
Monday, April 27, 2015

This is Feudalism

See Feudalism come alive inside my garage! Me, along with three helpers, have decided to provide you with a visual of the Feudalism pyramid. Watch as the four levels (king, noble, knight, peasant) come alive and share with you who they are and what they do. Also, learn how each level is connected to the others. 
X-Quest: Answer the questions after watching the video:
1. List the four levels of Feudalism in order starting from the TOP
2. Explain what each level does
3. Explain how each level helps or is connected to the other levels. 

Good Luck! 


  1. 1.Kings
    2. Peasants:farm land to provide food for the kingdom
    Knights: protect the kingdom
    Noble: wealthy land owners
    King: Rules the kingdom.
    3. The peasants give food to the knights.
    The knights give protection to nobles.
    The nobles provide knights for the king.
    The king gives nobles land.
    The nobles give the knights land.
    The knights give the peasants protection.

  2. Brooklyn 3 DragonstoneApril 27, 2015 at 5:11 PM

    1. Peasants, Knights, Nobles, King
    2. Peasants farm all day in the field. Knights protect the kingdom. nobles are rich and have lots of land. King rules over the whole kingdom.
    3.peasants provide food for the knights, the knights protect them. The knights protect the nobles for exchange in land. The nobles helped the king by giving him protection and the king gives them land.

  3. The four levels of feudalism ...

    Kings/Lords- Rules the Kingdom over all the land.Gives land to the Nobles and the Nobles give the King protection.
    Nobles-Rich people that own the land.The Nobles give the King Protection and get land. Gives the Knights land and gets protection in return.
    Knights-Protect the people. The Knights give protection to the Nobles for land and give protection to the peasants for food.
    Peasants-Farm the land. They give food to the Knights for protection.

  4. josefzahn8sunspearApril 27, 2015 at 5:41 PM

    peasants knights nobles kings

    peasents work all day to grow food

    knights protect them

    noble has land

    king is the rich leader

    pheasent makes food knight pretects thepeasent noble give land to knight to be protected and king gives money to noble and give land.

  5. 6newcastlejayzen 1.peasant,knight,noble,king. 2.the peasant works all day making food.and the knight is a trained horse back warrior that protects the people.and the noble is a welcome land owner.The king rules the whole land of the kingdom. 3.the peasant makes food for the knight in exchange for protection,and the knight serves the noble in exchange for land,and the noble provides nights and military service for the king in exchange for land from the king.

  6. 8 Highgarden Luke FeekenApril 28, 2015 at 2:14 PM

    1.King, nobles, knights, peasants
    2.King rules over the land. Nobles are rich and own a lot of land. Knights protect people. Peasants farm the land.
    3.Peasants farm the land for the knights in exchange for protection. Knights provide service to the nobles in exchange for land . The nobles provide knights to the king in exchange for land.

  7. Xander Winterfell 4April 28, 2015 at 7:20 PM

    King, Nobles, Knight, Peasant

    Peasants make food, knights provide protection, nobles have land, and the king rules over it all

    Peasants make food for knights, knights provide protection for nobles, nobles provide their money and knights for the king, and the king gives it all to them

  8. tyler8stormly westcottApril 28, 2015 at 9:22 PM

    1. It goes king, noble, knight, peasant from top to bottom.

    2. peasant-works all day in the field to provide food for the kingdom.
    knight. trained warrior on horseback, protects the kingdom.

    noble wealthy land owner of the kingdom
    king- rule the kingdom over the whole land.

    3. peasant provides food for the knight inexchange for protection.

    the knight and noble the knight provides service for land

    noble provides knights and service for the king and the king provides land for the noble.

  9. 1.King, Nobels, Knights, Peasants
    2.Peasant-farms all the land, Night-protects the kingdom, Nobels-wealthy land owners, King-ruler of the kingdom
    3.Peasants feed the Nights,the Nights protect the peasants. Nights provide services for the Nobels, the Nobels provide land for the Nights. Nobels provide Nights and services for the king in exchange for land,

  10. King, Noble, Knight, peasant.

    The peasant farms the land to give the knights food, The knights protect the king, The nobles land owners, The king rules the kingdom.

