
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Events of Mesopotamia

The civilization of Mesopotamia was shaped by major events. With this blog post, we are going to analyze what some of these major events were and why they were so important to the rise of this civilization. In class, we will be looking at these events even closer as we divide up into groups and conduct a "tournament" of Mesopotamia events. Our tournament will match these events up against one another, creating debate and discussion on which event is more important in not only the rise of Mesopotamia, but in our world today. 

Task: Using the "Events of Mesopotamia Link" I want you to select 6 major events of Mesopotamia and tell me WHAT the event was and WHY that event was important for Mesopotamia. Use COMPLETE sentences. 
The Events: Irrigation, city-state, chariot, money, rise of Kings, bricks, cuneiform, ziggurat, Epic of Gilgamesh, wheel, Code of Hammurabi, Hanging Gardens.
Example Comment:
"Code of Hammurabi: This was a set of laws written down by King Hammurabi. This event was important to the people of Mesopotamia because it brought order and stability to their civilization. It made Mesopotamia safer because the people had to obey the law or face the harsh consequences."
DUE: Friday, October 19. 10:30 p.m.
30 Points (5 points for each event) 


  1. Irragtion-farmers were allowed to control water into crop fields.
    Money-instead of trading up their goods they could buy it.
    ziggurat-it is a place to worship the peoples gods.
    wheel-it is used to move stuff with ease.
    chariot-they were much more mobile to move freely,it has two WHEELS.
    city-state-everyone could stay together in one place without migrating a lot.

  2. Bricks-Found a new way to construct buildings.

    Writing System-There would be no history of Mesopotamia with out writing.

    Money-So peopple would not have to give up things.

    Wheel-It helped to get lots more crops.

    Rise of Kings-They would have no organization without kings.

    Ziggurat-Gave people a place to worship.

  3. Irrigation: Irrigation is when you can control when and how much water your crops get. People would starve to death if irrigation hadn't been invented. Farmers would not be able to farm very well.
    Chariot: The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile.
    Code of Hammurabi: The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. Without these laws the world would be extremely dangerous today. People would steal, kill, and assault.
    Rise of Kings: Rise of KIngs is when kings were picked to be rulers of Mesopotamia. The kings told everyone wat they were supposed to be doing. without them, the people had no organization, no structure, and no leader.
    Development of Writing System: People invented the first system of writing. Without a writing system nobody would no what the world was like before we came.
    The Wheel: The wheel made so many more things possible, like driving very long distances.

  4. I think that it was irragation because with out it the people of mesopataima would have died out do to hunger because the crops could not get enough water to grow so when thay did irragation that made the crops get enough water to survive.

  5. 1. Irrigation- It allows farmers to control how mush water their crops got. Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area.
    2. Bricks- This is what the people of Mesopotamia used to develope a new way to construct buildings. Without bricks, we wouldn't have protection and without protection, the people could get attacked by worriors, wild animals, or natural disasters.
    3. Chariot- This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile. This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to move around and travel easier and faster.
    4. Code of Hammurabi- This is 282 laws that King Hammurabi made. Without law, people would steal, kill, and assult.
    5. Ziggurat- A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship gods. Without the ziggurat, it would have been much easier for an enemy army to attack the city and destroy it.
    6. Rise of Kings- These guys established purpose for the people and led them twards progress. Without leadership, no progress can occur.

  6. My 1 event is the Irrigation. It is important because you would not be able to have fresh food if there was no irrigation. It allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. without irragation the feilds would produce very little or no food.
    My 2 event is Bricks. If we didnt have bricks their would be very little housaes and schools. The peaple would protect themselves from tornadoes and stuff like that.
    My 3 event is the wheel. Why the wheel because their would be no cars or carriges for us to ride in and alot of peaple like it better, because then they wont have to walk so far.
    My 4 is Money. Why money because if you wanted food at a store you would have to give them one of your things.
    My 5 is the ziggurat. It is a pyrimad shaped buliding used to worship gods. This bulding gave the peaple of Mesopotamia a place to worship, Which is a major step towards creating a civilization.
    My last but not least is the development of writing.Development of writing system was a major event in not only history of Mesopotama, but in the history of the world.


  8. bricks-Bricks were made out of mud and sticks.It was important because it helped them construct better and stronger buildings.It was also good because they had a lot of mud and sticks around.

  9. iragation farmers can control how much water their crops get. Mesopotamia was in the dessert which ment low rain. the water would be scorched without irrigation.Bricks were clay box like models that made their worship center a ziggurat. Chariot a wagon like thing that was pulled by a horse with wheels and reins that pulled people. Code of Hummarbi it was the most important event in mesopatamia. it was a set of laws that the people had to follow or face a hard concequence. Money was basically gold and they traded with things like food,water,and people. they found the gold in the rivers. Wheel was a round thin piece of wood that was under a chariot. Wheels make everything move they are on cars,wagons,chairs.

  10. irrigation farmers can control how much water their crops get. Mesopotamia is in the dessert which has low rain. crops would be scorched without irrigation. Bricks were clay box figures that built their houses and that built their worship place the ziggurat. Chariot is a wagon like structure that was pulled by a horse and was controlled by reins. Code of hummarabi Most important event in mesopotamia. it was a set of 282 laws. People had to obey the laws other wise they had to face a hard consequence. Money was a thing that they traded for things such as food water houses and people. Wheel was a round thing that moved things from place to place. It also is on a chariot and was on a stick and thae cart was sitting on it.

  11. Wheels. They helped go to work more often. Ziggurat it worships the gods. Irrigation it is how you control how much water your crops get. A king Or a leader Is needed united the people. If you want to give up shoes you will have to trade something.Also this Invention allowed The people to easily make buildings because there was a lot of mud and straw in the area.

  12. Irrigation is when you control how much water your crops get money instead of trading they would just pay for it cuneiform it was the first system of writing ziggurat a pyramid like building used to worship the gods bricks something made of mud and straw to make big hard strong buildings chariot a two wheel cart pulled by a horse

  13. Code of Hammurabi- The Code of Hammurabi set 282 laws writen down by Babylonian King Hammurabi. It is important because with out it there would be total chaos.

    Epic of Gilgamesh- It is the first book ever writen. It is important because then the people of Mesopotamia could learn and become smarter.

    Rise of Kings- The rise of kings is when Mesopotamia got a king. It is important because without a king the city will have no organization.

    The hanging Gardans of Babylon- The hanging gardens of babylon was built by King Nebuchadnezzar for wife. No one knows if the gardens actually existed.

    The Wheel- It allowed Farmers to move wheat easier. It is important because without the wheel irragation would not matter.

  14. Irrigation: Irrigation is when farmers were able to control when and how much water their crops got.
    it is important because without it the crops would be scorched in the heat of the area.
    Chariot: A chariot is a two wheeled cart pulled by a horse. Without it people would have to haul things on foot.
    Code of Hammurabi: The code of hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonion King Hammurabi. Without it people could kill, steal, or assault.
    Epic of Gilgamesh: Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. It was important because people were able to tell stories, record history, and set the world on a path of reafing and writing.
    Ziggurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship gods. This building gave the people a place to worship.
    Rise of Kings: The rise of kings was when they had a leader who took control and helped them progress.

  15. Bricks: They are used for making buildings. They are also used to make the building sturdier. It is important to the people because it helps keep food good and stored.

    Money: It is good because you can get new things and not have to give up your old things. You can just go to stores and buy things fast instead of having to compromize on a good trade. It is important because you don't lose your old things to get new things.

