
Friday, November 30, 2012

Ancient Egypt Essay Question

Now that you have completed the multiple choice portion of the Egypt test, it is time to work on the Essay. I hope your fingers are ready to type and your brain is ready to spew knowledge. I gave you three essay possibilities to study. Hopefully you studied mummification because that is the topic for your essay.
Points: 30
Egypt Test Essay: Discuss mummification by explaining why they mummified pharaohs and each step of the process in detail


  1. They would mummify the pharaohs so they did not rot.
    1 step.Announce the death
    2 step. remove the brain
    3 step. Remove all the interal organs liver hungs intestines stomach
    4 step.dry out the body in natron salt
    5 step. wrap the body in linen
    6 step. take it to the pyramids or the tombs to be buried.

  2. 1.anouncement of death
    2.removal of brain
    3.take out organs
    4.dry out body
    5.put in tomb

  3. They mummified pharoahs because they believed it would take them into the afterlife so then when they went to the afterlife then they could find there body.

    Step1:announcement of death
    Step2: removal of the brain they woul use a wire hook for it
    Step3:removal of the organs stomache,liver,lungs,and intestines
    Step4:cover the body in natron slat for 40 days
    Step5:wrap the body in linen
    Step6:take the body to a pyramid and puy it in a tomb

  4. Step1.Take out the brain though the nose
    Step2.take out the organs and put them into cnopick jars
    step3.Cover the pharaoh with salt
    step4. Wrap the bodie in silk

  5. Step1.Take out the brain though the nose
    Step2.take out the organs and put them into cnopick jars
    step3.Cover the pharaoh with salt
    step4. Wrap the bodie in silk

  6. They mummified the bodies to preserve them in the afterlife. The first step of mummification is the announcement of death
    The next step is to remove the brain with a hook through the nose. The ancient Egyptians didn't think that the brain was important
    The third step is to make slits and remove the organs (liver, intestines, lungs, and stomach)
    The fourth step is to dry out the body with natron salt and wait 40 days
    The fifth step is to wrap the body in linen cloth
    The sixth step is to bring the body to the pyramid/tomb

  7. 1.It's the announcement of the death of the pharaoh. 2.Removal of the pharoah's brain. 3.Removal of the pharoah's organs. 4.The dying out process. The mummified the pharoah because it was the leader of Egypt and he's ancient.

  8. To send the gods to the afterworld.
    1.Announcement of death
    2.Take out brain through the nose
    3.slitter slits kings body and gets rocks thrown at him until he exits the area
    4.take out organs and put in canonic jars
    5.dry body with natron salt wait 40 days
    6.wrap with linnen and put mummia on it
    7.weigh heart against a feather and if light heart heaven if did bad deeds........

  9. The Pharo is mummified because to perserv the body for the after life.
    1.anounce the death
    2.pull the brain out through the nose the slitter needs to cut the body
    4.pull out all the organs
    5. put natron salt on the body
    6.wrap the body in linen

  10. Step 1. Announcement of death, go and tell every one that he died.
    Step 2. Removal of brain, thought the nose
    Step 3. Removal of organs
    Step 4. Drying out prosses
    Step 5. Wrapping the body, with linin
    Step 6. Celabration

  11. They mummify so they can go to the afterlife. Take the brain out threw the nose. Then they take the rest of the organs out. Then they rap him up with silk. Then finally they poor natron salt on the mummy then they let it sit there for 40days

  12. Moufocason is the press if the ded. It was vary expensive. All the Pharos got mammafid and wer bared in thar toms.

  13. They mummified pharaohs so they would go into the after life
    1.was to announce the death

    2.the removal of the brain, they thought the brain was a waist of space, they removed it with a wire hook through the nose after hitting it with a block

    3.the removal of the internal organs such as the liver,lungs,stomach,and ect. they were placed in "canonic jars" because they needed them for the after life.

    4.Drying out process they covered the body in natron salt for forty days to dry out the body

    5.they wrapped the body in linen cloth with amulets placed within the cloth

    6.Final processions they would carry the tomb to the pyramid, they would pay people to cry.

  14. Mummification is completed in four different steps. The first step is the anncouncement of death. The second step is to take out the brain, they take out the brain with a hook on a pole the way they get the pole up the nose is the take a brick and slam it into the pole. After that ther move the pole around, when they have turned the brain into a liquid they tip over the body and let the brain pour out of the nose. The third step is taking out the
    organs, every organ is taken out of the body through a small cut, the person who has cut the body then gets rocks thrown at him for ruining the body of the pharaoh! Anyways the organs EXCEPT for the heart are placed into these jars called canopic jars. The fourth step is The drying out process they do this by covering the body in natron salt. The final step is wrapping of the body, this is done by covering the body in linen, as they do this they put the belongings of the pharaoh along with some amulets for the saftey of the said pharaoh in the afterlife. They mummified pharaoh because that was part of their religion.

  15. First they announced that the pharaoh is dead like "The pharaoh is dead the pharaoh is dead" then they take the pharaoh to a tent and take his close off. then they take a wire and put it through his nose until they here a CRACK! They then hook the wire to the brain and pull it out. If it doesn't work then they put the wire up the nose again and mix up the brain and let it pour out of the nose. The slitter then cuts a slit in the pharaohs left side of his torso. Then everybody there pellets him with rocks until he leaves. After that they remove the organs one by one (The liver lungs intestines and stomach). Then they pour natron salt on him and let him sit for forty days. After that they come back and mummify him with cloth. While they do that the put magic amulets between the cloth. When they are done mummifying they go to the pyramid and bury him in the tomb

  16. They mummified them because they thought they could go into the after life. The first step was taking a wire with a hook at the end or it and sticking up the nose and pull it out through the nose or they mushed it up and let the body hang over the table and let it run out!cooooooool right.the second part was the removal of the organs who ever cut the slit would get hammerd with stones and then they would pull out the organs, lungs,hart. The third step was letting it sit in salt for 40 days and let the body drie out over the 40 days. The 4th process was the wrapping the body in linen and the they would put it in the casket and Barry it. Oh forgo one thing they would weigh the hart by the feather of truth and if the hart was heavier then the feather they would the body into a pit and something would eat it.if it was lighter then the feather it would be buried in a casket.

  17. The steps of the mummification process is first they make the announcement of the death of the pharaoh the they take him into a special room then the prest dose this spell on him. After the prest has done his job, then they take out the brain. They take out the brain by putting a hook up the nose and jam it in with a stack. Then they pull the brain out. Next the slitter come and cuts open the pharaoh to take out the organs. After the slitter cuts the Pharaoh, he gets rock thrown at him. Then they take out the organs and place them in canopic jars. After that they put naton salt on them and keep it on the pharaoh for 40 days. Later they take off the natron salt and wrap the pharaoh up in linen. During that jewels on him. They mummified the pharaoh because for peasants it was way to expensive so that way they mummififed the pharaoh.

  18. They mummies the pharaoh so they can have a ruler in the afterlife. In mummification first the death of a person gets announced . Then they remove the brain because they did not think the brain was important in the afterlife. Then the splitter would make a slit in the dead persons right hip, then he would get rocks thrown at him because he has just ruined a body for the afterlife. Then they would remove the organs and place them in canopic jars because the were important for the afterlife. Then they poured natron salt on the body to dry it out, they left it to dry out for40 days. Hen after the 40days were up they old rap It in linen and they would place special ambulates in with the linen because they thought they were important for the afterlife then there was people who were paid to cry cry to show how important they were while they caried the body to a pyramid .

