
Monday, December 8, 2014

Ancient Egypt Knowledge Share

We have covered some interesting topics thus far in the world of Deltron: Realm of the Nile. Ancient Egypt is packed with fascinating topics like King Tut, mummification, the Nile river, Pyramids, and Pharaohs. My challenge to you is simple: Share your knowledge of ancient Egypt! For this blog post, simply tell me 10 facts from the topics we have learned about during our ancient Egypt world. Remember, share information! Not opinions. Share something about pyramids, Nile river, mummification, King Tut, ancient Egypt mythology or daily life. 
Student Task: Share information about ancient Egypt by sharing up to 10 facts about ancient Egypt. 
Points: For each fact, 10 RP (max total of 100 RP for individual score)
Blackout: Thursday, December 11th. 11:59 pm


  1. anubis is the god of mummifification.

  2. 1.The Nile River would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people.
    2.The "Book of the Dead" is a collection of "magic spells" that the Egyptians believe will help them reach the afterlife.
    3.The body was dried out with Natron salt.
    4.The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was the tunic.
    5.The child was the most important part of the family.
    6.Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make papyrus.
    7.Large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and set in place.
    8.Internal organs were removed and placed in Canopic Jars.
    9.The Blackland is fertile soil, good for farming.
    10.Anubis is the god of mummification.

  3. 1. The Nile River would overflow and give fertile soil for the people.

    2.The main piece of clothing worn was the Tunic.

    3. The body was dried out with Natron Salt.

    4.The child is the most important part of the family.

    5.Papyrus was used for paper and found in the Delta.

    6. Internal organs were removed and stored in canopic jars.

    7. The Blackland is Fertile SOil; good for farming.

    8. ANubis is the god of mummification.

    9. The purpose of the pyramid was to protect the mummy of the Pharoah.

    10. Thoth was the god of writing and gave the Egyptians heiroglyphics.

  4. The child was the most important part of the family.

    Papyrus was found it the delta, which they used to make paper.

    Black land is good for farming.

    Anubis is the god of mummification.

    Hathor is the mother of the pharaohs.

    The brain was removed through the nose with a long wire hook.

    Entire villages were built around the work site.

    Homes were large with flat roofs.

    Blocks were made out of limestone and weighed 2 tons.

    The body was dried out with neutron salt.

  5. 6. Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make paper.
    7. Large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and set in place.
    8. Internal organs were removed and placed in Canopic Jars.
    9. The Blackland is Fertile soil, good for farming.
    10. Anubis is the god of mummification
    11. The purpose of the pyramids was to protect the mummy of the pharaoh.
    12. Thoth is the god of writing and also gave the people hieroglyphics.
    13. The Egyptians writing system was called Hieroglyphics.
    14. The brain was removed through the nose with a long wire hook.
    15. Hathor is the mother of the Pharaohs

  6. 1.The Nile would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people.
    2.The child was the most important part of the family.
    3. Anubis is the god of mummification.
    4.The brain was removed through the nose with a long wire hook.
    5.The blackland is fertile soil good for farming.
    6. Hathor is the mother of the pharaohs.
    7. Homes were large with flat roofs.
    8. Entire vilages were built around the work site.
    9. The blocks weighed over 2 tons and were made of limestone.
    10. The Egyptians writing system was called hieroglyphics.

  7. 1.Papyrus was found in the delta.
    2.The child was the most important part of the family
    3.The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was a tunic
    4.The body was dried out with neutron salt
    5.The blocks weighed over 2 tons and were made out of limestone
    6.Giza contains the great pyramid made for king khufu
    7. The weighing part of the heart was done to determine the fate of the mummy
    8.Homes were very large with flat roofs
    9. Large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and back
    10.anubis is the god of mummification

  8. Ethan Sachen 4 vizerjackDecember 8, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    10 facts about Egypt are
    1.The child was the most important part of the family.
    2.Hathor is the mother of the pharaohs.
    3.The Nile River flowed north.
    4.The two fish in the Nile are the red tailed catfish and the Nile perch
    5.Khumn is the god of flooding
    6.The red land is on the way out side of the Nile river (sand)
    7.Thare was a Delta at the end of the Nile River
    8.Papyrus grew on the outside of the Delta
    9.Geb was the god of earth.

