythology must be somewhat special because of the Nike symbol. What about the Chargers lightning bolt did they get that idea from Zues? I guess we will never need to know and will never know.

    Task 3: Democracy is a government that is ruled by the people. I think that the advantage of having democracy is that you can speek for your self. There are very few disadvatages of having a democracy but it could be a problem with getting everybody to vote. Which now brings me to my next point, If the population gets to large than not every body can vote.

  35. 1.Crounos ate everyboby but zues because rhea got zues to an island but rhea digised a rock as zues. Crounos ate the rock. When zues was full grown he came back gave crounos poison and he threw up his children.
    2. Mythology is about gods but they were not real thats why it said MYTH in mythology. Gods are cool but they would be more cool if they were real
    3. Democracy is the government by people. The people are the rulers. You could act and think for yourself. The downer was that the assembly grew to large to get anything done. So they made it so there were 500 people on the council. You are not a citizen if you are a slave, women, or a foreigner. If you are anything but that you can be on the council. But you have to defend, jury, and debate. If you are not a citizen you can't vote, own properth, or testify.

  36. Task 1. The first thing that happened was that Cronus ate all of his children execept for one that was just born. Cronus was going to eat his new son to, but his wife didn't want him to. So Rhea,his wife, switched Zeus,the baby, out with a rock. Then she sent zeus to an island far away and Cronus ate the rock. Years later Zeus and Cronus fought and Zeus defeated Cronus and all of Zeus's brothers and sisters came out of him.
    Task 2.My opinion on Greek mythology is that the people didn't really need. Yah it gives people today something fun to learn about but still. For example, The Trojon war was not needed. It was just an odd made up story that people today didn't really need.
    Task 3. Democracy is a form of government were the people rule. The advantages of this is that everyone can state their own opinion. But the disadvantages of democracy are that when there gets to be to many people, it gets to hard to count everyones opinion.
    There I think I have all of the tasks done. Bye Banana

  37. Zeus had a very sad child hood he wasnt very lucky this his story.Zeus was born a very long time ago . His dad Cronos was afriad that Zeus would over throgh him.Like is dad did so he ate his children and when he was going to eat Zeus his wife gave him a rock instead of Zeus. but zeus got lifted away by a eagel to a island he became very mad at Cronos so he fed him pioson and Cronos through up his children then Zeus an Cronos had a battle to the death and Zeus won. Greek mythology is pretty cool because they must have realy thought that the gods were real. Damocracy is when the people can decide who rules .The people kind of do.The advanteges are that if you dont want someone realy to rule over you you dont have to. Yes there are many disadvanteges like when the populatin grows too larg its hard to get everyone to vote

  38. TAsk 1<><<:Zues was born with five other brothers and sisters. Their father Cronus was afraid that one would over power him so he decided to eat them.When it was time for him to eat Zeus Rhea sent him to an island and replace him with a rock.So over the years when Zues was older he Went back. There was a great battle but eventually Zeus Won.

  39. 1: When cronu, the ruling titan overthrew his father, Father Heaven, married his sister Rhea,and had kids. He was worried that he would be overthrown,so he ate all his children. Rhea rescued Zeus, and sent him to a small island. (Cronus ate a rock!) When zeus got to be father of the gods, he gave cronus a potion that made him spit out zeus' siblings. they then defeated cronus.

    2:I think greek mythology is very fun. like how cronus ate his kids,and how apollo drives the sun across the sky. that stuff is fun to learn about!

    3: 1 rule by the people. 2 the people. 3 no dictators,kings o being told what to do. only leaders. 4 not many. besides people having to get together when the population gets too large.

  40. Okay the first task is that- the thing that I enjoyed about this unit was {blogging a lot}lol and I also thought that the story of Zeus was very interesting to learn about and how he lived through the days.
    Task 2-okay this is really the first task but yea okay well the story of Zeus is very interesting and kind of gross but, anyhow so okay well duh Zeus had a mother and father that were kind of mean to him sometimes and he was a very lucky kid[just kidding] but, he did have very nice sibblings too. He grew up on an island and thats how he started his life out to be the guy of this Zeus kid or adult.
    And then he just ate all the kids that went to his school or something like that and then after that he spit them all back out.
    Task 2- I think Greek Mythology is a good way of learning different things about people or thibgd i guess. Greek Mythology is another way of teaching us how to write like different symbols and stuff like that.
    Task 3- Democracy is one person ruled by another[I think i am not sure cause I didnt use my notes like other people did]. They are also really cool peopl to be with also. They keep on their defensive side most of the time.

  41. #1 The story of Zues is very interesting. Well when Zues was born his father Chronos tried to eat him. He had already eatin the other children and Reah was very mad with Chronos. So she took Zues and hid him behind a rock. Chronos was trying to find him and he did but he ate the rock instead of Zues. Zues was very angry so they had a battle and Zues won so Chronos had to spit out the other children.

    #2 I think Mythology is cool becasuse if this never happened ar if someone never told it then greece would be pretty boring.

    #3 Democracy is ruling of the people. They had no Kings or Queens in greece. The advanteges of democracy is that you get to wear whatever you want and there is no slaves,free speach,and more. The disadvanteges are if you have a high population then you wouldnt get anything done or you couldnt do anything. :) :) :)

  42. The story of zuce

    when mother earth married father heaven they had 2 chirldren named cronus and reah cronus married his sister and gave birth to 6 or 7 chirldren and cronus ate them all except zuce reha took zuce and replaced him with a rock and took zuce to a island for him to grow up and when he grew up he defeated his dad then he became ruler of the gods and godesses

    no because of science like how can zuce hold a lightning bolt it would burn his hand off and how would they stay on a mountin what would happen if someone went to mt. olimpus and saw... ... . ... ... ... nothing

    democracyis no king or queen it ruling of the people your advantages are 1# you can have free speach 2# you dont have slaves 3#you can wear what u want the disadvantages are that we have laws and a goverment that can be unfair and that the taxes are large if the population gets too large then not everyone can vote but if it does get to large then we would have to expand our town.

  43. The story of Zeus

    I know you all think im crazy but im going to tell you the story of Zeus.

    Zeus was born with alot of siblings, and there names are Hera,Hestia,Poseidon,hades,and Demeter. oh if you realize hades is not capitialized is because he lives underground and is very bad.
    Like I was saying he has alot of siblings,and everyone except Zeus was ate by Cronus.He was the last one when his mother took him to an island and hid him ohh and also replaced him with rocks before Cronus ate him. Zeus grew to be healthy, strong, and powerful.When he found out that his dad ate all of his siblings he made a poison and his dad ate it when he started spitting out all of the children.
    Greek Mythology

    I think greek mythology is fun because you get to learn all of the gods snd goddsess. Like Zeus, Hara,poseidon.
    Democracy- govern by thr people.
    its to hard to get work done.