    The Peasants give food to the knights, The knights give protection to the peasants, The knight give service to the nobles, Nobles give land to the knights and king, King give land for exchange.

  11. 4aaronwinterfell houseApril 29, 2015 at 5:05 PM

    king noble knight peasant

    King gives land to nobles

    nobles give king knights and fiefs to knights

    Knights give peasants protection and military protection to nobles

    peasants give food and service to knights

  12. 1. Kings- Rules over all the land. Provides land for the Nobles.

    2. Nobles- Wealthy land owner in the kingdom. Provides knights and services for the King. Provides land for the Knights.

    3. Knights- A trained warrior on horseback that protects the kingdom. Provides services for the Nobles. Protects the peasants.

    4. Peasants- Provides food for the kingdom. Provides food for the knight.

  13. 8highgarden RolfsonApril 30, 2015 at 1:27 PM

    2.Peasents farm land and provide food for the knights and the knights procect the kingdom and Nobles are wealthy land owners. The king rules the kingdom. peasents provide food for the knights and the knights give protection to nobles and the king gives land to the nobles and the knights give peasents protection.

  14. Peasant, knight, noble and king.

    Peasants word all day in the fields. Knights work hard to protect the land. Nobles are rich and own lots of land. And the king rules over the whole kingdom.

  15. 9HIGHGARDEN MorganApril 30, 2015 at 8:03 PM

    1: Peasants, Knights, Nobles, King.
    2: Peasants provide food for the kingdom.
    Knights protect the people of the kingdom.
    Nobles are wealthy land owners of the kingdom.
    The King is the ruler over the whole land.
    3: The peasants provide food for the Knights in return the Knights provides protection to the peasants.
    The Knights give service to the Nobles and in return they give the Knights land.
    The Nobles give Knights and service to the King in return the King gives them land.

  16. 1. king,noble,knight,peasant
    2. Peasant:works all day in the fields to provide food for the kingdom. Knight:trained warrior that rides on horse back and protect the people of the kingdom. Noble:own a wealthy of the land. King:rule the kingdom of the whole land.
    3. peasant helps the knight by buying food for the knights in return the of the knights protection.Knights help the nobles by providing service for the nobles in exchange for land. Nobles help the king by providing the knights and service for the king and in exchange the king gives the noble land.

  17. 9Dragonstone Landon KocerMay 1, 2015 at 10:23 AM

    King- Rules the land and has servants. Give land to the Nobles. Gain knights and money from the nobles.

    Nobles- Very wealthy person in the village. Gives the king money and services and in return gets land.

    Knights- A trained warrior with armor, a sword and a horse. Gains land from the Nobles and in return provide protection for them.

    Peasants- Are farmers that are free to go wherever and they have to farm. They give Knights food and in return the knights give them land and protection.

  18. 4SunspearKaleestaMay 2, 2015 at 8:24 PM

    1. King, Noble, Knight, peasant.
    2. The peasants work all day in the field. Knights protect the people. Nobles are the wealthy land owners of the Kingdom. The King rules over the whole Kingdom.
    3. The peasants provide food for the Knights in exchange for protection. The Knights provide service for the Nobles in exchange for land. The Nobles provide the Knights and service for the King in exchange for land.

  19. GrantPdragonstone4May 4, 2015 at 4:58 PM

    1. Kings, Nobles, knights, and peasants.
    2.The Peasants work on the farm. The Knights fight and protect. The king rules. Nobles very rich and give land to kings.
    3. Peasants give food, the knights give protection. Knights give service in exchange for nobles land. The nobles give service, the king gives land to nobles.

  20. 1)King
    Peasents give food for everyone.
    Knights provide protection to everyone.
    Nobles give troops for the king.
    King Klumper gives land to nobles.

  21. 3winterfell EliseMay 6, 2015 at 6:46 PM

    1. king, noble, knights, peasants
    2. The peasants work on the field in the farm. The knight protect the people.Knights are the rich land people of the kingdom. The kings rule the kingdom.
    3. The peasants provide food for knights for protection.
    The knights provide service for the nobles in exchange for land. The Nobles provide the knights and service for the king in exchange for land.

