
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ancient Egyptian Daily Life Snapshot

We have discussed the daily life of Ancient Egypt together in class. Now it is your turn to discuss it together, blog-style. We discussed the family, peasant life, Homes, clothing and appearance. Using the things we have discussed, write a 100 word essay describing Ancient Egyptian Daily Life. For your essay, there are some options. You may want to focus in-depth on just one part of Daily Life (i.e. appearance, clothing, homes, etc.) or you may want to briefly cover all topics of Daily Life. It is your decision. You Decide. Whichever path you choose, make sure you hit 100 words.

Format: 100 words. Paragraph Style. Topic Sentence*
DUE: Monday, November 17th. 10:00 p.m.
School Points: zero
Life Points: 1,000
Worth: Gaining knowledge and skills to help you in the 21st century. As the world moves forward, you will be leading the charge with your technological savvy skills.

*Tip for this Post: A topic sentence states what you will be talking about in your essay.

Example of GOOD topic sentence: "The appearance of ancient Egyptians has a very distinct look." From here, I would continue my essay describing ancient Egyptians and explaing why they have a distinct look, what makes them distinct, etc.
Example of a BAD topic sentence: "I am going to talk about clothing."


  1. The homes of ancient Egyptians have a very distinct look.It make them distinct because the unique doors are four feet off the sandy ground. Another thing for you is that the reason that they were four feet off the ground is becaue they didnt want sand from comming in. here is another thing is that the homes of nobles had twenty five to thirty rooms kinda like a mansion, and sometimes they slept on there roof.The last thing i want to tell you is that there homes were as big as you wanted them to be, because it is easer to get materials. that is what i learned.

  2. Hi....I'm going to talk about "Appearance"....I cant beilive that the men wore eye shadow and eye me that's amazing!!!!...Today it would take MONEY or something for a man to do that....but a women is different cause they ALWAYS wear make-up.....and i also cant belive that women put a cone of SCENTED FAT on their heads.....but I DO want to smell good but i would NEVER want to smell good by putting FAT on my head....well i can though imagine women having hair down to their shoulders


    And that's all I know about the Egyptians "Appearance"...BYE

  4. The Blog posting I’m going to type about is The Family, Peasant life, and Appearance. Did you know that the children of the family were considered very important. The Women of the house had the duties of cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. All the Men did was worked. The Peasant Life was Farming wheat and had the diet of wheat and vegetables. Heavy taxes imposed on crops and the effect was earning money. Did you know men and Women BOTH wore green eye shadow black eye liner and gold jewelry. Only Women wore their hair down to their shoulders Put a cone of scented fat on their heads the purpose to smell good. And the men only had no face hair.

  5. Life in Ancient Egypt centered around Three thing : Religion and Pharaoh and family.Children considereed:very imortant.
    Women: Duties of the Home.One is cooking and cleaning and raise the children.Men work all day.The farm is grouning wheat. there diet is wheat and vegetables.they had heavy taxes imposed on crops.It was hard to make money.they made bricks out of straw and mud. they called it sun dry bricks. Size is huge and the roof is flat.the door is 4 feet off the ground.In some house they had 25 30 rooms.the main clothing is called Tunic.Green eye shadeod and black eye liner.They had gold jewelry.the men had no face hair and the women had it down to there shoulders.that all i have to tell you

  6. The most amazing thing I think about daily life in the ancient Egyptians times is, that you could tell what the persons job was by looking at there clothes! This is a good thing for some people but a bad thing to some people. One type of people that would enjoy this is the priest they are very wealthy and they get to wear leopard robes. One type of people that would not like this is the worker they only get to were linen cloth or nothing at all! If I had to be one of these people I would defiantly be a priest!

