
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Talkin' About READING!!

Hello, my bloggers. Congratulations on finishing the Mesopotamia Exam. Now you have two options: AR read AND/OR blog. For this particular post, the instructions are quite simple. Tell me about your favorite book. Why is it your favorite book? What happens? What's your favorite part? What makes it your favorite book? Going along with the new feature on our blog: my book shelf with some of my favorite books, I want to hear about your favorite books. Blog On!


  1. My favorite book is called The Never Ending Story. The leader of the country is dying, and she has a doctor go for a kid named Atreyu, because apparently he can find her cure. My favorite part is when the Nothing is only a couple miles away from Atreyu. (The nothing is basically turning peices of the country into nothing, and now it's a wolf chasing Atreyu) It's my favorite book so far because it's interesting and exciting.

  2. my favorite book is Rules. it was about this girl that had a little brather with autizum and she always went with him to his therapea classes. there is this other boy that cant speak and is in a wheel chair that goes too. the girl allways talks with him and draws pictures for in this book so he can comunicate. my fav part is when her little brother puts barbie and ken in their fish tank. and the tankover flows. there is also a part where he dances in her room with her friend and breaks a ruler. at the end of the book the girl goes to a dance with her friend and dances with the boy in the wheel chair. so thats my favorite book.

  3. The series of unfortunate events:THe carnivorous carnival is a good book because its makes me feel like im in the acual book. I like the part were they are in disguise as freaks at the carnival.The whole point to this book is were count olaf tries to steal the boudelare's fortune that there parents left behind in the terrible fire were in that case they died. They are wondering if one of them survived the fire were they died, because they found the snicket file and it said exactly they may think one of theo arents are alive. This takes place at a carnival in the iddle of the hinterlands. They think one of the parents are in the mortmain mountains jsut a few miles away. Theres this lady that works at the carnival and she a fake fortune teller and the baudelares broke her glass ball so she helped them-i dont no wy she helped them-find a way into the mortmain mountains. This is wy i like this book because it always gives me a picture in my mind.

  4. I dont know what my fvorite book is. I like harry potter half-blood prince. I dont know why it is my favorite book but it is good. What happens is harry and dumbledore have to go to this special cave and dumbledore drinks this potion that makes him weak and he wants to die. Then they go back to hogwarts and dumbledore dies and stuff.Also harry likes this girl named ginny and that is harry's best friends little sister so they get in a fight and they eat alot in this book. Ya so thats my favorite book i guess. But the whole harry potter series is good. I also like number 1,2,3,4,5,and 7.
    Number 7 and 5 has alot of action. Number 4 is ok its not my favorite. All the other ones are good. I can't wait for the movies for 6 nd 7.

  5. My favorite book is called Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This is my favoite book because I like to read cartoons and I dont like reading small print.

  6. my favorite book is called coraline. the reason that its my favorite book is because it is kinda scary in a way.what happens in this book is that there is a little girl named coraline and she just moved to a new apartment home.then she walks around the house and find this unusally door. she opens it and it is a brick wall. then a week or 2 pases and she went back to the door and there was no brick wall.then she walks in and every thing changes into her house and her parents are there but the have buttons for eyes . later on in this story the button eyed parents people tried to kill her and her parents.what makes this be my favorite book is that it is scary.

  7. Hey Mr. Kluper my favorite book series is The Royal Diaries they are my favorite because they tell about what thier lifes had been like. Also i like them because, they acually tell you what thier thoughts were and how life was when they were alive like i'm reading the Cleopatra Daughter of the Nile and it tells me in the book that she had a pet leopard named Arrow, she thinks that her sister is trying to kill her , and her father is away because he is hiding because he made people mad at him and wants to kill him. For example one night when everyone was asleep someone snuck into her fathers room, put a deadly puff adder on the edge of his bed and left it there he didn't die from it but his butler did.Now it's still silthering around the castle. Talk to you later.

