
Friday, September 7, 2012

Stepping into the Ancient World

Time to crank up the intensity of our ancient world class. Today I am going to push you. Not literally, that would be bad, but figuratively. I am going to push you to work hard, to think, to try. What I am going to launch for you today is not easy and will not be completed in 5 minutes. The ancient world is not easy street. Once we step into the ancient world, we must get focused. We must keep our eye open for any and all dangers. We must be prepared and we must be willing to push ourselves to the limit. We are going to introduce ourselves to the ancient world be going on a "search for knowledge."  I have provided you with websites. These are the ONLY websites you can use today. Below, you will see the list of tasks that you must complete. Good Luck and try your best because this is not going to be easy.

***From the sites I have given you, choose ONE topic from any civilization on the list and tell me about it with AT LEAST 3 sentences. 

In-Class Task (NOT HOMEWORK): 
***Use the websites provided on the right to help you complete your task. 
***Click HERE for your task list. 
***Write your answers on a sheet of paper.


  1. Anciet China I liked the story of Mulon its like the disney story ,and i am a sucker for disney movies. I liked it when her father showed her how to do all of these manly things.

  2. Stone age one of the first tool builders lived in africa

  3. I picked the black death in Meadival times, because the disies sounds tarble.It is fascinating and sad what has happened . It would be scary if a family member got the disies or if you got the disies and that their would be no mediesin to help you.

  4. Gladiators matches were fought amiphtheater at noon. Gladiators fought against people or some time animals, and they would fight til death!! Gladiators were Slaves or criminals Cought stealing and also Prisoners of war, who were usually barbarians!!! Bankrupt people would be a gladiator to pay off debit and commend men Fought too. Awards for winners We're money,a crown,glory,and fame!!!

  5. Ancient china is home to the forbidden city. The forbidden city is a city that was estimated to have one million workers and taking fourteen days. The forbidden city served as the seat of government for the Ming Dynasty, today it is a museum. There are 800 buildings that totals about 9000 rooms.

  6. MedIeval Castles are exciting. At first castles were made of wood and were easily burned down, at the first sign of trouble, some commoners rushed to get in the castle wall before the gates closed. The drawbridge ran across the moat. This bridge could go down to keep intruders out.

  7. Greek women I felt bad for them because they had to get there husbands permission to leave the house now my mom just gets in the car and leaves.But at home they were in charge they took care of their kids and made clothes.Wives and daughters were not Allowed to go to the olympics because The participants didn't wear clothes.

  8. Vikings lived from about 700 AD to about 1100 AD . They came from three countries, Denmark, Norway, and Sweeden. The word Viking comes from a language called old horse and means a pirate raid. The Vikings built fast ships for raiding and war. These ships are called dragon ships or longships. Vikings long ships could travel in shallow water making it easier for them to get across rivers as well as sail across the sea.

  9. ok ... SPQR stand for Senatus Populus Que Romanus yes it is a Roman word. the Roman government was kind of weird they engraved SPQR on everything buildings,wepons, and coins.
    SPQR can mean alout of things like spiders prepare quesedea roughly but to the Romans it meant a lougt it reassured them and told them things had changer

  10. The Vikings of Scandinavia
    This is one of things I want to learn about in social studies, here are some interesting facts about the Vikings. The Vikings for three hundred years were superb sailors and craftsman. They liked exploring new lands and terrortories. The Vikings were also called the Norsemen.

  11. The ancient Rome.The colossuem was a huge entertainment center, it could seat 70,000 spectators.Gladiators fought in the colossuem!!!

  12. ancient china and the topic is the silk road which wasn't a road. The silk road was a name that was given to any route from china to rome. why did they have a road that was from china to rome? It was because each country wanted something they didnt have but the other country did for example, rome had gold, silver, and precious gems. While china had silk,spices and ivory. So how did they get the things they need thats easy they traded to one another. But things wernt easy silk was getting scarce in china and some people didnt want to trade so rpome sent there soldiers out to find the traders but many soldiers did not make the trip. It was dangerous to travel along the silk road because of the desolated white hot sand dunes in the desert, the forrbidding mountains,great brutal wind and poisinious snakes! Over the centuries the silk road devoloped a civalization of it own it became far easier to travel the road but it was never easy and even today the silk road is still being talked about in schools all over the world and to me i think it's important to know what it's about.