  19. 1. They anoument to the gods.2. They take out the the brain with a hook and put it throw the nose. 3. A guy cuts the hips 4. The other guys throw rocks at him. 5. Then they take out the orags. 6. They put the organs in canriod jars.7. Then they put rap the body in natal saltthry let it sit for 40 days. then they rap the body in lien for the trip to the after life the pharho still has the heart. 9 they take it to the guys that derdmans if they get to go to the afterlife.10. The guy weight the heart if it is heavier then the feather then the guys eats the body and the pharhpo does not get to go to the afterlife.

  20. The first step is they tell that the pharaoh is dead then they take out the brain through the nose. Also the priest comes with the book of the dead and a head of a jackel on. Then the slitter makes a cut on the left side of the pharoahs body then gets pelted with rocks for damaging the ruler. Then the others take out the liver and weigh the heart against a feather to see if their soul was clean when they died away.Then they leave the body In salt for fourty days and nights then they start the wrapping of the body they wrapp the body in linen and then they put the body and the pharoahs riches into a tomb that was hand made. Finally they leave them to rest in peace in a nice little pyramid.

  21. The first step is they tell that the pharaoh is dead then they take out the brain through the nose. Also the priest comes with the book of the dead and a head of a jackel on. Then the slitter makes a cut on the left side of the pharoahs body then gets pelted with rocks for damaging the ruler. Then the others take out the liver and weigh the heart against a feather to see if their soul was clean when they died away.Then they leave the body In salt for fourty days and nights then they start the wrapping of the body they wrapp the body in linen and then they put the body and the pharoahs riches into a tomb that was hand made. Finally they leave them to rest in peace in a nice little pyramid.

  22. 1. The people have some sort of a meeting and announce the death.
    2. Removal of brain. Using a small hook and going up the nose taking out the brain.
    3. Removal of organs. Making a small cut on the side of the stomach and with your bare hands taking out the organs.
    4.drying out the body with salt for 40 days.
    5. Wrapping the body in a clothe and putting them into a tomb.

  23. They do that so in the after life the pharaoh can return to his body.1.anoncmont of death.2.removal of the brain.3.removal of organs.4.put on natron salt.5.wrap body in linen.

  24. 1:announcement orr death they pay people to cry
    2: remove the brain there's 2ways pull it out or make it liquid and drain it
    3:removal of organs the were open by the sliter and placed in canopied jars
    4:natron salt was covering the body for 40 days to dry out the body
    5: wrapping the body you pour pine resin on them then wrapp them with linen
    6:put them in there final resting place and put them in pyramids

  25. 1. First they announce the death of the person.
    2. They use a needle stick it up his nose and remove the brain.
    3. The slitter cuts a hole in the chest while being pleted by small rocks.
    4. One man sticks their hand into the hole and pulls out some organs like the stomach.
    5. They put natron salt on the body and let it dry out.
    6. They wrap up the person and send him into his tomb.

  26. To presevrve the dead and go into the after life and the first step is annosment of death then removal of brain then slit stomach open and pull out organs and put into canopic jars then dry out the body with natron salt. Wait 40 days and cover the body with linen.Then cover the body with mummi and put the body in the sarcophagous.

  27. 1. They would announce the pharaoh was dead.
    2.They would remove the brain through the nose and take it out by pieces or by stiring it and drain it out
    3.The Slitter would make a slit and then get pelted with rocks and they would take the organs out.
    4.Next they would dry out the body with natron salt for 40 days
    5. Then they wrap they pharaoh with amulets they would wear in the after life.The cloth was linen.
    6. The last thing was they would place the pharaoh in their pyramid.

    Something they did was when the pharaoh was placed in the pyramid they would say it was the balancing of the heart and if their soul was heavier than the feather it was tossed to Ammut and he would eat their soul and if their soul was lighter than they could go to the afterlife.

  28. First is the announcement of death when somebody goes around screaming who died.

    Next is the removal of the brain that is where they take a hook and stick it up their nose and grab the brain and pull it out.

    Then you dry the body out with natron salt and wait for 40 days.

    Finally the wrapping of the mummy you wrap it on several layers of linen and then you are ready to put the mummy into its tomb.

  29. .anoncement of death
    .removel of brain
    .prest wearing jackle mask draws line were to cut
    . Guy cut the line opening to body
    .stones are then thrown at him for cutting the Pharo
    .then the organs are taken out of the body and poot in canopy jars
    .next the body is coverd in natron salt
    .then they wayet 40 days
    .the heart is poot back in the body
    .the body is rapped in linen with treasters on every other layer
    .poot in sercofagags and takein to the pyramid
    The reason the egyptions do mumifacaion is so when the spirit came back to the body it would reconiz it

  30. In mummification it starts with the announcement
    Of the death of the pharoah the the second procces is the removal of the brain and that is done by sticking a pole the nose and smacking it into the brain and romoving it through the nose the third step is the removal of the organs and that is done by having the slitter cutting a slice in the stomach and that is considered marking the body up so he is then pelleted with stones and then he removes all the organs and stores them in something called a canopic jar the fourth step it the drying prosses the body is then colored. In natron salt for 40 days the fifth step is the wrapping of the body and that is done by wrapping the body in a clothing called linen and the are covered from head to toe thats what gives them the mummy like feature the final procces is the the carrying of the body to the tomb

  31. People mummified their Pharohs to preserve the body for the afterlife.
    The steps are:
    1. Announcement of Death, someone tells all of Egypt that the pharaoh has died.
    2. Removal of Brain, take a hook and stick it it he Pharohs nose and pull out the brain. Then throw away the brain.
    3. Removal of internal organs, the splitter cuts a hole in the left side of the pharaohs stomach then everyone pelts him with rocks, then someone places the organs in their own canonic jars. The heart gets weighed against a feather to see if it is full of darkness. If it is full of darkness it gets thrown out, if it isn't it's placed back inside the body.
    4. Drying out process, natron salt is poured over the body and the body sits there for 40 days.
    5. Wrapping the body, wrap the whole body in linen cloth and spread mummia over the body to hold the cloth in place
    6. Final procession, the body is carried through egypt,people are paid to cry and the more they cry the more likely the pharaoh is to go into the afterlife

  32. To preserve his dead body. 1it is announced that the pharaoh is dead,2 a hook is shoved through the nose and pulls out the brain,3 the slitter cuts a hole in the pharoahs side and then gets pelted by rocks and the organs are removed from the body and placed in canonic jars,4 the dead body is covered by natron salt and sits there 40 days,5 the people take off the salt and wrap the body in linen while amulets are being placed and the linen sticks because the people put mummia on it,6 Anubis weighs the heart against a feather and if the feather is heavier the pharoahs heart is pure and if the heart is heavier the pharoah gets punished by the gods.

  33. To have the body saved for after life
    And to rap the pharoahs body

    Step1: is to announce that the pharaoh is dead
    Step2: is to put a hook up there nose hit it with a rock and pull out the brain
    Step3: they make a cut on the mummy and pull out the organs
    Step4: is to cover them in natron salt and dry out the body
    Step5: they rap the body and put the jewels on them
    Step6: they carry them to there tomb in the pyramid
    And that is the proccess of a mummy

  34. I forgot to say why.

    They would mummify the pharaohs be ause they wanted the pharaohs by getting to the afterlife softly and they could live again there and so the body would be preserved for the afterlife and wouldn't rott away.

  35. They mummified pharaohs because they were rulers of Egypt and had a lot of power. The first step of mummification is they bring the body to the tent and remove the brain with a wire hook and put it through the nose to take it out. Then have someone take paint and draw a x on the left side on the stomach then they take a sharp rock adn make a slit then the others pelt the person who made the slit with stones. Then they stick someone's hand in the stomach and remove the organs. Then they have a priest who has a jackel mask on say a prayer then they dry out the body and cover it with natron salt. It takes about 40 days to do the procces. Ten they come back and wrap the body with linen and ring it to the pyramid and leave.