  8. Hi Mr. Klumper, My favorite book is called Heat by Mike Lupica. It is my favorite book because it is about baseball and the main character likes the New York Yankees like me. I also enjoyed this book because the main character is a pither, and the main characters name is Michael. The book tells about that Michael and his 17 year old brother are living in an apartment and their dad died when the were comming from Cuba to live in the united states in Florida. Michael's baseball coach wants to talk to Michael's dad about giving rides to away games. Michael lies to his coach and says his dad is in Florida with Michael's uncle in the hospital in Florida visiting him. Michael's baseball team is very good and they keep winning games. All the other coaches for other teams want to see Michael's birth certificate because they dont think he is 12 so Michael cant play any more games until they get to see his birth cirtificate.3 days later they found his birth certificate and now he can play and the make it to the play offs. And that was the end. It was one of my favorite books I've read. I would recomend this book to anyone that like baseball.

  9. My favorite book would have to be One of Those Hidious Books Where The Mother Dies. It is my favorite book because it is so hilarious! It has quite a bit of swearing and a little sexual humor. I is in our middle school library for like 6-8 points. What happens is a girls mother dies and so she has to move all the way to california. It turns out her dad is this famous guy named Whip Logan. Whip divorced her mom before she was born so whas just then meeting him. I turns out the reason that her father divorced her mother is that he is gay. At her school almost all of the kids parents are famous so she can relate to them. At their school there is your "average" coke dealer and buy (someone who is over the age of 21 that buys the high schoolers drinks and ciggerettes). my favorite part is when her friend was giving her the tour of the school.

  10. My favorite book would be The Series of Unfortunat Events. These are my favorit books becuse it kept me inter tianed and I loved the way in every book Count Olaf would come and try to take ver worked them back but it never worked. In the beging of book one, their house starts on fire. So these three kids are going to their Itkink fourth cousins house, but of course it was Count Olaf. He (this bugs me) but he hit Clause right over the face. Violet is the olest 16, clause 14-15, and sunny was the baby girl who turns 2 years old. This seris is 13 books long.

  11. Dear Mr. Klumper,

    My favorite book is called May Day at Two-Thousnd Five Hundred Feet. I like this book because it is about 2 guys that are flying in a Cessna 172 Skylane, a low flying jet knocks out the pilot and leaves the other one blind from a head injury.

  12. My favorite book is without a dought Summer Ball by Mike Lupica.Mike Lupica is the best sports writer EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's about Danny Walker a short but determined athlete that goes to a basketball camp for the VERY best young athletes in America. This camp sounds really awesome, it's mostly like school basketball you go to practice and show the coach your skills and then they will come up with a 1st string,2nd string and so on.Danny ends up on the 2nd team. Eventually the first string point guard gets an injury and danny takes starting position. This is a great book and if you love sports like I do you will love this book.

  13. Brisingr,it's my favorite because I love dragons and it's about dragons. my favorite part is when Eragon almost getts captured.

  14. my favorite book is missing. its about a girl whos brother gos missing,she thinks her parents dont care about any more and only care about finding her brother. about in the middle of the book she gets a strange call,the caller calls the girl by the nickname her brother used to call her all the call says is "its me brian" the girl quickly hung up but didnt know if she should tell her parents but she tells her friend Cam instead. by the end of the book she finds her brother. thats all im going to tell you you should read

  15. My favorite book is Eagle Strike by:Anthony Horowitz. I like this book because it is part of a series. The series is called the Alex Rider series. Eagle Strike is the fourth book of the series. My favorite part of the book is were Alex is trapped on AirForce on with Yassen Gregorovich and Yassen gets shot. This series is a great sereis and I advize you read it.

  16. My book is called Alice Alone. This is my favorite book because it talks about girls having troubles with boyfriends... then what happens is her mom died 5 years ago and she has no one to talk to but her best friend Elizebeth and Pamelia... Then Alice
    s friends hears from Alice that something happened to her when she was young...her mom died:( and so Pamelia and Elizebeth have to help her get throught the tough times...but in the end Alice gets happy again with a new mom!!!And Alice LOVES her new mom...