    Ziggurat: A very big building to worship gods and goddesses. You can workship in private. It is important because people have a place to workshop gods.

    Wheel: It helps transport goods. You use it to carry and hold up a chariot. It is important because you can't get things places without it fast.

    Hanging Gardens: A very very big enclosure. It is used for the queen to feel less home sick. it has nice paths, fountains and very beautiful flowers. It is important because people want their queen to feel at home.

    Chariot: It is used for carrying crops from one place to another. It can also be used to get people to farther away places quicker. It is important because people can get to food sotrage bins quicker and save more food from dieing.

  16. Money: Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted.
    Writting system: Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down
    ziggaurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression.
    bricks:Without this protection, they could get attacked by warriors, wild animals, or natural disasters.
    Code of hammurabi: The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi.
    irragation: Without irrigation, the crops would be scorched in the blazing heat of the area

  17. Irrigation:irrigation allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got on their feilds Chariot: The chariot is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to move around and travel much easier and faster at once. Ziggurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. another event is Rise of Kings: A King, or a leader, is needed to unite the people. As a bunch of individuals, nothing is accomplished, but as one, great things can happen. The kings of Mesopotamia gave the people direction. Epic of Gilgamesh:With the Epic of Gilgamesh and the creation of books, the people of Mesopotamia were able to tell stories, record history, and set the world on a path of reading and learning. A civilization can not grow if there is no reading and learning. The epic of gilmesh was the first book. Bricks: They used bricks. To make these bricks, the people used mud and straw. They would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun. This would produce a very hard, durable brick. As a result of this invention, the people were able to build buildings.

  18. Irrigation: This was the way people of Mesopotamia could control how much water got to there crops. It was important because without it, many people would die.
    Ziggurat: This was the place of worship. It was important because without it it would be much easier for enemy armies to attack.
    Money: It is something that we use instead of trading objects. If we did not have money, whenever we would want something to eat we would have to give something up.
    The Wheel: We use the wheel everyday. Riding the bus, cars bikes. It is something that we use everyday.
    Chariot: This is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. This allowed them to go where they want, easily.
    Bricks: This allowed them to construct buildings in a differant way. withthese they could protect themselves better.

  19. My 6 events that I think taht are important are:

    Irrigation- Irrigation was an extrimley important in Mesopotamia. It allowed farmers to control how muck water to give to the crops.

    The Wheel- the wheel made so many things that were posible in mesopotamia. If you has a hudge thing full of wheat that would be difficult if you didn't have the wheel.

    Bricks- The mesopotamia people invented a new way too make buildings. They used mud snd straw. they mixed it and let it dry in the sky.

    Ziggurot- the ziggurot was a hudge jump in histery. this is were they worshiped the gods that they belived in.

    Th Writing System- This was a hudge jump in the mesopotamia histery not just in mesopotamisa but in the whole world.

    City-State- this was a totle game challenge in the whole world. in the stone age they just migratted, and then the city-stat of mesopotamisa came around and that all changed.

  20. Irrigation:Controll of how much and when something gets its water: Without irrigation crops wouldn't hardly get any water at all.

    Bricks: They used bricks to make their buildings: Bricks would help them make their building so they had a place to live.

    Chariot: A chariot is like a cart, that will take someone place to place a lot faster than walking: They used it to travel from one place to another faster.

    Money: They used it to buy stuff they needed like food: They would either pay money or trade items to get the stuff they wanted.

    The Wheel: It allowed them to transport their crops using the wheels: They used it for the things such as the chariot so it could move without it being dragged.

    Ziggurat: A pyrmid shaped building: Used to worship gods.

  21. i think IRRIGATION was important. it was important to the mesopotamians because it controlled how much water they got so if they needed it they could get it. i think the WHEEL was important to the mesopotamians because without it they wouldnt have a chariot to travel. I think the CHARIOT was important to the mesopotamians so they could travel faster. I think BRICKS were important to them so they could build houses and stuff like that. I think the ZIGGURAT was important to them so they had a place to worship the gods they believed in. I think the RISE OF CITY STATES was important to them so they didnt have to wander around the earth hoping to find animals to hunt.

  22. Irrigation: The ability that farmers were to control when and how much water the crops got. Irrigation was important because it helped the farmers grow food. Since they could control it the crops didn't die of thirst and the people didn't starve.

  23. Bricks
    People of Mesopotamia found a new way to make buildings by using bricks
    To construct a brick they used mud and straw they would mix the two materials and place them in the hot sun to dry
    This was very important because people could protect them selves.
    Now that the chariot was invented people could he more mobile
    The chariot consists of a horse and 2 wheels.
    The chariot was an important invention because people could do more things or chores faster.
    Money was invented sp people could get stuff that they did not have
    Before they had money they would trade to get things they did not have.
    This is an important invention because people did not have to give away stuff that they traded they bought what they wanted and did not have to give it away.
    Hanging gardens of Babylon
    the hanging gardens was invented by king nebuchadnezzar.the hanging gardens is 400ft wide and 80ft high.
    this invention was important so that the queen could have a nice terraced place to relax.
    Irrigation was very important so people could control when and how much water gets to the plant
    Irrigation helped people control the flooding by making ditches.
    The code Hammurabi
    The code of Hammurabi consists of 282 laws.
    For the first time people had to obey the laws or face consequences for your actions.
    The code of Hammurabi is an important invention because without laws it would be total chaos.

  24. Irrigation: This is how farmers controlled how much waters their crops got. Without this the crops would perish under the blazing heat. Bricks: This was important because they were able to protect themselves now. If they didn't to invent this then they would have no safe place to store stuff. Code of Hammurabi: A set of laws created by King Hammurabi. Without this the world would be in chaos. Ziggurat: A Ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building for worship of gods. Without this laws would not be enforced. Chariot: This allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be mobile. If they didn't have this people would have to walk everywhere. Wheel: This allowed people to move around their crops to a different location. Without this they would not be able to move their crops around.

  25. the bricks were inportant to meso because it protected the people so they woudn't get attacked by warriors,wild animals,or natural disasters. the chariot is inportant because people were able to get places faster.without a ziggurat it would have ben easier for an enemy army to attack the city and destroy it.the rise of the kings are inpornant because progress would not have been made in farming,writing,religieon,or was inportant because it allows people to create the life that they wanted.the rise of city states was inportant because inventions of mesopatamia would not have ben possible.

  26. Rise of kings because he makes the laws. Bricks because to make buildings. Cuneiform first writing system. Irrigation because to water your crops. Wheel to drive the first car. Which is I think chariot the first car?

  27. I think they were Irragation,money,ziggurat,wheel,
    code of hammurabi,and rise of the kings because they were all important events and iteams that make life easier and made the world how it is now.

  28. Irrigation is the system that help them with water ,andCrop for them to live.
    Zigrut is a place where the woriship there gods there,and prayed there
    Bricks Help them build house , and with the wall for irrigation .
    Chariot it help them get to place to place faster then walking
    Writing help them talk when they went to go far away,or to talk to each other.
    The wheel help them get around ,and help them carry crops to sell in different area .

  29. Irrigation: Allowed the farmers to control when and how much water their crops got.This event was important to the people of Mesopotamia because wIthout irrigation, the fields would produce very little or no food, thus resulting in the people starving to death.

    The Code of Hammurabi: Is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi.Law brought order and stability to the people of Mesopotamia.

    A Ziggurat: Is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods.This building gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship, which was a major step towards creating a civilization.