  36. They mummified pharaohs becaus ether wanted to keep them safe so nobody would come and steal the pharaohs.the first step was to announce the death and then they took a wire and put in up their nose and then brought the brain down and got it out that way.the 3 step was to cut a slit on the side of their body and take out the organs and then put oil on the body and then cover the pharos with natron salt for 40 days and after the40 days they put linen around them put them in tombs and put them in the pyramis were their safe.

  37. (1.)announcement of death
    (2.) removal of brain(with a metal wire and a block of wood)
    (3.)removal of organs
    1.the slitter cut open the body
    2.slitter was pelted with rocks
    3. Organs were pulled out

    (4.)Drying out the body with natron salt
    (5.)weighing the heart against the feather of truth
    (6.)wrapping with the linen and sacred amulets for after life
    (7.) Burial at a Necropolis? Or a ritual?

  38. They mummified Pharos to preserve the body for the after life the first step is removal of the brain second step is Removing the organs but the stoner gets pelted with rocks because it is rude to cut a kings body then you put the organs in canopic jars the leave the heart in the body the eventually weight the heart against a feather and if it weighs less then the feather you are good but if it is heavier then the feather you are bad then the dry the body out with natron salt wait for a long period of time then the come back and wrap the body in linen with some valuable items then are sent to there tombs(aka a pyramid)

  39. The first step is anouncement of death. The second step in mummification is remove of the brain. The Egyptians thought that it was a waste of space. The next step in mummification removal of the organs. The sliter who made the hole must be petited with pepples. The organs were placed in canopic jars. Step 4 was to dry out the body. This took a long time about 40 days. Step 5was a hard job to do it was wrapping the body. The last step is weighing of the heart and carrying the body to the tomb people were payed to cry. In all there are 6 steps and took about 70 days.

  40. The first step is the announcement of death it is where they have a pharaoh and they show it off to the people
    then it is the removal of the brain its when you take a hook and you stick it up the nose and then the hooks gets stuck on the brain and then they pole the brain out
    Then the removal of the organs it is when you cut a slit at there side and then throw rocks at it and the you take the liver lungs stomach and intestines out of the body
    Then the drying of the body it is when you put natron salt on the body and then let the body sit for 40 days
    Wrapping the body it is when u take some linen and you rape it around the person and then but him in a tomb thing and put the lid on
    The last step Is the final possession it is where you take the tomb and you bring to the pyramid and then u put him in the pyramid and like bury him a little bit
    They mummify the Pharohs for there afterlife

  41. They mummified the pharaoh cause they wanted safe passage to the after life.
    Step 1 remove Brian with stick nocked up the nose and pull it out or oos out
    Step2 they make the cut and then the guy gets rocks throughn at him
    Step3 pull out the organs like the heart and the lungs
    Step4 They put the pharaoh under a pile of salt and dry out the body
    Step 5 they weight the heart with a feather if lighter they go to heaven if hevyer the go to the under world.
    Step6 they then put the body in the coffin and leave it in a pyramid

  42. They were mummified so the pharaohs could be remembered. 1.anouncment of death 2.removel of brain 3.slitter slit the stomach 4. Throw rocks at the slitter 5. Remove the heart heart 6. Remove the lungs 7. Remove lungs 8. Put heart back in 9. Dry out body 10. rap in linen 11. Put in coffin

  43. People mummified pharaohs to preserve there body and so that in there after life there souls will recognize the body and they will be united. The first step of mummification is the announcement of the death. The second step is to get a skinny metal wire stick it into the nose and gam it in one way to take out the brain is to swish the metal wire around in the brain then lean the body over a bucket or something and let it all fall out of the nose. The other way is to make sure that you have a good grip with the wire then pull the wire out like its a giant buger. The next step is that someone will cut a hole in the lower stamoch the tradition is that after someone does that everybody throws rocks at him or her. Then someonen will carefully pull out all the organs. The fourth step is to dry out the body with natron salt by putting all over the body. The fith step is to rap the body up in layers of linen. There is a amulet for good luck placed with the body for good luck. Then it's placed in a tomb.

  44. The reason they mummified pharaohs was because it was there beliefs in ancient Egypt there belize was if they got mummified and put jewels and treasure it would help them in the afterlife

    The first step of mummification is annocment of the dead they would bring the body through the town. And everyone got paid to pretend they felt sad for the pharaoh and they would bring him to the tent to be mummified.
    The secoud things is removal of the brian they would put a wire through his nose and pull it out through the nose.
    The third process is removal of the organs they would cut the pharaohs side and then take them out and put them in canonic jars and throw rocks at the slit.
    The forth process is they put natron salt on the body and let it sit there for about 45 days.
    The fith process is they rap the body in some Lonia
    The sixth process is they put him in the pyramid with some treasures to help him in the afterlife.

  45. The people of Egypt mummified the pharaohs body because they believed it was needed for the afterlife

    The first step in the process of mummification is the aouncement of the death. One of the pharaohs people would go out into the streets and say that the pharaoh had died.

    The second step in the process of mummification is removing the brain. They would stick a metal wire up the pharaohs nose then they would hit the metal wire with a wooden block and break though to the brain. Then they would grab the brain with the metal wire and pull out the brain through the nose.

    The third step in the process of mummification is removal of the organs. The slitter would make a cut on the left side of the pharaohs body. Then the slitter would be pelted with rocks. Then the priest would take the organs out of the body and place them in Canopic Jars.

    The fourth step is the drying out process.They would pack the body with natron salt for 40 days. The table that the pharaoh was laying on would be put at a slant so all the water could drain out of the body

    The fifth step of the process of mummification is wrapping of the body.they would wrap the body in linen and place amulets thoughout the linen that the believed where needed in the afterlife

    The sixth and final step is the final procession. In the final procession they brought the body to the pyramid and preformed the two final procedures

    The first procedures is the opening of the mouth. Wich they believed let the spirt enter or leave the body.

    The second procedure is the weighing of the heart. They would put the body pharaohs body in a room and then they believed that Anubis would weigh the heart against the feather of truth if the heart was heavier than the feather the pharaoh would not be granted into the afterlife. If the heart was lighter the pharaoh would be granted into the afterlife.

  46. So that they could go live life even longer.

    1.Announcement of death
    2.they take the brain out through the nose with a wire.
    3.They cut open the stomach and take the organs out and put them in a conopic jar.
    4. They put natron salt over you.
    5. They wrap him in linen
    6. Then the drying out process and they wait for 40 days then they put him in his tomb

  47. They mummified pharoahs so they could get into the afterlife The first step is Announcment of death where they told everyone that the pharoah died. 2nd step is removal of the brain where they pulled the brain out the nose. Then it was the removal of the organs where they pulled the organs out of the hole the slitter cut. Then they would dry out the body with natron salt. Then they wrapped the body in linen. Then it was the weighing of the heart against a feather.

  48. Pharoahs got mummified because it preserves them for the afterlife. The first step is to announce the death. The second step it to remove the brain with a hooked tool threw the nostrills. The third step is to remove all organs but the heart the slitter is pelted with rocks after he slits the body. The fourth step is to dry out the body with natron salt.the fifth step is to wrap the body in linen.

    The Egyptians believed if the heart was heavier than the feather than its a heavy dark soul and believed to not move on to the afterlife. If it was lighter it was believed that they had a light soul and kind.

    Also the mummys would be placed in a pyramid with there riches.

  49. The first step to mummiefication is the announcement of death the second is removel of the brain the third step is cutting a hole in the side of the pharaoh the fourth is the removel of the organs the fith step is the drying out prosses then the six step is the wrapping of the body then after he is wrapped up there is a ceremony of magic spell then the body is carried into his tomb and the locked inside with his riches.