  13. Ancient Egypt has the sphinx.
    The sphinx is a large human headed lion that was carved from a mound of natural rock.
    The guardians sphinx of giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years.
    Legends have been told for many years about the great sphinx, these stories tell about the powers and mysteries of this sphinx.

  14. I would like to lern about the greek Olmpics this year.

  15. Hercules was one of the strongest people ever, even has a baby. His father was a god named Zeus but his mother was a mortal. So that made Hercules half man half god. Hera Zeus's wife didn't like Hercules one bit! So she tried to kill him, isn't that crazy to kill your own step son. How she tried to kill him was put snakes in his crib. Hercules killed the snakes because he's strong.

  16. Midlievel times had the Black Plauge people would grow red rings with dark spots in the middle on their arms and neck the also called it the black death. The Marta Carta which was a list of rights. One of the rights was that nobles could keep watch of the king they could seize his castles if he did not keep his word

  17. the acient egypt civilizatio belived that if you did not have your name written down in a book somewhere, tha t after death you would disapear. The pharous sent to have monument built. J ust to be sure the would be remembered. Obelisks are made of stone. And often made in pairs. Obliscks were always about 70 feet tall.
    Thats what I learned about ancient egypt

  18. Ancient China, Silk Road
    The Silk Road was a name given to any route across China to Rome. It was a 4000 mile trip. At one end was China. And the other end was Rome.

  19. Stone age

    People made movies about the stone age. The stone age has ice with it cause it is always winter. The siber tooth and a sloth and a mamoth lives down there.

  20. Greece Women
    Greece woman were not allowed to leave the house with out the husbands permisson. Women's jobs were to have to watch the children have funrels marriages and other celibrations ready.They had slaves the women slaves had to do crops,and work in the house.the men slaves would guard the house,and that is my post.

  21. Greece Women
    Greece woman were not allowed to leave the house with out the husbands permisson. Women's jobs were to have to watch the children have funrels marriages and other celibrations ready.They had slaves the women slaves had to do crops,and work in the house.the men slaves would guard the house,and that is my post.

  22. My topic is ancient egypt I chose it cause of mummies the ancient people.That live in tombs in pyramids.The say that if you take a mummies treasure they will put a cruse.

  23. ancient Greek: olympics
    1.The first olympic games started in the year of 776 BCE.
    2.The ancient greeks liked competition.
    3.war stoped if it was on the day of the games.

  24. Ancient Greece, gods and goddesses,Aphrodite

    There was a lot things that were said about Venus like that her parents were unknow or that her dad was Jupiter. Venus is the goddesses of love and beauty.Venus could be kind or merciless due to a legend. However she was nothing a like Mars were he was always wanted to give pain and havoc.

  25. My topic is from Ancient Greece it is: Greek & Roman Gods. Here's is what I did. Poseidon, He was the lord of the sea, He had deep blue eyes and green hair (how cool is that)? I know that he created horses, and his children can be cyclops. He has this thing called a trident it's pretty cool it like a three point staff. He can breathe under water, make islands appear, he live in this cool place called Atlantis it's like and under water city (I wonder what that's like). Posiedon is my favorite God. My second favorite God is Ares he is the war God. He has so many weapons it's not even funny. He has a spear with a dragons tooth on the end that can summon a skeleton warrior. My 3rd favorite God is Hades he is the God of the Underworld. He is also the God of Riches he can summon gold, silver, diamonds you name he can summon it. My 4th favorite Godess is Athena she is the Goddes of wisdom I'm kind of smart but not that smart! She Was born without a mom she came straight from Zueses mind.

  26. This is about ancient medieval time kings .The had there life pretty good they had servents ,entertainment and all the gold they want they also had all the gold he wanted.

  27. Ancient Greece: Athena was born without a father. Her father was THE MIGHTY ZEUS, king of all gods.She was born straight from his brain. Athena was her father's favorite. Athena was a very POWERFUL FORCE and took a seat at Mount Olympus.

  28. AcIent Greece a topic Greek dark ages is about some people became story tellers and the new the greek language by heart as well as the storyteller Greek language And there was a legend called trojan horse.

  29. AcIent Greece a topic Greek dark ages is about some people became story tellers and the new the greek language by heart as well as the storyteller Greek language And there was a legend called trojan horse.

