
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Laying China to Rest

Where does the time go. Here we are, at the end of the China unit and it seems like just yesterday we were starting the Stone Age. It's amazing how fast time goes, lucky for us, Water for Sixth Grade is timeless. (which means it will last FOREVER)
I am assuming you thought that once you were done with the test, you were done with your work for Social Studies. Oh, how you were wrong. This is going to be a multi-task post, which means you are going to have to do more than one thing. So perhaps you need to start reading faster to get to the part of this post that actually explains what you need to do. I'm kidding, no rush, I appreciate you reading this and taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to my class. By the way, did you get a hair cut? It looks nice. You Must Do BOTH Tasks.

Task 1: You need to reflect on Ancient China. That basically means you need to blog about what you learned about Ancient China. Here's a few tips to get you started: Tell the world what you liked the most about the Unit, tell the world what you thought was interesting, what types of activities you liked doing the most, what do you wish we would have done, etc. I am always open to new ideas for projects, activities, etc. Got a good one? Share it!
Task 2: Compare Ancient China with our previous unit, Ancient Egypt. Tell the world how these two civiliations are similar and how they are different. Here are a couple ideas on what to compare/contrast: the Rivers of both civilizations (how were they used? How were they similar?), Pyramids and the Great Wall (what were they both built for? Who worked on them? What are they used for today? Unique about them?)
What allowed these two civilizations to grow and become a major civilization, compare/contrast the impact each has had on our lives today (which civilization has impacted us the most? Why? What civilization do you like the most? Why?
Due Date: December 19, 2008. Midnight.
Points: 20 School Points
Worth: Continuing to become Master Bloggers

Good Luck, and as always, Thank You for your hard work and positive Attitude. You are the Best.


  1. in this unit i learned alot about the chinese culture and how it worked. like how people died building the great wall thats sad but some one had to do it or else it wouldnt have been there. the interesting part was the interventions like the tooth brush and the toilet paper.(hahaha alex wilde u got toilet paper.) so in china there are alot of things to learn.
    in eygpt they didnt have alot of thins like the great wall but they had pyramids and china does not. they both have artifacs and gold and cool stuff like that. so they have a couple things the same but it come out that china is a little cooler than eygpt cause of mmumies i dont like so ya.
    (the test was really hard i mean really.)

  2. I like Ancient china because i like noodles and i like their clothes. I felt short but i is my favorite so far because we dont have to read out of the book. Also i dont think we should have to do the speeches because i will laugh the whole time. And another thing is last year we did Discovery which was really fun!!!! I hope we do something like it. I liked the china unit better than all the other ones because i didnt have to talk about muumies and see them mummifed and on china we get to watch awesome kung-fu videos...i liked how there were dynaties and not all the other stuff. I liked wathing that Shi Hungdi guy htat was off his rocker!The rivers played an important part in all of the units and i bet the next one will have one too...I liked ancient china the best!!!!!!!

  3. What i thought was really cool about the Ancient China unit was that after people died working on the Great Wall the workers would just throw them into the wall and start working again. Also, i thought it was interesting how many people live there in modern times, ot would probobly take an hour just to get seated at Mcdonalds. I always think the web quests are awesome cause we can do it on our time it's just a big packet of work that we hand in after a week or so. I hate it when stuff is do the very next day. I wish we could have opened the wall cause it is always fun working with other kids. I'm curious what we will do next unit.

  4. What i thought was really cool about the Ancient China unit was that after people died working on the Great Wall the workers would just throw them into the wall and start working again. Also, i thought it was interesting how many people live there in modern times, ot would probobly take an hour just to get seated at Mcdonalds. I always think the web quests are awesome cause we can do it on our time it's just a big packet of work that we hand in after a week or so. I hate it when stuff is do the very next day. I wish we could have opened the wall cause it is always fun working with other kids. I'm curious what we will do next unit.

  5. I have leared alot of ancient china objects and lands of china, inventions, but the number one thing i learned is if they werent alive or didnt ever exist, we would not have alot of the stuff we have now in this time period. I learned that the first dynasty defeated the XIA people, and learned there are four dynasties.

    This unit compared to ancient Egypt is way cooler because ancient china invented most of the stuff in the world and ancient egypt only made cloths and built pyramids, but ancient china built the GREAT WALL OF CHINA and that is way better that pyramids. There are also some similarities, one of the similarities is they both have kings and nobles and farmers, they work the same way as ancient egypt does except ancient China does doulbe cropping, witch means to plants two crops in the same field at the same time in the same year.

    TO BE CONTINUED...................

  6. what I liked most about china is that china was verdiverse china had two major river the Yellow river and the Yangzte river because every town country city needs a major river to survive

  7. i think that vidos are the best becuse they were fun to see.
    egyt was a lot ferrs becuse oftheir rulse.

  8. hi what i learned is that the great wall of china is acually kind of a cementary. but still you've got to admit thats pretty harsh. I mean how would u like it if you died working on it and they just through your body in there? but still you would get to huant it if u wanted.:). another thing that i liked is that this was a short unit not to mention a short web quest.

    Now im going to tell you how anciet china and ancient egypt are different. Frist of all with ancient china, they have desserts, mountains, and jungles while ancient egypt only basically has dessert. And, ancient egypt have normal names while ancient china has all of these weird names like Shi Huangdi. Is that his 1st name? If it is he's got a long 1st name, come to think of it think how long his last name is if he has a 1st name that long! Well i guess ill blog to you later. hehe :)

  9. 1.Hello my name is garrett and Im going to tell you what I liked about Aceint China. What i lied the most was that we go to see all the inventions and how they afect us to like paper.
    2. i think that anceint egypt didn't realy afect us because they didnt really invent many things. I think that aceint china had the most impact on use because they inevented many thing that we use today.

  10. I leared that china invented a lot of things like paper, compass, gunpowder, cups, and tools. more to come

  11. task 1 i have learned about oricle bones and the great wall and about all of the dynastys of china. I have learned about cunfucinism and daoism also.
    Task 2 ancient china has two main rivers but china only has one.egypt has a desert and so does china. China had things like pyramids but more like a tomb. egypt had pyramids. today china and egypt have a ton of people living in them. the pramids alowd egypt to grow and the great wall alowed china to grow.

  12. Hi this is Syd...I think that the cool thing about China is all the tools they made. China is a very interesting unit because of that.I learned that China had four mager Dynastys.First the Zhou defeted the Xia people.