  50. They mummified Pharos to preserve them in the afterlife and so the god Anubis will recognize them. 1.They announce the death of the paroh 2.They remove the brain because they think it is useless and a waste of space. 3.They remove the organs by splitting there stomach open the person who splits the stomach gets pelted with small rocks the organs removed are liver stomach lungs and kidney.4.They will dry the body out with natron salt for 40days. 5.thye will uncover the body from the natron salt and rap it in linen cloth Weill putting amulets to protect the mummy. 6.They will carry the mummy to there tumb or pyramid in there sarcophagus and then bury them.

  51. The first step is mummification.
    The second step is to remove the brain having a hooked object and putting it up the nose to grab pieces of the brain.
    The Third step is to cut open the stomach with a sharp object.
    The fourth step is to remove the organs by putting your hand inside the stomach.
    The fifth jar is to put the organs inside the canonic jars so they would get dried up.
    The sixth step is to fill the body with salt.
    The seventh step Is to dry the body out.
    The eight step is to wrap in bandages.
    The ninth step is to put the body it's in case.
    The last step is to put the Pharos inside the pyramids with its gold and other belongings.

  52. The pharoahs were mummified for the after life, and the steps are first the announcement of death,then the removal of the brain,then they cut a hole and take all the organs out and put them in canoptic jars,then they put natron salt on the body for 40 days to drie it out,then after 40 days they wrap the body with linen and finally they burrie it

  53. People mummified Pharaohs because they had to be preserved for their after life some how.

    1.Announcement of the Pharaohs death.
    2.Removal of the organs (Brain removed with a metal hook James up through the nose and hooked on the brain and pulled the brain out through the nose).
    3.coverd in natron salt to dry out the body for 40 days.
    4.wraped in linen called mummia and amulets put in with the mummy's wrappings.
    5.the mummy is then put into the sarcophagus and brought to the pyramid that has been prepared for the mummy.
    (I think it take either 20 years to prepare the pyramid or 200 days).

  54. They believed the Pharos had an after life and needed to be recognized. Announce the death of the pharaoh , take a hook hammer it through the nose hook the brain and pull it back through,then cut a hole in the stomach ant take out the organs, then cover the body in salt and let it dry for 40 days, after,rap the body while saying spells then put in coffin and take to tomb.

  55. People mummified Pharaohs because they had to be preserved for their after life some how.

    1.Announcement of the Pharaohs death.
    2.Removal of the organs (Brain removed with a metal hook Jams it up through the nose and hooked on the brain and pulled the brain out through the nose).
    3.coverd in natron salt to dry out the body for 40 days.
    4.wraped in linen called mummia and amulets put in with the mummy's wrappings.
    5.the mummy is then put into the sarcophagus and brought to the pyramid that has been prepared for the mummy.
    (I think it take either 20 years to prepare the pyramid or 200 days).

  56. removal of brain. They stuck a hook throw there nose and jabbed the brain untill it could come out throw the nose. Then they put in a Canabick jar

  57. Announcement of death
    Remove brain wtIth a hook and out through the nose.
    Remove the internal organs starting with the stomach and who ever slits the stomach gets stoned.And put the organs in canonic jars.
    Cover body with natron salt to dry the body for 40 days.
    Then you put linen .
    Then wrap the mummy .
    Put they amulets on.
    Then you put into a tomb
    Now you take it to the pyramid

    Pharaohs were wrapped because it was in their honor and they were rich so they could afford it.

  58. People mummified pharaohs because they thought that if you did that then you would go to the hall of judgement the the god of the under world, Osirs, would weight your heart against the feather of truth. If you heart was heavier than the feather, well then you got your soul and heart devoured my Amit. But if your heart weight the same then you got to go to a blissful after life! To get to the underworld you had to be dead, then have some one say you are dead,then have your brain pulled out, then have a guy cut you open and another take you liver stomach lungs and and other stuff and put them in conopic jars. After all of that you get burried in natron salt for 40 days. When that is over you get wraped in linen cloth, then put in your sarcofigus and you go down some streets with people that got paid to cry for your death, and you got put in your pyramid or tomb. The end!

  59. They mummified pharaohs to preserve them for afterlife.
    Step 1: announcement of the death.
    Step 2: they removed the brain with a hook through the nose.
    Step 3: they cut a slit by the waist and pulled the organs out of the chest. Whoever did this job was pelted with rocks and left.
    Step 4: they dried out the whole body with natron salt.
    Step 5: they wrapped the mummy in linen cloth and waited 40 days.
    Step 6: took the body and placed it in the tomb with all it's riches.

  60. They mummified paroahs so that they could save all their treasures and gold and stuff.the first step in mummification is they remove the brain, what they do to remove the brain is they stick a piece of wire in their nose and try to hook the brain and they pull it out of the nose. Then someone makes a cut in the stomach to get organs out and after he makes the cut he gets pelted with rocks by the other people. then they take out all of the organs like the liver,stomach,kidney, and so on. When all the organs r out they put them in jars called canopic jars. They also take out the heart and weigh it with a feather to see if they go to the afterlife or not. Then they use natron sault to dry out the body and leave it sit there for about 30-35 days and when that's over they start to wrap the body in linen and they put amulets in between the linen for good luck in the afterlife. After everything is done to the body they put it in a casket and carry it to a pyramid and put all there treasures like gold and technically their fortune that was left behind.

  61. 1. Announcement of death- tell people of ancient egypt.
    2. Removal of the brain- they put a hook up his nose and removed the brain.
    3. Removal of the organs- they removed the heart,liver,lungs,intestines. They placed them in canopic jars.
    4. Drying process- they put natron salt on the person and they wait 40 days then the body is dried out.
    5. Wrapping the body- after the process they wrap the body in linen and prepare the body- put amulets around the tomb.
    6. Last they take the body and put it in a tomb with amulets in it after its prepared then they take the tomb to the pyramids.

  62. When people die they take out there brain with a hook so they don't crack or break the skull then they open the stomach then they take out all the organs. They also take out the heart ab weigh it with a feather if it is light that means they had a good geart if it is heavy they have a bad heart. They alsput on neutron salt to dry out the body so it doesn't rott. Also who ever cut open the body that person gets something bad to happen to them. After they dry out the body they mummify them then they put them in a tomb sometimes with there special stuff then they dig up a hole and put the tomb in there then cover it up with dirt.

  63. The Egyptians mummified pharaohs to prepare them for the afterlife. There were 6 steps of mummification

    1. They would announce the death
    2. They would remove the brain by putting a hook up the pharaohs nose and try to grab the brain.
    3.there would be a slitter that cuts a hole in the stomach, then he would be pelted with rocks until he was forced to leave. Then they would grab and pull out organs such as the stomach liver and other organs.then they put the organs in canonic jars. all organs were ripped out except the hart.
    4. They would dry out the body with natron salt that process would take 40 days.
    5.they would wrap those body in linen.
    6. They would put the body in a tomb and into the pyramid.

  64. They mummyed them because it helps them in the after life.the first step of mummification is the announcement of deth. The second is removal of the brain they would shove a metal rode up its nose and pull the brain out if they could not get it they would mix it up in his head than drain it out. Third is removal of the origins they would have a cutter and the cutter would cut him than get stoned than they would take out the organs. Step 4 they would dry the body out with natron salt for thertty days. Step 5 the rapping they would rap the body in Lennon.step6 Than gets taken to his tomb.