    The wheel it allowed the people to transport their crops using the wheels.Which meant it was a lot easier to get the crops to the storage bins and into the towns.Irrigation is important but with no wheels all the crops will go to waste.

    The Chariot: Is a two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse.The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile.Ziggurats are big and cool, but if it takes people 2 days to get there.WIth the chariot, people are able to get places much faster and do more things.

    Bricks are things made out of mud and straw.As a result of this invention, the people were able to build buildings that were very strong. Without this protection, they could get attacked by warriors, wild animals, or natural disasters.

  30. Irrigation: This is when you can control how much water your crops get. It is important o Mesopotamia because Mesopotamia is in the desert so rain fall was low and limited. With out Irrigation farmers would not do very good.

    Ziggurat :A Ziggurat is a symbolic structure that has had a long lasting impression. It gave the people of Mesopotamia s place to worship.

    Money:The people of Mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. During Mesopotamia, trading was a major method of getting something they wanted.

    Bricks: The people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings.As a result of this invention people were able to build buildings that were very strong.

    The Wheel: It appears to be a simple invention.The Wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in Mesopotamia.The Wheel made so many things easier.

    Chariot:The chariot allowed the people of Mesopotamia to be much more mobile.Irrigation is ok but there needs to be a quick way to get it to the storage bins.

  31. Irrigation: Irrigation gave the farmers the ability to control when and how much water their crops.

    Ziggurat: A pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. It's important because it was a symbol to the people to remind them that their is a powerful god to look up to.

    Code of Hammurabi: A set of 282 laws written by Babylonian King Hammurabi. It's important because without law things would go into chaos and people would steal, assault and kill.

    Brick: a hard; strong and durable block mixed with sun-dried mud and straw. It's important because it allows you to build strong houses or buildings for protection.

    Cuneiform/writing system: the first system in writing. It's important because people could record things, communicate, and keep track of things with writing.

    Rise of Kings: person who took control and helped them progress. It's important because they unite people and control the laws and make progress come.

  32. Brikes becaues brick can protect cropes from a strong stroms.

  33. the code of humurabi was a thing of 282 laws written by king hummurabi. there were bricks of straw and mud.the ziggurat was where you went and worship gods and goddeses.the chariot was where you could transport without walking.irragation was to grow crops and fertile the soil. the wheel was the one to help the cariot to get around.

  34. irrigation: Let farmers control how much water there crops got. It was improtant beacuse then there crops wouldnt died.

    Bricks: They used bricks to make buildings. It was improtant because,it protected them against the warriors.

    Chariot: Allowed people to be much more mobil. It was improtant because then the peoploe wouldnt have to haul crops by foot.

    Code of Hammuribi: It was a group of laws by King Hammurabi. It is important because then people wouldnt kill or assalt.

    ziggurat: It was a building used to worship gods. It was important because,it was a symbal for the people to believe it.

    Rise of Kings: It was the leader of Mesopatamia. It was important because someone took control.

  35. Irrigation is a great invention because you can control it. You can control how much the crops get. Without irrigation you would die. They control it by using sandbags and making a brirrer. You can use a wheel to get the crops back and fronth so people could live. Mesopatamia is located in the blazeing heat so they needed alot of water.

  36. I think that irragation is the best. Because you can control the crops. And how much they water they get. And they but sand bags around it so it is protected. And they alow the river to go threw. So they can eat.

  37. bricks becaues brickes can protect food from super bad super strong storms.

  38. Irrigation. It allowed the farmers to control how much they wanted there crops to get without having to wait for rain or flooding. It was important because then more crops would go and less would die.

    Bricks. They used them to build buildings. It helped because they were now protected and didnt have to worry about the weather as much.

    Chariot. It allowed the people of mesopotamia to travel quicker. It was important because they got to spend less time travleing and do more important things.

    Ziggurnaut. Its a pyramid shaped building that allowed the people to worship the gods. It was important because it was a symbol for the gods that they were important.

    Rise of Kings. They were leaders of the town. They were important because they got the people to be one big groop and work together.

    Money. It is a way to buy things. It is important because you now had a way of getting stuff without having to trade.

  39. irragation-irragation allowedfarmers to control when and how much water there crops got.

    Ziggurat- a ziggurate is a pyrmid shaped building used to worship the gods.

    rise of kings-the kings controld the people of mesopotamia and reinforced the laws

    the wheel- the wheel totally changed how people lived in mesopotamia because it made tranportation faster.

    epic of gilgamesh- it was the first book ever writen a civilization cant grow with reading or writing.

    chariot-the chariot is a great invention in mosopotamia because it allowed them to travel faster and fight wars safer. it is kinda like a wheelbarrel becaudsse it has 2 wheels and it carries food.

  40. Irragation - is importanat beacuse whith out it we would all die irragation means the people(farmers) were able to control the water that got to the crops

    Bricks is very important beacuse thats what they used to make the hanging gardens and ziggurats bricks are made out of mud and starw

    Chaoriot was also importatnt beacuse thats what they used to transport things to other places

    Ziggurat is a temple or building that they worshipd gods and goddeses in.

    wheels are impotant beacuse without wheels it would be a one hundred times harder to travel

    I think city-state is important beacuse with out it we would not have the inventios we have today beacuse city-state made us help each other and get things done faster whith out it we would all be weak.

  41. Irrigation waters peoples plants and crops.Irrigation allowed farmers to control. When how much water their crops get.Wheel the wheel helps chariots go faster the wheel changed peoples lives by transpertion. It helped the chariot go a lot faster.Money is a system to what they lacked. It helped the peop;e of mesopotamia
    to get what they wanted. Bricks the made brick from mud and straw It protecded the people from wild animls. Ziggurat a ziggurat is a pyrimad shaped building used to worsip gods. Now they can protect the people of mesopotamia from a enemy. Code of hammurabi it's a set of laws written down by king hammurabi without it people would steal,kill,choas. Those are my six events see ya.

  42. 1) irragation they used it to get water for the crops so they could make food.
    2) bricks they used bricks to build houses and people used mud and straw to make them.
    3) Ziggurat they used it to worship teh gods.
    4) rise of the kings, before they had no king there was no leadership and without leadership no progress can occur.
    5) money without money they could not by food or bricks to build houses.
    6) chariot without chariot they would not be able to get to places as fast.

  43. Irrigation:
    Irrigation was crucial to the survival of Mesopatamia (do I have to caps it?) it allowed them to get water from the Euraphrates (or Tigris) river and water there crops

    Chariot: Walking to places was so long thats why the chariot was invented it allowed them to be more mobile it had 2 wheels and was pulled by a horse

    Money: Today money is used as the main currency of the world it is used to purchase goods

    Wheel: this changed how everything worked without it the chariot would not work and you would have to carry items to and fro

    Today bricks are still used to construct buildings across the world but orrigannally they were made of straw and mud now they are made of stone or ciment I believe

    Code of Hammurabi:
    The king of Babylon Hammurabi (at first it thought (and I still like to say) ham-urabi) It was a set of laws it is a good thing that this happened other wise the world would be in flames!!

  44. Irrigation:
    Irrigation was crucial to the survival of Mesopatamia (do I have to caps it?) it allowed them to get water from the Euraphrates (or Tigris) river and water there crops

    Chariot: Walking to places was so long thats why the chariot was invented it allowed them to be more mobile it had 2 wheels and was pulled by a horse

    Money: Today money is used as the main currency of the world it is used to purchase goods

    Wheel: this changed how everything worked without it the chariot would not work and you would have to carry items to and fro

    Today bricks are still used to construct buildings across the world but orrigannally they were made of straw and mud now they are made of stone or ciment I believe

    Code of Hammurabi:
    The king of Babylon Hammurabi (at first it thought (and I still like to say) ham-urabi) It was a set of laws it is a good thing that this happened other wise the world would be in flames!!