  7. The children of the families in Ancient Egypt. Out of the whole family the children were the most important of the whole family. The women cooked, cleaned, and raised the kids and then men just worked.
    If you were a peasant you would Farm wheat, their diet of course was wheat and vegtables.Heavy taxes were imposed on crops.
    The houses were made of sun-dried bricks and the materials were straw and mud. The roofs were flat and the doors were unique because they were 4ft off the ground the reason was if the Nile had flood it would end up under the house and not in the house. Homes of Nobles-25-30 rooms, Homes of Peasants-Small but nice, Unique sleeping was on the roof they slept on the roof to keep cool because inside was to warm.
    The Egyptians clothing was a Tunic and the color was white. The men wore the tunic at their knees and the women wore them at their ankles. Workers clothing-loin cloth or naked. Wealthy clothing-Long Robes. Priests-they wore leopard robes.
    The Egyptians wore make-up-green eye shadow on their eyelids and eyeliner around their eyes and wore gold jewelry along with the make-up. The man had no facial hair and the women had hair down to their shoulder. The girls put scented fat on their heads when attending a special event and the fat would melt and make them smell good.
    This is most of the facts that we had learned about yesterday and I hope you have learned a couple of things

  8. Their homes are made up of sun dried bricks made out of straw and mud.They were huge and has flat roofs. The doors were four feet off the ground. They did this so sand and water would not get in when the Nile flooded. The nobles homes had twenty-five to thirty rooms. Peasants homes were small but nice. They slept on their roofs to keep cooler. Their houses could be as big as they wanted. It was possible because of their materials. The children were very important in the family. Womens duties at home are cooking, cleaning, and raising children. Men work.

  9. Egyptian ways have changed very little since the building of the pyramids.
    Some general info is three major things:
    a. Religion
    b. Pharaoh
    c. Family
    Children in families were considered very important. Working duties of women consisted of working, cleaning, and caring for children. All men did was work. Homes were made of sun-dried bricks, the materials were straw and mud. Homes of Nobles were about 25-30 rooms. Unique sleeping was on the roof because of cooler weather. Homes were as big as you wanted, homes were simpler to build back then. Homes were easy to build because all you had to do is go down to the river and make bricks. Appearance is eye shadow, black eye liner, and gold jewelry. The main piece of clothing was a tunic which was white. It was a long T-Shirt. Men wore it to their knees and women to their ankles. Wealthy people’s clothing was a long robe and priest wore leopard robes. Women had hair down to their shoulders and men had no facial hair.

  10. Ancient Egypt!

    Ancient Egypt is a very cool thing to learn about. So I am going to give you some facts!
    The Nile River is very important to them. But the only thing was that it would always flood and ruin their homes and stuff. If they didn’t have the Nile they would not be able to live because that is how they watered their crops and that is where they would go to get all their water for what ever they needed it for. The Nile River flows north because it is slanted north. Also the Nile River gets its name from a Greek word. This river is so long it stretches 4,184 feet. Well that’s all I’m going to tell you about Ancient Egypt bye bye!

  11. What does the Egyptians appearance look like? Well it is very distinct. They wear green mascara around the eyes. They would wear black eye liner around the eye.
    They wore a piece of clothing called a tunic. The tunic looked like a long white T-Shirt. Men wore the tunic down to their knees while the ladies wore it to the ankles. The priests I think had the coolest cloths ever.
    They wore leopard skinned robes.

    This is to be continued.

  12. i think the eygiptians had really neat cloths cause they were cute and long i didnt like the dresses cause i dont wear them. the white was cute but some of the stuff they woar were really showy to their privates ewwwwww i think that descusting. the guys cloths i would under stand but skirts come on guys dont wear skirt i mean thats weiriod. to be continued

  13. These are the interesting things about Egyptions daily life. Life in Egypt cenetered around three things 1.religion 2.pharoahs
    3. family. The women mainly cooked, cleaning, or raising kids. The men mainly worked at the pyramids or farming. Their homes were made out of sun dried bricks, the materials they used were straw and mud. The size of there houses were huge the roofs were flat, the doors were off the ground so water and sand could not get into there houses. The had green eye shaddow, black eye liner and gold jewelry both men and women. Most of Them wore white tunics, in other words a long white T-shirt. Men wore them down to their knees and women down to their ankles.

