
Monday, December 8, 2008

Chinese Innovation-Unlike Any Other...

Ancient China is Influential. Ancient China is Innovative. Ancient China is Amazing. Ancient China is paralleled by no other in the Ancient World when it comes to impacting our lives today. We have experienced the wide array of Chinese Inventions via the PowerPoint. We have a grasp on just how much this Ancient Civilization has impacted our lives today. It is amazing and scary to think what our world would be like if Ancient China had not produced the contributions they did. Their contributions to the modern world should make us stand up and say, "Thank you."
With all of these inventions in mind, let's discuss the impact they have had on our culture and the importance of each invention. Everybody has been assigned an invention. This is the only invention you are going to blog about. You may certainly respond to other comments.
Task: Tell us what your invention is, What it does, and Why YOU think it is the MOST important of all the Chinese Inventions. State or case, think about it, make a good arguement for your invention. This is good practice for when you give a speech on your invention.
Points: 10 School points
Worth: This will benefit you beyond the walls of BVMS
Due Date: December 15th, 2008. 10:00 p.m.

As we get into the heart of the Chinese Unit, keep working hard. Thank you for your effort and attitude. It is greatly appreciated!


  1. my invention is domenoes. domenoes are a toy that china invented in anceint china.dominoes where invented by a man named Hung Ming wich was a hero of that popular romance. dominoes were invented in 1120 ad.Hung Ming was a statesman. i think that dominoes in the most important invention in china because it was a great toy and we still use it today thats why i think that dominoess are the most important invention in the world

  2. My invention is the wheelbarrow. It is used to haul heavy loads for yard work.I think it is the most important invention of China because it helps to get dirt, rock, and other materials to their correct place.

  3. hey 6th grade!

    Im from 8th period and i got #4 fireworks for my invention & I have no idea how they r made! All i know about fireworks is that they r used to have a big celebration or to help throw a big b-day bash!

  4. My invention is fireworks fireworks are for asome displays that can amaze the sun.I think that my invention is speical becuase they make a way better holiday then your avrege holiday. without them it would stink.also fire works are way better then toilet paper we can just use leaves it doesn't take a scientist to figure it out how to make!!!!My invention is the most important because it probably led to rockets in someway.But they are imortant becuase thats how we got flares and without flares people would get lost all the time.There also important beceuase they are alot of fun what would amarica be without fun any way?The most important thing about fire works is there way cooler than toilet paper compasses and rockets

  5. my invention is chopsticks. chopsticks are equal length tappered sticks. they are usually made out of bamboo or platic,but some are made out of metal bone or ivory and sometimes wood. my invention is the best because for two reasons. the first is for protection ( i made this one up) if someone comes near you can just poke them in the eye. the real reason is for eating they can help you pick up your food with no problem if you use them right.

  6. hi im from third period and my invention is paper. Paper is very important because, without it we wouldn't have books to read, we wouldn't have magazines, and most importantly we woudn't have the instructions to make your favorite food. For example say you wanted to make a cake well you wouldn't have the instructions to bake it because it had to be writin on the box wich it wouldn't have one because there would be now paper.

  7. My invention is print/movable writing.My invention lets us write things down without hand writing what we need to still have to put ink on the print but other than that its easy. how do you think we got computers if they hadnt invented the moveable writing we probly wouldnt have computers. my invention is important because 1 we would have to hand write and 2 we wouldnt have computers without it.

  8. Hi I had noodles for a project for this unit. I think that noodles are kind of important for us in our daily lives,because we use the noodles as something we hopefully you can get a different picture or an idea of what a Noodle looks like now that Im speaking of it.

  9. i think that the wheelbarrow is the most in porrted. becusa it is used to hale havey stuff. and what would you rather do liffet a 500pd rock with your hands or with a wheelbarrow.

  10. My invention is fire works!! Fire works are objects that explode to show cool displays. The dinesty that inventied them is the song dinesty. I think mine is the most important because without them we wouldn't have the fourth of july we have now! Do you do fireworks? If so think how it would be without them we would do nothing just sit around!! So that is why my chinese invention is the most important.

  11. My invention is the toothbrush. It keeps our teeth clean and away from bacteria. why I think it is the most important is because nobody likes someone with bad breath.Number 2 is if we didnt have toothbrushes we couldnt clean our teeth and they would get rotten. Eventually our teeth would start to break down maybe we wouldnt have teeth at all!

  12. My invention is the restourant menu. U find these things in resterants and they are vary helpful to decide what u eat at dinner.