  30. Artemis was a greek and romman godess. Her parents names were Zeus and Leto. Artemis was the goddess of hunting and the moon. Her twin brother was named Apollo.
    (Her romman name was Diana.)

  31. Ancient Rome

    Women wore wings pearls and pins.
    Men wore sixteen rings.
    Kids wore long clothing.

  32. Neanderthals
    Early men that were hunters and gathers. One species was a man named after a river. His name was Homo Neanderthals. At first scientist thought Neanderthals where dim-witted brutes.

  33. "Cats" is my subject. I think it is really cool how people thought cats would protect them. I guess I am safe since I have a cat. It is also cool because the cats were worshiped like they were gods and goddesses. It's great that cats are finally getting what they deserve.

  34. Gladiators were put in a big thing called coliseum where they would fight each other to the death.Spartacus is a very well known gladiator who ran away and was caught and sold into slavery as a gladiator.Some weapons that the gladiators get to use include the trident, war chains which is a big metal ball with spikes on it that's hooked to a chain and finally spears and bows.

  35. My topic is gladiators
    Gladiators were people who faught to the death with another gladiator. Gladiators usually have weapons when they fight. gladiators faught in the coloseum.

  36. My topic is gladiators
    Gladiators were people who faught to the death with another gladiator. Gladiators usually have weapons when they fight. gladiators faught in the coloseum.

  37. The Great Wall of China is over 3700 miles long,man that's long. People have been building the Great Wall of China for over 1700 years. In the Qin Dynasty he forced people that made him angry into labor. About 3000 people worked on the Grear Wall of China in the Qin Dynasty. Rocks fell on people, diseases killed some and caves caved in while people worked on the wall.

  38. I would like to read the topic of a Roman Wedding because...

    I would like to see how alike or how different they are.
    I would also like to read it because I would like to know the tradition or where it is being held for example in. A church or in a house.
    I would also what to read about a Roman Wedding because I would like to know that they wore like if they dressed formal or in any clothes they wanted.
    And one more reason I would like to read about Roman Weddings is because I would like to know what food they had if they had cake or bread or pie or just sandwitches.if they drank a caramonial drink or just water or wine.

  39. I picked Hercules. I picked him because he was half man and half god. His mom (who is mortal) wanted to kill him. She tried putting snakes in his crib but Hercules defeated them. His mom has sent him on 12 labors ( missions task) and yet he successfully beat them.

  40. I would like to read about the the gods and gods and godesses. My topic is found in ancient Rome. I really want to learn about Zeus.

  41. Prince Gautama was born on 553 B.C.E.He had parents who loved him, many servants to wait on him and a palace for each season! Yet he found his world Full of suffering.It upset him that painful age and sickness and death we're all part of life in his world.

  42. I did my topic on Terra Cotta Army. The Terra Cotta Army was made by Qin Shi Huangdi and then he buried them. Their was more than 6000 soldiers found about 20 years ago. I want to learn more!

  43. The gladiators were the romans entertainment. Most of the gladiators were slaves or thieves . If a gladiator survived a fight they would usually become rich famous men. Gladiators were support to fight to the death but instead they fought feircely.

  44. I am going to pick Greece architecture and art because I like thier style of art and buildings

  45. Dogs and cats would be an exciting thing to learn from Ancient Egypt! I want to get a dog sometime and this could tell me some history. Mummies would be fun to try and learn; after all it's fun to try something new!!!!

  46. Crocodiles, Sobek was the god of the crocodile. He controlled marshes and water and the Nile river. Priests kept there crocodile in temple and they dressed them up in jewels and let them rome. The crocodile is very special to Egyptian.

  47. life of the stone age. scientist believe. that the man lived ilk the dinisors lived. they did not have life handed to them on a silver plater they faced sabertooth tigers .

  48. In Egypt they used a method called mummification, they had two ways to do it. One way they did it was to wrap the body in cloth and put a lot of jewels and priceless iteams, but only the rich did this. The poor people just put the bodys quite far from where the lived, then they put them out in the hot desert sun and they mummified naturaly.

  49. I would like to learn about the stone age if possible (which is possible) I would like to learn about the Lucy's and why they the only ones to walk back in that time. I want to also experience how they made cave paintings why did they? And what did they use? There is my three sentences your welcome

  50. Stone Age: Tools and weapons. Man had learned to be a skilled toolmaker.They invented new things like axes, knives, spears, harpoons, wooden bow and sharp stone arrows. Woolly Mammoth and saber toothed cats went extinct round this time, but archaeologist think it was due to shift in climate instead of hunters.

