
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Great Debate: Irrigation? Money? Written Language? Wheel?

Whether it was through Powerpoint, discussion, video, or digging for artifacts, we have learned about some "firsts" of Mesopotamia. We have discovered that Mesopotamia, the first Civilization of the world, was the first to invent written language(cuneiform), irrigation, the wheel, and money. Four things that directly affect us in 2008. I think we can all agree that those are four very important things, especially in today's world. However, let us take a few moments to think about which, exactly, of the four is the most important? Your first instincts may tell you it's money. Judging from this weeks poll, most of you think that. But do not be so quick to answer, think about the world without each of the four. What is it like? You may think money is most important. With money, you can buy a car. However, without the wheel, your car is not going anywhere. With money, you can buy food, but without irrigation, crops would not get sufficient water, therefore, we would not have food to eat. No written language? It would make things quite difficult. We would not be able to communicate with each other which means no talking on the phone, no emailing, no texting and the worst of all, no blogging.

Part 1: So, If you could only pick one of the four inventions for today's world, what would it be? Explain your answer with specific details.
Part 2: Look at somebody elses comment and respond to them. You will respond to another students' comment by posting a new comment.


  1. because you can spend it to get other things and you can earn it from your jobs.

  2. First would be the wheel.
    Second would be money.
    Third would be a written language.
    Fourth would be Irrigation.
    Fifth would be technolgoy.

  3. I think that the most important thing is the wheel because then we couldn't move furniture to far away places, we couldn't move large bricks, rocks and other heavy things.

  4. I think irrigation is the most important because we need water to live. We need irrigation- for practically everything. Canned foods like corn and beans started in a feild that needed irrigation to live. Even if we used sprinklers, that would still be considered irrigation. (I'm pretty sure) We wouldn't die if we had the wheel, we wouldn't die if we didn't have money or a written language. Sure, we'd want that stuff, but we wouldn't absulutely NEED them for survival.

  5. I think irragation is most important beacause if we didn'thave irragation we would have less food. Without money may seem pretty, bad but I guarantee that our very intelligent world could figure out many more ways to get things such as trading.The wheel would be difficult not to have although we can find different ways to get around with animals. Writing would also be tough not to have because everything has a name to it and you wouldn't even no what you were buying!

  6. The most important thing to our lives today is irragation, without irragation we would not live because no rainfall would fall to the ground there would be no water no life and no plants on earth. There would also be no money no wheels and no written languages. irragation is the most important thing people could ever have, atleast thats what I think.

  7. Part 1: If I were to pick any of those four things (irrigation, wheel,money,or written language) I would pick the written language. In the wild there are plenty of natural resources we could use without harming the planet, therefore we could easily go out into the wild get fresh food and water (maybe not so clean) and still have a fine life. Without written language, if something were to happen to us, we could not warn people of it very easily.

  8. I think its written laungage because i have to be talking to my friends 24/7. If i didnt have a cell phone i would probably be really stressed and wouldnt be able to work on our home work to gether.

  9. P 1

    I would chose money, just because without it we would no t be responsible. Money teaches reponsibility. It shows that not everything is free. It also teaches us to trade goods and trade because when you buy something, it's like you are trading, good for good.

  10. PART #1 irragation because whithout it we wont have crops and when we have crops we have money.

  11. 1 I would choose written language because if we did not have a written language nobody could talk or understnd anything

  12. I think that irregation is more important because food is the most important thing we have.

  13. (1)the wheel. the wheel because if we didt have the wheel we wouldnt have any transportation other than walking.

  14. Part 1: Irrigation is what I would pick. We really don't need money, because if we just borrowed things like animals or cars or if we traded things might go more smoothly. I really don't need money
    because I someone would trade me for something they wanted and I would get the thing I wanted.

  15. I think that the most important invention was language because without language we wouldn't be able to understand each other. If we didnt have language we wouldn't have laws or goverment.

  16. Cassidy 3wethor
    1.I would chose money because we get everything need by buying things. Also we dont have to have irragation because we can get like meat and stuff from animals. You could also walk to places you need to go.Thats why I chose money.