  14. i think that there clothing looked very distinct and how the priest wore lepord clothes and workers went naked or had a little piece of clothing on and everyone wore white women wore to ankles and the men would wear them down to their knees they wore green eyeshadow and black eye liner they also would take scented fat into a cone and when it would melt it would the run on the woman and they would smell good the girls did the cooking and cleaning while men worked the houses could be as big as they wanted them and the nobles had up to 30 rooms in their house also houses were kept at least 4 ft of the ground for when it flooded or when their were snakes and other harmful animals around

  15. I am going to talk about mummification the meaning of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified was very expensive there was 7 steps the first step was announcement of the death. The second step was Embalming the body. The third step was to remove the brain and the fourth step was the removal of internal organs. The fifth step was drying out process. The sixth step was wrapping the body. The last and seventh step was the final procession. The first Ritual is opening of the mouth the second ritual was weighing of the heart. That was a little bit about mummification.

  16. Hello today I am going to talk to you about the Giza complex of ancient Egypt. All of these pyramids are located in the Giza complex. 4 main things located in the Giza complex the three pyramids and the great sphinx. The great sphinx nick name is the guardian of the Giza complex and it also is the largest single stone statue in the world. The great sphinx has the head of a man and the body of a lion and is made out of lime stone. There are three major pyramids these are the pyramid of menkaure, khafre, and the great pyramid. First I will talk to you about the menkaure. Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids and is made out of lime stone and granite.

    To Be Continued

  17. Egyptians have dazzled us since the beginning of elementery school with their pyramids and pharohs but what we never look at is how they actually lived.Some of the pharohs had many wives and possibly many children, pesants or slaves or even workers can have children and back then children were considered an honor to have and were not challenged with the work their parents' had. Health was also an issue.

    to be continued..

  18. The homes of ancient Egyptians have a very distinct look.It make them distinct because the unique doors are four feet off the sandy ground. Another thing for you is that the reason that they were four feet off the ground is becaue they didnt want sand from comming in. here is another thing is that the homes of nobles had twenty five to thirty rooms kinda like a mansion, and sometimes they slept on there roof.The last thing i want to tell you is that there homes were as big as you wanted them to be, because it is easer to get materials. that is what i learned

  19. heres alittle bit about daily life. Religon, family, and the pharoh was the center around ancient egypt. Womens duties were to cook, clean, and raise the children, and the men worked. a peasent would farm wheat their diet was wheat and veggies heavy taxes imosed on crops more coming later

  20. I am going to tell you about all about the pyramids of ancient Egypt so here we go. The first pyramid is Giza Giza is located in Egypt other wise called the necropolis. There are four main things located in Giza fist there are sphinxs another ting is the pyramid of Menare and the pyramid of Kharfe and the pyramid of Kufu. Across the street from Giza Necropolis is pizza hut and KFC. That is all about Giza so now I am going to tell you about the Great Sphinx. The nickname for the Great Sphinx is guardian of the Giza complex it is the largest stone statue on earth it is a body of a lion head of a man and it is made out of limestone. TO BE CONTINUED

  21. The Egyptian’s homes were built very carefully and made so water from floods or sand from the ground wouldn’t get into them. They used sun-dried bricks made from mud and straw for their houses, which were huge and flat. The houses were four feet off the ground so they would stay dry. Certain houses were different sizes than others. For example, the Nobles’ houses were huge with 25-30 rooms. And the peasant’s houses were small, but nice. They also slept on the roofs to stay cool at night. And as long as you could afford it, your house could be as big as you wanted. Their houses were pretty simple, but built carefully.