    Task 2:China is wayyyyyyyyyy more interesting than Egypt because China had two rivers and Egypt had one.Also China has a Great Wall of China, that is used for hikeing, biking, and torism today. That does not mean I don't like Egypt.

  13. I learned that chine is one of the largest countrys in the world and has the great wall of china. The great wall of china is awsome and i wish we could have built a miniture one around the classroom. THe most interesting thing is that they have kungfu and they can do all these kind of tricks with it. I like ancient china more because it has the great wall of china and you cant really see the inside of pyramids. The pyramids were used to bury the pharoh and the great wall of china was used for protection. THe rivers were both used for the same thing and they kept the ancient things so that we can see them today and kind of show what they were like back then.

  14. I learned a lot about ancient China. It has a Great Wall, which was used for protection. I learned about four of the Dynasties, The Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. People in China still consider themselves people of the Han. Probably because the Han Dynasty was a really good Dynasty. I think that Ancient China is better than Ancient Egypt because Egypt was really boring. Its gross how they mummified people. The Great Wall is personally way better than the Pyramids, because the great wall is a burial and a tourist place. You couldn't walk around on the pyramids. The two civilizations are similiar because they both had like kings, or rulers, and they both had peasents. They're different because of what they beleived in and how they dressed. Ancient China is more interesting than Ancient Egypt.

  15. What i liked most about Ancient China is the Chinese inventions. I liked how we were assinged different inventions and we have to write a paragraph. I also like how we can bring in our invention instead of having to do a poster, although it is kinda hard to bring in a coffin.I wouldve liked to at least learn how to properly hold chopsticks though.
    Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are similar because they both had Pharoahs/emporers, and they both had deserts. China didn't revolve around a major river as the egyptains did, and china has much more different types of landscapes. The pyramids were used as tombs, but the great wall was used for protection. Yet both are tourist attractions. they both were major civilizations because thet were around for soooo long. Yet all in all i liked egypt a little bit more.

  16. Task 1:
    What I liked the most about ancient china and want to blog about is the ancientchina mini quest I personly think it was much better than the one for ancient egypt. The reason being that I liked that there was writhing in it!

    Task Two:
    The things that are differant about ancient china and anciant egypt is they all happend in differant times of life and they all happend differantly. The reason they are they are the same is that they had something that the built like the pyramids and the great wall!

    And that is what I'm blogingabout

  17. Part #1

    I learned that the Great Wall of China is cool. What I thought that was best about this unit is the great emperors that ruled each dynatsty. What I think we should have done is brought in any documentary books, movies, video clips, etc., and we would have looked them.

    Part #2

    Ancient China and Egypt are alike because they both have tombs they bury ancestors in. Another way they are similar is that they both use their rivers in a similar way. They are different in such a way because chinese people expect their ancestors to get out of their coffin and go worship earlier people. Pyramids held dead bodies and the great wall kept bad peole out they are both labor intensive. I seem to like Ancient China better because they have better food, speaking of which I'm hungry

  18. Hi, it's Paidon. I have learned a lot about this unit. I have learned that the yellow river is the furthest north in china. it runs into a yellow sea. The clay iin the rier makes it yello. It is called "China's Sorrow," because when it flooded, it killed things & peplo. It is similar to the Nile. the taklaman desert is in the middle of china. The qinling mts are found right above the yello river. THe yangtze river is furthest south in china. this river flows into the East China Sea. the himalayan mts are found rigth in betweenn teh 2. the gobi desert is furthest NE.

    The similarity to Ancient Egypt is close. China has a main river too, The Yelloew river. the nile is Egypt's main river. Both rivers are juat as important , both countries rely on them.

  19. I know alot about Ancient China now.I know that the GREAT WALL OF CHINA was used for protection way back then.They had 4 major dynasties SHANG,ZHOU,QIN,and HAN.They Had lots of major battles.They had KINGS,NoBlEs,and peashants.

  20. Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are very alike because they both have rivers that helped their civilization. Without the rivers they wouldn't have a civilization. Both had building structures such as the Great Wall and pyramids. They both have a class system with kings nobles and peasants. I think Ancient China has impacted our lives the most because without them inventing paper many things wouldn't be here today, but Ancient Egypt has impacted our lives alot to. I like the Ancient China the most because they make some awesome Chicken. That is my opinion on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt.(notice I said China first because it is way better!!!!)

  21. The thing I liked most about the unit is how interesting the culture is. I also liked learning about the things they invented. I think it would have been really fun if we made a mini model of the great wall of china.
    Ancient Egypt used there river I think more than Ancient China did. Ancient Egypt relied on their river maybe more than anyone thinks. While we didnt get into much specifics on what Ancient China used their river(s) for, we can assume it was used in many similar ways the Ancient Egyptians used theirs. Ancient Egytians used there river for most everything; crafting, drinking water, water for crops etc. Ancient china used it for those things also. Ancient China may have used it for more intriquit ways considering there advancements in culture.
    Ancient China used and built the great wall for protection which didnt work to well. The Great Wall was to easy to climb over. Ancient Egypt built there pyramids for protecting there deceased kings. The pyramids were highly affective although people still managed to break in and steal the kings possessions.

  22. there are alot of things i learned about ancient china. like there were a WHOLE bunch of dynastys. like the shang the zhou the han the qin.etc. i learned that they used a thing called oracle bones they were thought to predict the future.the thing i liked doing the most is probably making the chinese symbols.

    task 2
    there are some things that are alike and some thingd that are different about ancient china and ancient they both had major river(S) and china has dynastys and egypt built pryamids.

  23. 1. First of all I learned alot about ANCIENT CHINA, but my favorite, or the most interesting thing that I think is watching the cool fighting videos and learning about how much different China is now and then, than it is from the United States. I really enjoyed this unit and it has been my favorite one so far.

    2.There was ALOT that was different about ANCIENT CHINA and ANCIENT EGYPT, but there was also a few similar things about ANCIENT CHINA and ANCIENT EGYPT. In ANCIENT EGYPT, there was only on major river that the Egyptians relied on and, the NILE RIVER, but in ANCIENT CHINA, they relied on two major rivers,the YELLOW RIVER and the YANGTZE RIVER. Another thing different thing anout ANCIENT CHINA and ANCIENT EGYPT, is that in ANCIENT CHINA, they had a great wall called the GREAT WALL of CHINA. In the GREAT WALL of CHINA, alot of dead people were placed in it, but none of them were special to the people who were building it. In ANCIENT EGYPT,they have PYRAMIDS, the 3 GIZA PYRAMIDS. In the GIZA PYRAMIDS they would have pharoes put in them, not slaves, criminals, and farmers. Here are a few things that are similar about them. They both have major rivers. They both have a type of king or ruler.