  17. my favorite book seires is hank the cow dog but my favorite bookit is a wast of space i dont know who the author is but hes very good. my favorite part is when the gym teacher falls on his face because he was raceing a boy an there was a sign that said be awara don run in to and he did cluts. the thing that makes this book so good is that its funny, lesson learning, sad, and happy.this girl in this book is tall and skinny but she gets fun of a lot. that the sad part she plays soft ball and is on good peroid. do the kids stop making fun of her or not does she do something about it? just read it and you'll find out.

    by macy .....murren pd 4

  18. My favorite series is the H ardy Boys by Franklin W. Dixon. I like this series because they are very detailed are sometimes violent nd have a lot of action. The tittle of the book tricks me, for example, Burned is illegal CD burning. The main characters are Joe, Frank, background main character are chet, Mr. Fenton aka joe and franks dad Aunt Trudy thir aunt and their mom they never mention her name. Joe and Frank work for ATAC American Teens Against Crime Association. There are one hundred eighty-nine issues that i know of. The first chapter they almost die. They explain everything at the end of the book. they have a pet parracete I don't remember its name. They end a mission the first chapter of a book and start on the second. They live in Bayport and travel a lot. I recomend these books to anyone who likes action books. That is what I have to say about the Hardy Boys series

  19. Hello everyone my favorite book is probably going to have to be Bridge To Terabithia because it has some really good pictures in the book and also because they go to a scary clubhouse like probably not more than ten minutes away from where they live. But the sad thing about the story is that at the end of it somebody dies and I am not going to tell you that part because I do not want to break awat a surprise for you.

  20. Dear Mr.K
    My favorite book so far would have to be Things Hoped For by Andrew Clements. This is my favorite book because the grandpa in the story gets into his freezer and stays there to die. At the begining of the book he leaves a message for his grandaughter Gwen(she lives with him so that she can go to music school in New York City where he lives)that says that he would be gone for a few weeks. When Gwen and her new friend Robert find him they call the police and her grandpa's lawyer comes and says that he reiceved a letter that was not to be opened untill he was died. He went back to his office to get it and when came back he opened it and it said "So now you know what I did to myself. It is a very juicy book that grabbs your attention.

  21. my favorite book is Chinese Cinderella. Its about a girl named adaline, she is a unwanted daughter by everyone in her family excpet her naing(aunt)and Ye Ye (brother). she was just sent to a school that wouldn't let he speek chineses. her aunt that she hasn't seen in 10 years pickes her up from school and takes her to visit naing & Ye Ye but they dont seem to happy to see her.

    its a sad book at some places but i love the book.

  22. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.I like that book because it has alot of action in it and it gives alot of detail.I like the movies so thats what got me into the series. I really enjoy this book and people who like action,mythical,and weird books should really read this sereis.

  23. My favorite book was called Sinister Spider of Siganaw I really got into the book. It's about all different kinds of spiders that are huge and live in the old water tunnles of Siganaw.Theirs a type of people that can turn into spiders and humans called athro pods then theres another type of people that are only spiders called Octogores.
    and it is a really good book

  24. my favorite book is calles the wall and the wing by laura ruby. the wall and the wing is my favorite book because it is a type of mystery book and the charchers in my book are also interesting because gurl is one of my charchers and she turns invisible. bug is another charcher in my book and he can fly. professer is another charcher in my book and he id a scientist who tries to find gurl. my favorite part in this book is when gurl found a cat who she named noodle! and when she first knows that she can turn invisible, when the owner of the hopehouse home for the hopeless finds out that she was invisale and she makes her steal chothing.

  25. my favorite book is diary of a wimpy kid because i like shorter books with out really long pages and this one was perfectmy favoritepart is when one of the boys gets the cheese touch and everyone runs away from him i recomend this book to people that like short pages with a lot of humor

  26. I don't really have a favorite book.
    I've read so many that I could not chose just one.
    Some of my favorite books are Anne of Green Gables I like this book because it takes place in older times and everyone in the book is so dramatic mostly Anne
    Another good book I have read is the any of the books in the Laura Ingalls Wilder seires I like them because they tell what life in the older days was like.
    One of my most favorite books is Tell Me Something Happy Befare I Go To Sleep, my dad used to read this book to me and my brother when we were little Now I hardly ever read it but i still have it
    The last book I can think of is Mermaid Marina my cousin gave me this book when i was about 5 I know your probly thinking why does she keep these books or what a baby but not really the ones from when i was little i pretty much never read anymore.