  65. They mummified the pharaoh to preserve its body to the after life.

    Steps of mummification:
    Well the announcer had to announce the death and people had to cry and got paid for it then comes mummification

    1.removal of the brain (they thought the brain was useless)

    2.removal of the organs (they placed the 4 organs into canonic jars)

    3.removal of the heart(they weighed the heart against a feather to see if it was as light as a feather or not as light as a feather,they did this to see if the person had sins)

    4.drying out the body(they used natron salt to dry out the body)

    5.wrapping the body(they used linen to wrap the body and they placed jewels inside of the linen)

    6.putting the body into the tombs(there is usually 4)

    7.placing the body in it's sarcophagus (they painted the sarcophagus with different faces and symbols)

    8.bringing the pharaoh to its pyramid(usually they made traps and tricks in the pyramid to stop the robbers that would rob the mummies)

    9.the mummification process has token 70 days

    I forgot to add on step 3 slitting of the stomach

  66. 1annocce of the death
    2 take out brain
    3 take out intrnal organs
    4 drie out body
    5 wrap the body
    6they would do final persecutions
    1they would go around and told them how they died and tell them to cry when they take the person to the pyramid
    2they would go through the nose and take out the brain or shake them and let the brain come out yuck
    3the peron who whole cut the slot should be cursed or get killed and they would take out the liver the brain the lungs and the instines they thought they were useless
    4they would drie out the body with natron salt and wait for 40days
    5 They wrap the body with linen and they would go head to toeand cross arms
    6 they would pay people to crie and when caring him
    there the would set trap for grave robers

    And I wish I had a mick fighter yummmmmmmm thanks

  67. That mummified pharos for the after live. The first step is announs ment of death. That the messengers did. Second was removed of the brain the Eygtions thought it was a wast of space. Third was to remove the organs the person that cut the pharos was a slitter. He would be pelted with rocks after he cut open the pharo. The four thing was the drying out prosses. They would put nutation salt over the pharo to dry him out this would take 40 days. The fith thing to do is warping the pharo up in cloth. The last thing was to put him in there coffin and then put them in the perimids with gold.

  68. They mummified the Phrahos for the process of the body for the afterlife.

    1.Acuoncement of death, a messenger went in the streets to tell people that the pharaho has died.

    2.Removel of brain they thought the brain was a waste of space so they stuck a wire hook up the nose and wrapped the brain around it and it drained out.

    3.Removel of organs the guy slit on the left side and got hit by rocks until he left and the organs were put in canopic jars.

    4.Drying out process they stuffed lien and straw in the body to keep its shape then they put natron salt to dry out the body and this took 40 days.

    5.Wrapping the body after they took off the salt they put jewels and a gold piece on the slit and then wrapped it with lien.

    6.Final procession people were paid to cry when they were taking the body to the pyramid to show the gods that he was well loved.

  69. Mummification was to preserve the dead body of the pharaohs.Steps of mummification
    1.they would anownce the death.
    2.they would take a hook and put it up the nose of the pharaoh then take a brick and hit the hook until they heard the outer part of the brain crack then pull the brain out.
    3.the splitter would cut a hole into the side of the pharaohs stomach and pull out all of the organs out exept the heart then the slitter would get stones thrown at him.then they would stuff the pharaohs stomach with hay.
    4.cover the pharaoh in nutran salt and dry him out for forty days
    5.they would wrap him in linen.
    Then they would put him in the pyramid.

  70. Mummification was to preserve the dead body of the pharaohs.Steps of mummification
    1.they would anownce the death.
    2.they would take a hook and put it up the nose of the pharaoh then take a brick and hit the hook until they heard the outer part of the brain crack then pull the brain out.
    3.the splitter would cut a hole into the side of the pharaohs stomach and pull out all of the organs out exept the heart then the slitter would get stones thrown at him.then they would stuff the pharaohs stomach with hay.
    4.cover the pharaoh in nutran salt and dry him out for forty days
    5.they would wrap him in linen.
    Then they would put him in the pyramid.

  71. They mummified pharos for the after life. The first step of mummification is announcing the deth of the pharo. The second step is removing the brain threw the nose with a pole and a hook. Then remove the organs from the body, and the person doing it is called the slitter, and when he is done, he gets pelted with rocks tell he leaves.neckst you dri out the body by using Nutrion salt. Then after you wate for 40 days when the body is dried out, you wrap the body. Lastly you place the body in the pyramid. And some times they pay other people to cry.

  72. The reason why there was mummification is to prepare the body for the after life. Anubis is the god of mummification. The first step of mummification is the announcement of the Pharaoh's death. The mummification process is usually performed in a white tent and takes about a total of seventy days to perform the mummification process. A A preist then puts on a Jackal Mask. The dead pharaoh is then laid on a solid stone slab. Then they have to remove the brain because they think the brain is not needed in the after life. To remove the brain they start by taking a steel or metal hook and slide it up the pharaoh's nose, and pull it out piece by piece. Another way they might have to do this is that they slide the hook up the nose, stir the brain up, lay the body in a certain position and drain it out. The next step is the removal of the organs. To do this a person from the tent known as the slitter, makes a cut in between the waist and the stomach. After the cut is made the slitter gets pelted with rocks and is forced to leave the tent. Someone then sticks their hand through the cut and begins to pull out the organs. The heart is the only organ that is not taken out of the body. The organs are then placed in Canopic Jars. The body is then stuffed with hay and rags, and then sewed back up. The body then gets covered and packed with Natron salt to dry out the body. Then they wait for 40 days until the body is dried out. After that the body is wrapped in hundreds of yards go linen bandages. Within each bandage Amulets and valuable items are placed in the bandages. The body is then laid in its coffin. When the coffin is being brought out the people are payed to cry. The mummy is then put in its pyramid specialy built for them.

  73. 1 announce ment of death
    2 Removle of the brain with a hook
    3 Removle of all internal organs besides the heart
    4Cover the bodie with natron salt fot 40 days
    5. Oil the pharaoh
    6 the wrapping of the pharaoh

  74. The Egyptians mummified their pharaohs because they thought that it would garrenty life in the after world for the pharaoh. The first step of mummification was the announcement of death, the announcement of death was a person who would run through the town telling everybody that the pharaoh had died. The second step was the removal of the brain. In the removal of the brain a person would stick a hook up the pharaoh's nose and pull the brain out the nose. The third step was the removal of organs. In the removal of organs they would cut a slit in the pharaohs stomach, pull out all of the organs except the heart, and place them in canopic jars. The fourth step was to dry out the body. In this step the would cover the pharaoh in natron salt and wait forty days for the body to finally dry out. The fifth step was to wrap the body. In this step they would wrap the pharaoh in linen and sometimes used more than 100 yards of linen to wrap the entire body. The sixth and final step was to place the pharaoh in the pyramid. They would carry him to the pyramid through the town and they would pay people to cry to make it look like the pharaoh will be missed.

  75. The reson why they did it was be couse when the pharal dies he needs to reconnized his body.

    I remove then brain from the noes
    2 is to take out the organs but not the heart
    3 is to dry out the body
    4 to wrapp the body in linon
    5 thai him to the tome

  76. If someone dies the first step is to announce the dead.
    The second step is to remove the brain with a hook and through the nose and then they will hit it with a brick.
    The third step is to remove the organs by using a sharp stone and the person who does that is called the slither.
    The fourth step is to cover the body in Natron salt for 40 days and it will dry the body out.
    The fifth step is to put a sticky substance on the body and then wrap it in the linen cloth and then put more sticky substance on the linen and then to put more linen cloth around the body.

  77. They mumified pharaohs so the pharaoh could go to after life 1 thet took the brain out through the nose with a hook 2 they cut the body and took all the organs like lungs,stomach,and liver and left then heart in 3 they put natron salt on the for 40 days 4 they wrap the body in linen and put the body in the tomb.

  78. They announced the death and then they took the brain out with a wire hook. then they took the organs out like the lungs and bladder and they did not remove the heart. The next step is to cover him in natron salt for about 40 to 45 days. Then they would wrap hip up in linen. Linen is a material that was used to wrap the pharoah. The last step is to put the pharoah in his tomb or pyramid. They would set traps for thieves so they wouldn't steal the mummy or his jewels.

