
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stone Age has arrived!

As we begin the Stone Age unit, tell me what you already know about the Stone Age. What have you heard? What words do you know associated with the Stone Age? What do your parents know about it? What is your opinion of the Stone Age? Share your thoughts and (hopefully) read what other's have to say as we embark on the Stone Age Journey.


  1. I think they lived in caves,their dumn, can not talk, can not write, don't have electronics, and are also called neanderthals.

  2. the stone age was happening over 1 million years ago and they also had sabre toothcats,mammoths and the giant sloths.

  3. I think they lived in caves,they didnt know how to talk. They did knot know how to write,they where dumb and did knothave electricity.

  4. my step mom is a wiz at social studies because she has been a social studies teacher before. i know that they call the humans or cavemen has ancient creature such as the mammoth the sabre tooth tiger,the giant ground sloth and the mammoth is an elephant basically but has hair everywhere and tusks they are much bigger in size.

  5. I know a couple things about the caveman!!!
    The stone age happened billions of years ago.The people were different back then. They looked human but the didn't act human. For example theydrew on walls, theymade sounds instead of talking.

  6. Hints:
    During the stone age there were animals such as the ..... tooth cat, the wooly mammoth, and the giant ...... Sloth!

  7. there were no books or journals

  8. I do not know much about the stone age but I do know they used many things they found in the wild.

  9. ive heard that they wearnt the smartest people and they created fire and thats all i can think of


  10. They were called imbosols.

  11. I already know that there were saber tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and the giant ground sloth. I also already know that there were cavemen, thus they would have lived in caves.

  12. were called cavemen or neanderehals,lived million of years ago, mabey lived 4 a long time i think, i think lived in Africa and Euorpe,were like monkeys,people call them dumb,man was smart because they fond fire and made tools out of bones and rocks,couldn't talk only grunts,live in caves,people say they lived with dinosours,lived in small groups,and i wasn't born yet thats for sure.

  13. The Stone Age is a period in time were the only people were cavemen. Nobody could talk or anything.

  14. I know thew drew on walls, I somtimes think my dad is from the stone age, I love the stone age and can't wait to learn more.

  15. I know that the Stone Age people are called Neanderthals. They drew on walls, hunted for survival, used fire for warmth. We have it pretty good today compared to the Stone Age.
    What my family knew about the Stone Age: Mom - they were called Neanderthals. They lived in caves and huts, hunted with bow and arrows. 3 periods in the era. Made own arrowheads. Grandma - She thought they were caveman/neanderthals, they were smart so they could take care of themselves in their own way. They lived in caves. They wrote their own language on the walls as pictures. Granpa - Men called Neanderthals, made their own tools and weapons by hand, they hunted and fished, used resouces of the land to take care of themselves, formed their own language. They were self taught. Brother - Art on cave walls, loved using shapes, lots of old animals. Dad - They made arrows, wore skins, lived in caves, wrote on cave walls.

  16. Excellent sharing of ideas, Bloggers! I think we are getting the hang of this "idea sharing" thing on the blog. Good to see. I appreciate your comments, it appears that many of us have a good understanding of the fact that people in the Stone Age were called Neanderthals. Neanderthals were one type of human specie that roamed the Earth in the Stone Age. It is also good to see that we have some prior knowledge of the more popular animals of the Stone Age. Perhaps this is due to the fact many of us have seen Ice Age and Ice Age 2, which is good. Movies can be a good resource for learning.
    Keep blogging! Encourage your friends! Make the blog a place of absolute wonder.

  17. I do belive the stone age agsisted
    a long time ago. And yet if the cave men were eny stupider they would have all died. (very fast)

  18. I think they are realy cool i kinda wish they were still around. On the video today i liked how they had to compete for thier food and how they tried to get the irish elk to jump of the cliff. I thought it was funny how it back fired and it made them angery. I cant wait to keep learning about them and see what else there is to know about them bye bye

  19. I have heard a little about these people but I do not know alot about them! I think they are crazy!

  20. I know nothing about this subject but I am excited to learn more about it!

  21. The stone age happened many years ago. Many things took place. There were Neanderthals and giant sloths. I think the most interesting thing was the Wolly Mammoth. The stoneage was amazing.

  22. What I alreay know about the stone age is that they had no way of communicating back then. I also know that they lived in caves

  23. What I think about cavemen and the stone age:


    ●They lived in caves,huts,not very structered homes

    ●They didn't have very long lifespans

    ●They didn't have a wrinting process(other than cave drawings)

    ●They didn't speak very well

    ●They had to hunt for their food


    ●There were animals that we don't have today(Sabor Tooth Cat, Mammoth, ect.)

    ●You had to make things by hand

    ●There were very dangerous predators

    ●Life was hard


  24. I don't really know much about the stone age. But i am really looking forward to learning about it

  25. I know that in the stone age there were mammoths, giant grount slothes, sabre tooth cats. The people back in the stone age were also called neandrethals. I think that they draw cave drawings and hunted in groups.

  26. What I know about the Stone Age is that there was alot of diffrent things like the animals like the Irish Elk that stands 9 feet tall and the Saber tooth cat plus more. The people are also changed the people back then had fur clothes and had to hunt for there food not buy it they also could not talk well and had to depend on there scenes.

  27. I know that they were really dumb and didnt have much technology. They did have stone tools and ivory tools for equipment and are called neanderthals.

  28. Cavemen/Neandertals are very odd but interesting people. They hunted their own food and they made their own weapons. One thing that is very odd to me is that they did not talk. Theese days people over the age of 3 can say at least one english word,but cavemen grunted insted. They are very stupid and if they were any stupider ,things would not have turned out vey well for them.

  29. The Blogging is spreading! I love it. Keep up the great job. I thought it was very interesting to watch the neanderthals try to chase the Irish Elk over the cliff. Ironically, Native Americans tried to do the same thing with Buffalo. However, the Native Americans did not chase them with torches, they rode after them on horses, shooting at the buffalo with arrows. So as we can see, some ideas from millions of years ago were still being used in the 1800's.
    Keep commenting and keep encouraging others to comment. Let's keep Blogging and try to have the Blog spread all across the Earth!

  30. I Look forward to learning about the stone age,my parents said that they were called neanderthals. Yeah that should be fun!!!!:-)

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  31. Sydney says cavemen lived in caves and they could not talk. The cavemen mumbled as a way of laguage.

    Lisa says that it was a very dangerous period in time to live.

  32. I think that the stone age is pretty cool and my favorite animal would be the sabre tooth cat.

  33. The stone age was an era of cavemen,sabortooth cats, and fire. the caveman was the first human being to walk the face of the earth, and without them we may not have some important things they developed. the cavemen masterd fire, hunting,and the wheel. they had no developed language but used cave art and simple motions to communicate. the stone age sound really cool i look forward to learning about it.

  34. The stone age is awsome, I like to learn about the hunters and gathers, because the cavemen must have tried poisones plants and herbs. I don't get that if you would have a headaik you would have to get brain surgery back then. It just creeps me out, because I get a lot of headaiks from my little syblings, so I would have to get a lot of brain surgerys.


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