
Monday, September 19, 2011

Discovering Otzi the Iceman

It is time to search for Otzi. Today, you will be joining me as I enter the Alps in search for Otzi the Iceman. Otzi, who happens to be the oldest body ever found, is an extremely important "artifact" because he can teach us so much about what life was like when he roamed the Earth. We can study his weapons, tools, and clothing. We can also study his bones to get an idea of what people looked like. Otzi is truely an amazing discovery. However, today, you will watch as I search for Otzi and discover all the artifacts that were found with his body. The story of Otzi doesn't end there, however, because Otzi the Iceman did not die of natural causes. Was he murdered? Did he die in battle? Was he sick? You will read the evidence and try to solve the oldest mystery in the world.

Task #1: Using the Otzi PowerPoint, fill out your guided notes in your Otzi Packet. This will be done together, but you can follow along on your own screen.

Task #2: Watch the Video "Discoverying Otzi" and watch as the body and artifacts are discovered. In your Otzi packet, record all the artifacts found and why they are important.

Task #3: Sketch a scene of the area in which Otzi was discovered in. Try to place the items in the correct spot based on where they were found.

Task #4: Read the possible theories on how Otzi died. Post a comment telling me what you think caused Otzi's death and why.
Theory #1: Hypothermia
Theory #2: Robbery
Theory #3: Assassination
Theory #4: Died in battle

In-Class blogging. There will be material about Otzi on the test.


  1. I think Otzi died of hypothermea, because he is fozen in the ground.

  2. I think it Hypothermia because i dont like he died from the other. Froze to death looks better.

  3. I believe that otzi was robbed because he had a a copper ax witch was very valuable. I also believe he got robbed because his birch canister and his backpack where empty. I Also believed he might have been assassinated be cause the hand ax could have been used for a robber to kill him.

  4. task 4:I think Otzi dead when being robbed because of all of the empty things

  5. I think Otzi died from hypothermia. I think he died this way because it didn't say anything about him being shot, robbed or assasinated. Also, Otzi just fell over all of a sudden. Therfore, I think Otzi died of hypothermia.

  6. I think he was robbed.

  7. Task 4: I think Otzi was robbed because some of the artifacts that were found were empty, his ax was made of copper, copper is very rare.

  8. Theory 4 he died in battle because he had blood on himself and a arrow in his shoulder and Otzi arranged his belongings on a ledge around him and then slumped over

  9. I think that Otzi died from hypothermia, because then why would he for the battle, the assassinaton, and the robbery be taken in the Alps. So I think in my opinion that he died from hypothermia.

  10. I think Otzi Died herding his sheep. Because the killers could have snuck up behind him and shot him with a bowan arrow. Killed him the stole his sheep and belongings and left him to die.

  11. Task4-I think that he died of hypothermia because it seems he froze to death.

  12. I think he was killed in the process of being robbed. Some one wanted his copper ax, so they shot him for it.

  13. I think Otzi died of hypothermai because I think when Otzi was alive they didn't have very warm clothing and when he'd suffer from hypothermai he must've had that warm sensasion thats why he must've been found with his shoes off

  14. I think Theory number 4 or 3 is the most realestic because the blood on his clothes could have been an animal or one of the nearby villages they were talking about in the article. Plus he had two unshot arrows which could have been self-defense. The hand axe he had was found a couple feet away and he might have also tried to use that in self-defense

  15. Theory 1:Hypothermia I think could be real. The Reason I said could is because it is really cold were they found him. But it is wierd that there is a hole in his head I think he reason there is a hole is because he the hypothermia may have messed with his skin and done somthing like that.

    Theory 2:Robbery is my couse of what happened, because his bags were emmpty and they probile got a knife stabed in his head while trying to defend himself. Why else would his bags be empty? I understand that he might of had ran out of supplies but still.

    Theory 3:Assassinatin I think didn't happen because there was no political partie or any reason that he would have been killed. His bags were empty so if he did get killed it would have been a robery.

    Theory 4: Died in war also I think isn't real, because they didn't find any artifacts of war. If there was a war they would of had probly found more frzen bodies then just one. And why would he come to war unprepard? He only had to arrows ready.

  16. I think he was shot accadentaly in the back of the head because mabye he was near a war going on and they thout of him as a spy.

  17. I think it might be a robbery. I think it might be a robbery because in his backpack and little box there was nothing in there. I also think it might be hyothermia because he was probaly cold and had on alot of warm cloths.

  18. assassination/Robbery,bacause he seems inportant and lots of his stuff was gone.

  19. I think Otzi died of hypothemia because he was found in a glacier. I think his skin also could have been evidence showing he froze to death.

  20. I think that it's theory 1 because in the video it said he might have been robbed.

  21. i think otzi died of hypothermia because he lived were there was ice and it was very cold.

  22. I think that he died because of hypothermia because he was up in the alps and its very cold up there and didnt have enough clothing to keep warm so he froze to death. Also up in the alps it would be easy to get lost.

  23. I think Otzi died of all four, but if I had to choose one it would be of robbery.

  24. I think otzi was killed by other cave man becuse of the tatos on him

  25. I think that Otzi died from hypthermia because he was frozen in ice so he probley got so cold he died. Thats what I think on how Otzi died.

  26. Theory #2. I think Otzi was killed then robbed. Because all the artifacts that where found with him were empty.Like his backpack and birch canister.And the theory makes sense.

  27. I think he was killed then robbeb because most of his things were empty and there for that is the most reasonable

  28. I think robbery because all the things were gone out of his backpack
    and container and he had a hole in the back of his head.

  29. Well in the story it said there was a hole in the back of his head so i think it was 3. maybe bye a hand axe or arrow. he wasn't robbed because he still had that copper axe (very valuable.) and other good stuff.

  30. I think ozti died of a robbery because nothing was left in his bag.

  31. I think it was Hypothermia because he he was found in ice or maybe it is Robbery because his things were empty even though his ax was still there and it is very valuble.

  32. Hypothermia, because i think he froze to death.

  33. I think Otzi was assassinated because when they discovered him they saw a hole in the back of his head. A sharp tool like an arrowhead or a spear could have hit him in the back of the head and may have killed him.

  34. I think he died during the process of Robbery and was killed for his copper.

  35. I think that he died of a muder not a assassination. I think muder because he had values and most of his stuff was empty and why carrie things that you dont need. I also think he died of being shot by a bow and arrow then lost to much blood.

  36. I think it was hypothermia.

  37. I think it was hypothermia beacause his body was so well in tact

  38. I think he was robbed, because many of his things were empty, so they were probably stolen. The robbers could have attacked him from behind, shooting him with an arrow and killing him before taking his possessions.


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