  13. my invention is the chopsticks i think they are inpotant because that is what they used to eat their food and if they didnt have them they probaly wouldnt be able to eat

  14. For my invention I got #18, Toilet Paper. Toilet paper cleans the cheaks, and i'm not talking about the ones on our faces. Without TP our cheaks down south would kind of hert. Also without TP, we wouldn't be able to clean up the "messy" jobs.

  15. Hi I'm Emma and my invention is the toothbrush. I just want to make it clear that the predesesor of the toothbrush was made in Ancient Egypt therefor should be called the founder. I think the toothbrush is the best invention because it helps take care of our teeth that and toothpaste. :D

  16. I got Acupuncture. (Ow) It's actually used to relieve stress, and cut down pain during and after surgery. They used it to un-block chi, which is basically energy that flows through your body. It doesn't really cause much pain and helps relax your muscles. They normally will stick needles near or in the area that is sore.

  17. My invention is the UMBRELLA....
    Let me ask you want to be SOAKING when it's raining outside????...That's what I thought.....NO......It has many uses I will tell you about 2
    1.It keeps you from getting wet when it's raining
    2.It is said that if you open it inside it will grant you bad luck!!

  18. matchs
    i think it the most coolest
    it makes fire
    you can eat because it can cook
    you can bran wood to keep you warm
    light candles to make your house semle good.

  19. i am doing a report on the compass. the reason i think that the compass is most important is think of all the people that depend on the compass for directions everywhere.

  20. My invention is gun powder. I think it is the most important invention because it is put in bombs, so that during wars people could blow up stuff.

  21. ok.. my invention is and umbrella, and this is why it is important to ancient China!!
    #1- it keeps you from getting wet.

    #2- it is colorful and pretty and it looks cool.... well that is why the umbrella is the moist important!! byeeee!!!!

  22. My invention was the match and it is important because it helps build a fire and it will help make heat easier.

  23. Hi my invention is gun powder. My inventionis most important because it is put in guns which is good for far and close range kills. It is also is put in bombs which kills right away.

  24. my chinese invention is toothbrush. they made the brush with pig bristles and the handli with ivort or oak wood, sometimes even bronze.......

  25. My invention is The Abacus. The Song Dynasty invented it. Now your wondering what is an Acabus an Acabus is a tool used to halp add,subtract, divide, and multiply. So basicaly it is an ancient calculater.

  26. Hi 6th grade, and people form around the world!

    My invention is a wheelbarrow. I think that my invention is important because it halls heavey stuff and big stuff.

    P.S. I feal bad for the people that got toilt paper. But it is important for......

  27. Frirst thing is that I do not know how to spell bow and arrow. Second I know that they used a bow and arrow a war. I think that they would use them to practiced aiming so that they wouldn't miss every shot.

  28. My invention is silk and it is used in clothing and in some blankets. If we did not have silk clothing would be uncomfortable and we would be cold at night. We need silk to live and that is why I think it is the most important invention of China.

  29. I got an awesome invention, THE BOMB!!!!!! This is the most important chinese invention because this was and still is, THE best weapon ever!!!!!! It blows up! what is better than that in the line of defense?!!!! Do I need to say more?

  30. My invention is paper it is used to write on. I think it is important because without it we could not print or do this assignment. I think the world progressed because of paper and writing

  31. My invention is the bomb and it blows up. I think it is the most important because it helps win wars.

  32. dear mr.klumper my invention is the compass it tells you what diretion your is the most important invention in china becuse it tells you what way your faceing if you are lost.

  33. hi people

    my invention is the match
    a match is a tool for making fire
    it was invented in china in the year 577 ad

  34. OK, so I was assigned with the FORK. The odd thing is that it was invented before the chopstick. Uh, Hello? Arent chopsticks a bit more difficult the fork? Bone forks were the earliest invented. Numerous forks have even been found in tombs of the early Shang Dynasty. Without the fork, you would need to use either your hands, chopsticks, or use your brainpower to invent your own eating utensil. The fork may not make the world go round, but it does help!

  35. My invention is toilet paper. I'm sure you all know what it does, but just to remind you, toilet paper is used to clean things. You can use it after you go to the bathroom, or some people use it to blow their noses. I think it was the most important invention from ancient China because think of how messy(and smelly) this world would be without it.

    Lastly, thank you Mr. Klumper, for giving me such a great invention that I enjoy talking about so much. >:(

  36. My invention is the "bomb". A bomb is made to exlpode and destroy things. It is commonly used in war. There are also many good uses like mining, destroying old buildings, etc.

    The bomb is dangerous but has actually made the world a safer place. One county is less likely to use their bombs if they know another country will bomb them back. The bomb is the most important invention because it has changed the world.