  27. My favorite book is BABE and ME i like it because it is about baseball and it is about the 1932 game1, game2, and game3 and then it moves on to the 1932 world series. Then my favorite part of the book is when babe and joe go see a child that is super sick so then babe signs a ball, a bat, and a glove and the boy promises that he will get better if babe hits a homerun then he hits a homerun and the kid gets better. That is my favorite book and that is my favorie part of the book bye-bye the end

  28. my favorite book is the bfg it is about a gril the is in a foster home then a gint comes eats littel kids but the resonthat it is called the bfg is becusa the b stands for big and the f stands for the friendly and findly the g stands for gint that is all i have read so far so im going the read so more. but i is a good book hi

  29. my favorite book would have to be the one I am reading know. It is called listen. I am not quit done with it yet but i am in a good spot. it is about this girl who was in a car crash and is finnaly able to walk with a walking stik. she finds this dog who has been wild for all of his life and she desids to try to rais it as her own pet so she goes to the pet stoer snd buys some supplies so she alredy know he likes her fiend dog so every day she takes sadi is the dogs name that belongs to her friend and so she takes sadie for a walk every day around a lake. Cyotey the dog she is trying to tame followes every day for food then one day the girl falls wile they are walking and the dog (Cyotey) comes up to her and nudeges her up to make sure if she is ok that was to first time he has ever touched her!

  30. ming is called wolf brother it is about this boy who farther gets killed by a demon bear and he needs to get to the mountian before the elcps or then the bear will be invisable then on the way he gets captured by the raven clan who were going to sacrefive him but his pup wolf nouws on the buck skin to get it loose so he can get to the mountain before the elsps with out being sacreficed i'm not finished with it yet but it's a really nice book you should try to read it!!!!!!

  31. Hannah 4Poppens-
    I agree with you
    Things Hoped For is a good book
    Have you read Things Not Seen its the first book in the series

  32. i like "audrey,wait!"
    i like it because of all the excitement she has while trying to stay out of the spotlight.

    here is what the book says

    "according to a poll on the front page of USA today, 60% of americans blame me for the breakup, so let me clear the air right now: they are right 63% of americans are no fool when it comes to my life, fact which is really creepy and not helping me sleep at night....."

    the most popular song of the year is about audrey- and now shes famous! not the free stuff and backstage kind of famous the paparizzi-hiding-in-your-bushes-at-the-worst-moment-of-your-life-plastered-on-the-front-page of the e! magazine issue holiday edition!plus she wore tube socks on her arms as arm huggies when she got "hit in the head with a semi full of nasty old cows" as victoria says.

  33. Hey Mr. Klumper! My favorite book is The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket. The reason is because I love books about mysteries. What happens in the book is that the three Baudelaire orphans parents die and in every book they find a new home. This might be their weirdest home yet. Jerome, the nice parent is married to Esme an evil parent and she is trying to help Count Olaf(enemy) try to get the Baudelaires amazing fortune,which was left behind by their parents.. The orphans must find out a way to be safe and a way to find out what lies ahead in their future.

  34. My favorite book by far is football genius by tim green. this book is about a kid that can read the offense in the nfl he knows exactly what play they are running. the first scene is he sneaks through a hole to the rich peoples house and steals a football from seth halloways yard(seth halloway is a linebacker)he then rubs it in a bragging kid named jamies face. but eventually he turns into the falcons ballboy.

  35. I would have to say my favorite book is The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey. I am reading the second book right now and it is called Icefire. I am not sure if this will now be my favorie book because I just started it today.