  51. Gladiators peaple foght to the death peple fought animals and they had thousand's of myths

  52. Ancient Rome-

    Things were not always peaceful in the city of Rome. Rome didn't usually have the best leadership. Some emperors were extremely cruel.

  53. Medieval Times

    Castles were built to withstand a siege and to mount of defense. At first casltes were built out of wood but they were to easy to burn down so they started making them out of stone. Casltes were usually built on a hill so guards could see attakers faster.

  54. In ancient greece there were three gods they called, "The Big Three."
    Their names were Zeus, Posiedon, and Hades. Zeus is the lord of the sky, Posiedon is god of the sea, and Hades is lord of the dead.

  55. Ancient Rome.

    Nearly 30 types of gladiators have been identified.

    female Gladiators, some noble and wealthy, appeared in the arena.

    Slaves, criminals andprisoners of war were forced into the roles of the first gladiators.

  56. My favorite world is aceint Rome because of the Rome emperors like Nero they say he was insane what I thought was cool was Trajan he was the first Rome emperor another emperor was Augustus ne was opted by Julius Caesar.

  57. My favorite world is aceint Rome because of the Rome emperors like Nero they say he was insane what I thought was cool was Trajan he was the first Rome emperor another emperor was Augustus ne was opted by Julius Caesar.

  58. King John was an English king and he was a very unpleasant person because he told lies he also put innocent people in prison just to steal their belongings. He put a poor man in prison once just to steal his horse and cart.

  59. During the time of the Old Kindom the Egyptians started to build pyramids to hold the tomb of their kings. Pyramids are very, very, large and have many fancy traps made to keep robbers from breaking in. Pyramids have a lot of treasures. The people created grave goods to take with them afterlife.

  60. Rome Repulic

    Both parties in marriage had to be adults only. They couldn't marry more then one person at a time. For the first 500 years in Rome divorce was not heard of. If you were a male you would have to be 14 years old, if you were a female would have to be 12 years old in order to get married. The male or the female could not be closely related. If he or she happened to fall in love with a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th cousin or a sister's husband's brother too bad!! On the night before the wedding day, the bride- to- be gave away a bulla ( special jewelry ) to her father and her toys to the rest of the family members. The married couple would exchanged wedding rings worn on their left hands and wedding cake was served following the dinner, two traditions that still continue today.

  61. early man/stone age

    stone age is about cavemen also known as early men.cave men didnt live the same time as the dinosaurs did cave men lived for s
    about 3.6 million years and dinosaurs lived for about 65 million years.cave men made tools out of stone big teeth(animal and human teeth.)thats my three sentences about early man /stone age mabey known as cave men???

  62. I choosed anceint Egypt women it fastinated me

    Did you know in ancien Egypt, women were not equal with men, but they had many rights, considerably more rights than did women in other ancient civilizations.

    One of their rights was the right to decide if they wished to marry or not. If a man asked a woman to marry him, she could say no. A woman in ancient Egypt could not be forced into marriage. Those who did marry usually married quite young, around age 12-14. Wow thats how old I am sweet

    One of the biggest rights a woman had was the right of divorce. If a woman was unhappy with her marriage, she could get a divorce, and then remarry someone else or remain single.

    If any woman broke the law, she had go to court and defend herself from the charge, just like everyone else.

    i relly liked reading about anceint Egypt i cant wait for the unit

    Pompeii was a city buried in ash. Archaeologists found it and started to dig down. They found buildings and other things like petrified bread baking that day. The people couldn't escape.

  64. I would like to learn about ancient egypt. the reason why is because of the mummification and the hyroglifics. I would like to learn more about what built the pyramids.

  65. my topic is cave paintings in the catagory stone age. i think this is realy cool beacuse i love painting and doing art work. I have always liked to learn about the stone age and i like Ice age i hope i learn alot this year and about the stone age.

  66. This is about SPARTA!!!!!!
    Spartans were not greek but they though the were.
    Im glad I do not live in sparta because Spartans were very cruel.
    Dispite their creulness spartans were tough and a "worthy foe" of someone with exceptional skill but there battle clothing looks like skirts yet they were one of the most feared greek wanabes of all time.

