
Monday, February 3, 2014

Ancient China Bonus Topic: Forbidden City (Extra Credit)

To cap off the ancient China unit, we are going to take a look at a bonus topic, the Forbidden City. Mr. Sturgeon talked about this fascinating topic during his presentation, so we are going to take a closer look at the Forbidden City. We will use this topic as an extra credit opportunity for you, so not only do you have a chance to learn about a fascinating topic, but you will get rewarded to do so! This extra credit opportunity will be added on to your ancient Chinese test score, so good luck! 
Task: Read/use the article on the Forbidden City and provide a 6-8 sentence summary describing the Forbidden City. Post your comment on this blog post. 
Points: 10 extra credit points for your ancient China test. 
DUE Date: Friday, February 7th. 11:59 pm.


  1. The Forbidden City was the heart of Beijing. Also the capital of China. The city was built under the orders of Yongle Emperor. Between the years of 1406 to 1420. There were materials brought to China including "golden" bricks, logs of the rare trees. It covers an area of 178 acres. The aligned were in a strate line from the north to the south. Also there were 2 main sections the outer court and the inner court. The city was designed by Ancient Chinese symbolism and philosophy. Today the palace is a museum.

  2. The Forbidden City was a palace built between the years 1406 to 1420 for the Chinese emperors of the Ming and Qin dynasties. It was huge, covering 178 acres of land for palaces and courtyards. It was split into 2 sections: the outer court, where the emperor held ceremonies, and the inner court, where the emperor and his family lived. 24 emperors lived in the Forbidden city over 500 years. Many things symbolized something in it. The buildings that faced south meant holiness, the yellow roofs meant power, ceremonial buildings were built in 3's, representing heaven, and there were even more. The Forbidden City still stands today in Beijing, the capitol of China.

  3. The Forbidden City was the palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is the largest ancient place in the world. It was built by the orders of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. There were more than one million people working on it. It covers 178 acres, 980 buildings, 8,700 rooms, and 1,600,000 square feet. It was also a fortress.

  4. the forbidden city was built in the Ming dynasty between 1406 and 1420. the forbidden city was humongous and it covered 178 acres with 90 palaces. the forbidden city had a watch tower for the guards and it was surrounded by a 170 feet wide moat with a 26 feet high wall. there were two main sections in the palace the inner and outer court. the outer court was for ceremonies and the inner court was where the king and his family stayed.the forbidden city is still there after a really long time.the forbidden city was designed by philosophy which means that the houses were all facing north which meant holiness. the numbers 9 and 5 are used often because they represent the majesty of the emperor. the traditional elemental colors are used throughout the palace. the five colors are white, red, green, yellow, and black.

  5. The forbidden city as very large.It had 178 acres of land, 980 total buildings and over 8700 rooms.The Forbidden City was built for the emperors to live in. 24 emperors lived in this temple. The tiles on the roofs of all the buildings were yellow. Yellow represented strength and power. They had guard tower to watch out for warriors and assassins.

  6. More than one million worked at the cunstructive of the expansive palace. Forbidden city is 178 acres.It has 8700 rooms. Forbidden City is still her to day in Beijing. Also they have lots of symbolls example the #9&5 represent the majesty's of the empour. Came from Mint dynasty 1406 to 1420.

  7. The Forbidden City was a place for emperors during that time. Ordered to build tis grand city by the order from Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The palace had gotten worked on more than a million people. Materials such as golden bricks were brought from all over china. When finished, the capital was moved to Beijing city by the Yongle Emperor. Forbidden City covers 178 acres of area. That would be 90 palaces with courtyards. 980 buildings. And 8,700 rooms. Total floor space is 1,600,000 square feet.

  8. The Forbidden City was built under the orders of Yongle emperor of the Ming Dynasty.The Forbidden City was made out of "golden" bricks, logs of the rare Phoebe Zhennan trees, and blocks of marble. The Forbidden City is huge with 178 acres that has at least 8'7000 rooms. The City is surrounded by a 26 feet high wall and a 170 feet wide moat. Each corner of the palace has a tall guard towers for guards. There are two layers to the city. The outer court which is the southern part and the Inner Court which is the northern part.The Forbidden City is still hear today but today it is called the "Gugong" which means "Former Palace".

