
Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Cave of Lascaux-Cave Art

Cave Art can provide many clues into the lives of people living in the Stone Age. We had a great discussion last week about cave art and what the various paintings mean. We looked at paintings and discussed what we saw, what the paintings were trying to tell us, and what we can learn about life in the Stone Age based on the paintings. Artifacts that have been dug up and cave paintings that have been discovered are the two most significant methods of learning about the Stone Age.
I have provided a link for you to click on to further your learning and understanding of cave art. By clicking "The Cave of Lascaux" you will enter a website dealing with various aspects of cave art. After you have arrived at the website, click on "Discover" then click on "Virtual Visit." This site will give you options of various gallerys you can look at to see more cave paintings. Another option: after arriving at the main site, click on "Learn" then click on "Test your knowledge." This is a fun site that provides puzzles of the cave art for you to put together.

Possible comments to post:
1. What is your favorite painting? Why?
2. What you have learned about studying cave art?
3. What does cave art tell us about the Stone Age?


  1. I have learned that different cave art's mean different things. Cave art tells us about the past and how they used to live.

  2. 1.The Cave of Lascaux

    2.The Past can tell us something.

    3.Animals fought a lot!

  3. My favorit painting is the one with the Rino.I learned they darwed on walls not paper cause there was no paper.The cave art tells us about the stone age by showing us pictures.

  4. 1.My favorite paintinng is the cave of lascaux cave art because it looks so real.

    2.I have learned that cave men paint there paintings when something has happened similar to the painting or might happen.

    3.It tells us that people were good artists back in the stone age compared to this day.

  5. 1. My favorite painting is the Bowed Bison.

    2. I have leared that prehistoric art is sometimes more storytelling than most history books.

    3. Cave Art tells us that people in the Stone Age didn't really have a language.

  6. My favorite paainting was the one were it kind of looks like two horses are goin against each other like their in a battle or something!

  7. 1 bull fight
    2I have learned that people back then drew about what was happening.
    3 that they were fighting alot.

  8. My favorite painting is the hunt. I have learned so much about the stoneage just because of cave art. Cave art shows us just how hard it us to survive in the stoneage. I think caveart tells us more about the stoneage than any thing else in the stoneage. Caveart was amazing and I want to see more!

  9. 1.The Hunt.

    2.That cave men probualy liked drawing and they were pretty good at it.

    3.what the culture was way beckack then and what they hunted.

  10. 1# BOth: Bat / rhino running in to each other. 2# We learned about what happened long ago. 3# That there was life back then.

  11. 1. the butterfly.Cause it looks like bulls fighting but its a butterfly.
    2.That they were very creative a million years ago.
    3. They they belived in animals.

  12. the won with a clock becouse it is very mistyreous an weird.i've learned that we learn alot about artifacts an paintings from the cave men.It tells us about what the cave man encouterd that day or what they saw.

  13. 1.My favorite cave art painting is "The Hunt", because i liked all the animals in the picture....
    2.I've learned that even though it happened along time ago all of the paintings have alot of meaning to them.....
    3.I think it tells us that they used pictures and symbols to stand for their talking....

  14. my favorite cave art is the scense of a dead man. You learn about what happend long ago. things that happend in the past.

  15. i like the great hall of bulls cuz there is a picture of a unicorn and thinking there might hav been a unicorn

  16. My favorite painting was the one that looked like it had clock hands.They drew different things then we draw know.They carved on walls,ice rocks,and other things!

  17. the last one is my favorite beacause it symbalys is a great battle

  18. 1.My favorite painting was the one ith the unicorn because they thought that it would be an animal but it is a fanticy animal. Cavemen used art to show what happend. It shows us how they did things.

  19. Answers:
    1:I currently have no favorite painting. they are all so detailed and informal, (for neanderthals anyway.)
    2: I have learned that people from the stone age could be artistic and creative and would draw events,people,and animals.
    3: We could learn about events and animals from prehistory, scince no one is currently alive to tell the tales. For other answers, check other students' answers.