  67. Great Wall of China

    China worked on the Great Wall of China forover 1700 years. Emperors added piecies to protect their dynasties. First Emperor Qin wanted a strong wall 30 ft wide and 50 ft high.

  68. in ancient greece werd animales they have thir is goats,tortises. the childern played with was clay animals horses on 4 wheels.

  69. The Sumerians were the craftsmen. Those craftsmen made beuatiful jewelery. They made their jewelery out of presous gold, and lapis. They were unsuccesful at large stone scuptures, becouse their artists didn't have the stone to work with. They were such great artists and made beautiful, and colorful mosaics.

  70. Many Greek children played with alot of toys. That includes little clay animals, terra-cotta dolls, rattles, hores that could be pulled aroung with 4 wheels, and string,yo-yo's. Also many children had pets witch were goats, birds, turtles, and mice witch were all very good pets . Cats were not good pets to have.

  71. Dragons are Chinas best decoration like for there New Years Day! People in China think thay are wise and caring. People even include them in there art! I whould love to go to China some day when i Grow up!

  72. I think anit china is cool.I,m a bigfan of ningas becaues thar cool . I also like forchen chiikes because thar good.

  73. i am righting about rome my subject is the romin colosseum it was the busyest and the one of the bloodiest places in rome. it could hole up to 70,000 people+ spectators.(WOW.)That's alot of people.The colosseum is where people battle to the death with lions and glatieators. This is some thing i seen on the history chanle they would litterly buy body parts from dead people to eat!!

  74. King Tut was only nine when he became a Pharaoh. He was only eighteen when he died. King Tut's tomb was smaller than the other tombs of Pharaohs. Because his tomb was so small it was overlooked for thousand of years.

  75. I did my 3 sentences on the god, Posiden.
    Posiden was known as one of the Big Three. Every Greek built a temple to honor Posiden and brought gifts to it every day. Posiden was so powerful that he could lift up his hand and create a new island! Most of the Greeks were scared of Posiden because of all the things he could do.

  76. I chose mummies for my assignment and the best way the Egyptian people knew how to preserve dead bodies is to mummify the dead bodies. The poor Egyption people had an advantage on mummifying the dead bodies because they naturally turned dead bodies into mummies.The reason I had said they had an advantage was because wealthy Egyptions went to professional mummy makers and had probably had to pay a lot of money just to preserve a dead body.

  77. My topic is homes in mesopotamia

    The rich people lived in large homes and poor lived in smaller homes nobody lived in huts.

    Most houses shared walls like townhouses.

    Doors led into a small family courtyard.

  78. my earlier post was about buddhism.

  79. A noble mans son can begin training at the age of seven. They learn how to fight, use weapons, and ride a horse. When they turn 15 they are called a squire. They are assigned to a knight. They become a knight when the knight they are assigned to think they are ready.

  80. My topic was knights and the code of chilvary from the medieval times

  81. I decided to choose King John and the Magna Carta. King John was a very evil king that told lies, and put innocent people in prison just so that he could steal all of their belongings. The nobles were furious with what King John was doing. But, figured out he was breaking the law, and that they could do something about it. King John promised he would do better and lowered the taxes for the nobles. Well, two weeks later the taxes are up again. This time all the nobles confronted him and made him sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is a parchament that lists people's rights, lots of them laws. The King was not happy about it, but was smart and knew that he would lose his army if he didn't sign the Magna Carta. So he did.

  82. My topic is the great wall of china. the chinese worked on the wall for 1700 years! In turn eatch emperor who came to power would add pieces of the wall to protect their dynasties. But,the wall was not a solid wall. It was a line of dis connected barricades.

  83. i learned a little bit about greece toys and animals the greece played with clay animals rattles yo-yo's and dolls.some of the animals or pets they had were birds dogs goats torises and also mice were very popular pets however cats were not

  84. Zeus was the king of the Greek gods. Greeks believed that they could change there lives.Zeus had a lot of children and a wife Hera.
    That is why Zeus is my favorite god.

  85. Medival Time, Jousts

    Anyone can enter a joust as long as they have a horse,armor, a sword ,and shield. The sencond thing about jousting is that a joust is the form of two nights fighting. Third, it included many forms of fighting including kickboxing.

  86. Egypt


    1.It is like stairs and i like stairs.