  22. I am going to tell you some things about Egyptians. The three things Egypt centered aroud were religion, pharaohs, and family. In Egypt children were considered very important. Duties of the home for women were cooking, cleaning, and raising children. A peasants life was farming wheat and their diet was wheat and vegtables. They had heavy taxes imposed on crops which made it hard to make money. The homes in Egypt were made out of mud and straw mixed together then dried by the sun. The size of the home could be as big as you wanted it to be because materials were easy to find. That is just some of the cool things about Egyptians.

  23. The Egyptians appearance is very different than the appearance of today’s people. In Egypt, both men and women would wear green eye shadow on their eye lids. They also wore black eye liner around their eyes. For clothing they wore long t-shirt like dresses. The men wear them down to their knees. Then the women wear their dresses down to their ankles. Both men and women either wore sandals or went bare foot. Something that is very interesting is that men and women wore gold bracelets and necklaces. I think it is odd that the men wore jewelry and makeup. That is pretty much the regular apparel for the typical Egyptian.

  24. The daily life of Egyptians cantered around the pharaoh, religion, and family. The children were considered very important! A woman’s main priorities were cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the kids. A peasant’s life consisted of, well farming was pretty much it. There diet was wheat and vegetables. But they were very poor, because they got taxed heavily by the pharaoh.
    Now I will move onto the Egyptian houses. There houses were made of mud and straw. They sun dried there bricks. The Egyptians also sleep on there roof because there houses were so hot. Egyptians had big houses since a supply wasn’t limited.

  25. Life in ancient Egypt centered around three things. Religion, pharaohs, and family. Children are considered very important by family members. Woman’s duties at the home are cooking, cleaning, and raising kids. All the men do is work. The peasant life: they farmed wheat, they ate wheat and vegetables. The heavy taxes imposed on crops. The effect of this made it hard to make money. Bricks were made out of straw and mud to make sundried bricks. The size of the houses could be huge, the roofs are flat. Homes of nobles had 25 to 30 rooms. Homes of peasants are small but nice. They slept on the roofs of the houses to keep cool.

  26. Daily life of Ancient Eqyptian. I chose the topic of clothing and appearance for by blogging, since both are important in today’s society. The main piece of clothing was called a tunic. It resembled a long t-shirt. All tunics were white. The men wore tunics that were down to their knees. The women wore tunics that were down to their ankles. The choice of footware was sandals. If the Egyptians did not wear sandals, he did not have tennis shoes or boots to wear, therefore he or she had to go barefoot. When the men worked outside, they wore short skirts. The worker’s clothing was a loin cloth or less (naked). Their main jewelry were rings, necklaces and earrings. Both men and women wore jewelry. The jewelry was gold. Egyptian’s shaved their heads, therefore, both men and women wore wigs. The women’s hair (wigs) went down to their shoulders. Men also shaved their facial hair, that is why you never see natural eye brows on pictures of Egyptians. You could tell the wealthy Eqyptians by their clothing. The wealthy people wore long robes. The priest wore a cheetah robe. Men and women both wore green eye shadow and black eye liner, which was demonstrated by Mr. Klumper and his girls in their video. Women put a cone of scented fat on their heads so they would smell good, the Eqyptian version of modern day perfume. Thank you for reading my blog.

  27. The every day life of an ancient Egyptian was based on three things: religeon, serving the Pharoah, and family. Children were considerred very important. Women's main duties at home were cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. Men typically worked outside the home. The main diet was wheat and vegetables. They paid high taxes on farm crops. Thier homes were huge, flat topped homes, made out of sun dried bricks. Bricks were made out of straw and mud. Homes were built four feet off the ground to keep water and sand out. Wealthy people had homes with 25-30 rooms. Peasants had small, but nice homes. They often slept on the roof to keep cool.