  24. 1.First of all I learned alot about ancient China,but my favorite thing is watching the 2 cool videos! This has been my favorite unit so far. I wish I could have learned more.

    2. There was alot that was different about ancient China and ancient Egypt. Like Egypt built pyramids to mummify there kings. Ancient China's Great Wall of China (Longest cemetery in the world)was built for pertection. The people that built the pyramids were volunteers not slaves, the people that built the Great Wall were slaves, criminals, and farmers. Thats all I have for you Mr. Klumper.

  25. Ancient china is better because they have more and better things to do. they made inventions or stuff we still use to day, like toilet papper, papper, and even gunpowder.
    Anciect Egypt didn't realy invent anything, but they had king Tut in their days and ancient China didn't.
    They both had kigs, good and bad, They both probibly had a good king each, or more.
    I laerned that when sombody dies they just throw in the body and build over it. Imagie if you are on the wall and you died, ya that's harsh. If you were on top of a mountain and you fell down they will not go and get you, they will leave you down there all alone.
    They both had deserts, but aneint China has a jungle/forest, streets, houses, and cars.

  26. Task 1- I learned alot about Ancient China my favourite part about learning about Ancient China is what they invented. I think the most interesting thing about Ancient China is they made toilet paper.

    Task 2- ANcient China and ANcient Egypt are similar because they both relied on the rivers to live such as they Ancient Egpytions needed the Nile for food and water and the Ancient Chinese needed the rivers for the same reason. They are different because Ancient China made alot of inventions we still use today and they are in different parts of the world.

  27. .1.I learned that the Great Wall was used in many things. Shi Huandi was the fist emperor of china. the confucanism and daoism chart and the dynastys. I would like to know more about the great wall and about the dynastys.2. The rivers are similar because they are used to transport and they kill people when they overflow. The china rivers go west and east the nile goes north. The pyramids and the great wall were used for protection. The pyramids protected pharohs the great wall protects china. Slaves worked on both of them. They are now just used for tourism. china proggressed more making more things thats why i lke china

  28. I think that it was cool to learn about another country that is not ours because i am kinda getting bored of this country (kidding) but i did enjoy it although i wish that mr.klumper would give us some brain food like jolly ranchers. TASK 1 Complete

  29. 1. What I liked best about the unit was the speech we get to do. The activity I liked best was probably the Chinese writing. I don't think there was anything I would change.
    2. Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are alike in many ways, one of those ways is that they both built something wonderful, something that will pass its time and generations afterward. They both had rivers, lakes, streams, and towns. They are diffrent because Egypt really dident invent anything while the people of China were busy bees building things that would become useful in the futer. That's all for now on Water For Sixth GRADE!!!!

  30. Task 1,
    I learned that China isn't just a what-ever place, because they invented LOTS of our everyday
    items....YAH!!!!!!....also i wish we could have like broght in something if our parents or someone went their so people could know what stuff looks like!!!

    Task 2,
    First of all China is far more cooler than Egypt!!!!... so in china there are alot of things to learn.Because in eygpt they didn't have alot of fun stuff to invent like the great wall was a AWESOME invention they had pyramids but who cares china had the GREAT WALL!!!. they both had stuff like gold and cool stuff like that!!!!They have a FEW things that are similar but to me china is ALOT cooler than eygpt cause of the mummification and all that stuff so therefor i dont like it.

  31. In the unit about anchient china i learned about dowism an confusionism. The anchient china test was alot harder though. I learned about the chinese inventions. Like i learned the compass was invented by the han. I also learned the that the great wall o china is called the longest cemetary in the world.I liked anchient egypt better though. Anchient china an anchient egypt both buried there dead. And they both had farmers work. Think of this there were farmers that built the pyramid and there were farmers that built the great wall of china. Even though there were people buried in the pyramids they wernt workers but the great wall of china has dead farmers, peasents, and slaves buried in it. One ome thing they also had in common is they both had people high ranked, middle ranked, and low ranked.

  32. Ancient China was a really awsome unit. It is to bad that we did not get more time for it! The thing I Liked most about Ancient China is the Great Wall. I think an activity we could have done (if we would have had more time) is build a mini model of the Great Wall. Learning about the dynasties was all right too. It is kind of confusing how they keep all of that stuff straight! Here is task number..........TWO! Ancient China and Ancint Egypt have a lot in common. First, I think they would both be awsome for tourism. Second they both have cool land marks(being the great wall and the pyramids). Ancient China has been the coolest unit wet and I really enjoyed it!

  33. I thought it was really interesting that the Ancient Egyptians wore make-up and Ancient China didnt. I also found what was wierd was that the Ancient Egyptians wore " Pig Fat" to smell good and the China people didnt probably smell good at all. The thing that I did like about this unit is that I learned somethings that are new that I havent learned yet so ya. I also liked all the powerpoints you did for all of the classes{especially ours laugh out loud}

  34. I learned that china was a very large place but in large places there are large populations also that it was very powerful contry and smart to. China was also dedicated to protect there people they built the great wall of china for them although it probably killed more people then saved 2.The I thought was cool about the two was they built huge things that was taller than anything else in the world at that time.One thing I would like to learn more about is the war fare im the two

  35. I have learned alot about China. For example, the first four dynasties were, Shang,Zhou,Qin,and Han dynasty.I really liked the part of the unit where we got to make chinese symbos. That was really fun to do and make. It would of also been cool if we combined with the black team too. I thought that Shi Hugandi was a very interesting name and it sounded cool! He was the first emporer. So I have learned many things.

    Also China and Egypt are very different. But some ways they are alike too!They are alike because they both have emporers and kings (basically someone to rule the country).They both made something very amazing too. China has the great wall while egypt has the pyramids. The pyramids were used for tombs and the great wall was used for defensive purposesI think that China has had the biggest impact on our counry. I say this because they invented so many things.