  20. 1:The picture with the 2 bulls and the horses, because they put pictures to describe a story about a battle.
    2: They do not speak like what we do. They speak in grunts.
    3: about stories that happened in there life.

  21. 1: The last one the one with the two bulls battling and the horses, because I like how they showed a battle useing animals.
    2: That back then they did not have words and had to draw pictures instead.
    3: It tells us what life was like back then.

  22. 1. probably the third one

    2.that sometimes it is hard to understand the cave art tells us stories about the stone age.

  23. wall paintings tellus what they hunted because they would paint what they hunted.

  24. the cave art shows us about the gunts and other activiteis

  25. 1. this one because it looks like a herd of animas running for cover

    2.that they used minerals to paint and hair and moss on brushes and all the cool paintings they made they hunted and what they hunted for and basicaly their lifestyle

  26. 3 Cave art tells us that people had a way of describing things back then, using different structures and materials than we use today.


    1.My favorite painting is the one shown here. I like the theme of the two animals battling, with thier whole team with them.

    2.I have learned that each cave art is different in its own way, and that each one tells a story.

    3.Cave art tells the many stories about the stone age. Like what happened, who was there, and what life was like.


  28. #1 my favorite painting is the one shown here because I like how all the animals are in a group running one direction.
    #2 I have learned tons and tons of stuff that I have never heard of before.
    #3 NO CLUE!!!

  29. favorite one is the picture that shows right over the qustion because its kinda biger than most others.

    2.that they people may think different because they kinda make some stuff blend in with the backround and some people may not see it. tells us about many different tribes because in the picture the biggest animal is pobobly the tribe leader and all of the other animals are the other smaller tribe members.

  30. my favorit picture was the one of the rinos because every one said they're fighting when I think they're nuzzling each other

  31. My favorite painting is the picture with the big buffalo and the baby buffaloes. It is my favorite painting because of the sun and clouds in the background.
    What I have learned about studying cave art is that they had very cool animals back then. What cave art tells me about the stone age is that there was a lot of struggling for survival.

  32. hi,my favorite painting is actually the one you showed us that was split into two pieces.cave art is like the book, and the history of the times when there was not a language and there was no way to write any thing down. Cave art can tell us about what they thought and pretty much anything you could ever think of .sometimes cave art is just a drawing possibly just a small stick person or something but it alwst=ys means something the stickpereson could be a mystery or scientists could probably make a prediction of what it ment.

  33. #1.i would have to say the poctire that is actually two pictures together.
    #2.that the caveman did the cave art to tell people today their expirentes
    #3.that the caveman did that to tell us that they hunted and searched for their food.

  34. I think cave art tells us that cavemen are creative.

  35. 1. My favorite painting was the one that being is shown.
    2. I learned that instead of books Neanderthals or cavemen made pictures on cave walls to show what they did.
    3. It tells us what the cavemen did or saw.

  36. #1the one that has two picturs together.

    #2 the artifacts they have and some other stuff

    #3 the stuff that happens.

  37. #1the one that has two picturs together.

    #2 the artifacts they have and some other stuff

    #3 the stuff that happens.

  38. 1.The to bulls.because it was well done.
    2.They used the resourses wisely.

    3.It was diffecult

  39. i like the overweight pony because its funny and i dont no why cavemen would draw a that

  40. I know that cave art can show us many clues into the stone age.

  41. 1.the one above the pictures because it goes on to a nother picture.
    2.that some people think different because some times they blend stuff in to the backround.
    3.tells us about differet tribes cause the biggest animal of the group is probobly the leader of the tribe and the other smaller animals are differnt members of the tribe.

  42. 1. the one shown here because it deals with two pictures
    2.i have learned that cave art is very hard to understand shows veryous events that were very inportant

  43. #2. I have learned that cavemen were great artists, and that they put alot of meaning into their art in caves.

  44. 1.The one that showes the clock in the backround
    2.Sometimes they show animales as people
    3.That they where very interisten people,but not the smartest people.