  28. Hi I, am here to tell you some facts about clothing in ancient Egyptian time. Egyptians wore nothing, to a leopard robe. You’ll never guess what the less fortunate wore. Dang it, you did. The slaves wore nothing or just a loin cloth for clothing. The middle class of Egyptian’s wore robes of cloth. The upper class that were wealthy and were part of the Pharaohs circle of friends wore very fancy robes made of silk and the finest material. The upper class also draped themselves with fine gold and lapis jewelry. The priests of this era wore leopard skins.

  29. Hi I’m Emma, today I’m going to show you the inner life if you were an Ancient Egyptian. Now life in Ancient Egypt was centered around 3 main things: religion, the pharaoh, and family, not to different from now. With family the children were considered very important, or a gift from the gods. Lazy men (no offense Mr. Klumper) went to work while the hard working women stayed home and cooked, cleaned, and raised the children. Peasants had an especially hard life they barely made it through the year! They farmed mostly wheat there diet contained mostly vegetables and wheat. It was hard to make money because of heavy taxes imposed on crops. That’s all the time we have for today see you next time on Water for Sixth Grade.

  30. three very alike pyramids yet very going to talk about the pyramids of Giza.all three pyramids are alike in some ways like the shape, but also was different by size and who's pyramid it belonged to. one thing that made the pyramids so different WAS the size of each pyramid.the pyramid of Khufu was the largest, the pyranid of Khafre was the 2nd largest, and the pyramid of Menkaure was the smallest. the great pyramid ( pyramid of Khufu) had three small pyramids for Khufu's wives and small tombs for his nobles, but took 2 million blocks for the huge pyramids. at least one thing that they share is they all have been robbed.

  31. Appearance of ancient Egyptians was a very important part of their everyday lives. They wore makeup such as green eye shadow, and heavy black eyeliner. Even the men wore makeup! Women wore their hair to a length about down to their shoulders. But the crazy part is that in order to smell good the women put scented fat on their heads. The fat would melt and their body would be covered in it, and they would smell good. I could never imagine wearing fat on my head, even if it was scented! Again, the ancient Egyptians appearance was very important and very distinct. These were just a couple of things they would do to improve their appearances.

  32. We know that Egyptians had a very unique look which makes them stand out. I’m going to talk about two things: Egyptian clothing and appearance. I’ll talk about clothing first. The main piece of clothing for the ancient Egyptians was a white tunic which is like a long t-shirt. Men wore tunics down to their knees, while the women wore tunics down to their ankles. What did Egyptians ware on their feet? They either wore sandals, or went around barefoot. Men who were working outside wore short skirts (that’s weird). The main jewelry for Egyptians was rings, necklaces, and earrings. Both men and women wore wigs. Workers clothing consisted of loin cloth or the workers were just naked. Wealthy people’s clothing consisted of long robes. The priests wore leopard robes. Now I’ll talk about their appearance. Both men and women wore green eye shadow, black eyeliner, and gold jewelry. Only the men had no facial hair, and only the women wore their hair down to their shoulders. Women would also put a cone of scented fat on their head, which would melt, to make the woman smell good. That’s my little essay, so by for now, and enjoy ancient Egypt!

  33. Egyptains had some funny styles like clothing and both men and women wore make up. Men and women wore turnics-which were long t shirts. But men wore theirs down to there knees and women wore them down to the ankles. Also another thing both genders did was wear make up. The main color was green eyeshadow and black eyeliner. The egyptains made a cone to wear on their head. It was made out of fat. Eww. For their footware they usualy went bare foot or wore sandals. Women wore sandals to protect there feet but men chose whatever. Sometimes men would work naked if it was a long project. I hope you learned more about the egyptains crazy style.

  34. What the ancient Egyptians wore. The main piece of clothing was the Tunic. The color was all white for both men and women. The men wore it down to there knees. The women wore it down to there ankles. They either wore sandals or no shoes. Men working outside wore shorts or skirts. The main jewelry was rings, necklaces, and earrings. Ever body wore wigs. The workers clothing was long or they went naked. Wealthy clothing was long robs. Priest wore leopards robes. Men and women wore green eye shadow, black eye liner, and gold jewelry. Men had no facial hair. The women wore there hair down to there shoulders.