  36. i learned that china it really eally really really big i mean huge. i also learned that china invented many things like the noodle the kite and gunpowder but most of all i didnt know that the GREAT WALL Of HINys!!! was so big and how important it really was. plus i didnt know that there was 4 main dynastys but the one that I like the most is the han because they werent CRAZY LIKE THE QIN DYNASTY! and because people still consider themselfs as the people of the han because they were strong smart coragious

    task 2 china and egypt are alike becase in my opoin they are very fun to learn about and both have tombs and burried with stuff. plus there rivers are kinda simmler the both eat weird food too so yeah.

    tah tah for now
    macy peroid4

  37. I think that both egypt and china are both great we probably wouldnt be here without them litterilally without paper we couldnt write blue prints for computers 1 both the nile and yellow rivers flood a lot they get a lot of water from em but they also kill a lot of people too. 2 both of em have something great like the great wall of china and the pyramids i wonder if a car would fit on the great wall of china .3 every body has different cultures like how they bury there mummies or lords its all different but i think that china is more important because without chin we couldnt come to school and have the opertunity to make new friends or learn about ancient chinas history

  38. What I liked most about the unit is the great wall of china. All of the activities we did i thought were cool. i dont have any better ideas because Mr. Klumper has already done them all. i think ancient china and ancient egypt are different beacause ancient china is kinda the same now and ancient egypt is not. i think they also used the rivers the same. both the pramids and the great wall were used to protect something. slaves worked on the great wall and slaves worked on the pyramids. i think ancient china has impacted us the most because of all the things they invented. i like ancient china more because it was cool to see all of the things they invented. i think it was weird that when the people working on the great wall of china died they threw them at the wall and then just built over them. i also think it is amazing how long the great wall of china is and how long it took to build it.

  39. what i thought was cool about the anchienct china unti is that when a worker slave ofr criminal whould die building the great wall is that they whould just throw them on the wall and keep building without even worriying about the horrible small to be contiuned

  40. ok so we have been learning ancient china right. wells i thought that they just took gunpowder and a container to make fireworks is just amazing,simply amazing

    more to come

  41. part#1 in the china unit i learned that the great wall of china is sometimes called the longest semetary in the favorite thing in the china unit is the great wariors that ruled china. i also liked the videos,clips,movies,etc. the china is an awsome unit.

    part#2 The ancient china and ancient Egypt are alike because they have tombs and bury the people that died.another way they are simoler is they bothe use their rivers in a similar way. they are different in such a way because chinese people expect their ancestors to get out of their coffin and go worshp earlier people.pyramids held dead bodies and the great wall of china kept other people out they are both labor intensive. i seem to like the videos from china better then the ones from egypt. china has better food like egg rolls. anceint china and anceint egypt both made a type of paper but the paper that we use today is the one that anceint china made.i wonder whats are next unit.

  42. one of the many things that I liked about this unit was that we got to do another webquest.

    to be continued

  43. I learned that in ancient China times they had samories, ninja's the Great Wall of China, kings nobbles pesents gun powder bombs they used accupunture for inguries. LOOK FOR MORE!!!!!!!!!!

  44. I learned that in ancient China times they had samories, ninja's the Great Wall of China, kings nobbles pesents gun powder bombs they used accupunture for inguries. LOOK FOR MORE!!!!!!!!!!

  45. In the China unit i learned about a lot of inventions like the compass,rockets,fireworks and acupuncture(that looks like it hurt,how does tht get RID of headaches).?
    I also liked doing the review game that was fun!!!!!!:););););)....

  46. i learned that without the ancient chinese we would not be where we are now. i also learned that mr. klumper has fun being "funny!" i think ancient china did the most for the world. i think the egyptions did do a preaty cool thing when they built the pyramids, but now days they put fast food across the street! that does not match. sure they have done a couple things to change the ancient chines inventions but they did not change them alot. we still usre them for the same things. i like this sivalisation the most.the chines also helped us the most! expesioly with the paper invention!

  47. i learned more about the great wall also called the longest cemetary and i like chinese food alot i even did a project on chopsticks whitch was fun we also learned their religion the dynastys and other things like how they dressed china also had an impact on china by giving us the things we need today compared to egypt i think that china had the greater impact they both had two main rivers chinas were yangzee and yellow and egypts were tigris and eurphrates i liked china the best though i learned alot from this experience

  48. I liked ancient china because it is different. Everyone knows about ancient eygpt the pyrimads the mummies etc. It was fun learning about a topic most people don't know much about!!!!

  49. My favorite thing we learned in the Ancient China unit were the inventions. I had no idea there were so many! The speech wasn't too difficult to write!

    Ancient Egypt and Ancient China are more similar than I thought. They both had amazing structures. Egypt had pyramids and China had the Great Wall. The were both gravesites, though the Great Wall had another purpose. The pyramids protected the dead from evil and verobbers, andthe Great Wall was built to protect the Chinese from enemies. Overall I liked China the most, as it has much more to do with are lives.

  50. in anchent china i learned that they made a lot of the stuff we use and we use it every day. I think anchent egypt and anchent china are both simalear because they both had some sort of king and both and main rivers and both faught a lot in wars and were both smart thats what i learned about anchent china

  51. I think China is a more interesting subject mainly because it wasn't long and boring. Ya Egypt was ok but I also like all the inventions China made. Egyptan pyramids are very much cooler than the great wall, but so many people died building the great wall. If I had the choise of wich one to distroy It would be the great wall for shure. My reason is there would be a lot more to distroy and a lot of dead people to see. Egypt sounds a lot nicer to live in though. My reason is because the pharoahs actualy treated there people fare.
    And all the diferent religons in China, what a mess. Egypt was a boring terain wise place to live, I meen sand everywhere. If I had to chose on it would be Egypt. And yet China invented so many helpful things. I don't think I could dicide, what about you?

  52. In this unit I liked how different Ancient China is then the U.S. Also I liked learning about all the dynasties.I LOVED doing the webquest over Ancient China ... the thing i didnt like is writing a speech over a invention.

    In Egypt they have pyramids ..and in china they have the Great Wall of China. The great wall of china was built for protection and the pyramids were used for protecting the kings and pharohs when they died.

    The civilization i like most is the Egyptian one cause i liked learning the processes of the dead body and i liked learning about the pyramids and what there made out of. BYEEEE.....

  53. What i learned about ancient china is a lot actually. First i learned about the four big dynastys.Shang zhou qin and han.Also i learned that today the chinese call themselves the people of the han.In the old days people used the great wall for protection ordefensive purposes but today they mostly use it for hiking biking and tourism.I also learned about some of their inventions such as fireworks gunpowder matches bell and toilet paper.

    Egypts pyramids and chinas wall are alike because they both have dead people in them.Also the nile river and the yellow river are alike because they provide fertile land because they overflow.