  79. They mummified pharohs to preserve the body.
    First they announced the death to everybody.
    Second they removed the brain putting a hook up there nose.
    Third they removed the organs the slitter then after got pelted with stones then the would take all of the organs and put them in a canopic jar.
    Fourth they dried out the body with salt. Then they would soak the bandages in resin and apply it on the body. Then they would put mummia a sticky substance on the bandages so they would stick together. Then after all of that they place the body in a tomb with the organs. Then they have a sort of a parade walk down the streets people even get paid to cry! Then they place the body and all of its belongings in a pyramid then burry it and beside the room they were buried in was a secret room where all of the gold that the pharohs had. And that is the process of MUMMIFICATION!!!!!!!!

  80. The Egyptians mummified the pharaoh to preserve him for the Afterlife.

    1. Announcement of death.
    2.(bring to the tent that they mummified the pharaoh in)
    3.Take brain out oh head through nose with a block and wire hook.
    4.The slitter cuts open the dead pharaoh and gets pelted by rocks by the others.
    5.One person takes out the organs (liver lungs stomache and intestines).
    6. They put the organs in four different canopic jars.
    7.Then they put natron salt on the body to dry it out.
    8. They wait forty days and come back and take the salt off.
    9. They wrap the body and while they are they put amulets and mummia in the linen.
    10.Finally they carry the dead mummy to the pyramid or tomb.

  81. The 6 steps of mummification is 1. To announce the people that a pharaoh has died 2. Remove the brain from the nose with a hook or they can jab it around then turn the body upside down and fluid will come out 3. Have the slitter come and slit the body on a side of the body then pelt him with stones, then remove the intestines,lungs,liver,and stomach and put them in the canopic jars 4. Then you put oil and resin on it and put the Natron Salt on the body for 40 days and after that you tip the body up to get all the stuff off of it. 5. Then you put linen on it And after 1 layer you put amulets on it then you wrap another layer on it and then you put the headress on it 6. Then you put the heart and a feather on a weighier to determine if you are good or bad, than after that you put it in the tomb!!!!!

  82. They mummifided the pharaohs so that they got into the after life.1.anouncment of the death. 2. They would remove the brain with a hook because the Egyptians thought it was a wast of space.3. Then they would make a slit in the side of the body ( the slitter would then get stoned) they would take all the inner organs out exept the hart and put them in canopic jars.4. Then the body was covered in nateron salt to drie the body it was on there for 40 or more days.5. Then they wrapt in linen clouth but they also put mummy a stiky substance to keep the linen clouth held down.6. Then they would have the final prosetion to the pyramid for the baryal saramony.

  83. The Pharoh was mummified because Egyptians believed it was necessary for the Pharoh to be able to enter the afterlife

    The process began when a messenger went into Egypt and announced the Pharoh's death to the people of Egypt

    The next step was when the priest who wore the jackal hat would take a cord with a hook on the end of it and shove it up the dead pharoh's nose until they hit the skull and after they hit the skull the would chip at it until the hook went through and gripped a part of the brain then he would pull it out through the nose and set it down it was not placed in a canopic jar because Egyptians thought it was unneeded in the afterlife
    Next a slitter would come through with a knife and cut a small slit after the slitter had done this he was to be pelted with stones for cutting a human body
    Next the priest with the jackal hat would reach into the slit and remove all the organs except the heart and place them in special canopic jars the would then pack the body with natron salt for 40 days so it could dry out after this was do me they wrapped the mummy in linen and smeared it with mummia a glue like substance that would hold the linen together after that the newly completed mummy would be placed in several different coffin pieces before the solid gold top which was made to look like the king himself was placed at the top they would then bring him to someone with a thoth hat for his heart to be weighed against the feather of truth and if it was lighter he would gain passage if it was heavier it would be devoured by Osiris I believe
    Those are the steps of mummification

  84. The first step is the anocement of death and that is when someone goes and annoces that the pharaoh has died the second step is the romoval of the brain and they remove it with a hook and just...pull. The third step is when they remove the other organs. (lungs,liver,intestines,stomach) The fourth step is the drying out process and that is when they cover the body with mummia for 40 days. The fifth step of mummification is when they wrap the Body up. The final step of mummification is when they do this whole funeral thing and they pay people to cry. They pay people to cry because that way the afterlife people (such as Anubis) will maybe think that he was and will be missed. Which is obviously not true.

  85. 1. Announcement of death- They go around and yell who has died.
    2. Removel of the brain- They thought the brain was a waste of space. There was to ways to take out the brain.
    Way1- Stick a hook up the nose and pull the brain out.
    Way2- Stick a wire up the nose and swirl it around until it becomes liquid, then drained it out.
    3. Removel of organs- They cut a slit in the body's side and take out the stomach, lungs, liver, and entestines. The person who did that got rocks thrown at them.
    4. Drying out the body- They poured natron salt on the dead body and let it sit for 40 to 45 days.
    5. Wrapping the body- They rapped the body with linen. They rapped the whole body compleitly.
    6. Final procession- They put the body into a case that they decorated. Then they carried it to the tomb. They payed people to cry for theis so it will show that they will be missed.

  86. The first step is death saying where the person puts on a headdress of a Jackle.
    Second step is removal of the brain when they stick a steel tod up there nose and they can either hook the brain and pull it out or they could swish it around and tip them upside down and let it drain out.
    Third step is to make a slit in the side of there stomach and the slitter gets stoned to death with rocks.
    Forth is removal of the organs they pull them all out through the slit in the stomach.
    Fifth is when they take the gheart and weigh it with a feather and if it weighs more than the feather they won't go to the after world but if it weighs the same or less they will be sent to the after life.
    Then they let it dry out for 40 days with salt and them after that period of time they rapit and put it in a casket.
    That's the steps of mummification.

  87. Step1.

    Announcement of death


    Removal of the brain


    Removal of the organs but leaving the heart for Anubis to weigh the heart agnst a feather


    Embalming the body it lays in natron salt for 40 to 45days


    Cover it in oil


    Cover it in linen and mammia

    Then let anubis wegh th heart against a feather

  88. They mummified pharaohs because the believed it helped them into the after life. There were six steps to this process. The first step is announcing to the public. They would send someone out yelling the pharaoh is dead the pharaoh is dead! They would announce it to the public because it was a big deal when a pharaoh died in ancient Egypt. The second step was removal of the brain. They had two ways of doing this. The first one was sticking a long hook up through the nose. They would smash it with a stone so it would reach the brain. When they got ahold of the brain the would pull it out through the nose. The other one had the same process of sticking a stick up the nose but instead they would stir it up and it would drain out. No matter what way they did it they would always just throw it out because they thought the brain was a waste of space. The third step is removal of the organs. A guy which they called the slitter would cut open the stomach so they could reach in and grab it. After he cut open the stomach he was pelted with rocks because it was considered harming the pharaohs body. Then they would put them in canonic jars. The forth step is covering the body in natron salt. They did this so the body would dry out and not rott. After they covered the body in natron salt they waited 40 to 45 days until the body was completely dried out. The fifth step was wrapping the body. Some people think they wrapped it in toilet paper but it is actually linen. They wrapped several layers around the body. In the layers they would put jewels to be kept with the pharaoh.the last step was taking the mummified pharaoh out into the public for people to see. People were payed to cry to make it look like the pharaoh would be missed. After all the steps of mummification they have other religon things that they do such as weighing there heart against a feath to see if they will move on into the afterlife.