  9. The forbidden city was a place where Chinese emperors stayed and lived in the palace. It was in Beijing the capital of China. It was built for the powerful Yongle emperor between the years 1406 to 1420. One million people worked on construction of the expansive city. There were golden bricks, logs, and rare trees all over China. The Yongle emperor moved there when it was done. The city was huge and it covered 178 aces of China. The emperor had many servants and they took care of the palace.

  10. The Forbidden City was built under the orders of the powerful Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty between the years 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City also served as a fortress to protect the emperor and his family. There are 2 main sections to the palace: the outer and the inner court. The Forbidden City was designed using Ancient symbolism and philosophy. The Forbidden City is still here today and lies at the center of Beijing City. The number 9 and 5 are used often because they represent the majesty of the emperor. 24 different chinese emperors lived in the palace over the course of nearly 500 years.

  11. The Forbidden City was a palace for emperors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The forbidden City was built during the Ming dynasty from the years 1406-1420.The Forbidden City is huge. It has 90 palaces with courtyards which =s 980 total buildings which =s 8,700 rooms at the least. The forbidden was served to protect the emperor and his family. From the heart of Beijing; this city will amaze and teach us about its history.

  12. Calvin Shaykett submitted a paper copy and was read by mr. klumper

  13. The Fobidden City is located in China and was during the Ming and Qin Dynasties. This building very very large and would hold Emporores. This large forttrees was also protect the Emperor from any harm. This building is still around today, and holds many artifacts from the Ancient China days. This building also has many different symbols to represent the temple, like the colors and numbers. These were all important for the temple to have. This temple is a huge part of Ancient China, and we have to keep it safe for future use!

  14. Paulina Soroka Pd. 3February 6, 2014 at 8:21 PM

    The forbidden city was 178 acres and the total floor space was 1,600,000 square feet. Each corner of the palace had a tower where guards could keep watch for enemies or assassins. Their was also a layout of the forbidden city. The buildings that faced south meant for holiness and the north meant evil. Yellow, which the tiles in the palace were meant the power of the forbidden city. The roof of the library was black which meant water that they will protect the book from fire. The forbidden city still lies at the center of Beijing city. It is now the palace museum and has thousands of artifacts.

  15. Madi A. extra credit submitted through Mr. Klumper.

  16. The forbidden city in located in Beijing and is the largest palace in the world. golden bricks and marble were used to make the palace. The city is 980 building and 8700 rooms. The total space is 1600000 square feet. It is surrounded by 26 feet wall and 170 feed wide moat. The building all faced south which stood for holiness. The roofs were made with yellow tiles. The roof of the library was black to symbolize water in order to protect the writings from fire. Today it is the Palace Museum and houses thousands of artifacts and pieces of art from Ancient China.

  17. 1 It was a palace for the Chinese emperors.2 It was built during the Ming dynasty.3 It's 178 aces with 90 palaces.4 26foot high wall and 170feet mount.5 the ones facing south stood for holiness.6 north ones stood for enemies of china.

  18. The Forbidden City was built with the help of Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty some time between 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City covers over 178 acres that includes over 90 palaces with courtyards. 980 total buildings at least 8,700 rooms, and the total floor space of over 1,600,000 square feet. The forbidden City has 2 main sections the outer and inner court. The inner court is where the emperor and their family live. There are 5 colors the palace was decorated with. White, black, red, green, and yellow. The forbidden city still stands today in Beijing city. About 100,000 artists and craftsmen worked on the palace. Twenty - four different emperors lived in the palace over a course of 500 years.

  19. The Forbidden City was built around the Ming Dynasty between 1406 to 1420. It was built only out of the best material like golden bricks. More than one million people worked on it. It has about 8,700 rooms The floor space is over 1,600,000 square feet. It was also built to protect the emperor with its wide moat, high walls, and guards at each watch tower. Over 100,000 craftsmen worked on the Forbidden City. Thank you for reading, bye!

  20. The forbidden city was built from 1406 to 1420. It was built of gold bricks in the ming dynasty. It is so big that it covers 178 acres that included 90 palaces with courtyards. It also served as a fortress to protect the emperor and his family. Still today the city lies in the center of Beijing city and houses thousands of artifacts. And a fun fact about 100,000 artisans and craftsman worked on the palace.