  45. Irrigation:
    Irrigation was crucial to the survival of Mesopatamia (do I have to caps it?) it allowed them to get water from the Euraphrates (or Tigris) river and water there crops

    Chariot: Walking to places was so long thats why the chariot was invented it allowed them to be more mobile it had 2 wheels and was pulled by a horse

    Money: Today money is used as the main currency of the world it is used to purchase goods

    Wheel: this changed how everything worked without it the chariot would not work and you would have to carry items to and fro

    Today bricks are still used to construct buildings across the world but orrigannally they were made of straw and mud now they are made of stone or ciment I believe

    Code of Hammurabi:
    The king of Babylon Hammurabi (at first it thought (and I still like to say) ham-urabi) It was a set of laws it is a good thing that this happened other wise the world would be in flames!!

  46. code of Hammurabi-this was a set of 282 laws people had to obey them or face consequences.

    bricks-it's what people used to make buildings out of.They're mad of dried mud.

    cunieuform-Their writing system.Without it we whould have no record of the past.

    Money-It's what people use to buy stuff.It's important because it what was used to buy things instead of trading and running out of things.

    the wheel-A round thing to get to places.Without it people couldn't get to places fast so the food could spoil.

    rise of city-states-was where people lived. People would work together to make things making a lot of progress.

  47. Irragation it's where people can control the amount of water that crops are getting. It was important because if the wate didn't flood oce the soil wouldnt be fertile but if it did and ruined the crops they would most likely die of starvation or disease.

    Rise of kings it was when the kings came up and made decisions. If they woulden't of come up they wouldn't have an organized method of writing, building, farming, and law.

    Ziggurat it was a building made for worshiping gods. If there was never a ziggurat there would be no place to worship and that's a big part in creating a civilization.

    Hanging gardens it was a garden built by Nebacnezzer for his was important to make a queen feel at home so he made it to make his wife at home.

    City-State it was a big group of people who had a permanant home. It was important becasue the could rely one more than just animals because thats wat they relied on most.

    Bricks it is a block of mud water and sticks used for building. It was important because it made homes for people gaurded crops from animals and was used for almost all buildings.

  48. Irragation was extremly important because they needed it for living and for food for survival.

    Bricks was for building the buildings in Mesopatamia so they would have a home.

    Chariot the chariot allwowed the people to be much more mobile.

    Code of Hammurabi is one of the most important the code of Hammibri is a set of 282 laws.

    Rise of Kings never before in the world were there Kings until Mesopotamis rose.

    Devolempt of writing without question there was no writing

  49. Irrigation: Waters plants to eat & for farming

    Bricks: you make them by takeing mud & sraws put them together in a rectangular prism shape then let dry in sun

    Wheel: used for transporting thing somewhere or to go somewhere

    Cuneiform:a type of writing system

    money: paper used to buy/trade for goods

    Code of Hammurabi:this was the laws that they used in Mesopotamia

  50. One thing is money. Money is how the people in the city states bought the things they needed
    another things is the rise of kings the kings were the people that made the laws. aonther is irrigation is how people know how much to feed the crops without irrigation people would die.another is cuniform this is the fist writing system. another is bricks bricks are what people built there house out of.

  51. Irrigation - It hlps you control how much water your crops got. It made our crops better so we didnt starve.

    Money - Something you use to buy things. Without this no one would work and we would become extinct from jobs not getting done that need to be.

    Bricks - Big dried rectangular clay, with straw in it. It was used to make buildings, The hanging gardens, and a Ziggurat.

    Cuneform - It is the writing system of Mesopotamia. It was used to write Epic of Gilgamesh and laws. It was the main reason why we write today.

    Epic of Gilgamesh - The first book ever written. It enspired people 4,000 years ago to write more books and over the years we have made books better.

    Code of Hammurabi - It is a set of over 282 Laws written by King Hammurabi. Without laws this world would not be civilized. We would run around sceaming,"die people I really dont like" and shot them a million times.

  52. irriagation-controled when how much water their crops got. Without irrigation the crops would die in the blazing heat of the area. Irrigation allowed people of Mesopotamia to control flooding. Money wouldn't matter, if there's no crops, people die.
    Bricks- were made for buildings. They were made out of mud and straw. Then they would let them dry in the scorching sun. it was also to protect themselves.
    Chariots- made the people of Mesopotamia more mobile. This event was a huge step to making a civilization.Plus it helped them move from place to place.
    -Code of Hammurabi. Just to start of, what would it be like to have no laws. You might be thinking "Yes!" but think hoe dangerous that would be. Back to the Code of Hammurabi there were 282 laws written by king Hammurabi.
    -Ziggurat.A ziggurat is a huge think in Mesopotamia because that is where they worshiped. Also in battle they could see their enemy. They believed the most powerful gods was in they sky.
    Writing System- ok, just think about if we didn't have a writing system. if not i wouldn't be writing this.Also no books or anything that has to do with writhing. Plus if it wasn't for a writhing system there wouldn't be the Code of Hammurabi.

  53. Irragation:Without it there would be no crops and if there were no crops there was no food so everybody would be dead in a matter of days.
    Bricks: Meso people created a new way to build by developing brick and bricks are important because without it no one would have a home.
    money: It's important because people didn't want to trade everything they had just to get something.
    Wheel: it devoloped a new transpertation way.
    Cuneiform: without writting archeologists would have to dig up even more artifacts and we would not have made all the stuff we have today.
    Code of Hamm.: a set of laws that kept people in order.

  54. Bricks bricks were used to buil houses in mesopotamia. They were a really could product because they could construct them by hand to make these bricks, the people used mud and straw. They would mix these two ingredients together and let them dry in the scorching sun.

    Chariot the chariot was really important because it made traveling faster oan it would be a lot more usefull in a war.

    Code of Hammurabi was important because they were the laws of the land and without these laws there would be no rules and people could do anything they wanted to do and they would probably target the rich.

    Money is important because if we didnt have money we would not be able to live the life style we want because it would cost money well probable not because then we would figure out something else to have in stead but any way we wouldnt be able to buy anything because we would not have any money.

    Irragation I think is the most impaotant because if we didnt have irrigation we would not have very many fresh food and we would probably have no food at all, what they did for irrrigation is they dug ditches in the sand that controlled how much water got to the plants so they would not get flooded out.

    The Wheel I think they wheel is impaortant because if we didnt have wheels we would have to walk places like if we wanted to go to sioux falls instead of only 20 minutes it would probaley take 2 to 3 hours if that and it makes transporting things easier like a wheel barrow.

  55. Irragation- allowed when and how much water the crop get. Meso. was in the dessert so there werent really any other food sorce and there wasnt really any water.

    Code of Hammurabi-a set of 282 laws.The civilization needed laws other wise Meso. would be a dangerous place.

    Rise of Kings-A king is a leader. the king would allow certain things to happen so there wouldnt be anything bad going on.

    Writing System- Learned how to write. With out this there wouldnt be ant records and it allowed people to develop a complex and organized civilization.

    Epic of Gilgamesh-First book written. Peopleof Meso. could tell stories, record history,and it set the world on a path of reading and learning.