  54. Task #1.... What i learned that alot of people in China die because of wroking on the Great Wall of China!! Tha is kinda bad. My favorite part about the unit is the webquest well the drawing part, and i like doing the inventions, I just like to make the poster, and type a speech about China. I think that you should keep doing that for the rest of your years of teaching!!!!!!!!!

    Task #2= What the difference between China and Egypt is the rivers. China has more rivers, and Egypt just has the Nile River. Also Egypt has pyramids, and China has he Great Wall of China. The pyramids were built to bury people, and the Great Wall of China is used for protection.

    Well that's Ancient China and Ancient Egypt!!!! byeeeee

  55. Task 1:

    What I liked most about the China unit was learning about all the inventions that they created. The thing thought interesting about China was that the Great Wall could be easily breached because they didn't have enough people on the wall to protect it. Another thing I thought was interesting about the China unit was that when someone died while building the Great Wall, they would throw his body in and keep building around it. My favorite activity was making the Chinese Symbol.

    Task 2:

    Ancient Egypt and Ancient China both had major rivers though China had 2 and Egypt had 1. Another way they are similar is that they both built extrmely large structures, though China used theirs for protection, while Egypt used theirs for graves. Both became large and powerful civilizations. I like Egypt better than China because I think its mor interesting to study their religion.

  56. What I like about ancient China was about the Great Wall of China and the way it is used then and know. I liked to blog about what we know about ancient China and know what we learned. I like it when we have to fill in the blank when we are watchng a movie rather than just writting it down on a blank piece of paper. Also I like the power points better than reading out of a text book.
    What I know that is different between ancient Egypt and ancient China is that in Egypt there was pyramids and in China there is The Great Wall. Also China invented a lot of things for us. Some things that are diffent are that they both led us to a great life now!!

  57. Something I thought was very interesting about ancient China was that back then, they actually thought the Great Wall of China offered protection. They spent all this time building it, just to have protection? What were they thinking? Anyway, I think it is also interesting that China is so populated. If you went to a beach, there would be knowhere to swim. If you went to a restaurant, it would take a long time to get your food. I think that unlike ancient Egypt, their life didn't revolve around the river. The Chinese also didn't use mummification, which I thought was a pretty long project to just preserve the dead.

  58. What i know about Ancient China is that today the people of china call themself people of the han and the nickname for the Great Wall Of China was the longest cematary on Earth and that their were 4 dynastys in china
    to be contiuned

  59. Task 1. I liked the very exciting video of the war that was very excting. I also liked filling out the map and having to memorize it. It was fun missing out on some of it because i was sick it was easy getting back on track. I accually liked the test because for me it was very simple. The Great Wall of China was very intresting because of its nickname "The Longest Cemetary In The World.
    Part2. The anticent Egypt unit had pyramids and ancicent china had the great wall of china. The pyramids were built for the pharaohs when they died they were put in their coffin and in the pyramid. The great wall of china was biult protection but did not work you could just jump right over it and now its used for hiking, biking, and tourisim. The china civilization impacted use more because we use their inventions today in the united states. Like tiolet paper, fireworks, kites, nd compasses.

  60. in the ancient china unit i liked it because we finnaly got over our suspention oh and i also liked it because i finally learned who invented the toilet paper no i am just kidding i liked it for serious now because we got to do our chinese symbol and MINI webquest. i wish we would have done some more movies and we had a little more time for this unit and that we did NOT NOT EVER HAVE TO DO A SPEECH EVER!

    i think ancient china is the same as ancient egypt because they both built big things (pyramid and the great wall) and they both invented stuff we still use today (such as toilet paper fire works canals etc.). i also think they are different because first of all they speak different languages china did not build pyramids and the rivers are named differently and the great wall was used for protection (did not work) and so was the pyramids also slaves ciminals and farmers both worked on them great structures i think china had the most impact on us because they made the most inventions that we STILL use today oh and bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

  61. task 1. The thing i liked most was the review game, the webquest,and the chinese symbol. The thing i found interesting is what they invented and the way they write. The activites i liked were the chinese writing, the webquest, etc. The thing i wish we could have done was a big poster with a big chinese symbol that said china and then we would all sign our names in chinese writing.

    task 2. Some similar things between egypt china is they both have writing in symbols and they both invented things. The things that allowed them to grow was the different people who lived their.
    more to come :D :)$$

  62. Task 1:
    The thing i liked the best is the review games,the chinese symbols,and the webquests. the activites i liked doing the most were the review games and the webquest. the thing i wish we could have done is a big poster that had a bunch of chinese symbols on it and what it means in chinese and what it means in america.

    Task 2:
    Ancient china and egypt are kinda the same in some ways but they are different to. they are alike because they both have emperors and kings. egypt has pyramids and china has the great wall of china and that is used for protection and the pyramids are used for tombs. that is all for now.

  63. what i learned in acient china is that there were alot of advansments and money difrense but they all farmed and they all hade a ruler exapt for the stoneage but the thing is they had so many stuff like the great wall paper toliet paper and more.

    acient egypt was almostr like china they had all a ruler and they all invented something

  64. continued

    the other thing was the awsome new study game the only down side to this unit is that it was to short and we didn't get much time to study

    this unit is a lot differnt than any other unit that we have studyed. other than the river just like the mesopatamian and the egept unit they all have a river that over flowed and provided life

  65. i learned alot in this unit. I like the great wall. but their food still dosen't agree with me.

  66. I have realized that china has come out alot better than eygpt. every plactic thing is made in china. Eygptions relide too much on the nile.

  67. Task1

    Iliked how we studied many parts of China. I'm alittle scared about my speech.

    Yellow and Yangze River
    Great Wall of China

    Nile River

  68. What I learned about ancient China is that there were two main rivers: The Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. I also learned that the Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall of China which was used for defensive purposes. I also learned that there were four dynasties:Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han.

    Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are similar because they each have a big project: Ancient China has the Great Wall of China and Ancient Egypt has the Nile River. These two dynasties are different because they have different features. Ancient Egypt has the Pyramids and Ancient China has the Great Wall of China. Each of these civilizations have had a big impact because they have important rivers that help us eat and drink.