  36. Hello mr.klumer my avorite book is The Devils Arithmatic. this book rocks because it is about the Haulocost. This teenage girl thinks that the haulocost and it turns out her grampa actually expirienced. when she wakes up in the morning shes wearing different close different shoes and she was surounded by people yelling and screaming. She was shoved into the back of a army truck by a Nazi with about 40 ether people and was taken to a concentration camp. she makes new friends along with enemies. She knows that the holocaust was not a joke but a HUGE problem for her.

  37. Hey Mr.K!!

    My favorite book series is the series of unfortunate events, it is about four kids thats parents died in a fire. So know they've got to go from relitive to relitive hiding from Count Olaf another decent relitive. So yeah i would totally recomend this book.

  38. i think the best book i ever read was point blank becouse i was very good and i idi not know what was going to happen nexted like when alex (main person in the book) meets a girl. ( he is try to pretend she is his sister becouse that is his mission for a spy componey) i was woundering if he would like her or not, but when went up to her the first time she asked him he liked the pool he said yes and she said dang i hate to share my pool (her parents are rich so they have a pool and the parents also have to pretened he is there son). They alex and the girl and her boyfreind go hunting and they let him get a gun but no bullets becouse they don't trust him. Then they start to shoot at him for a game (alex thought that they were trying to kill him) and he ran and went to the lake and he hi under there with a water tube (you might see on tv) and they boyfreind comes and tries to find him, but alex gets up from behind and hits him and the boyfreind drops the gun and Alex gets the gun and the boy freind says please give it back my mom bought it for me and it cost a lot (his parents are rich too) but he says your to young to play with guns and he thoughs it in the lake.

    if you thought sounded good check it out at the lirary it is. point blank by Anthony Horowitz

  39. my favorit book is white fang becuse the dog get's in a fight with anothor dog and he loses and he dies

  40. I realy like the Warriors seiries by Erin Hunter. It's about a bunch of cats who live in clans in the forest. I like this book because it has a great plot and each page makes me want to read the next. I haven't read a boring Warriors book yet! I also like cats, wich is another reason I like this book. My Favorite in the seiries so far is "Forest of Secrets" wich is the one I am reading right now. Every one who reads this post should go to the libary, Striaght Away, and pick up a Warriors book. If you do, I can promise you won't be disapointed!

  41. My favorite book is CrackBack. Its my favorite book because its about football and it tells how the main character get his starting position takin away by the new head coach stahl. His preveios coach seposki (dont know how to spell it) has provate cancer hes trying to fight and succeeds

  42. ~My book that i am readin now is called Things not seen. Its a really good book. Its about a boy who turns invisable and no one knows ecsepte his mom and dad and his friend Alicia he meets later in the book.My favorite part so far is in the beging when he wakes up one morning takes a shower then gets his chloths on and is ready to go to school untill he gos down stairs and his mom cant see him she can only see his chloths.


  43. Hi Mr.Klumper my favorite book is Tuck Everlasting. Tuck Everlasting is my favorite book because it makes you think one thing and then turns out to be something else. Tuck Everlasting is abou this family and there last name is Tuck. Well one day they were wodering around a forest and they found a spring the whole drank some even their cat! There is also a girl named Wendy and her family owns the forest and she got lost and found one of the Tucks drinking frome the spring and what you don't find out untill later is that it's an eternal life spring and it goes on about the choices Wendy has to make either to drink from the spring or to not. You'll have to find out for your self what happens.

  44. My favortite book would be as a text book I would have to say the Soc. Studdies text book because it is my favorite subject and because I love learning all of the fantastic things that the people did before us and to see who we do not talk about much these days even though they made something that takes place quit a bit like albert einstein you don't see hom all ways in the daily news paper or talk about him daily.My favorite book that I have read would be the heartland series I am reading the last one and it is pretty good it is about horses and a girl named Amy finally meets her father and stepmother for the first time and she believes that she can make a difference with one of their horse and the horses name is Mistral they got this horse at least a month ago and she is frightened by humans she gets exausted and scared whenever she is being worked with and so Amy will try to help as much as posible and the other horses name is Spirit nothing is wrong with Spirit she is just there to keep Mistral calm so they can work and Spirit used to be Amy's stepmom's horse and so she is going to ride Spirit for a couple days in the hot burning days in Australia

