
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stone Age Concept Map on the iPad

Today we are going to practice yet another app on the iPads. The app is called "Inspiration Maps" and it is going to allow us to create an idea/concept map on the ipad. The picture included in this blog post is an example of what you will be doing. Explanation will of course be delivered in class, but use this blog post as a helper in creating your inspiration map. 
TOPIC: Stone Age
Use the stone age chapter (purple stone age logo to the right) to help you come up with 3 or 4 topics that can "shoot" out of the Stone Age bubble. 
-The Main/Middle bubble should say "Stone Age" along with your name so I know who created it. 
-Get pictures that go along with your topics off the internet AFTER you have gotten your 3 or 4 topics and information on your map (pictures are the last thing you do)
We will be saving these projects in my DropBox account. 
This is an inclass activity, but you must concentrate and focus because in the future, we will make these for points. This will still be a good opportunity to work with the Stone Age information. 
I look forward to your creations. 

1 comment:

  1. I think they were defeated by climate because they wern't correctly dressed for the weather and it probably killed alot of Neandrathals.


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