  9. 1.They were used for tombs.
    2.Each block weighed over 2 tons.
    3. The stones were made up of limestone.
    4.It took 20 years to complete one pyramid.
    5.There are about 80 pyramids known to us right now.
    6.The Giza is made up of 3 great pyramids and the sphinx.
    7.Pyramids were first called Mastabas.
    8. The first pyramid made was made with smooth sides,not stepped.
    9.some pyramids were secured with gold and jewels.
    10.Pyramids were special so they were one of the only people in pyramids.

  10. 1.The mummification progress needs to start by Slitting the side of a dead body and then getting hit by the punisher. 2.The pyramid blocks are pulled by 20-30 builders for the pharaoh. 3.The pharaoh has the builders make them Pyramids with all of their prized jewelry,money, and their body for the afterlife. 4. The pyramid blocks were made of limestone. 5. 2 of the builders had to keep the wood planks under the block so the block can keep moving. 6. One of the builders has to poor water on the planks to keep them able to make the limestone block move a little bit faster then dry wood.7. The builders have to drag the limestone block with ropes.8. The builders had to use a ramp to be able to get the blocks further and further up. 9. The builders were forced to build the pyramids for the Pharaoh even if they didn't want to. 10. When the pharaoh dies, one of the people announce the death of the pharaoh.

  11. 1.The mummification progress needs to start by Slitting the side of a dead body and then getting hit by the punisher. 2.The pyramid blocks are pulled by 20-30 builders for the pharaoh. 3.The pharaoh has the builders make them Pyramids with all of their prized jewelry,money, and their body for the afterlife. 4. The pyramid blocks were made of limestone. 5. 2 of the builders had to keep the wood planks under the block so the block can keep moving. 6. One of the builders has to poor water on the planks to keep them able to make the limestone block move a little bit faster then dry wood.7. The builders have to drag the limestone block with ropes.8. The builders had to use a ramp to be able to get the blocks further and further up. 9. The builders were forced to build the pyramids for the Pharaoh even if they didn't want to. 10. When the pharaoh dies, one of the people announce the death of the pharaoh.

  12. 1. When someone would cut open the body during mummification people would through stones at that person for a punishment and they could never cut a body again.

    2. Giza got completely robbed.

    3. King Tut was a young king and he was around 8 or 9 when he became king of Egypt.

    4. The pyramid blocks weighed tons.

    5. The pyramids were used as tombs for the pharaohs.

    6. The blocks for the pyramids were made out of limestone.

    7. During mummification the brain was taken out 2 ways.

    8. One way the brain was taken out is a wire hook. You would stick it up the nose, hit it with a block so it would get through and stir the brain until it was liquid mush and poor it out.

    9. Another way of taking the brain out was by sticking the other end of the wire (the hook part)and stick it up the nose and hit it with a block, and hook the brain and pull it out of the nose.

    10. The people of Egypt didn't think the brain was important so they threw it away.

  13. 6Linn Ashley/PhynxerDecember 8, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    1. King Tut was pharaoh when he was 9.
    2. King Tut died when he was 19.
    3. Scientists believe that King Tut was killed by one of his advisers named Ay.
    4. The youngest child was the most important.
    5. The children did as much housework as the parents.
    6. Upper Egypt is where the higher land is.
    7. Lower Egypt is where the lower land is.
    8. The Nile River flows North.
    9. 100 walking sticks were found in King Tut's tomb.
    10. King Tut was called the boy pharaoh.

  14. 1. Mummification had 6 steps
    2. Pharaoh Khufu Built the great pyramid
    3. Thoth is the god of writing
    4. Anubis is the god of the dead
    5. Apothis is the giant snake of death, chaos ,and destruction of Ma'at
    6. Hours is the god of the sky
    7. Ra is the sun god
    8. Giza has 3 pyramids and a sphinx
    9. pyramids were tombs for Pharaohs
    10. Organs were placed in camopic jars

  15. My topic is mythology. They thought of the gods and goddesses to explain the mysteries of nature. Also to explain religion. They also had to make religion. Here are some of them. Ra the sun god. Horus god of the sky. Osiris god of the dead. Anubis god of the dead. Thoth god of writing. Geb god of the earth. Hathor goddesses of love and joy.

