
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Let's practice Blogging. I thought it would be appropriate to pick Respect as the topic of our first blog post. This, in my opinion, is the biggest thing one can give. To practice blogging, let's talk about respect. I will give you a few questions to get you started on this "respect" discussion.

1. What does the word Respect mean?

2. How do you show Respect?

3. How do you earn Respect?

4. How does someone LOSE respect?

5. Tell me who you should respect and why.

6. How will you earn the respect of your teachers?

7. How will you earn the respect of your classmates?

Respect, Respect, Respect. Very important Stuff. Good Luck.


  1. respect is listing to what they have to say.

  2. Respect is honor to someone who has more control over me. Or it could just mean that you look up to them.

  3. respect means be nice to other people if you treat them nice im sure they will be nice to you.

  4. I think respect means to care about others and if someone gives you something you should respect that gift because it probably is very special.

  5. I think respect means treating everyone right even if you dont want to it is very important that you do.

  6. Being polite to others.

  7. respect is not loving some one but not hateing them ether .

  8. Respect is when one honers a person

  9. I think respect mean,Treat people the way you wanted to be treated.

  10. respet means to be nice to others

  11. I think respect is something someone earns by being nice or helping some one beacuse you some how gain trust and thats what i think is respect.

  12. I think respect means that you treat peaple the way you want to be treated.

  13. 1. It means to have honor for oneanother

    2. By the way you treat and meet them giving respect

    4 by not showing them respect

    5. Everyone because its the nice thing to do showing them respect showing them respect

  14. be nice to all people and all thingsin a nice calm manner.

    just be nice to other people

  15. 1.It means kindness
    2.Be kind
    3.By giving respect to others
    4.Being mean
    5.Teachers because they are being nice and teaching you

  16. 1.It means kindness
    2.Be kind
    3.By giving respect to others
    4.Being mean
    5.Teachers because they are being nice and teaching you

  17. 1to be nice
    2to honor
    3by being trustworthy
    4not being trustworthy
    5my teachers,parents, and coaches
    6turn work in on time
    7be nice

  18. Treat people the same.
    Be nice.
    Be nice to everybody.
    Be mean.
    I should respect Taylor Fjerstad
    because he is awesome.
    Don't talk back.
    Be nice to them.

  19. 1. Respect means to show some one that thinks that they are not so good at something that they are turly good at it. show respect buy things you do tike if someone is tring to teach you something you dont talk.

  20. what does the word respect mean? It means that you think well of someone.
    How do you show respect? By being kind.
    How do you earn respect? You earn respect by doing nice things for people.
    How does someone lose respect? You lose respect by being rude and you do bad things.

  21. 1 whae to sone one and dont fight with people and help people in need
    2 be nice to people

  22. 1 It is wen you are nice to s
    2 saying hello
    3 If you respct them
    4 if you dont respct them

  23. 1. To be nice. 2. Help people. 3. By working. 4. Being mean. 5. Parents,

  24. 1.I think it means you should treat others the way you want to be treated
    2.By paying attention and listening to others
    3.By first respecting others
    4.If you don't show respect
    5.Everyone because you have to give respect to get it.

  25. 1. Respect is where you treat people the way you want to be treated.
    2. You can show respect by listening to teachers.
    3. You can earn respect by leting people join your group.
    4. You can lose respect by hurting someone.
    5. I think you should respect your friends because if you disrespect them you might not have any.
    6. I will earn my respect my teachers by getting my homework done and listening to them.
    7. You can earn respect from your classmates by treating them right and being a good friend.

  26. 1. The word respect means to pay atention to peaple and listen to then and when there tring to say somthing, you dont.
    2. basicly by listening to them andpaying atention to them when there talking.
    3. Easy, by respecting others.
    4. By disrespecting others and when they make your relation with somone worse.
    5. My theachers, because they ha ve a job and we need an education.

  27. 1. Respect is like a reputation.

  28. 1. the nicest you can be to people.
    2. be nice kind and friendly.
    3. show respect.
    4. by doing the opposite of respect.
    5.anyone and everyone, every one deserves respect even if they don't show it.
    6. show respect to your teacher.
    7. show respect to your classmates.

  29. 1. trustworthy
    2. kindness
    3. reliable good freind
    4. backstabbing,bullying

  30. 1. Respect means you have to be good. Like what they say treat others like you want to be treated.2. You can show respect by being nice to eachother,or helping someone.

  31. Respect is when a person is kind to you. By helping, encourage, or just being nice to someone. You can earn respect by standing up for you or someone else.

  32. 1. being nice to other.
    2.treating others the way you want to be treated.
    3.helping other people.
    4.not being nicr.
    5.teacher and your parents because they give you a roof over your head and they are teaching you stuff that you need to no.

  33. 1. to be nice and friendly to somone be nice

  34. 1.i think respect means treat others how you eant to be treated. 2. To show respect you should be kind to everyone.3. to earn respect

  35. 1.respect others and treat them fair!!!!
    2.follow direction and what people say to you!!!
    3.if you recpect people even people you dont know and even your partens!!! not showing other people recpect and not being nice to people!!!
    5.your parents because they love you and feed you!!!

  36. being mean.

  37. 1. To treat other the way you want to be treated

    2. By being kind, and not talking out of turn

    3. By showing peole that you are respectful

    4. Blurting, not being respectful of others, calling people names

    5. EVERYONE........... especially if you want to be respected by others

    6. Not blurting, talking behind their back, and paying attention

    7. Respecting them: not gossiping about them and treating them like you would like to be treated

  38. To me respect means to treat others the way you want to be treated. You can show respect by being nice. Yoou earn respect by treating others well. You lose respect by being a bully. You should respect your elders because they can bring out the wooden spoon. You earn respect of your teachers by not being late and turning in your assinments. You earn respect of your classmates by helping them and being polite.

