
Sunday, August 5, 2012

No Excuses

His name is Oscar Pistorius. He is from South Africa. He was born without a fibular in both legs, resulting in double amputation at the knee. A few days ago, in the London Olympics, Oscar took second place in his 400 meter (one lap around the track) heat race with a time of 45.44.  He qualified for the semifinals, in which he will race against the best 400 meter runners in the world. He runs on two carbon fibre blades. His story is truely amazing. He has had to overcome not having legs from the knees down. Most would feel sorry for themselves for having their legs amputated. Most would use their amputation as an excuse for not reaching their goals, or doing what they want in life. Even those who have perfectly fine legs find excuses for not reaching their goals and doing what they want. Oscar is not like most people. We can learn a lot from watching him. Oscar didn't let his amputation stop him (or slow him down) from doing what he wants. He simply focused and overcame an immense obstacle. He didn't use his amputations as an excuse. So, look at Oscar. He is a role model for all of us. He shows us that if we want something bad enough, we can do it, no matter what stands in our way.  

Watch Oscar Pistorius Here


  1. i watched him some days ago and he got 2nd in both of the events i watched

  2. That's completly amazing

  3. that looks like Kyle Babb with his sunglasses on from the front of him face

  4. thats really amazing


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