
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ancient Rome Mind Map

What is in your mind about ancient Rome? We are going to be using a tech tool to create a mind map of ancient Rome. I have included a picture of what this looks like. You will be completing this mind map in class and saving it so it can be shared with your classmates. This will help us review for our open-note test tomorrow by not only making one, but also viewing others. 
These mind maps will include INFORMATION, so do NOT put any opinions in this mind map. Use your 3-ring binder to help you find information. 
Middle box is "Ancient Rome"
The "topics" can be any of the following:
-Ancient Quest ch. 8
-vocab words
-Blog Book: roads, pantheon, emperors, roman mythology
-Any information packet article: Rome begins, Rome republic, Rome empire, Christianity
-Rome Detective terms

Extension: Once you have created your Mind Map about ancient Rome, post a comment on this blog post with the following:
"Share with me what you have learned about ancient Rome. Use complete sentences!"

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