  89. The first step is to anoce the death to the people because the Pharohs died.
    Second you remove the organs the brain you take a hook stick it up the nose and pull out the brain or you can stick a hook like thing up the nose and stir it till the brain is a liquid and pour it out.
    Third the slither takes a sharp rock and slits the belly open to pull out all the organs one by one like the stomach and the lungs and more other organs after that the slither puts them in to the canopic jars.
    Fourth the drying out process you cover the hole body in natural salt and leave it for 40 days exact
    5th after the 40 days you brush it all off and you start wrapping it in with linen.
    finally you put it in its tomb oh! I for got before all of veering thing you put richuals on it and do spells from the book of the dead.

  90. NOt everyone got mummified because it cost a lot. The first step in mummification is to let everyone know that the Pharoah is dead. they would go down the streets yelling their name and is dead over and over. the second step is to remove the brain. They would stick a curved metal stick up their nose and pull it out or they would stir the stick then lean the body forward so it would pour out the nose. Third is to take out the organs they would make a slit in the left side of their stomach and pull out the organs. fourth is to cover the body in natron salt for 40-50 days then once thats done uncover them. They cover the body in natron salt to dry the body. the fifth step in mummification is to wrap the body in this special cloth substance. The sixth and final step of mummification is to place the body into a sarcophagus with some of its special treasures into the pyramid filled with sarcophagus'.

  91. They mummified pharaRos because the people got smaller and they cut the side of the body and took out organs they are called liver, lung, stomach, and intestines. They put them in canipic jars. They took out the brain by putting a hook up it's noise and pulled it out piece by piece.they put natron salt then they let the body dry out for 40 days. Then they put the body in a tomb and carried it to the pyramid with all there teaser.

  92. The reason pharaoh is mummifad is because they were the king of Egypt 1. The take out the brain and throw it away because they think it is not useful 2.the splitter comes in and makes a mark below the torso and cuts it open and takes the organs out and puts them in canonic jars an organ is the heart and then rocks are thrown at the splitter 3. The body is covered in natron salt for 40 to 45 days. 4. The body is covered in Nemen 5. The body is put on a gold mask 6. Then the body is put in a golden crate thing and then a pyramid I built a around it.

  93. The things in ancient Egypt are amazing there are pyramids pharaohs and the spynx. Ancient Egypt was a time when the people thought the pharaohs were gods in a human form. The pyramids were. Tombs for these people.

  94. They mummified Pharohs to preserve them for there trip to the afterlife. The first step of mummification was the announcement of death, second step was pulling the brain out with a hook, third step was cutting a slit in the stomach and removing the organs, the fourth step was putting the heart,lungs, and liver in a canopic jar, the fith step was drying out the body with natron salt, the sixth step was wrapping the dried out body in linen.

  95. Step 1. The announcement of death
    Step 2. Removal of brain using a hook
    Step 3. Cutting the slit on the left side and removing the lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines
    Step 4. Drying out the body with natron salt for 40 days
    Step 5. Wrapping the body in linen and placing amulets in between the linen
    Step 6. Procession of death/placement into the pyramid or tomb

  96. The first step in mummification is

    The announcement of death

    Removal of the heart lungs liver intestines

    Drying out the body with natron salt

    Wrapping up the dryer out body with mummia or linen

    Placing gold and jewels in the pharaohs sarcophogous.

    The weighing of the heat against a feather heaver than the feather doom balance with the feather imortality

  97. The Egyptians mummiffied pharaohs to show respect. First step was the announcement of death which someone would be assigned to do. The second step is the remomoval of the brain which someone would do with a type of wire hook. The third step is the removal of the organs which was done by someone cutting a slit on the side of the pharaohs body and then taking out the organs. The last step is the process of drying out the body wich they did by putting the body in Natron salt.

  98. 1.the announcement of death everyone finds out
    2.removing the brain with a hook through the nose
    3.they remove the liver lungs stomach and intestines through a slit in the left side of the stomach then all of them are placed into jars called canopic jars
    4.they dry out the body with a salt called natron salt
    5. Sand and linen are placed in the body to maintain its form then wrapped in linen
    6.placed into the sarcoufagus for safe keeppings then into the tomb of the pyramid so not stolen from grave robbers

  99. They mummified the pharaohs to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The first step is to announce the death of the pharaoh. The next step is to pull out the brain with a long metal hook. Then the slither makes a slit and someone reaches in to grab the organs such as liver, stomach, and heart. After that the body is covered in Natron Salt for forty days to dry out the body. Then you wrap the body in linen. After that you put the pharaoh in a wooden coffin wooden coffin. Then for the final touches you put the pharaoh in a golden sarchopoghes.

  100. They mummified only the rich and the Pharohs. The first step is announcing the death of the pharoh the second step is to remove the brain the third is to remove the organs fourth is to dry out the body and finally the last step is to wrap the pharoh in linen and put him in a pyramid. They do all these things to prepare the body for the after life they also put the heart on a scale and if it ways down a feather they are not going to the after life but the will if it is lighter or balanced with the feather. Then they put the heart back in. They also put a book of the dead in with them it's a book of magical spells

  101. They mummified pharaohs to keep their bodies preserved and so they don't get ripped or broken. The first step of mummification is the announcement of death so they know there pharaohs dead.mthe second step is the removal of the brain by a large silver hook through the nose. The third step of mummification is to take out the organs but not the heart they did that by cutting a slit in the pharaohs body and taking out the organs but the guy who cut the slit got pelted with rocks because that's a no no. The fourth step of mummification is the drying out process because they were put in salt to be preserved. The fifth step of mummification is to put them in the box thingy so they are ready to be put in the pyramid. The sixth step is to put them in the pyramid and they can rest in peace.

  102. They mummified the pharoahs because they were important.the steps of mummification are
    1.announcement of death- is where somebody tells everybody that the pharaoh has died.
    2.removal of the brain-they removed the brain through the nose with a hook and they threw it out because they didn't think it was important.
    3.the slitting and internal organs out-the slitting made it so they could take the organs out and place them in the canopic jars.the organs were liver,stomach,intestines and heart.
    4.drying out the bodie-they dried out the body by using natron salt which they had to wait to dry for 40 days.
    5.wrapping the bodie-they wrapped the bodie in linen and put them in the sarcophagus.
    6weghing of the heart-the reason they weighed the heart was to see what there fate would be.

  103. They mummified pharaohs to preserve their bodies for the after life. The first step in mummification is the announcement of death. That is when a person runs through the city yelling the pharaoh is dead. The next step is the removel of the brain. That is when a person takes a metal hook and shoves it up the pharaohs nose to the brain then pulls it out taking the brain with it. Then the slitter comes in and makes a slit in the left side of the pharaohs stomach. He gets pelted with stones until he leaves. Then someone takes out the organs and puts them in canopic jars. Then they poor lots of natron salt on the body and let it sit for 40 days. When they come back the body is dried out. They wrap the body with linin and put amulets in the linin and sarcophigas with the body and put it in the tomb or pyramid.

  104. The first step in mummification is the announcement of death. The announcement of death is when somebody tells everyone that the person who has died. The second step of mummification is when you take out the brain because it has no reason of it. The third step of mummification is when you take out the heart and then weigh it with a feather. If the heart is lighter than the feather they whom died will have a good afterlife. And if it weighs down the feather whom who died will have a bad spirit in the afterlife. Next step is when you dry out the body. The next step is when they cover it with Natron Salt. The last step is wrapping the body.

  105. Step one is to Announcement of death. Step to is take a hook and shove it up the nose of who died and mush the brain until its like a liquid. Step three remove all organs but the heart. Remove them by making a slit at the bottom of the stomach and stick your hand in and pull them out. Step four drying out process. Put natron salt on the body for 40 days. Step five carry the body to the pyramid for dead bodies. And put him/her in the casket and put it in the hole. They mummified kings because they were a king and possibly have an afterlife.