    2.It is huge

    3.People are barred in there

  87. 'stone Age'Upright Man or Homo Erectus Man

    It took man about 200,000 years to finally grow up. Homo erectus man was about the same size as a modern day human but they only had two thirds of our brain. They eventually got better at making tools and using them. most of there tools included weapons such as knives and stone axes. They were probaly the first hunters ever in the whole world!

  88. I chose the subject hairstyles from Ancient Greek. Woman kept there hair long in braids and men cut there hair short unless if they were soldiers the had beards, also headbands or ponytails were poplular for them.

  89. by the way my topic is gladiators if you didnt notice

  90. My topic is going to be about mummies Ancient Egypt. It takes about 70 days to make a mummie. They are put in pryamids. Some of the pryamids are at greenland china and the andes mountains.

  91. My ancient world is ancient China and my topic is The Great Wall of China. The Chinese worked of The Great Wall of China. The emperor wanted a better barricade to protect the people from the mongol invaders to the north.He wanted a strong 30 feet wide and 50 feet high wall.

  92. Ancient Rome: Kids and school
    Kids didn't go to school at this time,they were taught at home. The father taught the boys, and the mother taught the girls. Boys got taught things about being in war. Girls were taught how to sew and weave.

  93. My topic is the greek gods.

    the three main gods are, Zeus, Poseidan, and Hades. In Rome their names are Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Other gods are Hera, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephestus, Athena, Ares Apollo, Demeter, Artemis, and many other major gods and minor gods.

  94. I pick the stone age topic southern ape. About 3 millon years ago the earth was populated with deer, girattes,cattle and sheep and things like that. There were dinosaurs and other non living thing. sharks were huge like 45 feet and huge fish and things.

  95. Mesopatamia women
    Mesoptamia women were NOT treated equal to men,but they did have many rights. Women could freely go to the and sell goods,and start there own business.Upper class women,lik members of the royal family and those who gave their life to the tample as priestesses. Some even learned how to read and write.

  96. The place that i am writing about is the Greece pealpe. The Greek houaes where either made out of clay bricks, stone, or wood. Some of the Greeks would gather around a courtyard and tell some fabels and stories.

  97. I chose Neanderthals because they sounded intresting.

    Neanderthals are what people were called in Ice Age.
    Neanderthals made there clothes by sewing animal skins together and their thread is made from other animal parts.
    Stone tools, bone needles, and bone fish hooks are things they created.

  98. I chose Neanderthals because I thought they sounded cool.

    Neanderthals are what the early man were called.
    Neanderthals made there clothes by sewing animal skins and thread made by other animal parts.
    Stone tools, bone needles, and bone fish hooks are things that they created.

  99. I would like to learn about the Stone Age animals because, horses from the Stone Age are very diffrent from today's horses. They had five toed feet, later changed to three toed feet, and then a single hoof.

  100. I chose ancient rome gladiators because i thought it was cool how they fought to the death. I also thought it was cool that they sometimes they even fought animals. Gladiators were slaves and criminals cought stealing and also prisoners of war.

  101. the nile river is in egpyt. the river is 4000 miles long. the nile supported transportaion and trade.

  102. I choose medival times and the jousting and tournaments because it looks fun. When the jousters were competing they wore suits of metal. To compete they rode on horses and they wore armour to protect their face and body. Competitors would joust 3 or more times against each other, the winner moved to the next round.

  103. I chose Sparta because i play a game called 'Glory of Sparta'

    The people in sparta are very Fierce, and proud. In sparta the goal was to become a very strong warrior. Also in sparta, boys at the age of 7 were taken away and sent to live in the barracks, a cruel life. While girls stayed at home but they still went to school to only learn to fight. During training they got little food, so they were taught to STEAL food instead. Sparta is a very war pushed placed to live in.

  104. I chose Sparta because i play a game called 'Glory of Sparta'

    The people in sparta are very Fierce, and proud. In sparta the goal was to become a very strong warrior. Also in sparta, boys at the age of 7 were taken away and sent to live in the barracks, a cruel life. While girls stayed at home but they still went to school to only learn to fight. During training they got little food, so they were taught to STEAL food instead. Sparta is a very war pushed placed to live in.

  105. My topic is the Castles from the Medieval Times.
    The castles were used to protect the royal family. The first castles were made of wood, but attackers could burn them down to easly. That's why they decided to build them out of stone instead.