    The Wheel-a ting thats go round haha! Easier for farmeres to transport crops to barrels and let it spoil so easy.

  56. The code of hammurabi is a seires of rules made by king Hammurabi peole must obey the rules or be punished. It is important because if they didn't have any rules people would steal stuff with out consequnce.

    Irragation is what farmes used to control when and how much water the plants get. People dug ditches to where they wanted the water to go. They had sand bags to block the water when ther didn't need it. Irrigation is important because if you didn't have irrigation the crops would die then the people would die of starvation.

    Bricks are an object that helps us build thing they were made out of mud and straw. they are also called sun dried bricks. they are important because wiht out them we would more than likely be cold.

    The ziggurat is a pyrimid like building that is used for worship. the ziggurat is important because it is a quiet place to worship the gods.

    Money is a system to buy stuff that you don't have. most people in mesopotamia just traded stuff so I don't think money was very important back then.

    the wheel is a round thing that helps get us from place to place. I think that the wheel is important becauce it makes life easyer.

  57. Irrigation: It allowed farmers to control when and how much water crops get. This was important to Mesopotamia because Mesopotamia was located in a desert so they didn't get much water.

    Bricks: It allowed people to build building. It is important to Mesopotamia because they didn't have very good building to protect them from the heat.

    Chariot: It was a two wheeled cart pulled by a horse. It was important to Mesopotamia because it allowed them to move around faster and easier.

    Ziggurat: It is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. It is important to Mesopotamia because it gave the people of Mesopotamia a place to worship.

    Money: It is a system to get what they lacked. It was important to Mesopotamia because before money you had to give up something to eat and buy things.

    The wheel: A rond wooden thing used to move crops. It is important to Mesopotamia because it allowed people to transport their crops.

  58. I did irrigation. Irrigation controls how much water you crops get. It helped them because when the Tigris and the Euphrates river would overflow irrigation would help the water from ruining the crops.

    I also did Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written by Babylonian king Hammurabi. It would help them because they would have to obey laws and face consequences.

    Another thing i did was the Ziggurat. The Ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship gods. It gave the mesopotamia people a place to worship and took a major step into civilization.

    Also I did the Development of Writing. It was a major event not only in Mesopotamia but the world. It helped archaeologists study what happened in Mesopotamia.

    Another thing i did was the the wheel. It was something they would help use to transport stuff. It would also help farmers transport their crops.

    The last the thing i did was the Hanging Gardens. It is a garden built for the queen. King Nebuchadnezzar built this for his wife to have a private terraced garden to enjoy.

  59. Bricks are most important because with out we cant have shelter or any place to get out of the heat, wind, and sand.
    Cuneiform is important because you with out you have to get by on grunts and hand motion.
    Wheel is also important because with out you cant get around.
    Chariot is important because you need a veical to get around.
    Money is also important because it was easy to get aposed to objects.
    Irrigation is important because with out you cant farm.

  60. the rise of kings: it was important because. if there wasn't a king the laws wouldn't be enforced therefore people would do whatever they wanted.

    the epic of Gilgamesh this was the first book ever writen. it helped us learn about how Mesopotamia was long ago.

    the ziggurat: this was very important for the people of Mesopotamia. because they had somewhere to worship,and find a new king.

    bricks: the people of Mesopotamia needed this to build their houses. these were also needed to build storage sheds for their crops.

    code of Hammurabi: the code of Hammurabi was very important because it was a set of laws that people needed to follow so they don't have a punishment by execution.

    chariot: this was needed mainly for farmers who needed to get their crops back to the storage shed before they died.

  61. IRRIGATION:TO WATER CROPS HOW YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT.I THINK IRRIGATION IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE WITHOUT IRRIGATION YOU WOULDNT HAVE CROPS AND YOU NEED WATER TO SURVIVE.CITY-STATE:A LARGE OR IMPORTANT TOWN OR STATE.I THINK A CITY-STATE IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE YOU NEED TO HAVE SOME WHERE TO LIVE.CHARIOT:A WHEELWD CART PULLED BY A HORSE. I THINK A CHARIOT IS IMPRTANT BECAUSE WITH THIS TOOL YOU WOULD WALK FOR HOURS AND WITH THISTOOL YOU CAN GET CROPS AROUND BEFORE THEY SPOIL.MONEY:A GREEN PIECE OF PAPER OR A CIRCULAR COIN THAT IS USED TO BUY.MONEY IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE PEOPLE IN Mesopatamia didnt hsve sny thing to trade.brick:a piece of dried up clayish piece of mud.bricks are important because you need bricks to build such as houses,ziggurats,kingdoms,and dungeons.cuneiform:a type of writng in mesopatamia.cuneform is important cause if we didnt have it we would not be able to write or read.Zigguray:a ziggurat is a big kingdom made of brick to worship.i think that zuggurats are important because you can get closer to gods you want to worship.epic of gilgemesh:the first book ever writin in the world .ts important because if that book was not invented we wouldnt know what a book was.wheel:a circular shape that rolls on the bottom of something like a chariot.i think its important because we would have to walkeverywere and would not have cars today.code of hammurabi:a knife made up by the king.i think its important becausewhen you need to protect your self with it.hanging garden:a garden that worships the queen. i think its important because it makes the queen feel good about herrself.

  62. First is irrigation, without irrigation there will be no water for the plants, and we will die. Money, becuse today we will trade evry thing if we did not have money. Weel becuse with out it, are cars will not move and possibly not even get invented.Now chariot, chariots are the cars of the past.Bricks are the materials they used to build houses.Last we have ziggurat, ziggurat is ware Mesopotamia people wership the gods.

  63. I think that irrigation bricks chariot code of hammurabi ziggurat and the Wheel are important. irragation is how they would grow food and contral water.And the bricks were important because the would build houses out of them to protect them when harsh weatheer came. the chariot would make thing go faste and to transfer thing easly. A ziggerate is an immportat because it were people can do religens. And the code of hummbia is very immportant that was making it so people could not kill steal and go crazy. and the wheel made transportation go really fast.

  64. Charoit: Helped people farm,trans port stuff,helped them win wars.
    Irrigation:With out irrigation people would starve and die.
    City-State:It means that civilation really starded to grow.
    Money: People could'nt trade or buy things.
    Rise Of Kings:With out kings their would be no laws or police people would do stupid things and people could not stop them.
    Bricks: With out bricks people would not have homes and if the river flooed the houses would be destroyed.
    Cuneiform: With out cuneiform their would be no writing.
    Ziggurat: Where people go to praise.
    Epic of gil: First book ever written.
    Wheel: People could not use charoits if they did not have wheels.
    Code of Hammi: laws written by King Hammi. Wich included 282 laws.
    Hanging Gardens: Were built by king nebuchadnezzar so that the queen and him could have a lovely private terrace.

  65. Ryleigh period3

    - The people of Mesopotamia developed a new way to construct buildings. People would be able to build buildings and live in them.
    - A ziggurat is a pyrimad building that is for worshiping. People would go and worship and praise gods.
    Rise of Kings
    - There were no kings until Mesopotamia came. If there were no kings people wouldn't have a good life.
    Code of Hammurabi
    - Code of Hammurabi were laws and there were 282 of them. If they didn't follow the laws they would get punished in a bad way.
    - Irrigation is where people would plant crops and water them. If there was no irrigation there would be no food.
    - The chariot is important because it allowed people to get around easier. If they didn't have chariots people would have to walk and it would be harder because they had to carry a lot of stuff.