  44. Task 1: When Zues was born his father ate all of his siblings and he ecsaped to an island when is mom disguised a rock as him.His father Cronos was afraid that his children would overcome him. So Zues grew up on an Island. Zues came back and defeated Cronos. he gave him a potion that made him spit up all of his kids. Then Zues became the ruler of all gods.
    Task 2:I think greek mythology is very interesting.They have a whole bunch of myths that can be really exciting.For example: Zues found out that his kids would overcome him so he ate his wife. later Zues started getting headaches so Hephestaus cut his head open.Out popped Athena full grown and in armor. I would have to say that the story of Zues is my favorite myth because it is really exciting and turns out good (for Zues and his brothers and sisters anyway).
    Task 3: Democracy is a form of goverment that is ruled by the people. There are some good advantages and some aren't so good. One good one would be that there are new elections every couple of years. That way you are not stuck with the same person all of the time until he or she dies, then his children would take over. One bad thing though is you don't always get the people you want when you vote. Another bad thing is if the population gets to large getting things done and voting will be hard.

  45. Hi hi

    task 1.Cronus,Zeus's father, tried to eat all of his children because he was afread one of his children would overpower him. One day Rhea(Zeus's mother and Cronus's wife/sister{yeah his sister})had to give Cronus baby Zeus. Wells she didn't want to give up her last child so she called a stork to carry Zeus to a cave that had nymphts in it to take care of him until he was old enough to take care of himself. When Zeus was final strong enough he came back to killed Cronus. Wells he did and all his siblings were vomited out.

    task 2.I think Greek Mythology is awesome because all the gods and goddesses they beleived in and how they worship them. They started the Olympics just to honnor Zeus and now nobody can get enough of it.

    There will be more

  46. 1. zues was the last child because cronos had eaten them all.the reason cronos had eaten all of them was because he because he was told by a visonary that one of his sons was going to to over throw him like he did to his father. but rhea (zueses mother) was smart and she didn't want to see her last son get eaten so she sent zues off to an island and wraped a blanket around a rock and gave it to cronos. while zues was at the island he grew to be a man and came back giving cronos a potent makeing him puick up all of his brothers and sisters. then later they all teamed up to over throw cronos.

    2.zues had a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad headacke he howld so loudly that it could be heard thruout the earththe other gods came to see what the problem realized what needed to be doneand directed hephaestusto take a wedge andsplit open zuse's skull. out of the skull sprang athea full grown and in full armor.

    to be continued

  47. Task 1: The story of Zeus is that his father, Cronus, ate all of his children. When Zeus was born Rhea, Cronus's wife, didn't want Zeus, allowing him to get away.

    Task 2: I think Greek Mythology is interesting in some subjects, but not as much in others. I found the gods and goddesses section appealing, but the Trojan War bored me.

    Task 3: Democracy is a form of government that means "ruled by the people." Which means that the people of that area rule and make the decisions themselves. An advantage is being able to choose what you want done. A disadvantage is that by voting, majority rules and you could be outruled. Another problem is if the population grows too large it will be dificult to get to meetings, thus there wouldn't be a fair vote.

  48. Task 1.Zeus's father Cronus, the ruling titan, was told by an oracle that one day he would be over ruled by his children. When his first five children were born, he swallowed them. When Zeus was born, his mother gave Cronus a rock wrapped in a blanket to eat, then hid Zeus on an island to be raised by nymphs. When Zeus grew up he gave his father a potian that would make him throw up. All the children came out and they overpowered him.
    Task 2.I think Greek Mythology is fascinating to study because of all the myths they've come up with. I love reading stories about centaurs, minotaurs, giants, and all the other ones.
    Task 3.A democracy is a type of goverment ruled by the people. The advantages of this form of goverment are that everyone is treated equally and theres no overthrowing of kings and such. The disadvantage of this is that if the population gets to large not everyone can attend the meetings.

  49. #1 the story about zeus is his father cronos was scared of being defeated that he ate all his children but rheaa cronoses wife descised zoes as a rock and cronos ate the rock and cronos grew up and deafeated cronos and made him disgared all of his children.
    #2 i think its sort of wierd because none of it even happened and they thought gods made it rain and everything.
    #3a democresy is whin the people rule and not a king. people rule the advanteges are that you wouldnt haft to folo rules from somone rich no it gets hard to get to meetings on time

  50. The story of Zeus is strang. This is how it goes. Chronos married his sister Rhea, and they had lots of kids. Chronos herd a profecy that his children would overthrow him. So he Ate all the children but Zeus because Rhea saved him. Zeus grew up on an island. He tricked Chronos with poison so he puked up all Zeus's brothers and sisters. Then they defeated Chronos.

    I think Greek mythology is a bunch of milarky. Some Greek person made it up so they had somthing to believe. If the gods could swallow eachother then why were they so much like humans? Non of the Greeks ever saw the gods or the Goddesses. How did they know the gods lived on Mt. Olympus

    Democracy is a form of goverment that is more to the peoples liking. In democracy the people that rule are citizens just like you and me. This goverment focusess around the people not one kings wants. The disadvantages are somtimes people dont agree on the ideas brought up. And sometimes in the cace of Greece people couldn't atend the meetings. If the population gets two large the goverment has a hard time controling it.

  51. 1 the story of zues goes his dad cronus was eating his children because he thought that they would over rule him so he ate all the kids and then it was zeus turn to be eaten but his mom rhea could not whatch cronus eat her last child so she distguised a rock so crous would think that he was eating zeus when he really wasnt so rhea sent zeus to an island where then he grew up and decided to over rule his fatjer so he got his siblings out and then they all killed cronus opinion of greece is that it really amazes me with the gods and goddesses and that they had many wars and they held the olyimpics just like we do today although their olyimppics were probally different then the ones today and thats what i think about ancient greece

    3 democracy is a goverment by people the advantages are that anyone could express their ideas and plans the disadvantages are that not everybody could make it to meetings and be there and if the population got to large evrybody that governed would have to many ideas and there would be fight and a lot of argueing

  52. Task 1:

    Cronus was the father of Zeus, and when one of his children was born he would swallow them so they could not overpower him. But when Zeus was born Rhea,(Cronus's wife)did not want Zeus to be eaten. She replaced him with a rock and sent him to an island. Cronus fell for the trick and ate the rock. Years later, when Zeus was all grown up, he set off to defeat his father. Zeus overpowered his father and released all the children trapped in his stomache.

    Task 2:

    I think Greek mythology isn't very realistic. One myth is the that the god Apollo would attach the sun to his chariot, and pull it across the sky as the day went on. The Greeks oviously did not know much about why things happened. Greek mythology is only something that the Greeks made up, using it to explain things they did not get.

    Task 3:

    Democracy is a rule by the people, meaning the people vote on leaders, and laws. The advantages of this form of government is that since people get to vote, it is fair, and there will be less chances of protests on governmental leaders. The disadvantages are that when the population gets too large, it is hard to give everyone a chance to vote. It is also hard to hold meetings.

