
Monday, September 17, 2012

Why did Neadnerthals die out?

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the Neanderthals roamed the earth. The neanderthals were a species of human known as Homo Neanderthalis. These neanderthals had a distinct, drastically different look to them than Homo Sapiens, known as Human beings (like us). As you look around you, do you see any neanderthals? No, you don't. All the neanderthals died out. So, why is that? In class, we will be analyzing the question of "Why did the Neanderthals die out?" Since no books were written from the time of neanderthals, archaeologists need to study artifacts (bones, campires, etc) to try to answer that question and figure out why neanderthals died out. We will be looking at 3 possible theories (or guesses) on why the neanderthals died out. 

The 3 Theories 
1. Ousted by Humans 
2. Defeated by Climate 
3. Violent End 
 Task: After reading through all three possible theories in your article on why the neanderthals may have died out, post a comment with what you think happened. Be sure to include why you picked that particular theory. 
  Example Comment: "Ousted by Humans" I think this because....(go on to explain why you think that by stating TWO specific details that support your claim. 

DUE: Friday, September 21st, 2012. Midnight. 


  1. Ousted by Humans
    I think this because it seems the most realistic. It is very reasonable in many ways. Like how they improved shelter and clothing. That is god showing his love for people right there!!!!!!

  2. I think that it was deafeted by climent, because the neanderthals had a lot of fat and there bodys got to warm. They also ad there food disepere in the winter cause it was to cold or they hiber nated.

  3. I picked ousted by humans I think they died out they were not a that smart sometimes dumb. Also they did not have a food saftey net.They were mosly intelligent.Some of them didn't no to fight.They went to war.

  4. neanderthals coud have died out by the ciment changing because they could not hunt because they usally hide behind trees.

  5. "Defeated by climate"
    I think this because alot of animals died and when the animals died the neanderthals did not have enought meat to eat.

    the neanderthals could not run fast in the open land to catch food.

  6. outsted by humans i think they died out because maybe just like the dinosurs you know they got hit by a medroite i think thats what happednd to the neanderthals maybe like it hit them and blew out all of its kind.(in this case i have two theories). or maybe their was this HUGE war or something agenst two types of human well thats what i think what dose everone else think?????????

  7. I chose Ousted by Humans. I chose Ousted by Humans because it seems more realistic. Also, the humans had better resources such as, sewing needles, warm cloths, shelter, and better protection.

  8. neanderthals have big nose,teeth,jaw ,and ribs.we are learning about neanderthals alot this month by neanderthals i mean stonage.

  9. I think it is Defeated by climate.

    Because the neanderthals were used to the cold because of there thick skin and when the climate changed they weren't used to the heat so they got over heated and became extinct.

  10. i chose defeated by climate because of the severe flooding and the seasons. the neanderthals could not adapt to the winter.

  11. I think the neandrathals died from the violent end because of the spear mark in the rib in the article.

  12. a violent end, the bone found with the spear mark

  13. I think it was climate because they couldnt survive how the world changing.

  14. I think the human threw a spear at a neanderthl and then commoutied canniblisim and ate the nenderathal and i also belive the mark on his rib cage ids real to because els can make a mark that big. only a spear can do that kind of that mark on a rib. PEACE OUT

  15. I think that a violent end caused them to die.
    because how woud we be alive today.And it makes seens that they had no food.
    and they did not have right musules to throw an arow.

  16. my theory is violent end because like Mr klumper sed tere is a sper wound in the ribs and the neaderthalsdid not have the obity to throw a sper.

  17. I believe that they died out because of the climate because they didnt know how to live in cooler or hotter climates. They didnt know how to stay warm in the cold or how to stay cool in the warm. If it was hot the glaciers would melt and then there would be a flood and they couldnt survive. Otherrs might have died because of the switch to a treeless area where before they might have lived in a forest so the dont know how to survive.