  66. Irrigation: Was a major part of Mesopatamia because they were in the desert and they could not get wayer to their crops.

    Code of Hammurabi: Without laws everyone would be killing,robbing, ect.

    Chariot: This allowed people to move faster.Without it the crops would die because they could not get the crops to bins quicker therefor killing the crops.

    Writing: Without this how would we keep our records or teach.(We would be just as bad as the Stone Age.)

    Ziggurat: This is what the people believed that this was a place of sancuary,where they worshiped.

    The rise of kings:Without kings they would not have been able to keep laws for the king made the law.

  67. 1. Irrigation: This is the way that people watered the crops. It was important because this is what ket the crops (and the people) alive. Before irrigation the crops would ether get too much, or not enough water.

    2. Bricks: the bricks were made of mod and straw. They use bricks for the important matter of building houses and buildings. With bricks the poeple of Mesopotamia had protection.

    3. The Code of Hammurabi: It is a set of 282 laws for the people of Mesopotamia. It was super important because without laws it would be chaos. People would always be sealing stuff and hurting each other.

    4. Ziggurat: It was a huge, tall building that people gathered in. A ziggurat was a place where people went to worsheph. It was also used for pretection.

    5. Development of a Writing System: The writing system that the people of Mesopotamia was Cuneiform. This was important because without it we would have no records or information from this time period.

    6. Hanging gardens: The Hanging Gardens were said to be 400 feet wide and 400 feet long and 80 feet high. King Nebuchadnzzar built it for the queen, his wife. It was t make her feel less homesick.

  68. I think, "irrigation", irrigation is the amount of water being tansfered to the crops. This event is important because the crops fed people and without irrigation, you may die. "Ziggurat", a ziggurat is a place built to worship gods. This event is important because, it can be used to watch for enemies or armies trying to attack them. "chariot", a chariot is what they used to haul things around and to get to places. This event is important because, it helps to get places faster and saves people time. "Bricks", bricks are mud placed inbetween the stones to make bricks. This event is important because, they use the bricks to make houses, it makes the houses safe and sturdy. "Wheel", the wheel is attached to the carriot, and they charriot carries things around. This event is important because it hauls crops around and makes it easier to travel and to get work done. "Development of writing system" the writing system helps archaeologists study the artifacts from the past. It's really helpful otherwise we woundn't know anything from the past. This event is important because then the people of Mesopotamia develope a complex and organized civilization.

  69. Cuneiform: the Mesopotamia form of writing. It was the first writen language.

    Ziggurat: where people of Mesopotamia worshiped gods. It gave people the freedom of religion.

    Irrigation: how people in Mesopotamia water their crops. This helped have more food for the year.

    Wheel: a cirlular device used to move things. This was used on karts to move in the harvested crops.

    City-State: where people in Mesopotamia lived. This was better than the stone age because people were better procted.

    Hanging Gardens: what King Nebuchadnezzar gave his wife. It made the Queen very happy. They were 320 feet tall!!!

  70. 8auch anthony (Bear)October 18, 2012 at 9:02 PM

    Irragation: It was important to Mesopotamis because it help make sure the crops grew so people had food to eat
    Code of Hammurabi: Was important because it was the first laws estabulished.
    Thw Wheel: it was important because it was a huge advancement in transportation.
    Rise of City state: i belive it was important because you needed people with high authority to function a civilization.
    Money: in the dessert it was hard to find things to trade that had vaule so money was invented so now you can buy things.
    The brick:the first houses were mad out of bricks made a better home than fur tents in the stone age.

  71. Rise of Kings: The rise of kings is important because without the rise of kings no progress would not have been made and most things wouldnt have been invented. Everyone would only be worrying about survivel.
    Irrigation: Irrigation is being able to control how much water the crops would get. They would dig ditches from the river to crops so during the drout they could open it up so the crop get water.
    Code of Hammurabi: The code of hammurabi is the set of laws written by king hammurabi. The laws controled the people so it wasnt so crazy. The laws were very harsh if not obeyed.
    Develofment of writing: It is pretty much just writing. Without writing we wouldnt have a way of recording things. Well we might but it would be way more confusing.
    Money: Money is very important and obviously it was a good idea since it is still used today. Without money it would not be as efficient because we would always have to have something to trade it would be much more confusing.
    Wheel: The wheel is very important because it is the main thing we use for transportation. Without the wheel it would be really hard because you would be walking every where and you would be very tired.

  72. Money- in steed of trading thing you can buy it, it is important because without it you would have to trade everything.
    Bricks- mud made and sun dried, without bricks people could steel a lot of things easier.
    Irrigation-a way to control how much water your crops get, if they did not invent it then they would have no food so they would all die.
    Wheel- a circler thing under carts to make them go faster, if we did not have the wheel we would have to walk everywhere.
    Cuneiform-the first writing, we would not be able to learn about the past.
    Ziggurat- a tall place for worship, it is important because we would not have the same religion as we do today.

  73. i think chaoit beaceus were are you going to farm

  74. chariot alows oesole to be more moable.

    monye makes it so you can buy sumthing without trade.

    bricks give portetin to you by bilding a house.

    irrigation is so you can con troll how much water your water your crops get.

  75. I thought that everyone did a good job on presenting there poster and explaing, so that everyone could understand them.

  76. I think that the city-state was most important because without a city-state we would just be wandering around with no home or city-state to live in.

  77. Irrigaton: controls how much water your crops get.
    Chariot:to carry heavy things.
    Money:buy things with money.
    Bricks:they use bricks to build buildings.
    Cuneiform:It was what there writing was called in mesoptamia.
    Wheel: used to put on chariots or bikes so they will go.

  78. Ziggurat-the place of worship-were mesopatamians went to worship

    chariot-a wheeled cart pulled by horeses-helps produce crops

    wheel-rounded wood piece-used for help of tranportation

    city/state-civilization-were people lived and helped one another

    code of hammburambi-set of 282 laws-helped mesopatamian devalope life better

    irrigation-dug out ditch that helped water level-helped crops grow and develope

  79. Code of Hammurabi,All of the writing was writen down by the King of Hammurabi. It was important cause all the people in Mesopatamia it brought order and stability to there civilization.
    Irragation was important cause we needed crops watered to survive. Brick helps us to build houses to keep save. We use chareiots to help us get to another place to another. Money was important so we can by food to also survive. Wheel helps us move around, we also need it for the chariot so we can move again.

  80. A two wheeled cart pulled by a horse is a Chariot. This was important to the people because it made them go faster to places. Bricks are to build strong houses for people. They are much more important instead of money because you can make bricks. The wheel is the spinning thing on your charoits. It allows you to go anywhere your going.

  81. Irrigation helped the people control when and where they wanted the water to go. Bricks helped the mesopotamians build strong and sturdy buildings. Cuneiform helped by letting the people communicate. The Cod of Hammurabi helped the people be safer and in less danger.
    Ziggurat's let the people have a place to worship the gods. The wheel helped the people with transportation which soon invented the chariot.

  82. Irragation was a very important part of the mesopatamia people many people died of starvation everyday because the was no food!!!
    Bricks were needed as well because they helped people from getting robed or to store thier food.
    Code of Hammurabi was laws that were written out and were inforced by the kings.
    rise of kings were needed because without them people wouldnt follow the laaws because there would be know one to inforce them and they wouldnt get into trouble.
    ziiguart was a place to worship gods and to have freedom of what you believe.
    cunnieform was a system of writing and without that no one would have proof of what they did.