  69. the one thing i like the most about anicent china is the part when we got to play the game withe the buzzer things. i like ancient china better becouse it is new not a lot of people know about it. like the great wall, it is used for protection and to keep people out just like the pyramids. the pyrimids protect the mummy and keep people out, but the pyrimids did not have a lot of affect with protecting the mummy from people. the yellow river is called that becouse it is a yellow color
    this is what i think about ANCIENT CHINS

  70. the one thing i like the most about anicent china is the part when we got to play the game withe the buzzer things. i like ancient china better becouse it is new not a lot of people know about it. like the great wall, it is used for protection and to keep people out just like the pyramids. the pyrimids protect the mummy and keep people out, but the pyrimids did not have a lot of affect with protecting the mummy from people. the yellow river is called that becouse it is a yellow color
    this is what i think about ANCIENT CHINS

  71. In the Ancient China unit I learned alot like i really did not know anything about the dynastys:Qin,shang,Han,and Zhou. I also learned about alot of different Chinese inventions from a kite to an acabus. I learned Where everything was on the map like the yellow river to the Himalyain Mts. (task 2)

    Ancient china and egypt are very different, but also the same for example both have a wonder like the pyramids or the great wall. They are both ancient too. like I said though they are very different like for example Egypt is in a desert and china well is china. china has alot of different climates and terrain they have mts. desserts you name it. I'm almost sure though that China had more inventions. There are much more comparisons and contrasts but probbaly to many to talk about right now. Thank you for your time.

  72. What I liked the best was learning about the Great Wall of China. Its nickname is the longest cemetary in the world, because so many people died building it and they wouldjust build over the deadbodys. And it was easily breached because it was so big they didnt have enough guards. We also learned about their religons and the different dynastys.
    Task 2.
    Anchient China and Egypt both had massive achievements with builing the built the pyramids and then China goes and builds the Great Wall. And both were used to protect things like mummies or villages. the type of people that worked on these structures were farmers, slaves, and criminals. I liked China better, because there was more stuff to learn about. And it was alot more interesting. But I did do better on the other test. Well i gotta go byeeeee

  73. i learned a lot from china like the inventions great wall and even some religon. there really good things that were made. the iventions were very helpfull most we still use today like chopstickes
    printing, crossbow and many more the great wall of china was a bad idea to me ecoase it did not keep a lot of people out.

    task 2 : there are lot of many differnt and same things when it comes to egypt and china.difference: egypt depended on the river ut china did not china had many differnt dynasty egypt did not. alike: they both have something that is cool like great wall and the pyramids

  74. I guess what I liked best about the China unit was learning about The Great Wall of China. The reason I like The Great Wall was how much I didn't know before we started, like how so many people died working on it. I also thought people who worked on the Great Wall were volunteers instead of slaves or criminals. I enjoyed watching all the power-points and movies about China. I didn't like how they don't talk alot. Kind of like scary mimes.

  75. what i thought was cool about china was that they buried people in the great wall when they died and just kept on working. doing webquests is fun because we dont to do right on that day we can do it whenever. i wish we could watch more kung fu videos though.heee ya!!!!!! doing china was the best because no book. also i learned about the invetion lol alex and walker and everyone else that got toilet paper. china and egpt are both the same because they bboth deal with rivers. but china has two when egypt had to live around one ( hahahaha pharohs no more doing that egyptian dance to brag about your egypt.) egypt also had pyramids but the china dudes had the great wall!! thats what i know about the home of kung fu china

    ooo ya i also know the song everybody was kung fu fighting

  76. TASK #1.

    I liked the inventions part of ancient china the most. I thought it was intresting how people died from working on the great wall of china. I kinda liked doing the webquest because it was smaller that the other one. I wish we would have done a longer unit on china because then we could maybe learned how to speak some words of their language.

    TASK #2.

    Comparing and contrasting. Ancient egypt had only one river thie nile and china had two the yangzee and the yellow. china had four dynastys and egypt had zero. They both were in our socaial studies and they both are now in my brain.China inpacked our lives most because they invented alot of stuff we use today (and that we need).That was some comparing and contrasting of ancient china and ancient egypt.

  77. Hey watz up mr klumper!?


  79. here's what i've learned that anciet china makes sweet symbols that is what i liked about anciet china when we made the symbols even thou mine was bad i still liked just doing it I also liked doing the reveiw game with the buzzers that was awesome we totally need to do that again the boys almost won that period but we lost. Task 2 I think i liked anciet china because it was shorter and more fun because we played more games and did alot of fun assignments like the symbols,speeches and the posters with it so i definately liked anciet china better that's why.

  80. Think it was fun to learn about the Great Wall Of China. The test was hard. I learned that China has a lot of people how live there. The streets were filled with poeple. I learned how to write Chinaes it was so cool.

    The to rivers in China is yellow and yantsck.In Egypt the river was called the Nile.

  81. The similarities between ancient Egypt and ancient China are both the pyramids and the Great Wall were used for protection. They also have two rivers flowing through them. Also, the rivers took lives and saved lives. And, the Great Wall and the pyramids are cool tour places. Both of the two were major...... to be continued

  82. I think that china is mor interesting than Egypt cause china has mor things to learn a bout

  83. i like acient china more because i think they had better clothes and i didnt like the way acient egypt its time to go ll make more of this one lol klumper rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

  84. In this unit I learned about there culture and all of that stuff. The thing I liked most about the coutry\unit is the inventions. The activies is makeing the posters and the speech {but I'm not to crazy for the speech part}
    to be continued

  85. 1. What I learned about ancient cina was that the great wall was used for protection, but it failed. I thought that the great wall of china was interesting because when sombody died making it, they were thrown in the wall never to be seen again.
    2. Ancient China is somewhat like ancient eygpt because when their king or pharoh died their nobles were buried with them. They are common also by the kings treasures were buried with them. Also they both had leaders like a king for china, and a pharoh for eygpt.

  86. THE first thing im gonna say about anchient china is that the test was really hard and i failied. the ancheint egypt tests were really easy. i like anchiend china because i liked learning about the great wall. i loves ancheint egypt tho cause it was way cooler.they are the same because they both have a ton of history

  87. what i liked most about the unit was when we learned about that emperor, shi huangdi. I thought it was really weird how you could learn about any thing and there's always gonna be somebody who needs more than he's got. I think it was weird that he killed himself by trying to be immortal. I also thought that the magic trick with David Copperfeild walking through the Great Wall was cool. I wish we could have had more time; i kind of wanted to learn more about the tera cota army and everything.
    Compared to Ancient Egypt, I thought they were alike because the Yellow River was like the Nile. they relied on it to overflow to give them water and fertile land. the pyramids and the great wall were both used for protection. the pyramids protected the mummy of a pharaoh and the Great Wall protected China. today they are both used for tourism. I like the Great Wall better, though. i kind of liked Egypt more, but that's probably because we had more time to learn about it.