  22. 3Sunspear KennedyMay 7, 2015 at 5:01 PM

    Kings-Rule the land. Give nobles land in exchange fro protection.
    Nobles- wealthy land owners. Give land to knights in exchange for protection.
    Knights- Horseback warrior. gets food from peasant in exchange for protection.
    Peasnts- Farmers who are free. They give knight food for protection.

  23. 4Winterfell PaigeMay 8, 2015 at 6:12 PM

    1. King, Noble, Knight, Peasants
    2. The peasants work on the field all day long. The Knights protect the people. Nobles are weather and own the land on which the manor system is. The King rules over the entire kingdom.
    3. Peasants provide food for the Knights and in return the Knights give them protection. The Knights help Nobles by providing service in return they are given land. The Nobles provide Knights and service for the King and in return they get land.

  24. 3 blackfort rebekah

    1king noble knight peasant

    2 the peasant works the feild the Knights protect the people and defend the castle nobles are the land owners that are extreamly weathy the king is the ruler over all the land in that country

    3 the peasants work in the field to provide food for the Kings they protect the people the kings sever the noble to get land and the nobles provide land and serves for the king the king rules the land and give land to the nobles and kings.

  25. 1. The levels of feudilism is from top to bottom, King, Noble, Knight, and peasant.
    2.The Peasant provides food for the kingdom, the knight is a trained warrior on horseback, the noble is wealthy and is the land owner, the king rules all the land and kingdom.
    3. The peasant gives the knights food for an exchange of protection. The knight gives the noble service for an exchange of land. The noble gives the king the knights service in exchange to land.

  26. 1. King, noble, knight, peasant

    2. peasant-works all day in the field to provide food for the kingdom.
    knight. trained warrior on horseback, protects the kingdom.

    noble wealthy land owner of the kingdom
    king- rule the kingdom over the whole land.

    3. peasant provides food for the knight inexchange for protection.
    The knight and noble the knight provides service for land.
    Noble provides knights and service for the king and the king provides land for the noble.

  27. The peasants give the Knights food and Knights give the peasants protection and the Knights give the nobles protection and nobles give the Knights land and nobles give the king money and the king give the nobles land and that is feudalism

  28. 3 Highgarden Emily pMay 11, 2015 at 4:56 PM

    kings nobles knights pesants

    kings-take care of kingdom
    nobles-helps king

    pedants-give knights food in trade for protection
    knights fight for the protection
    nobles give services to the king

  29. King
    Peasant tends to crops
    knights protect people
    nobles own land
    king rules the kingdom
    peasants give knights food exchange for protection
    knights provide protection in exchange for land from noble
    king gives nobles land in exchange for them to tend to it

  30. 4Dragonstone Abby FinchMay 11, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    king- rules kingdom over the whole land

    nobles- rich, owns land

    knights-trained warrior that fights on horseback, protector

    peasants- does farming in the fields to provide food for kingdom

    The peasants provide food for the knights in exchange for protection. The knight provides service for the nobles in exchange for land. The noble provide knights and service for the king in exchange for land.

  31. Alex Sohl (4Blackfort)May 12, 2015 at 1:27 PM

    1.King, Nobles, Knights, Peasants

    2. The Kings rules the land, the nobles does services for the king, the knights protect the kingdom, and the peasants provide the food.

    3. The Peasants give food to the knights while the peasants get protection from them. The knights give protections to the nobles while the nobles give them land. The king gives the nobles land for exchange for protection and their services

  32. Rachel Havenhall4 DewMay 12, 2015 at 4:57 PM

    2.King=rules over the entire kingdom
    Nobles=wealthy land owner
    Knights=protects the people of the kingdom
    Peasants=provide food for the kingdom
    3.King=provide land for the Nobles
    Nobles=give military support and money for the King and provides land for the Knights
    Knights=provide military service and protection to Nobles and they provide protection to the Peasants
    Peasants=provide service and food for the Knights

  33. 3 Highgarden Lauren V.E.May 12, 2015 at 9:11 PM

    1. King, Lords, Knights, Peasants
    2.Peasants farm all the land to supply food, Knights protect the people, nobles are wealthy land owners, and King rules over all the land.
    3. Peasants feed the Knights, which gives the Peasants protection from the knights. The Knights hep the Lords because they provide service for the Lords in exchange for land. The Lords help the King because the Noble provide services from the Knights in exchange for land.


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