  17. The answer to Part 1 the one most inventions to me is Money Beacuse with out it we would have nothing to buy for our selfs but your probebley thinking well would it be free well im not sure buy they will problebley will trade things or give things as gifes but it is about th same as buying it. So that is the one thing thats most impoatant to me of the four.

  18. jacob 3larson

    part 1

    i think written language is the most inportant. becuse if you could not say stuff you coun't say
    what money was. you could say what the wheel or irrigation.

  19. I would pick money because without money we would not have any supplies to build houses, heat are homes in the winter, get food, and water.

  20. I agree with Ezra because we have to eat and without irragatioun we would prabobly die

  21. Austin i agree that written laungage because you are right that nobody would understand what people are saying.

  22. Money because if we didnt have money we wouldnt be able to buy the things we want and need. If we didnt have money we would probably starve to death because we wouldnt have money to buy food.

  23. Tyler i disagree with u because without irragation u would not be alive rite now and without the wrintten language u would not speak and everything would be silent.

  24. I would chose Irrigation becuse without food we will not be abie to eat.

  25. PART #2 hi austin I agree half and half with you i think that there actullay should be a writing system AND irragation.

  26. Garret I dissagree with you because, yes you could buy stuff but with money you could not buy as many things that you would need without having those other things. Without irrigation you would not have crops therefore you would not be able to buy the crops.

  27. Hi Quinten,

    I diagree with your thing on the written language. Homework help is important but, cell phones just really waste time. I don't have a cell phone but, if I did it would be off in case of an emergency

  28. The wheel, because without it we couldn't carry any heavy objects. We couldn't drive a car, or move a table saw.

  29. Tasia Long,
    I agree with you because we do need irrigation to live.

  30. hey Ezra i don't think your right becaue how could you make money with crops when there isn't such thing as money?

  31. HI tyler limmer. I disagree with you. I think that the writen laguage should be second so if you wanted to buy somthing than you could tell them what you want.

  32. Paidon: I agree with you but if we didnt have language we probaly wouldn't have money because nobody would be able to understand each other to understand that we needed money

  33. taisa i agree with you about how we need water and caned foods. but i think the wheel is also very impotant because we would want transpotation.

  34. I very disagree with cassidy's comment because we can use trading for a replacement for money. Also WE NEED IRRAGATION without vegetbles nobody would be healthy. Honestly cassidy I really don't think you are going to walk 5 miles to your best friends house. Money is fun to have but we could survive without it.

  35. Dear Marie,
    I see you think the wheel is the most important to you I would agrey even thow I did not pick the wheel so I see it's important to both of us so to have the wheel.

    See you later bye

  36. hi jordon i AGREE with jordan because without money we could not by anything like food or water

  37. Cassidy 3wethor
    I disagree because there is enough food in the world and we dont need corn. Plus corn field are scary.

  38. jacob 3larson

    part 2

    I diagre with you garret. becuse with out werds you could not say what money was.

  39. Jesey i think your right because if we didn't have wheels we wouldn't get all the furniture that we like like we wouln't have our soft chairs.

  40. tyler I disagry because I think irregtion is most important thing because without food we would dye!!!

  41. I would pick money because you would be able to buy food,tools, and trade.If you pick the wheel you will just be able to move things and go places.

  42. 1 i think we need money because we could just walk places and we could buy stuff

  43. Cassidy,I agree with you we do need money the most because it pays for are heat in are home, and money to build houses.

  44. Jessie,

    But would we die without the wheel? No. Would we die without water for crops? Yes(irrigation)

  45. Jessie,

    But would we die without the wheel? No. Would we die without water for crops? Yes(irrigation)

  46. Tasia, I incredibly disagree because maybe water is like a drug, If we started drinking it, we would be addicted. I think money is the most important thing because once we have money, we learn to trade. We also learn responsibility.