  35. egypt life was work.every day youed eather farm or work for the king during that time period youed eather build or you farm or something else. every day your normal clothing would probably be something like a tunic but men wore it down to there knees and the
    woman would were it down to there
    ankles every day you would eather put makeup on or jewlery like earing necklaces or rings for makeup you'ed wear green eye shadow black eye liner. the men had no fashell hair and the womens hair went down to there shoulders.
    that is what egypt life would be like every day

  36. Life in Ancient Egypt centered around three things, religion, pharaoh, family. The family children considered very important. Women duties at home were to work, cook, and raise the children. Men worked in the field.
    Pleasant life: farming wheat-diet wheat and vegetables-heavy taxes imposed on crops-effect hard to make money. Homes-sun-dried bricks. Materials as straw and mud, Size huge, Roofs flat, unique doors: 4 feet off the grounds. Reason reduces sand and water from Nile River. Homes of the nobles: 25 rooms. Homes of the peasants: small but Nice. Unique sleeping: slept on roofs. Why: cooler temperature. The home were as big as they wanted it to be.

  37. Egyptian appearance is unique,and kind of strange. The main piece of clothing at the time was the tunic. A long white t-shirt. men wore it down to their knees, and women wore it down to their ankles. For footwear, the either went barefoot, or wore sandals. The basic jewlery was earings, rings, and necklaces. The slaves and workers wore either a loincloth, or went naked. The wealthy people bascically wore long robes. and the high priest wore a leopard robe. As for appearance, men and women wore green eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. Gold jewlery was often worn. Men had no face hair, and the women had their hair go down to their shoulders. the women also put a ne of scented faton their heads to use as a hardener, and in the heat, it would melt to make them smell good. (they didn't have perfume.)

  38. The ancient Egipians clothing was very different from now because unstead of just regular clothes you think of today. The workers clothing was either loin cloth or naked. The wealthy people wore a long robe. Finally the priests wore a leapord robe. What really shocks me is that almost everyone wore a wig. What I think is weird is that both men and women both wore eye shadow. The thing that shocks me the most is that they wore scented fat on their head. Their main jewelry was rings neclasses and errings. now you know about the anciant Egyptians and their customs.

  39. The ancient Egyptians aren't people I'd want to get my fashion advice from. The main clothing they wore was a simple white long T-shirt, or tunic. Men wore the tunic down to their knees, while women would where it down to their ankles. Egyptians would wear sandals or just go barefoot. When the men worked outside they would wear short skirts. The main jewelry was rings, necklaces, and earrings. Both genders wore wigs. When they would work they would either where a loin cloth or nothing at all! Luckily, not everyone went around like that. Wealthy Egyptians wore long robes and priests wore a leopard robe. I hope you had fun reading about the clothing of Egyptians.

  40. The Egyptians had different looking clothes. There main piece of clothing was a tunic and it was white. The tunic looked like a long t-shirt. The men wore it down to their knees and the women wore it down to their ankles. They were either barefoot or they wore sandals. There main jewelry was rings, necklaces, and earrings. Both men and woman wore wigs. The wealthy Egyptians wore long robes and the priest wore leopard robes. The workers wore loin cloth or they were naked.
    Both men and woman wore green eye shadow, black eye liner, and gold jewelry. Those are some facts about the Egyptians.

  41. The ancient people both men and women wear green eye shadow and black eye liner. But the main shirt or piece of clothing was a white t- shirt, the women wore it down to there ankles and men wore it down to there knees. I think the men wore it to there knee so they wouldn’t be so hot from working, and it was white because that’s the lightest color so they wouldn’t get as hot also. They either wore sandals or wore nothing, just plain barefoot. The priests’ wore leopard robes and the wealthy people wore long robes.

  42. This is a bunch of greeat information and helped me alot. Great project! Thank you. Bye!


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