  53. Task#.1
    The story of Zeus goes like this...when cronus and rhea had all there kids, cronus ate them all EXCEPT a very special little god... Zues. when cronus wanted Rheaa to give him the kid rhea rapped up a rock that looked like the shape of a baby, and then tapped it up in a blanket and gave it to Crons and he ate it. So what happened to Zues you might say?. well, Rhea rapped hin up in a blanket and had a bird bring him to a secret island. And then when he got older he came out and left the island and went to get a potion to get his brothers and sisters out of his dads stomache. when he got there he defeated cronus and got his brothers back.

    Task #.2
    I think greek mythology is fun and exciting. Why? well, i like leatning about all the gods and goddessess and what they do and who they are.

    Task #.3
    Greek democracy is when the people rule the country or state. The advantages to this form of goverment are that noone can tell them what to do or what to say. There wasnt a king or queen to tell them what to do. I dont think there are disadvantages to this because why would you want people tellin you what to do? I know i wouldnt like it..;)

  54. task 1. zeus was them only one that survived out of his family. all of his siblings were eaten by there father. cronos there father, was afraid that one of his kids were going to kill him and take the power he had. he did that to his father. zeuses mother had him taken to a mountain there he grew up. when he was all grown up he made his father drink a special drink that made he vomite all of zeuses siblings up and then it killed cronos. zeuse becme the ruler of all gods.

    task 2. i think greek mothalage is kind of weird but at the same time kinda cool. the weird part is that how can there be gods and goddeses? how can 1 person hold upthe earth or be an unending stream of water surrounding the earth? the cool thing is that i think it would be fun the be able to control certain things like all the water or when is storms and when the seasons change.

    task 3. democracy is when the people rule like we have today. the people rule. the bad part is that with so many people it is hard for everyone to make the meetings. if the population gets too big the people will disagree more and less people will be able to attened the meetings.

  55. Task 1. Zeus was the youngest out of all the Titan children. His mother Rhea was scared that her husband Cronos was going to eat Zeus since he hd eaten all their other children. She diguised a rock as Zeus and the baby Zeus got taken away by a bird far far away. Later when Zeus grew up he came so he could get Cronos to throw up his siblings. Finally he made a potion and put it in Cronus' food and it made Cronos throw up Zeus' siblings.

    Task 2. I think Greek mythology is cool. And it was fun learning about mythical creatures and gods and goddesses. Some examples are that there were so many things to learn about all the Titan chirldren, The Monster children, the gods and goddesses. I've heard of Zeus before but i didnt know what he was or who he was. So i think it was really cool learning about greek mythology.

    `Task 3. Democracy is ruling by people. People are the rulers.
    LOOK FOR MORE :D :):-I

  56. The story about how Zeus was born!
    In the beginning he was born and his father eats his children so Rhea Zeu's mother took him to Crete to grow up. Rhea decised Zeus as a rock wrapped in a blanket and his father got tricked and ate the rock instead of Zeus. Zeus was rised by these kind of of people on crete so one day he traveled to Mt. Olympus to defeate his father Cronus. What Zeus did was he gave Cronus this drink so that when Cronus drake it he would spit Zeu's brothers and sisters out. Zeus became the ruling titan after he defeated his father Cronus.
    I think that greek mytholgy is a very good way to imagine in your mind of what is happening in the story. I very much enjoyed this unit because now I can tell people some exciting stories that are made up. The people might accully like the story.
    What is Democracy?
    Democracy is governed by the Demos, the Kratos ruled.

  57. Task #1

    The story of Zeus startes out with when cronus kills his father and becomes a supreme titan. then rhea and cronus have children and cronus eats all of the children fearing one of them will grow up and kill him and have them be the king.. but then rhea tricks cronus with the sixth Child which is Zeus.. rhea gives him a rock wrapped in a blanket allowing zeus to escape and eat it(zeus is huge..!)Then zeus grows up to be a strong god but then zeus goes back to mt.olympus and gives cronus a poisened drank and cronus vomited all the children that he had swallowed and then zeus defeats cronus and become ruler of all the gods....

    Task #2

    I think greek mythology is cool but then again i think it is stupid because they have wars like the trojan war.. but it is cool because there is many gods like zeus the ruler of all gods..that is what i think about greek mythology..

    to be contiuned...

  58. Task 1
    The story of Zeus is when he was little his father cronus was going to eat him and all of his brothers and sisters so they would not kill him like his father did to his fater and what he did to his father. Rhea Zeuses mother wanted to keep her children so for Zeus she put a rock in his blanket and gave it to cronus and sent Zeus to an island. Later when Zeus was older he wanted to have his brothers and sisters back so he gave cronus this drink that would make him puck up all his brothers and sisters and he did. That is the story of Zeus.

    Task 2
    What I think about Greek Mythology is that it was very interesting because off all the gods they believed in. But they helpedus out by making our belefies now. Even though they did some weird things it was cool to learn about them and how they lived. I am glad that I learned more about Ancient Greece.

    Task 3
    Dmocrcy is the goverment ruled by the people. The advantages of this type of goverment is that the people get to vote. They also get to choose their way and their way that they wanted to. The disadvantages were that if you were not a citazen you could not vote

  59. Task 1: When Zeus wuse boren his dad wuse eating his children. Zeuses mom gave his dad a rock in a blinkit to eat. Then put hem on a island to live. When he whuse older he went back and gave his dad a potion that made hem thowup all his drothers and sisters. After he thowup Zeus and his drothers andsisters took over greece.

    Task 2: Greek Muthology wuse fun like we got to make and play dored games.

    more later

  60. Task 1. The story of Zues started before he was born. It began by his dad (Cronos) found and read a prophocy that said his father would one day defeat him. After each of his children were born he swallowed (except Zues). When Zues was born he was taken to the island of Crete to be raised by nymps. After that he obtained a potion the would make his father puke up his children. At one of his father's parties he put it into his father's drink. He defeated his father with his siblings and the tiatans. THen they made him the ruler of all gods (and a ladies-man).
    Task 2. I think there mythology was great considering there level of technology (yes Mr. K including the blog). I can also understand why they made up the gods (to explai why things happen in life).
    Task 3. Democracy is where the people are the goverment and that no single person rules. The advantages of this goverment is that then the people can rule and nobody will have to be servants or slaves. Yes, there is disadvantages such as it is hard to get together to vote and get to meetings.

  61. task1. Rhea and Cronos had six babys.then their dad Cronos swallowed them whole because he was afraid his children would kill him and take over but tbc.

  62. Task#1

    Zeus's life was like this. He born just like the rest of his brothers and sisters except his brothers and sisters were eventually eaten by his father.He however got wrapped up in a blanket by his mother and was taken to an island by a bird.finally when he grew up to be very strong he went and faught his dad and defeated him. his dad then coughed up Zeus's brothers and sisters.

    Task #2

    I think greek mythology is cool but then again i think it is stupid because why would someone ride a chariot across the sky and say that they made the sun go up and down.

    to be continued

  63. Zeus was the 6th child of kronous and rhea. His father tried to swallow him but his mom helped him out. He grew up on and island away from his father. Then he came back and rebelled and won saving his bros and sises

  64. greek mythology is just a way of justifying things. the greeks minds were unstable so they needed a reson for everything. they can really get out of hand.