  47. HI tyler limmer. I think that irragation should be higher up than just 4 in line.

  48. Tyler i disagree with you. you do not neccesarily need can use natural resources to live a healthy life.

  49. cassidy i agree with u so much i cant say it and wilde ur going down

  50. I agrey with you on irragation MeiKayla

    see you

  51. thanks for agreeing with me mackenzie and i also agree on irrigation too.So no afence to the ppl who chose irrigation.

  52. wilde we need money to buy things like food and cars and the wheel so hahahaha i mean we can walk places

  53. Emily & Cassidy
    Would you rather be alive or be scared of corn fields?

  54. Paidon,

    ? ?? What? We need it. We're supposed to be drinking it. =D

  55. Cassidy 3wethor
    Emily i agree with you and alex my friends dont live 5 miles away but with money i could buy a cell phone to call my friends to ask them where to meet me. so i am going to win this conversation.

  56. Hi Kody, I dissagree with you because how would we get the wheel if we didnt have money to buy the wheel.

  57. Hi austin I agree with you because without money we could not by anything like food or water.

  58. please post that last on to tyler mr. klumper

  59. taisa
    but wouldnt you rather get a ride then walking???????

  60. Jessie,

    Yes, but I'd rather Live than DIE.

  61. Hi Paden, I would agreee that money does teach a good lessen but we need irrigation more becouse with out food we will DIE!

  62. Patrick cellphones are not a waste of time! I care deeply about my env 2!

  63. I VERY DISAGREY with alex beacuse i dont think irrigation is that important!!!!!!!

  64. i agree with jessie c would you really walk three thousand miles instead of driving?

  65. i think the whestore we go to wheel is the best cause without it we would have to walk 5 amiles to get to wal mart or whatever

  66. I think the wheel is most important beacause with it you dont break your back working....and also cause your car wouldnt even move if they didnt invent the wheel..

  67. I think that the wheel was most important because without it we would have so much work.

  68. I think that written languege is the most imprtant invention. ttttttThe wheel is the 2 most important invention becase it helps us move heavy objects

  69. I think that irrigation is most important because without it we would have less to eat and die of starvation. if we didn't have crops we would only by close with money. if we did not have crops we would only use the wheel for driving to places for fun witch ruins natural resorces.

  70. I think the weel is the most important because it helped them cary hevy things. so without the weel there wouldn`t be zigarats becouse they couldnt lift the heavy objects.It`s also important becouse it helps us today alot.

  71. I think the most important thing in the world is irrigation because if we did not have irrigation we would not have any crops whitch would also mean corn,wheat,and barly.

  72. I think that irrigation is way more important than any other thing in this world cause if we didnt have any food to eat we could starve to death and probably most likely gonna die no matter about anything that happens to us.

  73. I think that irrigation is the most important beacause without it we would not have food and we would all eventually die. We can get aroud without the wheel.

  74. I think money is the most important out of those options because it is the main thing we use for a organized world. if there wasn't any money people would not work because there would be no point you would earn nothing and there would be more wars then there is today.

  75. Part1 I think that the weel is the most important because if we didn't have the weel then we wouldn't have cars,bycicles,mortercycles,and more.

  76. I think irragation was most important because we need water to grow crops.If we didn't have irragation our crops would not grow. I think wheels were important to because other whys we would have to walk or transport things by foot.

  77. i think that the wheel was the best because it makes things easy to carrie things and we proboly would not have cars with if thwheels so that our fastest way to get around and i dont want to run every where or ride horses.!!!!
    ps i do like horses dont get me wrong******

  78. I think the most important thing is writting becuase we use it for many things like. Such as writting letters, blogging and many other things.

  79. Mitchell, I think the wheel isn't the most important because money has been the reason we have wheels because people want us to pay for them.

  80. I think that written language is the most important thing because if we didnt have written language than we wouldnt know how to write,think of words,or talk.

  81. I think irrigation is the most important because with out water,plants can't grow. With out plants we couldn't eat. If we can't eat then we will starve to dealth. We can always walk to places and we can make our own cloths.