  106. Homo Sapiens Stone Age
    These men lived in well construced huts that had central hearths for fire. One of there mane weapons was the bow and arrow.They made cave art little statues tools and weapons.With ivory,antler and bone.

  107. Ancient India Yagna The life of the Aryans was focused on the central fireplace called Yagna.And there dinner time was there soical time and the tribe would gather around the fireplace.the Aryans ate meat,fruit,vegetables,bread and fish and drank milk.

  108. Ancient Eygpt because i want to learn about the mummificationand it sounds like something fun to learn about.

  109. Ancient egypt because i want to learn about the mummification because it sounds like fun to learn.

  110. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, even in Ancient Rome. People of the lower class ate Breads (sometimes dipped in wine), and water. People of the upper class ate Freshly cut meat (such as fish), Fruits, Veggies, And bread. Also the bread could be covered with honey for extra sweetness. I guess they didn't eat Fruit Loops or Poptarts.

  111. Ancient Greece. They changed there own world and us and how we live today. 3 people thoght about some ideas on how the world worked. All the scientists tried to find out more realistic ways the world is.

  112. Medieval castles
    Castles were built out of wood. In 1,ooo CE they were bult out of stone. Castles were bult on hills do to advantage.

  113. I chose ancient Greece and hair styles.
    Men and woman used mirrors and hairbrushes.
    They used scented lotions and wax to hold it in place.
    They curled and did interesting hairstyles like up does and all sorts of stuff.

  114. i choose mumificatin in ancient egypt
    1.when the body dies the take out its organs
    2.the put them in jars and them with the mummy
    3.then they wrap the mummy and put it in a pyrimid.

  115. i choose mumificatin in ancient egypt
    1.when the body dies the take out its organs
    2.the put them in jars and them with the mummy
    3.then they wrap the mummy and put it in a pyrimid.

  116. THe Crusades was a war beetween three religains for the city of Jerusalem.

  117. The Crusades
    The crusades was a war between three religions who claimed ownership of Jerusalem.Theproblem was that Arabs took control of the city in 1095

  118. Ancient egypt homes
    There houses were made of bricks. A mix of mud and straw were were placed in between the bricks so they would stay together. The houses were huge With flat roofs. The house had a front and back door.

  119. Ancient china. jade and bronzze were the prized materals in ancient china. moost jade was made from nephrite. bronze was used to make ritual
    and weapons

  120. I chose Neanderthals because I tought that they sounded cool.

    Neanderthals are what early men where called in Ice Age.
    Neanderthals made there clothes by sewing animal skins together and they made the thread from other animal parts.
    Stone tools, bone needles, and bone fish hooks are things they created.

  121. i have ancient greece.some toys rattles,little clay animals,terra cotta dolls. some pets tortoises goats,dos,birds.

  122. My topic was the Greek Olympics. The first Olympics games usually started at the beginning of the year776 BCE. City states that participated in the Olympics included Sparta, Athens, Corinth, Arogs, and Megara. If the city states happened to be at war, the war was halted till the end of the games.

  123. I chose Theseus and the Minotaur from Ancient greece.The king minos of crete always got bored and attacked Athens.Athens got sick of him attacking them so they made a deal with him and they said if they give u fourteen people seven girls ands even boys to be feed to the minotaur.The prince of athens got sick of sacraficeing fourteen people so he went to the maze to defeat the minotaur Ariadne gave him a sword to deafet the minotaur he tied a string to the door and went in to defeat the minotaur he had everyone else stay at the door when he ru=eturned to the door after defeating tohe minotaur

  124. Hades and Zeus were brothers. Hades had a seat on olyimpus. When the three sons of Cronos , Posiedan, Zues, Hades Devidid the world. Zues sky. Posiedan sea. Hades underworld.

  125. I chose China becuse they are the makers of fireworks and I was born on the 4th of July. They were the ones who built the great wall of china. They had good athletes in the olimpics.

  126. I cjose ancient china the were fireworks invented and i like the fouth of july.

  127. Ancient China, Silk Road
    The Silk Road was a name given to any route across China to Rome. It was about a 4000 mile trip. At one end it was China. And the other end it was Rome.

  128. THay had to keep the dog and cats in sied of wether was bad.
    That no know much about ancient roman daily life.
    the scholars discuver inscriptions pieces of the past.

  129. I liked the middelvel times . Because of the weapons. they decorative them with gold and silver.


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