  83. irrigation is inportant because u need food. briks are inportant because u need protection.

  84. bricks: i think bricks are important because you would not have a home without them.
    irrigation: i think irrigation is important because without it the whole mankind could of ended.
    wheel:i think the wheel is important because without it we would be stuck walking evry where.
    ziggurat: the ziggurat helped them see if an enemy was comeing.

  85. Irrigation: sytem of water that helped the crops.
    Rise of Kings: How we got our laws.
    Bricks: What we made our Buildings out of.
    Ziggurat: Place where the Mesopatamians prayed and did religion.

  86. I think the six most important inventions from Messopotamia are these.

    Wheel-Without it there would be no way to transport things and people. There would be no car, airplane, bike, or motorcycle.

    Irrigation-Without it there would be no way to control how much water our crops get.

    Code of Hammurbi- With out it there would be no laws and people would go crazy.

    Bricks- Without them our houses and buildings would not be as strong and could be easily damaged.

    City-State-Without it we would not have formed our states and cities and would not have some of our own laws.

    Epic of Gilgamesh- Without it we would not have started writing books.

  87. irrigation because if there wasent crops we could not live

  88. Rise of kings with out a king who will make las. city-state with out citys where are we gowing to live. mony with out mony how are we spose to buy stuf.

  89. Irrigation is my first event. I know this was important because we would die because irrigation was when the crops would get almost a perfect amount. The second event is cuneiform. Cuneiform is the first form of writing in Mespotamia. The third event is the wheel. The wheel is a round shaped object that can spin and was used on chariots. The fourth event was a ziggurat. The ziggurat is a very, very tall building used to worship the gods. The fifth event is the hanging gardens. The hanging garden is a garden that gives the mespotanians hope or creativity. BTW, it was used for the king's wife. The sixth event is Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book made in mespotamia.

  90. 1irrigation a system of how much water gets to your crops.
    2Bricks a straw and mud block to bulid house.
    3cuneiform tthe writind in mesopitamia.
    4ziggurt a place to workship gods.
    5epic of gilgamesh the frist book.
    6wheel made transport easry.

  91. irrigation
    city state
    rise of kings
    code of hammurabi
    all of these are very impotent like irrigation saved our lifes. city state made a lot of people stayed together. rise of kings

  92. Irrigation: is important because without irrigation crops wouldnt get planted and there would be no water.
    Code of Hammurabi:without the code of hammurabi there would be no laws everyone would just do whatever they liked and everything would be all over the place.
    Rise of Kings: without kings no one would no what to do and there wouldnt be any city states because no body would have told people to form one.
    Ziggurat:ziggurats are important because without them people wouldnt have somewhere to worship who they want and they wouldnt know what was coming because the gods wouldnt have told them.

  93. irrigation was very imporant to surive the harsh conditions of Mesosopotamia.

    Bricks were in my case the most important because it was used to build almost everything back then and was used to write on

    developmemt of writing system was important to keep records of earlier times and such

    money was and is important to make a easier was to bye and sell goods so you dont have to give up to get

    wheel was important to make travling easier

    rise of kings was important to make everything more orrganied

  94. Irragation allowed farmers to control how much water there crops get. without irrigation every body would die of starveation. Bricks bricks are mostly made out of staaw and mud. without bricks there would mot be any houses or protection for the people. charoit the charoit is a wheeled cart pulled by a horse. Without a charoit people would not be able to travle fast. code of hammurabi the code of hammurabi is a set of 282 laws. without the code of hammurabi people would go around an kill each other. Cuneiform cuneiform is a writing system. without cuneiform there would be no books. City-states City-states are when a bunch of people working together and work together to make invetions. Without City-states there would not be great inventions like the wheel.

  95. 1. Irrigation is one the most important events because it can allow people of Mesopotamia to control the flow of water to and from their crops. Without this people of Mesopotamia would starve without good food that irrigation allows crops to be.
    2. Bricks are also important allowing people to live in safe structures. Bricks are made out of sturdy mud and straw. Without these strong structures of bricks people could get attacked by animals or natural disasters.
    3. I think a chariot is important as well. People of Mesopotamia had irrigation to make crops. If the farms were far away from the city-state people would have to carry all the crops back and forth. With a chariot people could take it all in one load. Without a quick way to the storage bins most of the crops would go to waste.
    4. The Wheel: The wheel changed how people of Mesopotamia Carried or moved things. It allowed people to transport crops from the farm back to the city. This made traveling a lot easier for the people of Mesopotamia.
    5. Code of Hammurabi: the Code of Hammurabi is very important because without these 282 laws people would have no consequence in what they did. The World would be insane without this.
    6. Ziggurat: A Ziggurat is a place where people of Mesopotamia used to worship the gods they believed in. They built it very high to be as close as they could to the sky because the main god that they believed in was believed to be in the sky.

  96. a Ziggurat is the place people went to worship gods. This was important to the people because it gave them a place to worship. without the Ziggurat it would be easier for the enemy to advance.

    The wheel is a round thing that made travel alot easier. It was important because it made so many more things possible. The wheel totaly changed how people lived.

    Money was a system of value that people got what they lacked with. It is important because trading got to the point where you couldn't trade anything and thats when money stepped in. It helped poor people who had nothing to give up but money.

    Bricks were what they used to build buildings. It is important because they had nothing to build buildings with but bricks. It helped people by giving them something to build there houses with.

    A Chariot is a two wheeled cart pulled by a horse. It is important because it made travel a lot easier. it helped people by making them much more mobile.

    Irregation is a system that you could controle how much water your crops get. It is important because it made them get a lot more crops. It helped people not starve.

  97. Irrigation: Is when you can determan how munch water gets to the crops. be couse if they did get water or they got a lot of water all the crops will die

    City State: Is where people live in a nice soicty
    All the people live in the soicty and they all vote what gose on not just one person

    Code of Hammirabi: where the king hammirabi mad a bunch of laws.
    So if there where no laws people would kill and they cant get in trouble

    Wheel: A thing that roles around and it make travoing easer
    If they dident have a will we would ent have cars and stuff so we would have to walk every ware

    Epic of Gilgamesh: The first book ever made of found.
    If the book dident exist we proply wouldent have any books.

    Money: It is a thing that you can use to buy stuff in sted of traid stuff.
    If you dident have money how could you buy things and if there where not money you couldent traid for it couse you can buy stuff.

  98. Irrigation: It is controlling when and how much water crops get. It is important because a lot more people didn't starve.

    Bricks: It is mud and straw mixed together and made into a rectangle shape. It helped build houses and protect people.

    Wheel: It is a circle shape. It helps with transportation.

    Code of Hammurabi: It is the laws. Without it things would be ruined.

    Chariot: It is a cart or wagon pulled by horses. It helps people get to places faster.

    Money: It is coins made out of clay. People use money instead of trading.

  99. 1.Irrigation,was extreamly important invention for people of mesopetamia, It let the farmer control how much water there crops get.
    2.The wheel it appears to be such a simply invention the wheel totally changed how people lived and worked in mesopotamia,the wheel made every thing easier to go places faster.
    3. Rise of Kings Never before in the world were there Kings until Mesopotamia rose.Before mesopotamia people had no organization, no structure and no leader. The Rise of Kings is important because the kings got the city organized.
    4.Money.The people of mesopotamia started a system of money to get what they lacked. Money was important because it gets us what we need faster.
    5. Development of writing system of a writing system was major event in not only history but of the world. The system of writing helps us comunicate with each other.
    6. Bricks, the people of mesopotamia developed a new way to construct bildings with bricks. The Bricks are important because they give us a protective home or school.