  82. Hi lucus

    I dissagre with that becase if we didnt have language we wouldnt be bloging right now

  83. i think that money is waaaaaaaayyyyyyy more important, cuz people would not be able to buy food, a car or anything at all

    but everything else is important to

  84. mithell,

  85. i think the wheel is the best because if we need to go places like say rapid city it wont take us 5 days to get halfway there.

  86. Hi Mackensie
    I completely agree with you we do need the wheel we could liv without irrigation and everything else.

  87. I think the best invention of today is the wheel the wheel helps us get to school, come home from school, and carry heavy stuff. So that's why the wheel is the best invention.

  88. Racheal I disagree because i think that domesticating animals is better because they can help with natural resources/hunting/gathering food /guarding and a whole bunch more stuff

  89. Hi mitchel I Agree with you that the weel is the most are right that if we didn't have the weel then we wouldn't have any major transportation.

  90. Macy,
    Good job!!!!!I like the way you think!!!!

  91. Hi Rachael I agree irrigation is the most important because without it we would die of starvation.

  92. I think my #1 thing would be the wheel we couldnt move heavy thing very well
    #2 irrigation we wouldnt have enough food 4 brandon or the world
    #3written language we need 2 be able 2 send messages 2 people
    and#4money we dont need a lot of money 2 be happy

  93. Hi Sarah
    I completely disagree with you. The people in the stoneage lived without it so could we.

  94. Kendall,
    But without the wheel....we cant have bikes, cars, and much there for we need the wheel

  95. I think that irrigation is most immportant because we need food to live don't we

  96. Hey Kenzie
    I totally disagree with you! Everyone needs food much more than the wheel. the heavey things can stay where the are. Move the light things insted.

  97. hi macy, i agree with you but,...

    without money can u cet the wheel

  98. Riley I disagree with you becuase we need it for more things than we need the wheel for.

  99. hi makenize

    i agree with you because a wheel does help you pull heavy stuff so you do not break your back

  100. thanks miakenzie i like the way you thind too this thing go's by so fast $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  101. I don't think cuneiform was very important back then because it was proboly very hard to learn or understand. But english and other languages are very important now because we understand it a little more.

  102. HI! I think that all of them are very important. But I think that irrigation is by far the most important. because if we could not get water to our crops,we could not grow anything,and we could not eat! therefore,our small civilization wold die!!! And I don't know about you, but I kind of like being able to eat, don't you?

  103. Hi Rachel
    I think you are wrong we need the wheel so we dont have to do so much work! We dont need irrigation we have animals to eat.

  104. Hi Lucas I think you are totally right about everything you said about how Irrigation so important to our lives right now GOOD JOB!!!!!!

  105. macy
    im with u i dont want 2 ride a horse everywhere what if it got stolen that would be bad if were at wal-mart

  106. Thank you riley....

  107. Hi Mitchell I disagree that the wheel is the most important. Ithink that irrigation is more important because we would die of starvation without irrigation.

  108. Hi Tatertot I disagree with you BIGTIME!!!!!!!! because WE WOULD HAVE FOOD FOR SHUR !!!!!!! Tats why I think you are wrong tatertot

  109. Hi tatertot i dissagree not the wheel or irrgation but money we need it to survive and if you have alot of it well you can afford alot of things.

  110. Hi rialy
    I dissagre with you becase with out written langue the wold would be sooooooooooooo dull

  111. Dear Kendall I disagree becouse if money haden't been invented in the first place then we wouldn't have the need to pay for anything in the first place.

  112. nelson
    y cant u just ride a horse like macy said

  113. Tanner your wrong 100% just like tate we would eventualy invant it tanner your wrong

  114. But how would you move around if a friend live like 10 miles away??????.....And then you wouldnt have a car...

  115. Hi Mackenzie, I think that the irragation system was more important then the wheel because we would starve without food.

  116. randall if we don't have any food what is the point of having the weel?

  117. hi hannah, i compleatly agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. houdy kendall,

    thats a good point but if they didnt invent the wheel that why do we need money for it

    ps. i can see you!!!!!!!