  65. 1.when zeus was born he was almost eaten by his dad.his mom gave cronus a rock instead and he ate it.when zeus grew up he killed his dad and made him throw up all the brothers and sisters.2.i think that if it was all real it would be cooler.i liked all the unusual things about it they are unique.3.democracy is ruled by all the people.the advantige is that everyone gets a say in who the leader shall disadvantiges.when the population gets to large they pick new people.

  66. the story of zeus is that his brothers were going to be eaten becouse of there father thought that they would over take him so his mom hid zeus and gave his father Cronus a rock to eat and when zeus was strong enough he killed his father and he through up his children

    2. i think that greek mytholaogy is kinda weird and can never happen like the size of cronus is huge and you can never eat someone then have them come out alive

    3. Democracy is ruled by the people
    the addvantages was that not just a king can make up the rules bt b=everyone can the dis addvantages are the more people the more harder it is to gather everyone

  67. democracy is rulling by the people. this way people can be the rullers. but there can be too many rullers.

  68. 1. zues was born and he was the last child to be eaten because cronus his dad had already eaten his other brithers and sisters. cronus wife rhea tricked cronus into eating a rock while zues was flown to an island that cronus wa not familiar with. there he grew up to becaome a great god and eventually came back and defeated the titans and put them in the underworld.

    2.i think greek mythology was a fasinating thing to learn about even though the gods are fake. they really tell alot about the greek ways. i believe that they were a fun thing that really was wortht learning about. it is kinda of weird that the greeks had these weird stories in the first place. i mean were do you come up with this stuff but i guess it is a mystery hahaha.

    3. Democracy is the form of government by people. of course i just said who rules it ( gosh you just basically said that answer in the first one). the advantages are that everyone gets to vote thats in the government. the disadvantages are that when this government gets too big it gets hard to make the decicions. that is when the group gets big anyway.

  69. 1. Zeus's father over threw his father, so when it came time for his wife to have children he ate them. Up untill his son Zeus was born he had eaten all the other children. So his mother tricked Cronous by putting a rock in ablanket andgiving it to him. Meanwhile she'd sent Zeus to an islandso he would be safe. So when Zeus was older he cameback anddefeated his father and saved his sibilings.
    2. I liked the Greek Mythology it was fun to learn about. I liked learning about the gods alot, there was a lot of interesting suff about them. Lik how they were born and what they were the god or goddess of.
    3. Democrocy is a form of goverment. In Democracy the people rule, no kings or queens jus the people. An advantage is that everyone has a part or gets to state their opinion. There are some disadvantages though, like when the population gets to big there is less and less parts for people to do, and its hard to vote because its hard to get everyone to meet at the same time.

  70. The story of Zeus starts by Cronus and Rhea getting married and having six kids, one of them being Zeus. Cronus, thought that one day one of his kids would overthrow him as leader. So he decided to eat all of his children except for Zeus. One day Cronus made a plan to eat Zeus. But Rhea was sick of Cronus eating her kids. So she tricked Cronus by wrapping Zeus up in a blanket, and having Cronus run off. Meanwhile, when Cronus wasn't looking Zeus escapes from the blanket, putts a poisonus rock in there, Cronus ate it, Cronus died and out came all of Zeus's siblings. Zeus later became leader of all gods.

    TASK 2: What I think of Greek mythology is that some of the gods are important and some gods are unimportant. Zeus is and important god, and Poseidon and Hades are important. But gods like Dionysus who invented wine and Cyclops are unimportant. That is what I think about Greek mythology.

    TASK 3: Democracy is a type of government. Democracy is ruled by the people. The advantages of this form of government is that the people rule, not a king. The disadvantages are that sometimes fueds break out between people.
    When the population gets too large, it becomes too hard for the people to gather and vote . That is more about Democracy.

  71. 1. crounos and his wife had kids. crounos got scared about one of his kids overthrowing him so he started to eat them. rhea zueses mom got sad of whatching her kids get eaten so she sent zues to an island to grow up and put a rock in a blanket as her son. crounos realy thought it was his son and ate the rock. years went by and zues got bigger. he left the island and difeted his father. his father puked up all his brothers and sisters. he also got lihting bult powers from the cyclops. he became the most ruling god of them all.
    2.i liked learning about the godes and goddeses. i did not realy like when we talked about sparta and athens. i would like to learn more about it.
    3.democracy means ruled by people.
    the rules are only men were aloud to be part of the group. the advantages of this form of goverment are you dont have to be ruled by like a king or a queen. if you had a queen or a king and you said something bad it owuld be OFF WITH YOUR HEAD. the disadvantages are the group grows to large so it is hard to vote and things like that.

  72. the story of zeus is. that zeus was born. his father was going to eat his brothers and sisters. then when he was the last one his mother tricked his father. then ate a rock. zeus came back to kill his father and didi so his father puked up his rothers and sisters up.

    what i think about greek mytholigy is that its intresting that its not rael so it can be anything.

    goverment by people. the people. they cando what ever they want.

  73. 1. zuse was one of his 6 brothers and sisters before crounos had overthrough his dad father heven and he did not want the same to happen to him so he ate all of the gods and zues was rapped up in a blaket by his mother and she did not want to have this baby die too so she got a rock and put it into the blanket and after crounos ate it zues was safe.after a while zues was a grown man so he fed crounos a poison and he barfed out all of the gods.

    2. I think that greek mythology is cool cause you never would exspect there to be that many gods that theses people worship like every day.

    3. democracy is a form of goverment it is ruled by the people and the good thing is that
    nobody can make you do something.
    but the bad thing as the population grows less people can rule as democracy

  74. 1 STORY "O" ZEUS
    Cronous and Rhea had 6 children and cronous devoured every single one of them except Zeus. Zeus escaped on the wim of his mother and was taken to mother earth his grandmother to be taken care of.She raised him well and taught him how to fight, meanwhile cronous still thinks all six of his children are in his enormous stomach.One day when Zeus grew up he overthrew cronous and freed all of his brothers and sisters and then became ruler of the gods.

    2 What do I think about greek mythology:).

    I think greek mythology has mostly no point to it but can be entertaining for small children such as 2-8 year olds. I have this thought because most of the stories are completely ridiculous and not plausibe. Also poseidon an medusa what kinds of names are those, why not name them mermaid man and snake hair.......sorry...:(

    3. Democracy.

    Democracy is a term meaning puled by the people and it is truly ruled by voting of commoners.
    A disadvantage is that majority rules and an advantage is that you help decide.A bad thing when the population grows is that it becomes to hard for everyone to gather and they start having to have representitives....