  88. My favorite thing about China is... TO BE CONTINUED

  89. 1. My favorite thing about the unit was that we learned alot about how anciant china effected our daily live WAAAY over here in Brandon! Just think, what would life be without toilet paper? We would knoww if we didn't have an ancaint china! I thought it was rely intresting how they figured everything out so well. Like I could have never figured out hou to make a siesmotometer like the ones the ancaint chinese did!I loved the chinese writing poster! I realy wish we could have merged with the black team again though. I also would like to build models again, like the pyramids in our anciant egypt unit.
    2. Ancient China is diferent form Egypt because they had dyanastys, not kings; They built a wall, not pyramids; They also had LOTS ore of an impact on our daily lives. They are the same because they were both able to become great civilizations, enough for the history books (And Water For Sixth Grade!).

    Okay Mr.Klumper I'm Done now, right? I sure hope so. That was ALOT of typeing!

  90. The thing that I liked most about this unit was the Chinese writing assignment that we had to do. I wish that we could have a little more time to discuss Ancient China, but we only have two weeks. It would also have been nice if we got to do some more fun activities for Ancient China, but like I told you, there's no time. There were quite a few dynasties in Ancient China, but we pretty much only learned about four of them(Shang,Zhou,Qin,Han). Chinese people sure invented a lot of things. They invented coffins, gunpowder(by accident),resteraunt menus,bells,forks,toilet paper, a bunch of stuff. I guess it fun learning about Ancient China.

    Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are quite similiar. But they are also different. In Egypt they had the pyramids for tombs. In China they had the Great Wall for defensive purposes. They both had rivers that were "good" and "bad"(Nile, Yellow). The rivers in each of these places allowed the people that lived there to create a civilization and let it thrive. But I think that China has the most impact on our lives today(although I guess Egypt has some impact)because the Chinese people invented so many things. Just look around you. I bet that you can find something every day that was invented in China. The civilization that I like the most is:Ancient China! Why, you ask? Well it's noy so simple. Let's just say that I think China is better because....(I don't really know, O.K.?)...I like China a lot I guess.

    And that is my reflection over Ancient China.

  91. What I learned on the Anciet China unit was that there was a lot of warfare between the Chinese. I didn't know that they invented so many things like the coffin, gun powder, and my favorite the kite. What I liked most about the unit was learning about the inventions of China (the best one is the kite). If I would compare Ancient China to Ancient Egypt I would have to say that the Egptians were more interesting. Both civiliations had rivers The Nile and The Yellow river. Both civilizations used them for their crops. They also made stuctures to keep people out. The Egyptians made pyramids and the Chinese made the Great Wall of China. But the CHinese used theirs for pretection egenst enemies and they Egyptians used theirs to pretect the dead bodies. Neither were effective.

  92. What I liked about the China unit was learning about all the invention that china made like gunpowder and bombs. If I had to chose bewteen Egypt and China I would pick China it had a lot of stuff that could help you in your daily life like the most important TOILET PAPER I don't know how to live without it. Egypt didn't have toilet paper that had to SUCK. So thats what I think about China and Egypt

  93. Part One: Reflecting Ancient China

    From the Ancient China unit in Social Studies I learned that in China there were 2 major rivers called the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Also there was the Great Wall which was supposed to be for protection but that idea kinda flopped. Also I learned that Ancient China created many new things such as fireworks, gun powder, kites, and my favorite TOILET PAPER! The people in China today still call themselves people of the Han since the Han Dynasty was so influenceful on them today and even the world. My favorite activitie for this unit was definitely creating and coloring the chinese symbols even thought i didnt win :'( oh well im over that. An idea that I think could be an interesting project could be where you build your own mini dynasty and name it something cool and build it. Most sixth graders would like to create their own Dynasty with whatever they want. Just a thought that I would've loved to do.
    Ancient China and Ancient Egypt are alike but yet different in some ways. Their Rivers are somewhat the same except Egypt had only the Nile River and the Egyptians depended on it alot more than the Chinese. The pyramids and the Great Wall are somewhat similar. They both are obviously massive structures, and they took a very long time to make. Some differences are that the Egyptians mummified their people and gave them tombs, where the Chinese gave them tombs but did not mummify them but threw some jade pieces and said good-bye. Thats about it for Ancient China! Peace out blogers.......

  94. I really like about Ancient China is that there is alot of people there (dont like).I Like Ancient china because I like noodles Xcpecelly with chopsticks. Last year we did Discovery which was really fun but diffrent. I liked the china unit better than all the other ones because i didnt have to talk about muumies and see them mummifeding that was grose. Xpecily when they took the brain out through the nose. I liked wathing that Shi Hungdi guy and other people(only can remember his name)! I like that we get to learn about Kon-fu!!! I like this the best it is coooooler!!! :P :)

  95. task 1. I have learned that china is a very weird place because of how crowded it is. I would not want to live in china or visit.

  96. 1st post:I learned that Ancient China is ALOT like it is today. China has made alot of inventions that we still use today.A couple of examples are toothbrush, bomb ,gun powder,and fireworks.I also learned that Ancient China has had a big impact on our lives. Oh, I almost forgot, Shi Huangdi China's 1st emperor was trying to become supernatural by drinking mercury and killed himself.

  97. task 1...
    In this unit I learned about the great wall of China and how slave, and criminals would work on it. If they die while working on it the people would throw them over the wall and keep working. That is why it's nickname is the longest cemertary in the world. I liked learning about all the different inventions, I'm a little scared about the speech.
    task 2...
    They are different in mamy ways like in China they have emporers and in egypt they have pharohs. The great wall was used for protection and the pyramids were used for protecting the pharohs. They are simalar because they both have a river that can be a taker of life. I don't think that eather of them in pack our lives alot, but i would rather go to the pyramids.(beware of the test)

  98. what I learned about ancient chnai is that there were alot of different things about ancient china. they did some things differnet from egypt and somethings way way way differnent then cave man or men and weman. my favorite thing would have to be the inventon part . i thought the chises test was hard but i did pertty good. i thought it was weriod that when people died on the wall they got brued on the wall

    some of the things that were differnet that is egypt has one major river and china has two. china had 4 dynastys egypt had 0
    china and egypt and proably inplanted in my brian and they were both in our s.s . china invented alot of stuff that we use and need till this day.
    china did invent some stuff to i think i just cant remember right this minute well this is my bloging assiment and i hope it gets an A+++++++++

  99. Task #1

    I learned about the great wall and how it was just one freakishly large cemetary do they have plaques like to remember the people. The thing i liked is the sword blocking arrows video. a prject i think you could do is get a lot of clay and make a miny great wall out of the clay.