  18. I am writing about Ousted by Humans. One thing that i know is that when the men are hunting the women amd children are planting.
    My second thing is that the men women and children only eat meat.

  19. the thing that i am writing about is ousted by humans. One thing is that when men are hunting the women amd children are planting. My second thing is that they only eat meat.

  20. theroy2 because its more likely that the climate would kill them than any other one.Because they just aren't really that vicious or something to be violent .And humans really weren't there at the time so far.

  21. Ousted by Humans *What i think*

    Well, I'm sure many people started to steal the Neanderthals resources. Then they started to go hungry and soon they all died because of us. And maybe since we were smarted (a lot smarted) we created weapons and just started killing them ourselves.

  22. I think they were exsticed by the violent war because the neanderthals did not know how to use spears and humans did so it gave them an advantage or they got so hungry that they killed each other

  23. I choose therio number 2 defeted by climate because early humans didint use up as many reasorces as neanerthals.

  24. Defeated by Climate I think because like us if it gets too hot or too cold crops don't grow; animals die and eventually the Neanderthals will as well.

    Also there could be less shade when it could get too hot and possibly less clothing to survive coldness.

  25. I think it would be Defeated by Climate. The neanderthals maybe ran out of water, and it was to hot, or it was to cold and the couldn't fined anything warmer than what they already have.

  26. I think they were defeated by they weather because there bodies were meant for colder tempretures and when things got hotter they died of Heat stroke.
    I also think they could have been ousted by humans because we had the ability to throw spears and because of their bulky bodies they couldn't so we wiped them out.

  27. i think that theory 2 Defeated by climate is the best chose because they had wider range of enverments. The animals that the Neanderthals hunted had died out and then they started to get skinneyer and did not have enogh energyto fill what they need.

  28. "defeated by climate". I picked this because the ice age was very cold for a very long time. Although the neanderthals had a broad and heavy body it further doomed them.

  29. "Ousted by Humans" I think this because the humans had a way better variety of food and the Neanderthals had a steady diet of meat. Men, women, and children all had to participate i hunts for food. Women and children looked for plents while men hunted. Neanderthals couldn't throw a spear straight.
    Humans also brought sewing needles with them and that helped them make better clothing and shelters.

  30. I think the biggest reason is defeated by climte, because they little clothing so they would freeze to death. Another would be their food supplies would plummet because of the harsh weather conditions. The last reason is they didn't have very good shelters that could block out these weather conditions.

  31. "Violent End" I think this because, it sounds violent like a fight might go on or they all got hungry and didn't survive.

  32. Ousted by Humans because humans are smarter and can through a spear.

  33. I think that neanderthals died out because of defeated by climate, none of the other ones really make sense. I think that they all froze to death or they couldn't find any thing to hunt because it was so cold.

  34. I would chose defeted by climate
    because they probably they did't have the cloth or matirials.

  35. I think a violent end, because there is evidence of a jawbone in a human ecampment, and also there was a spear thrown at a neanderthal by a human, because neanderthals didnt have that range of motion in their shoulders.

  36. Defeadted By Climate:I picked this because I thought it would be interesting. 1. The Neandrethals needed more food than us and thier thechniqes started to fail. 2.The glaicers melted causeing floods when the climate changed.

  37. "Violent End" I think this because of how deep the jaw can enter the flesh' and for how their was the possibillity of cannobilizum.

  38. I believe that defeated by climate is true. I believe this theory because the dramatic weather change;the weather was something neandrathals wern't used to so they eventually all died because of it.

  39. i believethey were oustd by humans because neanderthals brains were bigger than erly humans

  40. i think they died out because there were to many humans in the stoneage and thy kliied the neanderthals and did caniblisimm.
    they were probbly dafeated by the climate beause they had no propper clothing on there bodies.And on the violent end, Scientest have proof the humans did canniblsimm.