  45. My favorite book is found.found is about a id who was adopted. the book is a bout this girl works at a airport and she shes tdhis plane and then she goes back to work and whenshe looles back over it is not there. there a babys on the plane in other contries you can oly have two kids and these people have 3 so they get on a plane and go to america and this kid gets odopted and his name is chip and he has a sister named catherin and his friend alex. so one da they were playing basket ball and there sister tells chip to get the mail and he finds that there is a letter for him that has no adress and it just has a name and it say you RE ONE OF THE MISSING and then another day he gets onother letter that says THEY ARE COMING BACK TO GEY YOU THEN A wile after that they find out tha chip is one of the missin!!!!!
    that is what my favorite book is!!!!

  46. My favorite book is Cracker. This story is about a dog named Cracker whose owner had to give her to the army; she gets assinged a partner to work with in Vietnam named Rick. I love almost any story with animals in it. That is why it's my favorite. My favorite part is where Cracker saves Ricks life by attacking a person.

  47. My favorite book would have to be The Divid, because it is about a young boy named Felix faints because of a heart problem. Hefaints on the divid which is a warp place where you have to recite a spell or die and then suddenly come back to life (Imposible.) When he wakes up hes in a whole nother dimension where our fanticies are real and our animals and us, we are there fanticies. In the end him and his new friends all find a cure for his heart problem and they also find a way to transport him into his world.
    Licket----- a chef
    Sinistrom--- laughing heyeana
    and many more
    I can't make you read it but I recamand it.

  48. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the sorcer stone. Because it is a mystery book and because it has a lot of secretets. Some books that I would sugest are The trials of death by Darren Shawn and sones of Destiny also by Darren Shawn

  49. Hello mr. klumper
    My favorite book is Charlotte's Web. It was one of the first chaper books I read.It is about a girl who kept a pig as a pet but than the big got to big so she had to keep the pig at her neighbors house. The pig Wilber set a spidder named Charlotte. Charlotte helped keep Wilber alive by spinning word in her web.Wilber and Charlotte were best friends and they lived happily ever after. Another book that was really good is Beyond the Hidden.It is about a shadow child named Luke.A shadow child is a person has never been seen before except for there family or very close friends. Luke lived on a farm so could play outside with out any body seeing him.One day Luke was looking out the window to the neighbors house when he saw a face appear in the window. The face was a girl and he know the family only had 2 boys. One day when Luke was all alone in his house he snuck out and went to the neighbors house. He tried to open the screen door but it was locked so he broke a peice of wire and opened it.You will have to read it to find out what happens next.

  50. I don't have a favorite book(to many to chose!) but i will tell you about one of my favorites. It's called Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism. This book is written by Georgia Byng(great author.) It's about a ten-year-old girl named Molly Moon, who is an orphan at Hardwick House, an orphange run by the mean Ms.Adderstone. Nobody really likes Molly except for her best friend Rocky, and a couple young orphanage kids. But everything turns upside-down when Molly discovers a book on hypnotism and goes to New York. Molly has to watch her back because the evil criminal Professer Nockman is stalking Molly because she has something that is very important to him. This is a great book and I would recomend it to anybody who likes adventure, mystery, and a good book!

  51. i think the best book ever is hardy boys! I love the mysteries they go to and best of all they always win!!!!

  52. HI!! I love to read, and I can tune out my surroundings at A PARTY and read a chapter book in an hour if I wanted to. I have read so many good books in my life, there is too many to mention. My favorite book by far, would have to be HATCHET. By Gary Paulsen. It is about a thirteen year old who his parents just went through a divorce, and he goes to visit his father in a small single engine plane when the pilot has a massive heart attack, and the plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness. now Brian has to put his problems behind him in order to survive. It is a great book It is so great that you will have to read it to understand how great it is.


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