  16. 1 The Nile river would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people.
    2 The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was the Tunic.
    3 The "Book of the Dead" is a collection of magic spells that the Egyptians believe will help them reach the after life.
    4 The body was dried out with Natron Salt
    5 The child is the most important part of the family.
    6 Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make paper.
    7 Large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and set in place.
    8 Internal organs were removed and placed in Canopic Jars.
    9 The Blackland is fertile soil, good for farming.

  17. 1.the Nile River would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people.
    2.The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was the tunic.
    3.The "book of the dead" is a collection of "magical spells" that the Egyptians believe will help them reach the after life.
    4.The body was dried out with Natron Salt.
    5.The child is the most important part of the family.
    6.Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make paper.
    7.large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and set in place.
    8.Internal organs were removed and placed in Canopic Jars.
    9.The Blackland is fertile soil, good for farming.
    10.anubis is the god of Mummification.
    11.The purpose of the pyramid was to protect the Pharaoh.
    12.thoth is the god of writing and also gave the people hieroglyphics.
    13.The Egyptians writing system was called hieroglyphics.
    14.The brain was removed through the Nose with a long wire hook.
    15.hathor is the mother of the Pharaohs.
    16.the blocks weighed over 2 tons and were made out of limestone. were large, with flat roofs.
    18.Entire villages were built around the work site.
    19.the weighing of the heart ritual was done to determine the fate of the mummy.
    20.A Giza contains the Great Pyramids, for Pharaoh khufu, along with the Sphynx.
    21.The liver, stomach, Lungs, and intestines were removed and placed in Canopic Jars.
    22.Bricks were made out of mud, straw, and were sun dried.

  18. 1.Workers were free people
    2. kids went to s at school at a temple.
    3.Homes were large with flat roofs.
    4.Horus is the god of the sky.

  19. Ethan sachen4 vizerjackDecember 9, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    The person who cut the stomach would be punished be people throwing tons at him

  20. 1.The Nile River would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people.
    2. The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was the Tunic.
    3. The body was dried out with Natron Salt.
    4.The child is the most important part of the family.
    5. Papyrus was found in the delta, which they used to make paper.
    6.Anubis is the god of mummification.
    7.Internal organs were removed and placed in canopic jars.
    8. Hathor is the mother of the pharaohs.
    9. The Egyptian's writing system was called hieroglyphics.
    10. The brain was removed through the nose with a wire hook.

  21. Abby 4 paperoni RustenDecember 9, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    The main piece of clothing worn by the Egyptians was the tunic. The Nile river would over flow and provide fertile soil for the people. During mummification the body was dried out with natron salt. Anubis is the god of mummification. During mummification the brain was removed through the nose with a long wire hook. Hathor is the mother of the Pharaohs. Kids went to school at a temple. Horus is the god of the sky. The god of the underworld is Osiris. The Nile was called the "giver of life" because of all the things it provided.

  22. The "Book of the Dead" is a collection of "magic spells" that the Egyptians believed would help them reach the afterlife.

  23. We learned a lot on how to mummify a body and how the organs were removed and the brain.

    We also learned about King Tuts curse and how and why he was a famous pharoah and how he died at the age of 19 and became king when he was just 9 years old.

  24. Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make paper.

  25. *The child is the most important part of the family
    *The book of the dead is a collection of spells
    *Papyrus was used to make paper
    *The blackland is fertile soil good for farming
    *The body is dried out with Natron salt during mummification
    *The Nile river would overflow and provide fertile soil for the people
    *King Tut died when he was 19
    *Ra is the sun god
    *Pyramids were built to protect the Pharaho
    *they wore tunics

  26. 1. The main pice of clothing that the Egyptians wore was the tunic
    2. The body was dried out with natron salt
    3. Papyrus was found in the Delta, which they used to make paper
    4. Large ramps were built to get the blocks to the top and set it in place
    5. Internal organs were removed and placed in Canopic Jars
    6. The Blackland is fertile soil, good for farming
    7. Anubis is the god of mummification
    8. Thoth is the god of writing and he also gave people hieroglyphics
    9. The brain was removed through the nose with a long wire hook
    10. Hathor is the mother of the pharaohs


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