  41. I think it got realy cold and the Neananderthals went to caves and other shelter and resortted to eating each other.

  42. i think neaderthals died out by climate beacuse they had bad weather and the little clothes they had they might of freazed to death and the valcanos they had those might have kiled them also.

  43. I think that the Neandrathals died out beacause they couldn't adapt to cliatic changes. I don't think that they were smart enough to come up with a way to stay warm during the winter. I think that they didn't have enough food to keep thier massive bodies going through the winter.

  44. Defeated by Climate.
    I think the Neanderthals population was servely damaged from dramatic changes in the climate. For example, I think that Neanderthals were completely used to there normal tempurature, but when it gets extremely cold out of no where I don't think they would be ready. Also the packet says that some regions expericed extreme flooding, and I don't no how Neaderthals could survive one of a giant flood. I definetly believe in this theory.

  45. I think Neanderthals died because humans killed them they think that cause a Neanderthal dosent have proper shoulders to throw that spear into another Neanderthal.

  46. Ousted by humans I think this cause the early humans were smarter then them so they could do stuff Better stuff then them and they get all the food and meat.

  47. ousted by humans. I think this because humans lived on a much more diverse diet . humans had better clothes and shelter. humans kids lived because of this .

  48. I think it was deafeated by climate. when the glaciers start moving around and creating flat land it makes it easier for the humans to hunt but not the neanderthals. they are short and strong, usually strong people can't run fast. This is the case. When you can't eat you can't live.

  49. I think that it was the climate cause if they wanted to live on they wouldent kill each other. Lots of people die because of pnemonia and other illnesses. Humans dont kill others well most people dont.

  50. -Violent End- I think it's the violent end because there was many things of evidence in the packet, like the spear cutting a neanderthal's rib. I also think think that its a Violent End because the neanderthals only ate meat so they couldve ate other nearderthals meat.

  51. I think they got Defeted by climate, because if it got cold they all could of died from hypothermia. It could be -10 or something lower that made them die. They didn't have all the resources that we do know to keep us warm.

  52. a vilent end cause i like clues my moms a big ncis and i love watching it too

  53. I think ousted by humans. because with the tools they discovered they got newer and newer so then which they got to the next age. then they got even more tools which came more humans. then so on

  54. I think the theory "Violent End" is what happen to them. This is because they have found that there is quite a few bones that have been found involving violence and broken bones.

  55. I think that the neanderthals got Ousted by humans because humans are clearly smarter and a human can through a spear and a neanderthal can not.

  56. A vilont end becuse they found a dead Neadnertal with a spear in his chest and a Neadnerthals cant throw a spear.

  57. i think a violent end bicause. Humans came and neanderthals did not like that because they wanted there way in life. and humans had way better stuff than neanderthals and there way smarter and there noses arnt that big. so im guessing that it endend in a fight neanderthals vs humans

  58. I think Defeated by climate is why Neanderthals deid out becuse they dont know that staing out in the sun is bad and snow is cold!!!

  59. A violent end because they found evidence of wounds on shanidar 3s ribs and found other wounds on others.Also they have found evidence that there might be cannibalism among the neanderthals because they needed energy and food and yes i thik it happened

  60. I think the neanderthals died out from the weather. I think this because there is no other logical way. Dying from each other wouldn't work because they all depend on one another and would not turn on each other. And ousted by humans wouldn't work because they were pretty good at making things they nedded to survive. This leaves the weather to be the only logical anwser left. But the only thing I don't understand is that after surviving the ice age they could not survive this. And that is how I think they died out.

  61. Ousted by humans, I think it is ouseted by humans becuase they were physically different that us which meant they needed mor calories to survive. Another reason is their die consisted of only meat which made them go into dangerous hunts, It also made them rely on a single food source.

  62. I think the neanderthals died by the climate because...
    they wore clothing that did not cover there whole body and the clothes would not keep them warm during the winter
    and also while they are walking in the winter they could fall through the snow and could get stuck and freeze to death.