  39. 1. respect is when you treat some good.
    2. it is what you do to be nice and not mean.
    3.respect is showed by sistening.
    4. you lose respect by not listing. should respect any body that respects you. can earn respect by listing.

  40. Respect to me means to treat others well. You can shows respect in many different ways you can show respect you can just start out by being nice. You can earn respect by showing it(you give you get it). You can lose respect by not being trustworthy or by being a bully.

  41. 1.It means to be nice
    2. By paying atention
    3. By showing it first
    4. By not giving it to the person you are suppose to pay attention to
    5. Teachers and your parents because they are older than you and they are trying to help you get smart
    6. You pay attention to them
    7. You be nice to them

  42. 1. Respect mean to be nice
    2. You show respect by being nice to someone
    3. You can show respect first so you can get it back
    4. You can lose respect by like saying your stupid or something and they were just going to show you respect
    5. You should respect your teachers and parents respect so you can get respect back
    6. By showing them respect
    7. By treating them with respect so you can get respect back

  43. 1 to treat some one fairly

    2 being nice to someone

    3 by treating others like you want to be treated

    4 not treating someone fairly

  44. me respect it when someone likes someone so they treat them nicely. nice and do favors for that person.
    3.if you are honest you may get respect.
    4.lieing and being rude. matter what your family is your family and you can choose them and they are with you forever.
    6. getting in all of your assighnments done and handed in on time.
    7. if they ask to barrow sompthing then you leet them use it.

  45. 1.Respect means that you should be nice to others
    2.not beind a bully snd helping others
    3.if you be nice to some on thay might be nice back to you
    4.if you are being mean to some on you might lose respect should respect everyone because then they might give you respect will earn resprect from your teacher if you show them some respect bacvk to them
    7. you need to be nice to your classmates and they will be nime to you.

  46. 1.I think respect means, Treat people you want to be treated
    2.I show respect by helping people with things and saying please and thank-you
    3.I earn respect by doing things im supposed to be doing and being fair
    4.By being mean and not doing what they are told
    5. EVERYONE cause thats the way it should be :D
    6.By doing watever they say and paying attention in class
    7.just saying hi or even holding the door open for them

  47. 1. The word respect means if you do something nice for someone they might do something nice for you in return or people listen to other people.
    2. By treating someone the way that you would want to be treated.
    3. By doing something nice for a person.
    4. You will probably lose respect when you be mean to someone.
    5. You should actually respect everyone because if you do people are going to think that you are so cool. But if you dont, everyone will assume that you are not nice at all.
    6. By paying attention in class, or not disrupting it.
    7. Well, you could ask them to hang out with you sometimes, or you can tell them that they are very cool, (but don't lie) or you could tell them just a compliment.

  48. 1. when people like you being nice to someone
    3. by being not bullying someone
    4. by bullying someone
    5. every1 because you can make friends doing work correctly being nice

  49. look up to someone. the right thing and listen. be nice and kind
    4.dont do the right thing dont and dont listen.
    5.everyone cause i think everyone one would like some respect.
    6.listen during class dont be tardy and durn in your assinments.
    7.dont be mean to them and be nice invite them on activites.

  50. 1.Treat people the way you want to be treated.
    2.Respect teachers, parents, and sibblings.
    3.Be nice and honest to people.
    4.Be mean and lie to people.

  51. 1. Respect is being nice to someone or everyone.
    2. Lisening not talk when someone else is talking and dont and pay attention to someone when they are talking.
    3.You earn respect by not being mean and that you dont gossip around them dont tell those peoples secrets.
    4. By telling that person's secret and not listening to what they are saying.
    5. Parents, teachers, pastors, friends, because they help you and they respect you.
    6. If you listen to them talk and dont talk when they are talking

  52. 1. To lisen to your teacher and do what he or she tells you to do.
    2.I show respact by doing what the teacher tells me to do.
    3.By showing your class mates and your teachers respect.
    4.By not lisining to your teacher or

  53. 1.Respect means
    2.You can show respect by listening to people when they have more athority than you.
    3.You can earn respect by showing respect.
    4.Someone can lose respect by showing bad actions.
    5.You should respect people with more athority than you.

  54. 1.respect means treating people the way u want to be treated show respect by lisening and treating people nicely earn respect by giving respect treating people unkind attention in class and dont interupe them if they are struggling

  55. 1# respect means to care for, look out for, and look up to
    2# you can show your respect to someone when they might need your help that shows you care
    3# you earn respect by well, being a good and nice person. its good to help others and you never know they could help you some time too
    4# the HUGEST way for some one to lose respect is to be a bullie even for just one time
    5# you should ALWAYS respect everyone even if you dont like them much
    6#you could earn your teacher's respect by being a good student, geting assignments done in time, and staying quiet in class(that isnt that hard but to some it is)
    7#your class mates will respect you if your there as a friend and care about them

  56. 1.respect means to be really nice to some one and not being mean to any one.
    2.treating someone the way you want to be treated. can earn respect by showing respect.
    4.faimly, friends, and most of all in school teachers respect other peopl

  57. 1. being nice
    2. not acting out
    3. by being respectful to others
    4. by showing disrespect
    5. teachers, parents, and frinds
    6. see number 2
    7. see number 1

  58. respect is treating someone like a freind even if you dont like them its wrong to say bad things aboutnsomeone else.


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