
Monday, September 23, 2013

Deadliest Warrior: Cro-Magnon vs. Neanderthal (Extra Credit)

During the Stone Age time period, neanderthals and cro-magnon co-existed for many years. Eventually, the Neanderthal's died out and the Cro-Magnon (human beings) took over and controlled the world. So we have these two types of human species. How do they compare with each other? Just because the neanderthals died out and became extinct, doesn't mean that the neanderthals had no positive characteristics. Just because the Cro-Magnon took over the world, doesn't mean the cro-magnon doesn't have any negative characteristics. Let's take a look at these two types of species and compare them. 
The Powerpoint above will take you through some of the characteristics of the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon. You will also be given a list of "scenarios" for you to figure out. Based on the characteristics you have learned, what would happen in each scenario? 
In Social Studies, extra credit is a very rare thing, so when the opportunity comes up, be sure to take advantage of it. For this blog post, in order to receive 10 points extra credit, post your own scenario of the neanderthal's vs. cro-magnon. Do NOT say who would win. Let us figure it out on our own. In order to receive the extra credit, the scenario must be written in complete sentences and can be figured out based on the characteristics we learned about. 


  1. they are both in a forest and yhe cro-magons have a bow and arrow and a knife. the neanderthal have a torch and an axe. who would win?

  2. The Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon are in a math contest to see who could complete the most problems in 5 minutes. Who do you think will win the Neanderthal or the Cro-Magnon and why?

  3. The Neanderthal and the Cro-magnon have a smelling contest, who will win the smelling contest?

  4. The Neanderthal and Cromag-non are both faced with the challenge of who could survive as a person in Los Angeles California the best and longest. If they do violence the are going to have to deal with the punish ments anyway. They can shop at the store but can't steel from the store and they would be given a apartment room and some money. It is a battle of who can live the longest and best in California. the battle begins.

  5. A Neandrethal and Cro-Magnon are marooned on an island 5 miles from any other land. There is only a beach and a small forest. Who can get to nearby land faster?

  6. If they both were going schopping and they both went ti clairs who would be able to fit the most fake tattos on their leg?

  7. What I think is that Cro-Magnon will win because they know how to throw a spear and do more damage even thought they have super strength cro-magnon will win because of hunting.

  8. a neanderthal and a cro-magnon have a heavy spear and a knife in a fight to the death who would win and why.

  9. A Neandrethal and a Cro-Magnon are having the best fighting method contest. They only can use spears. Who would kill the animal faster and better?

  10. A Neanderthal ang Cro-magnon are traped in the middle of the forest.They have a challenge of who can surrvive the longest.The Neanderthal has a club and a hand axe.The Cro-magnon has a knife and a spear.Who will win?

  11. Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal went up ageist each other at a eating the Ice Cream who do you think would win?

  12. The neanderthal and cromagon have thier axe's. They both have an elk they need to cut up who would have a better chance of getting it done faster?

  13. The neanderthals and the cromagnons are have a contest on who has better weapons and material. WHO HAS THE BETTER MATERIAL AND WEAPONS?

  14. The Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are competing in a social studies quiz of 100 questions. Who will win it with the fastest time and most right?
    Why do you think so?

  15. If a Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were in a race to the top of a rock climbing wall, who would win?

  16. A Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon are both having a eating contest to see who can eat the most Big Mac's. Wich one of them would win and why?

  17. A Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon are going to stay in a forest in South Dakota, who would survive the longest? Neanderthal or Cor-Magnon?

  18. The Neanderthal and cro magmon are in a swim meet who would win

  19. If both the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were stuck in a maze who would get out the fastest?? Why or how would they get out the fastest?


  20. The Neanderthal and cro-magmon are in a swim meet who would win

  21. the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are in a berry contest. who could name the most berries and which are poison. who would win.

  22. There was an art contest and there was a cro magnon vs a neanderthal. Who would win ? I think the cro magnon would win because it has more knowledge unlike the neanderthal.

  23. There is an art contest it is a cro magnon vs neanderthal! Who would win ?

  24. Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon are having a rock wall climbing contest
    witch one will win and why?

  25. If the Cro Magnon had a copper axe, and the Neanderthal had a stone axe. Who would win if there was one hundred cows in front of them. Who would survive the longest.

  26. Ok, if the Neanderthals and cro-magnon played a football game, you have to consider though the neanderthals are very strong, but the cro-magnon are like humans today. Who would win???

  27. The cro-magon and the neatherals are in a compition of kicking fieid goals. Who do you think would win and why?

  28. If they both had spear in the winter 10in of snow on th ground who would win?

  29. A Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon are both having a social studies contest to see who can anwser the most questions. Who do you think would win?

  30. The Neanderthal and Cromagnon are both faced with the challenge of who could survive as a person in the wild the best and longest. If they do violence the are going to have to deal with the punishments anyway. they have to find and kill their own food and they found each other. It is a battle of who can live the longest and best in the wild. The battle begins.

  31. A Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon both have to stay in a forest in South Dakota, who would survive the longest? NEANDERTHAL OR CRO-MAGNON?!

  32. who would be better of texting a message Neanderthal or Cro-magnon

  33. A Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon both have to stay in a forest in South Dakota, who would survive the longest? NEANDERTHAL OR A CRO-MAGNON?!

  34. The Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons face a challenge of getting through a maze. Who do you think will win and why?

  35. If a Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon were at the beach, who would build a better sand castle. Think of their characteristics!

  36. If the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon went to the beach, who would make the better sand castle? Think about their characteristics!

  37. If a Neanderthal and a Cro-magnon went to the beach, who would make the better sand castle?

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. If the Neanderthal and the cro-magnon went to a movie, who would understand the movie better?

    Remember:think of their characteristics, and how another is.

  40. They are both in school doing a test who will get them all right?

  41. A cro magon and Neanderthal are elected to go to th Olympics in a spear throughing contest who would win why?????????????.

  42. A Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon go shopping to buy food. If they buy food at the same price, who would survive longer with $20? (No hunting)

  43. If the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon was on a island and there was only one tree that had food on it(like orenges)who would be able to get one piecs of the fruit done the fastest.

  44. Who could fit in the tubes at County Fair better?

  45. What if a Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon where in a race to see who could put more curls in their hair with a curling iron? Who would win?

  46. The cro mag on and the neanderthal are having a race who will win?

  47. A cro-magon and a Neanderthal take a math test who would do better on the test and why.


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