  63. I am chooseing to do a violent end. I think the best anwser is a Violent end becouse when the sientist were trying to figure out what caused the neanderthals to die out is that they find out that they found all the bones that they found. Then they started to have problems with hunting and they got to skiney to stay alive, and the irish elk started to get scares.

  64. I think the defeated by climate was the reason Neanderthals died, because it probably got colder throughout the years. Also animals probably died from coldness which probably made the neanderthals not have very much food. Another thing is the neanderthals didn't have very much clothing so they didn't have very much warmth.

  65. I think they died out from a violent end cause mabe they died from an intense fighting. And also they might'v died from so many loses. But the world may never know??

  66. a violet end because the were dumb but they did make wepons but they were dumb to hurt each other

  67. "Defeated by Climate" I think this because there was alot of severe floods and the fact that the neanderthals were fatter than humans. Therefore, it was harder to survive in the summer because of all the sweat.

  68. Ousted by humans because they most likely had big game hunts. Also because the women and children probably did forage for plants and seeds while the men hunted.

  69. I think that Defeated by Climate made the Netherlands die out because, as the climate changed there surroundings changed and the Netherlands weren't used to it and maybe some of the animals died so they couldn't find any food.

  70. I think it is violent end because
    they had evedance that violance had happend. and that's why i think this is it. :)

  71. I think defeated by climate because when the ground got flatter the Neanderthals couldn't hunt because the animals could see them and there was no where to hide,and the animals ran out of hiding places from other animals, so the neanderthals couldn't hunt those animals they depended on most.

  72. defeted by climate
    I think this becouse neanderthals can't stand heat. Because Neanderthals stand cold not heat.

  73. Well iam chosing ousted by humans and violent end. The reason is i think humans were much better hunters so they got most of the game. Since humans were getting more food than the neanderthals, the Neanderthals would try to steal human's kills snd kill them for it. The humans were so better skilled that the neanderthals didn't stand a chance. Know the ending to my theory is since the neanderthals couldn't win aganist the humans they did cannibalism to survive.

  74. I think they were defeated by climate because there was a lot of ice and when it got warmer it melted the ice and then it flooded.

  75. I think this because neanderthals can not substain the extrean climate changes and it was not easy to hunt when it was cold.

  76. I think defeted by climate is why the neanderthals died out. The other theories dont make sense because ousted by humans would not have come until 1,000's of years later. Maderan humans were not developed then.

  77. I think it was a vilent end because when humans first came to earth they probobley didnt get alone the evidence about the spear and ahow neanderthals can't throw them helps us see that something else had to have done this. The cannibalisum also helps support it because neanderthals needed a lot of energy so they could have done this but only on a rare ocation

  78. I think that there are all possible but I think that they all just all kept hunting and they kept on dying.

  79. I think the Neanderthals came to a violent end because They survived the Ice Ago, and they could not have been out sided by humans because they had bigger brains.

  80. I think that the Neanderthals were defeated by climate. They hunted by hiding, so when the Earth started to change it made it harder for them to hide and hunt. Also, the Neanderthals that went north would have faced extremely cold temperatures.

  81. I think that deafeated by climate would be the best one to choose. I think this because they did not have much brains and so they would not know to put on more cothing, so they would freeze to death.

  82. Ousted by Humans
    I think this because when they made better shelters more kids survived. They needed to be warmer and safer.
    Also, it was dangerous to get meat.

  83. I think it was defeated by climate because they didn't have very good clothing so when it got cold at night they froze to death. Also the water level rose so alot of the land got covered up by water.

  84. violent End

    I think violent end was a good theory becouse I belive that they weren't that strong . I also think thatThey had some sharp, nice, and handy tools for hunting.

  85. The defeated by Climate is the one that interests me most. I would like to learn more about it. Beacause I think that it got to cold and sometimes to hot, and they could not take the heat and they died. Thats what I think what happend.

  86. Ousted by humans
    I chose Ousted by humans because they could not kill animals for food. And the humans toke most of the food.