  75. Task 1: The greek gods Cronos and Rhea had there first child but cronos ate it because he was afraid he would over throw him, as he did to his father. As time went on cronos had more children but cronos at one after one. Finally,Rhea had enough. When zeus was born Rhea wrapped a rock with zues's fave blanket and had zues sent to a far off island where Cronos couldnt get his hands on him. Then she fed the rock to Cronos. Cronos then swallowed her! after this zeus grew up and became very strong and poisend Cronos and the poisen made Cronos puek up all of zeus's siblings. then he killed Cronos.

    more to come

  76. Task 1:
    Zeus was born with several other siblings. When he was born his father (Cronus who was ruler of the gods) Ate all his other siblings and to stop this his mother(Hera cronus's wife) wrapped a rock in zeus's blanket. Cronus ate it and threw up all the other kids. Zeus over threw his faher to become ruler of the gods.

    Task 2:
    I think greek mythology is creative but very unbelievable. For example do you believe theirs such thing as a one eyed giant? I don't think so. Another thing is the ruler of the gods shooting lightning bolts. That's just my opinion though.

    task 3:
    Democracy is a form of goverment ruled and governed by the citizens(No kings or Queens). When making decisions all the citizens vote. The voes are tallied up and there you go. The advantages of democracy are: Everyone gets a say in a decision. you don't just have to listen to one or two people. a disadvantage is when the population grows it gets harder and more crowded for people to vote. Democracy makes everyone equal.

  77. Task 1. Shortly after Zues was born his father didn't want his kids to overpower him, so he ate his kids. Unknowingly his mother but a rock in Zeus's baby blanket so his dad ate a rock and he was sent to a far away island. Then he came back, gave his father some medicne and he threw up all of his brothers and sisters.

    Task 2. Greek mythology was intresting. It was intresting because we got to see how greeks belive things happen. Like a god pulls the sun with a rope across the sky. It couldn't really happen though becasue that would have to be a really long rope and it would burn. It also was pointless because it is just making up characters and giving them a purpose. Greeks acually belived it though.

    Task 3. Democracy is government by the people. The people rule. The disadvantages are everybody gets to vote and it could be a tie and there would be no one to break the tie. The advantages are you could easily outvote someone. When the population get to large it is hard to gather everybody to the voting area and then some people can't vote. It is hard to gather everybody to vote.

  78. Zeus his father was eating his brother and sisters his mom had zeus in a blanket zeus was next in line she had to save her last child so she put a rock inside the blanket. his dad was stupid unuf to eat the rock. zeus went to mount olimpus and stayed there for a year. he went back to kill his dad and to save his brother and sister from the dads stomick. and he became the ruler by killing his dad. Zeus went to mount olimpus to be a god.

  79. 1 When Zeus was a baby his father Cronos ate all his childeren but Zeus because his mother saved and he was taken to an island far away.
    His father was eating his childeren because he over through his father and he did not want that to happen to him. Zeus came back eventually (when he was older) and over through his father. Then he became the head god. Oh yea and all his siblings exaped.

    2 My opion with mythology is that I think it is interesting. I dont believe in it but to me its cool.

    3 Democracy is when a place is ruled by the people.The advantiges are that if you are part of it you have a say in what happens around your towns and city-states. There are disadvantages to it because not every thing you propose will actually happen.If the population grows to large then you have way to many people ruling.

  80. zeus is a powerful person. He was born. his father tried to eat him because he thought that he would have got over thrown so is father ate all of his brothers and sisters but not him.

  81. 1. Reah was married to Cronus, eventually Cronus overthrow his father and was worried that one of his children might overthrow him. He ate his children Hera, Hates, posiden, Hestia, and another person I don't remember.Reah hated to see all of her children get eaten so..... She took the last child, Zeus and sent a bird to hide him on a far away mountain. When Cronus came to eat Zeus, Reah tricked him into eating a rock that was wrapped in Zeus's blanket. When Zeus was old enough he confronted Cronus and gave him a poisenous drink that made Cronus puke up the rest of Zeus's syblings. Zeus killed Cronus and became the god of all gods.

    2. I think that it's awesome for the Greeks to believe in Gods. The reason I think that it's cool is, well all different culters have different beliefs so why can't they?

    3. Democracy is a form of government that means ruled by the people. The advantege of having democracy is that, more people are allowed to have a say in things rather then just one king. The disadvantege is still people might not agree with what the total vote is. If the population grows too much then they just have more people to vote.

  82. Task 1 The story of zeus is about the story of his life,he married a women named Hera but she made him mad so he ate her and he got a migrane then a women named Athena popped out of his head thats the story of zeus.

    Task 2 Greek mythology was cool because when zeus was born his dad was going to eat all his children because he didn't want to be overuled so zeus's mom hid him and gave cronus a rock to eat then when zeus was older he defeated cronus.

    Task 3

  83. Triked Cronus into swallowing a rock, instead of zeus. Zeus overthew his father named Cronus. He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many affairs.

  84. That he was the 6 kid. That his dad ate all of his brothers and sister. Then his mom tricked his dad. And put a rock in his blanck.The dad at the rock and thought it was he and ate the rock.The reason he ate his kids.

  85. hey again

    task 2:i enjoyed learning about ancient greek mythology. The only thing i would change is a different person to memorize my speech on.

    Task 3 Democracy is a form of goverment that is ruled by the people. An advantage would be that you dont have a big bossy king or queen telling you what to do all the time!I dont see any disadvantages in democracy
    more to come

  86. When Zous was born his father tried to eat him like his brothers and sisters. His father dident want his cheldren to kill him.

  87. 1. zeus was born to rhea and cronos. cronos was kind of psy-co in my book. he has seen a storie that his kids will kill he eat them. all but zeus.

    2. mythologey is good( for them) becaus they thout if they were nice to eachother the gods would not be ANGRY.

    3. form of goverment.the people rule.they chose what many opineons. seperatein differt partys.

  88. 1.When zues was born, his father cronus herd he would be over run by his children, so he ate them. Rhea, zues's mom, had a bird take him to an island while she fed cronus a rock in zues's blanket, where he became stronger and overthrough his father.
    2.I enjoyed learning about greek mythology, because it kept us entertained and very enjoyable.
    3.Democrecy is when the people choose is their leader;the people rule;the advantages are any man can rule;there is a disadvantage, because only greek born men can rule;when the population grows too big, slaves can't run.

  89. #1 In the story of Zeus Cronus killed his father, Uranus, but before he died he said that one of Cronuses children were going to defeat him. So he swallowed all of his children. But one Zeus was hidden from his father then when he was older he fought agenst heim and became ruler of the gods.

    #2 I think Greek mythology is sorta cool but I also think it's a bunch of made up stuff. Like seriously it sounds like a fairy tale made for people who don't know why things happen. Like Apollo driving the sun across the sky ya like that would ever happen!!

    #3 Democracy is goverment ruled by the people. The people rule in Democracy like here we vote for a president. The advanteges are that people can speek out and that every voice is heard. The disadvanteges are that sometimes things don't work out the way you want to like some people wanted Mcain to win but more people voted for Obama. When the population got to high the assemblies got to big and nothing got done.
    PS I liked the hints on the test.