  119. Riley we need all the other things to survive. Give me a example of way we could live with every thing else.

  120. hi rachle i agree with you because irrigation is the most important thing espescialy for food i like the way you think

  121. Hi tanner i think you are wrong cause we need the wheel more then anything because if we dont have the wheel irrgation would not be here.

  122. nelson,
    You cant ride a horse...they didnt have horses WAY back then

  123. Cause horses run out of energy and if i went to my grandmas on a horse i would have to feed it about 50 times.

  124. hi emma true and we wouldent have taxes

    i change my answer to the wheel

  125. Hi mackenzie, But without irrigation you wouldnt survive without any food or water for a matter of fact.

  126. Hannah,
    But what if you had a friend that lived 10 miles away????

  127. yes nelson you cant just ride a pony every where##########

  128. hi tate NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  129. But you already have food u dont need everything for food just a little bit

  130. Kenzie,
    Exercise is also Important.

  131. hi macy,
    yeah ur right

    psssssssssss i can see you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  132. Ryan I dont even know what you like but wheel is the best

  133. Well....hope you know im gonna win...wut if your sick

  134. riley
    i disagree with you because if we didnt have all of those things our lives would be so messed up

  135. HI Patrick! (sorry about the typo on my name.) But I completely disagree with you! If we still used trade, things would be chaos!!! havent you seen that episode of CHOWDER where chowder loses his hat? here's a tip for ya!
    dat and dat and dis for dat and des and dis and dose and dose for dis. also, if you traded a duck for 20 pounds of corn,what are ya going to do with 20 pounds of corn?
    face it pat, we need money!!! more to come.

  136. language, because with it you can tell people to make then other three.

  137. with out money we would hhave to trad

  138. I would choose the wheel because we use it for traveling from place to place and if we didnt have the wheel we would be somewhat like nomads and we use it to haul heavy items to so thats why i think its the wheel.

  139. i would ivent the car because it is about the most important invention because that is our main source of transportation.

  140. I think irragation is most important because most of our food are crops and without irragation some farmers may starve.

  141. I think irrigation is the most important because first off you wouldnt have food. Withoutfood you would probably starve to death.You also will be able to buy and sell crops which means that you could have money.

  142. #1 For todays world i would pick irrigation because if we didnt have irrigation we would not be able to grow crops, use sprinklers, or it would not rain to keep the lakes and rivers high, and there is alot more things tht we need irrigation for!!!!

  143. for todays world i would pick irrigation because if you didnt have irrigation then you would probaly die because there would be no food to eat.

  144. I think money would be most important. Beacouse alot of people use money today back then they used trade insted of money.I think without money everyone would be miserable!

  145. I believe irrigation is most important because without food we would starve. iwould rather eat than buy a car.

  146. I think that all of them are the most important. We need all of them. But if I had to choose it would be the wheel. We need the wheel because it runs our cars. witch we need to bring our suplleys long distances.

  147. I think money is the most important because you wouldnt be able to buy awsome stuff like,tv,radio,cars

  148. I think that the wheel is the most importent beacuse we woud not de adale to move heav adject so we wouldn't be adale to make belding.

  149. Part 1: I think that Irrigation is most important because we humans need water more than anything else and we really do not need wheels or money because we can live by walking or finding food like planting it.

  150. I think that written language is the most important, because without it we wouldn't be able to understand eachother. It would make the other things useless. People wouldn't know where to route the irrigation to. Money wouldn't have a value, no one would know why it was valuable, or how much it was worth, there wouldn't be writing on it. The wheel wouldn't be too hard too comprehend. That's why I think that written language is the most important.

  151. I think that lauguage is most importent. It is importent because without it we would not be able to talk we would not be able to talk about any thing that includes food and we would starve.
    We could maybe live with out it but I think it is pretty importent.