  100. 1. Irrigation- allowed farmers to control when and how much water their crops got. Irrigation was important because it created fertile soil for the crops to grow.
    2. Bricks-square shaped object made up of mud and straw. Bricks were important because they were used to build houses and ziggurats. Without bricks, nobody would have a safe place to stay.
    3. Chariot- two wheeled cart that is pulled by a horse. This allowed people a form of transportation.
    4. Ziggurat- pyramid-shaped building used to worship the Gods. It was used as a watch-tower against enemy forces and it's height brought the people closer to the Gods of the sky.
    5. Money- used as a means buying needed materils instead of bartering. It gave people buying power without having to give up other needed items.
    6. The Wheel- it was an invention that allowed for the advancement of technology and civilization.

  101. I think irrigation because without it the people would die because pf starvation.

  102. The Ziggurat: It is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. It is a symbolic structure with a lasting impression for people of Mesopotamia. It was always the largest building so was used as a watch tower too.
    Rise of kings: People had no leadership until Mesopotamia had kings. These kings took control and helped progress civilization. Great things happen when people unite.
    Money: People started to use money to get what they lacked. Trading was only way to get something before Mesopotamia. Instead of giving up something, people could just buy it now. Money was a great invention because it is still very important today.

  103. Irrigation allowed farmers to controll how much water the crops got. I think it was important because people would starve to death.

    Code of hammurabi its a set of laws that were made by king Hammuabi. Its would be a crisis if there was no laws.

    Rise of Kings before kings there was no structure no organization or leader. If there was no kings nobody would get anything done.

    the Wheel help transport things. It was eaisier to move things from one place to the other.

    Chariot it allowed people to be more mobile. They can haul crops from one place to the other.

    Ziggurat used to worship the gods. It was to show the importance in their belifs.

  104. Irrigation- How you can control when and how much water the crops get.It was important to Mesopotamia cause the crops get to be fed and taken care of so that the people won't starve.

    Bricks- Helps people be safe and sound from storms and other stuff like that. The bricks were made out of mud and straw. They were bricks helped people make buildings and homes for the people.

    Code of Hammurabi- It has 282 laws written be the Babylonian King Hammurabi.This was very important to Mesopotamia cause without it there would be no laws so people would be crazy!

    Money- Before money was invented there was a system called trading and the people liked it but then they started to want more then what they had so the used money. Money is important cause they wouldn't have to give something of theirs away to get something else.

    Wheel- To get somewhere or a form of transportion to somewhere. It is very important cause that way they can get from place to place.

    Cuneiform- Was the way to communicate from person to person. It is very important cause money wouldn't be able to be invented.

  105. the code of hommaroni agfg the great turenifarm

  106. Irrigation

    Irrigation: Irrigation allowed farmers to control when and how much water they get to the crops. when snow melts in the north from the mountains of anatolia tigris and euphrates would over flow. the flood made fertile land to plant crops.

    Bricks:bricks are made out of mud and straw dried makes bricks. without bricks we would not have a good place to stay or a safe place to stay.

    Ziggurat: the Ziggurat is a building where they worship gods and goddesses. Its like churches that we have today. they built them high because they thought the highest they were the closest they were to there gods and goddesses.

    Money: at first in mesopatamia the ways to get things was by trading but people started wanting things without having to trade things. the first type of money was made by the lydians during the mesopatamia. money is very important.

    Wheel: Wheels are very important we use them every day. they were made to carry things around more fast. and to travel there would be no chariots without wheels. wheels are very important.

    City-state: this was a big change for the people. when they started having city-states the civilization really started to grow and prosper. after this people didnt have to wonder around the world to find animals to hunt for food. in the city-states everybody worked together and they all had a different roll some were priests some people were herders some people are farmers. without city-states we would all just be wondering around the world looking for food.

  107. Chariot: the chariot was important because it made it easier for the people of Mesopotamia to get around easier.
    Brick: bricks are important because they made it so people could make buildings easier since there was a lot of mud and straw .

  108. Irrigation-IT helped the farmers get water to there crops.
    Bricks-IT helped the people build there buildings.
    code of hammurabi-IT helped keep the people safe.
    Chariot-Allowed people to move around faster.
    ziggurat-it was a place of worship.
    Money because it allowed people to buy things

  109. Irrigation you could control how much water the crops get. Money you could buy and sell without trade. Bricks help build things and they are vey strong. Chariot because it helped them get around way faster. Wheel it spins and it also helps you get around faster. Code of Homerobi there are 282 laws and I wonder what it would be like.

  110. Irrigation:flood ditches Bricks:to cunstruct buildings.Chariot:to transport crops.Ziggurat:to worship.Money:to buy and not trade. Wheel:to work the chariot.

  111. Money: Mesopotamia, trading was a major method in getting something that you wanted.
    Writting system: Their development of Cuneiform resulted in things being written down
    ziggaurat: A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped building used to worship the gods. This building is a symbolic structure that has had a lasting impression.
    bricks:Without this protection, they could get attacked by warriors, wild animals, or natural disasters.
    Code of hammurabi: The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 laws that were written down by Babylonian King Hammurabi.
    irragation: Without irrigation, the crops would due in the blazing heat of the area

  112. irragation- because that thats how crops got as much water as they need

    Chariot- because thats how people and food went from place to place

    Epip of gilgamesh- because that was the frist book ever made

    Code of hammerabi-because that is the book of laws

    ziggurt- building that they used o worship the gods

    writing- because it was a way so people can connect and learn

  113. irrigation controlled how much water there crops got
    bicks help people build homes and houes and kings home.
    chariot allowed people to get places farther and faster.
    code of hammurabi was the laws that hammurabi made up.
    ziggurat where people worships there gods.
    rise of kings were kings are leaders and lead the town

  114. Irragation because it helped are crops, wheel becase it made transportaion faster, cuneiform because it made the first book, code of Hammirobi because it was the first set of laws, rise of kings because kings organised the peaple.

  115. 1 Irrigation- This is when to control how much water the crops get. 2 Ziggurat- This is where you go to worship. 3 Chariot- They used this to get around faster. 4 Money- It was used to buy things to use. 5 Wheel- Was to put on chariot so it can move. 6 Writing- Because it has opened a world of communication.

  116. 1. Irrigation- Irrigation is important because it helped the crops grow and without the crops they would starve.

    2. Rise of Kings- The kings brought order and civivization to the world and if they hadnt made the civilization we might not have been here today.

    3. Wheel- The wheel brought chariots and cars, if they did not come up with the wheel we might be still riding hourseback today!

    4.cuneiform- Cuneiform is important because without writing there would be no way to get information other than people telling you, so there would be no entertaining books and no internet wich also would mean no Water For 6th Grade!!!

    5.Money- Money actualy made a real worth of a item before that someone could trade someone else somthing double the worth hes getting

    6.Bricks- Bricks were very very cheap building materials and it was the most used building material in mesopotamia!

  117. People in Msopotamia were very good inventors they made irrigation, the wheel, city state and more. The main event is irrigation. wheel is the second.

  118. irrigation because if you didn't have irrigation you wouldn't have any food. WE NEED FOOD!
    bricks because it is how people made their houses.
    chariot because it was a way of getting around easy.
    code of hamuribi because if they didn't have laws it wouldn't be safe.
    ziggurat because then they could worship their god/gods.
    rise of kings because they would have a way of leader ship and someone to make more laws.


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