  37. hi.... my invetion is the umbrella.the umbrella keeps u from getting wet and they are sometimes cool to look at. some uses of the umbrella are well to keep u dry on a rainy day, sometimes they are used for movies or entertainment (to see)(tweriling). i think they are important to people because their a way to prevent u to get soaked.!!!.

  38. My invention is Silk.I think that silk is very important in our very lives today.Without silk there would not be any cloth.Silk is made out of Silkworms(duh).Then they die the cloth multiple colors.Ledgond said that a woman was sitting under a treein her garden.Wheen she looked up and saw a silkworm spining acocoon.She relised that the cocoon was very smooth, silky...

  39. My invention is compass it was invented by the Qin.It is used to tell you where you are going. The importance is to give you directions.

  40. My invention is the crossbow. It ( being the crossbow) is obviously the most important invention because that was what they used in wars! The only down side of the crossbow is it 1 arrow in 1 minute. But it still is it the best invention in ancient China because it would be used to win wars! If anybody else thinks my invention is not the best you are wrong!

  41. My invention is toilet paper. It is a very commonly used item in modern times. It is very important today because without it we probobly wouldn't even have toilets. Even if we did have toilets how useful would it be if we couldn't "clean up" after our buisness. Now there are proboly more important things in life than that, although it would be very difficult in the winter to dig a hole outside or something of that nature. THINK HOW COLD IT WOULD BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Toilet paper is a very useful item and the world would be very different without it. That is why toilet paper is the most important invention that came from Ancient China.

  42. i think fireworks are most important because you get to use them on the 4th of july and on other special occasions like birthday bashes. That is why i think that fireworks are the most important invention

  43. Hey, my invetion is the umbrella. I bet just about everyone knows what they are. Whether its raining outside or just sunny, umbrellas keep you dry and cool. I think it is the most important invention, because who wants to be wet or really warm either way it stops that.

  44. Great Comments thus far, Bloggers. Can't wait to hear your speeches on Thursday.
    There is only five and a half hours left until this assignment is due. Don't forget! (Still no comment from Cassidy. Hopefully she is not protesting the bad color scheme by not blogging)

  45. My invention is the noodle. Without it china would starve. And if china starved everyone would die and then we would not have half the inventions we have today.

  46. Hey I think that I got the sweetest invention ever!! Can you guess what it is? Gunpowder, you can put it in guns and explode it goes.:) Cool huh? Yes I know I also like it because in wars if we didn't have gunpowder than we probably would die and that's not good. But it helps us win wars just like the bomb. Gunpowder looks very strange and like tabacco, so never bring it to school. That would be bad news if you did. When the Chinese invented gunpowder at first they wanted to keep it a secret, but that didn't happen it got out about 1100 B.C. and the kings were mad but they new probably that their invention was going to get out sooner or later, but the main thing is that it helps us win wars.

    From Macy in peroid 4

    rock on gunpowder


  47. my invention is noodles. noodles are made in different sizes and shapes. i think it is a cool invention because it is one thing that has spred arcross the world like from ocean to ocean. im actually working on my speech right now.

  48. My invention is matches. I really don't think it is the most important invention that the chinese people made, but it can be helpful in some situations. Matches can be important because they can be used to light a candle or lantern when the power goes out. Also with matches, you could start a fire to cook, or to keep warm outside when the weather isn't to warm. A match basically,is a wooden stick that has an element called phosphurous, which will ignite from the heat of friction if rubbed against rough surface like cement. The one thing that that everone should remember about matches is that they are still dangerous and can start fires, even though they can be pretty helpful at times. Still, never play with matches.

  49. my invention is the abacus I belive that it is the most important invention of antient china,becase what woud you do with out a calcultor (which is a modern abacus)

  50. My invention is printing. Do I think that it is the #1 invention? No,but it is on the top 4. It is very important but not essential.

  51. My invention is gun powder, it was invented by the Han Dynasty.It is powder that explodes with fire. It is used in guns, bombs, and fireworks. Gun powder is the most important invention because we use it to defend us in war and it makes pretty colors in the sky with firewoks.

  52. I have chinese menu for my invention and i think it is the most important invention because without out it the resturants in china would have to spend a lot of money on hiring waiters to sit at each table and tell people the choices for what they can eat. Tey would also get bored sitting at every table watching people eat with their BAD TABLE MANNORS!

  53. My invention is paper. Paper does alot of things some examples are it makes money, it can be folded for letters, etc. I think that it is the most important Chinese invention because it is used in many ways and I also think it is important because without paper what else would we use in school to write or read on.


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