  152. jared i agree with you but instead of the car you should have made wheels first

  153. i agree with dylan
    i want to live

  154. zach
    i believe you are wrong because without food we would starve, and there would be nobody to make money

  155. hi kayla I dissagree with you i think that irrigation is not as important as money!

  156. cody i would agree because without any wheel we couldnt drive a car or even a bike.

  157. hi jared

    CAR WAS NOT A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  158. In Mesopotamia I think the wheel was most important because if they didnt have wheels it would be hard to move heavy objects and it would take longer to get from one place to another. An example is like if you wanted to get from one place to another faster than waling.

  159. In Mesopotamia I think the wheel was most important because if they didnt have wheels it would be hard to move heavy objects and it would take longer to get from one place to another. An example is like if you wanted to get from one place to another faster than waling.

  160. hi Haley
    I totally agree with you.


  162. What I think is more important is irragation cause you need water to live...:)

  163. I agree Kalia because like you said starve to death.

  164. Hi shayanne
    That's a good point but we could not have a car without a wheel

  165. Hi Sammie
    I agree with you because irrigation is very important and we do need crops and food.

  166. Hey Sammie,
    I agree, irrigation in my point of view was the most important thing the Mesopatamians invented. We need irrigation to grow food, and without food we would die.

    P.S. I see you!!!


  167. I would say irrigation is the most important invention because if we didn't have irrigation we wouldn't have any food.Also there is very little rain in some places.

  168. i agree with having to invent the wheelcody

  169. shambree
    without food we would starve
    boo money!!!!!!

  170. Hi Kayla,
    I disagree with you. I still think that written language would still conquer over irrigation becuase even without irrigation, you could figure out a different way to water crops. You wouldnt know where to route the water without being able to communicate. That's why I disagree.

  171. i would like money more then a weel becaues we could ride a animal

  172. Kayla I agree with you 100%:)

  173. I agree with you alli

  174. hey Cody I think that irrigation is more important than the wheel because irrigation you have to have water and food to survive.

  175. hey marina i agree with you about having language because i would rather talk then mumble!!! BYE BYE

  176. yes shyanne
    most people think it is most important becaule with out food we would die!!!!!

  177. Dear Shane G.
    I agree money is important.
    but without the wheel how would we get that money? Unless we lived right by a money factory. But we cant all do that. We need the wheel for transportation.

  178. Hi Sammie,
    Yes I agree with you about irrigation because we would not be able to have very much food to eat or be able to sell crops to make money.

  179. Jared, a car wasn't even a choice. =0)LOL

  180. Hi Marina
    I agree with you for all the same reasons. Awesome!

  181. hi dani
    i agree with you 100%.

  182. hi Dani
    I like totally agree with you because we would die if we didnt have irrigation.

  183. Sorry Mr. Klumper, I spelt Mespotomians wrong in my last post.

    I spelt it Mesopatamians.

    :[ -sad face


  184. Hey dylan i agree with you about irrigation(i did that too) bye bye

  185. Hey thanks Sammie
    PS I see you!

  186. I disagree Caleb because without crops means no food,no food means no people,no people means you can't move the wheel.

  187. Shambree

  188. Halle, I totally agree. =0)

  189. Hi Matt
    I dont agree with you. We cant all farm. How would we get the food? The wheel is how and we could transport meat instead.

  190. heyy cody
    i agree with you but irriagation is also important

    PEACE OUT!!!!!!

  191. Hi alli
    We are Awesome!!!

  192. W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R!!You can just eat your foot

  193. I think money is more important because you can buy things and irrigation is something.


    HUH HUH?

  195. Kayla H. how do we get that food? the wheel. We don't all want to farm. We need to be able to transport items. Such as food.

    argue back

  196. hi kayla
    i guess that you are right i woule rather have food than money!

  197. Jess i agree with you!

  198. hey ashley i know im smart!! jkjk lol

    I dont see you!!!
    just kidding bye bye

    ♥Sammie♥ bye bye

  199. hi halle now that i think about it i would have to agree with you because food is way more inportant than a wheel because we know how to walk its not like its going to kill us to walk instead of ride into town


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