  90. when zues was born all of his brothers and sisters were eaten by his father but cronuses wife didnt like it so she gave a rock in a blancket to cronus and he ate it.zues got away to an island a stayed untill he was fully grown then he went back to kill his father.when he was dead zueses brothers and sisters came out fully grown.

  91. Task 1

    Story of Zeus

    Before Zeus was born, his siblings got eaten by their father,Cronus, who was afraid that his children might overthrow him. When Zeus was born, instead of feeding him to Cronus,Rhea Zeus's mother, gave Cronus a rock instead. When Zeus grew older,he went back to Cronus, gave him something to drink that made him throw up all of Zeus's siblings who were full-grown, and defeated Cronus. Zeus then became ruler of the gods and lived on Mt. Olympus.

    Task 2

    What I think about Greek mythology

    I kind of like Greek mythology, but sometimes it's boring, like the story of Athena's birth. But in some cases,it could be exciting.
    Overall, Greek mythology is fun to read,listen to,etc.

    Task 3

    About Democracy

    Democracy is aform of government and it means "rule by the people".
    In democracy, there is no ruler. Instead, the people rule. The advantages of democracy are that people get to chose what goes on in their community. There are disadvantages,especially for women. Women could not own property, could not vote, and could not own much money. There were also disadvantages if you were a slave. When the population gets too large, then it is hard for anyone to accomplish anything,really. So democracy has its good points as well as bad.

  92. I really dont like the idea because to many people will start to think they own the place and things will get out of control.

  93. This is the story of the almighty Bruce. Oh sorry I mean Zeus. His father Cronus was a very powerful and evil dude. He ate all of Zeus' siblings so they dont take him over like he did to his father. When he tried to swallow Zeus last, his mother Rhea exchanged him for a rock in hope to trick her husband and save Zeus. It worked magnificently and Zeus got away to live on a far away island. Later he tricked his father and forced him to spit out all of his brothers and sisters. They then took him over and became the rulers.

    I think that Greek Mythology is a fun topic to learn. Some may say oh ships weren't destroyed because Poseidon was mad. Which may be true, but they made sense to the Greeks and they are a fun topic to talk about today. There is so much to talk about when referring to Greek Mythology, that you can't learn too much.

    Democracy is a government used by the Greeks back then and also today. It is where there are no kings or queens. The people rule and thats it. The advantages are that everyone gets a say and not just what the king or queen wants to happen. It represents alot more freedom to us, the people. The disagvantages are that people may disagree on decisions and possibly get into large arguements leading up to fights. When the population gets too large, some work may not get done, because there is so many says that it is just chaos.

    Thats it for Greece. I'm going to miss you :( seriously bye...

  94. Task 1
    1Ok, Zeus was born with his mother and father Rhea and Cronus and along with him he had brothers and sisters. Zeus's father Cronus tried to eat his other siblings so that they wouldnt defeat him one day when they grow up. Rhea wanted one to at least live so she took Zeus to a Island where he would be safe to grow up. When he grew up he came to tartarus and released the Cyclopes and asked them to fight with him against his father and his titans and they defeated Cronus and the Siblings came out full grown. Now all the gods and goddesses live on Mt. Olypus and the Cyclopes make his thunder and lightning bolts.

    Task 2
    1 I think that Greek mythology can be real but I dont believe in it because it just doesn't seem real and the charectors would be sort of cool to actually have.

    Task 3
    1A democracy is a government run by the people.
    2The people rule it.
    3That you will be able to have different ideas and stuff like that.
    4Yes, that you grow the population and it would be hard for everyone to gather to vote.

  95. 1.Kronos(zueses father)ate zueses sisters and bro's Rhea tricked kronos into eating a rock wrapped in a blanket.zues was sent to a far away island and when he grew up he made his father up chuck his brothers and sisters then the war of the titans and olypians started
    2.I think Greece was one of the best units we've done because greek mythology is one of my favorite things to read about.because its not every day you here some guy named hurcules choped off the head of some woman with snakes for hair,witch if you looked at her strait in the eye... you would turn into stone.
    3.Democracy is a type of govorment.the people ruled like they do now.every one agrees one who rules.

  96. Democracy is a government ruled by the people.No one will feel left out because they have no power.If there is to many people it can get really out of contol.

  97. 1. Cronos wanted to eat his childern but when he went to eat Zeus his wife fooled him by wrapping a rock up in a baby blanket. Zeus grew and when he was strong slipped somthing into his father's drink and that made Cronos spit out Zeus's siblings. Zeus and his siblings fought and destroyed Cronos after that Zeus was ruler of all gods.
    2. I think Greek mythology is neat and easy to learn. I love the stuff we did, like the ABC book.
    3. Democracy-rule by the people.
    The people rule.
    That maybe if you have an opion you wanted heard it would be heard.
    Yes, there is some disadvantages like somtimes things don't work out the way you want them to.
    The people of greece selected 500 men to take charge.

  98. 1. First when Zues and his brothers and sisters were born their father thought they would overthrow him, so decided to eat them. When He was about to eat the last baby (zues) their mom sends zues away to an island to grow strong, and then she feeds the dad a rock wraped in a baby blanket. It works and zues grows up on the isand. When zues is full grown he gives his dad a poisen to make his throw up the other children. It works and the Children come out full grown and the overthrow their dad. THE END.
    2. I think that greek mythology is a little messed up because of all the weird things the gods and goddesses do. Like Athena being born from zues's head(FULL GROWN!!), and that one of the goddesses is traped in the underworld for half the year because she ate some fruit, and lastly,There are so many crazy creatures, like cebrus, medusa, and a cyclops. So like I said, Greek mytholgy is a little messed up.
    3. Democracy is rule by the people. The people rule. The atvantages are that the people chose who they want to rule or how they want the contry to work, this probably raises the county's overall happieness, employment rate,and just the function of the country. The disatvantages is that when a single person rules the country, there is a chance that another single person may want the ruler dead and go to great lengths to do it. And thy end up in jail, and the country ends up with a new leader.

  99. 1. when Zeus was a baby, his brothers and sisters were eaten by Cronos. It was Zeus's turn, and he was Reah's favorite, so she let him go. Then, she covered a rock and Cronus ate the rock. Later, Zeus defeated Cronos and got his siblings back by poisening him.
    2. I think it's cool. We don't have mythology. Well, we might, but I haven't heard of it. I sometimes wish it was real. People get eaten! And you ight be able to talk to animals.
    3. Democracy is a land ruled by people. The people rule. Anyone can rule. Yes, there are disadvantages, it was hard to gather. I don't know what happens when the pop. gets too big. Confession!