  21. The Forbidden City was built under the Ming dynasty rule from 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City covered 178 acres with 8,700 rooms, 90 palaces, and 980 other buildings. Some special features of the Forbidden City are that it has a 170 foot wide moat, and that it also served as a fortress. The Forbidden City was split up into 2 courts, the inner court and the outer court. Some special ways to tell the Forbidden City apart from other buildings are that all of the roofs of the buildings were made with yellow tiles, all of the ceremonial buildings are grouped in 3's, all of the buildings are faced south, which stood for holiness, that the five elemental design colors used were red, yellow, black, green, and white, and that the roof of the library was black. Another fun fact is that the Forbidden City is still standing today.

  22. The forbiddencity was a palace for the china emporers during the Ming and Qin is located in Bejing which is the capital of China.the forbidden city was built 1406 to 1420.More than a million people helped built it.The forbidden city is huge! It is 178 acres.It includes 90 palaces with courtyards,980 building and about 8,700 rooms.It is still in Bejing today.

  23. People lined up in the courtyard of the palace Special Symbolism The Forbidden City was designed using Ancient Chinese symbolism and philosophy.
    The Chinese name for the palace during ancient times was Zijin Cheng which means "Purple Forbidden City".
    The Forbidden City was the palace of the Chinese emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
    It is located in the heart of Beijing, the capital city of China, and is the largest ancient palace in the world. When was it built?
    When the palace was completed, the Yongle Emperor moved the capital of the empire to Beijing city.
    The last emperor of China, Puyi, continued to live in the Forbidden City for twelve years after he abdicated the throne in 1912.
    The Forbidden City was built under the orders of the powerful Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty between the years 1406 to 1420.

  24. The forbidden city was built for Emperor Yongle. The palace was built with steps on the entrances to ward off evil spirits. The palace has 4 guard towers to watch for enemies. This palace had 24 different emperors in 500 years. Some of the buildings roofs are black to symbolize water to keep from burning.

  25. The Forbidden City was built under the orders of the powerful Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty between the years 1406 to 1420.It covers an area of 178 acres that include 90 palaces with courtyards,980 total buildings,and at least 8,700 rooms.The total floor space is over 1,600,000 square feet.

  26. The Forbidden City covering 178 acres of land was used as a fortress to protect the emperor and his family. The emperor's exclusive color was yellow, which is why the tiles on the roof are yellow. The forbidden city was used throughout the Ming and the Qing Dynasties. Twenty four emperors ruled in all. The Forbidden City is located in the middle of Beijing. The outer court was for conducting official ceremonies, and the inner court was where the Emperor lived. It is called the Forbidden City because you were forbidden to enter without special permission from the Emperor.

  27. the forbidden city was built between the years 1406 to 1420. It was built under the orders of the powerful Yongle Empire. It was built during the ming dynasty time. It had a total of 980 buildings and at least 8700 rooms. The total floor space is over 1600 square feet. There are two main sections to the palace: the outer court and the inner court.

  28. The forbidden city was built in 1406 to 1420. It was orders from the yongle emperor and the Ming dynasty. It covers an area of 178 acres. It has over 8700 rooms. They also have about 90 palaces with courtyards.The forbidden city also served as a fortress to protect the emperor.

  29. The Forbidden City was built under the order of the powerful Yongle Emperor of the the Ming Dynasty between the years 1406 to 1420. The best materials were brought in from all over China. They used the "golden bricks". The Forbidden City was enormous. It covers 178 acres that include 90 palaces with courtyards, 980 total building, and at least 8,700 rooms. It was surround by 26 feet high wall and 170 feet moat.

  30. The forbidden city was built under the orders of yongle emperor of the Ming dynasty.It was built in the years 1406 to 1420 it to about one million people to make it. The forbidden city was 178 acres with about 980 buildings and 8,700 rooms. The forbidden city was used to protect the emperor and his family they had huge and a deep moat to protect them. The forbidden city had many layouts such as it had a outer court and a inner court. Also the building were built symbolizes something for example all the building faced north and that stand for holiness.


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