  106. They mummified the pharoahs because they needed to preserve the body for the afterlife. The first step of mummification is to announce who has died. The next step is to remove the brain by placing a wire hook into the nose and jamming it up the nose and into the brain. Then, they stir around till the brain gets mushy and either pull it out or drain it out. They take the brain out because it's useless in the afterlife. The third step is to cut a slit in the belly. Whoever did this would be pelted with rocks till they were out of town because the damaged the body. Then, you would take out the heart, liver, stomach, intestines. Next you would place the body in natron salt for 40 days to air out the body. After that you would carefully wrap the body in fine linen. Next you would take the body and place it in the sarcophagus along with its amulets. Then you would carefully take the body to the pyramid and put the body in there , or "under" there. Another part is the weighing of the heart which was weighed against a feather to tell if you were worthy or if you would be devoured. Man that's a lot of typing.

  107. 1. They announce that that pharo has died.
    2. They stick a wirer up the nose and it hooks to the brain and they put it out.
    3. They make a slit in the body to put out the organs.
    4. Is to remove the organs (kidney lungs and 2 other I can't think of).
    5. Put natron salt in the body for 40 days so the body dries out.
    6. Is to wrap the pharo whit linen and in between each layer put jewels.
    7. To place the body in the coffin and put in a chamber for the after life.
    The reason they mummified the body is to seek after life. They also did it to persever the body longer.

  108. A reason why they would mummify the pharaohs is because if they wouldn't the body would rot. The reason they do it is to preserve the dead body and bring it to the afterlife. The first step is the announcer announces that the pharaoh is dead! To some people it's a relief. Next they take the dead pharaoh in their little house and use a long stick with a hook on the end of it and stick through the nose and put all the way to the brain and pull it out; when doing this don't be surprised if it looks hotdog like. The. The splitter puts a slit to the right side by the stomach and eventually gets pelted with rocks because it's a big no no, but he's supposed to do that, don't ask me why. But when the slit is in, they take the organs out exept for the heart, because the Egyptians believe the gods weigh it against the feather of truth to see if they're good or bad. Then they dry out the body by putting natron salt on it, don't forget it takes 40 days to dry it out completely. Finally, the body is wrapped in linen, and put in a sacrophagus, then carried down the street where the citizens are payed to cry for the dead pharaoh. Plus is put in a pyramid and sealed tightly, with the pharaoh's possessions with him.

  109. They mummified because they thought that they would go into the after life. The first step of mummification is anancement of the death. The second is the removel of the brains. The third step is to cover him with salt. The fourth step is to let the body dri out for 10 to 20 days. The fith step is to cut open a slit in the left side of the body and take out all of the organs like the stomak, liver and the lungs. The sixth step is to wrap the body up in linen cloth then wait 50 to 60 days. The seventh step is to put the pharaoh in the tomb and put it into the Pyramid.

  110. When a pharaoh died they performed mummification to preserve the body for the afterlife. The first step in mummification is the announcement of the death telling people of egypt the their king has passed away. The second step is the removal of the brain. They removed it through the nose with a metal rod. They had to destroy the membrane around the brain to get inside. The third step in mummification is the removal of internal organs. They made a slit on the left side and reached in to get the organ such as the lungs stomach and intestines. The fourth step is drying out the body with natron salt. The body was covered for forty days. The fifth step in mummification is to wrap the body. They wrapped the body with linen. This was a very long process and they had to be very careful. Finally the sixth step is the final procession. This is placing the body in the pyramid once and for all. The room where the mummy lay was most of the time extremely decorated with gold and all kinds of amulets. Now the pharaoh is ready to go to the afterlife.

  111. The main reason why Egyptains mummified the dead was so in the afterlife they would have a body to go to.

    Step 1: There would be a person walking around saying "The Pharoh is dead"

    Step 2: The Pharoh was placed in a tent. Then they would ram a big metal hook up his noes and pull out the brain.

    Step 3: The lungs, stomach, liver, and intestines were taken out in a small slit made by the slitter.

    Step 4: The body was packed in natron salt for 40 days to dry it out

    Step 5: The body was wrapped in linens and had different amulets put in several lares to protect the body for the afterlife.

    Step 6: There was a persesion to take the body to the tomb. During this people were paied to weep for the dead Pharoh.

    That is all 6 steps of mummification.

  112. They mummified Pharohs because it was one way to get to the afterlife.

    1.they ran all over the place procliaming that the pharoh is dead and take him to a tent to be mummified.

    2. A person would take a hook and ram it up the Pharohs nose and break through the skull then they would either stir the Brain up and dump it out or get a grip of the brain and pull it out then throw it away.

    3. A slitter would make a slit in the left side of the Pharoh's body then get peltted and get forced to leave. Someone would stick their hand in the Pharohs body and pull out the stomach liver lungs and kidneys then place them in canopic jars.

    4. The body would be covered in natron salt and left there to dry for 40 days.

    5. The natron salt was shoved off the person then the person would be wrapped in linnen and little amulets would be place randomly on the linen.

    6. The Pharoh is carried to his designated tomb and placed in a box then the box is placed in a sacophogas all his riches are placed with him in his tomb.

  113. They mummify pharaohs to let them be able to got into the after life and have their bodily in the after life. The process of mummification is, the first step is the announcement of death so that means that someone would start shouting that the king is dead. The next step is removal of the brain, so what you would have to Doris use a wire hook and go up through the nose and either mix it around until it is liquidy then drain it. Or just hook on to a little part of it and pull it out through the nose. The third step is removal of the organs. You would have to remove the liver, lungs, intestines, and the stomach. You would do that by cutting a slit down the side and putting your hand in there and searching for them. Then once you are done you would put them in canopic jars. The fourth step is is the process of drying out the body. They would use natron salt to dry it out with and then they would have to wait 40 days before the drying out process is complete. The next step is wrapping the body. They would use linen to wrap it with and it takes a lot of hours to do. The last and final step is bringing the pharoah to its tomb. On their way to the pyramid they would have people being paid to cry. Once the would get there they would put the canopic jars with their organs in them, they would have the book of the dead in there and even a lot of valuables so they could have them in the after life. Those are the six steps of mi.mmification

  114. Step one of the mummification process is the announcement of death, the announcer will run around the streets yelling the pharaoh is dead. Step two of the mummification process is the removal of the brain. The ancient Egyptians believed the brain was useless so the took a wire and stuck it up the nose. They would break through the skull and hook the wire on the brain then yank it out. Or they would take the wire and mix the brain into a liquid and pour it out the nose. Step three is the removal of organs. A slitter would cut a six inch slit on the left side of the ribs. He was then punished for vandilizing the Pharaohs body. They would take all the organs out exept the heart and put the organs in canopic jars. Step four is to dry out the body. The dry out the body so it would preserve. They would cover the body in feet do natron salt so it would suck all the fluids out of the body. It took 40 days to dry the body. Step five is the wrapping of the body. It was a Long and hard process to wrap the body. They would wrap the body in linen to preserve the body. Step six is to place the body. They would place the body in a sarcafagas and then place it in the pyramid full of treasure. Step seven was the weighing of the heart. Anubis would take the heart and weigh it against a feather, if it was lighter
    Than the feather the Pharoh would be granted eternal life in the after life. If it was heavier than the feather the Pharoh would be doomed for eternity.

  115. They mummified bodies to preserve them for the after-life.The first step is the announcement of the death. Then they would take the brain out through the nose.Next they would take the organs out. Then they would cover the body in natron salt. This would dry out the body. Then they would wrap the body and put him in his tomb.

  116. 1. Annocment of death
    2. removle of brain and used a hook to mash it up.
    3. Remove vital organs liver, lungs, stomach, intestines in canopic jars.
    4. dry the body out with natron salt, and wait for 40 days.
    5. wrap the body in linen used mummia to glue.
    6. bring the body to the tomb or pyramid with a parade.
    The reason they mummified pharaohs because they thought it was the only way to the after life.


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