  100. task #1. his story is that when he was born his father cronos was scared his kids would over rule him. so he ate 5 of them the last one his wife tricked him and gave him a rock instead of the baby zeus. then zeus was sent away to an island to get bigger and stronger. well zeus came back and made cronos upjuck the other kids after that he killed cronos making him the lead titan.
    Task #2. I honestly think that greek mythology is the greatest. there are so many cool gods, goddesses, monster children, and all those creatures i think is the right word to use. i liked are speeches to because you got to learn about all the gods and goddesses. hey and mr. klumper if we do another speech can i please be a guy person i mean i know it was random but lets do something fixed next time okay.
    Task #3. democracy is a goverment ruled by the people. the people always rule in democracy. i think the advantages on it is you can see what a lot of people want to do rather like in england o the queen wants this in the city oh we have to have it. democracy completly opposite here in the us we vote not just one person decides. the bad thing is that when the council gets to large less things get done.

  101. Task1 the birth of Zeus was like this Zeus's father was Crouns ruling titan. When crouns was younger he killed his father father heaven so when he had kids he was worried about them killing him so he ate them all exapt Zeus because crouns's wife Rea was sick of crouns eating there kids so when it came to zeus she covered a rock in a blanket to look like Zeus Zeus got away and when he was older came back and freed his simblings and killed crouns and thats how Zeus was born
    Task3 Democracy is when people rule and get to pick there leaders when there were to many people it was hard to get everyone together to meet so they deided to have a few people ever year be on the meetings and stuff you ect. and thats what Democracy is.
    task 2 I loved greek mythology like centars and sirens gods and godesess all sorts of stuff it was fun learning to learn about it so if you have some time to kill learn about greek mythology.

  102. 1. The story about Zues is that when he was born Zues Brotheres and sisters got eaten. THe reason the got eaten is because Cornous thought that his kids would destroy him when the got older. So he eat 4 of them and there Rhea got tired of Crounous eating all of the kids. She took Zues to Island so Cronous could not eat him. When Zues was older he made his dad eat this stuff and it made him puke up his brothers and sisters. Then Zues became the ruler of all gods and godses. That is the story on Zues.

    2.My opion on Greek Mythology is that i thouht Zues is story was the best cause it kind of cool that he was the only one that didnt get eaten. But i think that all the storys were pretty good. That is my opion about Greek Mothology.

    3. Democracy is the goverment ruled be the people. That the people can controll it. The Disadvantages is probley that if the had an expert that they would know more about it. Then there city would not have gotten so big.

    Sissy :)

  103. Task 1. Zeus was the son of Cronos. Cronos ate his kids because he was afraid that they would overthrow him. When he was going to swallow Zeus, his sixth kid, Zeus's mom tricked Cronos into eating a rock instead. Zeus got hidden and grew up and when he was totally grown up he went back and killed Cronos.
    Task 2. I think Greek Mythology was interesting to learn about. It was funny how the Greeks came up with Gods and Goddesses to explain everything. Revenge and the wilderness were some of teh things thaqt Minor gods and goddesses were the gods and goddesses of.
    Task 3. Democracy is the Rule by the people. The advantages are that the people are not ruled by one person who could make some very bad desicions. Disadvantages are that not eveyone would vote. If the population gets to large, I suppose that it would just end up with more votes to count up. But also, in a council like the ancient greeks had, they used to have a lot of people there when the population grew to be to large. So they had to set an ammount of people to be in the council.

  104. 1. Zeus he was the 6th child. His father Cronos wanted to eat him because he had heard of a profisy that his children would gang up on him and kill him or just take over. So Cronos ate all of his children exsepte 1 Zeus, because when Zeus was born his mom wanted to save and she all so felt bad about the other children who had gotten eattin.
    So when Zeus was born Rhea rapped Zeus up in a blaket and sent him away to a far off island and instead rapped a rock about the size of Zeus in a blaket. When time came for Cronos to eat Zeus he insted ate the rapped rock. After awhile Zeus came back and killed Cronos and when he did all of his 5 brothers and sisters came out fully grown.
    2.I think greek mythology is cool. I liked lraening about all of there stories like the brith of Athena or when Zeus was born and I know other people who like is to. Like for instans my dad (jim) i neededon my abc book and of corue i asked my mom she knew nothing about greek mythology but my dad did. He told me that greek mytology was his favorite when he was a kid. He helpedme alot and it kinda got me more intersted in greek mythology.
    3.Democrocy is insted of having a king or queen the people rule. Like I told you before the people ruled . Some of the advanijes are that you dont have to listen to anyone particul like a king or queen and i think thats cool or at least really good!Im really not sure what would happen if the population got to be too large? there might be some fighting but how knows well i dont.

  105. Task One
    Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus was very powerful and he didn't want any of his children to be more powerful than him, so he ate them. Zeus was the last child and Rhea did not want Cronus to eat him. So Rhea gave Cronus a rock instead of Zeus. Zeus was off at a island away from Cronus. When Zeus got strong and went back to Cronus and defeated him. Cronus throw up all the children and they came out alive and okay.
    Task 2
    I thought Ancient Greece was very fun to learn about. I liked learning about all the Gods and Goddess. It was also cool to learn about the monster children.(go Medusa) My favorite thing was to do the speeches.
    Task 3
    Democracy means rule by the people. The people rule and so everyone gets to say what they think is right. I don't think there are any disadvantages about it. When the population gets too large is is hard for everyone to vote and they need representives.

  106. 1.Zeus was the leader of the gods/godesses. He was also the son of Crorous.Cronous also ate Zueses siblings.Zues also uses lightning bolts.

  107. zeus has six brothers and sisters!! Cronous was worried that they would over power him, so he ate them(he got hungery)but baby zeus lived cause his mom sent him away. he came back when he was older and gave his father poison so he pucked up his sibleings! later zeus got married and got news his baby was goin to over power his so he swallowed his wife!! got bad headacke split open head baby came out full growen and armerd.

    Greek stuff is ok its cool cause it had wierd people in it that did cool and wierd stuff.

    democracy is when you dont have jus one ruler.its ruled by the people.the good things is that everyone can have a say in the stuff.the bad stuff is there can get to be to many people and its hard to find time for everybody to come so you get nothin done.

  108. Zues is the ruler of the Gods and Goddesses. His father was Cronos and his mothers name was Reah. He could controll the weather and and ruler of the Olypians. His
    father Cronos ate all Zues brothers and sisters because Cronos killed his father so Cronos ate his children so he would not get killed. Cronosdid not swallow Zues because the mom Reah thought he was impotant. Zues caused Cronon to throw up all his brothers and sisters!

    I thought greek mythology was intresting. It was cool to learn about all the monster childrena and how they are diffrent like hafe horse and snakes as hair. IT is intoresting that there would be so many gods and goddesses.

  109. Task 1. Zeus is the son of Rhea and Cronus. Cronus over through his father so he didn't want the same thing to happen to him. Cronus ate 5 of his children, but his wife, Rhea, didn't want him to eat Zeus since he was her favorite. She put a rock wrapped up in cloth that looked exactly like Zeus! When Cronus came to eat his 6th and last child Rhea gave him the rock instead of Zeus and Cronus ate the rock. Meanwhile, Zeus was being carried off by a bird to a distant island. And that is the story of Zeus.
    Task 2. I think Greek Mythology is a little far fetched. Like Apollo actually strapped the Sun to a bike and dragged it across the sky and that is the way the Sun gets across the sky every day. Or that whenever Zeus got mad he would strike lightning down and that was the reason for lightning.
    Task 3. Democracy is ruling by the people. The advantages of democracy are that everyone gets what they want, but the disadvantages are that when population grows more people want to be in charge and want their way.