  87. defeated by climate

    the humans came and they got defaeted cause they were not stong enough

  88. I think defeted by climat makes more sence than any of them because thats how allot of animals went extinct. Well the Wooly Mammoth went extinct because of climat right well why can't that happen to them.

  89. a violent end because the nenderthals didnt have the notion in there arms to throw a spear thats why they implied a human perpetrator.

  90. I think that they were defeated by climatic. The first time i thought about ho they died was the dinosaurs. Cause they got defeated by climatic reasons. so i think that they were defeated by climatic!

  91. I think the violent end. Why, because they would kill each other because of canabolism. Also because the animals such as irish elk would kill them. Thats why I think the violent end.

  92. violent end because they are slow and the humans are faster and can throw spears. The humans are good with to and on the othr hand the neanderals can't thorw spears a yard.

  93. Violent end because that is what I think really happened to the Neandrathals.

  94. Violent End. I think that the Neanderthals didnt find enough food. That led to cannibalism among the tribes. They also fought humans and some of the neanderthals died. The ones that died were skilled fighters and hunters. So, when they died there was less food to eat. That led to death. Scientists found a spear through a Neanderthals chest. They say its a human because the projectory of a neanderthals shoulder cant throw like that.

  95. i think they died out because they didnt know how to find food and shelter

  96. i think they died out because they didnt know how to find food and shelter

  97. outstde by humans i think this beacuse it has a lot a facts about neanderthals and a lot about people today.

  98. i think it is a violent end because i researched murders of neanderthals and there were significt results and also in the packet we got stories and many articals i read on neanderthas were dead and those are only a few of my many reasons on why i think it is the 3rd theory on a violent end

  99. I think that it is the defeated by climate theory because any body can die by getting severely ill in the freezing cold climates.

  100. I think its defeated by climate because we even have hard times in weather. Some examples would be like.....
    Winter-cant afford heating bills
    Summer-cant afford cooling bills

    In the winters they had very little food because they didnt have a grocery store so they had to hunt for it. Clothing it would halso be hard for clothing because they need animals hides for fur and to make into clothing. They also had to hunt for that.

    That is the theorie I think is true.

  101. I think it could have been a violent end, because the found ribs that look as if a spear cracked them. Neandrathals are not able to throw. So it had to be a human. Scientist dont believe that this is enough to cause exctinction. But they do think this could have been many.

  102. i think the Neanderthals died out by climate because when winter nights came they could have not been prepared for the harsh winter nights, and would not be able to hunt for food.

  103. Defeated by climate
    Because in some regions there was severe flooding.
    After the flood the climate changed also the animal populations changed.

  104. Defeated By Climate, because there was proply was a lot of storms and it effected the way they lived.

  105. Defeated by climate..... I think this because when the neadnerthals died out it was more during a colder time period and there bodys needed more heat than the cro-magnons.Another part of the reason the neanderthals died out was because there bodies were built to hide and attack prey from hididng spots when during this cold period of time the cro-magnons chased there prey for food that forced the neanderthals to become canibals.

  106. I think they were defeated by climate because they died from the coldness.

  107. I think violent end because the crowmagons came and that started a battle.

  108. I think it was a defeted by climate beacause they need to work together to kill some thing like a wolly mammoth or chase a irish elk off a cliff

  109. I think it was ousted by humans sice over time less older fossil were found

  110. I think it is violent End because scientist found fossils of netherlands and I think they all died from battle or fights.

  111. I think that they were outpostid by humans couse they are smarter and havce better tools and better food sources

  112. I think it was a violent end. Because I think when there was less meat the Neanderthals started killing each other. Thats how the Neanderthals died out.

  113. i think that the neanderthals and the cromagnon had a fight and the neanderthals lost and got stabed

  114. I think the neanderthals died out because they lost the fight vs the cromagnom

  115. I think that the y died out from the harsh climate they fought.


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