  100. The thing I liked most liked about this unit is learning about the Zhou Dynasty. I think they have so many cool accomplishmets, like the longest dynasty in China.
    There is alot of things different from China to ancient Egypt, but there are some things alike. One of the things different is there on different contints. One thing alike is that they both have old bulidings or I guess monuments, like the great wall and the pyramids theway I think of it both were used for protection of some sort. They also had very important rivers to help them grow.
    I think both cultures had a big impact on our lives today. Like China invented paper, and we need that today. Egypt has also made huge impact like wtiting.

  101. i learned that we would not be here if the chinese peeps were not there. is it here or there? oh well, no one cares right? i did not like this unit, but i was gone for a week. i really liked ancient fgypt. my mom was going to be an egyptoligist.again one cares. i didn't really learn much though. i wish we would havse learned what they do a little bit more.

    they both have a river. they both used them to ship goods on them. they both have a historicle land mark. slaves worked on them both.

  102. task2

    i have to be honest i preffer ancient egypt totally i mean who doesnt like egypt by the way feel free to argue. They both have special rivers china has 2 and egypt has 1. yeah china has 2 but nile steches across north america. They both have cool sights like the great wall and the pyramids and sphinx.
    to be continued

  103. 1st task.... I thought that the symbols were pretty cool. The speeches and posters were ok too!! I don't like the webquest thought i never have it doesnt teach us anything so y do we have to do it??

    2nd task.... They are both kinda the same if u think about it!!??!? they both hav kinda cool things there like the great wall and pyrmaids!!! i liked the Eygpt chapter better cuz the test was way easyer!! The china test was HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. o.k. I'm back. The way I can compare Egypt to China is Egypt was longer then China, and Egypt seamed more intoresting.

    bye world!

  105. k im back
    as i was saying simply amazing.ok what else oh yeah i really liked the ancient china symbol it was really fun and im not just saying that because i won it was fun to make.i wish we did more projects not like the speechs but kind of like im trying to think of something k have something wells this is really a question.ok did the chinese invent the computer?

    k part 2
    i thought ancient china was like ancient egypt because they both invent things.they are alike because they both write,talk,use boats,invents thing now things that they DONT have in common they write different,they live in a different place,they invent different things.

    more to come

  106. task 2
    Ancient China and Ancient egypt are alike because the two rivers are a way the places live.

    Ancient China and Ancient egypt are different because how it is set up and the whay they use the things they have.

  107. I liked learning about the Great Wall and the difference dynasties. It was interesting that m ost of what they invented are still commonly used today.

    I especially like learning about inventing the bomb. For next year, let kids build a bomb! Kidding.

    The rivers in acnient China and Egypt made the civilizations. Without them they could not survive. Used them for transportation, water and fertile soil.

    The Great Wall was built to protect the people. The pyrmaids were built to protect the dead Pharoahs. Both civilizations were great builders.

    Ancient Egypt and China were two of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known.

  108. hi hi
    k the rivers of china (yellow,yangze)and the river of egypt (nile)were used for tansportation (i know i spelled that wrong, life soport(i know i spelled that wrong to)

    more to come i have to eat back in a bit

  109. task 2 continued.

    if i had a choice to choose which two i would go to egypt cause it is so crowded in china. Both the civilizations were succesful bcause of the rivers. these two civilizations have no compact in my life ever. unless on a assignment . thank you for having this due at midnight. 11:59, 59s

  110. im back......again

    i think i was talking about the i was saying They rivers also helped with they were similar i think i just said how they are similar when i was talking about how they are used.let me think of something....(tick tock tick tock tick tock).......k ive got nothin.moving on the "GREAT WALL OF CHINA" and the "PRYAMIDS OF EGYPT" were used to protect people.the "GREAT WALL OF CHINA" was used to protect people and the "PRYAMIDS OF EGYPT" were used to protect dead people.slaves,farmers,and criminals worked on the great wall of china and slave and criminals worked on the pyramids.what their used for today is tourism.whats unique about the pryamids of egypt is that some of them still have the casting at the top.i think the civilizations grewand became major civilizations of all the things that were built.they both had an impact on us because of all the writing,inventions,and buildings.they didnt have an impact on us with the cultures and laws.the think ancient china had more of an impact on us becase of all the inventions they made.i liked ancient china the most. they had a lot of cool inventions like fireworks.

    also if you want to see me play drums or bells tomorrow (satrday) i dont remember what i have to play come to the armory if you dont konw where that is tell your parents its the back way to the fair grounds your parents shout know where that is.its at 12:00pm come earlier like 11:30.there will be cookies after and there shouldnt be peanuts if your alrgic(i know i spelled it wrong)

  111. to add on to my other post. I think that china impacted us the most becaause without tolit paper I think that eplains itself.

  112. Task 2: Both civilizations used their rivers to their advantage.For example Egypt didnt just use the Nile for water they also used it for raising their animals by using water gates and levees.they both have great sights to see like the Great Wall,the pyramids and the Sphinx.China made A LOT of inventions and Egypt not so much.

  113. hey mr. klumper i absolutley loved the ancient china unit i liked learning about the great wall the video with the magician was cool to.

    ancient china was like ancient egypt because they both the rivers to live ex. the rivers both provided fresh water and fresh food for the ancient egyptians and the ancient chinese people.

    sorry its late i planed on doing i before we left but we left straight from school and my grandma doesnt have a computer

  114. hey mr.klumper i was sick on friday when this was due and i didnt get to do it is there a way i can make up for it if there is could u tell me on monday during9th period thanks

  115. i have lerned that the chinese made hundreds of inventens. they have probably advanced more than anyone. here are some examples,paper,bombs,missles,fireworks,compass,andnoodles that is what i learned in china.

  116. In China I have learned a lot the chineses people invented many inventions. My favorite things about China is that they speak different langueges the also and i love the great wall it didnt protect the people much because it wasnt that high.

  117. The great wall of china was to keep people out of china. One invention was paper. I like doing the chinese writing.

    Ancient Egypt has the nile river and it was used to get water to drink and to watering plants. The yellow river is in china and was use of watering plants too.
    Egypt built the pymids and China built the great wall both of them are use of torist.

  118. the most thing i liked about china is the cines writing.
    what i learnd about china is

  119. reading these peoples comments is fun there is a lot of differences in the things u tauht us and them


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