  110. task 1:
    zeus was a son of cronus.And he was all most the last kid to be eaten but his mom saved him. Hismom saved him by faking him as a rock. when he was old he took some stuff that made him vomit all the brothers and sisters up and they lived happy ever after.

    task 2:
    I thought the greek unit was cool because they did a lot of weird things.Such as the god and goddesses.They also did some cool and tricky things. Such as sendin a wooden horse to winthe trogan war.

    task 3:
    Domocracy is goverment that is ruled py the people. To pick who rules they vote just like us in the U.S. I think their are many advantages so you have a vote to see what will happen.

  111. zues has six brothers and sisters!!!!! cronous was worried that they would over power them so he ate them :(...... so his mother didnt want zues to get eatin so she sent him away before he got aetin so she wraped up a rock with a blanket adn gave it to him........

    well its fun and boring personaly i dont like social studies but its kinda fun with your blog and stuff so ya..... i like greek a little better then the others cause the gods and goddesses ans stuff so ya it was fun.. i little

    umm demoacracy is ruled b the peolpe so the peolpe are treated equaly

  112. CONTINUED!!!
    2. I like greek mythology. I like it because I gust like lurning about history. My favorite part was lurning about the trogin war. I also liked lurning about the greek gods.

    3. Democracy is a type of ruling. It is ruled by the people. One advantig is that you get what the people want. One disadvantig is that it is hard for everyone to vote.

  113. continued

    Due to her manor of birth she has dominion over all things of the intelect.

    3.government by the people. the people . ever body gets treated equaly. when it gets to big it took to long to make a decision. it will take to long to get every body together like the presidential election.

  114. hey mr. klumper i was a sick today and am doing ur blog so hey.

    1.the story of is where his dad cronus and his mom rhea had kids and then cronus thought one would over power him so he started eating his kids.then his mom got tierd of watching her kids get eaten so she put a rock in a blanket and gave zues to a bird that would bring him to a far away place that cronus would not see him. s after zues greww up he went back to mt olympia and gave his dad some mposinus drink that made spit upall his brothers and sisters. then he defeated cronus and became ruler of the gods and got married to his sister hera.

    2. i think greek mythology was pretty cool and neat i liked being are person and giving the speech too.

    3. a democracy is ruled by the people it6s where people vote for their ruler like in america. the advantiges are we get to chose the person who rules and its not like a family tree thing. the disadvantage is that if you dont want that person to win and they do to bad thats it. bye

  115. task2

    I think Greek mythology is cool. I like that it has some pretty funny stuff. It's funny that they actually believed in the gods.

    task 3

    democracy is when there's no king but it's ruled by people. The advantages of democracy is that nobody has to get bossed around by a king. The disadvanteges is when the population gets to big nothing can get done. When the population got to big the people had to be a citizen of Athens to do anything if you were a girl you couldn't vote.

  116. Task 3: Democracy is better because everyone has on opinion. It is ruled bythe people. People who are eleced are the rulers. One of the advantages is it isn't just one person's thoughts. A disadvantage is that it gets harder when you get more people who are voting.

  117. Zeus excaped to an island then when he got older he gave cronus a posonis drink and then cronus spit up zeuses brothers and sisters.Then he defeted cronus and became the ruler of all the gods and goddess.

    I think that it was iteresting. and fun to learn about the gods and goddess.

    Democracy is the ruling of the people.The best sity state that has the best example of democracy is Athens.As the population grows it is to hard to gather around and vote.

  118. im back!

    still on task 2. as I was saying We have no clue how things started and we don't think to look back at the past.Greece was just one of those places that anything could happen.

    task 3.Democracy is people are allowed to vote for who they want. Its ruling by the people. The advantage of having democracy is that people if dont agree with each other they dont have to vote for that person. the disadvantage of democracy it was hard to get everyone there to vote. when to the population got to large they had to have reps.

  119. task 3.Democracy is when the poeple rule.One of the advantags are if you get to be picked to represent the people.One of the disadvantages are if you do not get picked to go.If the population gets too large they will pick 500 poeple to go.

  120. I think that they are cool.The moster kids are the coolest.The one eye moeter was petty cool.

    Democracy is the government by the people.

    The people.

  121. ok Mr. Klumper this is the one you didn't get so here it is again! !

    Task 1: So it started when Reah(Crons' wife) had one baby and the dad got jelous just like he did to his dad. So he thought he would overpower him so he swolled him and trapped him in his stomch. And this proccess contuined
    5 times. But then Zeus came and Reah wanted to save him so she tricked Crons with rapping a rock in cloth and he fell for it. Meanwhile Zeus, was sent away with Ninphs so he lived in a cave.
    Zeus grew up and became very strong and angry withe his dad so he came back and over powered him.
    And Zeus freed all of his brothers and sisters.

    HAHAHAHEHEHEHE good for zues and bad for the dad.

    Task 2: I think Greek mythology is a little strange. The idea of a father eating his children and then vomiting them up years later is gross. The monsters with one eye (cyclops), medusa (hair of snakes) were all disgusting. I think it's weird phenomena. I think the way we live is better.
    (except for Pegasus, she is cool).

    Task 3: Democracy is a government ruled by the people. One advantage is that the people have a say in it and get to vote. The disadvantage is that when the population gets too big, the voting gets complicated and it is too big to get anything done.

    I hope you get my blog this time. My computer must have been invaded with Greek mythology monster children. Watch out, they might still be lingering throughout the Greek blog. Let's hope they stay away from the Rome blogs.

  122. Mr. Klumper, this is the copy of what I tried to get through the other time. I tried it once tonight again and it blurted me out. I will attempt to print this one before sending it, in case it goes into outer space again.

    Task 1: Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus ate 5 children after their birth. The children remained in his stomache. when Zues was born, Rhea saved Zeus by taking him to the mountains to be raised by the nymphs. Years later when he grew to an adult, Zeus returned and overthrew his father and took control. Cronus vomited up Zeus's other siblings.

    Task 2: I think Greek mythology is a little strange. I think its strange that a father (Cronus) would eat his children and then years later vomit them up whole. I also think the whole idea of one eyed monster (cyclops) and medusa (hair of snakes) is crazy. All together, I think this whole thing is weird. I like the way we life today, not in a mythical world. I do think that Pegasus was cool. I would be neat to have wings and fly without having to go through baggage check in at the airport.

    Task 3: Democracy is government that is ruled by the people. The advantage of it is that people get a say in it. The disadvantage of it is that when a population gets too large, the voting process is too difficult. When the population gets too large, it takes too long to get things done.

    Wish me luck in sending this to you.


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