  45. 1.The two bulls because it looks cool
    2.That cave men were talented
    3. What their costoms were like

  46. 1.My favorite was the one that is shown as the picture for this blog entrie. because it is verry detailed, and you can clearly tell it is verry old and is on a cave wall.
    2.I have learned that cave men are good painters. I wish I could paint that well ):
    3.It shows what cave men thought and saw, and what life was like in the stone age.

  47. 1. My favorite art picture is the man shooting the animals.
    2. I have learned were they were located and how the survived.
    3.It tells us wut the hunted for and how the hunted.

  48. 1.My favorite painting is the one with the two animals attacking each other.the animals in the painting looked like bulls.
    2.I have learned what it was like to hunt.
    3.It tells us what animals lived there.

  49. 1.I like the one shone on the monitor,because it has two sides
    of the picture.
    2.I have learned that cave art is sometimes hard to understand.
    3.It shows some of the important events in a caveman's life.

  50. 1. I liked the one that was like an overweight llama thingie. I think it's cool that it looks kind of like a clock. Except, you know, the overweight llama part.

    2. Uh, well, sometimes they (the neanderthals) used weird things to symbalize other things. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. Like the one painting where the bulls were supposed to be people. I don't get that.

    3. Well, it showed us that they were at least smart enough to draw...

  51. 1.I liked the one with the clock* and the overweight llama*.(that's what I think it is at least.) It was cool. The overweight llama is weird.

    2.That the people of the stone age recorded some of the stuff that happened in their lives, mostly hunts.

    3.It tells us that the people of the stone age were somewhat artistict for their time and recorded stuff.

  52. 1.I like the the painting of the bull and the other animals because it's cool and so awesome!!

    2.I've learned that the cavemen drew on the walls about their day like if they drew about people hunting maybe thay had a great day of hunting or a not so great day!!

    3.that they din't have pens so they had to write with other stuff!!

  53. 1.I like the blue painting on the cave wall because it looked cool and in a sertan part it looked like the hands of a clock.

    2.That some thing might look like something but it might mean something else read again if confusing.

    3.That they didnt have pens or pencils and they would draw bulls alot in there painting or other animals that we cant make out in the painting

  54. #1 There is a painting that looks like the bulls are falling down a big hole!!
    #2 I've learned that some cave art may look really funny to us now but back then i t could have been a serious drawing!!
    #3 It tells us that it was a hard life for them and that didn't have a rule against drawing on the wall!!

  55. My favorite painting is the 1 that is on your page.There paintings told about there daliy life.
    They had to work for thier food.

  56. I liked the "The Painted Gallery" the most because it had sooo many different animals. I have learned that stone age people liked to show importent and special events through cave art. Cave art tells us that hunting in the stone age was very dangerous because they didn't have guns or bow & arrows.

  57. My favorite painting in the back to back bison picture in the main gallery. I liked it because there were two bison that looked like they were leaving each other.
    The Stone Age people expressed their stories by drawing pictures on the cave walls.
    The cave art tells how the people did certain things like hunting, cooking, fishing and shooting.

  58. 1.I would have to say this one also because it looks like a herd of animals.
    2.that the caveman did that so they told us what they did back then.
    3.that they had to hunt for their food and we just go down to the super market and that they lived in caves anf stick houses and sod houses.

  59. What I learned from studying cave art is that it was the first hand writing know first.

  60. Hi Mr.Klumper I think that Cave Art is soooo important to us cause they give us daily info about sometime long ago.

  61. Very informative post. The complex painted caves of Lascaux are located in the Dordogne region. The awe-inspiring paintings are also described as ‘the antediluvian Sistine Chapel’.1200 visitors daily visit the cave. The initial climatic situation had been re-build and maintained with the assistance of a fully-automated system. The original caves were made in 1980 called as Lascaux II. The Great Hall of the Bulls with its vast-spanning murals comprises of animals like horses, stags and bulls. you can find beautiful art form based on the conventional ancient animal premise inclusive of bison, stag, ibexes.


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